
Defines functions thresholds.minc_randomization print.mincTFCE_randomization print.mincLm_randomization mincRandomize_core mincTFCE.mincLm mincRandomize.mincLm mincRandomize getCall.mincLm mincTFCE.mincMultiDim mincTFCE.matrix mincTFCE.mincSingleDim mincTFCE mincWilcoxon mincPairedTtest mincTtest mincLm mincLm_c_wrapper mincAnova voxel_anova_wrapper mincApply mincApplyRCPP mincCorrelation mincSd mincSum mincVar mincMean mincSummary

Documented in mincAnova mincApply mincApplyRCPP mincCorrelation mincLm mincMean mincPairedTtest mincRandomize mincRandomize.mincLm mincSd mincSum mincSummary mincTFCE mincTFCE.matrix mincTFCE.mincLm mincTFCE.mincMultiDim mincTFCE.mincSingleDim mincTtest mincVar mincWilcoxon thresholds.minc_randomization

#' Minc Voxel Summary Functions
#' Compute the mean, standard deviation, sum, or variance at every voxel across a
#' a set of MINC volumes.
#' An optional grouping variable will split the computation by group
#' rather than performing it across all volumes as is the default.
#' @param filenames Filenames of the MINC volumes across which to create the
#' descriptive statistic.
#' @param grouping Optional grouping - contains same number of elements as
#' filenames; the results will then have the descriptive
#' statistic computed separately for each group, or in the case of method = "correlation"
#' this is the variable to correlate against.
#' @param mask A mask specifying which voxels are to be included in the
#' summary.
#' @param maskval the value in the mask used to select unmasked voxels, 
#' defaults to any positive intensity from 1-99999999 internally expanded to
#' .5 - 99999999.5. If a number is specified voxels with intensities 
#' within 0.5 of the chosen value are considered selected.
#' @param method the type of summarys statistic to calculate for each voxel 
#' @return  The output will be a single vector containing as many
#'          elements as there are voxels in the input files. If a
#'          grouping factor was specified then the output will be a
#'          matrix consisiting of as many rows as there were voxels in
#'          the files, and as many columns as there were groups.
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#' getRMINCTestData() 
#' gf <- read.csv("/tmp/rminctestdata/minc_summary_test_data.csv") 
#' mm <- mincMean(gf$jacobians_0.2) 
#' ms <- mincSd(gf$jacobians_0.2)
#' mv <- mincVar(gf$jacobians_0.2,gf$Strain) 
#' ms2 <- mincSum(gf$jacobians_0.2,gf$Strain)
#' }
#' @export
mincSummary <- function(filenames, grouping=NULL, mask=NULL, method="mean", maskval=NULL) {
  if (is.null(grouping)) {
    grouping <- rep(1, length(filenames))
  if (is.null(maskval)) {
    minmask = 1
    maxmask = 99999999
  else {
    minmask = maskval
    maxmask = maskval
  result <- .Call("minc2_model",
                  as.double(! is.null(mask)),
                  NULL, NULL,
                  as.character(method), PACKAGE="RMINC")
  attr(result, "likeVolume") <- as.character(filenames[1])
  attr(result, "filenames") <- as.character(filenames)
  if (is.null(grouping)) {
    class(result) <- c("mincSingleDim", "numeric")
  else {
    class(result) <- c("mincMultiDim", "matrix")
    if(!grepl("t-test",method) && !grepl("correlation",method) && !grepl("wilcoxon",method)) {
      colnames(result) <- levels(grouping)

#' @describeIn mincSummary mean
#' @export
mincMean <- function(filenames, grouping=NULL, mask=NULL, maskval=NULL) {
  result <- mincSummary(filenames, grouping, mask, method="mean", maskval=maskval)

#' @describeIn mincSummary Variance
#' @export
mincVar <- function(filenames, grouping=NULL, mask=NULL, maskval=NULL) {
  result <- mincSummary(filenames, grouping, mask, method="var", maskval=maskval)

#' @describeIn mincSummary Sum
#' @export
mincSum <- function(filenames, grouping=NULL, mask=NULL, maskval=NULL) {
  result <- mincSummary(filenames, grouping, mask, method="sum", maskval=maskval)

#' @describeIn mincSummary Standard Deviation
#' @export
mincSd <- function(filenames, grouping=NULL, mask=NULL, maskval=NULL) {
  result <- mincSummary(filenames, grouping, mask, method="var", maskval=maskval)
  result <- sqrt(result)

#' @describeIn mincSummary Correlation
#' @export 
mincCorrelation <- function(filenames, grouping, mask=NULL, maskval=NULL) {
  result <- mincSummary(filenames, grouping, mask, method="correlation", maskval=maskval)

