
Defines functions prepareDate estimateModel3D estimateModel2D estimateMap3DKernelWrapper estimateMap3DKernel estimateMapKernelWrapper estimateMapKernel invLogit dALDFast updatePenalty modelSpread modelSpreadMC cpostX AcceptanceTime modelLocalTempAvg modelLocalTempAvgMC modelLocalAvg modelLocalAvgMC alertBayesMessage estimateMap3DWrapper estimateMap3D estimateMapSpreadWrapper estimateMapSpread estimateMapWrapper estimateMap

Documented in estimateMap estimateMap3D estimateMap3DKernel estimateMapKernel estimateMapSpread prepareDate

# Prevent Errors in R CMD check in line
# s <- smoothCon(s(Longitude, Latitude, k = nknots, bs = "tp"),
#                data = data, knots = NULL)[[1]]
# s <- smoothCon(s(Longitude2, Latitude2, Date2, m = 3, k = nknots, bs = "tp"),
#                data = data, knots = NULL)[[1]]
# s2 <- smoothCon(s(Longitude2, Latitude2, Date3, m = 3, k = nknots, bs = "tp"),
#                 data = data, knots = NULL)[[1]]
utils::globalVariables(c("Longitude", "Latitude", "Longitude2", "Latitude2", "Date2", "Date3"))

#' Estimates spatial average model with (optional) random effects (GAMM /Generalized Additive Mixed Model)
#' Note regarding IndependentType = "categorical": This follows a one vs. all approach using
#' logistic regression, which in the Bayesian case is performed using a Polya-Gamma latent variable
#' during Gibbs-sampling (https://arxiv.org/abs/1205.0310).
#' @param data data.frame: data
#' @param independent character: name of independent variable
#' @param IndependentType character: type ("numeric" or "categorical") of independent variable
#' @param Longitude character: name of longitude variable
#' @param Latitude character: name of latitude variable
#' @param Site character: name of site variable (optional)
#' @param independentUncertainty character: uncertainty of independent variable in sd (optional)
#' @param burnin integer: number of burn-in iterations for Bayesian model (default = 500)
#' @param iter integer: number of iterations for Bayesian model (default = 2000)
#' @param nChains integer: number of chains for Bayesian model (default = 1)
#' @param K integer: number of basis functions for tprs (thin plate regression spline)
#' @param Bayes boolean: Bayesian model TRUE/FALSE?
#' @param CoordType character: type of longitude/latitude coordinates.
#'  One of "decimal degrees", "degrees minutes seconds" and "degrees decimal minutes"
#' @param smoothConst numeric: adjust smoothing parameter (> 0) for Bayesian model (optional)
#' @param splineType numeric: 1 for classical tprs, 2 for spherical spline
#' @param penalty numeric: 1 for constant extrapolation, 2 for linear extrapolation
#' @param outlier boolean: model outlier removal TRUE/FALSE
#' @param outlierValue numeric: if outlier removal is TRUE, threshold for removals in sd
#' @param outlierD boolean: data outlier removal TRUE/FALSE
#' @param outlierValueD numeric: if outlierD removal is TRUE, threshold for removals in sd
#' @param restriction numeric vector: spatially restricts model data 4 entries for latitude (min/max) and longitude(min/max)
#' @param correctionPac boolean: correction (data augmentation) for pacific centering
#' @param sdVar boolean: variable standard deviation
#' @param thinning numeric: mcmc thinning for bayesian models
#' @inheritParams centerData
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' #load data
#' data <- readRDS(system.file("extData", "exampleData.Rds", package = "DSSM"))
#' # estimate model-map
#' map <- estimateMap(data = data, independent = "d13C", Longitude = "longitude",
#' Latitude = "latitude", Site = "site")
#' # Plot the map
#' plotMap(model = map)
#' # Alternative: use app
#' shiny::runApp(paste0(system.file(package = "DSSM"),"/app"))
#' }
#' @export
estimateMap <- function(data,
                        center = c("Europe", "Pacific"),
                        IndependentType = "numeric",
                        Site = "",
                        independentUncertainty = "",
                        burnin = 500,
                        iter = 2000,
                        nChains = 1,
                        K = 50,
                        Bayes = FALSE,
                        CoordType = "decimal degrees",
                        smoothConst = 1,
                        penalty = 2,
                        splineType = 2,
                        outlier = FALSE,
                        outlierValue = 4,
                        outlierD = FALSE,
                        outlierValueD = 4,
                        restriction = c(-90, 90, -180, 180),
                        correctionPac = FALSE,
                        sdVar = FALSE,
                        thinning = 2){
  center <- match.arg(center)

  dataOrg <- data
  if (is.null(data)) return(NULL)
  if (Longitude == "" || Latitude == "") return(NULL)
  if (!(all(c(Longitude, Latitude, independent) %in% names(data)))) return(NULL)

  # prepare data ----
  data <- data %>%
    convertLatLongWrapper(Longitude = Longitude,
                          Latitude = Latitude,
                          CoordType = CoordType)
  # if conversion fails Long/Lat are removed -> columns will be missing
  if (!all(c(Longitude, Latitude) %in% names(data)) ||
      all(is.na(data[, Longitude])) || all(is.na(data[, Latitude])) )
    return("Longitude or Latitude not available.")

  # process coordinate data
  data <- data %>%
    shiftDataToDefaultRestriction() %>%
    removeDataOutsideRestriction(Latitude = Latitude,
                                 Longitude = Longitude,
                                 restriction = restriction)

  if ( (!is.numeric(data[, independent]) || all(is.na(data[, independent]))) & IndependentType == "numeric")
    return("non-numeric independent variable")

  if ( Site != "" && all(is.na(data[, Site]))) return("wrong site variable")
  if ( Site == ""){
    data$Site = 1:nrow(data)
    Site = "Site"
  data$Site <- data[, Site]

  if(independentUncertainty != "" && !all(is.na(data[, independentUncertainty]))){
    data$independentUncertainty <- data[, independentUncertainty]
    data$independentUncertainty[is.na(data$independentUncertainty)] <- 0
    data <- na.omit(data[, c(independent, Longitude, Latitude, "Site", "independentUncertainty")])
  } else {
    data <- na.omit(data[, c(independent, Longitude, Latitude, "Site")])
  if (nrow(unique(data[, c(Longitude, Latitude)])) <= K) {
    K <- ceiling(0.9 * nrow(unique(data[, c(Longitude, Latitude)])))
    if (K < 4) {return("less than 4 rows")}
  independentnew <- independent
  if (grepl("[^a-zA-Z]", substr(independent,1,1))){
    independentnew <- paste0("x", independent)
  if (grepl("[^a-zA-Z0-9._]", independent)){
    independentnew <- gsub("[^a-zA-Z0-9._]", "", independentnew)
  data$independentnew <- data[, independent]
  names(data)[names(data) == "independentnew"] <- independentnew
  independent <- independentnew
  data$independentnew <- NULL

  data$Longitude <- data[, Longitude]
  data$Latitude <- data[, Latitude]
  if(outlierD == TRUE & IndependentType == "numeric"){
    moD <- mean(data[, independent], na.rm = TRUE)
    soD <- sd(data[, independent], na.rm = TRUE)
    data <- data[data[, independent] >= moD - outlierValueD * soD, ]
    data <- data[data[, independent] <= moD + outlierValueD * soD, ]

  ### data augmentation ----
  if (correctionPac & splineType == 1 & center == "Europe") {
    data2 <- augmentData(data)
    K <- ceiling(K * nrow(data2) / nrow(data))
  } else {
    data2 <- data

  ### data centering ----
  data2 <- centerData(data2, center = center)

  # calculate model ----
  if (splineType == 2){
    bs = "\"sos\""
  } else {
    bs = "\"ds\""
  if (Bayes == FALSE){
    sc <- NULL
    scV <- NULL
    if(IndependentType == "numeric"){
      fm = "gaussian"
      model <- estimateModel2D(data2, fm, independent, penalty, K, bs)
      if ( class(model)[1] == "try-error") {return("Error in Model Fitting.")}

      if(outlier == TRUE){
        data2 <- dataOrg[as.numeric(rownames(data2)[which(abs(scale(residuals(model$lme))) < outlierValue)]), ]
        return(list(model = model, data = data2, sc = sc, scV = scV, independent = independent, IndependentType = IndependentType))

      predRange <- predict(model$gam, se.fit = TRUE, type = "response")
      model$range <- list(mean = range(predRange$fit), se = range(predRange$se.fit),
                          seTotal = sqrt(range(var(residuals(model$gam)) + max(predRange$se.fit)^2)))
    } else {
      fm = "binomial"
      dummy_matrix <- model.matrix(~ . -1, data = data2[,independent, drop = FALSE])
      colnames(dummy_matrix) <- sapply(strsplit(colnames(dummy_matrix), split = independent), function(x) x[2])
      data2 <- cbind(data2, dummy_matrix)
      model <- lapply(colnames(dummy_matrix), function(x){
        model <- estimateModel2D(data2, fm, x, penalty, K, bs)
        if ( class(model)[1] == "try-error") {return("Error in Model Fitting.")}
        if(outlier == TRUE){
          data2 <- dataOrg[as.numeric(rownames(data2)[which(abs(scale(residuals(model$lme))) < outlierValue)]), ]
          return(list(model = model, data = data2, sc = sc, scV = scV, independent = independent, IndependentType = IndependentType))

        predRange <- predict(model$gam, se.fit = TRUE, type = "response")
        model$range <- list(mean = range(predRange$fit), se = range(predRange$se.fit),
                            seTotal = sqrt(range(var(residuals(model$gam)) + max(predRange$se.fit)^2)))
      names(model) <- colnames(dummy_matrix)
  } else { # Bayes == TRUE
    if(IndependentType == "numeric"){
      model <- try(modelLocalAvgMC(data = data2, K = K, iter = iter, burnin = burnin,
                                   independent = independent, smoothConst = smoothConst,
                                   penalty = penalty, splineType = splineType, IndependentType = IndependentType,
                                   sdVar = sdVar, nChains = nChains, thinning = thinning), silent = TRUE)
      if ( class(model)[1] == "try-error") {return("Error in Model Fitting.")}
      sRe = model$sRe
      mRe = model$mRe
      sc = model$sc
      scV = model$scV
      } else{
        dummy_matrix <- model.matrix(~ . -1, data = data2[,independent, drop = FALSE])
        colnames(dummy_matrix) <- sapply(strsplit(colnames(dummy_matrix), split = independent), function(x) x[2])
        data2 <- cbind(data2, dummy_matrix)
        model <- lapply(colnames(dummy_matrix), function(x){
                  model <- try(modelLocalAvgMC(data = data2, K = K, iter = iter, burnin = burnin,
                                       independent = x, smoothConst = smoothConst,
                                       penalty = penalty, splineType = splineType, IndependentType = IndependentType,
                                       sdVar = sdVar, nChains = nChains, thinning = thinning), silent = TRUE)
                  if ( class(model)[1] == "try-error") {return("Error in Model Fitting.")}
        names(model) <- colnames(dummy_matrix)
        sRe = 1
        mRe = 0
        sc = model[[1]]$sc
        scV = model[[1]]$scV

    return(list(model = model, data = data2, sc = sc, scV = scV,
                independent = independent, mRe = mRe, sRe = sRe,
                nChains = nChains, IndependentType = IndependentType))

  return(list(model = model, data = data, sc = sc, scV = scV,
              independent = independent,
              nChains = nChains, IndependentType = IndependentType))

estimateMapWrapper <- function(data, input) {
    restriction <- c(input$mALat1, input$mALat2, input$mALong1, input$mALong2)
    restriction[is.na(restriction)] <- c(-90, 90, -180, 180)[is.na(restriction)]
  } else {
    restriction <- c(-90, 90, -180, 180)

  if(input$Outlier == TRUE){
      dataOld <- data
      dataD <- data
      moD <- mean(dataD[, input$IndependentX], na.rm = TRUE)
      soD <- sd(dataD[, input$IndependentX], na.rm = TRUE)
      dataD <- dataD[dataD[, input$IndependentX] >= moD - input$OutlierValueD * soD, ]
      dataD <- dataD[dataD[, input$IndependentX] <= moD + input$OutlierValueD * soD, ]
      outlierDR <- rownames(dataOld)[which(!(rownames(dataOld) %in% rownames(dataD)))]
      data <- estimateMap(
        data = data, Bayes = FALSE, independent = input$IndependentX,
        independentUncertainty = input$IndependentUnc,
        IndependentType = input$IndependentType,
        Longitude = input$Longitude, Latitude = input$Latitude, center = input$centerOfData,
        Site = input$Site, CoordType = input$coordType,
        penalty = as.numeric(input$Penalty),
        splineType = as.numeric(input$SplineType),
        iter = input$Iter, burnin = input$burnin,
        nChains = input$nChains, K = input$Smoothing,
        smoothConst = input$smoothConst,
        correctionPac = input$correctionPac,
        restriction = restriction,
        outlier = TRUE,
        outlierValue = input$OutlierValue,
        outlierD = input$OutlierD,
        outlierValueD = input$OutlierValueD,
        thinning = input$thinning)$data
      value = 0,
      message = "Removing outliers"
    outlier <- rownames(dataOld)[which(!(rownames(dataOld) %in% rownames(data)))]
  } else {
    outlier <- character()
    outlierDR <- character()

  if(input$Bayes != TRUE){
      model <- estimateMap(
        data = data, Bayes = input$Bayes, independent = input$IndependentX,
        independentUncertainty = input$IndependentUnc,
        IndependentType = input$IndependentType,
        Longitude = input$Longitude, Latitude = input$Latitude, center = input$centerOfData,
        Site = input$Site, CoordType = input$coordType,
        penalty = as.numeric(input$Penalty),
        restriction = restriction,
        correctionPac = input$correctionPac,
        splineType = as.numeric(input$SplineType),
        iter = input$Iter, burnin = input$burnin,
        nChains = input$nChains, K = input$Smoothing,
        smoothConst = input$smoothConst,
        outlierD = input$OutlierD,
        outlierValueD = input$OutlierValueD,
        thinning = input$thinning
      value = 0,
      message = "Generating local average model"
  } else {
    model <- estimateMap(
      data = data, Bayes = input$Bayes, independent = input$IndependentX,
      independentUncertainty = input$IndependentUnc,
      IndependentType = input$IndependentType,
      Longitude = input$Longitude, Latitude = input$Latitude, center = input$centerOfData,
      Site = input$Site, CoordType = input$coordType,
      penalty = as.numeric(input$Penalty),
      restriction = restriction,
      correctionPac = input$correctionPac,
      splineType = as.numeric(input$SplineType),
      iter = input$Iter, burnin = input$burnin,
      nChains = input$nChains,
      K = input$Smoothing, smoothConst = input$smoothConst,
      outlierD = input$OutlierD,
      outlierValueD = input$OutlierValueD,
      sdVar = input$sdVar,
      thinning = input$thinning
  if(class(model) == "list"){
    model$outlier <- outlier
    model$outlierDR <- outlierDR


