
Defines functions civet.vertexTable civet.vertexFilenames civet.readCBRAIN civet_filenames_2_0_0 civet_filenames_1_1_9 civet_filenames_1_1_12 civet.getAllFilenames civet.getFilenameNonlinearTransform civet.getFilenameLinearTransform civet.getFilenameMeanSurfaceCurvature civet.getFilenamesCorticalVolume civet.getFilenamesCorticalArea civet.getFilenamesCorticalThickness civet.getFilenameMidSurfaces civet.getFilenameWhiteMatterSurfaces civet.getFilenameGrayMatterSurfaces civet.getFilenameSkullMask civet.getFilenameCerebrumMask civet.getFilenameStxT1 civet.getFilenameCsfPve civet.getFilenameWhiteMatterPve civet.getFilenameGrayMatterPve civet.getFilenameClassify civet.checkVersion

Documented in civet.checkVersion civet.getAllFilenames civet.getFilenameCerebrumMask civet.getFilenameClassify civet.getFilenameCsfPve civet.getFilenameGrayMatterPve civet.getFilenameGrayMatterSurfaces civet.getFilenameLinearTransform civet.getFilenameMeanSurfaceCurvature civet.getFilenameMidSurfaces civet.getFilenameNonlinearTransform civet.getFilenamesCorticalArea civet.getFilenamesCorticalThickness civet.getFilenamesCorticalVolume civet.getFilenameSkullMask civet.getFilenameStxT1 civet.getFilenameWhiteMatterPve civet.getFilenameWhiteMatterSurfaces civet.readCBRAIN civet.vertexFilenames civet.vertexTable

#' Check for a known Civet Version
#' As different versions of Civet may reflect changes in filename or directory
#' structure, it is important that the civet.* functions be validated for each
#' new version of Civet.  This function checks whether a given Civet version
#' number has been validated for use by these routines.
#' If the passed Civet version cannot be validated, a warning message is sent
#' to std output.
#' @param civetVersion A string specifying the Civet version number, e.g.,
#' \dQuote{1.1.7}
#' @return Nothing is returned.
#' @author Jim Nikelski \email{nikelski@@bic.mni.mcgill.ca}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' civetVersion <- "1.1.8"
#' civet.checkVersion(civetVersion)
#' }
#' @export
civet.checkVersion <- function(civetVersion) {
	if (! civetVersion %in% c("1.1.12", "1.1.9", "1.1.7")) {
		warning(sprintf("This function has not been tested with Civet version %s. Use at your own risk.", civetVersion), immediate.=TRUE)

#' Get Selected Civet Filenames
#' Returns either one or more Civet filenames, depending on file type.
#' The purpose of this function is to facilitate writing code requiring
#' manipulation of Civet products.  To this purpose, we have written a number
#' of convenience functions which, given the type of file desired and a path to
#' the Civet output directory, are able to determine and return the actual
#' filename(s).
#' @param scanID A string specifying the unique scan-id (and thus
#' sub-directory) within the Civet root output directory.
#' @param baseDir A string specifying the Civet root output directory.  This
#' directory will, in turn, contain all of the scanIDs.
#' @param civetVersion An optional string specifying the version of Civet used
#' to create the output.  This is significant since filenames and directory
#' structures may change across difference versions of Civet.
#' @param fullPath A boolean specifying whether the function is to return
#' either a fully-qualified path (TRUE) or just the filename without path
#' (FALSE).
#' @param smoothing A character code indicating the smoothing level used in
#' computing thickness, area, or volume e.g. "20mm"
#' @return Either a string or a list is returned, depending on the number of
#' filenames returned.  Specifically, a single filename is returned as a
#' string, whereas multiple filenames are returned as named lists.
#' @author Jim Nikelski \email{nikelski@@bic.mni.mcgill.ca}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(RMINC)
#' # set Civet root path and scan-identifier
#' basePath <- "~/tmp/ADNI/civet/pipeOut"
#' scanID = "0221-M-AD"
#' # get the name of the aggregate tissue classification volume
#' # ... and then read it
#' classifyVolname <- civet.getFilenameClassify(scanID, basePath)
#' classifyVol <- mincIO.readVolume(classifyVolname)
#' # get the left and right gray matter surface filenames and then 
#' # ... print the names
#' gmSurfName <- civet.getFilenameGrayMatterSurfaces(scanID, basePath)
#' print(gmSurfName$left)
#' print(gmSurfName$right)
#' # get the various transformation file filenames
#' lin.xfmName <- civet.getFilenameLinearTransform(scanID, basePath)
#' print(lin.xfmName)
#' nlin.xfmNames <- civet.getFilenameNonlinearTransform(scanID, basePath)
#' print(nlin.xfmNames$xfm)		# name of the nlin xfm file
#' print(nlin.xfmNames$grid)		# name of the nlin grid file
#' }
#' @name civet.getFilename 

#' @describeIn civet.getFilename Tissue classification
#' @export
civet.getFilenameClassify <- function(scanID, baseDir, civetVersion="1.1.9", fullPath=TRUE) {
	# check whether the Civet version has been tested
	# create the scan-level root dir name
	baseDir <- path.expand(baseDir)
	scanRoot <- file.path(baseDir, scanID)
	# get a list of matching filenames in the classify dir, and return
	classifyDir <- file.path(scanRoot, 'classify')
	files <- list.files(classifyDir, pattern=glob2rx("*_classify.mnc"))
	# fully-qualified path requested?
	if ( fullPath ) {
		files <- file.path(classifyDir, files)

#' @describeIn civet.getFilename gray matter pve
#' @export
civet.getFilenameGrayMatterPve <- function(scanID, baseDir, civetVersion="1.1.9", fullPath=TRUE) {
	# check whether the Civet version has been tested
	# get a list of matching filenames in the classify dir, and return
	baseDir <- path.expand(baseDir)
	scanRoot <- file.path(baseDir, scanID)
	classifyDir <- file.path(scanRoot, 'classify')
	files <- list.files(classifyDir, pattern=glob2rx("*_pve_gm.mnc"))
	# fully-qualified path requested?
	if ( fullPath ) {
		files <- file.path(classifyDir, files)

#' @describeIn civet.getFilename white matter pve
#' @export
civet.getFilenameWhiteMatterPve <- function(scanID, baseDir, civetVersion="1.1.9", fullPath=TRUE) {
	# check whether the Civet version has been tested
	# get a list of matching filenames in the classify dir, and return
	baseDir <- path.expand(baseDir)
	scanRoot <- file.path(baseDir, scanID)
	classifyDir <- file.path(scanRoot, 'classify')
	files <- list.files(classifyDir, pattern=glob2rx("*_pve_wm.mnc"))
	# fully-qualified path requested?
	if ( fullPath ) {
		files <- file.path(classifyDir, files)

#' @describeIn civet.getFilename csf pve
#' @export
civet.getFilenameCsfPve <- function(scanID, baseDir, civetVersion="1.1.9", fullPath=TRUE) {
	# check whether the Civet version has been tested
	# get a list of matching filenames in the classify dir, and return
	baseDir <- path.expand(baseDir)
	scanRoot <- file.path(baseDir, scanID)
	classifyDir <- file.path(scanRoot, 'classify')
	files <- list.files(classifyDir, pattern=glob2rx("*_pve_csf.mnc"))
	# fully-qualified path requested?
	if ( fullPath ) {
		files <- file.path(classifyDir, files)


#' @describeIn civet.getFilename Standard to T1 transform
#' @export
civet.getFilenameStxT1 <- function(scanID, baseDir, civetVersion="1.1.9", fullPath=TRUE) {
	# check whether the Civet version has been tested
	# get a list of matching filenames in the classify dir, and return
	baseDir <- path.expand(baseDir)
	scanRoot <- file.path(baseDir, scanID)
	finalDir <- file.path(scanRoot, 'final')
	files <- list.files(finalDir, pattern=glob2rx("*_t1_final.mnc"))
	# fully-qualified path requested?
	if ( fullPath ) {
		files <- file.path(finalDir, files)

#' @describeIn civet.getFilename brain mask
#' @export
civet.getFilenameCerebrumMask <- function(scanID, baseDir, civetVersion="1.1.9", fullPath=TRUE) {
	# check whether the Civet version has been tested
	# get a list of matching filenames in the classify dir, and return
	baseDir <- path.expand(baseDir)
	scanRoot <- file.path(baseDir, scanID)
	maskDir <- file.path(scanRoot, 'mask')
	files <- list.files(maskDir, pattern=glob2rx("*_brain_mask.mnc"))
	# fully-qualified path requested?
	if ( fullPath ) {
		files <- file.path(maskDir, files)

#' @describeIn civet.getFilename skull mask
#' @export
civet.getFilenameSkullMask <- function(scanID, baseDir, civetVersion="1.1.9", fullPath=TRUE) {
	# check whether the Civet version has been tested
	# get a list of matching filenames in the classify dir, and return
	baseDir <- path.expand(baseDir)
	scanRoot <- file.path(baseDir, scanID)
	maskDir <- file.path(scanRoot, 'mask')
	files <- list.files(maskDir, pattern=glob2rx("*_skull_mask.mnc"))
	# fully-qualified path requested?
	if ( fullPath ) {
		files <- file.path(maskDir, files)

