
#' contrast_each_group_to_the_rest
#' Produces a table of within-experiment differential expression results (for
#' either query or reference experiment), where each group (cluster) is
#' compared to the rest of the cells.
#' Note that this function is \emph{slow}, because it runs the differential
#' expression. It only needs to be run once per dataset though (unless group 
#' labels change). 
#' Having package \pkg{parallel} installed is highly recomended.
#' If this function runs out of memory, consider specifying \emph{n.group} and
#' \emph{n.other} to run on a subset of cells (taken from each group, 
#' and proportionally from the rest for each test). 
#' Alternatively use \emph{subset_cells_by_group} to subset \bold{dataset_se}
#' for each group independantly.
#' Both reference and query datasets should be processed with this
#' function.
#' The tables produced by this function (usually named something like
#' \emph{de_table.datasetname}) contain summarised results of MAST results.
#' Each group is compared versus cells in the group, versus not in the group,
#' (Ie. always a 2-group contrast, other groups information is ignored). 
#' As per MAST reccomendataions, the proportion of genes seen in each cell is 
#' included in the model.
#' @param dataset_se Summarised experiment object containing count data. Also
#' requires 'ID' and 'group' to be set within the cell information
#' (see \code{colData()})
#' @param dataset_name Short, meaningful name for this dataset/experiment.
#' @param groups2test An optional character vector specificing specific groups 
#' to check. By default (set to NA), all groups will be tested.
#' @param num_cores Number of cores to use to run MAST jobs in parallel.
#' Ignored if parallel package not available. Set to 1 to avoid
#' parallelisation. Default = 1
#' @param n.group How many cells to keep for each group in groupwise 
#' comparisons. Default = Inf
#' @param n.other How many cells to keep from everything not in the group.
#' Default = \bold{n.group} * 5
#' @param factors_to_rm If there are extra confounding factors that should be
#' removed from MAST's zlm model (e.g individual, run), specify the column name(s)  
#' from colData in a vector here. Default=c().
#' @return A tibble the within-experiment de_table (differential expression 
#' table). This is a core summary of the individual experiment/dataset, 
#' which is used for the cross-dataset comparisons.
#' The table feilds won't neccesarily match across datasets, as they include
#' cell annotations information. Important columns 
#' (used in downstream analysis) are:
#'\item{ID}{Gene identifier}
#'\item{ci_inner}{ Inner (conservative) 95\% confidence interval of 
#'     log2 fold-change.}
#'\item{fdr}{Multiple hypothesis corrected p-value (using BH/FDR method)}
#'\item{group}{Cells from this group were compared to everything else}
#'\item{sig_up}{Significnatly differentially expressed (fdr < 0.01), with a 
#'      positive fold change?}
#'\item{rank}{Rank position (within group), ranked by CI inner, highest to 
#'     lowest. }
#'\item{rescaled_rank}{Rank scaled 0(top most overrepresented genes in group) -
#'     1(top most not-present genes)}
#'\item{dataset}{Name of dataset/experiment}
#' @examples
#' de_table.demo_query  <- contrast_each_group_to_the_rest(
#'      demo_query_se, "a_demo_query")
#' de_table.demo_ref    <- contrast_each_group_to_the_rest(
#'      demo_ref_se, "a_demo_ref", num_cores=2)
#' @import SummarizedExperiment
#' @export
contrast_each_group_to_the_rest <- function(
   dataset_se, dataset_name, groups2test=NA, num_cores=1,
   n.group=Inf, n.other=n.group*5, factors_to_rm=c()
) {
   # Which groups to look at? Default all in query dataset.
   if (length(groups2test) == 1 && is.na(groups2test)) {
      groups2test = levels(dataset_se$group)
   } else { # Check its sensible before long processing steps
      if (! all(groups2test %in% levels(dataset_se$group))) {
         stop("Can't find all test groups (",
              paste(groups2test, collapse = ","),") in dataset")   
   ## Add the 'proportion of genes covered in this factor' variable.
   # Not really a proprotion, buts in the model (and is proportional)
   # see MAST doco/paper - its used in the model for reasons.
   # Using Dalayed array method for hanging onto hdf5-backed
   counts_index <- get_counts_index(n_assays=length(assays(dataset_se)), 
   if (is(assay(dataset_se, counts_index) , "DelayedMatrix")) {
      #DelayedArray method doesn't like sparse Matrix
      colData(dataset_se)$pofgenes <- 
         as.numeric(scale(DelayedArray::colSums(assay(dataset_se, counts_index) > 0)))
   } else { #Matrix method doesn't work on delayed array.
      colData(dataset_se)$pofgenes <- 
         as.numeric(scale(Matrix::colSums(assay(dataset_se, counts_index) > 0)))

   ## For each group, test it versus evyerthing else 
   #  (paralallised, with lapply fallback if no parallel, or windows )
   if (num_cores > 1) {
      if (! requireNamespace("parallel", quietly = TRUE) ) {
         message("Parallel package not installed. Please install. ",
                 "Or set num_threads = 1 to suppress this message.",
                 "Running single threaded")
         num_cores = 1
      if (Sys.info()['sysname'] == "Windows") {
         message("Sorry, multithreading not supported on windows. ",
                 "Use linux, or set num_threads = 1 to suppress this message.",
                 "Running single threaded")
         num_cores = 1

   de_table_list <- NA
   if (num_cores > 1) {
      de_table_list <- parallel::mclapply(groups2test, 
   } else {
      de_table_list <- base::lapply(groups2test, 
   de_table.allvsrest <- dplyr::bind_rows(de_table_list)