#' Perform Arbitrary calculations on a collection of mincVolumes
#' An RCPP variant of \link{mincApply}, the primary advantage being
#' that functions of an arbitrary number of arguments can be passed
#' to mincApplyRCPP.
#' @param filenames The name of the files to apply over
#' @param fun the function to apply
#' @param ... additional parameters to fun
#' @param mask a numeric mask vector
#' @param maskval An integer specifying the value inside the mask where to
#' apply the function. If left blank (the default) then anything
#' above 0.5 will be considered inside the mask. This argument
#' only works for mincApply, not pMincApply.
#' @param filter_masked Whether or not to remove the masked values
#' from the resultant object
#' @param slab_sizes a three element numeric vector indicating the size
#' in voxels of the hyperslab to read for each file. Useful for managing
#' memory use - larger slabs are faster but require more memory. Sizes
#' must be an even factor of their respective volume dimensions.
#' @param return_indices Whether to return the voxel positions of the results
#' generally for internal use only.
#' @param collate A function to (potentially) collapse the result list
#' examples include link{unlist} and \link{simplify2array}, defaulting
#' to \link{simplify2minc} which creates an object of type \code{mincMultiDim},
#' \code{mincSingleDim}, or \code{mincList} depending on the result structure.
#' \cr
#' If you encounter memory issues, it could be due to minc file caching.
#' Consider trying with the environment variable MINC_FILE_CACHE_MB set to
#' a small value like 1.
#' @return a list of results subject the the collate function
#' @export
mincApplyRCPP <- 
           mask = NULL, 
           maskval = NULL,
           filter_masked = FALSE,
           slab_sizes = c(1,1,1),
           return_indices = FALSE,
           collate = simplify2minc){
    stopifnot(!is.null(filenames), !is.null(fun))
    apply_fun <- 
      function(x, extra_arguments)
        do.call(match.fun(fun), c(list(x), extra_arguments))
    args <- list(...)
    filenames <- as.character(filenames)
      minmask <- 1
      maxmask <- 99999999
    } else {
      minmask <- maxmask <- maskval
      use_mask <- FALSE
      mask = ""
    } else {
      use_mask <- TRUE
    masked_value <- getOption("RMINC_MASKED_VALUE")
    results_indexed <-
            use_mask = use_mask,
            mask = mask,
            mask_lower_val = minmask,
            mask_upper_val = maxmask,
            value_for_mask = masked_value,
            filter_masked = filter_masked,
            slab_sizes = slab_sizes,
            fun = apply_fun,
            args = args)
    # run the garbage collector...
    gcout <- gc()
    result_order <-
    results <- results_indexed$vals[result_order]
      results <- list(vals = results, 
                      inds = results_indexed$inds[result_order])
    collation_function <- match.fun(collate)
    collated_results <- collation_function(results)
    attr(collated_results, "filenames") <- filenames
    attr(collated_results, "likeVolume") <- filenames[1]
    if(use_mask) attr(collated_results, "mask") <- mask

#' @description Can execute any R function at every voxel for a set of MINC files
#' @name mincApply
#' @title Apply arbitrary R function at every voxel
#' @param filenames The MINC files over which to apply the function. Have to be
#' the same sampling.
#' @param function.string The function which to apply. Can only take a single
#' argument, which has to be 'x'. See details and examples.
#' @param mask The filename of a mask - function will only be evaluated
#' inside the mask.
#' @param maskval An integer specifying the value inside the mask where to
#' apply the function. If left blank (the default) then anything
#' above 0.5 will be considered inside the mask. This argument
#' only works for mincApply, not pMincApply.
#' @param reduce Whether to filter masked voxels from the resulting object
#' @details mincApply allows one to execute any R function at every voxel of a
#' set of files. mincApply runs in the current R process; see also 
#' pMincApply and qMincApply for parallel variants.
#' Unless the function to be applied takes a single argument,
#' which will take on the voxel values at every voxel, a
#' wrapper function has to be written.  The mincApply function also 
#' supports passing, instead of a function, a quoted expression containing
#' a free variable 'x', again taking on all voxel values;
#' this is illustrated in the examples.  (Not this is not supported by pMincApply.)
#' The output of this function also has to be a
#' simple vector or scalar.
#' Note that interpreted R can be very slow. Mindnumbingly slow. It
#' therefore pays to write optimal functions or, whenever available,
#' use the optimized equivalents. In other words and to give one
#' example, use mincLm rather than applying lm, and if lm must
#' be applied, try to use lm.fit rather than plain lm.
#' Also consider using parallel apply methods.
#' When using the pbs method, one can also set the options --> TMPDIR,MAX_NODES and WORKDIR
#' \cr
#' If you encounter memory issues, it could be due to minc file caching.
#' Consider trying with the environment variable MINC_FILE_CACHE_MB set to
#' a small value like 1.
#' @return out The output is a matrix with the same number of rows a the
#' file sizes and the same number of columns as output by the
#' function that was applied. Cast into one of the MINC classes
#' to make writing it out with mincWriteVolume easier.
#' @seealso mincWriteVolume,mincMean,mincSd,mincLm,mincAnova
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#' getRMINCTestData() 
#' gf <- read.csv("/tmp/rminctestdata/test_data_set.csv")
#' ma <- mincApply(gf$jacobians_fixed_2,quote(mean(x))); 
#' mincWriteVolume(ma, "means.mnc")
#' ### run the whole thing in parallel on the local machine
#' testFunc <- function (x) { return(c(1,2))}
#' pout <- pMincApply(gf$jacobians_fixed_2, 
#'                    testFunc,
#'                    workers = 4,
#'                    global = c('gf','testFunc'))
#' mincWriteVolume(pout, "pmincOut.mnc")
#' ### pbs example 1 (hpf)
#' getRMINCTestData() 
#' gf <- read.csv("/tmp/rminctestdata/test_data_set.csv")
#' testFunc <- function (x) { return(c(1,2))}
#' options(TMPDIR="/localhd/$PBS_ID")
#' pout <- pMincApply(gf$jacobians_fixed_2, 
#'                    testFunc,
#'                    workers = 4,
#'                    method="pbs",
#'                    global = c('gf','testFunc'))
#' ### pbs example 2 (scinet)
#' getRMINCTestData() 
#' gf <- read.csv("/tmp/rminctestdata/test_data_set.csv")
#' testFunc <- function (x) { return(c(1,2))}
#' options(WORKDIR="$SCRATCH")
#' options(MAX_NODES=8)
#' options(TMP_DIR="/tmp")
#' pout <- pMincApply(gf$jacobians_fixed_2, 
#'                    testFunc),
#'                    modules=c("intel","openmpi","R/3.1.1"),
#'                    workers = 4,
#'                    method="pbs",
#'                    global = c('gf','testFunc'))
#' #NOTE 1: On SCINET jobs are limited to 32*48 hours of cpu time
#' #NOTE 2: On SCINET the Rmpi library must be compiled for use with R 3.1.1
#' }
#' @export
mincApply <- 
  function(filenames, function.string, mask=NULL, maskval=NULL, reduce=FALSE) {
    if (is.null(maskval)) {
      minmask = 1
      maxmask = 99999999
    else {
      minmask = maskval
      maxmask = maskval
    # Need to get one voxel, x, to test number of values returned from function.string
    x <- mincGetVoxel(filenames, 0,0,0)
    test <- eval(function.string)
    results <- .Call("minc2_model",
                     as.double(! is.null(mask)),
                     as.character("eval"), PACKAGE="RMINC");
    if (length(test) > 1) {
      if (reduce==TRUE) {
        maskV <- mincGetVolume(mask)
        results <- results[maskV > (minmask-0.5) & maskV < (maxmask+0.5),]
      class(results) <- c("mincMultiDim", "matrix")
    else {
      if (reduce==TRUE) {
        maskV <- mincGetVolume(mask)
        results <- results[maskV > (minmask-0.5) & maskV < (maxmask+0.5)]
      class(results) <- c("mincSingleDim", "numeric")
    attr(results, "likeVolume") <- filenames[1]
    # run the garbage collector...
    gcout <- gc()

voxel_anova_wrapper <- function(filenames, model_matrix, mask, mask_min, mask_max){
        attr(model_matrix, "assign"),
        as.double(! is.null(mask)),

