#' @include Simulator.R SimulatorRegion.R simulate_WGBS_functions.R
#' @import HiddenMarkov
#' @importFrom IRanges IRanges
#' @importFrom S4Vectors queryHits
#' @importFrom rlang .data
# Methyl-seq simulator
# Based on simulate_WGBS.R script from WGBSSuite V 0.3 (owen.rackham@imperial.ac.uk)
setMethod("initialize", signature="SimMethylseq", function(.Object, idToGene, totalFeatures = nrow(idToGene), ...) {
# Due to package size restraints, default data has a loc DF used as idToGene for methylation.
if (ncol(idToGene) > 2) {
.Object@locs <- idToGene %>% dplyr::mutate(ID = paste(chr, start, end, sep = "_"))
# Reconstruct original idToGene
idToGene <- .Object@locs %>% dplyr::select(ID, Gene)
# Restrict the number of locations to totalFeatures
# (Methyl-seq lacks "data")
if (nrow(idToGene) > totalFeatures) {
idToGene <- dplyr::sample_n(idToGene, totalFeatures)
.Object <- callNextMethod(.Object, idToGene = idToGene, totalFeatures = totalFeatures, ...)
# Filter those CHR having less than 2 observations
.Object@locs <- dplyr::semi_join(.Object@locs, dplyr::count(.Object@locs, chr)
%>% dplyr::filter(n > 1),
by = "chr") %>%
# Override WGBS function to consider the CpG coordinates instead of the index
find_adjusted_blocks <- function(a, positions) {
l <- length(a)
coords <- list()
index <- 1
state <- a[1]
on <- positions[1]
off <- 0
for (i in 2:l) {
if (a[i - 1] != a[i]) {
if (on == 0) {
on <- positions[i]
} else{
off <- positions[i]
coords[[index]] <- c(on, off, a[i], off - on)
index <- index + 1
on <- positions[i]
off <- 0
} else if (i == l) {
# Add last block if last part was not executed
off <- positions[i] + 1
coords[[index]] <- c(on, off, a[i], off - on)
coords_mat <- do.call(rbind, coords)
# This simulator needs to previously create the status blocks to modify
# the simulation settings.
# Repeat for every chromosome
.Object@WGBSparams$chrBlocks <- sapply(setNames(nm = as.character(sort(unique(.Object@locs$chr)))), function(chr) {
message("Creating methylation state blocks for chr ", chr)
# Order by ascendent position
regions <- dplyr::arrange(.Object@locs[.Object@locs$chr == chr, ,drop=FALSE], start)
#simulate the state transition based on the location of the CpGs
a <- simulate_state_transition((nrow(regions) * .Object@WGBSparams$m),
c(0.01, 0.99, 0.08, 0.99),
as.numeric(regions$start), 0.5,
#extract the positions of the blocks
state_blocks <- find_adjusted_blocks(a, regions$start)
'a' = a,
'state' = state_blocks,
'chr' = chr
}, simplify = 'array')
# TODO: keep the provided data instead of forcing the default?
.Object@data <- data.frame(Counts=rep(0, length(unique(.Object@idToGene$ID))),
row.names = unique(.Object@idToGene$ID), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
setMethod("initializeData", signature="SimMethylseq", function(object, simulation) {
