gf_mapper <- function(range, file, seqinfo, strand = "*") {
# Load and force seqlevels
o <- import(file, which = range)
seqlevels(o) <- seqlevels(seqinfo)
# isCircular(o) <- isCircular(seqinfo) genome(o) <- genome(seqinfo)
seqinfo(o) <- seqinfo
strand(o) <- strand
# Compress and rename scores
score(o) <- as.integer(score(o))
# Return (GPos in comments) methods::as(o, 'GPos') #
#' @importClassesFrom Matrix dgCMatrix
gf_reducer <- function(mapped) {
# Save names
j_names <- names(mapped)
# Add j mapped <- mapply(function(gp, j){gp$j <- j; gp}, mapped,
# seq_along(mapped))#
mapped <- mapply(function(gp, j) {
mcols(gp)[, "j"] <- j
}, mapped, seq_along(mapped))
# Coerce to mat
# mapped <- do.call(pryr::partial(c, x=GPos()), mapped)
mapped <- do.call(pryr::partial(c, x = GRanges()), mapped)
# Add i (erase mcols to save memory)
# dj <- unique(granges(mapped)) # Old version, coerced to GRanges
dj <- mapped
mcols(dj) <- NULL
dj <- unique(dj)
dj <- sort(dj)
mapped$i <- match(mapped, dj)
# To sparse matrix
if (length(mapped) > 0) {
# Ensure that matrix has the right output format
mapped <- Matrix::sparseMatrix(i = mapped$i,
j = mapped$j,
x = score(mapped),
dims = c(max(mapped$i),
dimnames = list(NULL, j_names))
} else {
# Simply create an empty matrix
mapped <- methods::as(matrix(nrow = 0,
ncol = length(j_names),
dimnames = list(NULL, j_names)),
# Assemble into summarized experiment
mapped <- SummarizedExperiment(assays = SimpleList(counts = mapped),
rowRanges = dj)
# Return
gf_wrapper <- function(files, ranges, seqinfo, strand) {
# Run GenomicFiles
o <- GenomicFiles::reduceByRange(ranges = ranges, files = files, MAP = pryr::partial(gf_mapper,
seqinfo = seqinfo, strand = strand), REDUCE = gf_reducer, iterate = FALSE)
# Merge output
o <- do.call(rbind, o)
# Return
#' Quantify CAGE Transcriptions Start Sites (CTSSs)
#' This function reads in CTSS count data from a series of BigWig-files and
#' returns a CTSS-by-library count matrix. For efficient processing, the count
#' matrix is stored as a sparse matrix (dgCMatrix).
#' @param plusStrand BigWigFileList: BigWig files with plus-strand CTSS data.
#' @param minusStrand BigWigFileList: BigWig files with minus-strand CTSS data.
#' @param design DataFrame or data.frame: Additional information on samples.
#' @param genome Seqinfo: Genome information. If NULL the smallest common genome
#' will be found using bwCommonGenome.
#' @param tileWidth integer: Size of tiles to parallelize over.
#' @return RangedSummarizedExperiment, where assay is a sparse matrix
#' (dgCMatrix) of CTSS counts..