#' Voxel-wise ANOVA
#' Compute a sequential ANOVA at each voxel
#' @param formula The anova formula. The left-hand term consists of the 
#' MINC filenames over which to compute the models at every voxel.
#' @param data The dataframe which contains the model terms.
#' @param subset Subset definition.
#' @param mask Either a filename or a vector of values of the same 
#' length as the input files. ANOVA will only be computed
#' inside the mask.
#' @param maskval the value in the mask used to select unmasked voxels, defaults to any positive intensity
#' from 1-99999999 internally expanded to .5 - 99999999.5. If a number is specified voxels with intensities 
#' within 0.5 of the chosen value are considered selected. 
#' @param parallel how many processors to run on (default=single processor).
#' Specified as a two element vector, with the first element corresponding to
#' the type of parallelization, and the second to the number
#' of processors to use. For local running set the first element to "local" or "snowfall"
#' for back-compatibility, anything else will be run with batchtools see \link{pMincApply}
#' Leaving this argument NULL runs sequentially.
#' @param cleanup Whether or not to remove parallelization files
#' @param conf_file A batchtools configuration file defaulting to \code{getOption("RMINC_BATCH_CONF")}
#' @details This function computes a sequential ANOVA over a set of files.
#' @return Returns an array with the F-statistic for each model specified by 
#' formula with the following attributes: 
#' \itemize{
#' \item{model}{ design matrix}
#' \item{filenames}{ minc file names input}
#' \item{dimensions}{ dimensions of the statistics matrix}
#' \item{dimnames}{ names of the dimensions for the statistic matrix}
#' \item{stat-type}{ types of statistic used}
#' \item{df}{ degrees of freedom of each statistic}
#' } 
#' @seealso mincWriteVolume,mincFDR,mincMean, mincSd
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{ 
#' getRMINCTestData() 
#' # read the text file describing the dataset
#' gf <- read.csv("/tmp/rminctestdata/test_data_set.csv")
#' # run an ANOVA at each voxel
#' vs <- mincAnova(jacobians_fixed_2 ~ Sex, gf)
#' }
#' @export
mincAnova <- function(formula, data=NULL, subset=NULL, mask=NULL, maskval=NULL, parallel = NULL, cleanup = TRUE, conf_file = getOption("RMINC_BATCH_CONF")) {
  #Don't move this otherwise the closure gets big
  parallel_mincAnova <- function(group, filenames, model_matrix, mask, mask_vol){
    voxel_anova_wrapper(filenames, model_matrix, mask, mask_min = group, mask_max = group)[mask_vol == group, , drop = FALSE]
  m <- match.call()
  mf <- match.call(expand.dots=FALSE)
  m <- match(c("formula", "data", "subset"), names(mf), 0)
  mf <- mf[c(1, m)]
  mf$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
  mf[[1]] <- as.name("model.frame")
  mf <- eval(mf, parent.frame())
  filenames <- as.character(mf[,1])
  mmatrix <- model.matrix(formula, mf)
  method <- "anova"
    minmask <- 1
    maxmask <- 99999999
  } else {
    minmask <- maxmask <- maskval
  v.firstVoxel <- mincGetVoxel(filenames, 0,0,0)
  #l <- lm(formula, mf)
  ###   result <- .Call("minc2_model",
  ###                   as.character(filenames),
  ###                   as.matrix(mmatrix),
  ###                   attr(mmatrix, "assign"),
  ###                   as.double(! is.null(mask)),
  ###                   as.character(mask),
  ###                   NULL, NULL,
  ###                   as.character(method), PACKAGE="RMINC")
  # result <- .Call("per_voxel_anova",
  #                 as.character(filenames),
  #                 as.matrix(mmatrix),
  #                 attr(mmatrix, "assign"),
  #                 as.double(! is.null(mask)),
  #                 as.character(mask),
  #                 as.numeric(minmask),
  #                 as.numeric(maxmask), 
  #                 PACKAGE="RMINC")
  if(!is.null(mask)) {
    maskDim = minc.dimensions.sizes(mask)
    volumeDim = minc.dimensions.sizes(filenames)
    # Case 1: Mask has one or more dimensions less than volume
    if(maskDim[1] != volumeDim[1] || maskDim[2] != volumeDim[2] || maskDim[3] != volumeDim[3]) {
      cat(paste("Mask Volume",as.character(maskDim[1]),as.character(maskDim[2]),as.character(maskDim[3]),
                "Input Volume",as.character(volumeDim[1]),as.character(volumeDim[2]),as.character(volumeDim[3]),'\n'))
      stop("Mask Volume input volume dimension mismatch.") }
    result <- voxel_anova_wrapper(filenames, mmatrix, mask, mask_min = minmask, mask_max = maxmask)
  } else {
    #Setup shared parallel mask and grouping
    n_groups <- as.numeric(parallel[2])
    groups <- seq_len(n_groups)
    new_mask_file <- create_parallel_mask(sample_file = filenames[1]
                                          , mask = mask
                                          , n = n_groups)
    on.exit(try({if(cleanup) unlink(new_mask_file)}))
    mask_vol <- as.integer(round(mincGetVolume(new_mask_file)))
    # a vector with two elements: the methods followed by the # of workers
    if (parallel[1] %in% c("local", "snowfall")) {
      result <- 
                       , parallel_mincAnova
                       , filenames = filenames
                       , model_matrix = mmatrix
                       , mask = new_mask_file
                       , mask_vol = mask_vol
                       , mc.cores = n_groups) %>%
        Reduce(rbind, ., NULL) 
    else {
      reg <- qMincRegistry(new_file("mincAnova_registry"), conf_file = conf_file)
      on.exit( if(cleanup) tenacious_remove_registry(reg), add = TRUE)
      ids <-
        batchMap(reg = reg
               , parallel_mincAnova
               , group = groups
               , more.args = list(filenames = filenames
                                  , model_matrix = mmatrix
                                  , mask = new_mask_file
                                  , mask_vol = mask_vol))
      submitJobs(ids, reg = reg)
      waitForJobs(reg = reg)
      result <-
        reduceResults(rbind, init = NULL, reg = reg)
    result_fleshed_out <- matrix(0
                                 , nrow = prod(minc.dimensions.sizes(new_mask_file))
                                 , ncol = ncol(result))
    result_fleshed_out[mask_vol > .5,] <- result 
    result <- result_fleshed_out
  attr(result, "likeVolume") <- filenames[1]
  attr(result, "model") <- as.matrix(mmatrix)
  attr(result, "filenames") <- filenames
  attr(result, "stat-type") <- rep("F", ncol(result))
  l <- lm.fit(mmatrix, v.firstVoxel)
  asgn <- l$assign[l$qr$pivot]
  dfr <- df.residual(l)
  dfs <- c(unlist(lapply(split(asgn, asgn), length)))
  dflist <- vector("list", ncol(result))
  for (i in 1:ncol(result)) {
    dflist[[i]] <- c(dfs[[i+1]], dfr)
  attr(result, "df") <- dflist
  # get the first voxel in order to get the dimension names
  rows <- sub('mmatrix', '',
              rownames(summary(lm(v.firstVoxel ~ mmatrix))$coefficients))
  colnames(result) <- attr(terms(formula), "term.labels")
  class(result) <- c("mincMultiDim", "matrix")
  # run the garbage collector...
  gcout <- gc()

