#' Normalize peptide abundance by protein abundance
#' Takes information of protein intensity and peptide intensity and perform normalization of peptide abundance based on protein abundance.
#' @param peptides Data frame of peptide intensities that will be normalized by protein abundance. Typically gotten from the `purify_n_normalize` function.
#' @param annot Data frame obtained from loading the `annotation.txt` from Fragpipe output. First column should be named `channel` and second column should be named `sample`.
#' @param peptide_annot peptide annotation with specificity information. As it comes from merging the outputs from the functions `annotate_peptides` and `psmtsv_to_modified_peptides`
#' @param summarize_by_specificity
#' @return List with four elements:
#' @examples
#' @export
#' @keywords
peptide2protein_normalization <- function(peptides,
summarize_by_specificity = TRUE) {
# pre-process annotation file --------------------------
# we need to modify the sample names in the annotation file to match the
# names of the of the TMT intensities after loading into R.
psm_cols_trim <- colnames(peptides) %>% # get column names of psm file
str_remove("\\..*") # eliminate sufix
psm_cols <- colnames(peptides) # get column names of psm file wo eliminate sufix
# create df mapping trimmed sample names and the ones with sufix
trimed2original_sample <- tibble(sample = psm_cols_trim,
sample_trim = psm_cols)
# correct annotation file to match column names for TMT channel intensities
# in the psm file
annot_2 <- annot %>%
left_join(., trimed2original_sample) %>% # merge annotation file w untrimmed
dplyr::slice(1:nrow(annot)) # keep only sample names present in columns of psm file
# generate protein-quant data frame from peptide abundances ----
## first, we want to be able to differentiate between specific or semi-specific peptides
## ideally, we would want to normalize peptide abundances against protein
## abundances summarized from fully specific peptides.
## This is because we assume that protein abundance based on specific peptides
## better resembles overall abundance of the protein, without the effect of
## proteolytic activity.
if (summarize_by_specificity == TRUE){
specific_peptides <- peptide_annot %>%
filter(specificity == "specific") %>%
prots_q <- peptides %>%
# keep only unique peptides/PSMs
filter(`Is Unique` == TRUE,
# keep only specific peptides
protein_id_modif_pep %in% specific_peptides) %>%
dplyr::select(`Protein ID`,
`Modified Peptide`,
annot_2$sample_trim) %>%
group_by(`Protein ID`) %>%
na.rm = TRUE) %>%
rename_at(.vars = vars(annot_2$sample_trim),
.funs = function(x) paste0(x, "_prot"))
} else if (summarize_by_specificity == FALSE){
prots_q <- peptides %>%
filter(`Is Unique` == TRUE) %>% # keep only unique peptides/PSMs
dplyr::select(`Protein ID`,
`Modified Peptide`,
annot_2$sample_trim) %>%
group_by(`Protein ID`) %>%
na.rm = TRUE) %>%
rename_at(.vars = vars(annot_2$sample_trim),
.funs = function(x) paste0(x, "_prot"))
# processing files -----
## select quant columns from peptide data frame and add suffix
peptides_q <- peptides %>%
dplyr::select(protein_id_modif_pep, `Protein ID`, `Modified Peptide`,
annot_2$sample_trim) %>%
rename_at(.vars = vars(annot_2$sample_trim),
.funs = function(x) paste0(x, "_peptide")) %>% # add prot suffix to columns
mutate(protein_id_modif_pep = paste0(`Protein ID`,"_",`Modified Peptide`))
## merge peptide file with protein file
psm_n_prots <- left_join(peptides_q, prots_q) %>%
# function to get the ratio of intensity of Peptide/Protein -----
## this function is intended to get the fraction of peptide intensity is representative
## of the total protein abundance calculated based on fully specific peptides
pept2prot_ratios <- function(col){
df_q <- psm_n_prots %>%
# select id column and columns that match sample names (for map function below)
dplyr::select(protein_id_modif_pep, starts_with(col)) %>%
# reorganize the column of intensities, so first we have peptide abundances and then proteins
dplyr::relocate(protein_id_modif_pep, ends_with("peptide"), ends_with("prot"))
df_q_names <- colnames(df_q) # extract column names
df_q_rat <- df_q %>%
# create a column for each sample to get the fraction of the peptide intensity representative of the protein abundance
mutate({{col}} := .data[[df_q_names[2]]] / .data[[df_q_names[3]]]) %>%
# generate a 'normalized' peptide intensity value, by extracting the peptide abundance associated to it's fraction of the protein abundance
mutate("fraction_int_peptide2prot_{col}" := .data[[{{col}}]] * .data[[df_q_names[2]]])
df_q_rat <- df_q_rat %>%
# keep only the columns with the fraction of intensities (normalized)
dplyr::select(-c(protein_id_modif_pep, ends_with("peptide"), ends_with("prot")))
## PSM intensity/protein ration calculation per sample ----
list_pept2prot_rat <- purrr::map(.x = annot_2$sample,
.f = pept2prot_ratios)
pept2prot_norm1 <- bind_cols(list_pept2prot_rat) %>%
mutate(protein_id_modif_pep = psm_n_prots$protein_id_modif_pep) %>%
pept2prot_norm_ratio <- pept2prot_norm1 %>%
dplyr::select(protein_id_modif_pep, starts_with("fraction_int_"))
## normalizations ---------------------------------------------------
### log2 and median centering of fraction of peptide intensity from peptide / protein ratios -----
mat_ratios2 <- pept2prot_norm_ratio %>%
column_to_rownames("protein_id_modif_pep") %>%
mat_ratios2[mat_ratios2 == 0] <- NA
log2_mat_rat2 <- mutate_all(as.data.frame(mat_ratios2),
scaled_mat_rat2 <- scale(log2_mat_rat2,
scale = F,
center = apply(log2_mat_rat2, 2, median,
na.rm = TRUE) - median(as.matrix(log2_mat_rat2),
na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
abs(.) %>% # log2 values of fractions are negative; take absolute values
as.data.frame(.) %>%
### log2 and median centering of summarized protein abundances -----
mat_ratios3 <- prots_q %>%
column_to_rownames("Protein ID") %>%
mat_ratios2[mat_ratios3 == 0] <- NA
log2_mat_rat3 <- mutate_all(as.data.frame(mat_ratios3),
scaled_mat_rat3 <- scale(log2_mat_rat3,
scale = F,
center = apply(log2_mat_rat3,
na.rm = TRUE) - median(as.matrix(log2_mat_rat3),
na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
abs(.) %>% # log2 values of fractions are negative; take absolute values
as.data.frame() %>%
# create list of results ----
protein_normalized_pepts <- list(
# matrix of peptide abundances scaled, after extracting fraction of peptide/protein fraction of abundance
protein_normalized_pepts_scaled = scaled_mat_rat2,
# matrix of peptide abundances non-scaled, after extracting fraction of peptide/protein fraction of abundance
protein_normalized_pepts_abundance = pept2prot_norm_ratio,
# summarized protein abundances based on peptide matrix
summarized_protein_abundance = prots_q,
# summarized protein abundances based on peptide matrix, scaled
summarized_protein_abundance_scaled = scaled_mat_rat3,
# object showing if the protein abundances were summarized by tryptic peptides
summarize_by_specificity = summarize_by_specificity)
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