
Defines functions cleanData cleanApproximations detectApproximationType computeConfidenceInterval getLikelihoodProfile fitLogLikelihoodFunction skewNormal customFunction approximateLikelihood

Documented in approximateLikelihood computeConfidenceInterval customFunction detectApproximationType skewNormal

# Copyright 2023 Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics
# This file is part of EvidenceSynthesis
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

#' Approximate a likelihood function
#' @description
#' Approximate the likelihood function using a parametric (normal, skew-normal, or custom parametric),
#' or grid approximation. The approximation does not reveal person-level information, and can
#' therefore be shared among data sites. When counts are low, a normal approximation might not be
#' appropriate.
#' @param cyclopsFit      A model fitted using the [Cyclops::fitCyclopsModel()] function.
#' @param parameter       The parameter in the `cyclopsFit` object to profile.
#' @param approximation   The type of approximation. Valid options are `'normal'`, `'skew normal'`,
#'                        `'custom'`, `'grid'`, or `'adaptive grid'`.
#' @param bounds          The bounds on the effect size used to fit the approximation.
#' @seealso
#' [computeConfidenceInterval], [computeFixedEffectMetaAnalysis], [computeBayesianMetaAnalysis]
#' @return
#' A vector of parameters of the likelihood approximation.
#' @examples
#' # Simulate some data for this example:
#' populations <- simulatePopulations()
#' cyclopsData <- Cyclops::createCyclopsData(Surv(time, y) ~ x + strata(stratumId),
#'   data = populations[[1]],
#'   modelType = "cox"
#' )
#' cyclopsFit <- Cyclops::fitCyclopsModel(cyclopsData)
#' approximation <- approximateLikelihood(cyclopsFit, "x")
#' approximation
#' # (Estimates in this example will vary due to the random simulation)
#' @export
approximateLikelihood <- function(cyclopsFit,
                                  parameter = 1,
                                  approximation = "custom",
                                  bounds = c(log(0.1), log(10))) {
  if (!approximation %in% c("normal", "skew normal", "custom", "grid", "adaptive grid")) {
    stop("'approximation' argument should be 'normal', 'skew normal', 'custom', 'grid', or 'adaptive grid'.")
  if (!is(cyclopsFit, "cyclopsFit")) {
    stop("'cyclopsFit' argument should be of type 'cyclopsFit'")

  if (approximation == "grid") {
    x <- seq(bounds[1], bounds[2], length.out = 1000)
    result <- getLikelihoodProfile(cyclopsFit, parameter, x)
    names(result) <- x
  } else if (approximation == "adaptive grid") {
    result <- Cyclops::getCyclopsProfileLogLikelihood(cyclopsFit, parameter, bounds = bounds)
  } else if (approximation == "normal") {
    if (cyclopsFit$return_flag != "SUCCESS") {
      return(data.frame(rr = NA, ci95Lb = NA, ci95Ub = NA, logRr = NA, seLogRr = NA))
    } else {
      mode <- coef(cyclopsFit)
      ci95 <- confint(cyclopsFit, 1, level = 0.95)
        rr = exp(mode),
        ci95Lb = exp(ci95[2]),
        ci95Ub = exp(ci95[3]),
        logRr = mode,
        seLogRr = (ci95[3] - ci95[2]) / (2 * qnorm(0.975))
  } else {
    x <- seq(bounds[1], bounds[2], length.out = 100)
    ll <- getLikelihoodProfile(cyclopsFit, parameter, x)
    if (approximation == "skew normal") {
      fun <- skewNormal
    } else {
      fun <- customFunction
    result <- fitLogLikelihoodFunction(x, ll, fun = fun)
    if (approximation == "skew normal") {
      names(result)[names(result) == "gamma"] <- "alpha"