mincLm_c_wrapper <-
  function(plm, mask, mask_min, mask_max){
          as.double(! is.null(mask)),
          NULL, NULL,
          as.character("lm"), PACKAGE="RMINC")

#' @description Linear Model at Every Voxel
#' @name mincLm
#' @title Linear model at Every Voxel
#' @param formula The linear model formula. The left-hand term consists of the MINC filenames over which to compute the models at every voxel.The RHS of the formula may contain one term with filenames. If so only the + operator may be used, and only two terms may appear on the RHS
#' @param data The data frame which contains the model terms.
#' @param subset Subset definition.
#' @param mask Either a filename or a vector of values of the same length as the input files. The linear model will only be computed
#' inside the mask.
#' @param maskval the value in the mask used to select unmasked voxels, defaults to any positive intensity
#' from 1-99999999 internally expanded to .5 - 99999999.5. If a number is specified voxels with intensities 
#' within 0.5 of the chosen value are considered selected. 
#' @param parallel how many processors to run on (default=single processor).
#' Specified as a two element vector, with the first element corresponding to
#' the type of parallelization, and the second to the number
#' of processors to use. For local running set the first element to "local" or "snowfall"
#' for back-compatibility, anything else will be run with batchtools see \link{pMincApply}
#' Leaving this argument NULL runs sequentially.
#' @param cleanup Whether or not to remove parallelization files
#' @param conf_file A batchtools configuration file defaulting to \code{getOption("RMINC_BATCH_CONF")}
#' @details This function computes a linear model at every voxel of a set of files. The function is a close cousin to lm, the key difference
#' being that the left-hand side of the formula specification takes a series of filenames for MINC files.
#' \cr
#' If you encounter memory issues, it could be due to minc file caching.
#' Consider trying with the environment variable MINC_FILE_CACHE_MB set to
#' a small value like 1.
#' @return mincLm returns a mincMultiDim object which contains a series of columns corresponding to the terms in the linear model. The first
#' column is the F-statistic of the significance of the entire volume, the following columns contain the R-Squared term, the marginal t-statistics for each of the terms in the model along with their respective coefficients.
#' @seealso mincWriteVolume,mincFDR,mincMean, mincSd
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#' getRMINCTestData() 
#' # read the text file describing the dataset
#' gf <- read.csv("/tmp/rminctestdata/test_data_set.csv")
#' # Compute a linear model at each voxel
#' vs <- mincLm(jacobians_fixed_2 ~ Sex, gf)
#' }
#' @export
mincLm <- function(formula, data=NULL,subset=NULL
                 , mask=NULL, maskval=NULL, parallel = NULL
                 , cleanup = TRUE
                 , conf_file = getOption("RMINC_BATCH_CONF")) {
  method <- "lm"
  # Make a wrapper function (don't move this, otherwise the env get bigger)
  parallel_mincLm_c <- 
    function(group, plm, mask, mask_vol){
      mincLm_c_wrapper(plm, mask, mask_min = group, mask_max = group)[mask_vol == group, ]
  # Build model.frame
  m <- m_orig <- match.call()
  mf <- match.call(expand.dots=FALSE)
  m <- match(c("formula", "data", "subset"), names(mf), 0)
  mf <- mf[c(1, m)]
  mf$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
  mf[[1]] <- as.name("model.frame")
  mf <- eval(mf, parent.frame())
  if (is.null(maskval)) {
    minmask = 1
    maxmask = 99999999
  else {
    minmask = maskval
    maxmask = maskval
  # the following returns:
  # list(data.matrix.left = data.matrix.left, 
  #      data.matrix.right = data.matrix.right,
  #      rows = rows,
  #      matrixFound = matrixFound,
  #      mmatrix = mmatrix)
  parseLmOutput <- parseLmFormula(formula,data,mf)
  # Call subroutine based on whether matrix was found
  if(parseLmOutput$matrixFound) {
  else  {
    parseLmOutput$mmatrix <- model.matrix(formula, mf)	
    parseLmOutput$data.matrix.left <- as.character(mf[,1])
    parseLmOutput$rows = colnames(parseLmOutput$mmatrix)
  # Do Error Checking on mask. The mask may have a different dimension order than the input volumes
  # A call to minc.dimensions.sizes will read the dimension order according to the file order so 
  # it can be used to do the checking.
  if(!is.null(mask)) {
    maskDim = minc.dimensions.sizes(mask)
    volumeDim = minc.dimensions.sizes(parseLmOutput$data.matrix.left)
    # Case 1: Mask has one or more dimensions less than volume
    if(maskDim[1] != volumeDim[1] || maskDim[2] != volumeDim[2] || maskDim[3] != volumeDim[3]) {
      cat(paste("Mask Volume",as.character(maskDim[1]),as.character(maskDim[2]),as.character(maskDim[3]),