   # Factorise group,and add dataset name
   de_table.allvsrest$group   <- factor(de_table.allvsrest$group)
   de_table.allvsrest$dataset <- dataset_name

#' contrast_the_group_to_the_rest
#' Internal function to calculate differential expression within an experiment
#' between a specified group and cells not in that group.
#' This function should only be called by 
#' \code{contrast_each_group_to_the_rest}
#' (which can be passed a single group name if desired). Else 'pofgenes' will
#' not be defined.
#' MAST is supplied with log2(counts + 1.1), and zlm called with model
#' '~ TvsR + pofgenes' . The p-values reported are from the hurdle model. FDR 
#' is with default fdr/BH method.
#' @param dataset_se Datast summarisedExperiment object.
#' @param the_group group to test
#' @param pvalue_threshold Default = 0.01
#' @param n.group How many cells to keep for each group in groupwise 
#' comparisons. Default = Inf
#' @param n.other How many cells to keep from everything not in the group.
#' Default = \bold{n.group} * 5
#' @param factors_to_rm If there are extra confounding factors that should be
#' removed from MAST's zlm model (e.g individual, run), specify the column name(s)  
#' from colData in a vector here. Default=c().
#' @return A tibble, the within-experiment de_table (differential expression
#' table), for the group specified.
#' @seealso \code{\link{contrast_each_group_to_the_rest}}
#' @import SummarizedExperiment
#' @import MAST
contrast_the_group_to_the_rest <- function( 
   dataset_se, the_group, pvalue_threshold=0.01,
   n.group=Inf, n.other=n.group*5, factors_to_rm=c() ) {
   TEST = 'test'
   REST = 'rest'
   # must have pofgenes set.
   stopifnot("pofgenes" %in% colnames(colData(dataset_se)))
   # Subset if needed
   if (n.group != Inf || n.other != Inf) {
      dataset_se <- subset_se_cells_for_group_test(dataset_se, the_group, 
   # Check size. Easy to OOM here if using hdf5 objects.
   # If the dataset is too big, this will stall. Print warning.
   # Completely arbitray mem warning (1G iSH, @ 8bytes/num, ignore sparse)
   # e.g. 11k cells of 12k genes triggers
   if ((nrow(dataset_se) * ncol(dataset_se) * 8 ) / 10^9  > 1) {
      message("Converting a possibly large ",
              " object into sparse matrix. ",
              "This may take a while. ",
              "If running out of memory, consider subsetting dataset.")
   # Mast expects primerid (when coercing from sce, else it creates it itself)
   row_data_for_MAST <- data.frame(primerid=row.names(rowData(dataset_se)), 
                                   stringsAsFactors =FALSE)
   ## Log2 transform the counts
   counts_index <- get_counts_index(n_assays=length(assays(dataset_se)), 
                                    assay_names = names(assays(dataset_se)))
   # If none of test or rest has any expression for a given gene - no FC will
   # be calcualted for either.
   # Previously added 1.1 to address this, (so no '0's) 
   #   but now we need sparse matricies!
   # So add 2 dummy genes - TESTall and RESTall, they express 1x everything.
   # This should have only minor statistical effects.
   TO_ADD <- 1 # 1.1 no more
   dummy_cols <-  Matrix::Matrix(cbind(
      dummyTESTall = rep(1,nrow(dataset_se)),
      dummyRESTall= rep(1,nrow(dataset_se)) ) ,
   # Now a plain, log2 sparse matrix. (looses hd5 if present.)
   if (is(assay(dataset_se, counts_index) , "DelayedMatrix")) {
      # Delayed Array from hd5-backed sces a little different to standard m|Matrix
      logged_counts <- cbind( dummy_cols,
                              Matrix::Matrix(log2( assay(dataset_se, counts_index) + TO_ADD), 
                                             nrow=nrow(dataset_se), sparse=TRUE,
                                             dimnames = dimnames(dataset_se)))
      # log2 flattens the matrix, supplied nrow to rebuild it - the order ok
      # all(rowSums(logged_counts == 0) == 
      #    DelayedArray::rowSums(assay(dataset_se, counts_index) == 0))
   } else {
      logged_counts <- Matrix::Matrix(  
         cbind(dummy_cols, log2( assay(dataset_se, counts_index) + TO_ADD)),