#' @describeIn civet.getFilename gray matter surfaces
#' @export
civet.getFilenameGrayMatterSurfaces <- function(scanID, baseDir, civetVersion="1.1.9", fullPath=TRUE) {
	# check whether the Civet version has been tested
	# get a list of matching filenames in the classify dir, and return
	baseDir <- path.expand(baseDir)
	scanRoot <- file.path(baseDir, scanID)
	surfacesDir <- file.path(scanRoot, 'surfaces')
	# do we have rsl files? (we can get this in earlier Civet versions)
	files <- list.files(surfacesDir, pattern=glob2rx("*_gray_surface_rsl_*.obj"))
	# ... if not, look for non-resampled surfaces 
	if ( length(files) == 0 ) {
		files <- list.files(surfacesDir, pattern=glob2rx("*_gray_surface_*.obj"))
	# fully-qualified path requested?
	if ( fullPath ) {
		files <- file.path(surfacesDir, files)
	return(list(left=files[1], right=files[2]))

#' @describeIn civet.getFilename white matter surfaces
#' @export
civet.getFilenameWhiteMatterSurfaces <- function(scanID, baseDir, civetVersion="1.1.9", fullPath=TRUE) {
	# check whether the Civet version has been tested
	# get a list of matching filenames in the classify dir, and return
	baseDir <- path.expand(baseDir)
	scanRoot <- file.path(baseDir, scanID)
	surfacesDir <- file.path(scanRoot, 'surfaces')
	# do we have rsl files? (we can get this in earlier Civet versions)
	files <- list.files(surfacesDir, pattern=glob2rx("*_white_surface_rsl_*_calibrated_*.obj"))
	# ... if not, look for non-resampled surfaces 
	if ( length(files) == 0 ) {
		files <- list.files(surfacesDir, pattern=glob2rx("*_white_surface_*_calibrated_*.obj"))
	# fully-qualified path requested?
	if ( fullPath ) {
		files <- file.path(surfacesDir, files)
	return(list(left=files[1], right=files[2]))

#' @describeIn civet.getFilename mid surfaces
#' @export
civet.getFilenameMidSurfaces <- function(scanID, baseDir, civetVersion="1.1.9", fullPath=TRUE) {
	# check whether the Civet version has been tested
	# get a list of matching filenames in the classify dir, and return
	baseDir <- path.expand(baseDir)
	scanRoot <- file.path(baseDir, scanID)
	surfacesDir <- file.path(scanRoot, 'surfaces')
	# do we have rsl files? (we can get this in earlier Civet versions)
	files <- list.files(surfacesDir, pattern=glob2rx("*_mid_surface_rsl_*.obj"))
	# ... if not, look for non-resampled surfaces 
	if ( length(files) == 0 ) {
		files <- list.files(surfacesDir, pattern=glob2rx("*_mid_surface_*.obj"))
	# fully-qualified path requested?
	if ( fullPath ) {
		files <- file.path(surfacesDir, files)
	return(list(left=files[1], right=files[2]))

#' @describeIn civet.getFilename cortical thickness
#' @export
civet.getFilenamesCorticalThickness <- 
           , baseDir
           , civetVersion="1.1.9"
           , smoothing = "20mm"
           , fullPath=TRUE) {
	# check whether the Civet version has been tested
	# get a list of matching filenames in the classify dir, and return
	baseDir <- path.expand(baseDir)
	scanRoot <- file.path(baseDir, scanID)
	ctDir <- file.path(scanRoot, 'thickness')
	file_pattern <- paste0("native_rms_tlink_", smoothing, ".*\\.txt")
	files <- list.files(ctDir, pattern = file_pattern)
	# fully-qualified path requested?
	if ( fullPath ) {
		files <- file.path(ctDir, files)
	return(list(left=files[1], right=files[2]))

#' @describeIn civet.getFilename cortical area
#' @export
civet.getFilenamesCorticalArea <- 
           , baseDir
           , civetVersion="1.1.9"
           , smoothing = "40mm"
           , fullPath=TRUE) {
  # check whether the Civet version has been tested
  # get a list of matching filenames in the classify dir, and return
  baseDir <- path.expand(baseDir)
  scanRoot <- file.path(baseDir, scanID)
  ctDir <- file.path(scanRoot, 'surfaces')
  file_pattern <- paste0("mid_surface_rsl_(right|left)_native_area_", smoothing, "\\.txt")
  files <- list.files(ctDir, pattern = file_pattern)
  # fully-qualified path requested?
  if ( fullPath ) {
    files <- file.path(ctDir, files)
  return(list(left=files[1], right=files[2]))

#' @describeIn civet.getFilename cortical volume
#' @export
civet.getFilenamesCorticalVolume <- 
           , baseDir
           , civetVersion="1.1.9"
           , smoothing = "40mm"
           , fullPath=TRUE) {
  # check whether the Civet version has been tested
  # get a list of matching filenames in the classify dir, and return
  baseDir <- path.expand(baseDir)
  scanRoot <- file.path(baseDir, scanID)
  ctDir <- file.path(scanRoot, 'surfaces')
  file_pattern <- paste0("surface_rsl_(right|left)_native_volume_", smoothing, ".*\\.txt")
  files <- list.files(ctDir, pattern = file_pattern)
  # fully-qualified path requested?
  if ( fullPath ) {
    files <- file.path(ctDir, files)
  return(list(left=files[1], right=files[2]))

#' @describeIn civet.getFilename surface curvature
#' @export
civet.getFilenameMeanSurfaceCurvature <- function(scanID, baseDir, civetVersion="1.1.9", fullPath=TRUE) {
	# check whether the Civet version has been tested
	# get a list of matching filenames in the classify dir, and return
	baseDir <- path.expand(baseDir)
	scanRoot <- file.path(baseDir, scanID)
	ctDir <- file.path(scanRoot, 'thickness')
	files <- list.files(ctDir, pattern=glob2rx("*_native_mc_rsl_20mm_*.txt"))
	# fully-qualified path requested?
	if ( fullPath ) {
		files <- file.path(ctDir, files)
	return(list(left=files[1], right=files[2]))

#' @describeIn civet.getFilename linear transform
#' @export
civet.getFilenameLinearTransform <- function(scanID, baseDir, civetVersion="1.1.9", fullPath=TRUE) {
	# check whether the Civet version has been tested
	# get a list of matching filenames in the classify dir, and return
	baseDir <- path.expand(baseDir)
	scanRoot <- file.path(baseDir, scanID)
	xfmDir <- file.path(scanRoot, 'transforms/linear')
	files <- list.files(xfmDir, pattern=glob2rx("*_t1_tal.xfm"))
	# fully-qualified path requested?
	if ( fullPath ) {
		files <- file.path(xfmDir, files)

#' @describeIn civet.getFilename non-linear transform
#' @export
civet.getFilenameNonlinearTransform <- function(scanID, baseDir, civetVersion="1.1.9", fullPath=TRUE) {
	# check whether the Civet version has been tested
	# get a list of matching filenames in the classify dir, and return
	baseDir <- path.expand(baseDir)
	scanRoot <- file.path(baseDir, scanID)
	xfmDir <- file.path(scanRoot, 'transforms/nonlinear')
	file.xfm <- list.files(xfmDir, pattern=glob2rx("*_nlfit_It.xfm"))
	file.grid <- list.files(xfmDir, pattern=glob2rx("*_nlfit_It_grid_*.mnc"))
	# fully-qualified path requested?
	if ( fullPath ) {
		file.xfm <- file.path(xfmDir, file.xfm)
		file.grid <- file.path(xfmDir, file.grid)

	return(list(xfm=file.xfm, grid=file.grid))

#' @description Generates list of filenames output by CIVET
#' @name civet.getAllFilenames
#' @title civet.getAllFilenames
#' @param gf Data Frame with subject information
#' @param idvar column name in gf with subject IDs
#' @param prefix Prefix specified when CIVET was run
#' @param basedir directory where all CIVET output was stored
#' @param append Whether to append the results to the input gf
#' @param civetVersion Version of CIVET 
#' @param cnf A list of configuration information used to parse CIVET files produced by CBRAIN. Unnecessary for
#' CIVETs < 2. Should be read from CBRAIN yaml config file, but can be input manually as a list containing
#' thickness_method (tlink or laplacian), thickness_kernel (in mm), and atlas as either AAL or DKT
#' @details Prior to running, read.csv  may be called to generate the input argument gf. 
#' The results will be stored under the column name CIVETFILES either in the input gf (if append = TRUE) or in a new gf. 
#' Currently only CIVET versions 1.1.9 and 1.1.12 are supported.
#' @return gf is returned with CIVET filenames 
#' @seealso civet.readAllCivetFiles
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' getRMINCTestData() 
#' gf = read.csv("/tmp/rminctestdata/CIVET_TEST.csv")
#' gf = civet.getAllFilenames(gf,"ID","TEST","/tmp/rminctestdata/CIVET","TRUE","1.1.12")
#' }
#' @export
civet.getAllFilenames <- function(gf, idvar, prefix, basedir, append=TRUE, civetVersion="1.1.9", cnf=NULL) {
	# designed for use with CIVET 1.1.9 and CIVET 1.1.12
  if(!civetVersion %in% c("1.1.9", "1.1.12", "2.0.0", "2.1.0")){
    warning("Unsure how to deal with directory structure for civet version: ", civetVersion,
            "\n trying the 2.0.0 approach")
	filename_generator <-
	         , "1.1.9" = civet_filenames_1_1_9
	         , "1.1.12" = civet_filenames_1_1_12
	         , civet_filenames_2_0_0) #used for 2.0.0, 2.1.0, and unknowns
	filename_generator(gf = gf, idvar = idvar, prefix = prefix, basedir = basedir, append = append, civetVersion = civetVersion, cnf = cnf)

