
Defines functions graphSpatialFDR

Documented in graphSpatialFDR

#' Control the spatial FDR
#' Borrowing heavily from \code{cydar} which corrects for multiple-testing
#' using a weighting scheme based on the volumetric overlap over hyperspheres.
#' In the instance of graph neighbourhoods this weighting scheme can use graph
#' connectivity or incorpate different within-neighbourhood distances for the
#' weighted FDR calculation.
#' @param x.nhoods A list of vertices and the constituent vertices of their
#' neighbourhood
#' @param graph The kNN graph used to define the neighbourhoods
#' @param pvalues A vector of p-values calculated from a GLM or other appropriate
#' statistical test for differential neighbourhood abundance
#' @param k A numeric integer that determines the kth nearest neighbour distance to use for
#' the weighted FDR. Only applicaple when using \code{weighting="k-distance"}.
#' @param weighting A string scalar defining which weighting scheme to use.
#' Choices are: max, k-distance, neighbour-distance or graph-overlap.
#' @param reduced.dimensions (optional) A \code{matrix} of cells X reduced dimensions used
#' to calculate the kNN graph. Only necessary if this function is being used
#' outside of \code{testNhoods} where the \code{\linkS4class{Milo}}
#' object is not available
#' @param distances (optional) A \code{matrix} of cell-to-cell distances or a list
#' of distance matrices, 1 per neighbourhood. Only necessary if this function is being
#' used outside of \code{testNhoods} where the \code{\linkS4class{Milo}}
#' object is not available.
#' @param indices (optional) A list of neighbourhood index vertices in the same order as the input neighbourhoods.
#' Only used for the k-distance weighting.
#' @details Each neighbourhood is weighted according to the weighting scheme
#' defined. k-distance uses the distance to the kth nearest neighbour
#' of the index vertex, neighbour-distance uses the average within-neighbourhood
#' Euclidean distance in reduced dimensional space, max uses the largest within-neighbourhood distance
#' from the index vertex, and graph-overlap uses the total number of cells overlapping between
#' neighborhoods (distance-independent measure). The frequency-weighted version of the
#' BH method is then applied to the p-values, as in \code{cydar}.
#' @return A vector of adjusted p-values
#' @author Adapted by Mike Morgan, original function by Aaron Lun
#' @examples
#' @name graphSpatialFDR

#' @export
#' @importFrom igraph induced_subgraph
#' @importFrom Matrix rowMeans tril crossprod rowSums
#' @importFrom stats dist
#' @importFrom BiocNeighbors findKNN
#' @importFrom BiocGenerics which
graphSpatialFDR <- function(x.nhoods, graph, pvalues, k=NULL, weighting='k-distance',
                            reduced.dimensions=NULL, distances=NULL, indices=NULL){

    # Discarding NA pvalues.
    haspval <- !is.na(pvalues)

    if (!all(haspval)) {
        pvalues <- pvalues[haspval]

    if(weighting[1] == "none"){
        return(rep(NA_real_, length(pvalues)))
    # if the weighting vector length > 1 then just take the first element as this is the default
    # is this a bit hacky?
    if(length(weighting) > 1){
        weighting <- weighting[1]

    if(weighting == "neighbour-distance"){
            t.connect <- sapply(colnames(x.nhoods)[haspval],
                                FUN=function(PG) {
                                    x.pcs <- reduced.dimensions[x.nhoods[, PG] > 0, ]
                                    x.euclid <- as.matrix(dist(x.pcs))
                                    x.distdens <- mean(x.euclid[lower.tri(x.euclid, diag=FALSE)])
        } else if(is.list(distances) & all(unlist(lapply(distances, class)) %in% c("matrix"))){
            t.connect <- unlist(lapply(distances, FUN=function(NHD) mean(rowMeans(NHD))))
        } else{
            stop("A matrix of reduced dimensions is required to calculate distances")
    } else if(weighting == "max"){
        # do we have a distance matrix for the vertex cell to it's kth NN?
        if(!is.null(distances) & !is.null(indices)){
            # use distances first as they are already computed
            # compute the distance to the kth nearest neighbour
            # this is just the most distant neighbour
            if(class(distances) %in% c("matrix")){
                # find the distance to the kth nearest neighbour within the distance matrix
                t.connect <- unlist(lapply(indices, FUN=function(X) max(distances[X, ])))
            } else if(class(distances) %in% c("list")){
                t.connect <- unlist(lapply(indices, FUN=function(X) max(distances[[as.character(X)]])))
            } else{
                stop("Neighbourhood distances must be either a matrix or a list of matrices")
    }else if(weighting == "k-distance"){
            stop("K must be non-null to use k-distance. Please provide a valid integer value")