#' Estimates spatial spread model (first or latest occurence of event)
#' @param data data.frame: data
#' @param Longitude character: name of longitude variable
#' @param Latitude character: name of latitude variable
#' @param MinMax character: estimate minimum or maximum of distribution. choices: "Max", "Min"
#' @param DateOne character: name of date variable 1 (lower interval point / mean / single point)
#' @param DateTwo character: name of date variable 2 (upper interval point / sd / )
#' @param DateType character: one of "Interval", "Mean + 1 SD uncertainty" and "Single Point"
#' @param dateUnc character: one of "uniform", "normal", "point"
#' @param burnin integer: number of burn-in iterations for Bayesian model (default = 500)
#' @param iter integer: number of iterations for Bayesian model (default = 2000)
#' @param nChains integer: number of chains for Bayesian model (default = 1)
#' @param K integer: number of basis functions for tprs (thin plate regression spline)
#' @param CoordType character: type of longitude/latitude coordinates.
#'  One of "decimal degrees", "degrees minutes seconds" and "degrees decimal minutes"
#' @param smoothConst numeric: adjust smoothing parameter for Bayesian model (optional)
#' @param splineType numeric: 1 for classical tprs, 2 for spherical spline
#' @param penalty numeric: 1 for constant extrapolation, 2 for linear extrapolation
#' @param shinyApp boolean: If called inside shinyApp: Set to true
#' @param outlier boolean: outlier removal TRUE/FALSE
#' @param outlierValue numeric: if outlier removal is TRUE, threshold for removals in sd
#' @param outlierD boolean: data outlier removal TRUE/FALSE
#' @param outlierValueD numeric: if outlierD removal is TRUE, threshold for removals in sd
#' @param restriction numeric vector: spatially restricts model data 4 entries for latitude (min/max) and longitude(min/max)
#' @param correctionPac boolean: correction (data augmentation) for pacific centering
#' @param thinning numeric: mcmc thinning for bayesian models
#' @param spreadQ numeric: exceedance quantile as buffer
#' @param minValue numeric: minValue restriction
#' @inheritParams centerData
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # load data
#' data <- readRDS(system.file("extData", "exampleData.Rds", package = "DSSM"))
#' # estimate model-map
#' map <- estimateMapSpread(data = data, Longitude = "longitude",
#' Latitude = "latitude", DateOne = "dateLower", DateTwo = "dateUpper", iter = 200)
#' # Plot the map
#' plotMap(model = map)
#' }
#' @export
estimateMapSpread <- function(data,
                              center = c("Europe", "Pacific"),
                              burnin = 500,
                              iter = 2000,
                              nChains = 1,
                              K = 50,
                              MinMax = "Max",
                              DateType = "Interval",
                              dateUnc = "mid point",
                              CoordType = "decimal degrees",
                              smoothConst = 1,
                              penalty = 1,
                              splineType = 2,
                              shinyApp = FALSE,
                              outlier = FALSE,
                              outlierValue = 4,
                              outlierD = FALSE,
                              outlierValueD = 4,
                              restriction = c(-90, 90, -180, 180),
                              correctionPac = FALSE,
                              thinning = 2,
                              spreadQ = 0.01,
                              minValue = -Inf){
  center <- match.arg(center)

  dataOrg <- data
  if (is.null(data)) return(NULL)
  if (Longitude == "" || Latitude == "" || DateOne == "") return(NULL)
  if (!(all(c(Longitude, Latitude, DateOne) %in% names(data)))) return(NULL)

  # prepare data ----
  data <- data %>%
    convertLatLongWrapper(Longitude = Longitude,
                          Latitude = Latitude,
                          CoordType = CoordType)
  # if conversion fails Long/Lat are removed -> columns will be missing
  if (!all(c(Longitude, Latitude) %in% names(data)) ||
      all(is.na(data[, Longitude])) || all(is.na(data[, Latitude])) ) return("Longitude or Latitude not available.")

  # process coordinate data
  data <- data %>%
    shiftDataToDefaultRestriction() %>%
    removeDataOutsideRestriction(Latitude = Latitude,
                                 Longitude = Longitude,
                                 restriction = restriction)

  data <- data %>%
    prepareDate(DateOne = DateOne,
                DateTwo = DateTwo,
                DateType = DateType,
                dateUnc = dateUnc)
  if (all(is.na(data[, DateOne]))) return("non-numeric date field 1 variable")
  if (DateType != "Single point" && (all(is.na(data[, DateTwo])))) return("non-numeric date field 2 variable")

  # select columns
  data <- na.omit(data[, c("Date", "Uncertainty", Longitude, Latitude)])

  if (nrow(unique(data[, c(Longitude, Latitude)])) <= K) {
    K <- ceiling(0.9 * (nrow(unique(data[, c(Longitude, Latitude)])) - 1))
    if (K < 4) {return("less than 4 rows")}
  data$Longitude <- data[, Longitude]
  data$Latitude <- data[, Latitude]

  if(outlierD == TRUE){
    moD <- mean(data$Date, na.rm = TRUE)
    soD <- sqrt(var(data$Date, na.rm = TRUE) + data$Uncertainty ^ 2)
    data <- data[(data$Date - 2 * data$Uncertainty) >= moD - outlierValueD * soD, ]
    data <- data[(data$Date + 2 * data$Uncertainty) <= moD + outlierValueD * soD, ]
  if(outlier == TRUE){
    model <- gam(Date ~ s(Longitude, Latitude, k = K), data = data)
    sc <- NULL
    if ( class(model)[1] == "try-error") {return("Error in Model Fitting.")}
    data <- dataOrg[as.numeric(rownames(data)[which(abs(scale(residuals(model))) < outlierValue)]), ]
    return(list(model = model, data = data, sc = sc, independent = "Date"))

  if(MinMax == "Min"){
    dataJoin <- aggregate(data$Date + data$Uncertainty,
                          list(data$Longitude, data$Latitude),
                          min, simplify = T)
    names(dataJoin) <- c("Longitude", "Latitude", "value")
    data$rownames <- as.numeric(rownames(data))
    data2 <- merge(data,
                   by.x = c("Longitude", "Latitude"),
                   by.y = c("Longitude", "Latitude"))
    data2 <- data2[which((data2$Date - data2$Uncertainty) <= data2$value ), ]
    rownames(data2) <- data2$rownames
    data2 <- data2[order(data2$rownames),]
    data2$rownames <- NULL
  } else {
    dataJoin <- aggregate(data$Date - data$Uncertainty,
                          list(data$Longitude, data$Latitude),
                          max, simplify = T)
    names(dataJoin) <- c("Longitude", "Latitude", "value")
    data$rownames <- as.numeric(rownames(data))
    data2 <- merge(data, dataJoin,
                   by.x = c("Longitude", "Latitude"),
                   by.y = c("Longitude", "Latitude"))
    data2 <- data2[which((data2$Date + data2$Uncertainty) >= data2$value ), ]
    rownames(data2) <- data2$rownames
    data2 <- data2[order(data2$rownames),]
    data2$rownames <- NULL

  data <- unique(data2)
  if(dateUnc == "mid point"){
    data$Uncertainty2 <- rep(0, nrow(data))
    data$Uncertainty <- rep(0, nrow(data))

  ### data augmentation ----
  if (correctionPac && splineType == 1 && center == "Europe") {
    data2 <- augmentData(data)
    K <- ceiling(K * nrow(data2) / nrow(data))
  } else {
    data2 <- data

  ### data centering ----
  data2 <- centerData(data2, center = center)

  # calculate model ----
  model <- try(modelSpreadMC(data = data2, K = K, iter = iter,
                               burnin = burnin, nChains = nChains,
                               MinMax = MinMax, smoothConst = smoothConst,
                               shinyApp = shinyApp, penalty = penalty,
                               dateUnc = dateUnc,
                               splineType = splineType, thinning = thinning,
                               spreadQ = spreadQ, minValue = minValue), silent = TRUE)
    if ( class(model)[1] == "try-error") {return("Error in Model Fitting.")}

    return(list(model = model, data = data, sc = model$sc, independent = "Date",
                mRe = model$mRe, sRe = model$sRe, nChains = nChains))

  return(list(model = model, data = data, sc = sc, independent = "Date", nChains = nChains))

estimateMapSpreadWrapper <- function(data, input) {
    restriction <- c(input$mALat1, input$mALat2, input$mALong1, input$mALong2)
    restriction[is.na(restriction)] <- c(-90, 90, -180, 180)[is.na(restriction)]
  } else {
    restriction <- c(-90, 90, -180, 180)

  if(input$Outlier == TRUE){
      dataOld <- data
      dataD <- data
      y <- dataD[, input$DateOne]
      if(input$DateType == "Interval"){
        y <- (y + dataD[, input$DateTwo]) / 2
      moD <- mean(y, na.rm = TRUE)
      soD <- sd(y, na.rm = TRUE)
      dataD <- dataD[y >= moD - input$OutlierValueD * soD, ]
      dataD <- dataD[y <= moD + input$OutlierValueD * soD, ]
      outlierDR <- rownames(dataOld)[which(!(rownames(dataOld) %in% rownames(dataD)))]
      rm(dataD, y)
      data <- estimateMapSpread(data = data,
                          iter = input$Iter, burnin = input$burnin,
                          nChains = input$nChains, MinMax = input$MinMax, DateOne = input$DateOne,
                          DateTwo = input$DateTwo, DateType = input$DateType,
                          Longitude = input$Longitude, Latitude = input$Latitude, center = input$centerOfData,
                          CoordType = input$coordType,
                          penalty = as.numeric(input$Penalty),
                          splineType = as.numeric(input$SplineType),
                          correctionPac = input$correctionPac,
                          dateUnc = input$dateUnc,
                          K = input$Smoothing, smoothConst = input$smoothConst,
                          restriction = restriction,
                          shinyApp = TRUE,
                          outlier = TRUE,
                          outlierValue = input$OutlierValue,
                          outlierD = input$OutlierD,
                          outlierValueD = input$OutlierValueD,
                          thinning = input$thinning,
                          spreadQ = input$spreadQ,
                          minValue = input$minValueConstraint)$data},
      value = 0,
      message = "Removing outliers"
    outlier <- rownames(dataOld)[which(!(rownames(dataOld) %in% rownames(data)))]
  } else {
    outlier <- character()
    outlierDR <- character()

  model <- estimateMapSpread(data = data,
                    iter = input$Iter, burnin = input$burnin,
                    nChains = input$nChains, MinMax = input$MinMax, DateOne = input$DateOne,
                    DateTwo = input$DateTwo, DateType = input$DateType,
                    Longitude = input$Longitude, Latitude = input$Latitude,
                    CoordType = input$coordType,
                    restriction = restriction,
                    dateUnc = input$dateUnc,
                    penalty = as.numeric(input$Penalty),
                    correctionPac = input$correctionPac,
                    splineType = as.numeric(input$SplineType),
                    K = input$Smoothing, smoothConst = input$smoothConst,
                    shinyApp = TRUE,
                    outlierD = input$OutlierD,
                    outlierValueD = input$OutlierValueD,
                    thinning = input$thinning,
                    spreadQ = input$spreadQ,
                    minValue = input$minValueConstraint)
  if(class(model) == "list"){
    model$outlier <- outlier
    model$outlierDR <- outlierDR