civet_filenames_1_1_12 <-
  function(gf, idvar, prefix, basedir, ...){
    ids <- gf[,idvar]
    # create the scan-level root dir names
    b <- paste(basedir, "/", ids, "/", sep="")
    # insert fully-qualified file names
    filenames.df <- data.frame(leftGIFiles=rep(0,nrow(gf)))
    filenames.df$leftGIFiles  <- paste(b, "surfaces/", prefix, "_", ids, "_gi_left.dat",sep = "")
    filenames.df$rightGIFiles <- paste(b, "surfaces/", prefix, "_", ids, "_gi_right.dat",sep = "")
    filenames.df$leftlobeArea40mmFiles  <- paste(b, "surfaces/", prefix, "_", ids, "_lobe_areas_40mm_left.dat",sep = "")
    filenames.df$rightlobeArea40mmFiles  <- paste(b, "surfaces/", prefix, "_", ids, "_lobe_areas_40mm_right.dat",sep = "")
    filenames.df$leftlobeThicknessFiles  <- paste(b, "surfaces/", prefix, "_", ids, "_lobe_thickness_tlink_20mm_left.dat",sep = "")
    filenames.df$rightlobeThicknessFiles  <- paste(b, "surfaces/", prefix, "_", ids, "_lobe_thickness_tlink_20mm_right.dat",sep = "")
    filenames.df$leftlobeVolumeFiles  <- paste(b, "surfaces/", prefix, "_", ids, "_lobe_volumes_40mm_left.dat",sep = "")
    filenames.df$rightlobeVolumeFiles  <- paste(b, "surfaces/", prefix, "_", ids, "_lobe_volumes_40mm_right.dat",sep = "")
    filenames.df$midSurfaceleftNativeArea = paste(b, "surfaces/", prefix, "_", ids, "_mid_surface_rsl_left_native_area_40mm.txt",sep = "")
    filenames.df$midSurfacerightNativeArea = paste(b,"surfaces/", prefix, "_", ids, "_mid_surface_rsl_right_native_area_40mm.txt",sep = "")
    filenames.df$SurfaceleftNativeVolume = paste(b, "surfaces/", prefix, "_", ids, "_surface_rsl_left_native_volume_40mm.txt",sep = "")
    filenames.df$SurfacerightNativeVolume = paste(b,"surfaces/", prefix, "_", ids, "_surface_rsl_right_native_volume_40mm.txt",sep = "") 
    filenames.df$brain_volume = paste(b, "classify/", prefix, "_", ids, "_cls_volumes.dat",sep = "")
    filenames.df$cerebral_volume = paste(b, "thickness/", prefix, "_", ids, "_cerebral_volume.dat",sep = "")
    filenames.df$nativeRMS_RSLtlink20mmleft = paste(b,"thickness/", prefix, "_", ids, "_native_rms_rsl_tlink_20mm_left.txt",sep = "") 
    filenames.df$nativeRMS_RSLtlink20mmright = paste(b,"thickness/", prefix, "_", ids, "_native_rms_rsl_tlink_20mm_right.txt",sep = "") 
    filenames.df$nativeRMStlink20mmleft = paste(b,"thickness/", prefix, "_", ids, "_native_rms_tlink_20mm_left.txt",sep = "") 
    filenames.df$nativeRMStlink20mmright = paste(b,"thickness/", prefix, "_", ids, "_native_rms_tlink_20mm_right.txt",sep = "") 
    gf$CIVETFILES = filenames.df

civet_filenames_1_1_9 <-
  function(gf, idvar, prefix, basedir, append, ...){
    ids <- gf[,idvar]
    # create the scan-level root dir names
    b <- paste(basedir, "/", ids, "/", sep="")
    # insert fully-qualified file names
    filenames.df <- data.frame(leftGIFiles=rep(0,nrow(gf)))
    filenames.df$tissue <- paste(b, "classify/", prefix, "_", ids, "_cls_volumes.dat", sep="")
    filenames.df$structures <- paste(b, "segment/", prefix, "_", ids, "_masked.dat", sep="")
    filenames.df$left.thickness <- paste(b, "thickness/", prefix, "_", ids, "_native_rms_rsl_tlink_20mm_left.txt", sep="")
    filenames.df$right.thickness <- paste(b, "thickness/", prefix, "_", ids, "_native_rms_rsl_tlink_20mm_right.txt", sep="")
    filenames.df$rightROIthickness <- paste(b, "segment/", prefix, "_", ids, "_lobe_thickness_tlink_20mm_right.dat", sep="")
    filenames.df$leftROIthickness <- paste(b, "segment/", prefix, "_", ids, "_lobe_thickness_tlink_20mm_left.dat", sep="")
    filenames.df$rightROIarea <- paste(b, "segment/", prefix, "_", ids, "_lobe_areas_right.dat", sep="")
    filenames.df$leftROIarea <- paste(b, "segment/", prefix, "_", ids, "_lobe_areas_left.dat", sep="")
    filenames.df$GMVBM <- paste(b, "VBM/", prefix, "_", ids, "_smooth_8mm_gm.mnc", sep="")
    filenames.df$WMVBM <- paste(b, "VBM/", prefix, "_", ids, "_smooth_8mm_wm.mnc", sep="")
    filenames.df$CSFVBM <- paste(b, "VBM/", prefix, "_", ids, "_smooth_8mm_csf.mnc", sep="")
    filenames.df$GMVBMsym <- paste(b, "VBM/", prefix, "_", ids, "_smooth_8mm_gm_sym.mnc", sep="")
    filenames.df$WMVBMsym <- paste(b, "VBM/", prefix, "_", ids, "_smooth_8mm_wm_sym.mnc", sep="")
    filenames.df$CSFVBMsym <- paste(b, "VBM/", prefix, "_", ids, "_smooth_8mm_csf_sym.mnc", sep="")
    # append names to the input glim, if desired
    if ( append == TRUE) {
      filenames.df <- cbind(gf, filenames.df)

civet_filenames_2_0_0 <-
  function(gf, idvar, prefix, basedir, cnf, ...){
    # Read CBRAIN config, hackable as a list containing thickness_method (tlink or laplacian)
    # thickness_kernel (in mm), and atlas as either AAL or DKT
    thickness_method <- last(cnf$thickness_method) #not sure why config produces a vector of length two here
    thickness_dist <- cnf$thickness_kernel
    atlas <- cnf$atlas
    gf %>%
      mutate( #very iritating R CMD check can't handle dplyr code...
        subject_prefixed = paste0(prefix, gf[,idvar])
        , subject_path = file.path(basedir, gf[,idvar])
        , leftGIFiles  = sprintf("%s/surfaces/%s_gi_left.dat", .data$subject_path, .data$subject_prefixed)
        , rightGIFiles = sprintf("%s/surfaces/%s_gi_right.dat", .data$subject_path, .data$subject_prefixed)        
        , leftlobeArea40mmFiles  = sprintf("%s/surfaces/%s_%s_lobe_areas_40mm_left.dat", .data$subject_path, .data$subject_prefixed, atlas)
        , rightlobeArea40mmFiles  = sprintf("%s/surfaces/%s_%s_lobe_areas_40mm_right.dat", .data$subject_path, .data$subject_prefixed, atlas)
        , leftlobeThicknessFiles  = sprintf("%s/surfaces/%s_%s_lobe_thickness_%s_%smm_left.dat", .data$subject_path , .data$subject_prefixed, atlas, thickness_method, thickness_dist)
        , rightlobeThicknessFiles  = sprintf("%s/surfaces/%s_%s_lobe_thickness_%s_%smm_right.dat", .data$subject_path , .data$subject_prefixed, atlas, thickness_method, thickness_dist)
        , leftlobeVolumeFiles  = sprintf("%s/surfaces/%s_%s_lobe_volumes_40mm_left.dat", .data$subject_path, .data$subject_prefixed, atlas)
        , rightlobeVolumeFiles  = sprintf("%s/surfaces/%s_%s_lobe_volumes_40mm_right.dat", .data$subject_path, .data$subject_prefixed, atlas)
        , midSurfaceleftNativeArea = sprintf("%s/surfaces/%s_mid_surface_rsl_left_native_area_40mm.txt", .data$subject_path, .data$subject_prefixed)
        , midSurfacerightNativeArea = sprintf("%s/surfaces/%s_mid_surface_rsl_right_native_area_40mm.txt", .data$subject_path, .data$subject_prefixed)
        , SurfaceleftNativeVolume = sprintf("%s/surfaces/%s_surface_rsl_left_native_volume_40mm.txt", .data$subject_path, .data$subject_prefixed)
        , SurfacerightNativeVolume = sprintf("%s/surfaces/%s_surface_rsl_right_native_volume_40mm.txt", .data$subject_path, .data$subject_prefixed)
        , brain_volume = sprintf("%s/classify/%s_cls_volumes.dat", .data$subject_path , .data$subject_prefixed)
        , cerebral_volume = sprintf("%s/thickness/%s_cerebral_volume.dat", .data$subject_path , .data$subject_prefixed)
        , nativeRMS_RSLtlink_left = sprintf("%s/thickness/%s_native_rms_rsl_%s_%smm_left.txt", .data$subject_path, .data$subject_prefixed, thickness_method, thickness_dist) 
        , nativeRMS_RSLtlink_right = sprintf("%s/thickness/%s_native_rms_rsl_%s_%smm_right.txt", .data$subject_path, .data$subject_prefixed,thickness_method, thickness_dist) 
        , nativeRMStlink_left = sprintf("%s/thickness/%s_native_rms_rsl_%s_%smm_left.txt", .data$subject_path , .data$subject_prefixed, thickness_method, thickness_dist) 
        , nativeRMStlink_right = sprintf("%s/thickness/%s_native_rms_rsl_%s_%smm_right.txt", .data$subject_path , .data$subject_prefixed, thickness_method, thickness_dist)
        , RSL_mean_curvature_left = sprintf("%s/curvature/%s_mid_surface_rsl_left_mean_curv_%smm.txt", .data$subject_path , .data$subject_prefixed, thickness_dist)
        , RSL_mean_curvature_right = sprintf("%s/curvature/%s_mid_surface_rsl_right_mean_curv_%smm.txt", .data$subject_path , .data$subject_prefixed, thickness_dist)
        , RSL_gaus_curvature_left = sprintf("%s/curvature/%s_mid_surface_rsl_left_gaus_curv_%smm.txt", .data$subject_path , .data$subject_prefixed, thickness_dist)
        , RSL_gaus_curvature_right = sprintf("%s/curvature/%s_mid_surface_rsl_right_gaus_curv_%smm.txt", .data$subject_path , .data$subject_prefixed, thickness_dist)