# Code from function generate_sim_set [simulate_WGBS.R]
# Version 0.3 (01 June 2015)
object@WGBSparams$number_of_replicas <- simulation@numberReps
object@WGBSparams$number_of_samples <- simulation@numberGroups
# TODO: check if M values will be used?
object@min <- 0
object@max <- 1
make_differential_fixed <- function(state_blocks,percentage,a){
n <-length(states)
diff_meth <- matrix(data=0,nrow=1,ncol=l)
for(i in seq_len(n)){
blocks <- state_blocks[state_blocks[,3]==i,]
# MOD: sum only if it's matrix
block_length <- if(is.null(dim(blocks))) blocks[4] else sum(blocks[,4])
cutoff_length <- percentage[i]*block_length
so_far <- 0
while((so_far <= cutoff_length)&&!is.null(dim(blocks)[1])){
picked<- sample(seq_len(dim(blocks)[1]), 1)
if(so_far+blocks[picked,4] < cutoff_length){
so_far <- so_far + blocks[picked,4]
blocks<- blocks[-(picked),]
# Fixed function adding the last block
find_the_blocks <- function(a){
for(i in 2:l){
if(a[i-1] != a[i]){
if(on == 0){
} else if (i == l) {
# Add last block if last part was not executed
off <- i
coords[[index]] <- c(on, off, a[i], off - on)
coords_mat <- do.call(rbind,coords)
# Load methylation simulation settings
methProfiles <- simulation@simSettings$geneProfiles[[class(object)]]
# DE genes identifiers
# geneSamples
genesDE <- simulation@simSettings$featureSamples$SimRNAseq$DE
# Settings for flat on all groups
flatProfiles <- simulation@simSettings$geneProfiles$FlatGroups$SimRNAseq
return(with(object@WGBSparams, {
methData <- vector("list", simulation@numberGroups)
regTable <- list()
# Select a random number of groups to be non-modified
non_mod_groups <- stats::runif(runif(1, 1, simulation@numberGroups - 1), 1, simulation@numberGroups)
# Repeat process for every chromosome
for (chr in as.character(unique(object@locs$chr))) {
message("Simulating methylation data from CpG locations of chr ", chr, " (", distType, ")")
regions <- object@locs[object@locs$chr == chr, ]
a <- chrBlocks[['a', chr]]
state_blocks <- find_the_blocks(a)
n <- length(a)
locs <- regions$start
# state_blocks <- chrBlocks[['state', chr]]
# Select blocks of the current chromosome that contain at least
# 1 DE gene and is affected by methylation
# diffBlocks <- subset(methProfiles, grepl(paste0("Block", chr), Block) &
# ! is.na(Effect) & Gene %in% genesDE, 'Block')
chrMethProfiles <- methProfiles[methProfiles$ID %in% rownames(regions), ]
# Select the regions that affect at least one DE gene
diffRegions <- subset(chrMethProfiles, subset = ! is.na(Effect) & Gene %in% genesDE)
# Select all the regions contained on the previously selected blocks
diffBlocks <- subset(chrMethProfiles, subset = Block %in% diffRegions$Block)
# indexBlock <- dplyr::filter(chrMethProfiles, Block %in% diffBlocks) %>%
# select(ID, Block) %>% distinct()
# chrMethProfiles <- dplyr::filter(methProfiles, ID %in% rownames(regions), ! is.na(Effect), Gene %in% genesDE)
# Select the regions in the profile matrix in the same order as they
# are here, and check if the block is inside the previously selected
# list of blocks, transforming the boolean to 0/1 values.
diff_methed <- matrix(data = as.numeric(rownames(regions) %in% diffBlocks$ID), nrow = 1, ncol = n)
# Select all
# The number of the block "Block<Chr>.number" equals to the row
# number of the state block matrix
# diffBlocks <- as.numeric(stri_extract_last_regex(diffBlocks, '\\d+'))
# Emulate the ouput of the function "make_differential", a matrix with
# 1 row and N (number of CpG) columns, with 0 for non-modified and 1
# for modified.
# diff_methed <- matrix(data=0, nrow=1, ncol=n)
#set the percentage of DM in each block type
# percs_for_diff <- c(0,0,0,0.5)
#update the blocks to be differentially methylated
# diff_methed <- make_differential(state_blocks, percs_for_diff, a)
#create the simulated reads methylated/unmethylated at each CpG, at the moment this is hard coded to be 3 replicates of each type
#The phase diff param control how different the methylation is in the differentially methylated regions.