#' Estimates spatio-temporal average model with (optional) random effects
#' (GAMM /Generalized Additive Mixed Model)
#' Note regarding IndependentType = "categorical": This follows a one vs. all approach using
#' logistic regression, which in the Bayesian case is performed using a Polya-Gamma latent variable
#' during Gibbs-sampling (https://arxiv.org/abs/1205.0310).
#' @param data data.frame: data
#' @param independent character: name of independent variable
#' @param IndependentType character: type ("numeric" or "categorical") of independent variable
#' @param Longitude character: name of longitude variable
#' @param Latitude character: name of latitude variable
#' @param Site character: name of site variable (optional)
#' @param burnin integer: number of burn-in iterations for Bayesian model (default = 500)
#' @param iter integer: number of iterations for Bayesian model (default = 2000)
#' @param nChains integer: number of chains for Bayesian model (default = 1)
#' @param DateOne character: name of date variable 1 (lower interval point / mean / single point)
#' @param DateTwo character: name of date variable 2 (upper interval point / sd / )
#' @param DateType character: one of "Interval", "Mean + 1 SD uncertainty" and "Single Point"
#' @param dateUnc character: one of "uniform", "normal", "point"
#' @param independentUncertainty character: uncertainty of independent variable in sd (optional)
#' @param K integer: number of basis functions for sos (spline on a sphere)
#' @param splineType numeric: 1 for classical tprs, 2 for spherical spline
#' @param KT integer: number of basis functions for tprs (thin plate regression spline)
#' @param penalty numeric: 1 for constant extrapolation, 2 for linear extrapolation
#' @param Bayes boolean: Bayesian model TRUE/FALSE?
#' @param CoordType character: type of longitude/latitude coordinates.
#'  One of "decimal degrees", "degrees minutes seconds" and "degrees decimal minutes"
#' @param smoothConst numeric: adjust smoothing parameter(>0) for Bayesian model (optional)
#' @param outlier boolean: outlier removal TRUE/FALSE
#' @param outlierValue numeric: if outlier removal is TRUE, threshold for removals in sd
#' @param outlierD boolean: data outlier removal TRUE/FALSE
#' @param outlierValueD numeric: if outlierD removal is TRUE, threshold for removals in sd
#' @param restriction numeric vector: spatially restricts model data 4 entries for latitude (min/max) and longitude(min/max)
#' @param sdVar boolean: variable standard deviation
#' @param correctionPac boolean: correction (data augmentation) for pacific centering
#' @param thinning numeric: mcmc thinning for bayesian models
#' @inheritParams centerData
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # load data
#' data <- readRDS(system.file("extData", "exampleData.Rds", package = "DSSM"))
#' # estimate model-map
#' map <- estimateMap3D(data = data, independent = "d13C", Longitude = "longitude",
#' Latitude = "latitude", DateOne = "dateLower", DateTwo = "dateUpper", Site = "site")
#' # Plot the map
#' plotMap3D(model = map, time = median(data$dateLower, na.rm = TRUE))
#' }
#' @export
estimateMap3D <- function(data,
                          center = c("Europe", "Pacific"),
                          IndependentType = "numeric",
                          Site = "",
                          DateType = "Interval",
                          dateUnc = "uniform",
                          independentUncertainty = "",
                          CoordType = "decimal degrees",
                          burnin = 500,
                          iter = 2000,
                          nChains = 1,
                          splineType = 1,
                          K = 25,
                          KT = 10,
                          Bayes = FALSE,
                          penalty = 1,
                          smoothConst = 1,
                          outlier = FALSE,
                          outlierValue = 4,
                          outlierD = FALSE,
                          outlierValueD = 4,
                          restriction = c(-90, 90, -180, 180),
                          sdVar = FALSE,
                          correctionPac = FALSE,
                          thinning = 2) {
  center <- match.arg(center)

  dataOrg <- data
  if (is.null(data)) return(NULL)
  if (Longitude == "" || Latitude == "" || DateOne == "") return(NULL)
  if (!(all(c(Longitude, Latitude, independent, DateOne) %in% names(data)))) return(NULL)

  if ( (!is.numeric(data[, independent]) || all(is.na(data[, independent]))) & IndependentType == "numeric") return("non-numeric independent variable")

  # prepare data ----
  data <- data %>%
    prepareDate(DateOne = DateOne,
                DateTwo = DateTwo,
                DateType = DateType,
                dateUnc = dateUnc,
                useMaxUnc = FALSE)
  if (all(is.na(data[, DateOne]))) return("non-numeric date field 1 variable")
  if (DateType != "Single point" && (all(is.na(data[, DateTwo])))) return("non-numeric date field 2 variable")

  if ( Site != "" && all(is.na(data[, Site]))) return("wrong site variable")

  data <- data %>%
    convertLatLongWrapper(Longitude = Longitude,
                          Latitude = Latitude,
                          CoordType = CoordType)
  # if conversion fails Long/Lat are removed -> columns will be missing
  if (!all(c(Longitude, Latitude) %in% names(data)) ||
      all(is.na(data[, Longitude])) || all(is.na(data[, Latitude])) ) return("Longitude or Latitude not available.")

  # process coordinate data
  data <- data %>%
    shiftDataToDefaultRestriction() %>%
    removeDataOutsideRestriction(Latitude = Latitude,
                                 Longitude = Longitude,
                                 restriction = restriction)

  if (Site == ""){
    data$Site = 1:nrow(data)
    Site = "Site"

  data$Site <- data[, Site]

  if (DateType == "Interval"){
    if(independentUncertainty != "" && !all(is.na(data[, independentUncertainty]))){
      data$independentUncertainty <- data[, independentUncertainty]
      data$independentUncertainty[is.na(data$independentUncertainty)] <- 0
      data <- na.omit(data[, c(independent, Longitude, Latitude, "Site",
                               "Date", "Uncertainty", "independentUncertainty")])
    } else {
      data <- na.omit(data[, c(independent, Longitude, Latitude, "Site",
                               "Date", "Uncertainty")])
    data$Uncertainty2 <- pmax(0, data$Uncertainty / sd(data$Date))
  if (DateType == "Single point"){
    if(independentUncertainty != "" && !all(is.na(data[, independentUncertainty]))){
      data$independentUncertainty <- data[, independentUncertainty]
      data <- na.omit(data[, c(independent, Longitude, Latitude, "Site",
                               "Date", "Uncertainty", "independentUncertainty")])
    } else {
      data <- na.omit(data[, c(independent, Longitude, Latitude, "Site",
                               "Date", "Uncertainty")])
    data$Uncertainty2 <- 0
  if (DateType == "Mean + 1 SD uncertainty"){
    if(independentUncertainty != "" && !all(is.na(data[, independentUncertainty]))){
      data$independentUncertainty <- data[, independentUncertainty]
      data <- na.omit(data[, c(independent, Longitude, Latitude, "Site",
                               "Date", "Uncertainty", "independentUncertainty")])
    } else {
      data <- na.omit(data[, c(independent, Longitude, Latitude, "Site",
                               "Date", "Uncertainty")])
    data$Uncertainty2 <- pmax(0, data$Uncertainty / sd(data$Date))

  data$Longitude2 <- (data[, Longitude] - mean(data[, Longitude])) / (sd(data[, Longitude]))
  data$Latitude2 <- (data[, Latitude] - mean(data[, Latitude])) / (sd(data[, Latitude]))
  data$Date2 <- (data$Date - mean(data$Date)) / (sd(data$Date))

  if(dateUnc == "point"){
    data$Uncertainty2 <- rep(0, nrow(data))
    data$Uncertainty <- rep(0, nrow(data))

  if (nrow(unique(data[, c(Longitude, Latitude)])) <= K) {
    K <- ceiling(0.9 * nrow(unique(data[, c(Longitude, Latitude)])))
    if (K < 4) {return("less than 4 rows")}
  if (length(unique(data[, c("Date")])) <= KT) {
    KT <- ceiling(0.9 * length(unique(data[, c("Date")])))
    if (KT < 4) {return("less than 4 rows")}

  independentnew <- independent
  if (grepl("[^a-zA-Z]", substr(independent,1,1))){
    independentnew <- paste0("x", independent)
  if (grepl("[^a-zA-Z0-9._]", independent)){
    independentnew <- gsub("[^a-zA-Z0-9._]", "", independentnew)
  data$independentnew <- data[, independent]
  names(data)[names(data) == "independentnew"] <- independentnew
  independent <- independentnew
  data$independentnew <- NULL
  data$Longitude <- data[, Longitude]
  data$Latitude <- data[, Latitude]

  if(outlierD == TRUE & IndependentType == "numeric"){
    moD <- mean(data[, independent], na.rm = TRUE)
    soD <- sd(data[, independent], na.rm = TRUE)
    data <- data[data[, independent] >= moD - outlierValueD * soD, ]
    data <- data[data[, independent] <= moD + outlierValueD * soD, ]

  ### data augmentation ----
  if (correctionPac && splineType == 1 && center == "Europe") {
    data2 <- augmentData(data)
    data2$Longitude2 <- (data2$Longitude - mean(data$Longitude)) / (sd(data$Longitude))
    data2$Latitude2 <- (data2$Latitude - mean(data$Latitude)) / (sd(data$Latitude))
    K <- ceiling(K * nrow(data2) / nrow(data))
  } else {
    data2 <- data

  ### data centering ----
  data2 <- centerData(data2, center = center)

  # calculate model ----
  if (splineType == 2){
    splineExpr <- paste("te(Latitude, Longitude, Date2, d = c(2,1), m = c(", penalty, ",", penalty, ")", ", k = c(", K, ",", KT, ")" , ", bs = c(\"sos\", \"tp\"))")
  } else {
    splineExpr <- paste("s(Latitude2, Longitude2, Date2, m = ", penalty, ", k = ", K, ", bs = \"ds\")")

  if (Bayes == FALSE){
    sc <- NULL
    scV <- NULL
    if(IndependentType == "numeric"){
      fm = "gaussian"
      model <- estimateModel3D(data2, fm, independent, splineExpr)
      if ( class(model)[1] == "try-error") {return("Error in Model Fitting.")}
      if(outlier == TRUE){
        data2 <- dataOrg[as.numeric(rownames(data2)[which(abs(scale(residuals(model$lme))) < outlierValue)]), ]
        return(list(model = model, data = data2, sc = sc, scV = scV, independent = independent, IndependentType = IndependentType))
      predRange <- predict(model$gam, se.fit = TRUE)
      model$range <- list(mean = range(predRange$fit), se = range(predRange$se.fit),
                          seTotal = sqrt(range(var(residuals(model$gam)) + max(predRange$se.fit)^2)))
    } else {
      fm = "binomial"
      dummy_matrix <- model.matrix(~ . -1, data = data2[,independent, drop = FALSE])
      colnames(dummy_matrix) <- sapply(strsplit(colnames(dummy_matrix), split = independent), function(x) x[2])
      data2 <- cbind(data2, dummy_matrix)
      #only data instead of data2 is exported, dummy matrix is important for time course plot
      dummy_matrix1 <- model.matrix(~ . -1, data = data[,independent, drop = FALSE])
      colnames(dummy_matrix1) <- sapply(strsplit(colnames(dummy_matrix1), split = independent), function(x) x[2])
      data <- cbind(data, dummy_matrix1)
      model <- lapply(colnames(dummy_matrix), function(x){
        model <- estimateModel3D(data2, fm, x, splineExpr)
        if ( class(model)[1] == "try-error") {return("Error in Model Fitting.")}
        if(outlier == TRUE){
          data2 <- dataOrg[as.numeric(rownames(data2)[which(abs(scale(residuals(model$lme))) < outlierValue)]), ]
          return(list(model = model, data = data2, sc = sc, scV = scV, independent = independent, IndependentType = IndependentType))
        predRange <- predict(model$gam, se.fit = TRUE)
        model$range <- list(mean = range(predRange$fit), se = range(predRange$se.fit),
                            seTotal = sqrt(range(var(residuals(model$gam)) + max(predRange$se.fit)^2)))
      names(model) <- colnames(dummy_matrix)
    } else {
      if(IndependentType == "numeric"){
      model <- try(modelLocalTempAvgMC(data = data2, K = K, KT = KT, iter = iter,
                                     burnin = burnin, nChains = nChains,
                                     independent = independent,
                                     smoothConst = smoothConst,
                                     penalty = penalty, splineType = splineType,
                                     sdVar = sdVar, dateUnc = dateUnc, thinning = thinning), silent = TRUE)
    if ( class(model)[1] == "try-error") {return("Error in Model Fitting.")}
      sRe = model$sRe
      mRe = model$mRe
      sc = model$sc
      scV = model$scV

      } else {
        dummy_matrix <- model.matrix(~ . -1, data = data2[,independent, drop = FALSE])
        colnames(dummy_matrix) <- sapply(strsplit(colnames(dummy_matrix), split = independent), function(x) x[2])
        data2 <- cbind(data2, dummy_matrix)
        #only data instead of data2 is exported, dummy matrix is important for time course plot
        dummy_matrix1 <- model.matrix(~ . -1, data = data[,independent, drop = FALSE])
        colnames(dummy_matrix1) <- sapply(strsplit(colnames(dummy_matrix1), split = independent), function(x) x[2])
        data <- cbind(data, dummy_matrix1)
        model <- lapply(colnames(dummy_matrix), function(x){
          model <- try(modelLocalTempAvgMC(data = data2, K = K, KT = KT, iter = iter,
                                           burnin = burnin, nChains = nChains,
                                           independent = x,
                                           smoothConst = smoothConst,
                                           penalty = penalty, splineType = splineType,
                                           sdVar = sdVar, dateUnc = dateUnc, thinning = thinning), silent = TRUE)
          if ( class(model)[1] == "try-error") {return("Error in Model Fitting.")}
        names(model) <- colnames(dummy_matrix)
        sRe = 1
        mRe = 0
        sc = model[[1]]$sc
        scV = model[[1]]$scV
    return(list(model = model, data = data, sc = sc, scV = scV, independent = independent,
                mRe = mRe, sRe = sRe, nChains = nChains, IndependentType = IndependentType))
  return(list(model = model, data = data, sc = sc, scV = scV, independent = independent, nChains = nChains, IndependentType = IndependentType))

estimateMap3DWrapper <- function(data, input) {
    if(as.numeric(input$SplineType) == 2){
        K  <- input$Smoothing
      } else {
        K  <- input$SmoothingClassic
      restriction <- c(input$mALat1, input$mALat2, input$mALong1, input$mALong2)
      restriction[is.na(restriction)] <- c(-90, 90, -180, 180)[is.na(restriction)]
    } else {
      restriction <- c(-90, 90, -180, 180)

    if(input$Outlier == TRUE){
        dataOld <- data
        dataD <- data
        moD <- mean(dataD[, input$IndependentX], na.rm = TRUE)
        soD <- sd(dataD[, input$IndependentX], na.rm = TRUE)
        dataD <- dataD[dataD[, input$IndependentX] >= moD - input$OutlierValueD * soD, ]
        dataD <- dataD[dataD[, input$IndependentX] <= moD + input$OutlierValueD * soD, ]
        outlierDR <- rownames(dataOld)[which(!(rownames(dataOld) %in% rownames(dataD)))]

        data <- estimateMap3D(data = data, Bayes = FALSE, independent = input$IndependentX,
                            independentUncertainty = input$IndependentUnc,
                            IndependentType = input$IndependentType,
                            Longitude = input$Longitude, Latitude = input$Latitude, center = input$centerOfData,
                            Site = input$Site, CoordType = input$coordType,
                            iter = input$Iter, burnin = input$burnin,
                            nChains = input$nChains, DateOne = input$DateOne,
                            penalty = as.numeric(input$Penalty),
                            splineType = as.numeric(input$SplineType),
                            DateTwo = input$DateTwo, DateType = input$DateType,
                            K = K, KT = input$SmoothingT,
                            correctionPac = input$correctionPac,
                            restriction = restriction,
                            smoothConst = input$smoothConst,
                            outlier = TRUE,
                            outlierValue = input$OutlierValue,
                            outlierD = input$OutlierD,
                            outlierValueD = input$OutlierValueD,
                            thinning = input$thinning)$data},
        value = 0,
        message = "Removing outliers"
      outlier <- rownames(dataOld)[which(!(rownames(dataOld) %in% rownames(data)))]
    } else {
    outlier <- character()
    outlierDR <- character()