#' Read a CBRAIN project in R
#' Simplified file input for CBRAIN projects. Attempts to use as much information as possible from the directory structure
#' and internal CBRAIN config files to find and read the correct CIVET results for CIVET 2.0.0 and 2.1.0
#' @param path Path to the civet project
#' @param prefix The prefix used to create the subject names
#' @param atlas Either AAL (default), DKT, or a path to the specific atlas used
#' @param subjects A character vector specifying which subjects to read in. If not specified, All files within
#' \code{path} that don't match QC, scripts, stats, or analysis will be read in.
#' @param civetVersion the version of CIVET used, either 2.1.0 (default) or 2.0.0
#' @param readFiles logical whether or not to read the files into R or just generate the file names
#' @param readQC logical whether to read and merge the QC results (must be used with \code{flatten})
#' @param flatten logical whether to convert the CIVET results into a \code{dplyr} compatible data frame or leave
#' it in the legacy format
#' @param QCDir The directory, or vector of directories of where to find QC tables
#' @param columnsToKeep Additional columns from \link{civet.readAllCivetFiles} to include in the output
#' @param confFile A configuration file produced by CBRAIN, defaults to the first .yml file amongst the subjects.
#' @return A data.frame in the format of \link{civet.getAllFilenames} if \code{readFiles} is FALSE. A data.frame in
#' the format of \link{civet.readAllCivetFiles} if \code{readFiles} is TRUE and \code{flatten} is FALSE. And a data.frame in
#' the format of \link{civet.flattenForDplyr} if \code{readQC}, \code{readFiles}, and \code{flatten} are all TRUE (default)
#' @seealso \link{civet.getAllFilenames} \link{civet.readAllCivetFiles} \link{civet.flattenForDplyr} 
#' @export
civet.readCBRAIN <-
    function(path, prefix, subjects = NULL, atlas = "AAL", civetVersion = "2.1.0", readFiles = TRUE
           , readQC = TRUE, flatten = TRUE, QCDir = "QC", columnsToKeep = "subject"
           , confFile = Sys.glob(paste0(path, "/*/*.yml"))[1]
    ## Check bad arguments
    if(readQC && readFiles && !flatten) stop("Can't merge QC when readFiles is TRUE and flatten is FALSE")
    ## Load the config file
    cnf <- yaml.load_file(confFile)
      subjects <- list.files(path) %>% setdiff(c("QC", "scripts", "stats", "analysis"))
    subject_frame <- data.frame(subject = subjects)
    results <-
      civet.getAllFilenames(gf = subject_frame, idvar = "subject", prefix = prefix, basedir = path, civetVersion = civetVersion, cnf = cnf)
    if(atlas %in% c("AAL", "DKT") & civetVersion %in% c("2.0.0", "2.1.0")){
      cversion <- sub("\\.[^.]$", "", civetVersion) #trim the final digit
      atlas <- 
        sprintf("civet_extras/CIVET_%s_%s_labels.txt", cversion, atlas) %>%
        system.file(package = "RMINC")
      results <- civet.readAllCivetFiles(atlas, results, civetVersion)
        results <- civet.flattenForDplyr(results, columnsToKeep = columnsToKeep)
      #prefix dirs if necessary
      dirs <- sapply(QCDir, function(d) sub("^([^/])", paste0(path, "/\\1"), d))
      qc <- civet.readQC(dirs, civetVersion)
      results <- full_join(results, qc, by = c("subject" = "ID"))

#' Assemble vertex files for a CIVET run
#' Locate the vertex thickness, area, and volume files for a CIVET run
#' @inheritParams civet.getAllFilenames
#' @return A data.frame containing left and right thickness, area, and volume files.
#' @export
civet.vertexFilenames <-
  function(gf, idvar, prefix, basedir, append=TRUE, civetVersion="1.1.9"){
    ids <- getElement(gf, idvar)
    thickness_files <-
      map_df(ids, function(id){ 
        civet.getFilenamesCorticalThickness(id, baseDir = basedir, civetVersion = civetVersion) %>%
      }) %>% 
      rename(left_thickness = .data$left
           , right_thickness = .data$right)
    area_files <-
      map_df(ids, function(id){ 
        civet.getFilenamesCorticalArea(id, baseDir = basedir, civetVersion = civetVersion) %>%
      }) %>% 
      rename(left_area = .data$left
           , right_area = .data$right)
    volume_files <-
      map_df(ids, function(id){ 
        civet.getFilenamesCorticalVolume(id, baseDir = basedir, civetVersion = civetVersion) %>%
      }) %>% 
      rename(left_volume = .data$left
           , right_volume = .data$right)
    bind_cols(data_frame(ids = ids)
              , thickness_files
              , area_files
              , volume_files)

#' Create a table of vertex measures
#' Read in the vertex data results of a CIVET run
#' @param vertex_files The data frame of vertex file names
#' produced by \link{civet.vertexFilenames}
#' @return A 6-element list of matrices:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{}
#' }
#' @export
civet.vertexTable <- function(vertex_files){
  columns_to_collect <- setdiff(names(vertex_files), "ids")
  column_syms <- lapply(columns_to_collect, as.symbol)
  n_vertices <- 
    getElement(vertex_files, columns_to_collect[1]) %>%
    .[!is.na(.)] %>%
    first %>%
    readLines %>%
  read_or_NAs <- 
           , rep(NA_real_, n_vertices)
           , as.numeric(readLines(file)))
  vertex_files %>%
    gather("measure", "file", !!!column_syms) %>%
    mutate(vertex_data = lapply(.data$file, read_or_NAs)) %>%
    arrange(.data$ids) %>%
    split(.$measure) %>%
      unlist(df$vertex_data) %>%
        matrix(ncol = nrow(df)) %>%

civet.AllROIs <- function(gf, defprefix) {
	# =============================================================================
	# Purpose: Ummmmm ..... 
	# Note: Original code written by Jason Lerch, I (Jim) just changed the name
	#		to use the new civet.* prefix.
	# =============================================================================
  tissues <- anatGetAll(gf$tissue, NULL, method="text",
  colnames(tissues) <- paste(colnames(tissues), "volume")

  structures <- anatGetAll(gf$structures, NULL, method="text",
                           defs=paste(defprefix, "/","lobe-seg-volumes.csv",
  colnames(structures) <- paste(colnames(structures), "volume")
  leftareas <- anatGetAll(gf$leftROIarea, NULL, method="text",
  colnames(leftareas) <- paste(colnames(leftareas), "surface area")
  rightareas <- anatGetAll(gf$rightROIarea, NULL,method="text",
  colnames(rightareas) <- paste(colnames(rightareas), "surface area")
  leftthickness <- anatGetAll(gf$leftROIthickness, NULL,method="text",
  colnames(leftthickness) <- paste(colnames(leftthickness), "mean thickness")
  rightthickness <- anatGetAll(gf$rightROIthickness, NULL,method="text",
  colnames(rightthickness) <- paste(colnames(rightthickness), "mean thickness")

  vols <- data.frame(tissues, structures, leftareas, rightareas, leftthickness, rightthickness)
# =============================================================================
# Purpose: 
#	Organizes CIVET .dat file based on an atlas
# Requires the atlas to be a csv file with a header and following the format
# Column 1: Numeric labels
# Column 3: Label Description
# Example:
#	atlasFile <- "AAL.csv"
#	dataFiles <- list of data files to organize
# =============================================================================
#' @title Organizes CIVET .dat files based on an Atlas
#' @description Uses an atlas to associate the measurement results in
#' the CIVET .dat output files with particular structures 
#' @param atlasFile Character path to a key to the atlas used when running civet.
#' the key should be a comma separated file with a header and the following form \cr
#' Column 1: Numeric label
#' Column 3: Corresponding structure
#' @param dataFiles character containing paths to .dat files of interest
#' typically generated with \link{civet.getAllFilenames}
#' @param civetVersion character code for the version of civet used to generate
#' the data files
civet.organizeCivetDatFilesAtlas <- function(atlasFile,dataFiles, civetVersion="1.1.12") {
  if(civetVersion == "1.1.12" || civetVersion == "1.1.9"){
    gf <- read.csv(atlasFile)
  } else {
    gf <- read.table(atlasFile, header = TRUE)
	numberOfFiles = length(dataFiles)
	roiTable = matrix(data=NA,nrow=length(gf[,1]),ncol=numberOfFiles/2)
	roiLabels = c()

	# Label rows with ROI labels
	for (i in 1:length(gf[,1])) { roiLabels[i] = as.character(gf[i,3])}
	rownames(roiTable) = roiLabels