                "Input Volume",as.character(volumeDim[1]),as.character(volumeDim[2]),as.character(volumeDim[3]),'\n'))
      stop("Mask Volume input volume dimension mismatch.") }
    result <- mincLm_c_wrapper(parseLmOutput, mask, mask_min = minmask, mask_max = maxmask)
  } else {
    #Setup shared parallel mask and grouping
    n_groups <- as.numeric(parallel[2])
    groups <- seq_len(n_groups)
    new_mask_file <- create_parallel_mask(sample_file = parseLmOutput$data.matrix.left[1]
                                          , mask = mask
                                          , n = n_groups)
    on.exit(try({if(cleanup) unlink(new_mask_file)}))
    mask_vol <- as.integer(round(mincGetVolume(new_mask_file)))
    # a vector with two elements: the methods followed by the # of workers
    if (parallel[1] %in% c("local", "snowfall")) {
      result <- 
                       , parallel_mincLm_c
                       , plm = parseLmOutput, mask = new_mask_file, mask_vol = mask_vol
                       , mc.cores = n_groups) %>%
        Reduce(rbind, ., NULL) 
    else {
      reg <- qMincRegistry(new_file("mincLm_registry"), conf_file = conf_file)
      on.exit( if(cleanup) tenacious_remove_registry(reg), add = TRUE)
      ids <-
        batchMap(reg = reg
               , parallel_mincLm_c
               , group = groups
               , more.args = list(plm = parseLmOutput, mask = new_mask_file, mask_vol = mask_vol))
      submitJobs(ids, reg = reg)
      waitForJobs(reg = reg)
      result <-
        reduceResults(rbind, init = NULL, reg = reg)
    result_fleshed_out <- matrix(0
                                 , nrow = prod(minc.dimensions.sizes(new_mask_file))
                                 , ncol = ncol(result))
    result_fleshed_out[mask_vol > .5,] <- result 
    result <- result_fleshed_out
  attr(result, "likeVolume") <- parseLmOutput$data.matrix.left[1]
  attr(result, "filenames")  <- parseLmOutput$data.matrix.left
  attr(result, "model")      <- as.matrix(parseLmOutput$mmatrix)
  attr(result, "data")       <- data 
  attr(result, "call")       <- m_orig
  # the order of return values is:
  # f-statistic
  # r-squared
  # betas
  # t-stats
  attr(result, "stat-type") <- c("F", "R-squared", rep("beta",(ncol(result)-2)/2), rep("t",(ncol(result)-2)/2), "logLik")
  Fdf1 <- ncol(attr(result, "model")) -1
  Fdf2 <- nrow(attr(result, "model")) - ncol(attr(result, "model"))
  dflist <- vector("list", (ncol(result)-2)/2 + 1)
  dflist[[1]] <- c(Fdf1, Fdf2)
  dflist[2:length(dflist)] <- Fdf2
  attr(result, "df") <- dflist
  # get the first voxel in order to get the dimension names
  #v.firstVoxel <- mincGetVoxel(filenames, 0,0,0)
  #rows <- sub('mmatrix', '',
  #            rownames(summary(lm(v.firstVoxel ~ mmatrix))$coefficients))
  betaNames = paste('beta-',parseLmOutput$rows, sep='')
  tnames = paste('tvalue-',parseLmOutput$rows, sep='')
  colnames(result) <- c("F-statistic", "R-squared", betaNames, tnames, "logLik")
  class(result) <- c("mincLm", "mincMultiDim", "matrix")
  # run the garbage collector...
  gcout <- gc()

#' Minc T-test
#' Perform an unpaired,unequal variance t-test across a set of minc volumes
#' @param filenames Filenames of the MINC volumes across which to run the t-test
#' @param grouping  Contains same number of elements as
#' filenames; must contain exactly two groups with which to compare means
#' @param mask A mask specifying which voxels are to be included in the test
#' @param maskval The value with which to mask the data (data will masked +/- 0.5 around this value
#' @return  The output will be a single vector containing as many
#'          elements as there are voxels in the input files, with that voxel's t-statistic
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{ 
#' getRMINCTestData() 
#' gf <- read.csv("/tmp/rminctestdata/minc_summary_test_data.csv") 
#' mtt <- mincTtest(gf$jacobians_0.2,gf$Strain)
#' } 
#' @export
mincTtest <- function(filenames, grouping, mask=NULL, maskval=NULL) {
  # the grouping for a t test should only contain 2 groups. Should 
  # also be converted to a factor if it's not.
  if( ! is.factor(grouping) ){
    grouping <- as.factor(grouping)
  if(length(levels(grouping)) != 2 ){
    cat("\nThe groups (levels) in your data are:\n")
    cat(levels(grouping), "\n\n")
    stop("mincTtest can only be performed on data with 2 groups")
  result <- mincSummary(filenames, grouping, mask, method="t-test", maskval=maskval)
  result <- as.matrix(result);
  attr(result, "likeVolume") <- filenames[1]
  attr(result, "filenames") <- filenames
  attr(result, "stat-type") <- c("t") 
  gf <- data.frame(matrix(ncol = 2, nrow = length(filenames)))
  gf$grouping <- grouping
  gf$vox <- mincGetVoxel(filenames, 0, 0, 0)
  rttest <- t.test(vox~grouping,data=gf,paired=FALSE)
  attr(result, "df") <- rttest$parameter
  colnames(result) <- c("T-statistic")
  class(result) <- c("mincMultiDim", "matrix")