#' A custom function to approximate a log likelihood function
#' @details
#' A custom parametric function designed to approximate the shape of the Cox log likelihood function.
#' When `gamma = 0` this function is the normal distribution.
#' @param x       The log(hazard ratio) for which to approximate the log likelihood.
#' @param mu      The position parameter.
#' @param sigma   The scale parameter.
#' @param gamma   The skew parameter.
#' @examples
#' customFunction(x = 0:3, mu = 0, sigma = 1, gamma = 0)
#' @return
#' The approximate log likelihood for the given x.
#' @export
customFunction <- function(x, mu, sigma, gamma) {
  return(((exp(gamma * (x - mu)))) * ((-(x - mu)^2) / (2 * sigma^2)))

  # Derivative: -(exp(gamma * (x - mu)) * (gamma * (x - mu) + 2) * (x - mu))/(2 * sigma^2)

#' The skew normal function to approximate a log likelihood function
#' @details
#' The skew normal function. When `alpha = 0` this function is the normal distribution.
#' @param x       The log(hazard ratio) for which to approximate the log likelihood.
#' @param mu      The position parameter.
#' @param sigma   The scale parameter.
#' @param alpha   The skew parameter.
#' @examples
#' skewNormal(x = 0:3, mu = 0, sigma = 1, alpha = 0)
#' @return
#' The approximate log likelihood for the given x.
#' @references
#' Azzalini, A. (2013). The Skew-Normal and Related Families. Institute of Mathematical Statistics
#' Monographs. Cambridge University Press.
#' @export
skewNormal <- function(x, mu, sigma, alpha) {
  if (is.infinite(sigma)) {
    return(rep(0, length(x)))
  return(log(2) + dnorm(x, mu, sigma, log = TRUE) + pnorm(alpha * (x - mu), 0, sigma, log.p = TRUE))

fitLogLikelihoodFunction <- function(beta, ll, weighByLikelihood = TRUE, fun = customFunction) {
  sumSquares <- function(p, maxAnchor = TRUE, idx = NULL) {
    approxLl <- fun(beta, p[1], p[2], p[3])
    if (maxAnchor) {
      approxLl <- approxLl - max(approxLl)
    } else {
      approxLl <- approxLl - approxLl[idx]
    if (weighByLikelihood) {
      result <- sum(weights * (approxLl - ll)^2)
    } else {
      result <- sum((approxLl - ll)^2)

  beta <- beta[!is.nan(ll)]
  ll <- ll[!is.nan(ll)]

  # Scale to standard (translate in log space so max at 0):
  ll <- ll - max(ll)
  weights <- exp(ll)
  # Weights shouldn't be too small:
  weights[weights < 0.001] <- 0.001

  mode <- beta[ll == 0][1]
  if (mode == min(beta) || mode == max(beta)) {
    mode <- 0

  if (min(ll) > -1e-06) {
    return(data.frame(mu = 0, sigma = Inf, gamma = 0))

  fit <- tryCatch(
      suppressWarnings(nlm(sumSquares, c(mode, 1, 0), maxAnchor = TRUE))
    error = function(e) {
      list(estimate = c(0, 0, 0), minimum = Inf)
  result <- data.frame(mu = fit$estimate[1], sigma = fit$estimate[2], gamma = fit$estimate[3])
  minimum <- fit$minimum

  fit <- tryCatch(
      suppressWarnings(optim(c(mode, 1, 0), sumSquares, maxAnchor = TRUE))
    error = function(e) {
      list(par = c(0, 0, 0), value = Inf)
  if (fit$value < minimum) {
    result <- data.frame(mu = fit$par[1], sigma = fit$par[2], gamma = fit$par[3])
    minimum <- fit$value