  if(input$Bayes != TRUE){
      model <- estimateMap3D(data = data, Bayes = input$Bayes, independent = input$IndependentX,
                    independentUncertainty = input$IndependentUnc,
                    IndependentType = input$IndependentType,
                    Longitude = input$Longitude, Latitude = input$Latitude,
                    Site = input$Site, CoordType = input$coordType,
                    iter = input$Iter, burnin = input$burnin,
                    nChains = input$nChains, DateOne = input$DateOne,
                    penalty = as.numeric(input$Penalty),
                    splineType = as.numeric(input$SplineType),
                    restriction = restriction,
                    correctionPac = input$correctionPac,
                    DateTwo = input$DateTwo, DateType = input$DateType,
                    outlierD = input$OutlierD,
                    outlierValueD = input$OutlierValueD,
                    K = K, KT = input$SmoothingT,
                    smoothConst = input$smoothConst,
                    thinning = input$thinning),
      value = 0,
      message = "Generating spatio-temporal model"
  } else {
    model <- estimateMap3D(data = data, Bayes = input$Bayes, independent = input$IndependentX,
                  independentUncertainty = input$IndependentUnc,
                  IndependentType = input$IndependentType,
                  Longitude = input$Longitude, Latitude = input$Latitude,
                  Site = input$Site, CoordType = input$coordType,
                  iter = input$Iter, burnin = input$burnin,
                  nChains = input$nChains, DateOne = input$DateOne,
                  penalty = as.numeric(input$Penalty),
                  restriction = restriction,
                  dateUnc = input$dateUnc,
                  correctionPac = input$correctionPac,
                  splineType = as.numeric(input$SplineType),
                  DateTwo = input$DateTwo, DateType = input$DateType,
                  outlierD = input$OutlierD,
                  outlierValueD = input$OutlierValueD,
                  K = K,
                  KT = input$SmoothingT, smoothConst = input$smoothConst,
                  sdVar = input$sdVar,
                  thinning = input$thinning)
  if(class(model) == "list"){
    model$outlier <- outlier
    model$outlierDR <- outlierDR


alertBayesMessage <- function() "Are you sure? The Bayesian model may take a while!"

modelLocalAvgMC <- function(data, K, iter, burnin, independent, smoothConst,
                            IndependentType = "numeric",
                          penalty = 1, splineType = 2, sdVar = FALSE,
                          nChains = 1, thinning = thinning){
  ret <- lapply(1:nChains, function(x){
    modelLocalAvg(data = data, K = K, iter = iter, burnin = burnin, independent = independent,
                  smoothConst = smoothConst,
                  IndependentType = IndependentType,
                              penalty = penalty,
                  splineType = splineType, sdVar = sdVar,
                  nChains = x, thinning = thinning)
  res <- ret[[1]]
  res$beta <- do.call("rbind", lapply(1:length(ret), function(x) ret[[x]]$beta))
  res$betaSigma <- do.call("rbind", lapply(1:length(ret), function(x) ret[[x]]$betaSigma))
  res$sigma <- do.call("rbind", lapply(1:length(ret), function(x) ret[[x]]$sigma))
  res$tau <- do.call("rbind", lapply(1:length(ret), function(x) ret[[x]]$tau))

modelLocalAvg <- function(data, K, iter, burnin, independent, smoothConst,
                          IndependentType = "numeric",
                          penalty = 1, splineType = 2, sdVar = FALSE, nChains = 1,
                          thinning = 2){
  n <- nrow(data)
  data$Y <- data[, independent]
  nknots <- K
  burnInProp <- pmax(pmin(0.8, burnin / iter), 0.01)
  #thinning <- max(1, floor(iter * (1 - burnInProp) / 1000))
  burnin <- round(burnInProp * iter)
  every <- thinning  #nur die x-te MCMC-Iteration soll genutzt werden
  #Vektor der tatsaechlich benutzten Beobachtungen
  usedsamples <- seq(from = burnin, to = iter, by = every)

  if (splineType == 2){
    bs = "sos"
  } else {
    bs = "ds"

  penalty <- penalty %>% updatePenalty(bs = bs)
  s <- smoothCon(s(Latitude, Longitude, k = nknots, bs = bs, m = penalty),
                 data = data, knots = NULL)[[1]]

  P <- s$S[[1]]
  #Rang der Strafmatrix P
  M <- qr(P)$rank
  nknots <- dim(P)[1]

  sV <- smoothCon(s(Latitude, Longitude, m = c(1,0.5),
                    k = max(10, min(100, ceiling(K / 2))), bs = bs),
                  data = data, knots = NULL)[[1]]

  PV <- sV$S[[1]]
  #Rang der Strafmatrix P
  nknots <- dim(PV)[1]
  MV <- qr(PV)$rank
  XXV <- Predict.matrix(sV, data)

  XX <- Predict.matrix(s, data)
  cXX <- Crossprod(XX,XX)
  cXXV <- Crossprod(XXV,XXV)
  data$Site <- as.character(data$Site)
  if(length(unique(data$Site)) == nrow(data)){
    U <- diag(nrow(data))
    noU <- T
    cU <- rep(1, nrow(data))
    tU <- U
  } else{
    U <- model.matrix( ~ Site - 1, data = data)
    noU <- F
    cU <- diag(Crossprod(U, U))
    tU <- t(U)
  uMatch <- unlist(sapply(1:ncol(U), function(x){which(U[, x]== 1)}))
  ###Starting Values
  #Chain 1
  sigma <- rep(1, nrow(data))
  tau <- 1
  gamma <- rep(0, dim(U)[2])
  lam <- 1E-5
  beta <- rep(0, ncol(XX))

  if(sdVar & IndependentType == "numeric"){
    sigmaSigma <- rep(1, nrow(data))
    betaSigma<- rep(0, ncol(XXV))
    lamSigma <- 1E-5

  ###Tuningparameter der a-priori Verteilungen:
  a.eps <- 1E-5
  b.eps <- 1E-5
  a.mu <- 1E-5
  b.mu <- 1E-5
  a.tau <- 1E-5
  b.tau <- 1E-5
  lam.mu <- 1E-5
  lam.sigma <- 1E-5

  ###Parametermatrizen zur Speicherung der MCMC Iterationen
  betamc <- matrix(ncol = dim(XX)[2], nrow = length(usedsamples))
  betamcSigma <- matrix(ncol = dim(XXV)[2], nrow = length(usedsamples))

  taumc <- matrix(ncol = 1, nrow = length(usedsamples))
  # gammamc <- matrix(ncol = length(gamma), nrow = iter)
  smc <- matrix(ncol = 1, nrow = length(usedsamples))
  # sigmamc <- matrix(ncol = 1, nrow = iter)
  # lambdamc <- matrix(ncol = 1, nrow = iter)


  if(IndependentType == "numeric"){
    mRe <- mean(data$Y)
    sRe <- sd(data$Y)
    data$Y <- (data$Y - mRe) / sRe
  } else {
    mRe = 0
    sRe = 1
    data$independentUncertainty <- data$independentUncertainty / sRe
  YMean <- data$Y
  MCMC_LocalAvg <- function(start, iter){
    for (i in start:iter) {
      #conditional posterioris:
      # nolint start
        sdmY <- 1 / (1 / sigma + 1 / (data$independentUncertainty ^ 2 + 1E-6))
        mY <- ((XX %*% beta + U %*% gamma) / sigma +
                 YMean / (data$independentUncertainty ^ 2 + 1E-6)) * sdmY
        if(IndependentType == "numeric"){
          data$Y <- rnorm(length(data$independentUncertainty), mY, sd = sqrt(sdmY))
        } else {
          data$Y <- pmax(0, pmin(1, rnorm(length(data$independentUncertainty), mY, sd = sqrt(sdmY))))
      if(IndependentType == "numeric"){
        scale <- (b.eps + 0.5 * sum((((data$Y - XX %*% beta - U %*% gamma)) ^ 2))) ^ - 1
        sigma <<- 1 / rgamma(1, shape = a.eps + n / 2, scale = scale)
      } else {
        scale0 <- (b.eps + 0.5 * sum((((data$Y - XX %*% beta - U %*% gamma)) ^ 2))) ^ - 1
        sigma0 <- 1 / rgamma(1, shape = a.eps + n / 2, scale = scale0)
        scaleSigma <- (b.eps + 0.5 * sum((((XXV %*% betaSigma) - log((data$Y - XX %*% beta - U %*% gamma)^2))) ^ 2)) ^ - 1
        sigmaSigma <<- 1 / rgamma(1, shape = a.eps + n / 2, scale = scaleSigma)
        inverseSigma <- spdinv(cXXV / sigmaSigma + lamSigma * PV)
        betaSigma <<- as.vector(rmvnorm(1, mu = inverseSigma %*%
                                          crossprod(XXV / sigmaSigma,
                                                    log((data$Y - XX %*% beta - U %*% gamma) ^ 2)), sigma = inverseSigma))
        sigmaTmp <-  as.numeric(exp(XXV %*% (betaSigma)))
        sigma0 <- mean(sigmaTmp) / sigma0
        sigma <<- sigmaTmp / sigma0 + 1E-4
      } else {
        sigma <<- pgdraw(1, XX %*% beta + U %*% gamma)
      # nolint end
      if(IndependentType == "numeric"){
        inverse <- spdinv(cXX / sigma + lam * P)
        beta <<- as.vector(rmvnorm(1, mu = inverse %*% crossprod(XX / sigma, (data$Y - U %*% gamma)), sigma = inverse))
      } else {
        inverse <- spdinv(crossprod((XX/sigma), (XX)) + lam * P)
        beta <<- as.vector(rmvnorm(1, mu = inverse %*% crossprod(XX / sigma, (data$Y - U %*% gamma)), sigma = inverse))
      }  else {
        inverse <- spdinv(crossprod((XX*sigma), (XX)) + lam * P)
        beta <<- as.vector(rmvnorm(1, mu = inverse %*% (crossprod(XX, (data$Y - 0.5)) - crossprod(XX*sigma, U %*% gamma)), sigma = inverse))
      # nolint start
      if(IndependentType == "numeric"){
        inverse2 <-  1 / (cU / sigma + 1 / tau)
        gamma <<-  rnorm(n = length(inverse2), mean = (tU * inverse2 / sigma) %*%
                           ((data$Y - (XX) %*% beta)), sd = sqrt(inverse2))
      } else {
        uTmp <- sapply(1:length(cU), function(i) mean(sigma[uMatch[(1 + c(0, cumsum(cU))[i]): c(0, cumsum(cU))[i+1]]]))
        inverse2 <-  1 / (cU / uTmp + 1 / tau)
        gamma <<-  rnorm(n = length(inverse2), mean = (tU * inverse2 / uTmp) %*%
                           ((data$Y - (XX) %*% beta)), sd = sqrt(inverse2))
      } else {
        uTmp <- sapply(1:length(cU), function(i) mean(sigma[uMatch[(1 + c(0, cumsum(cU))[i]): c(0, cumsum(cU))[i+1]]]))
        inverse2 <-  1 / (cU * uTmp + 1 / tau)
        gamma <<-  rnorm(n = length(inverse2), mean = (inverse2) * (crossprod(U,data$Y - 0.5) - (crossprod(U*sigma, XX %*% beta))), sd = sqrt(inverse2))
      # nolint end

      if(length(unique(data$Site)) == nrow(data)){
        gamma <<- rep(0, length(gamma))

      tau <<- 1 /
          shape = a.tau + length(gamma) / 2,
          scale = (b.tau + 0.5 * sum(gamma ^ 2)) ^ - 1)
      #Smoothing Parameter lambda
      lam <<- rgamma(
        shape = lam.mu + M / 2,
        scale = (lam.sigma + 0.5 * crossprod(beta, P) %*% beta) ^ - 1
      ) * smoothConst
      if(sdVar & IndependentType == "numeric"){
        lamSigma <<- rgamma(
          shape = lam.mu + MV / 2,
          scale = (lam.sigma + 0.5 * crossprod(betaSigma, PV) %*% betaSigma) ^ - 1
        ) * smoothConst