        # do we have a distance matrix for the vertex cell to it's kth NN?
        if(!is.null(distances) & !is.null(indices)){
            # use distances first as they are already computed
            # compute the distance to the kth nearest neighbour
            # this is just the most distant neighbour
            if(class(distances) %in% c("matrix")){
                # find the distance to the kth nearest neighbour within the distance matrix
                t.connect <- unlist(lapply(indices, FUN=function(X) distances[X, ][order(distances[X, ], decreasing=FALSE)[k]]))
            } else if(class(distances) %in% c("list")){
                # check if row names are set
                # distances is a list, so need to loop over slots to check for rownames
                null.names <- any(unlist(lapply(distances, FUN=function(RX) is.null(rownames(RX)))))
                    # nhood indices are _always_ numeric, distance slot names are strings - use the rownames of reducedDim to get the ID
                    # this will need to be fixed properly across the whole code base
                    t.dists <- lapply(indices, FUN=function(X) as.numeric((distances[[as.character(X)]])[rownames(reduced.dimensions)[X], ]))
                    t.connect <- unlist(lapply(t.dists, FUN=function(Q) ((Q[Q>0])[order(Q[Q>0], decreasing=FALSE)])[k]))
                } else {
                    # if row names are not set, extract numeric indices
                    non.zero.nhoods <- which(x.nhoods != 0, arr.ind = TRUE)
                    t.dists <- lapply(indices,
                                      FUN=function(X) distances[[as.character(X)]][which(non.zero.nhoods[non.zero.nhoods[, 2] == which(indices == X),][, 1] == X),])
                    t.connect <- unlist(lapply(t.dists, FUN=function(Q) (Q[Q>0])[order(Q[Q>0], decreasing=FALSE)[k]]))
            } else{
                stop("Neighbourhood distances must be either a matrix or a list of matrices")
        } else if(!is.null(reduced.dimensions) & !is.null(indices)){
            # find the kth NN and distance
            t.connect <- unlist(lapply(indices,
                                       FUN=function(X) max(findKNN(reduced.dimensions,
                                                                   subset=X, k=k)[["distance"]])))
        } else if(is.null(indices)){
            stop("No neighbourhood indices found - required to compute k-distance weighting")
        } else{
            stop("k-distance weighting requires either a distance matrix or reduced dimensions.")

    } else if(weighting == "graph-overlap"){
        # no distance matrix is required here
        # compute overlap between neighborhoods
        if (!is.null(x.nhoods)) {
            intersect_mat <- crossprod(x.nhoods)
            diag(intersect_mat) <- 0
            t.connect <- unname(rowSums(intersect_mat))
        } else{
            stop("No neighborhoods found - please run makeNhoods first")

    } else{
        stop("Weighting option not recognised - must be either k-distance, neighbour-distance, max or graph-overlap")

    # use 1/connectivity as the weighting for the weighted BH adjustment from Cydar
    w <- 1/unlist(t.connect)
    w[is.infinite(w)] <- 1

    # Computing a density-weighted q-value.
    o <- order(pvalues)
    pvalues <- pvalues[o]
    w <- w[o]

    adjp <- numeric(length(o))
    adjp[o] <- rev(cummin(rev(sum(w)*pvalues/cumsum(w))))
    adjp <- pmin(adjp, 1)

    if (!all(haspval)) {
        refp <- rep(NA_real_, length(haspval))
        refp[haspval] <- adjp
        adjp <- refp
MikeDMorgan/miloR documentation built on Oct. 19, 2024, 8:39 p.m.