   # Define test vs rest factor for model 
   # (TvsR only applicable for a single contrast.)
   # Minimal coldata for mast (needs the dummy express-on-of-everything-cells)
   TvsR <- factor(
      c( c('test','rest'), # add 2x dummy cells up front
         ifelse(colData(dataset_se)$group == the_group, TEST, REST)), 
      levels=c(REST, TEST))
   pofgenes <- c(c(0,0),colData(dataset_se)$pofgenes)
   dummy_factors <- colData(dataset_se)[seq(1,2),factors_to_rm, drop=FALSE]
   ####dummy_factors[,] <- NA Using NA introduces another level (w no counts)
   #### So sticking with 'real' groups. Again this hack means slight influence 
   # per group (2 dummy cells!) - but for celaref's purposes it shouldn't matter
   extra_factors <- rbind(dummy_factors, 
                          colData(dataset_se)[,factors_to_rm, drop=FALSE])
   rownames(extra_factors) <- NULL
   col_data_for_MAST <- data.frame(TvsR=TvsR, pofgenes=pofgenes, extra_factors )
   # MAST uses a scASSAY internally 
   # For the sca conversion - need to inidialise the SCA first with new, 
   # then call as. Not sure why, but without that it only works with 
   # MAST library-ed in script (ie externally)
   sce.in <- SummarizedExperiment(
      assays  = S4Vectors::SimpleList(logcounts=logged_counts),
      colData = col_data_for_MAST,
      rowData = row_data_for_MAST)
   # Cannnot use usual sca constructor because need to maintain sparse matrix.
   # No luck with a simple 'as'.. 
   # (caused signature erross for zlm setp) 
   # Somehow this works?
   sca <- new("SingleCellAssay")
   as(sca, "SingleCellExperiment") <- sce.in
   ## Make Zlm model and run contrast:
   # Slow step.
   # MAST uses pofgene in the model, see doco/paper.
   # Would have liked to model group level and then to contrasts of 
   # groupA - (avg of all other groups).
   # Would allow this step to run only once per experiment, not per each group.
   # But that is complicated, and the 'summary' method 
   # (what actually does calcs) only supports simple single coeffient test.
   factors_to_rm_str <- ifelse(length(factors_to_rm) > 0, 
                               paste("+", paste(factors_to_rm, collapse=" + ")), 
   formula_str       <- paste("TvsR + pofgenes",factors_to_rm_str)
   #reformulates to : ~TvsR + pofgenes + whatever
   zlm.TvsR        <- MAST::zlm(reformulate(formula_str), sca)  
   the_contrast    <- 'TvsRtest'
   summary.TvsR    <- MAST::summary(zlm.TvsR, doLRT = 'TvsRtest')
   summary.TvsR.df <- as.data.frame(summary.TvsR$datatable)
   # Grab the p-values form the 'H' hurdle model. And the logFC from the calcs
   # all for testvsrest term of formula (vs intercept) (equates to test-rest )
   mast_res <- merge(
         summary.TvsR.df$contrast==the_contrast  & summary.TvsR.df$component=='H',
         c("primerid", "Pr(>Chisq)")], #hurdle P-values
         summary.TvsR.df$contrast==the_contrast  & summary.TvsR.df$component=='logFC',
         c("primerid", "coef", "ci.hi", "ci.lo")], by='primerid') #logFC coefs
   #> head(mast_res)
   #       primerid  Pr(>Chisq)        coef       ci.hi       ci.lo
   #1 0610007P14Rik 0.785451166  0.08833968  0.33665327 -0.15997391
   #2 0610009B22Rik 0.411386651  0.15749376  0.38770946 -0.07272195
   #3 0610009O20Rik 0.869118657 -0.03563795  0.09585160 -0.16712750
   ## Reformat the results with more infomative colnames. 
   # primerid=>gene, Pr(>Chisq)=>pval
   de_table <- data.frame(mast_res)
   colnames(de_table) <- c("ID", "pval", "log2FC","ci.hi", "ci.lo")
   # Join on any rowData (usually other gene names if present, also pofgenes)
   de_table <- merge(x=data.frame(rowData(dataset_se)), y=de_table,  by="ID")
   # Order by Innermost/conservative CI
   # upper/lower mean numerically, actually want to use inner/outer rel to 0
   de_table$ci_inner  <- mapply(FUN=get_inner_or_outer_ci, 
                                MoreArgs = list(get_inner=TRUE),  
                                de_table$log2FC, de_table$ci.hi, de_table$ci.lo)
   de_table$ci_outer  <- mapply(FUN=get_inner_or_outer_ci, 
                                MoreArgs = list(get_inner=FALSE), 
                                de_table$log2FC, de_table$ci.hi, de_table$ci.lo)
   de_table <- de_table[,! colnames(de_table) %in% c("ci.hi", "ci.lo")]
   de_table <- de_table[order(de_table$ci_inner, decreasing = TRUE),]
   de_table$fdr           <- stats::p.adjust(de_table$pval, 'fdr')
   de_table$group         <- the_group
   de_table$sig           <- de_table$fdr <= pvalue_threshold
   de_table$sig_up        <- de_table$sig & de_table$log2FC > 0
   de_table$gene_count    <- nrow(de_table)
   de_table$rank          <- seq_len(nrow(de_table))
   de_table$rescaled_rank <- seq_len(nrow(de_table)) / nrow(de_table)
   #       gene         pval   log2FC ci_inner ci_outer          fdr      group  sig sig_up gene_count rank rescaled_rank
   #1914  Epcam 6.926312e-37 2.210175 1.981575 2.438775 4.678723e-33 Epithelial TRUE   TRUE       6755    1  0.0001480385
   #2228  Fxyd3 4.724345e-33 2.069778 1.833179 2.306377 1.063765e-29 Epithelial TRUE   TRUE       6755    2  0.0002960770
   #3386    Mif 6.042683e-22 2.148053 1.805283 2.490823 5.831189e-19 Epithelial TRUE   TRUE       6755    3  0.0004441155
   #1902   Eno1 6.245552e-20 2.029549 1.681717 2.377380 4.687634e-17 Epithelial TRUE   TRUE       6755    4  0.0005921540
   #4256    Pkm 4.906642e-17 1.953987 1.579322 2.328652 2.117840e-14 Epithelial TRUE   TRUE       6755    5  0.0007401925
   message("Processed ", the_group)