#' @family Quantification functions
#' @importClassesFrom Matrix dgCMatrix
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Load the example data
#' data('exampleDesign')
#' # Use the BigWig-files included with the package:
#' bw_plus <- system.file('extdata', exampleDesign$BigWigPlus,
#' package = 'CAGEfightR')
#' bw_minus <- system.file('extdata', exampleDesign$BigWigMinus,
#' package = 'CAGEfightR')
#' # Create two named BigWigFileList-objects:
#' bw_plus <- BigWigFileList(bw_plus)
#' bw_minus <- BigWigFileList(bw_minus)
#' names(bw_plus) <- exampleDesign$Name
#' names(bw_minus) <- exampleDesign$Name
#' # Quantify CTSSs, by default this will use the smallest common genome:
#' CTSSs <- quantifyCTSSs(plusStrand=bw_plus,
#' minusStrand=bw_minus,
#' design=exampleDesign)
#' # Alternatively, a genome can be specified:
#' si <- seqinfo(bw_plus[[1]])
#' si <- si['chr18']
#' CTSSs <- quantifyCTSSs(plusStrand=bw_plus,
#' minusStrand=bw_minus,
#' design=exampleDesign,
#' genome=si)
#' # Quantification can be speed up by using multiple cores:
#' library(BiocParallel)
#' register(MulticoreParam(workers=3))
#' CTSSs <- quantifyCTSSs(plusStrand=bw_plus,
#' minusStrand=bw_minus,
#' design=exampleDesign,
#' genome=si)
#' }
quantifyCTSSs2 <- function(plusStrand, minusStrand, design = NULL, genome = NULL,
tileWidth = 100000000L) {
# Pre-checks
assert_that(methods::is(plusStrand, "BigWigFileList"),
methods::is(minusStrand, "BigWigFileList"),
length(plusStrand) == length(minusStrand),
all(names(plusStrand) == names(minusStrand)),
# Set design
if (is.null(design)) {
design <- DataFrame(row.names = names(plusStrand))
} else if (methods::is(design, "DataFrame")) {
assert_that(all(rownames(design) == names(plusStrand)))
} else if (is.data.frame(design)) {
assert_that(all(rownames(design) == names(plusStrand)))
design <- methods::as(design, "DataFrame")
} else {
stop("design must either NULL or a DataFrame-/data.frame-object!")
# Aquire seqinfo if missing.
if (is.null(genome)) {
message("Finding common genome...")
genome <- bwCommonGenome(plusStrand, minusStrand, method = "intersect")
} else if (methods::is(genome, "Seqinfo")) {
message("Checking supplied genome compatibility...")
bwGenomeCompatibility(plusStrand, minusStrand, genome)
} else {
stop("genome must either NULL or a Seqinfo-object!")
# Setup tiles
grl <- GenomicRanges::tileGenome(genome, tilewidth = tileWidth)
message("Iterating over ", length(grl), " genomic tiles in ", length(plusStrand),
" samples using ", BiocParallel::bpworkers(), " worker(s)...")
# Load data
message("Importing CTSSs from plus strand...")
plus_strand <- gf_wrapper(files = plusStrand, ranges = grl, seqinfo = genome,
strand = "+")
message("Importing CTSSs from minus strand...")
minus_strand <- gf_wrapper(files = minusStrand, ranges = grl, seqinfo = genome,
strand = "-")
# Merge
message("Merging strands...")
o <- rbind(plus_strand, minus_strand)
rm(plus_strand, minus_strand)
# Attach design
colData(o) <- design
# Convert to GPos if small
if(length(o) < .Machine$integer.max){
rowRanges(o) <- methods::as(rowRanges(o), "GPos")
# Post-checks (GPos commented out)
stopifnot(length(plusStrand) == ncol(o),
identical(seqinfo(o), genome))
message("### CTSS summary ###")
message("Number of samples: ", ncol(o))
message("Number of CTSSs: ", format(nrow(o)/1000000L, digits = 4), " millions")
message("Sparsity: ", format((1 - (Matrix::nnzero(assay(o))/length(assay(o)))) *
100, digits = 4), " %")
message("Final object size: ", utils::capture.output(pryr::object_size(o)))
# Return
#### TCs and Genes ####
#' Quantify expression of clusters (TSSs or enhancers) by summing CTSSs within
#' clusters.
#' @param object RangedSummarizedExperiment: CTSSs.
#' @param clusters GRanges: Clusters to be quantified.
#' @param inputAssay character: Name of assay holding expression values to be
#' quantified (usually counts).
#' @param sparse logical: If the input is a sparse matrix, TRUE will keep the
#' output matrix sparse while FALSE will coerce it into a normal matrix.
#' @return RangedSummarizedExperiment with row corresponding to clusters.
#' seqinfo and colData is copied over from object.