errors <-
list(error_m, ((error_d + error_m) / 2), error_d, ((error_d + error_m) / 2))
means <-
list(mean_m, ((mean_d + mean_m) / 2), mean_d, ((mean_d + mean_m) / 2))
# Generate data for every sample and every rep
repData <- list()
# Use format to prevent scientific notation on rownames
# repDataNames <- regionspaste(chr, format(regions$start, scientific = FALSE),
# format(regions$end, scientific = FALSE), sep="_") #regionNames(object, chrNumber=i, start=locs)
# Make all groups identical and later choose random values like in the
# other simulators.
diffPhase <- rep(0, simulation@numberGroups)
prob_d_factor <- lapply(seq_len(simulation@numberGroups), function(f) {
d=hypo_hyper_diffs(prob_d, diffPhase[f], diff_methed, balance),
m=hypo_hyper_diffs(prob_m, diffPhase[f], diff_methed, balance)
if (! is.null(flatProfiles)) {
flatMethProfiles <- dplyr::select(chrMethProfiles, ID, Gene, Block, Effect) %>%
dplyr::inner_join(flatProfiles, by = c("Gene" = "ID")) %>%
dplyr::select(Block, Effect, dplyr::starts_with("Group")) %>%
dplyr::filter(!is.na(Effect)) %>%
if (nrow(flatMethProfiles)) {
# By default the methylation prob is high, so for reflecting
# a change we lower it on the flat groups instead of increasing
# it on the proper group (read below).
prob_m_mod <- prob_m - max(phase_diff)
prob_d_mod <- prob_d + max(phase_diff)
# Repeat for every block
for (i in seq_len(nrow(flatMethProfiles))) {
blockProfiles <- unlist(flatMethProfiles[i, ])
# ID of the block
blockId <- blockProfiles[1]
# Effect of the block
blockEffect <- blockProfiles[2]
# Expression profiles
blockExpr <- blockProfiles[seq(3, length.out = simulation@numberGroups)]
# Retrieve the groups used as reference
blockFlat <- which(blockExpr == 'flat')
# Modified groups
blockNonFlat <- which(blockExpr != 'flat')
# Associated effect: enhancer or repressor
exprEffect <- blockExpr[blockNonFlat][1]
# Positions of the probs vector to update
# blockIndexes <- match(blockId, chrMethProfiles$Block)
blockIndexes <- match(unique(subset(chrMethProfiles, Block == blockId)$ID), rownames(regions))