#' get_inner_or_outer_ci
#' Given a fold-change, and high and low confidence interval (where lower <
#' higher), pick the innermost/most conservative one.
#' @param fc Fold-change
#' @param ci.hi Higher fold-change CI (numerically)
#' @param ci.lo smaller fold-change CI (numerically)
#' @param get_inner If TRUE, get the more conservative inner CI, else the 
#' bigger outside one.
#' @return inner or outer CI from \bold{ci.hi} or \bold{ci.low}
get_inner_or_outer_ci<- function(fc, ci.hi, ci.lo, get_inner=TRUE) {
   if (is.na(fc)) {
   # if get_inner == false then get outer
   if (fc > 0) {
      # inner is lower in up, outer is high
      if (get_inner) { return(ci.lo) } else { return(ci.hi) }
   # Else, this is a downwards FC, inner and outer CI are switched.
   else {
      if (get_inner) { return(ci.hi) } else { return(ci.lo) }

#' get_the_up_genes_for_group 
#' For the most overrepresented genes of the specified group in the test 
#' dataset, get their rankings in all the groups of the reference dataset. 
#' This is effectively a subset of the reference data, 'marked' with the 'top'
#' genes that represent the group of interest in the query data. The 
#' distribution of the \emph{rescaled ranks} of these marked genes in each 
#' reference data group indicate how similar they are to the query group. 
#' @param the_group The group (from the test/query experiment) to examine. 
#' @param de_table.test A differential expression table of the query 
#' experiment, as generated from 
#' \code{\link{contrast_each_group_to_the_rest}}
#' @param de_table.ref A differential expression table of the reference 
#' dataset, as generated from 
#' \code{\link{contrast_each_group_to_the_rest}}
#' @param rankmetric Specifiy ranking method used to pick the
#' 'top' genes. The default 'TOP100_LOWER_CI_GTE1' picks genes from the top 100
#' overrepresented genes (ranked by inner 95% confidence interval) - appears to 
#' work best for distinct cell types (e.g. tissue sample.). 'TOP100_SIG' again 
#' picks from the top 100 ranked genes, but requires only statistical 
#' significance, 95% CI threshold - may perform better on more similar cell 
#' clusters (e.g. PBMCs).
#' @param n For tweaking maximum returned genes from different ranking methods.
#' Will change the p-values! Suggest leaving as default unless you're keen.
#' @return \emph{de_table.marked} This will be a subset of 
#' \bold{de_table.ref}, with an added column \emph{test_group} set to 
#' \bold{the_group}. If nothing passes the rankmetric criteria, NA.
#' @examples
#' de_table.marked.Group3vsRef <- get_the_up_genes_for_group(
#'                                   the_group="Group3",
#'                                   de_table.test=de_table.demo_query, 
#'                                   de_table.ref=de_table.demo_ref)
#' @seealso  
#' \code{\link{contrast_each_group_to_the_rest}} For prepraring the 
#' de_table.* tables.
#' \code{\link{get_the_up_genes_for_all_possible_groups}} For running 
#' all query groups at once.
get_the_up_genes_for_group <- function(
   the_group, de_table.test, de_table.ref, rankmetric='TOP100_LOWER_CI_GTE1',
) {
   # Trialled a bunch. Decided on TOP100_LOWER_CI_GTE, but leave option here. 
   # (might be useful for other data types)
   the_up_genes <- c()
   if (rankmetric=='TOP100_LOWER_CI_GTE1') { 
      the_up_genes <- de_table.test$ID[de_table.test$group == the_group & 
                                          de_table.test$rank <= n & 
                                          de_table.test$ci_inner >= 1]
   } else if (rankmetric=='TOP100_SIG') { 
      # Significnatly up genes, within the top 100 (more stringent than SIG_N)
      the_up_genes <- de_table.test$ID[de_table.test$group == the_group & 
                                          de_table.test$rank <= n & 
                                          de_table.test$sig   == TRUE & 
                                          de_table.test$ci_inner >= 0]
   } else if (rankmetric=='BOTTOM100_LOWER_CI_LTE1') {
      # Undocumented feature for testing, don't use. (It doesn't work well!)
      max_rank <- max(de_table.test$rank)
      the_up_genes <- de_table.test$ID[de_table.test$group == the_group & 
                                    de_table.test$rank >= (max_rank - n + 1) & 
                                    de_table.test$ci_inner <= -1]
   } else {stop("Unknown rank metric")}