	# Iterate through each file, look up ROI location and fill in  table
	for (j in 1:numberOfFiles)
		halfFiles = numberOfFiles / 2;
		if(j > halfFiles)
			columnIndex = j - numberOfFiles/2
			columnIndex = j;
		  data_file <- read.table(dataFiles[j]) %>% filter(.data$V1 != "Total")
			labels <- data_file$V1
			value <- data_file$V2
			labels = as.numeric(as.character(labels))
			value = as.numeric(as.character(value))
			for (i in 1:length(labels)) 
				roiName = as.character( gf[which(gf[,1] == labels[i],arr.ind=FALSE),3])
				tableIndex = which(rownames(roiTable) == roiName)
				roiTable[tableIndex,columnIndex] = value[i]

# =============================================================================
# Purpose: 
#  Organizes CIVET .dat file based on whole brain,grey and white volumes
# Example:
#	dataFiles <- list of data files to organize
# =============================================================================
civet.organizeCivetDatFilesWholeBrain<- function(dataFiles, civetVersion="1.1.12") {
  if(civetVersion == "2.0.0" || civetVersion == "2.1.0"){
    measure_names <- c("CSF", "GM", "WM", "scGM")
  } else {
    measure_names <- c("CSF", "GM", "WM")
  numberOfFiles = length(dataFiles)
  roiTable = matrix(data = NA, nrow = length(measure_names), ncol = numberOfFiles)
  rownames(roiTable) = measure_names
  for (j in 1:numberOfFiles)
      value = read.table(dataFiles[j])[,2]
      value = as.numeric(as.character(value))
      roiTable[,j] = value

# =============================================================================
# Purpose: 
#	Organizes CIVET .dat file based on mid, white and grey labels
# Example:
#	dataFiles <- list of data files to organize
# =============================================================================
civet.organizeCivetDatFilesMidWhiteGrey <- function(dataFiles, civetVersion="1.1.12") {

	numberOfFiles = length(dataFiles)
	roiTable = matrix(data=NA,nrow=6,ncol=numberOfFiles/2)
	rownames(roiTable) = c("leftGray", "leftWhite","leftMid","rightGray","rightWhite","rightMid")

	for (j in 1:numberOfFiles)
		halfFiles = numberOfFiles / 2;
		if(j > halfFiles)
			columnIndex = j - numberOfFiles/2
			rowIndex = 4;
			columnIndex = j;
			rowIndex = 1;

			value = read.table(dataFiles[j])[,4]
			value = as.numeric(as.character(value))
			if(length(value) == 3)
				roiTable[rowIndex:(rowIndex+2),columnIndex] = value

# =============================================================================
# Purpose: 
#	Organizes CIVET .txt file with vertex measures
# Example:
#	dataFiles <- list of data files to organize
# Note : Left Vertices are listed First
# =============================================================================
civet.organizeCivetTxtFilesVertex <- function(dataFiles) {

	numberOfFiles = length(dataFiles)
	roiTable = matrix(data=NA,nrow=40962*2,ncol=numberOfFiles/2)

	for (j in 1:numberOfFiles)
		halfFiles = numberOfFiles / 2;
		if(j > halfFiles)
			columnIndex = j - numberOfFiles/2
			rowIndex = 40963;
			columnIndex = j;
			rowIndex = 1;

			value = read.table(dataFiles[j])[,1]
			value = as.numeric(as.character(value))
			roiTable[rowIndex:(rowIndex+40961),columnIndex] = value


#' @description Parses outputs from CIVET pipeline 
#' @name civet.readAllCivetFiles
#' @title Read all CIVET files into R
#' @param gf Data Frame containing list of all CIVET file names, and where results will be stored
#' requires gf to have an element (column) called CIVETFILES which is a data.frame containing
#' paths to the civetFiles, typically generated with \link{civet.getAllFilenames}
#' @param atlasFile Character path to a key to the atlas used when running civet.
#' the key should be a comma separated file with a header and the following form \cr
#' Column 1: Numeric label \cr
#' Column 3: Corresponding structure
#' @param civetVersion The version of CIVET that produced the files.
#' @details Prior to running, civet.getAllFilenames may be called to generate the input argument gf .
#' This function will extract the following information from the CIVET pipeline: Lobe Area (40 mm),
#' Lobe Thickness, Lobe Volume, GI, Mid Surface Native Area, Surface Native Volume, Brain Volume Native RMS RSL tLink (20mm), Native RMS tLink (20 mm)
#' @return Returns gf augmented with additional columns containing 
#' \itemize{
#' \item{lobeArea40mm:}{ A subjects by region matrix of lobe areas parcellated by atlas region}
#' \item{lobeThickness:}{ As above, but for thicknesses}
#' \item{lobeVolume:}{ As above, but for volumes}
#' \item{GI:}{ A subjects by 6 matrix. 6 columns are left hemisphere gyrification indices for the gray matter 
#'  surface, white matter surface, midsurface of the two, followed by the same indices for the two}
#' \item{BrainVolume:}{ A subjects by 3 matrix. Three columns are CSF volume, grey matter 
#'  and white matter respectively}
#' \item{midSurfaceNativeArea:}{ A subjects by vertices matrix of mid-surface areas}
#' \item{SurfaceNativeVolume:}{ As above, but for native space volumes}
#' \item{nativeRMS_RSLtlink20mm:}{ As above, but for RMS_RSL tlink 20mm thicknesses}
#' \item{nativeRMStlink20mm:}{ As above, but for RMS tlink 20mm thicknesses}
#' }
#' @seealso  civet.getAllFilenames
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' getRMINCTestData() 
#' gf = read.csv("/tmp/rminctestdata/CIVET_TEST.csv")
#' gf = civet.getAllFilenames(gf,"ID","TEST","/tmp/rminctestdata/CIVET", TRUE, "1.1.12")
#' gf = civet.readAllCivetFiles("/tmp/rminctestdata/AAL.csv",gf)
#' }
#' @export
civet.readAllCivetFiles = function(atlasFile,gf, civetVersion = "1.1.12")
  if(civetVersion == "2.0.0" || civetVersion == "2.1.0"){
    civet_files <- gf
  } else {
    civet_files <- gf$CIVETFILES
	# = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
	# Lobe Area, Lobe Thickness, Lobe Volume
	# = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
	roiTable = civet.organizeCivetDatFilesAtlas(atlasFile,c(civet_files$leftlobeArea40mmFiles, civet_files$rightlobeArea40mmFiles), civetVersion = civetVersion)
	gf$lobeArea40mm = t(roiTable)

	roiTable = civet.organizeCivetDatFilesAtlas(atlasFile,c(civet_files$leftlobeThicknessFiles, civet_files$rightlobeThicknessFiles), civetVersion = civetVersion)
	gf$lobeThickness = t(roiTable)

	roiTable = civet.organizeCivetDatFilesAtlas(atlasFile,c(civet_files$leftlobeVolumeFiles, civet_files$rightlobeVolumeFiles), civetVersion = civetVersion)
	gf$lobeVolume = t(roiTable)

	# = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
	# GI
	# = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
	roiTable = civet.organizeCivetDatFilesMidWhiteGrey(c(civet_files$leftGIFiles, civet_files$rightGIFiles))	
	gf$GI = t(roiTable)
	# = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
	# Cerebral Volume
	# = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 
	#roiTable = civet.organizeCivetDatFilesWholeBrain(c(gf$CIVETFILES$cerebral_volume))  
	#gf$cerebralVolume = t(roiTable)
	# = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =civet.readAllCivetFiles
	# Brain Volume
	# = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 
	roiTable = civet.organizeCivetDatFilesWholeBrain(c(civet_files$brain_volume), civetVersion = civetVersion)  
	gf$BrainVolume = t(roiTable)
	# = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
	# Vertex based Measures
	# = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
	roiTable = civet.organizeCivetTxtFilesVertex(c(civet_files$midSurfaceleftNativeArea, civet_files$midSurfacerightNativeArea))
	gf$midSurfaceNativeArea = t(roiTable)
	roiTable = civet.organizeCivetTxtFilesVertex(c(civet_files$SurfaceleftNativeVolume, civet_files$SurfacerightNativeVolume))
	gf$SurfaceNativeVolume = t(roiTable)
	if(civetVersion == "1.1.12"){
	  roiTable = civet.organizeCivetTxtFilesVertex(c(civet_files$nativeRMS_RSLtlink20mmleft, civet_files$nativeRMS_RSLtlink20mmright))
	  gf$nativeRMS_RSLtlink20mm = t(roiTable)
	} else {
	  roiTable = civet.organizeCivetTxtFilesVertex(c(civet_files$nativeRMS_RSLtlink_left, civet_files$nativeRMS_RSLtlink_right))
	  gf$nativeRMS_RSLtlink20mm = t(roiTable)
	if(civetVersion == "1.1.12"){
	  roiTable = civet.organizeCivetTxtFilesVertex(c(civet_files$nativeRMStlink20mmleft, civet_files$nativeRMStlink20mmright))
	  gf$nativeRMStlink20mm= t(roiTable)
	} else {
	  roiTable = civet.organizeCivetTxtFilesVertex(c(civet_files$nativeRMStlink_left, civet_files$nativeRMStlink_right))
	  gf$nativeRMStlink20mm= t(roiTable)