# Check every RNA-seq group for increased (enhancer) or
# decreased (repressor) expression, altering the probs of
# methylated/non-methylated reads depending on the effect
# associated to the block:
# - enhancer: will increase methylation probs with enhancer,
# and decrease them with repressor.
# - repressor: decrease methylation probs with enhancer, and
# increase them with repressor.
# If the effect of the regulator is complementary to the
# change on the expression data, increase methylation probs
# and reduce non-methylated.
if (blockEffect == exprEffect) {
# Modify flat (reference) groups
changeBlocks <- blockFlat
} else {
# Modify non-flat groups
changeBlocks <- blockNonFlat
# Repeat for each affected group
for (f in changeBlocks) {
prob_d_factor[[f]]$d[blockIndexes] <- prob_d_mod
prob_d_factor[[f]]$m[blockIndexes] <- prob_m_mod
# Get one "non-mod" data
# prob_nonmod <- prob_d_factor[[which(diffPhase == 0)[1]]]
# prob_nonmod <- prob_d_factor[[which.max(diffPhase == 0)]]
prob_nonmod <- prob_d_factor[[1]]
probs <- vector("list", simulation@numberGroups)
for (f in seq_len(simulation@numberGroups)) {
# Diff. sites for every factor
prob_f <- prob_d_factor[[f]]
# Non-mod
# if (diffPhase[f] == 0) {
# prob_f <- list(prob_f$m, ((prob_nonmod$m + prob_nonmod$d) / 2), prob_f$d, ((prob_f$m + prob_f$d) / 2))
# } else {
# prob_f <- list(prob_f$m, ((prob_f$m + prob_f$d) / 2), prob_f$d, ((prob_f$m + prob_f$d) / 2))
# }
prob_f <- list(prob_f$m, ((prob_f$m + prob_f$d) / 2), prob_f$d, ((prob_f$m + prob_f$d) / 2))
probs[[f]] <- prob_f
# New matrix for every sample
repData <- matrix(data=0, nrow=simulation@numberReps, ncol=n)
for (r in seq_len(simulation@numberReps)) {
if (distType == 'binomial') {
sRepData <-
generate_replicat_methyl_bin_data(a, probs, means, 0, errors, locs, f, output_path)
} else if (distType == 'truncated') {
sRepData <-
generate_replicat_methyl_truncated_nbin_data(a, probs, means, 0, errors, locs, f, 20, output_path)
} else{
sRepData <-
generate_replicat_methyl_nbin_data_model_3(a, probs, means, 0, errors, locs, f, 30)
# Columns:
# V1: location in base pairs
# V2: differentially methylated flag
# Blocks of 4 columns for each replica as follows:
# Vn: Number of methylated reads
# Vn+1: Number of de-methylated reads
# Vn+2: Total number of reads
# Vn+3: Proportion of methylated vs de-methylated reads
sRepData <- sRepData[returnColumn,]
repData[r,] <- sRepData
repData <- t(repData)
# Add rows to the factor data
rownames(repData) <- regions$ID #repDataNames
# Repeating for every group
methData[[f]] <- rbind(methData[[f]], repData)
# Save random values for every group to be used later on simulate function.
# This needs to be done on a "block basis".
uniqueBlocks <- unique(methProfiles$Block)
object@WGBSparams$randomCounts <- lapply(seq_len(simulation@numberGroups), function(group) {
# Min/max values
simRange <- range(methData[[group]])
# Create random values for every block
randomValues <- stats::runif(length(uniqueBlocks), min = simRange[1], max = simRange[2])
return(dplyr::inner_join(methProfiles, data.frame(Block=uniqueBlocks,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
by = c("Block" = "Block")) %>%
dplyr::distinct(ID, M)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(M = jitter(M))
# Merge simulated data from every group
methData <- do.call(cbind, methData)
object@WGBSparams$blocks <- chrBlocks
object@data <- methData
# Pattern "Counts.Group" required for post-simulation. Later it will
# be correctly renamed.
colnames(object@data) <- paste('Counts.Group', seq_len(ncol(object@data)))
setMethod("simulateParams", signature="SimMethylseq", function(object, simulation, counts, profiles, group, ids) {
# Blocks
randomValues <- object@WGBSparams$randomCounts[[group]]
randomValues <- randomValues[match(ids, randomValues$ID), ]
# Order [m, M]
m <- pmin(counts, randomValues$M)
M <- pmax(counts, randomValues$M)
# Do not add extra noise
# noiseValues <- matrix(0, ncol = length(simulation@times), nrow = length(counts))
# Noise with fixed parameters and function (the value can only go from 0 to 1)
# TODO: remove this extra noise?
noiseValues <-
list(n = length(counts), sd = 0.03)
repressionMean <- stats::runif(length(M), min = (M+m)/2, max = M)
inductionMean <- stats::runif(length(m), min = m, max = (M+m)/2)
'randomCounts' = randomValues$M,
'noiseValues' = noiseValues,
'm' = m,
'M' = M,
'repression.Mean' = repressionMean,
'induction.Mean' = inductionMean,
'mean.counts' = ifelse(grepl('repression', profiles),(repressionMean + m)/2, (inductionMean + M)/2),
'counts' = counts
setMethod("postSimulation", signature="SimMethylseq", function(object, simulation) {