   # Nothing selected. Or nothing selected thats in ref data. 
   # NA gets rbinded harmlesslessy
   if (length(the_up_genes) == 0 ) {
      warning("Found no mark-able genes meeting criteria when looking ",
              "for 'up' genes in ",the_group,
              " Cannot test it for similarity. ",
              "Could occur if: cell groups are very similar, ",
              "a lack of statistical power ",
              "(e.g. small number of cells in group), ",
              "or for a heterogenous cluster. It may only affect ",
              "one/some groups, continuing with the rest.") 
   if (sum(de_table.ref$ID %in% the_up_genes) == 0) {return(NA)}
   de_table.marked <- de_table.ref[de_table.ref$ID %in% the_up_genes,]
   de_table.marked$test_group <- the_group

#' get_the_up_genes_for_all_possible_groups
#' For the most overrepresented genes of each group in the test 
#' dataset, get their rankings in all the groups of the reference dataset. 
#' This is effectively a subset of the reference data, 'marked' with the 'top'
#' genes that represent the groups in the query data. The 
#' distribution of the \emph{rescaled ranks} of these marked genes in each 
#' reference data group indicate how similar they are to the query group. 
#' This function is simply a conveinent wrapper for 
#' \code{\link{get_the_up_genes_for_group}} that merges output for 
#' each group in the query into one table.
#' @param de_table.test A differential expression table of the query 
#' experiment, as generated from 
#' \code{\link{contrast_each_group_to_the_rest}}
#' @param de_table.ref A differential expression table of the reference 
#' dataset, as generated from 
#' \code{\link{contrast_each_group_to_the_rest}}
#' @param rankmetric Specifiy ranking method used to pick the
#' 'top' genes. The default 'TOP100_LOWER_CI_GTE1' picks genes from the top 100
#' overrepresented genes (ranked by inner 95% confidence interval) - appears to 
#' work best for distinct cell types (e.g. tissue sample.). 'TOP100_SIG' again 
#' picks from the top 100 ranked genes, but requires only statistical 
#' significance, 95% CI threshold - may perform better on more similar cell 
#' clusters (e.g. PBMCs).
#' @param n For tweaking maximum returned genes from different ranking methods.
#' Will change the p-values! Suggest leaving as default unless you're keen.
#' @return \emph{de_table.marked} This will alsmost be a subset of 
#' \bold{de_table.ref}, 
#' with an added column \emph{test_group} set to the query groups, and 
#' \emph{test_dataset} set to \bold{test_dataset_name}.
#' If nothing passes the rankmetric criteria, a warning is thrown and NA is 
#' returned. (This can be a genuine inability to pick out the 
#' representative 'up' genes, or due to some problem in the analysis)
#' @examples
#'de_table.marked.query_vs_ref <- get_the_up_genes_for_all_possible_groups(
#'    de_table.test=de_table.demo_query ,
#'    de_table.ref=de_table.demo_ref )
#' @seealso  \code{\link{get_the_up_genes_for_group}} Function for 
#' testing a single group.
#' @export
get_the_up_genes_for_all_possible_groups <- function(
   de_table.test, de_table.ref, rankmetric='TOP100_LOWER_CI_GTE1', n=100 
   # Sanity check: there should be only one test_dataset present in 
   # de_table.test, that will be propagated.
   test_dataset_name <- unique(de_table.test$dataset) 
   if (length(test_dataset_name) !=1 ) { 
      stop("Detected more than one 'dataset' within test dataset.",
           "Need one at a time.")

   # Run get_the_up_genes foreach group, 
   # But remove NAs before contsructing table
   #   e.g. no sig for myoepithelail vs rest. :. it will produce a NA result.
   de_table.marked.list <- lapply(FUN=get_the_up_genes_for_group, 
                                  X = levels(de_table.test$group), 

   if (all(is.na(de_table.marked.list))) { 
      warning("Found no mark-able genes meeting criteria when looking ",
              "for 'up' genes in each group. ",
              "Cannot test for similarity.",
              "Could be an error, or occur if cell groups are very ",
              "similar or due to a lack of statistical power.") }
   # remove the NAs.
   de_table.marked.list <- de_table.marked.list[! is.na(de_table.marked.list)]
   de_table.marked      <- as.data.frame(
   de_table.marked$test_dataset <-  test_dataset_name