#' Read Civet-Generated Dat Files
#' Returns a list containing the contents of various Civet-generated text files
#' (.dat, .txt).
#' The Civet pipeline produces a number of files during its execution.  The
#' purpose of this function is to read the contents of these files and return
#' the most significant values in a list.
#' @param scanID A string specifying the unique scan-id (and thus
#' sub-directory) within the Civet root output directory.
#' @param baseDir A string specifying the Civet root output directory.  This
#' directory will, in turn, contain all of the scanIDs.
#' @param civetVersion An optional string specifying the version of Civet used
#' to create the output.  This is significant since filenames and directory
#' structures may change across difference versions of Civet.
#' @return A list is returned containing the following components:
#' \item{native_tissue_volumes}{The volumes, in cubic millimeters, of the 3
#' primary classification components. Note that the values that are returned
#' reflect the volumes within the \bold{native} brain.  These values are
#' computed by dividing the stereotactic volume values by a re-scaling factor
#' comprised of xScale * yScale * zScale (as defined in the linear xfm file).}
#' \item{gyrification_index}{The gyrification index is computed per hemisphere
#' and reflects the degree of gyrification at the cortical surface.  Value are
#' computed by dividing the cortical gray matter area by the area of a convex
#' (smooth) hull over the same area.  This computation will always yield a
#' number greater than 1, with larger numbers indicating greater gyrification.}
#' \item{native_cerebral_volumes}{While 3 values are returned, only one is a
#' particular use.  The value labeled ``cortical_gray'' reflects the volume of
#' all cortical gray matter in the native space brain.  The
#' ``extra_cerebral_csf'' value reflects the volume of all extra-cerebral csf
#' (i.e., that at the cortical surface and within the sulci), and the
#' ``wmSurface_plus_contents'' value reflects the volume of the white matter
#' surface and the volume of all components encapsulated by that surface. All
#' volume measurements are relative to the \bold{native} space brain.}
#' \item{quality_control}{Most of these values are only of interest to the
#' Civet developers.  The values labelled ``classify_qc'' reflect the
#' proportion of the various components identified by tissue classification.
#' As these values are percentages, they are applicable to both native and
#' stereotactic space.}
#' @author Jim Nikelski \email{nikelski@@bic.mni.mcgill.ca}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(RMINC)
#' # set Civet root path and scan-identifier
#' basePath <- "~/tmp/ADNI/civet/pipeOut"
#' scanID = "0221-M-AD"
#' # read in the dat files contents
#' myDats <- civet.readCivetDatFiles(scanID, basePath)
#' print(myDats)
#' # print GI info
#' print(myDats$gyrification_index)
#' print(myDats$gyrification_index["lh"])
#' # print and extract cortical volume
#' print(myDats$native_cerebral_volumes)
#' native_space_cortical_gray_volume <- myDats$native_cerebral_volumes["cortical_gray", "volume"]
#' print(native_space_cortical_gray_volume)
#' }
civet.readCivetDatFiles <- function(scanID, baseDir, civetVersion="1.1.9") {
	# check whether the Civet version has been tested
	# create the scan-level root dir name
	baseDir <- path.expand(baseDir)
	scanRoot <- file.path(baseDir, scanID)
	# init returning list
	return_list <-list()
	# = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
	# load the tissue classify volume info
	# get a list of matching filenames in the classify dir, and return
	subDir <- file.path(scanRoot, 'classify')
	myFile <- list.files(subDir, pattern=glob2rx("*_cls_volumes.dat"))
	myFile_fullPath <- file.path(subDir, myFile)
	myDf <- read.table(myFile_fullPath,
	row.names=c("csf", "gm", "wm"),
	col.names=c("tissueType_code", "volume"))
	return_list$native_tissue_volumes <- myDf

	# = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
	# load gyrification indices
	# get a list of matching filenames in the classify dir, and return
	subDir <- file.path(scanRoot, 'surfaces')
	# ... left
	gi_left_file <- list.files(subDir, pattern=glob2rx("*_gi_left.dat"))
	gi_left_file_fullPath <- file.path(subDir, gi_left_file)
	gi_left.df <- read.table(gi_left_file_fullPath)
	# ... right
	gi_right_file <- list.files(subDir, pattern=glob2rx("*_gi_right.dat"))
	gi_right_file_fullPath <- file.path(subDir, gi_right_file)
	gi_right.df <- read.table(gi_right_file_fullPath)
	return_list$gyrification_index <- c(lh=gi_left.df[1,3], rh=gi_right.df[1,3]) 

	# = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
	# load the cerebral volume info
	# get a list of matching filenames in the classify dir, and return
	subDir <- file.path(scanRoot, 'thickness')
	cerebral_volumes <- list.files(subDir, pattern=glob2rx("*_cerebral_volume.dat"))
	cerebral_volumes_fullPath <- file.path(subDir, cerebral_volumes)
	cerebral_volumes.df <- read.table(cerebral_volumes_fullPath, 
	row.names=c("extra_cerebral_csf", "cortical_gray", "wmSurface_plus_contents"),
	col.names=c("code", "volume"))
	return_list$native_cerebral_volumes <- cerebral_volumes.df

	# = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
	# load the percentage values from the verify subdir
	# create containing list
	quality_control <- list()
	# (A) Load *_brainmask_qc.txt
	#	e.g., "native skull mask in stx space (11.77%)"
	# get a list of matching filenames in the classify dir, and return
	subDir <- file.path(scanRoot, 'verify')
	verify_qc <- list.files(subDir, pattern=glob2rx("*_brainmask_qc.txt"))
	verify_qc_fullPath <- file.path(subDir, verify_qc)
	# ... open file connection, read 1 line, then close()
	verify_qc.con <- file(verify_qc_fullPath, open="rt")
	txtLine <- readLines(verify_qc.con, n=1)
	# ... extract the percentage value
	ndx <- regexpr("[[:digit:]]+.[[:digit:]]+", txtLine)
	pctValue <- substr(txtLine, ndx, ndx-1+attr(ndx, "match.length"))
	pctValue <- as.numeric(pctValue)
	quality_control$brainmask_qc <- pctValue

	# (B) Load *_classify_qc.txt
	#	e.g., "classified image CSF 15.01%  GM 47.86%  WM 37.13%"
	# get a list of matching filenames in the classify dir, and return
	subDir <- file.path(scanRoot, 'verify')
	verify_qc <- list.files(subDir, pattern=glob2rx("*_classify_qc.txt"))
	verify_qc_fullPath <- file.path(subDir, verify_qc)
	# ... open file connection, read 1 line, then close()
	verify_qc.con <- file(verify_qc_fullPath, open="rt")
	txtLine <- readLines(verify_qc.con, n=1)
	# init receiving data.frame
	classify.df <- data.frame(pct=rep(0,3), row.names=c("csf", "gm", "wm"))
	# ... extract the indices to the percentage values
	ndx <- gregexpr("[[:digit:]]+.[[:digit:]]+", txtLine)
	csf_ndx <- c(ndx[[1]][1], 
	             ndx[[1]][1] - 1 + attr(ndx[[1]], "match.length")[1])

	gm_ndx <- c(ndx[[1]][2], 
	             ndx[[1]][2] - 1 + attr(ndx[[1]], "match.length")[2])

	wm_ndx <- c(ndx[[1]][3], 
	             ndx[[1]][3] - 1 + attr(ndx[[1]], "match.length")[3])
	# ... extract and store the values
	csf_pct <- substr(txtLine, csf_ndx[1], csf_ndx[2])
	classify.df["csf", "pct"] <- as.numeric(csf_pct)
	gm_pct <- substr(txtLine, gm_ndx[1], gm_ndx[2])
	classify.df["gm", "pct"] <- as.numeric(gm_pct)
	wm_pct <- substr(txtLine, wm_ndx[1], wm_ndx[2])
	classify.df["wm", "pct"] <- as.numeric(wm_pct)
	quality_control$classify_qc <- classify.df

	# (C) Load *_surface_qc.txt
	#	e.g., "white surface ( 8.06%), gray surface (10.03%)"
	# get a list of matching filenames in the classify dir, and return
	subDir <- file.path(scanRoot, 'verify')
	verify_qc <- list.files(subDir, pattern=glob2rx("*_surface_qc.txt"))
	verify_qc_fullPath <- file.path(subDir, verify_qc)
	# ... open file connection, read 1 line, then close()
	verify_qc.con <- file(verify_qc_fullPath, open="rt")
	txtLine <- readLines(verify_qc.con, n=1)
	# init receiving data.frame
	surface.df <- data.frame(pct=rep(0,2), row.names=c("gm", "wm"))
	# ... extract the indices to the percentage values
	ndx <- gregexpr("[[:digit:]]+.[[:digit:]]+", txtLine)
	wm_ndx <- c(ndx[[1]][1], 
	             ndx[[1]][1] - 1 + attr(ndx[[1]], "match.length")[1])

	gm_ndx <- c(ndx[[1]][2], 
	             ndx[[1]][2] - 1 + attr(ndx[[1]], "match.length")[2])
	# ... extract and store the values
	gm_pct <- substr(txtLine, gm_ndx[1], gm_ndx[2])
	surface.df["gm", "pct"] <- as.numeric(gm_pct)
	wm_pct <- substr(txtLine, wm_ndx[1], wm_ndx[2])
	surface.df["wm", "pct"] <- as.numeric(wm_pct)
	quality_control$surface_qc <- surface.df
	return_list$quality_control <- quality_control

	# return final list


#' Compute GM, WM, and CSF Tissue Volumes
#' Returns a named vector of tissue volumes.
#' Actually, this function really returns the number of voxels of each tissue
#' type contained within the final discrete Civet-produced classification
#' volume. Now, given that Civet volumes are currently sampled using 1-mm
#' isotropic voxels, the voxel count value should also reflect the volume in
#' cubic millimeters. If this ever changes, we're going to have to make a minor
#' change in this function. Please let me know if this ever happens. The native
#' volume measurements are created by taking the stereotactic volumes and
#' dividing each of them by the xfm-derived rescaling factor.
#' @param scanID A string specifying the unique scan-id (and thus
#' sub-directory) within the Civet root output directory.
#' @param baseDir A string specifying the Civet root output directory.  This
#' directory will, in turn, contain all of the scanIDs.
#' @param civetVersion An optional string specifying the version of Civet used
#' to create the output.  This is significant since filenames and directory
#' structures may change across difference versions of Civet.
#' @return A named vector containing a value for each of the 3 tissue types.
#' @author Jim Nikelski \email{nikelski@@bic.mni.mcgill.ca}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(RMINC)
#' # set Civet root path and scan-identifier
#' basePath <- "~/tmp/ADNI/civet/pipeOut"
#' scanID = "0221-M-AD"
#' # print gray matter volume in stereotactic space
#' stx_cls_vec <- civet.computeStxTissueVolumes(scanID, baseDir)
#' print(stx_cls_vec["gm"])
#' # print csf volume in native space
#' native_cls_vec <- civet.computeNativeTissueVolumes(scanID, baseDir)
#' print(native_cls_vec["csf"])
#' }
#' @name civet.computeTissueVolumes

