
Defines functions amp_merge_ampvis2

Documented in amp_merge_ampvis2

#' Merge ampvis2 object(s)
#' @description Merge any number of ampvis2 objects into a single object.
#' @param ... (required) Any number of ampvis2-class objects to merge
#' @param by_refseq (recommended) Merge by exact matches between DNA reference sequences. The full DNA sequences will then be used as the new names in the output. (\emph{default:} \code{TRUE})
#' @param refseq_names Path to a FASTA file or a \code{DNAbin} class object with sequences whose names will be used as OTU names by exact matches (i.e. same length, 100\% sequence identity). (\emph{default:} \code{NULL})
#' @param rename_unmatched Whether to rename any unmatched sequences or not when \code{refseq_names} is provided. (\emph{default:} \code{TRUE})
#' @param unmatched_prefix Prefix used to name any unmatched sequences when \code{refseq_names} is provided. An integer counting from 1 will be appended to this prefix, so for example the 123th unmatched sequence will be named \code{unmatched123}, and so on. (\emph{default:} \code{"unmatched"})
#' @return An ampvis2-class object
#' @importFrom data.table rbindlist
#' @importFrom purrr reduce
#' @importFrom dplyr full_join
#' @importFrom ape read.FASTA
#' @details
#' It's important to ensure that the taxonomy for all OTU's across data sets is generated in the exact same way with the same database.
#' When \code{by_refseq = FALSE} it's likewise important to ensure that OTU ID's are not arbitrary between data sets and that they are corresponding to the same sequences across data sets (objects).
#' When \code{by_refseq = TRUE} the full DNA sequences will be used as the new OTU ID's unless \code{refseq_names} is provided.
#' Currently, phylogenetic trees are not merged. Feel free to contribute.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data("MiDAS")
#' # summary of samples from 2010-2012
#' amp_filter_samples(
#'   MiDAS,
#'   Year %in% c("2010", "2011", "2012")
#' )
#' # now merge individual objects and verify summary is the same
#' d_2010 <- amp_filter_samples(
#'   MiDAS,
#'   Year %in% "2010"
#' )
#' d_2011 <- amp_filter_samples(
#'   MiDAS,
#'   Year %in% "2011"
#' )
#' d_2012 <- amp_filter_samples(
#'   MiDAS,
#'   Year %in% "2012"
#' )
#' amp_merge_ampvis2(
#'   d_2010,
#'   d_2011,
#'   d_2012
#' )
amp_merge_ampvis2 <- function(
  by_refseq = TRUE,
  refseq_names = NULL,
  rename_unmatched = TRUE,
  unmatched_prefix = "unmatched"
) {
  obj_list <- list(...)

  # all objects must be ampvis2-class objects
  if (!all(sapply(obj_list, inherits, "ampvis2"))) {
    stop("One or more objects is not an ampvis2-class object", call. = FALSE)

  # which ones have DNA seqs loaded
  has_refseq <- sapply(
    function(obj) {
      inherits(obj$refseq, c("DNAbin", "AAbin"))

  # ensure all objects have refseqs loaded when merging by refseq
  if (isTRUE(by_refseq)) {
    if (!all(has_refseq)) {
      stop("All objects must have DNA sequences loaded to be able to merge by DNA sequence (recommended). Otherwise merge by OTU name by setting by_refseq = FALSE if you're sure it makes sense for your data.", call. = FALSE) # nolint
    # all objects must be either normalised or not, cant have both
    normalised <- obj_list %>%
        which = "normalised",
        exact = TRUE
      ) %>%
    if (sum(normalised) > 0L & sum(normalised) != length(obj_list)) {
      stop("All objects must be either normalised or not, not mixed", call. = FALSE) # nolint
    # no duplicate samples between objects are allowed (check abund)
    obj_list %>%
        function(x) {
      ) %>%
      unlist() %>%
      duplicated() %>%
      any() %>%
      if (.) {
        stop("One or more samples occurs more than once between the objects (according to abundance table)", call. = FALSE) # nolint
    # no duplicate samples between objects are allowed (check sample metadata)
    obj_list %>%
        function(x) {
      ) %>%
      unlist() %>%
      duplicated() %>%
      any() %>%
      if (.) {
        stop("One or more samples occurs more than once between the objects (according to sample metadata)", call. = FALSE) # nolint
      # for each object replace OTU names and rownames with the full DNA sequences
      # in both abund and tax, also making sure the order is identical
      obj_list <- obj_list %>%
          function(obj) {
            obj$abund$OTU <- rownames(obj$abund)
            refseq_chr <- obj$refseq %>%
              as.character() %>%
              lapply(paste, collapse = "") %>%
              unlist(use.names = TRUE)
            obj$abund <- obj$abund[names(refseq_chr), ]
            obj$abund$OTU <- refseq_chr -> rownames(obj$abund)
            obj$tax <- obj$tax[names(refseq_chr), ]
            obj$tax$OTU <- refseq_chr -> rownames(obj$tax)

  # merge abundance tables
  abund <- obj_list %>%
      function(obj) {
        obj$abund$OTU <- rownames(obj$abund)
    ) %>%
      by = "OTU"

  # merge metadata
  # ensure the first sample ID column are named the same, just use that of the first obj # nolint
  idcolname <- colnames(obj_list[[1]][["metadata"]])[1]
  metadata <- obj_list %>%
      function(obj) {
        colnames(obj[["metadata"]])[1] <- idcolname
    ) %>%
      fill = TRUE

  # merge taxonomy
  taxonomy <- obj_list %>%
    ) %>%
      fill = TRUE
    ) %>%

  # check for contradictions in taxonomy. If an OTU occurs more than once
  # after running unique() in the code above there must be conflicts where
  # where taxonomy is different
  dups <- duplicated(taxonomy[["OTU"]])
  if (any(dups)) {
        "OTU(s) had conflicting taxonomy between the objects.",
        "Discarding taxonomy further down the list only keeping the first observation for each OTU.",
        "Discarded taxonomy is available in the output object as obj$discarded_tax for inspection."
      call. = FALSE

  # merge refseq and rename sequences if chosen
  if (isTRUE(by_refseq)) {
    seqs <- strsplit(abund$OTU, "")
    names(seqs) <- abund$OTU
    fasta <- ape::as.DNAbin(seqs)
  } else {
    # all or none
    if (sum(has_refseq) > 0L & sum(has_refseq) != length(obj_list)) {
      fasta <- NULL
      warning("All objects must have sequences loaded to be able to merge them. Returning NULL in the output object") # nolint
    } else {
      fasta <- obj_list %>%
        lapply(`[[`, "refseq") %>%
  out_obj <- amp_load(
    otutable = abund,
    taxonomy = taxonomy[!dups],
    metadata = metadata,
    fasta = fasta,
    tree = NULL,
    pruneSingletons = FALSE
  out_obj$discarded_tax <- taxonomy[dups]
  if (!is.null(refseq_names)) {
    out_obj <- matchOTUs(
      fasta = refseq_names,
      unmatched_prefix = unmatched_prefix,
      rename_unmatched = TRUE
MadsAlbertsen/ampvis2 documentation built on Jan. 28, 2024, 7:12 a.m.