#' contrast_each_group_to_the_rest_for_norm_ma_with_limma
#' This function loads and processes microarray data (from purified cell 
#' populations) that can be used as a reference. 
#' Sometimes there are microarray studies measureing purified cell populations 
#' that would be measured together in a single-cell sequenicng experiment. 
#' E.g. comparing PBMC scRNA to FACs-sorted blood cell populations. 
#' This function 
#' will process microarray data with limma and format it for comparisions.
#' The microarray data used should consist of purified cell types 
#' from /emph{one single study/experiment} (due to batch effects). 
#' Ideally just those cell-types expected in the 
#' scRNAseq, but the method appears relatively robust to a few extra cell 
#' types. 
#' Note that unlike the single-cell workflow there are no summarisedExperiment 
#' objects (they're not really comparable) - this function reads data and 
#' generates a table of within-dataset differentential expression contrasts in 
#' one step. Ie. equivalent to the output of 
#' \code{\link{contrast_each_group_to_the_rest}}. 
#' Also, note that while downstream functions can accept 
#' the microarray-derived data as query datasets, 
#' its not really intended and assumptions might not
#' hold (Generally, its known what got loaded onto a microarray!)
#' The (otherwise optional) 'limma' package must be installed to use this 
#' function.
#' @param norm_expression_table A logged, normalised expression table. Any 
#' filtering (removal of low-expression probes/genes)
#' @param sample_sheet_table Tab-separated text file of sample information.
#' Columns must have names. Sample/microarray ids should be listed under 
#' \bold{sample_name} column. The cell-type (or 'group') of each sample should 
#' be listed under a column \bold{group_name}.
#' @param dataset_name Short, meaningful name for this dataset/experiment.
#' @param sample_name Name of \bold{sample_sheet_table} with sample ID
#' @param group_name Name of \bold{sample_sheet_table} with group/cell-type. 
#' Default = "group"
#' @param groups2test An optional character vector specificing specific groups 
#' to check. By default (set to NA), all groups will be tested.
#' @param extra_factor_name Optionally, an extra cross-group factor (as column 
#' name in \bold{sample_sheet_table}) to include in the model used by limma. 
#' E.g. An individual/mouse id. Refer limma docs. Default = NA
#' @param pval_threshold For reporting only, a p-value threshold. 
#' Default = 0.01
#' @return A tibble, the within-experiment de_table (differential expression
#' table)
#' @examples
#' contrast_each_group_to_the_rest_for_norm_ma_with_limma(
#'     norm_expression_table=demo_microarray_expr, 
#'     sample_sheet_table=demo_microarray_sample_sheet,
#'     dataset_name="DemoSimMicroarrayRef", 
#'     sample_name="cell_sample", group_name="group") 
#' \dontrun{ 
#' contrast_each_group_to_the_rest_for_norm_ma_with_limma(
#'    norm_expression_table, sample_sheet_table=samples_table, 
#'    dataset_name="Watkins2009PBMCs", extra_factor_name='description')
#' }
#' @family Data loading functions
#' @seealso \code{\link{contrast_each_group_to_the_rest}} is the 
#' funciton that makes comparable output on the scRNAseq data (dataset_se 
#' objects).
#' @seealso \href{https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/limma.html}{Limma} 
#' Limma package for differential expression.
contrast_each_group_to_the_rest_for_norm_ma_with_limma <- function(
   norm_expression_table, sample_sheet_table, dataset_name, sample_name, 
   group_name="group", groups2test=NA, extra_factor_name=NA, 
) {
   if (! requireNamespace("limma", quietly = TRUE)) {  
      stop("This function require limma installed.")  
   # Which groups to look at? Default all in query dataset.
   if (! group_name %in% base::colnames(sample_sheet_table)) { 
      stop( "Cannot find group specification '",group_name,
            "' in sample_sheet_table columns")
   if (group_name != 'group') {
      sample_sheet_table$group <- dplyr::pull(sample_sheet_table[,group_name])
   if (! is.factor(sample_sheet_table$group)) {
      sample_sheet_table$group <- factor(sample_sheet_table$group)
   if (length(groups2test) <= 1 && is.na(groups2test)) {
      groups2test = levels(sample_sheet_table$group)
   } else { # Check its sensible before long processing steps
      if (! all(groups2test %in% levels(sample_sheet_table$group))) {
         stop("Can't find all test groups (",
              paste(groups2test, collapse = ","),") in dataset")   
   # Next for each group, test it versus everthing else
   de_table_list <- lapply(groups2test, 
   de_table.allvsrest <- dplyr::bind_rows(de_table_list)
   # Factorise group,and add dataset name
   de_table.allvsrest$group   <- factor(de_table.allvsrest$group)
   de_table.allvsrest$dataset <- dataset_name

#' contrast_the_group_to_the_rest_with_limma_for_microarray
#' Private function used by 
#' contrast_each_group_to_the_rest_for_norm_ma_with_limma
#' @param norm_expression_table A logged, normalised expression table. Any 
#' filtering (removal of low-expression probes/genes)
#' @param sample_sheet_table Tab-separated text file of sample information.
#' Columns must have names. Sample/microarray ids should be listed under 
#' \bold{sample_name} column. The cell-type (or 'group') of each sample should 
#' be listed under a column \bold{group_name}.
#' @param the_group Which query group is being tested.
#' @param sample_name Name of \bold{sample_sheet_table} with sample ID
#' @param extra_factor_name Optionally, an extra cross-group factor (as column 
#' name in \bold{sample_sheet_table}) to include in the model used by limma. 
#' E.g. An  individual/mouse id. Refer limma docs. Default = NA
#' @param pval_threshold For reporting only, a p-value threshold. Default = 0.01
#' @return A tibble, the within-experiment de_table (differential expression
#' table), for the group specified.
#' @seealso \code{\link{contrast_each_group_to_the_rest_for_norm_ma_with_limma}}
#' public calling function
#' @seealso \href{https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/limma.html}{Limma}
#' Limma package for differential expression.
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
contrast_the_group_to_the_rest_with_limma_for_microarray <- function(
   norm_expression_table, sample_sheet_table, the_group, 
   sample_name, extra_factor_name=NA, pval_threshold=0.01 
   if (! requireNamespace("limma", quietly = TRUE)) {  
      stop("This function requires limma installed.")  
   if(! the_group %in% sample_sheet_table$group){
      stop(paste("Couln't find group", the_group, "in samplesheet, only",
                 base::paste(levels(sample_sheet_table$group), collapse="")))
   # explicitly match order (again)
   norm_expression_table <- norm_expression_table[ ,sample_sheet_table %>% dplyr::pull(sample_name)] 
   # Design is only Test vs Rest
   # 'cause that's how the single cell stuff is. 
   TvsR <- factor(ifelse(sample_sheet_table$group==the_group, 'test', 'rest'), 
   design <- stats::model.matrix(~0+TvsR)
   # Optionally, include *one* other (balanced-ish) factor in the model 
   #e.g. individual.
   # (more would just be less generic)
   if(! is.na(extra_factor_name)) {
      extra <- sample_sheet_table %>% dplyr::pull(extra_factor_name)
      design <- stats::model.matrix(~0+TvsR+extra)
   # Set contrast and run
   contrast.matrix <- limma::makeContrasts( "TvsRtest-TvsRrest", levels=design)
   fit <- limma::lmFit(norm_expression_table, design)
   fit2 <- limma::contrasts.fit(fit, contrast.matrix)
   fit2 <- limma::eBayes(fit2)
   # Want toptable And some CI information from fit2.
   de_table <- get_limma_top_table_with_ci(fit2, 
   # Order by the inner CI of for ranking.
   de_table <- de_table[order(de_table$ci_inner, decreasing = TRUE),]
   # Adding some (duplicated) feilds here to match the ids used for sc results 
   de_table$log2FC        <- de_table$logFC
   de_table$fdr           <- stats::p.adjust(de_table$P.Value, 'fdr')
   de_table$group         <- the_group
   de_table$sig           <- de_table$fdr <= pval_threshold
   de_table$sig_up        <- de_table$sig & de_table$log2FC > 0
   de_table$gene_count    <- nrow(de_table)
   de_table$rank          <- seq_len(nrow(de_table))
   de_table$rescaled_rank <- seq_len(nrow(de_table)) / nrow(de_table)