# Limit the range of proportions to 0-1
object@simData[object@simData < 0] <- 0
object@simData[object@simData > 1] <- 1
# Add M-values
if (object@Mvalues) {
# methLevel & rowData comes from BiSeq package?
betaThreshold <- object@betaThreshold
# Convert to numeric with data.matrix
beta <- pmin(pmax(data.matrix(object@simData), betaThreshold), 1 - betaThreshold)
colnames(beta) <- colnames(object@simData)
rownames(beta) <- rownames(object@simData)
# beta <- beta[rowVars(beta, na.rm=T)!=0,]
M <- log2(beta/(1-beta))
# Return M values
# TODO: decide which data to return
# object@simData <- list(
# raw=object@simData,
# beta=beta,
# M=M
# )
object@simData <- as.data.frame(M)
# Reorder the columns to respect the order timeX.<reps>
numberTimes <- length(simulation@times)
columnReorder <- unlist(
by = numberTimes,
length.out = simulation@numberReps)
# Add extra groups
if (simulation@numberGroups > 1) {
for (groupNumber in seq(from = 2, to = simulation@numberGroups)) {
columnReorder <- c(columnReorder, columnReorder +
(numberTimes * simulation@numberReps)*(groupNumber - 1))
object@simData <- object@simData[, columnReorder]
object <- callNextMethod(object, simulation)
setMethod("adjustProfiles", signature="SimMethylseq", function(object, simulation, profiles, step) {
message("Adjusting methylation profiles")
availableEffects <- object@regulatorEffect[grep("NE", names(object@regulatorEffect), invert = TRUE)]
Effect = return(dplyr::left_join(profiles, unique(dplyr::select(object@locs, chr, start, end, ID)), by = c("ID" = "ID")) %>%
dplyr::group_by(chr) %>% dplyr::do({
# Chromosome name
chrName <- .$chr[[1]]
message(sprintf("Generating block methylation data for chromosome %s.", chrName))
# State blocks for the current chromosome
# Note: almost half of the blocks generated by WGBS consist of a single CpG island repeated on another block
# so we filter them.
state_blocks <- data.frame(object@WGBSparams$chrBlocks[['state', as.character(chrName)]],
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
stateIRanges <- IRanges::IRanges(start = state_blocks[,1], end = state_blocks[,2] - 1)
chrIRanges <- IRanges::IRanges(start = .$start, end = .$end)
# The query column in overlaps will correspond to the block number.
blockOverlaps <- IRanges::findOverlaps(stateIRanges, chrIRanges)
blockNames <- S4Vectors::queryHits(blockOverlaps)
if (length(blockNames) < nrow(.)) {
blockNames <- c(blockNames, seq(from = max(blockNames) + 1,
length.out = nrow(.) - length(blockNames)))
within(., {
# Rename ID column to CpG
Keep.CpG <- .$ID
# Different name for every block
# Overwrite ID to allow grouping
ID <- paste('Block', chrName, blockNames, sep = ".")
# Assign a random effect per block
# Keep the already set NA (non DE genes)
Effect <- ifelse(is.na(.$Effect), NA, sample(names(availableEffects), size = 1,
prob = as.numeric(availableEffects)))
}) %>% dplyr::ungroup()),
Groups = return({
# Retrieve true group effect for each block
dplyr::select(profiles, ID, Effect, dplyr::starts_with("Group")) %>%
dplyr::filter(!is.na(Effect)) %>%
dplyr::select(-Effect) %>%
dplyr::distinct() %>%
dplyr::bind_rows(dplyr::select(profiles, ID, Effect, dplyr::starts_with("Group")) %>%
dplyr::filter(is.na(Effect)) %>%
dplyr::select(-Effect) %>%
# Join with the full profile table
dplyr::left_join(dplyr::select(profiles, - dplyr::starts_with("Group")), by = c("ID" = "ID")) %>%
dplyr::mutate(Block = ID, ID = Keep.CpG) %>%
dplyr::select(ID, Gene, Block, Effect,
dplyr::starts_with("Effect.Group"), dplyr::starts_with("Group"), dplyr::starts_with("Tmax.")) %>%
# By default return the same
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