#' @title Minc Paired T Test
#' @description Perform a paired t-test across a set of minc volumes
#' @param filenames Filenames of the MINC volumes across which to run the t-test
#' @param grouping  Contains same number of elements as
#' filenames; must contain exactly two groups with which to compare means. The two groups
#' must be the same length.
#' @param mask A mask specifying which voxels are to be included in the test
#' @param maskval The value with which to mask the data (data will masked +/- 0.5 around this value
#' @return  The output will be a single vector containing as many
#'          elements as there are voxels in the input files, with that voxel's t-statistic
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{ 
#' getRMINCTestData() 
#' gf <- read.csv("/tmp/rminctestdata/minc_summary_test_data.csv") 
#' gf = gf[1:20,]
#' mptt <- mincPairedTtest(gf$jacobians_0.2,gf$Strain)
#' }
#' @export
mincPairedTtest <- function(filenames, grouping, mask=NULL, maskval=NULL) {
  # here, similarly to the t-test, there should be 2 groups in the data. However
  # since this is a paired t-test (repeated measures, and it assumes element 1 from
  # group 1 is paired with element 1 from group 2 etc.), the groups need to have 
  # the same length.
  if( ! is.factor(grouping) ){
    grouping <- as.factor(grouping)
  if(length(levels(grouping)) != 2 ){
    cat("\nThe groups (levels) in your data are:\n")
    cat(levels(grouping), "\n\n")
    stop("mincPairedTtest can only be performed on data with 2 groups")
  lenght_group_1 <- sum(grouping == levels(grouping)[1])
  lenght_group_2 <- sum(grouping == levels(grouping)[2])
  if(lenght_group_1 != lenght_group_2) {
    cat("\nGroup 1 (",levels(grouping)[1], ") has ", lenght_group_1," elements.\n")
    cat("Group 2 (",levels(grouping)[2], ") has ", lenght_group_2," elements.\n\n")
    stop("The groups do not have the same length. mincPairedTtest expects 2 groups with equal length (paired data)")
  result <- mincSummary(filenames, grouping, mask, method="paired-t-test", maskval=maskval)
  result <- as.matrix(result);
  attr(result, "likeVolume") <- filenames[1]
  attr(result, "filenames") <- filenames
  attr(result, "stat-type") <- c("t") 
  gf <- data.frame(matrix(ncol = 2, nrow = length(filenames)))
  gf$grouping <- grouping
  gf$vox <- mincGetVoxel(filenames, 0, 0, 0)
  rttest <- t.test(vox~grouping,data=gf,paired=TRUE)
  attr(result, "df") <- rttest$parameter
  colnames(result) <- c("T-statistic")
  class(result) <- c("mincMultiDim", "matrix")

#' @title Minc Wilcoxon
#' @description Perform a Mann-Whitney U test between a set of minc volumes.
#' @param filenames Filenames of the MINC volumes across which to run the test
#' @param grouping  Contains same number of elements as
#' filenames; must contain exactly two groups.
#' @param mask A mask specifying which voxels are to be included in the test
#' @param maskval The value with which to mask the data (data will masked +/- 0.5 around this value
#' @return  The output will be a single vector containing as many
#' elements as there are voxels in the input files, with that voxel's U value (lower one).
#' The number of observations in each sample is also saved as an attribute(m and n) so the result
#' can be passed into mincFDR.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{ 
#' getRMINCTestData() 
#' gf <- read.csv("/tmp/rminctestdata/minc_summary_test_data.csv") 
#' mw <- mincWilcoxon(gf$jacobians_0.2,gf $Strain)
#' }
#' @export
mincWilcoxon <- function(filenames, grouping, mask=NULL, maskval=NULL) {
  result <- mincSummary(filenames, grouping, mask, method="wilcoxon", maskval=maskval)
  result <- as.matrix(result);
  attr(result, "likeVolume") <- filenames[1]
  attr(result, "filenames") <- filenames
  attr(result, "stat-type") <- c("u") 
  gf <- data.frame(matrix(ncol = 2, nrow = length(filenames)))
  gf$grouping <- grouping
  gf$vox <- mincGetVoxel(filenames, 0, 0, 0)
  a = levels(gf$grouping)
  attr(result, "m") <- nrow(gf[gf$grouping == a[1],])
  attr(result, "n") <- nrow(gf[gf$grouping == a[2],])
  colnames(result) <- c("Mann-Whitney")
  class(result) <- c("mincMultiDim", "matrix")

### Randomization args for TFCE
# @param alternative The alternative hypothesis for randomization test, either both.sides or
# greater are currently supported.
# @param R the number of randomizations to perform
# @param replace Whether to sample with or without replacement, defaults to without.
# @param parallel how many processors to run on (default=single processor).
# Specified as a two element vector, with the first element corresponding to
# the type of parallelization, and the second to the number
# of processors to use. For local running set the first element to "local" or "snowfall"
# for back-compatibility, anything else will be run with batchtools see \link{pMincApply}
# Leaving this argument NULL runs sequentially.