#' get_limma_top_table_with_ci
#' Internal function that wraps limma topTable output but also adds upper and 
#' lower confidence intervals to the logFC. Calculated according to 
#' \url{https://support.bioconductor.org/p/36108/}
#' @param fit2 The fit2 object after calling eBayes as per standard limma 
#' workflow. Ie object that topTable gets called on.
#' @param the_coef Coeffient. As passed to topTable.
#' @param ci Confidence interval. Number between 0 and 1, default 0.95 (95\%)
#' @return Output of topTable, but with the (95%) confidence interval reported 
#' for the logFC.
#' @seealso  \code{\link{contrast_the_group_to_the_rest_with_limma_for_microarray}} 
#' Calling function.
get_limma_top_table_with_ci <- function(fit2, the_coef, ci=0.95 ){
   if (! requireNamespace("limma", quietly = TRUE)) {  
      stop("This function require limma installed.")  
   de_res <- limma::topTable(fit2, n=Inf, coef=the_coef)
   de_res <- dplyr::bind_cols(ID=as.character(base::rownames(de_res)), de_res)
   # CI calculations from:   https://support.bioconductor.org/p/36108/
   # (from Sunny Srivastava)
   #log Int_g = b0 + b1 * trt b1 = logFC
   #he CI of logFC can be found in the same manner as you would do in normal 
   # linear regression, 
   # but here instead of usual t(0.975, df) quantile, you should use 
   #the moderated t quantile ie 
   #t(0.975, df.residual + df.prior) 
   #So the 95% CI for logFC will be 
   #logFC -+ t(0.975, fit3$df.residual + fit3$df.prior) * fit3$stdev.unscaled * sqrt(fit3$s2.post)
   #T is transpose
   #t(0.975, fit2$df.residual, fit2$df.prior)
   # ~~~~~~~~~~~
   # above is confirmed:
   # Sunny's CI is exactly right. CIs could be an option in topTable(), 
   # but this the first request for them, so the demand doesn't seem enough 
   # for now. Best wishes Gordon
   half_ci_outer <- 1-((1-0.95) / 2 )
   ci_amount <- stats::dt(half_ci_outer, fit2$df.residual, fit2$df.prior) * fit2$stdev.unscaled * sqrt(fit2$s2.post)
   de_res$ci <- ci_amount[de_res$ID,]  
   # Get upper/lower then inner/outer CI.    
   de_res$CI_upper <- de_res$logFC + de_res$ci
   de_res$CI_lower <- de_res$logFC - de_res$ci
   de_res$ci_inner <- base::mapply(FUN=get_inner_or_outer_ci, 
                                   MoreArgs = list(get_inner=TRUE),   
   de_res$ci_outer <- base::mapply(FUN=get_inner_or_outer_ci, 
                                   MoreArgs = list(get_inner=FALSE),  

