Man pages for ManchesterBioinference/Motif2Site
Detect binding sites from motifs and ChIP-seq experiments, and compare binding sites across conditions

Bed2GrangesRead a bed file as Genomic Ranges
combine2TableCombine all IP and Input count table files
combineMotifFilesCombine motif bed files into a combined ranges
combineTestResultsCombine count Table and statistics table
compareBedFiless2UserProvidedRegionsCompare a set of bed files to a user provided regions set
CompareBeds2GivenRegionsCompare a set of bed files to a provided regions set
CompareMotifs2GivenRegionsComparison motifs locations to a given regions set
compareMotifs2UserProvidedRegionsCompare a set of motifs to a user provided regions set
computeFoldEnrichmentcompute fold enrichment values for an experiment
dataSynthetic datasets used in the package
decomposeBindingSignalDecompose binding signal among accepted motifs
DeleteMultipleFilesDelete a vector of files
deriveHeuristicBindingDistributionbuild heurisitc distribution around the binding sites
DetectBindingSitesDetect binding sites from motif
DetectBindingSitesBedDetect binding sites from bed motif input
DetectBindingSitesMotifDetect binding sites from sequence motif sequence and...
DetectFdrCutoffBHFDR cut-off detection Benjamini Hochberg method
findMotifsFind motif instances with a certain mismatch number
fitKernelDensityFit a kernel density distribution to the obersever heuristic...
generate1ntBedAlignmentConvert bam and bed files to 1 nucleotide bed
Motif2SiteDetect and Recenter binding sites from ChIP-seq experiments
motifBindingNegativeBinomialCountModel IP and Input count values with negative Binomal
motifChipCountcount short reads related to each motif for a given ChIPseq...
motifCountcount short reads around motifs for all ChIP-seq experiments
motifTablePreProcessProcess count data and perform negative binomial test
NegativeBinomialTestWithReplicateNegative binomial test of binding using all replicates
pairwisDifferentialDetect differential motifs
quietSuppress messages generated by in external package
recenterBindingSitesAcrossExperimentsCombine binding sites across experiments
removeNonBellShapedMotifsRemove non-bell shpape motifs prior to binding signal...
strongestMotifReturns the motif with the highest count
ManchesterBioinference/Motif2Site documentation built on Feb. 13, 2022, 2:03 a.m.