      #Werte in Parametermatrizen einsetzen
      if(i %in% usedsamples){
      pointer <- which(usedsamples == i)
      betamc[pointer, ] <<- beta
      if(IndependentType == "numeric"){
        betamcSigma[pointer, ] <<- betaSigma
        smc[pointer, ] <<- sigma0
      } else {
        smc[pointer, ] <<- mean(sigma)
      } else {
        smc[pointer, ] <<- mean(invLogit(XX %*% beta + U %*% gamma) * (1-invLogit(XX %*% beta + U %*% gamma)))
      # gammamc[i, ] <- gamma
      taumc[pointer, ] <<- tau
      # lambdamc[i, ] <- lam
  if(IndependentType == "numeric"){
    msg <- "Calculating Local Average Model"
  } else {
    msg <- paste0("Calculating Local Average Model - ", independent)
  for ( k in 1:10) {
    j <- seq(1, iter, iter / 10)[k]
      msg = msg,
      detail = paste0("Chain ", nChains),
      value = k / 10)(
        start = j, iter = j + iter / 10 - 1
  # burnin <- round(burnInProp * iter)
  # every <- thinning  #nur die x-te MCMC-Iteration soll genutzt werden
  # #Vektor der tatsaechlich benutzten Beobachtungen
  # usedsamples <- seq(from = burnin, to = iter, by = every)
  if(IndependentType == "numeric"){
  if(sdVar & IndependentType == "numeric"){
    seTotal = range(sqrt(apply(sapply(1:length(usedsamples), function(x)
      (XX %*% betamc[x, ]) * sRe + mRe), 1, var) +
        rowMeans(sapply(1:length(usedsamples), function(x)
          exp((XXV %*% betamcSigma[x, ])) / smc[x] * sRe^2))))
  } else {
    betamcSigma <- NULL
    seTotal = range(sqrt(apply(sapply(1:length(usedsamples), function(x)
      (XX %*% betamc[x, ]) * sRe + mRe), 1, var) + mean(smc)))
  } else {
    betamcSigma <- NULL
    pred_probs <- sapply(1:length(usedsamples), function(x) invLogit(XX %*% betamc[x, ]) * sRe + mRe)
    seTotal = range(sqrt(apply(pred_probs, 1, var) + pred_probs * (1-pred_probs)))
  return(list(beta = betamc, betaSigma = betamcSigma, sc = s, scV = sV, sigma = smc,
              tau = taumc, mRe = mRe, sRe = sRe,
              range = list(mean = range(rowMeans(sapply(1:length(usedsamples), function(x)
                (XX %*% betamc[x, ]) * sRe + mRe))),
                se = range(sqrt(apply(sapply(1:length(usedsamples), function(x)
                  (XX %*% betamc[x, ]) * sRe + mRe), 1, var))),
                seTotal = seTotal)))

modelLocalTempAvgMC <- function(data, K, KT, iter, burnin, independent,
                                smoothConst, IndependentType = "numeric", penalty, dateUnc = "uniform",
                                splineType = 1, sdVar = FALSE, nChains = 1, thinning = thinning){
  ret <- lapply(1:nChains, function(x){
    modelLocalTempAvg(data = data, K = K, KT = KT, iter = iter,
                      burnin = burnin, independent = independent,
                  smoothConst = smoothConst,
                  IndependentType = IndependentType,
                  penalty = penalty, dateUnc = dateUnc,
                  splineType = splineType, sdVar = sdVar,
                  nChains = x, thinning = thinning)
  res <- ret[[1]]
  res$beta <- do.call("rbind", lapply(1:length(ret), function(x) ret[[x]]$beta))
  res$betaSigma <- do.call("rbind", lapply(1:length(ret), function(x) ret[[x]]$betaSigma))
  res$sigma <- do.call("rbind", lapply(1:length(ret), function(x) ret[[x]]$sigma))
  res$tau <- do.call("rbind", lapply(1:length(ret), function(x) ret[[x]]$tau))

modelLocalTempAvg <- function(data, K, KT, iter, burnin, independent,
                              smoothConst, IndependentType = "numeric", penalty,
                              dateUnc = "uniform",splineType = 1, sdVar = FALSE,
                              nChains = 1, thinning = 2){
  data$Date4 <- data$Date2
  data$Date2 <- sapply(1:length(data$Date2), function(x)
                                   runif(1, min = data$Date2[x] - 2 * data$Uncertainty2[x],
                                   max =  data$Date2[x] + 2 * data$Uncertainty2[x]))
  n <- nrow(data)
  data$Y <- data[, independent]

  nknots <- K
  burnInProp <- pmax(pmin(0.8, burnin / iter), 0.01)
  #thinning <- max(1, floor(iter * (1 - burnInProp) / 1000))
  burnin <- round(burnInProp * iter)
  every <- thinning  #nur die x-te MCMC-Iteration soll genutzt werden
  #Vektor der tatsaechlich benutzten Beobachtungen
  usedsamples <- seq(from = burnin, to = iter, by = every)

  if (splineType == 2){
    s <- smoothCon(te(Latitude, Longitude, Date2, m = c(penalty, penalty), d = c(2,1),
                      k = c(K, KT), bs = c("sos", "tp")),
                   data = data, knots = NULL)[[1]]
    data$Date3 <- data$Date2
    s2 <- smoothCon(te(Latitude, Longitude, Date3, m = c(penalty, penalty), d = c(2,1),
                       k = c(K, KT), bs = c("sos", "tp")),
                    data = data, knots = NULL)[[1]]
  } else {
    s <- smoothCon(s(Latitude2, Longitude2, Date2, m = c(penalty),
                     k = c(K), bs = c("ds")),
                   data = data, knots = NULL)[[1]]
    data$Date3 <- data$Date2
    s2 <- smoothCon(s(Latitude2, Longitude2, Date3, m = c(penalty),
                      k = c(K), bs = c("ds")),
                    data = data, knots = NULL)[[1]]
  sV <- smoothCon(s(Latitude2, Longitude2, Date2, m = 1,
                    k = min(100, ceiling(K / 2)), bs = c("ds")),
                  data = data, knots = NULL)[[1]]

  P <- s$S[[1]]
  #Rang der Strafmatrix P
  nknots <- dim(P)[1]
  M <- qr(P)$rank

  PV <- sV$S[[1]]
  #Rang der Strafmatrix P
  nknots <- dim(PV)[1]
  MV <- qr(PV)$rank
  XXV <- Predict.matrix(sV, data)

  if (splineType == 2){
    M <- M / 2
    P2 <- s$S[[2]]
    M2 <- qr(P2)$rank / 2
    nknots2 <- dim(P2)[1]
  #Zur jeweiligen Erstellung der Praediktionsmatrix

  XX <- Predict.matrix(s, data)

  data$Site <- as.character(data$Site)

  if(length(unique(data$Site)) == nrow(data)){
    U <- diag(nrow(data))
    noU <- T
    cU <- rep(1, nrow(data))
    tU <- U
  } else{
    U <- model.matrix( ~ Site - 1, data = data)
    noU <- F
    cU <- diag(Crossprod(U, U))
    tU <- t(U)

  uMatch <- unlist(sapply(1:ncol(U), function(x){which(U[, x]== 1)}))
  ###Starting Values
  #Chain 1
  if(!sdVar | IndependentType != "numeric"){
    sigma <- 1
  } else {
    sigma <- rep(1, nrow(data))
  tau <- 1
  gamma <- rep(0, dim(U)[2])
  lam <- 1E-5
  lam2 <- 1E-5
  beta <- rep(0, ncol(XX))
  XX2 <- XX

    sigmaSigma <- rep(1, nrow(data))
    betaSigma<- rep(0, ncol(XXV))
    lamSigma <- 1E-5
    lamSigma2 <- 1E-5

  ###Tuningparameter der a-priori Verteilungen:
  a.eps <- 1E-5
  b.eps <- 1E-5
  a.mu <- 1E-5
  b.mu <- 1E-5
  a.tau <- 1E-5
  b.tau <- 1E-5
  lam.mu <- 1E-5
  lam.sigma <- 1E-5

  ###Parametermatrizen zur Speicherung der MCMC Iterationen
  betamc <- matrix(ncol = dim(XX)[2], nrow = length(usedsamples))
  betamcSigma <- matrix(ncol = dim(XXV)[2], nrow = length(usedsamples))
  taumc <- matrix(ncol = 1, nrow = length(usedsamples))
  # gammamc <- matrix(ncol = length(gamma), nrow = iter)
  smc <- matrix(ncol = 1, nrow = length(usedsamples))
  # sigmamc <- matrix(ncol = 1, nrow = iter)
  # lambdamc <- matrix(ncol = 1, nrow = iter)
  # xmc <- matrix(ncol = n, nrow = iter)

  changeX <- which(data$Uncertainty2 > 0)

  if(IndependentType == "numeric"){
  mRe <- mean(data$Y)
  sRe <- sd(data$Y)
  data$Y <- (data$Y - mRe) / sRe
  } else {
    mRe = 0
    sRe = 1
    data$independentUncertainty <- data$independentUncertainty / sRe
  YMean <- data$Y
  MCMC_LocalTempAvg <- function(start, iter){
    for (i in start:iter) {
        sdmY <- 1 / (1 / sigma + 1 / (data$independentUncertainty ^ 2 + 1E-6))
        mY <- ((XX2 %*% beta + U %*% gamma) / sigma +
                 YMean / (data$independentUncertainty ^ 2 + 1E-6)) * sdmY
        if(IndependentType == "numeric"){
          data$Y <- rnorm(length(data$independentUncertainty), mY, sd = sqrt(sdmY))
        } else {
          data$Y <- pmax(0, pmin(1, rnorm(length(data$independentUncertainty), mY, sd = sqrt(sdmY))))
      if (splineType == 2){
        if(IndependentType == "numeric"){
        inverse <- spdinv(Crossprod(XX2 / sigma, XX2) + lam * P + lam2 * P2)
        } else {
          inverse <- spdinv(crossprod((XX2*sigma), (XX2)) + lam * P + lam2 * P2)
      } else {
        if(IndependentType == "numeric"){
          inverse <- spdinv(Crossprod(XX2 / sigma, XX2) + lam * P)
        } else {
          inverse <- spdinv(crossprod((XX2*sigma), (XX2)) + lam * P)
      if(IndependentType == "numeric"){
        beta <<- as.vector(rmvnorm(1, mu = inverse %*% crossprod(XX2 / sigma, (data$Y - U %*% gamma)), sigma = inverse))
      } else {
        beta <<- as.vector(rmvnorm(1, mu = inverse %*% (crossprod(XX2, (data$Y - 0.5)) - crossprod(XX2*sigma, U %*% gamma)), sigma = inverse))
        #beta <<- mvrnorm(mu = inverse %*% crossprod(XX2 / sigma, (data$Y - U %*% gamma)), Sigma = inverse, tol = 1E-5)
      # #MH-step for time
      if ((i %% 10 == 0) & length(changeX) > 0){
        data$Date3 <- sapply(1:length(data$Date4), function(x)
          runif(1,min = data$Date4[x] - 2 * data$Uncertainty2[x],
                max =  data$Date4[x] + 2 * data$Uncertainty2[x]))
        XX3 <- Predict.matrix(s2, data)
        alphas <- rep(0, n)
          sigmaChange <- sigma[changeX]
        } else {
          sigmaChange <- sigma
        alphas[changeX] <- AcceptanceTime(data[changeX, ],
                                          XX3[changeX, ],
                                          XX2[changeX, ],
                                          U[changeX, ],
                                          beta, gamma,
                                          dateUnc = dateUnc,
                                          IndependentType = IndependentType)
        alphas[is.na(alphas)] <- 0
        randomAlpha <- runif(n)
        updated <- which(randomAlpha < alphas)
        data$Date2[updated] <- data$Date3[updated]
        if(length(updated) > 0){
          XX2[updated, ] <- (Predict.matrix(s, data[updated,]))
      # nolint start
      if(IndependentType == "numeric"){
          inverse2 <-  1 / (cU / sigma + 1 / tau)
          gamma <<-  rnorm(n = length(inverse2), mean = (tU * inverse2 / sigma) %*%
                            ((data$Y - (XX2) %*% beta)), sd = sqrt(inverse2))
        } else {
          uTmp <- sapply(1:length(cU), function(i) mean(sigma[uMatch[(1 + c(0, cumsum(cU))[i]): c(0, cumsum(cU))[i+1]]]))
          inverse2 <-  1 / (cU / uTmp + 1 / tau)
          gamma <<-  rnorm(n = length(inverse2), mean = (tU * inverse2 / uTmp) %*%
                            ((data$Y - (XX2) %*% beta)), sd = sqrt(inverse2))
      } else {
          uTmp <- sapply(1:length(cU), function(i) mean(sigma[uMatch[(1 + c(0, cumsum(cU))[i]): c(0, cumsum(cU))[i+1]]]))
          inverse2 <-  1 / (cU * uTmp + 1 / tau)
          gamma <<-  rnorm(n = length(inverse2), mean = (inverse2) * (crossprod(U,data$Y - 0.5) - (crossprod(U*sigma, XX2 %*% beta))), sd = sqrt(inverse2))
      if(length(unique(data$Site)) == nrow(data)){
        gamma <<- rep(0, length(gamma))

      tau <<- 1 / rgamma(
        shape = a.tau + length(gamma) / 2,
        scale = (b.tau + 0.5 * sum(gamma ^ 2)) ^ - 1)

      #Smoothing Parameter lambda
      lam <<- rgamma(
        shape = lam.mu + M / 2,
        scale = (lam.sigma + 0.5 * crossprod(beta, P) %*% beta) ^ - 1
      ) * smoothConst
      if (splineType == 2){
        lam2 <<- rgamma(
          shape = lam.mu + M2 / 2,
          scale = (lam.sigma + 0.5 * crossprod(beta, P2) %*% beta) ^ - 1
        ) * smoothConst

      # nolint start
      #conditional posterioris:
      if(IndependentType == "numeric"){
          scale <- (b.eps + 0.5 * sum((((data$Y - XX2 %*% beta - U %*% gamma)) ^ 2))) ^ - 1
          sigma <<- 1 / rgamma(1, shape = a.eps + n / 2, scale = scale)
        } else {
          scale0 <- (b.eps + 0.5 * sum((((data$Y - XX2 %*% beta - U %*% gamma)) ^ 2))) ^ - 1
          sigma0 <- 1 / rgamma(1, shape = a.eps + n / 2, scale = scale0)

          scaleSigma <- (b.eps + 0.5 * sum((log((data$Y - XX2 %*% beta - U %*% gamma)^2) - (XXV %*% betaSigma)) ^ 2)) ^ - 1
          sigmaSigma <<- 1 / rgamma(1, shape = a.eps + n / 2, scale = scaleSigma)
          if (splineType == 2){
            inverseSigma <- spdinv(Crossprod(XXV / sigmaSigma, XXV) + lamSigma * PV)
          } else {
            inverseSigma <- spdinv(Crossprod(XXV / sigmaSigma, XXV) + lamSigma * PV)
          betaSigma <<- as.vector(rmvnorm(1, mu = inverseSigma %*%
                                            crossprod((XXV / sigmaSigma),
                                                      log((data$Y - XX2 %*% beta - U %*% gamma) ^ 2)),
                                          sigma = inverseSigma))
          sigmaTmp <-  as.numeric(exp(XXV %*% (betaSigma)))
          sigma0 <- mean(sigmaTmp) / sigma0
          sigma <<- sigmaTmp / sigma0 + 1E-4
      } else{
        sigma <<- pgdraw(1, XX2 %*% beta + U %*% gamma)

      if(sdVar & IndependentType == "numeric"){
        lamSigma <<- rgamma(
          shape = lam.mu + MV / 2,
          scale = (lam.sigma + 0.5 * crossprod(betaSigma, PV) %*% betaSigma) ^ - 1
        if (splineType == 2){
          lamSigma2 <<- rgamma(
            shape = lam.mu + MV / 2,
            scale = (lam.sigma + 0.5 * crossprod(betaSigma, PV) %*% betaSigma) ^ - 1