#' Threshold Free Cluster Enhancement
#' Perform threshold free cluster enhancement as described in 
#' Smith and Nichols (2008). Cluster-like structures are enhanced
#' to allow a hybrid cluster/voxel analysis to be performed.
#' @param x Either a character vector with a single filename, a \code{mincSingleDim} object,
#' or a \code{matrix} object, or \code{mincLm} object.
#' @param d The discretization step-size for approximating the threshold integral (default .1)
#' @param E The exponent by which to raise the extent statistic (default .5)
#' @param H The exponent by which to raise the height (default 2)
#' @param side Whether to consider positive and negative statistics or both (default both)
#' @param output_file A filename for the enhanced volume.
#' @param keep Whether or not to keep the enhanced volume, defaults to whether or not 
#' a \code{output_file} was specified.
#' @param like_volume A path to a like volume specifying the dimensions of the output volumes
#' @param R number of randomizations to perform
#' @param alternative Whether to consider a one-sided or two-sided alternative hypothesis. Default
#' "two-sided", use "greater" for a one sided test.
#' @param replace Sample with or without replacement for the randomization, defaults to FALSE (no
#' replacement)
#' @param parallel A two component vector indicating how to parallelize the computation. If the 
#' first element is "local" the computation will be run via the parallel package, otherwise it will
#' be computed using batchtools, see \link{pMincApply} for details. The element should be numeric
#' indicating the number of jobs to split the computation into.
#' @param resources A list of resources to use for the jobs, for example
#' \code{ list(nodes = 1, memory = "8G", walltime = "01:00:00") }. See
#' \code{system.file("parallel/pbs_script.tmpl", package = "RMINC")} and
#' \code{system.file("parallel/sge_script.tmpl", package = "RMINC")} for
#' more examples
#' @param conf_file A batchtools configuration file defaulting to \code{getOption("RMINC_BATCH_CONF")}
#' @param ... additional arguments for methods
#' @return The behaviour of \code{mincTFCE} is to perform cluster free enhancement on a object,
#' in the single dimensional case, a string denoting a minc file or a \code{mincSingleDim} object
#' it returns a \code{mincSingleDim} object with the result, optionally saving the file if
#' keep is set to true. In the matrix case each column is converted to a \code{mincSingleDim} in
#' accordance with the \code{likeVolume}, this is then cluster enhanced and recomposed into a matrix.
#' In the mincLm case a randomization test is performed with the t-stats enhanced. The return is \itemize{
#' \item{TFCE: A matrix of the tvalue columns after randomization}
#' \item{randomization_dist: An RxT matrix where R is the number of randomizations and T is the number of t-statistic,
#' elements are the largest value obtained by the randomized TFCE}
#' \item{args: Arguments passed to the internal randomzations and TFCE code}
#' }
#' @export  
mincTFCE <-
  function(x, ...) {

#' @describeIn mincTFCE mincSingleDim
#' @export 
mincTFCE.mincSingleDim <-
  function(x, d = 0.1, E = .5, H = 2.0
         , side = c("both", "positive", "negative")
         , output_file = NULL
         , keep = is.null(output_file)
         , conf_file = getOption("RMINC_BATCH_CONF")
         , ...){
    volume  <- x
    side    <- match.arg(side)
    in_file <- tempfile("minc_tfce_in", fileext = ".mnc")
      output_file <- tempfile("minc_tfce_out", fileext = ".mnc")
    if(!keep)  on.exit(unlink(output_file), add = TRUE)

    capture.output(mincWriteVolume(volume, in_file))
    side_flag <-
      `if`(side == "both"
           , "pos-and-neg"
           , `if`(side == "positive"
                  , "pos-only"
                  , "neg-only"))
      sprintf("TFCE -d %s -E %s -H %s --%s %s %s"
              , d, E, H
              , side_flag
              , in_file
              , output_file)
      , intern = TRUE)

    out_vol <- mincGetVolume(output_file)
    likeVolume(out_vol) <- likeVolume(volume)

#' @describeIn mincTFCE matrix
#' @export
mincTFCE.matrix <- 
  function(x, d = 0.1, E = .5, H = 2.0
         , side = c("both", "positive", "negative")
         , like_volume
         , ...){
      mapply(function(col_ind, d){
        x[,col_ind] %>%
          `class<-`(c("mincSingleDim", "numeric")) %>%
          `likeVolume<-`(like_volume) %>%
          setNA(0) %>%
          setNaN(0) %>% 
          mincTFCE(d = d, E = E, H = H, side = side)
      }, col_ind = seq_len(ncol(x)), d = d) %>%
      `colnames<-`(colnames(x)) %>%


#' @describeIn mincTFCE mincMultiDim
#' @export
mincTFCE.mincMultiDim <-
  function(x, d = 0.1, E = .5, H = 2.0
           , side = c("both", "positive", "negative")
           , like_volume = likeVolume(x)
           , ...){
  side <- match.arg(side)
  mincTFCE.matrix(x, d = d, E = E, H = H, side = side, like_volume = like_volume, ...)

#' @export
getCall.mincLm <-
  function(x, ...) attributes(x)$call

#' Run a permutation test on a \code{mincLm} result
#' Run a permutation test on a \code{mincLm} result, computing
#' the most extreme statistic under exchanged response variables.
#' The randomization distribution of these extremal statistics is
#' returbed.
#' @param x A \code{mincLm} object.
#' @param R number of randomizations to perform
#' @param alternative Whether to consider a one-sided or two-sided alternative hypothesis. Default
#' "two-sided", use "greater" for a one sided test.
#' @param replace Sample with or without replacement for the randomization, defaults to FALSE (no
#' replacement)
#' @param parallel A two component vector indicating how to parallelize the computation. If the 
#' first element is "local" the computation will be run via the parallel package, otherwise it will
#' be computed using batchtools, see \link{pMincApply} for details. The element should be numeric
#' indicating the number of jobs to split the computation into.
#' @param columns Which columns to compute extrema for, defaults to columns with `tvalue` in
#' the name.
#' @param resources A list of resources to use for the jobs, for example
#' \code{ list(nodes = 1, memory = "8G", walltime = "01:00:00") }. See
#' \code{system.file("parallel/pbs_script.tmpl", package = "RMINC")} and
#' \code{system.file("parallel/sge_script.tmpl", package = "RMINC")} for
#' more examples
#' @param conf_file A batchtools configuration file defaulting to \code{getOption("RMINC_BATCH_CONF")}
#' @return A list with the original object, the randomization distribution of extremal statistics
#' and configuration args used for computing the distributions.
#' @export
mincRandomize <-
         , R = 500
         , alternative = c("two.sided", "greater")
         , replace = FALSE, parallel = NULL
         , columns = grep("tvalue-", colnames(x))
         , resources = list()
         , conf_file = getOption("RMINC_BATCH_CONF")){