#' @describeIn civet.computeTissueVolumes standard space
#' @export
civet.computeStxTissueVolumes <- function(scanID, baseDir, civetVersion="1.1.9") {
	# check whether the Civet version has been tested
	# get a list of matching filenames in the classify dir, and return
	baseDir <- path.expand(baseDir)
	scanRoot <- file.path(baseDir, scanID)

	# get classify volume name
	filename <- civet.getFilenameClassify(scanID, baseDir)
	cls_vol <- mincGetVolume(filename)

	# explode classify into components
	clsX <- volume.explodeLabelVolume(cls_vol, civetLabels=TRUE)
	# store elements into named vector
	cls_vec <- numeric(3)
	names(cls_vec) <- c("csf", "gm", "wm")
	cls_vec["csf"] <- sum(clsX$csf)
	cls_vec["gm"] <- sum(clsX$gm)
	cls_vec["wm"] <- sum(clsX$wm)

#' @describeIn civet.computeTissueVolumes native space
#' @export
civet.computeNativeTissueVolumes <- function(scanID, baseDir, civetVersion="1.1.9") {
  # check whether the Civet version has been tested
  # get a list of matching filenames in the classify dir, and return
  baseDir <- path.expand(baseDir)
  scanRoot <- file.path(baseDir, scanID)
  # get vector of tissue volumes in stx space first
  cls_vec <- civet.computeStxTissueVolumes(scanID, baseDir)
  # compute the global rescaling factor
  scaling_factor <- civet.computeNativeToStxRescalingFactor(scanID, baseDir)
  # divide the stx volumes by the scaling factor
  cls_vec <- cls_vec / scaling_factor
  # return

#' Compute Native to Stereotactic Rescaling Factor
#' Returns a single float scalar reflecting a global rescaling factor needed to
#' transform the native image to stereotactic space.
#' XFM files contain information to transform a given volume to a model. In the
#' case of Civet and rescaling, the XFM contains the rescaling factors (x,y,z)
#' needed to transform the Native volume to the model, which currently, is
#' usually the symmetrical icbm-152 model.
#' This functuon serves to compute a global rescaling factor by reading the
#' individual x,y,z rescales from the linear XFM, and returning the product.
#' Interpretation of rescaling factors: 
#' \itemize{ 
#' \item{rescale > 1.0 The native brain is \emph{expanded} to fit model} 
#' \item{rescale < 1.0 The native brain is \emph{reduced} to fit model}
#' }
#' @param scanID A string specifying the unique scan-id (and thus
#' sub-directory) within the Civet root output directory.
#' @param baseDir A string specifying the Civet root output directory.  This
#' directory will, in turn, contain all of the scanIDs.
#' @param civetVersion An optional string specifying the version of Civet used
#' to create the output.  This is significant since filenames and directory
#' structures may change across difference versions of Civet.
#' @return A scalar float reflecting the rescaling factor is returned.
#' @author Jim Nikelski \email{nikelski@@bic.mni.mcgill.ca}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(RMINC)
#' # set Civet root path and scan-identifier
#' basePath <- "~/tmp/ADNI/civet/pipeOut"
#' scanID = "0221-M-AD"
#' # compute the global rescaling factor
#' rescale <- civet.computeNativeToStxRescalingFactor(scanID, basePath)
#' print(rescale)
#' }
#' @export
civet.computeNativeToStxRescalingFactor <- function(scanID, baseDir, civetVersion="1.1.9") {
	# check whether the Civet version has been tested
	# read linear xfm file
	xfmFilename <- civet.getFilenameLinearTransform(scanID, baseDir)
	xfm.df <- rminc.readLinearXfmFile(xfmFilename)
	# compute global linear scaling factor
	scaling_factor <- prod(xfm.df["scale",])
	# return

#' Create a brain view file
#' Creates a text file that can be loaded into brain-view2
#' @param dataFile Either the name of a file with atlas labeling or an R array with atlas labeling
#' @param atlasFile Text file with map between atlas labels and numbers
#' @param atlasVertices Text file with map between vertex points and atlas numbers
#' @param outputFileName path to file where output will be saved 
#' @param civetVersion Version of CIVET used (Default 1.1.12)
#' @details
#' This function will create a txt file that can be loaded into brain-view2, in order to 
#' visualize the results from CIVET. This function either accepts a text file or R variable as input. 
#' If using an R variable the rows/columns must be labeled with the Atlas Names. 
#' The names are then matched to numbers as given by the AtlasFile, and then the numbers are 
#' matched to vertices in the AtlasVertexFile. 
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' gf = read.csv("~/SubjectTable.csv") 
#' civet.getAllFilenames(gf,"ID","ABC123","~/CIVET", TRUE, "1.1.12") 
#' gf = civet.readAllCivetFiles("~/Atlases/AAL/AAL.csv",gf)
#' civet.CreateBrainViewFile(gf$lobeThickness[1,],
#'                           "/Atlases/AAL/AAL.csv",
#'                           "/Atlases/AAL/AAL_atlas_left.txt",
#'                           "leftLobeThickness.txt")
#' }
#' @export
civet.CreateBrainViewFile = function(dataFile,atlasFile,atlasVertices,outputFileName,civetVersion="1.1.12") {

vertices = read.csv(atlasVertices,header=FALSE)
AALAtlas = read.csv(atlasFile)
reducedVertices = vertices[1:40962,1]
roiObj =  rep(0,length(reducedVertices))

#Input is a string specifying a file

	dataTable = read.table(dataFile)
	for (j in 1:dim(dataTable)[1])
		reducedVerticesIndices = which(reducedVertices == dataTable[j,1],arr.ind=FALSE)
		roiObj[reducedVerticesIndices] = dataTable[j,2]

#Input is a variablepmatch(names(dataFile[j],AALAtlas[,3])
	for (j in 1:length(dataFile))
		atlasIndex = pmatch(names(dataFile[j]),AALAtlas[,3])
		reducedVerticesIndices = which(reducedVertices == AALAtlas[atlasIndex,1],arr.ind=FALSE)
		roiObj[reducedVerticesIndices] = dataFile[j]
write.table(roiObj,outputFileName,FALSE,TRUE," ","\n","NA",".",FALSE,FALSE)

#' @description Create a brainview file of a specific ROI
#' @title civet.CreateBrainViewROI
#' @param atlasFile File with Atlas label (string-label(int)) mappings
#' @param atlasVertices File with vertex label(int) mappings
#' @param region Region to plot -> Must match name in atlas file exactly
#' @param civetVersion Version of CIVET 
#' @details Create a .txt file that can be overlaid unto the model template (usually in the CIVET models directory)
#' Currently only CIVET version 1.1.12 is supported.
#' @seealso civet.CreateBrainViewFile
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' getRMINCTestData() 
#' civet.CreateBrainViewROI("/tmp/rminctestdata/AAL.csv",
#'                          "/tmp/rminctestdata/AAL_atlas_left.txt",
#'                          "Left Insula")
#' q()
#' #(The .txt file is written in the working directory and can be viewed via the command)
#' #brain-view2 $CIVET_DIR/models/surf_reg_model_left.obj ./LeftInsula.txt
#' }
#' @export
civet.CreateBrainViewROI <- function(atlasFile,atlasVertices,region,civetVersion="1.1.12") {
	if ( civetVersion != "1.1.12" ) {
		warning(sprintf("This function has not been tested with Civet version %s. Use at your own risk.", civetVersion), immediate.=TRUE)

	vertices = read.csv(atlasVertices,header=FALSE)
	AALAtlas = read.csv(atlasFile)
	reducedVertices = vertices[1:40962,1]
	roiObj =  rep(0,length(reducedVertices))
	# Find index of ROI
	roiIndex <- which(AALAtlas[,3] == region)
	# Match against label
	roiLabel <- which(reducedVertices == AALAtlas[roiIndex,1],arr.ind=FALSE)
	# Fill in label
	roiObj[roiLabel] = 1

	# Write out (remove spaces)
	write.table(roiObj,gsub(" ","",paste(region,".txt",sep="")),FALSE,TRUE,"","\n","NA",".",FALSE,FALSE)