      # nolint end

      #Werte in Parametermatrizen einsetzen
      if(i %in% usedsamples){
        pointer <- which(usedsamples == i)
      betamc[pointer, ] <<- beta
        betamcSigma[pointer, ] <<- betaSigma
        smc[pointer, ] <<- sigma0
      } else {
        smc[pointer, ] <<- mean(sigma)
      # gammamc[i, ] <- gamma
      taumc[pointer, ] <<- tau
      # lambdamc[i, ] <- lam

  if(IndependentType == "numeric"){
    msg <- "Calculating Spatio-Temporal Average Model"
  } else {
    msg <- paste0("Calculating Spatio-Temporal Average Model - ", independent)

  for ( k in 1:10) {
    j <- seq(1, iter, iter / 10)[k]
      msg = msg,
      detail = paste0("Chain ", nChains),
      value = k / 10)(
        start = j, iter = j + iter / 10 - 1
  # burnin <- round(burnInProp * iter)
  # every <- thinning  #nur die x-te MCMC-Iteration soll genutzt werden
  # #Vektor der tatsaechlich benutzten Beobachtungen
  # usedsamples <- seq(from = burnin, to = iter, by = every)
  if(IndependentType == "numeric"){
    if(sdVar & IndependentType == "numeric"){
      seTotal = range(sqrt(apply(sapply(1:length(usedsamples), function(x)
      (XX2 %*% betamc[x, ]) * sRe + mRe), 1, var) +
        rowMeans(sapply(1:length(usedsamples), function(x)
          exp((XXV %*% betamcSigma[x, ])) / smc[x] * sRe^2))))
    } else {
      betamcSigma <- NULL
      seTotal = range(sqrt(apply(sapply(1:length(usedsamples), function(x)
        (XX2 %*% betamc[x, ]) * sRe + mRe), 1, var) + mean(smc)))
  } else{
    betamcSigma <- NULL
    pred_probs <- sapply(1:length(usedsamples), function(x) invLogit(XX2 %*% betamc[x, ]) * sRe + mRe)
    seTotal = range(sqrt(apply(pred_probs, 1, var) + pred_probs * (1-pred_probs)))
  return(list(beta = betamc, betaSigma = betamcSigma, sc = s, scV = sV, sigma = smc,
              tau = taumc, mRe = mRe, sRe = sRe,
              range = list(mean = range(rowMeans(sapply(1:length(usedsamples), function(x)
                (XX2 %*% betamc[x, ]) * sRe + mRe))),
                se = range(sqrt(apply(sapply(1:length(usedsamples), function(x)
                  (XX2 %*% betamc[x, ]) * sRe + mRe), 1, var))),
                seTotal = seTotal)

AcceptanceTime <- function(data, XX, XX2, U, sigma, beta, gamma, dateUnc, IndependentType){
  pmin(1, exp(
      XX = XX,
      xtru = data$Date3,
      xobs = data$Date4,
      sigma.obs = data$Uncertainty2 ^ 2,
      sigma.eps = sigma,
      beta = beta,
      U = U,
      gamma = gamma,
      y = data$Y,
      dateUnc = dateUnc,
      IndependentType = IndependentType) -
        XX = XX2,
        xtru = data$Date2,
        xobs = data$Date4,
        sigma.obs = data$Uncertainty2 ^ 2,
        sigma.eps = sigma,
        beta = beta,
        U = U,
        gamma = gamma,
        y = data$Y,
        dateUnc = dateUnc,
        IndependentType = IndependentType

## Metropolis Hastings Conditional Posteriori-functions
## for X-variables with measurement error (time)

cpostX <- function(XX,
                   IndependentType) {
  pred <- XX %*% beta + U %*% gamma
  if(IndependentType == "numeric"){
    ret <- (y - pred) ^ 2 / (-2 * sigma.eps)
  } else {
    ret <- log(pred) * y * log(1-pred) * (1-y)

  if(dateUnc == "uniform"){
    return(ret + log(dunif (
                min = xobs - 2 * sqrt(sigma.obs),
                max = xobs + 2 * sqrt(sigma.obs)
  } else {
    return(ret + (xobs - xtru) ^ 2 / (-2 * sigma.obs))

modelSpreadMC <- function(data, K, iter, burnin,
                          MinMax, smoothConst, penalty,
                          shinyApp = FALSE, splineType = 2,
                          dateUnc = "uniform", nChains = 1,
                          thinning = 2,
                          spreadQ = 0.005,
                          minValue = -Inf){

  ret <- lapply(1:nChains, function(x){
    modelSpread(data = data, K = K, iter = iter, burnin = burnin, MinMax = MinMax,
                      smoothConst = smoothConst,
                      penalty = penalty, shinyApp = shinyApp,
                      splineType = splineType, dateUnc = dateUnc,
                      nChains = x, thinning = thinning,
                spreadQ = spreadQ, minValue = minValue)
  res <- ret[[1]]
  res$beta <- do.call("rbind", lapply(1:length(ret), function(x) ret[[x]]$beta))
  res$pred <- do.call("rbind", lapply(1:length(ret), function(x) ret[[x]]$pred))

modelSpread <- function(data, K, iter, burnin, MinMax, smoothConst, penalty,
                        shinyApp = FALSE, splineType = 2,
                        dateUnc = "uniform", nChains = 1,
                        thinning = 2, spreadQ = 0.005,
                        minValue = -Inf){
  n <- nrow(data)
  data$Y <- data[, "Date"]
  data$Y2 <- data$Y
  nknots <- K
  burnInProp <- pmax(pmin(0.8, burnin / iter), 0.01)
  #thinning <- max(1, floor(iter * (1 - burnInProp) / 1000))

  if (splineType == 2){
    bs = "sos"
  } else {
    bs = "ds"

  penalty <- penalty %>% updatePenalty(bs = bs)
  s <- smoothCon(s(Latitude, Longitude, k = nknots, bs = bs, m = penalty),
                 data = data, knots = NULL)[[1]]

  P <- s$S[[1]]
  #Rang der Strafmatrix P
  M <- qr(P)$rank
  nknots <- dim(P)[1]

  XX <- Predict.matrix(s, data)

  ###Starting Values
  #Chain 1
  sigma <- rep(1, nrow(data))
  delta <- 1
  w <- rep(1, nrow(data))
  lam <- 1E-5
  beta <- rep(0, ncol(XX))
  betamin <- rep(0, ncol(XX))

  ###Tuningparameter der a-priori Verteilungen:
  a.eps <- 1E-5
  b.eps <- 1E-5
  a.mu <- 1E-5
  b.mu <- 1E-5
  a.tau <- 1E-5
  b.tau <- 1E-5
  lam.mu <- 1E-5
  lam.sigma <- 1E-5

  ###Parametermatrizen zur Speicherung der MCMC Iterationen
  betamc <- matrix(ncol = dim(XX)[2], nrow = iter)
  # taumc <- matrix(ncol = 1, nrow = iter)
  # gammamc <- matrix(ncol = length(gamma), nrow = iter)
  # smc <- matrix(ncol = nrow(data), nrow = iter)
  # sigmamc <- matrix(ncol = 1, nrow = iter)
  # lambdamc <- matrix(ncol = 1, nrow = iter)

  mRe <- mean(data$Y2)
  sRe <- sd(data$Y2)
  data$Y2 <- (data$Y2 - mRe) / sRe
  data$Y <- (data$Y - mRe) / sRe
    data$Uncertainty <- data$Uncertainty / sRe

  uniqueN <- nrow(unique(na.omit(data)[, c("Longitude", "Latitude", "Y")]))
  if (MinMax == "Max"){q = 1 - spreadQ}
  else{q = spreadQ}
  eta <- (1 - 2 * q) / (q * (1-q))
  sigma <- (2) / (q * (1 - q))
  XBeta <- XX %*% beta
  if (MinMax == "Max" && (minValue == -Inf | is.na(minValue))){
    minValue <- Inf
  if ((MinMax == "Min" && (minValue == Inf | is.na(minValue)))){
    minValue <- -Inf

  minValue = (minValue - mRe) / sRe

  MCMC_Spread <- function(start, iter){
    selection <- which(data$Uncertainty > 0)
    for (i in start:iter) {
      delta <<- rgamma(1, a.tau + 3 * n / 2,
                       b.tau + 1 / (2 * sigma) * sum((data$Y2 - XBeta - eta * w) ^ 2 / w) + sum(w))

      w <<- 1 / rig(n = n, sqrt((eta ^ 2 + 2 * sigma) / (data$Y2 - XBeta) ^ 2),
                    1 / (delta * (eta ^ 2 + 2 * sigma) / sigma))

      inverse <- (Crossprod(XX, XX/w) * delta / sigma + lam * P)
      Sigma <- spdinv(inverse)

        beta <<- as.vector(rmvnorm(1, mu = Sigma  %*% crossprod(XX, (((data$Y2 - eta * w) * delta / sigma) / w)), sigma = Sigma))
        XBeta <<- XX %*% beta

      #Smoothing Parameter lambda
      lam <<- rgamma(1, shape = lam.mu + M / 2,
                     scale = (lam.sigma + 0.5 * crossprod(beta, P) %*% beta) ^ - 1) * smoothConst

      if (!is.null(data$Uncertainty)){
        data$Y2 <<- vapply(1:length(data$Y2), function(x){
          ysel <- data$Y[x]
          uncsel <- data$Uncertainty[x]
          if(uncsel > 0){
            if(MinMax == "Min"){
              uncSeq <- seq(pmax(minValue, ysel - 3 * uncsel),
                            ysel + 3 * uncsel, length.out = 20)
            } else {
              uncSeq <- seq(ysel - 3 * uncsel, pmin(minValue, ysel + 3 * uncsel), length.out = 20)
            if(dateUnc == "uniform"){
              return(uncSeq[sample.int(20, size = 1, prob = exp(log(dALDFast(uncSeq, mu = XBeta[x], sigma = 1 / delta, p = q)) +
                                                           log(dunif(uncSeq, min = ysel - 2 * uncsel, max = ysel + 2 * uncsel)) + 1E-16))])
            } else {
              return(uncSeq[sample.int(20, size = 1, prob = exp(log(dALDFast(uncSeq, mu = XBeta[x], sigma = 1 / delta, p = q)) +
                                                           log(dnorm(uncSeq, mean = ysel,sd = uncsel)) + 1E-16))])
          } else {
        }, c(0))
      betamin <- beta
      if(bs == "ds"){
        if (MinMax == "Max"){
          diffVal <- max(c(0, data$Y2 - XBeta))
          betamin[K-2] <- beta[K-2] + diffVal
          betamin[K-2] <- betamin[K-2] - max(0, (max(c(XBeta + diffVal)) - minValue))
          diffVal <- max(c(0, XBeta - data$Y2))
          betamin[K-2] <- beta[K-2] - diffVal
          betamin[K-2] <- betamin[K-2] + max(0, (minValue - min(c(XBeta - diffVal))))
      } else {
        if (MinMax == "Max"){
          diffVal <- max(c(0, data$Y2 - XBeta))
          betamin[K] <- beta[K] + diffVal
          betamin[K] <- betamin[K] - max(0, (max(c(XBeta + diffVal)) - minValue))
          diffVal <- max(c(0, XBeta - data$Y2))
          betamin[K] <- beta[K] - diffVal
          betamin[K] <- betamin[K] + max(0, (minValue - min(c(XBeta - diffVal))))
      #print(betamin[K-2] - beta[K-2])
      #Werte in Parametermatrizen einsetzen
      betamc[i, ] <<- betamin
    for ( k in 1:10) {
      j <- seq(1, iter, iter / 10)[k]
        msg = "Calculating Spread Model",
        detail = paste0("Chain ", nChains),
        value = k / 10)(
          start = j, iter = j + iter / 10 - 1
  } else {
    MCMC_Spread(1, iter)
  burnin <- round(burnInProp * iter)
  every <- thinning  #nur die x-te MCMC-Iteration soll genutzt werden
  #Vektor der tatsaechlich benutzten Beobachtungen
  usedsamples <- seq(from = burnin, to = iter, by = every)

  return(list(beta = betamc[usedsamples, ], sc = s, sigma = 0, tau = 0,
              pred = XX %*% colMeans(betamc[usedsamples, ]),
              mRe = mRe, sRe = sRe,
              range = list(mean = range(rowMeans(sapply(1:length(usedsamples), function(x)
                (XX %*% betamc[usedsamples[x], ]) * sRe + mRe))),
                se = range(sqrt(apply(sapply(1:length(usedsamples), function(x)
                  (XX %*% betamc[usedsamples[x], ]) * sRe + mRe), 1, var))))))

updatePenalty <- function(penalty, bs) {
  if (bs == "ds" & penalty == 1) {
    penalty <- c(1, 0.5)


dALDFast <- function(x, mu, sigma, p){
  ret <- x
  ret[x < mu] <- (p * (1 - p) / sigma) * exp((1 - p) * (x[x < mu] - mu)/sigma)
  ret[x >= mu] <- (p * (1 - p) / sigma) * exp(-(p) * (x[x >= mu] - mu)/sigma)

invLogit <- function(x){
  1 / (1+exp(-x))