#' subset_cells_by_group
#' Utility function to randomly subset very large datasets (that use too much
#' memory). Specify a maximum number of cells to keep per group and use the 
#' subsetted version to analysis. 
#' The resulting 
#' differential expression table \emph{de_table} will have reduced statistical 
#' power.
#' But as long as enough cells are left to reasonably accurately
#' calculate differnetial expression between groups this should be enough for
#' celaref to work with.
#' Also, this function will lose proportionality of groups
#'  (there'll be \emph{n.groups} or less of each). 
#' Consider using the n.group/n.other parameters in 
#' \emph{contrast_each_group_to_the_rest} or 
#' \emph{contrast_the_group_to_the_rest}  - 
#' which subsets non-group cells independantly for each group. 
#' That may be more approriate for tissue type samples which would have similar 
#' compositions of cells. 
#' So this function is intended for use when either; the 
#' proportionality isn't relevant (e.g. FACs purified cell populations),
#' or, the data is just too big to work with otherwise. 
#' Cells are randomly sampled, so set the random seed (with \emph{set.seed()})
#' for consistant results across runs.
#' @param dataset_se Summarised experiment object containing count data. Also
#' requires 'ID' and 'group' to be set within the cell information.
#' @param n.group How many cells to keep for each group. Default = 1000
#' @return \emph{dataset_se} A hopefully more managably subsetted version of
#' the inputted \bold{dataset_se}. 
#' @examples
#' dataset_se.30pergroup <- subset_cells_by_group(demo_query_se, n.group=30)
#' @seealso  \code{\link{contrast_each_group_to_the_rest}} For alternative method 
#' of subsetting cells proportionally.
#' @export
subset_cells_by_group <- function(dataset_se, n.group=1000){
   group_sizes <- table(dataset_se$group)
   # subsample each group individually.
   sample_one_group <- function(the_group) {
      if (group_sizes[the_group] > n.group) {
         return(sample(x=which(dataset_se$group == the_group), size=n.group))
      return(which(dataset_se$group == the_group))
   # get all the coords, and at least extract in the same order.
   subsample_cell_cols <- base::sort(unlist(lapply(FUN=sample_one_group, names(group_sizes))))
   message("Randomly sub sampling",n.group," cells per group.")
   return(dataset_se[,subsample_cell_cols] ) 

#' subset_se_cells_for_group_test
#' This function for use by \code{\link{contrast_each_group_to_the_rest}} 
#' downsamples cells from a summarizedExperiment 
#' (\emph{dataset_se}) - keeping \bold{n.group} (or all if fewer) 
#' cells from the specified group, and \bold{n.other} from the rest. 
#' This maintains the proportions of cells in the 'other' part of the 
#' differential expression comparisons.
#' Cells are randomly sampled, so set the random seed (with \emph{set.seed()})
#' for consistant results across runs.
#' @param dataset_se Summarised experiment object containing count data. Also
#' requires 'ID' and 'group' to be set within the cell information.
#' @param the_group The group being subsetted for
#' @param n.group How many cells to keep for each group. Default = Inf
#' @param n.other How many cells to keep from everything not in the group.
#' Default = \bold{n.group} * 5
#' @return \emph{dataset_se} A hopefully more managably subsetted version of
#' the inputted \bold{dataset_se} 
#' @seealso Calling function \code{\link{contrast_each_group_to_the_rest}} 
#' @seealso  \code{\link{subset_cells_by_group}} Exported function for 
#' subsetting each group independantly upfront. 
#' (For when this approach is still unmanageable)
subset_se_cells_for_group_test <- function(dataset_se, the_group, 
                                           n.other=n.group*5) {
   num_in_group     <- sum(dataset_se$group == the_group)
   num_not_in_group <- dim(dataset_se)[2] - num_in_group
   # Need to do anything?
   if (num_in_group <= n.group &  num_not_in_group <= n.other) {
   message("Randomly sub sampling cells for ",the_group," contrast. ")
   # Which of the group to keep
   if (num_in_group > n.group) {
      keep.test <- base::sample(x=which(dataset_se$group == the_group), 
   } else {
      keep.test <- which(dataset_se$group == the_group)
   #Which of the rest to keep (random, so should be proportional)
   if (num_not_in_group > n.other) {
      keep.rest <- base::sample(x=which(dataset_se$group != the_group), 
   } else {
      keep.rest <- which(dataset_se$group != the_group)
   # get all the coords, and at least extract in the same order.
   keep <- base::sort(c(keep.test, keep.rest))
   return(dataset_se[,keep] ) 

#' get_counts_index
#' \code{get_counts_index} is an internal utility function to find out where 
#' the counts are (if anywhere.). Stops if there's no assay called 'counts',
#' (unless there is only a single unnamed assay). 
#' @param n_assays How many assays are there? ie: length(assays(dataset_se))
#' @param assay_names What are the assays called? ie: names(assays(dataset_se))
#' @return The index of an assay in assays called 'counts', or, if there's just
#'      the one unnamed assay - happily assume that that is counts.
get_counts_index <- function(n_assays, assay_names) {
   if (n_assays == 1) {
      # If there's just one, assume it is counts - unless its called something!
      if (is.null(assay_names) || assay_names[1] == 'counts') {
         if (is.null(assay_names)) {
            message("Found one, unnamed, assay in summarizedExperiment object. ",
                    "Assuming this is counts data ('counts')")
   } else {
      counts_index = match('counts', assay_names)
      if (! is.na(counts_index)) {
   # stop
   stop("Couldn't find counts assay in summarised experiment object. ",
        "Expected an assay named 'counts' (lower case) ",
        "~or~ a single unnamed assay. ",
        "Instead, found ",n_assays," assays with[out] names: ",
        paste(assay_names, sep=", "),
        ". Include counts, or rename one of those assays. ")
MonashBioinformaticsPlatform/celaref documentation built on June 5, 2019, 11:35 a.m.