  # Scale to standard (translate in log space so intersects at (0,0)):
  idx <- which(abs(beta) == min(abs(beta)))
  ll <- ll - ll[idx]
  fit <- tryCatch(
      suppressWarnings(nlm(sumSquares, c(mode, 1, 0), maxAnchor = FALSE, idx = idx))
    error = function(e) {
      list(estimate = c(0, 0, 0), minimum = Inf)
  if (fit$minimum < minimum) {
    result <- data.frame(mu = fit$estimate[1], sigma = fit$estimate[2], gamma = fit$estimate[3])
    minimum <- fit$minimum
  fit <- tryCatch(
      suppressWarnings(optim(c(mode, 1, 0), sumSquares, maxAnchor = FALSE, idx = idx))
    error = function(e) {
      list(par = c(0, 0, 0), value = Inf)
  if (fit$value < minimum) {
    result <- data.frame(mu = fit$par[1], sigma = fit$par[2], gamma = fit$par[3])
    minimum <- fit$value
  threshold <- 0.05
  if (minimum / length(beta) > threshold) {
    warn(paste("Mean squared error greater than ", threshold, ". Probably bad fit."))
  result$sigma <- abs(result$sigma)

getLikelihoodProfile <- function(cyclopsFit, parameter, x) {
  ll <- Cyclops::getCyclopsProfileLogLikelihood(cyclopsFit, parameter, x)$value

#' Compute the point estimate and confidence interval given a likelihood function approximation
#' @details
#' Compute the point estimate and confidence interval given a likelihood function approximation.
#' @param approximation   An approximation of the likelihood function as fitted using the
#'                        [approximateLikelihood()] function.
#' @param alpha           The alpha (expected type I error).
#' @return
#' A data frame containing the point estimate, and upper and lower bound of the confidence interval.
#' @examples
#' # Simulate some data for this example:
#' populations <- simulatePopulations()
#' cyclopsData <- Cyclops::createCyclopsData(Surv(time, y) ~ x + strata(stratumId),
#'   data = populations[[1]],
#'   modelType = "cox"
#' )
#' cyclopsFit <- Cyclops::fitCyclopsModel(cyclopsData)
#' approximation <- approximateLikelihood(cyclopsFit, "x")
#' computeConfidenceInterval(approximation)
#' @export
computeConfidenceInterval <- function(approximation, alpha = 0.05) {
  type <- detectApproximationType(approximation)
  if (type == "normal") {
    estimate <- data.frame(
      rr = exp(approximation$logRr),
      lb = exp(approximation$logRr + qnorm(alpha / 2) * approximation$seLogRr),
      ub = exp(approximation$logRr + qnorm(1 - alpha / 2) * approximation$seLogRr),
      logRr = approximation$logRr,
      seLogRr = approximation$seLogRr
  } else if (type == "custom") {
    estimate <- computeEstimateFromApproximation(
      approximationFuntion = customFunction,
      a = alpha,
      mu = approximation$mu,
      sigma = approximation$sigma,
      gamma = approximation$gamma
  } else if (type == "skew normal") {
    estimate <- computeEstimateFromApproximation(
      approximationFuntion = skewNormal,
      a = alpha,
      mu = approximation$mu,
      sigma = approximation$sigma,
      alpha = approximation$alpha
  } else if (type == "adaptive grid") {
    temp <- approximation$value
    names(temp) <- approximation$point
    estimate <- computeEstimateFromGrid(temp, alpha = alpha)
  } else if (type == "grid") {
    estimate <- computeEstimateFromGrid(approximation, alpha = alpha)
  } else {
    abort(sprintf("Approximation type '%s' not supported by this function", type))

#' Detect the type of likelihood approximation based on the data format
#' @param data    The approximation data. Can be a single approximation, or approximations
#'                from multiple sites.
#' @param verbose Should the detected type be communicated to the user?
#' @return
#' A character vector with one of the following values: "normal", "custom", "skew normal",
#' "pooled", "grid", or "adaptive grid".
#' @examples
#' detectApproximationType(data.frame(logRr = 1, seLogRr = 0.1))
#' @export
detectApproximationType <- function(data, verbose = TRUE) {
  if (is.list(data) && !is.data.frame(data)) {
    columnNames <- names(data[[1]])
  } else {
    columnNames <- colnames(data)