#' Estimates spatial kernel density model
#' @param data data.frame: data
#' @param Longitude character: name of longitude variable
#' @param Latitude character: name of latitude variable
#' @param independent character: name of presence/absence variable (optional)
#' @param CoordType character: type of longitude/latitude coordinates.
#'  One of "decimal degrees", "degrees minutes seconds" and "degrees decimal minutes"
#' @param Weighting character: name of weighting variable
#' @param clusterMethod character: cluster method
#' @param kMeansAlgo character: kmeans algorithm as in stats:kmeans
#' @param nClust numeric: how many clusters
#' @param nClustRange numeric: range of potential mclust cluster
#' @param restriction numeric vector: spatially restricts model data 4 entries for latitude (min/max) and longitude(min/max)
#' @param nSim numeric: number of bootstrap samples
#' @param kdeType character: "1" for correlated bandwidth, "2" for diagonal bandwidth, "3" for diagonal, equal long/lat bandwidth
#' @inheritParams centerData
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' #load data
#' data <- readRDS(system.file("extData", "exampleData.Rds", package = "DSSM"))
#' # estimate model-map
#' map <- estimateMap(data = data, independent = "d13C", Longitude = "longitude",
#' Latitude = "latitude", Site = "site")
#' # Plot the map
#' plotMap(model = map)
#' # Alternative: use app
#' shiny::runApp(paste0(system.file(package = "DSSM"),"/app"))
#' }
#' @export
estimateMapKernel <- function(data,
                              center = c("Europe", "Pacific"),
                              independent = NULL,
                              CoordType = "decimal degrees",
                              Weighting = NULL,
                              clusterMethod = NULL,
                              nClust = 5,
                              nClustRange = c(2,10),
                              kMeansAlgo = "Hartigan-Wong",
                              restriction = c(-90, 90, -180, 180),
                              nSim = 10,
                              kdeType = "1"){
  center <- match.arg(center)

  dataOrg <- data
  if ( is.null(data)) return(NULL)
  if (Longitude == "" || Latitude == "") return(NULL)
  if (!(all(c(Longitude, Latitude) %in% names(data)))) return(NULL)
  if(!is.null(independent) & !(independent == "")){
    if(!(independent %in% names(data))) return("independent variable is missing in data")

  # prepare data ----
  data <- data %>%
    convertLatLongWrapper(Longitude = Longitude,
                          Latitude = Latitude,
                          CoordType = CoordType)
  # if conversion fails Long/Lat are removed -> columns will be missing
  if (!all(c(Longitude, Latitude) %in% names(data)) ||
      all(is.na(data[, Longitude])) || all(is.na(data[, Latitude])) ) return("Longitude or Latitude not available.")

  # process coordinate data
  data <- data %>%
    shiftDataToDefaultRestriction() %>%
    removeDataOutsideRestriction(Latitude = Latitude,
                                 Longitude = Longitude,
                                 restriction = restriction)

  if(!is.null(independent) & !(independent == "")){
    if(!is.null(Weighting) & !(Weighting == "")){
      if(!is.numeric(data[, Weighting]) || !(all(data[, Weighting] >= 0, na.rm = TRUE))) return("Weights must be non-negative numeric values.")
      data <- na.omit(data[data[, independent] == 1, c(independent, Longitude, Latitude, Weighting)])
    } else {
      data <- na.omit(data[data[, independent] == 1, c(independent, Longitude, Latitude)])
    if(!is.numeric(data[, independent]) || !(all(data[, independent] %in% c(0,1), na.rm = TRUE))) return("presence/absence variable must be numeric 0 or 1 values")
    if(sum(data[,independent], na.rm = TRUE) == 0) return("At least one present observation must be included in presence/absence variable.")
  } else {
    if(!is.null(Weighting) & !(Weighting == "")){
      if(!is.numeric(data[, Weighting]) || !(all(data[, Weighting] >= 0, na.rm = TRUE))) return("Weights must be non-negative numeric values.")
      data <- na.omit(data[, c(Longitude, Latitude, Weighting)])
    } else {
      data <- na.omit(data[, c(Longitude, Latitude)])

  if(nrow(data) <= 2) return("Not enough data available.")
  data$Longitude <- data[, Longitude]
  data$Latitude <- data[, Latitude]

  ### data augmentation ----
  data2 <- data %>%
    augmentData(restriction = c(-120, 120, -240, 240)) %>%
    centerData(center = center)

  # calculate model ----
  if(clusterMethod == "kmeans"){
    clust <- kmeans(cbind(data2$Longitude, data2$Latitude), nClust, nstart = 25, algorithm = kMeansAlgo)
    data2$cluster <- clust$cluster
    clust <- as.data.frame(clust$centers)
    names(clust) <- c("long_centroid_spatial_cluster", "lat_centroid_spatial_cluster")
    clust$cluster <- 1:nrow(clust)
    data2 <- merge(data2, clust, sort = FALSE)
    colnames(data2)[colnames(data2)=="cluster"] <- "spatial_cluster"
  } else if (clusterMethod == "mclust"){

    numClusters <- seq(nClustRange[1],nClustRange[2])
    cluster_list <- vector("list", length(numClusters))
    for(i in 1:length(numClusters)){
      cluster_list[[i]] <- mclust::Mclust(data2[,c("Longitude","Latitude")], G = numClusters[i])

    # select best cluster solution based on bic
    cluster_solution <- cluster_list[[which.max(sapply(1:length(cluster_list),
                                             function(x) cluster_list[[x]]$bic))]]

    # assign cluster to data
    data2$cluster <- cluster_solution$classification

    # merge cluster centers
    cluster_centers <- data.frame(t(cluster_solution$parameters$mean))
    colnames(cluster_centers) <- c("long_centroid_spatial_cluster", "lat_centroid_spatial_cluster")
    cluster_centers$cluster <- 1:nrow(cluster_centers)
    data2 <- merge(data2, cluster_centers, sort = FALSE)
    colnames(data2)[colnames(data2)=="cluster"] <- "spatial_cluster"
  if(!is.null(Weighting) & !(Weighting == "")){
    model <- try(lapply(1:nSim, function(x){
      data3 <- data2[sample(1:nrow(data2), nrow(data2), replace = T), ]
      if(kdeType == "1"){
        H = Hpi(cbind(data3$Longitude, data3$Latitude))
      if(kdeType == "2"){
        H = Hpi.diag(cbind(data3$Longitude, data3$Latitude))
      if(kdeType == "3"){
        H = Hpi.diag(cbind(data3$Longitude, data3$Latitude))
        diag(H) <- prod(diag(H)^0.5)

      kde(cbind(data3$Longitude, data3$Latitude), w = data3[,Weighting], H=H)
    silent = TRUE)
  } else {
    model <- try(lapply(1:nSim, function(x){
      data3 <- data2[sample(1:nrow(data2), nrow(data2), replace = T), ]
      if(kdeType == "1"){
        H = Hpi(cbind(data3$Longitude, data3$Latitude))
      if(kdeType == "2"){
        H = Hpi.diag(cbind(data3$Longitude, data3$Latitude))
      if(kdeType == "3"){
        H = Hpi.diag(cbind(data3$Longitude, data3$Latitude))
        diag(H) <- prod(diag(H)^0.5)

      kde(cbind(data3$Longitude, data3$Latitude), H=H)
    }), silent = TRUE)
  if ( class(model)[1] == "try-error") {return("Error in Model Fitting.")}
  sc <- NULL
  class(model) <- c(class(model), "kde")
  return(list(model = model, data = data, sc = sc, independent = independent))

estimateMapKernelWrapper <- function(data, input) {
      restriction <- c(input$mALat1, input$mALat2, input$mALong1, input$mALong2)
      restriction[is.na(restriction)] <- c(-90, 90, -180, 180)[is.na(restriction)]
    } else {
      restriction <- c(-90, 90, -180, 180)

    estimateMapKernel(data = data, independent = input$IndependentX,
                Longitude = input$Longitude, Latitude = input$Latitude, center = input$centerOfData,
                CoordType = input$CoordType,
                Weighting = input$Weighting,
                clusterMethod = input$clusterMethod,
                nClust = input$nClust,
                nClustRange = input$nClustRange,
                kMeansAlgo = input$kMeansAlgo,
                restriction = restriction,
                nSim = input$nSim,
                kdeType = input$kdeType)

#' Estimates spatio-temporal kernel density model
#' @param data data.frame: data
#' @param Longitude character: name of longitude variable
#' @param Latitude character: name of latitude variable
#' @param DateOne character: name of date variable 1 (lower interval point / mean / single point)
#' @param DateTwo character: name of date variable 2 (upper interval point / sd / )
#' @param independent character: name of presence/absence variable (optional)
#' @param DateType character: one of "Interval", "Mean + 1 SD uncertainty" and "Single Point"
#' @param CoordType character: type of longitude/latitude coordinates.
#'  One of "decimal degrees", "degrees minutes seconds" and "degrees decimal minutes"
#' @param Weighting character: name of weighting variable
#' @param clusterMethod character: cluster method
#' @param nClust numeric: how many clusters
#' @param nClustRange numeric: range of potential mclust cluster
#' @param kMeansAlgo character: kmeans algorithm as in stats:kmeans
#' @param clusterTimeRange numeric vector: time range of cluster
#' @param modelUnc boolean: Include dating uncertainty
#' @param dateUnc character: one of "uniform", "normal", "point"
#' @param restriction numeric vector: spatially restricts model data 4 entries for latitude (min/max) and longitude(min/max)
#' @param nSim numeric: number of bootstrap samples
#' @param kdeType character: "1" for correlated bandwidth, "2" for diagonal bandwidth, "3" for diagonal, equal long/lat bandwidth
#' @inheritParams centerData
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # load data
#' data <- readRDS(system.file("extData", "exampleData.Rds", package = "DSSM"))
#' # estimate model-map
#' map <- estimateMap3D(data = data, independent = "d13C", Longitude = "longitude",
#' Latitude = "latitude", DateOne = "dateLower", DateTwo = "dateUpper", Site = "site")
#' # Plot the map
#' plotMap3D(model = map, time = median(data$dateLower, na.rm = TRUE))
#' }
#' @export
estimateMap3DKernel <- function(data,
                                center = c("Europe", "Pacific"),
                                independent = NULL,
                                DateType = "Interval",
                                CoordType = "decimal degrees",
                                Weighting = NULL,
                                clusterMethod = NULL,
                                nClust = 5,
                                nClustRange = c(2,10),
                                kMeansAlgo = "Hartigan-Wong",
                                clusterTimeRange = c(0,1000),
                                modelUnc = FALSE,
                                dateUnc = "point",
                                restriction = c(-90, 90, -180, 180),
                                nSim = 10,
                                kdeType = "1") {
  center <- match.arg(center)

  if (is.null(data)) return(NULL)
  if (Longitude == "" || Latitude == "" || DateOne == "") return(NULL)
  if (!(all(c(Longitude, Latitude, DateOne) %in% names(data)))) return(NULL)
  if(!is.null(independent) & !(independent == "")){
    if(!(independent %in% names(data))) return("independent variable is missing in data")

  # prepare data ----
  data <- data %>%
    prepareDate(DateOne = DateOne,
                DateTwo = DateTwo,
                DateType = DateType,
                dateUnc = dateUnc,
                useMaxUnc = FALSE)
  if (all(is.na(data[, DateOne]))) return("non-numeric date field 1 variable")
  if (DateType != "Single point" && (all(is.na(data[, DateTwo])))) return("non-numeric date field 2 variable")

  data <- data %>%
    convertLatLongWrapper(Longitude = Longitude,
                          Latitude = Latitude,
                          CoordType = CoordType)
  # if conversion fails Long/Lat are removed -> columns will be missing
  if (!all(c(Longitude, Latitude) %in% names(data)) ||
      all(is.na(data[, Longitude])) || all(is.na(data[, Latitude])) ) return("Longitude or Latitude not available.")

  # process coordinate data
  data <- data %>%
    shiftDataToDefaultRestriction() %>%
    removeDataOutsideRestriction(Latitude = Latitude,
                                 Longitude = Longitude,
                                 restriction = restriction)

  if (DateType == "Interval"){
    if(!is.null(independent) & !(independent == "")){
      if(!is.null(Weighting) & !(Weighting == "")){
        if(!is.numeric(data[, Weighting]) || !(all(data[, Weighting] >= 0, na.rm = TRUE))) return("Weights must be non-negative numeric values.")
        data <- na.omit(data[data[, independent] == 1, c(independent, Longitude, Latitude, Weighting, "Date", "Uncertainty")])
      } else {
        data <- na.omit(data[data[, independent] == 1, c(independent, Longitude, Latitude, "Date", "Uncertainty")])
      if(!is.numeric(data[, independent]) || !(all(data[, independent] %in% c(0,1), na.rm = TRUE))) return("presence/absence variable must be numeric 0 or 1 values")
      if(sum(data[,independent], na.rm = TRUE) == 0) return("At least one present observation must be included in presence/absence variable.")
    } else {
      if(!is.null(Weighting) & !(Weighting == "")){
        if(!is.numeric(data[, Weighting]) || !(all(data[, Weighting] >= 0, na.rm = TRUE))) return("Weights must be non-negative numeric values.")
        data <- na.omit(data[, c(Longitude, Latitude, "Date", "Uncertainty", Weighting)])

      } else {
        data <- na.omit(data[, c(Longitude, Latitude,
                                 "Date", "Uncertainty")])
    data$Uncertainty2 <- pmax(0, data$Uncertainty / sd(data$Date))
  if (DateType == "Single point"){
    if(!is.null(independent) & !(independent == "")){
      if(!is.null(Weighting) & !(Weighting == "")){
        if(!is.numeric(data[, Weighting]) || !(all(data[, Weighting] >= 0, na.rm = TRUE))) return("Weights must be non-negative numeric values.")
        data <- na.omit(data[data[, independent] == 1, c(independent, Longitude, Latitude, Weighting, "Date", "Uncertainty")])
      } else {
        data <- na.omit(data[data[, independent] == 1, c(independent, Longitude, Latitude, "Date", "Uncertainty")])
      if(!is.numeric(data[, independent]) || !(all(data[, independent] %in% c(0,1), na.rm = TRUE))) return("presence/absence variable must be numeric 0 or 1 values")
      if(sum(data[,independent], na.rm = TRUE) == 0) return("At least one present observation must be included in presence/absence variable.")
    } else {
      if(!is.null(Weighting) & !(Weighting == "")){
        if(!is.numeric(data[, Weighting]) || !(all(data[, Weighting] >= 0, na.rm = TRUE))) return("Weights must be non-negative numeric values.")
        data <- na.omit(data[, c(Longitude, Latitude, "Date", "Uncertainty", Weighting)])