#'@title Flatten CIVET results for dplyr
#'Convert the data.frame/Matrix/list fusion object produced by civet.readAllCivetFiles
#'to a data.frame usable with dplyr etc.
#'@param civetResults A data.frame produced by \link{civet.readAllCivetFiles}
#'@param columnsToKeep vector of column names or indices of columns from the original
#'frame to copy to the normalized table. Columns not produced by \link{civet.readAllCivetFiles}
#'and not specified here are dropped. See details
#'@details The columnsToKeep vector needs to include the subject identifier or it will be
#'dropped. Ideally other columns in the vector should be proper vector/list columns compatible
#'with dplyr
#'@return data.frame containing results of \link{civet.readAllCivetFiles}, all sub-data.frames
#'and matrices are expanded, non-standard characters in column names are replaced with underscores,
#'and a prefix denoting the origin sub-data is given.  
civet.flattenForDplyr <-
  function(civetResults, columnsToKeep){
    cleanAndPrefixColNames <- 
        matrixName <- deparse(substitute(mat))
        colnames(mat) %>% 
          gsub("[ [:punct:]]+", "_", .) %>%
          gsub("^_|_$", "", .) %>%
          paste(matrixName, ., sep = "_")
    normalized_frame <- civetResults[ , columnsToKeep, drop = FALSE]
    lobeArea40mm <- civetResults$lobeArea40mm
    colnames(lobeArea40mm) <- cleanAndPrefixColNames(lobeArea40mm)
    lobeArea40mm <- lobeArea40mm %>% as.data.frame

    lobeThickness <- civetResults$lobeThickness
    colnames(lobeThickness) <- cleanAndPrefixColNames(lobeThickness)
    lobeThickness <- lobeThickness %>% as.data.frame
    lobeVolume <- civetResults$lobeVolume
    colnames(lobeVolume) <- cleanAndPrefixColNames(lobeVolume)
    lobeVolume <- lobeVolume %>% as.data.frame
    GI <- civetResults$GI
    colnames(GI) <- cleanAndPrefixColNames(GI)
    GI <- GI %>% as.data.frame
    BrainVolume <- civetResults$BrainVolume
    colnames(BrainVolume) <- cleanAndPrefixColNames(BrainVolume)
    BrainVolume <- BrainVolume %>% as.data.frame
    midSurfaceNativeArea <- civetResults$midSurfaceNativeArea
    midSurfaceNativeArea <- 
      lapply(1:nrow(midSurfaceNativeArea), function(i) midSurfaceNativeArea[i,])
    surfaceNativeVolume <- civetResults$SurfaceNativeVolume
    surfaceNativeVolume <-
      lapply(1:nrow(surfaceNativeVolume), function(i) surfaceNativeVolume[i,])
    nativeRMS_RSLtlink20mm <- civetResults$nativeRMS_RSLtlink20mm
    nativeRMS_RSLtlink20mm <-
      lapply(1:nrow(nativeRMS_RSLtlink20mm), function(i) nativeRMS_RSLtlink20mm[i,])
    nativeRMStlink20mm <- civetResults$nativeRMStlink20mm
    nativeRMStlink20mm <-
      lapply(1:nrow(nativeRMStlink20mm), function(i) nativeRMStlink20mm[i,])
    normalized_frame <-
      normalized_frame %>%
      bind_cols(lobeArea40mm, lobeVolume, lobeThickness, GI, BrainVolume) %>%
      mutate(midSurfaceNativeArea = midSurfaceNativeArea
             , surfaceNativeVolume = surfaceNativeVolume
             , nativeRMS_RSLtlink20mm = nativeRMS_RSLtlink20mm
             , nativeRMStlink20mm = nativeRMStlink20mm)
      #mutate(midSurfaceNativeArea, nativeRMS_RSLtlink20mm, nativeRMStlink20mm)

#' Read CIVET QC data
#' After running the CIVET quality control pipeline, import the results
#' @param dir The CIVET QC directory, or vector of directories 
#' @param civetVersion the version of CIVET used, currently only supports
#' 1.1.12, 2.0.0, 2.1.0
#' @return A table of QC results including whether or not the subjects passed
#' overall quality control. See \url{http://www.bic.mni.mcgill.ca/ServicesSoftware/QualityControlCIVET12}
#' for more details.
#' @export
civet.readQC <-
  function(dir, civetVersion="1.1.12"){
    if(!civetVersion %in% c("1.1.12", "2.0.0", "2.1.0")){
      warning("Unsure how to deal with QC results for civet version: ", civetVersion,
              "\n trying 1.1.12 approach")
    qc_gatherer <-
             , "2.0.0" = civet_qc_2_0_0
             , "2.1.0" = civet_qc_2_1_0
             , civet_qc_1_1_12)
    map_df(dir, qc_gatherer)

civet_qc_1_1_12 <- 
    qc_file <- 
      list.files(dir, full.names = TRUE) %>%
      grep("\\.glm", ., value = TRUE)
    if(length(qc_file) == 0) stop("No QC data found")
    if(length(qc_file) > 1) stop("More than one results table found, aborting")
    qc_res <- 
      read.table(qc_file, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)[,1:24] %>%
      setNames(c("ID", "x-step", "y-step", "z-step", "StxMaskErr", "CSFcls", 
                 "GMcls", "WMcls", "GMCortical", "WMsurf", "GMsurf", "SRLeft", 
                 "SRRight", "SSLeft", "SSRight", "MeanCTLeft", "MeanCTRight", 
                 "MeanWM-T1", "StdDevWM-T1", "MeanGM-T1", "StdDevGM-T1", "GIleft", 
                 "GIright", "GIfull")) %>%
        CSFcls_score   = ifelse(between(.data$CSFcls, 15, 80), "good", "med"),
        GMcls_score    = ifelse(between(.data$GMcls, 15, 80), "good", "med"),
        WMcls_score    = ifelse(between(.data$WMcls, 15, 80), "good", "med"),
        WMsurf_score   = rate_cutoffs(.data$WMsurf, 10, 20),
        GMsurf_score   = rate_cutoffs(.data$GMsurf, 10, 20),
        SRLeft_score   = rate_cutoffs(.data$SRLeft, 250, 500),
        SRRight_score  = rate_cutoffs(.data$SRRight, 250, 500),
        SSLeft_score   = rate_cutoffs(.data$SSLeft, 250, 500),
        SSRight_score  = rate_cutoffs(.data$SSRight, 250, 500)
      ) %>%
        rowwise(.) %>% 
          do(QC_PASS = 
               as_data_frame(.) %>%
               select(matches("_score")) %>% 
               unlist %>%
               `!=`("bad") %>%
               all) %>%
          mutate(QC_PASS = unlist(.$dataQC_PASS))

## CIVET QC helpers
rate_cutoffs <- 
  function(x, med, bad){
    case_when(x > bad ~ "bad"
              , x > med ~ "medium"
              , TRUE ~ "good")

rate_symmetric <-
    abs_diff_score <- abs(x - median(x)) / sd(x)
    rate_cutoffs(abs_diff_score, 2, 3)

rate_one_sided <-
    diff_score <- (x - median(x)) / sd(x)
    rate_cutoffs(diff_score, 2, 3)

civet_qc_2_0_0 <- 
    qc_file <- 
      list.files(dir, full.names = TRUE) %>%
      grep("civet.*\\.csv", ., value = TRUE)
    if(length(qc_file) == 0) stop("No QC data found")
    if(length(qc_file) > 1) stop("More than one results table found, aborting")
    qc_res <- 
      read.csv(qc_file, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, skip = 1, header = FALSE) %>%
      .[,1:23] %>%
      setNames(readLines(qc_file, n = 1) %>% strsplit(., ",") %>% first)

    qc_res %>%
      mutate(mask_score     = rate_one_sided(.data$MASK_ERROR)
           , CSFcls_score   = rate_symmetric(.data$CSF_PERCENT)
           , GMcls_score    = rate_symmetric(.data$GM_PERCENT)
           , WMcls_score    = rate_symmetric(.data$WM_PERCENT)
           , SRLeft_score   = rate_cutoffs(.data$LEFT_INTER, 50, 100)
           , SRRight_score  = rate_cutoffs(.data$RIGHT_INTER, 50, 100)
           , SSLeft_score   = rate_cutoffs(.data$LEFT_SURF_SURF, 50, 100)
           , SSRight_score  = rate_cutoffs(.data$RIGHT_SURF_SURF, 50, 100)
      ) %>%
        rowwise(.) %>%
          do(QC_PASS =
               as_data_frame(.) %>%
               select(matches("_score")) %>%
               unlist %>%
               `!=`("bad") %>%
               all) %>%
          mutate(QC_PASS = unlist(.data$QC_PASS))

civet_qc_2_1_0 <- 

    qc_file <- 
      list.files(dir, full.names = TRUE) %>%
      grep("civet.*\\.csv", ., value = TRUE)
    if(length(qc_file) == 0) stop("No QC data found")
    if(length(qc_file) > 1) stop("More than one results table found, aborting")
    rate_by_sd <-
        abs_z_score <- abs(scale(x))
        case_when(abs_z_score > 2 ~ "bad"
                  , abs_z_score > 1 ~ "medium"
                  , TRUE ~ "good")
    qc_res <- 
      read.csv(qc_file, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    qc_res %>%
      mutate(mask_score     = rate_one_sided(.data$MASK_ERROR)
           , CSFcls_score   = rate_symmetric(.data$CSF_PERCENT)
           , GMcls_score    = rate_symmetric(.data$GM_PERCENT)
           , WMcls_score    = rate_symmetric(.data$WM_PERCENT)
           , SRLeft_score   = rate_cutoffs(.data$LEFT_INTER, 50, 100)
           , SRRight_score  = rate_cutoffs(.data$RIGHT_INTER, 50, 100)
           , SSLeft_score   = rate_cutoffs(.data$LEFT_SURF_SURF, 50, 100)
           , SSRight_score  = rate_cutoffs(.data$RIGHT_SURF_SURF, 50, 100)
      ) %>%
        rowwise(.) %>%
          do(QC_PASS =
               as_data_frame(.) %>%
               select(matches("_score")) %>%
               unlist %>%
               `!=`("bad") %>%
               all) %>%
          mutate(QC_PASS = unlist(.data$QC_PASS))
Mouse-Imaging-Centre/RMINC documentation built on Nov. 12, 2022, 1:50 p.m.