  if ("logRr" %in% columnNames) {
    if (verbose) {
      inform("Detected data following normal distribution")
  } else if ("gamma" %in% columnNames) {
    if (verbose) {
      inform("Detected data following custom parameric distribution")
  } else if ("alpha" %in% columnNames) {
    if (verbose) {
      inform("Detected data following skew normal distribution")
    return("skew normal")
  } else if ("stratumId" %in% columnNames) {
    if (verbose) {
      inform("Detected (pooled) patient-level data")
  } else if ("point" %in% columnNames) {
    if (verbose) {
      inform("Detected data following adaptive grid distribution")
    return("adaptive grid")
  } else {
    if (verbose) {
      inform("Detected data following grid distribution")
    x <- as.numeric(columnNames)
    if (any(is.na(x))) {
      abort("Expecting grid data, but not all column names are numeric")

cleanApproximations <- function(data) {
  type <- detectApproximationType(data, verbose = FALSE)
  if (type == "normal") {
    data <- cleanData(data, c("logRr", "seLogRr"), minValues = c(-100, 1e-05))
  } else if (type == "custom") {
    data <- cleanData(data, c("mu", "sigma", "gamma"), minValues = c(-100, 1e-05, -100))
  } else if (type == "skew normal") {
    data <- cleanData(data,
      c("mu", "sigma", "alpha"),
      minValues = c(-100, 1e-05, -10000),
      maxValues = c(100, 10000, 10000)
  } else if (type == "adaptive grid") {
    for (i in 1:length(data)) {
      cleanedData <- as.data.frame(data[[i]])
      cleanedData$value <- cleanedData$value - max(cleanedData$value)
      cleanedData <- cleanData(cleanedData,
        c("point", "value"),
        minValues = c(-100, -1e6),
        maxValues = c(100, 0)
      data[[i]] <- cleanedData
  } else if (type == "grid") {
    if (is.list(data) && !is.data.frame(data)) {
      for (i in 1:length(data)) {
        data <- cleanData(data,
          minValues = rep(-1e6, ncol(data)),
          maxValues = rep(0, ncol(data)),
          grid = TRUE
    } else {
      data <- cleanData(data,
        minValues = rep(-1e6, ncol(data)),
        maxValues = rep(0, ncol(data)),
        grid = TRUE

cleanData <- function(data,
                      minValues = rep(-100, length(columns)),
                      maxValues = rep(100, length(columns)),
                      grid = FALSE) {
  for (i in 1:length(columns)) {
    column <- columns[i]
    if (any(is.infinite(data[, column]))) {
      if (grid) {
        warn(paste("Estimate(s) with infinite log-likelihood detected. Removing before computing meta-analysis."))
      } else {
          "Estimate(s) with infinite",
          "detected. Removing before computing meta-analysis."
      data <- data[!is.infinite(data[, column]), ]
    if (any(is.na(data[, column]))) {
      if (grid) {
        warn(paste("Estimate(s) with NA log-likelihood detected. Removing before computing meta-analysis."))
      } else {
          "Estimate(s) with NA",
          "detected. Removing before computing meta-analysis."
      data <- data[!is.na(data[, column]), ]
    if (any(data[, column] > maxValues[i])) {
      if (grid) {
        warn(paste("Estimate(s) with positive log-likelihood detected. Removing before computing meta-analysis."))
      } else {
          "Estimate(s) with extremely high %s (>%s) detected. Removing before computing meta-analysis.",
      data <- data[data[, column] <= maxValues[i], ]
    if (any(data[, column] < minValues[i])) {
      if (grid) {
        warn(paste("Estimate(s) with extremely low log-likelihood detected. Removing before computing meta-analysis."))
      } else {
          "Estimate(s) with extremely low %s (<%s) detected. Removing before computing meta-analysis.",
      data <- data[data[, column] >= minValues[i], ]
  if (nrow(data) == 0) {
    warn("No estimates left after removing estimates with NA, infinite or extreme values")
OHDSI/EvidenceSynthesis documentation built on May 15, 2023, 11:38 a.m.