#' @describeIn mincRandomize mincLm
#' @export
mincRandomize.mincLm <- 
         , R = 500
         , alternative = c("two.sided", "greater")
         , replace = FALSE, parallel = NULL
         , columns = grep("tvalue-", colnames(x))
         , resources = list()
         , conf_file = getOption("RMINC_BATCH_CONF")){
    lmod          <- x
    alternative   <- match.arg(alternative)
    original_stats <- lmod[,columns]
    lmod_call   <- attr(lmod, "call")
    randomization_dist <-
      mincRandomize_core(lmod, R = R, replace = replace, parallel = parallel, columns = columns
                         , alternative = alternative, conf_file = conf_file, resources = resources)
    output <- list(stats = original_stats, randomization_dist = randomization_dist
                   , args = c(call = lmod_call, alternative = alternative))
    class(output) <- c("mincLm_randomization", "minc_randomization")

#' @describeIn mincTFCE mincLm
#' @export
mincTFCE.mincLm <- 
         , R = 500
         , alternative = c("two.sided", "greater")
         , d = 0.1, E = .5, H = 2.0
         , side = c("both", "positive", "negative")
         , replace = FALSE
         , parallel = NULL
         , resources = list()
         , conf_file = getOption("RMINC_BATCH_CONF")
         , ...){
    lmod          <- x
    alternative   <- match.arg(alternative)
    side          <- match.arg(side)
    columns       <- grep("tvalue-", colnames(lmod))
    lmod_call     <- attr(lmod, "call")
    like_vol      <- likeVolume(lmod) 
    original_tfce <-
      mincTFCE.matrix(lmod[,columns], d = d, E = E, H = H, side = side, like_volume = like_vol) 
    randomization_dist <-
      mincRandomize_core(lmod, R = R, replace = replace, parallel = parallel, columns = columns
                       , alternative = alternative
                       , post_proc = mincTFCE.matrix
                       , like_volume = like_vol
                       , side = side, d = d, E = E, H = H
                       , resources = resources
                       , conf_file = conf_file)

    output <- list(tfce = original_tfce, randomization_dist = randomization_dist
                   , args = list(call = lmod_call,
                                 side = side
                                 , alternative = alternative))
    class(output) <- c("mincTFCE_randomization", "minc_randomization")

mincRandomize_core <-
         , R = 500, replace = FALSE, parallel = NULL
         , columns = grep("tvalue-", colnames(x))
         , alternative = c("two.sided", "greater")
         , post_proc = identity
         , resources = list()
         , conf_file = getOption("RMINC_BATCH_CONF")
         , ...){
    # Setup useful local variables
    lmod        <- x
    alternative <- match.arg(alternative)
    lmod_data   <- attr(lmod, "data")
    lmod_call   <- attr(lmod, "call")
    lmod_lhs    <- as.character(lmod_call[["formula"]][[2]])
    pred_cols   <- names(lmod_data)[names(lmod_data) != lmod_lhs]
    like_vol    <- likeVolume(lmod)
    # Helper function to compute for each of n randomizations, how many times the observed statistic
    # is exceeded by the randomized value
    boot_model <- function(n){
      Reduce(function(max_val_matrix, i){
        # Permute the filenames
        shuf_data <- lmod_data
        shuf_data[,pred_cols] <- 
          lmod_data[sample(seq_len(nrow(lmod_data)), replace = replace), pred_cols]
        # relies on RMINC:::getCall.mincLm to get update to do its magic
        new_mod   <- update(lmod, data = shuf_data)
        new_mod[!is.finite(new_mod)] <- 0
        # Post process the values of interest (here's where TFCE or smoothing could be applied for example)
        post_procd <-
          post_proc(new_mod[,columns], ...)
        if(alternative == "two.sided"){
          post_procd <- abs(post_procd)
        biggest_stats <- apply(post_procd, 2, max)
        rbind(max_val_matrix, biggest_stats) %>%
          `colnames<-`(colnames(lmod)[columns]) %>%
      }, seq_len(n), NULL)
    # Handle dispatching of parallelization
      result <- boot_model(R) 
    } else {
      n_groups <- as.numeric(parallel[2])
      group_sizes <- table(groupingVector(R, n_groups))
      if (parallel[1] %in% c("local", "snowfall")) {
        result <- 
          failing_mclapply(group_sizes, boot_model, mc.cores = n_groups) %>%
          Reduce(rbind, ., NULL) 
      else {
        reg <- qMincRegistry(new_file("mincRandomize_registry"), conf_file = conf_file)
        on.exit( tenacious_remove_registry(reg), add = TRUE)
        suppressWarnings( #Warning suppression for large env for bootmodel (>10mb)
          ids <- batchMap(reg = reg, boot_model, n = group_sizes)
        submitJobs(ids, reg = reg, resources = resources)
        waitForJobs(reg = reg)
        result <-
          reduceResults(rbind, reg = reg)

#' @export
print.mincLm_randomization <-
  function(x, probs = c(.01,.05,.1,.2), ...){
    cat("mincLm_randomization results for call:\n", 
        deparse(x$args$call), "\n"
        , "The thresholds provided are for the "
        , switch(x$args$alternative
                 , "two.sided" = "absolute value of the original statistics"
                 , "greater" = "orginal statistics")
        , " with family-wise error rate control at each respective threshold\n")

#' @export
print.mincTFCE_randomization <-
  function(x, probs = c(.01,.05,.1,.2), ...){
    cat("mincTFCE_randomization results for call:\n", 
        deparse(x$args$call), "\n"
        , "TFCE was run on "
        , switch(x$args$side, "both" = "both positive and negative", x$args$call)
        , " values. The thresholds provided are for the "
        , switch(x$args$alternative
                 , "two.sided" = "absolute value of the original data after TFCE"
                 , "greater" = "orginal data after TFCE")
        , " with family-wise error rate control at each respective threshold\n")

#' @describeIn thresholds minc_randomization
#' @export
thresholds.minc_randomization <-
  function(x, probs = c(.01, .05, .1, .2), ...){
    apply(x$randomization_dist, 2, quantile, probs = 1-probs) %>%
      `rownames<-`(paste0(probs * 100, "%"))

Mouse-Imaging-Centre/RMINC documentation built on Nov. 12, 2022, 1:50 p.m.