#' @family Quantification functions
#' @importClassesFrom Matrix dgCMatrix
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # CTSSs stored in a RangedSummarizedExperiment:
#' data(exampleCTSS)
#' # Clusters to be quantified as a GRanges:
#' data(exampleUnidirectional)
#' clusters <- rowRanges(exampleUnidirectional)
#' # Quantify clusters:
#' quantifyClusters(exampleCTSSs, clusters)
#' # For exceptionally large datasets,
#' # the resulting count matrix can be left sparse:
#' quantifyClusters(exampleCTSSs, rowRanges(exampleUnidirectional), sparse=TRUE)
quantifyClusters <- function(object, clusters, inputAssay = "counts", sparse = FALSE) {
# Pre-checks
assert_that(methods::is(object, "RangedSummarizedExperiment"),
methods::is(clusters, "GRanges"),
identical(seqinfo(object), seqinfo(clusters)),
inputAssay %in% assayNames(object),
# Find overlaps
message("Finding overlaps...")
hits <- findOverlaps(query = object,
subject = clusters,
select = "arbitrary")
hits <- factor(hits, levels = seq_along(clusters))
missing_hits <- is.na(hits)
# Warn if there is no overlap
if (all(missing_hits)) {
warning("The supplied clusters had no overlapping CTSSs!")
# Summarize
message("Aggregating within clusters...")
# mat <- rowsum2(x = assay(object, inputAssay),
# group = hits,
# drop = FALSE,
# sparse = sparse)
mat <- utilsAggregateRows(x = assay(object, inputAssay),
group = hits,
drop = FALSE,
sparse = sparse)
# Check output is the right format and assign names.
stopifnot(nrow(mat) == length(clusters))
rownames(mat) <- names(clusters)
# Coerce to RSE
o <- SummarizedExperiment(assays = SimpleList(mat),
rowRanges = clusters,
colData = colData(object))
assayNames(o) <- inputAssay
# Return
#' Quantify expression of genes
#' Obtain gene-level expression estimates by summing clusters annotated to the
#' same gene. Unannotated transcripts (NAs) are discarded.
#' @param object RangedSummarizedExperiment: Cluster-level expression values.
#' @param genes character: Name of column in rowData holding gene IDs (NAs will
#' be discarded).
#' @param inputAssay character: Name of assay holding values to be quantified,
#' (usually counts).
#' @param sparse logical: If the input is a sparse matrix, TRUE will keep the
#' output matrix sparse while FALSE will coerce it into a normal matrix.
#' @return RangedSummarizedExperiment with rows corresponding to genes. Location
#' of clusters within genes is stored as a GRangesList in rowRanges. seqinfo
#' and colData is copied over from object.
#' @family Quantification functions
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(exampleUnidirectional)
#' # Annotate clusters with geneIDs:
#' library(TxDb.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm9.knownGene)
#' txdb <- TxDb.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm9.knownGene
#' exampleUnidirectional <- assignGeneID(exampleUnidirectional,
#' geneModels=txdb,
#' outputColumn='geneID')
#' # Quantify counts within genes:
#' quantifyGenes(exampleUnidirectional, genes='geneID', inputAssay='counts')
#' # For exceptionally large datasets,
#' # the resulting count matrix can be left sparse:
#' quantifyGenes(exampleUnidirectional,
#' genes='geneID',
#' inputAssay='counts',
#' sparse=TRUE)
quantifyGenes <- function(object, genes, inputAssay = "counts", sparse = FALSE) {
# Pre-checks
assert_that(methods::is(object, "RangedSummarizedExperiment"),
is.element(genes, colnames(rowData(object))),
inputAssay %in% assayNames(object),
# Factor genes
genes <- factor(rowData(object)[, genes])
# Split ranges
new_gr <- splitAsList(rowRanges(object), f = genes, drop = TRUE)
message("Quantifying genes: ", length(new_gr))
# Sum matrix
# new_m <- rowsum2(assay(object, inputAssay),
# group = genes,
# drop = TRUE,
# sparse = sparse)
new_m <- utilsAggregateRows(assay(object, inputAssay),
group = genes,
drop = TRUE,
sparse = sparse)
# Check that names match
stopifnot(setequal(rownames(new_m), names(new_gr)))
if (!all(rownames(new_m) == names(new_gr))) {
new_m <- new_m[names(new_gr), ]
# Reassemble and copy over
o <- SummarizedExperiment(assays = list(new_m),
rowRanges = new_gr,
colData = colData(object),
metadata = metadata(object))
assayNames(o) <- inputAssay
# Calculate some stats
rowData(o)[, "nClusters"] <- elementNROWS(new_gr)
# Return
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