Man pages for Naoto-Imamachi/BridgeR
Comprehensive BRIC-seq data analysis tool

BridgeRCompareComparison of two BRIC-seq datasets
BridgeRCompareFigDraw scattered plot to compare RNA half-life between two...
BridgeRCoreDefault BRIC-seq data analysis pipeline
BridgeRCustomCustom BRIC-seq data analysis pipeline
BridgeRDatasetCheckerCheck BRIC-seq dataset
BridgeRDataSetFromCuffnormPrepare your BRIC-seq dataset analyzed
BridgeRDrawDraw fitting decay curve for BRIC-seq data
BridgeRDrawFittingCurveDraw fitting decay curve for BRIC-seq data
BridgeReportDraw fitting decay curve for BRIC-seq data
BridgeRHalfLifecalcCalculation of RNA half-life for each gene
BridgeRHalfLifeCalcModel3Calculate RNA half-life from BRIC-seq data
BridgeRHalfLifeCalcR2SelectCalculate RNA half-life from BRIC-seq data
BridgeRHalfLifeCalcRawCalculate RNA half-life from BRIC-seq data
BridgeRHalfLifeCalibrationCalibrate RNA half-life.
BridgeRHalfLifeComparisonDraw scattered plot to compare RNA half-life between two...
BridgeRHalfLifeDifferenceBoxDraw boxplot to compare RNA half-life distribution between...
BridgeRHalfLifeDifferenceHistDraw histgram to compare RNA half-life difference between two...
BridgeRHalfLifeDistributionDraw boxplot to compare RNA half-life distribution between...
BridgeRHalfSDCalculate RNA half-life SD
BridgeRHalfSDGrubbsTestCalculate RNA half-life SD
BridgeRHKGenesClassic BRIC-seq data analysis pipeline
BridgeRNormalizationNormalize relative RPKM (0h = 1)
BridgeRNormalizationFactorsEstimate normalization factor
BridgeRNormalizationFactorsHKEstimate normalization factor using house-keeping genes
BridgeRNormalizationForLuc2Estimate normalization factor using suctom normalization...
BridgeR-packageAn R library for comprehensive BRIC-seq data analysis tool
BridgeRPvalueEvaluationCalculate RNA half-life from BRIC-seq data
test_qestimate percentile data
Naoto-Imamachi/BridgeR documentation built on May 7, 2019, 6:05 p.m.