      } else {
        data <- na.omit(data[, c(Longitude, Latitude,
                                 "Date", "Uncertainty")])
    data$Uncertainty2 <- 0
  if (DateType == "Mean + 1 SD uncertainty"){
    if(!is.null(independent) & !(independent == "")){
      if(!is.null(Weighting) & !(Weighting == "")){
        if(!is.numeric(data[, Weighting]) || !(all(data[, Weighting] >= 0, na.rm = TRUE))) return("Weights must be non-negative numeric values.")
        data <- na.omit(data[data[, independent] == 1, c(independent, Longitude, Latitude, Weighting, "Date", "Uncertainty")])
      } else {
        data <- na.omit(data[data[, independent] == 1, c(independent, Longitude, Latitude, "Date", "Uncertainty")])
      if(!is.numeric(data[, independent]) || !(all(data[, independent] %in% c(0,1), na.rm = TRUE))) return("presence/absence variable must be numeric 0 or 1 values")
      if(sum(data[,independent], na.rm = TRUE) == 0) return("At least one present observation must be included in presence/absence variable.")
    } else {
      if(!is.null(Weighting) & !(Weighting == "")){
        if(!is.numeric(data[, Weighting]) || !(all(data[, Weighting] >= 0, na.rm = TRUE))) return("Weights must be non-negative numeric values.")
        data <- na.omit(data[, c(Longitude, Latitude, "Date", "Uncertainty", Weighting)])

      } else {
        data <- na.omit(data[, c(Longitude, Latitude,
                                 "Date", "Uncertainty")])
    data$Uncertainty2 <- pmax(0, data$Uncertainty / sd(data$Date))

  data$Longitude2 <- (data[, Longitude] - mean(data[, Longitude])) / (sd(data[, Longitude]))
  data$Latitude2 <- (data[, Latitude] - mean(data[, Latitude])) / (sd(data[, Latitude]))
  data$Date2 <- (data$Date - mean(data$Date)) / (sd(data$Date))

  data$Longitude <- data[, Longitude]
  data$Latitude <- data[, Latitude]

  ### data augmentation ----
  data2 <- data %>%
    augmentData(restriction = c(-120, 120, -240, 240)) %>%
    centerData(center = center)

  # calculate model ----
  if(!is.null(Weighting) & !(Weighting == "")){
    model <- try(lapply(1:nSim, function(x){
      data3 <- data2[sample(1:nrow(data2), nrow(data2), replace = T), ]
        data3$Date2 <- data3$Date2 + rnorm(length(data3$Date2), 0, data3$Uncertainty2)
      if(kdeType == "1"){
        H = Hpi(cbind(data3$Longitude, data3$Latitude, data3$Date2))
      if(kdeType == "2"){
        H = Hpi.diag(cbind(data3$Longitude, data3$Latitude, data3$Date2))
      if(kdeType == "3"){
        H = Hpi.diag(cbind(data3$Longitude, data3$Latitude, data3$Date2))
        diag(H)[1:2] <- prod(diag(H)[1:2]^0.5)

      kde(cbind(data3$Longitude, data3$Latitude, data3$Date2), H= H, w = data3[,Weighting])
    }), silent = TRUE)
  } else {
    model <- try(lapply(1:nSim, function(x){
      data3 <- data2[sample(1:nrow(data2), nrow(data2), replace = T), ]
        if(dateUnc == "normal"){
        data3$Date2 <- data3$Date2 + rnorm(length(data3$Date2), 0, data3$Uncertainty2)
        } else {
          data3$Date2 <- data3$Date2 + runif(length(data3$Date2), data3$Date2 - 2*data3$Uncertainty2, data3$Date2 + 2*data3$Uncertainty2)
      if(kdeType == "1"){
        H = Hpi(cbind(data3$Longitude, data3$Latitude, data3$Date2))
      if(kdeType == "2"){
        H = Hpi.diag(cbind(data3$Longitude, data3$Latitude, data3$Date2))
      if(kdeType == "3"){
        H = Hpi.diag(cbind(data3$Longitude, data3$Latitude, data3$Date2))
        diag(H) <- prod(diag(H)^0.5)
      kde(cbind(data3$Longitude, data3$Latitude, data3$Date2), H = H)}), silent = TRUE)
  if(clusterMethod == "kmeans"){
# K-Means Clustering ----
    # discussion about the clustering here: https://github.com/Pandora-IsoMemo/iso-app/issues/54
    # In KernelTimeR clustering is applied to filtered data according to clusterTimeRange.
    # After clusters have been calculated the algorithm designed by marcus is recalculating the cluster centers by
    # finding the point with the highest density in each cluster, while the density also takes the temporal aspect into account.
    # In the last step all data points (not only the filtered points) are assigned to the cluster.
    # This is done by assigning the cluster to the point for which the distance of the cluster center is closest.

    # In the map, per default, all points are displayed. In the excel export only the filtered dataset is included.

    data$id <- 1:nrow(data)
    ## Clustering on filtered data ----
    dataC <- data[((data$Date - 2*data$Uncertainty) <= clusterTimeRange[2] & (data$Date - 2*data$Uncertainty) >= clusterTimeRange[1]) |
                     ((data$Date + 2*data$Uncertainty) <= clusterTimeRange[2] & (data$Date + 2*data$Uncertainty) >= clusterTimeRange[1]) |
                     ((data$Date) <= clusterTimeRange[2] & (data$Date) >= clusterTimeRange[1]), ]
    clust <- kmeans(cbind(dataC$Longitude, dataC$Latitude), nClust, nstart = 25, algorithm = kMeansAlgo)

    ## Clustering on full data (implemented but then removed again) ----
    # clust_full <- kmeans(cbind(data$Longitude, data$Latitude), nClust, nstart = 25, algorithm = kMeansAlgo)
    # Add centroids to data ----
    ## Full data ----
    # clust_full_centroid <- data.frame(cluster=1:nrow(clust_full$centers),clust_full$centers)
    # names(clust_full_centroid) <- c("cluster","long_cluster_all_centroid","lat_cluster_all_centroid")
    # data$cluster <- clust_full$cluster
    # data <- merge(data, clust_full_centroid, by = "cluster", sort = FALSE)
    # data$cluster <- NULL

    ## Filtered data ----
    dataC$cluster <- clust$cluster
    clust_centroid <- data.frame(cluster=1:nrow(clust$centers),clust$centers)
    names(clust_centroid) <- c("cluster","long_centroid_spatial_cluster","lat_centroid_spatial_cluster")
    dataC <- merge(dataC, clust_centroid, by = "cluster", sort = FALSE)
    data <- data %>% left_join(dataC[,c("id","cluster","long_centroid_spatial_cluster","lat_centroid_spatial_cluster")], by = "id")
    data$id <- NULL
    colnames(data)[colnames(data)=="cluster"] <- "spatial_cluster"
    dataC$cluster <- NULL
    dataC <- dataC[order(dataC$id),]

    ## Optimal Centroids ----
    clustDens <- sapply(1:nrow(dataC), function(z) {rowMeans(sapply(1:nSim, function(k) predict(model[[k]], x = cbind(dataC[rep(z, 100), c("Longitude", "Latitude")],
                                  Date2 = (seq(clusterTimeRange[1], clusterTimeRange[2],
                                               length.out = 100) - mean(data$Date)) / (sd(data$Date))))))})
    dataC$cluster <- clust$cluster

    densM <- colMeans(clustDens)
    densSD <- apply(clustDens, 2, sd)
    densQ <- densM / densSD

    clusterCentroids <- do.call("rbind", (lapply(1:nClust, function(j){
      dataC[dataC$cluster == j, ][which.max(densQ[dataC$cluster == j]), c("Longitude", "Latitude")]
    #clust <- kmeans(cbind(dataC$Longitude, dataC$Latitude), centers = clusterCentroids, iter = 0)

    data$cluster <- sapply(1:nrow(data),
                           function(x) which.min(rowSums((data[rep(x, nClust), c("Longitude", "Latitude")] -

    clust <- clusterCentroids
    names(clust) <- c("long_temporal_group_reference_point", "lat_temporal_group_reference_point")
    clust$cluster <- 1:nrow(clust)
    data <- merge(data, clust, sort = FALSE)
    colnames(data)[colnames(data)=="cluster"] <- "temporal_group"
  } else if (clusterMethod == "mclust"){
  # MCLUST Clustering ----
    data$id <- 1:nrow(data)

    # Clustering on filtered data
    dataC <- data[((data$Date - 2*data$Uncertainty) <= clusterTimeRange[2] & (data$Date - 2*data$Uncertainty) >= clusterTimeRange[1]) |
                    ((data$Date + 2*data$Uncertainty) <= clusterTimeRange[2] & (data$Date + 2*data$Uncertainty) >= clusterTimeRange[1]) |
                    ((data$Date) <= clusterTimeRange[2] & (data$Date) >= clusterTimeRange[1]), ]

    numClusters <- seq(nClustRange[1],nClustRange[2])
    cluster_list <- vector("list", length(numClusters))
    for(i in 1:length(numClusters)){
      cluster_list[[i]] <- mclust::Mclust(dataC[,c("Longitude","Latitude")], G = numClusters[i])

    # select best cluster solution based on bic
    best_solution_idx <- which.max(sapply(1:length(cluster_list),function(x) cluster_list[[x]]$bic))
    best_solution_cluster <- numClusters[[best_solution_idx]]
    cluster_solution <- cluster_list[[best_solution_idx]]

    ## Clustering on full data (implemented but then removed again) ----
    # set.seed(1234)
    # clust_full <- mclust::Mclust(data[,c("Longitude","Latitude")], G = best_solution_cluster)
    # # Add centroids to data
    # # Full data
    # clust_full_centroid <- data.frame(cluster=1:nrow(t(clust_full$parameters$mean)),t(clust_full$parameters$mean))
    # names(clust_full_centroid) <- c("cluster","long_cluster_all_centroid","lat_cluster_all_centroid")
    # data$cluster <- clust_full$classification
    # data <- merge(data, clust_full_centroid, by = "cluster", sort = FALSE)
    # data$cluster <- NULL

    ## Filtered data ----
    dataC$cluster <- cluster_solution$classification
    clust_centroid <- data.frame(cluster=1:nrow(t(cluster_solution$parameters$mean)),t(cluster_solution$parameters$mean))
    names(clust_centroid) <- c("cluster","long_centroid_spatial_cluster","lat_centroid_spatial_cluster")
    dataC <- merge(dataC, clust_centroid, by = "cluster", sort = FALSE)
    data <- data %>% left_join(dataC[,c("id","cluster","long_centroid_spatial_cluster","lat_centroid_spatial_cluster")], by = "id")
    data$id <- NULL
    colnames(data)[colnames(data)=="cluster"] <- "spatial_cluster"
    dataC$cluster <- NULL
    dataC <- dataC[order(dataC$id),]

    ## optimal centroids: ----
    clustDens <- sapply(1:nrow(dataC), function(z) {rowMeans(sapply(1:nSim, function(k) predict(model[[k]], x = cbind(dataC[rep(z, 100), c("Longitude", "Latitude")],
                                                                                                                      Date2 = (seq(clusterTimeRange[1], clusterTimeRange[2],
                                                                                                                                   length.out = 100) - mean(data$Date)) / (sd(data$Date))))))})
    # assign cluster to data
    dataC$cluster <- cluster_solution$classification

    densM <- colMeans(clustDens)
    densSD <- apply(clustDens, 2, sd)
    densQ <- densM / densSD

    clusterCentroids <- do.call("rbind", (lapply(1:best_solution_cluster, function(j){
      dataC[dataC$cluster == j, ][which.max(densQ[dataC$cluster == j]), c("Longitude", "Latitude")]

    data$cluster <- sapply(1:nrow(data),
                           function(x) which.min(rowSums((data[rep(x, best_solution_cluster), c("Longitude", "Latitude")] -
    if(length(unique(data$cluster)) < length(unique(dataC$cluster))){
    showNotification(paste0("Note: mclust selected ",length(unique(dataC$cluster))," cluster. However the temporal algorithm assigned all data to only ",length(unique(data$cluster))," of these clusters."))

    clust <- clusterCentroids
    names(clust) <- c("long_temporal_group_reference_point", "lat_temporal_group_reference_point")
    clust$cluster <- 1:nrow(clust)
    data <- merge(data, clust, sort = FALSE)
    colnames(data)[colnames(data)=="cluster"] <- "temporal_group"
  if ( class(model)[1] == "try-error") {return("Error in Model Fitting.")}
  sc <- NULL
  class(model) <- c(class(model), "kde")
  return(list(model = model, data = data, sc = sc, independent = independent))

estimateMap3DKernelWrapper <- function(data, input) {
    restriction <- c(input$mALat1, input$mALat2, input$mALong1, input$mALong2)
    restriction[is.na(restriction)] <- c(-90, 90, -180, 180)[is.na(restriction)]
  } else {
    restriction <- c(-90, 90, -180, 180)

    data = data, independent = input$IndependentX,
    Longitude = input$Longitude, Latitude = input$Latitude, center = input$centerOfData,
    CoordType = input$coordType, DateOne = input$DateOne,
    DateTwo = input$DateTwo, DateType = input$DateType,
    Weighting = input$Weighting,
    clusterMethod = NULL,
    dateUnc = input$dateUnc,
    kMeansAlgo = input$kMeansAlgo,
    nClust = input$nClust,
    nClustRange = input$nClustRange,
    clusterTimeRange = input$timeClust,
    modelUnc = input$modelUnc,
    restriction = restriction,
    nSim = input$nSim,
    kdeType = input$kdeType

estimateModel2D <- function(data2, fm, independent, penalty, K, bs){
  if(length(unique(data2$Site)) < nrow(data2)){
    model <- try(gamm(as.formula(paste(independent, " ~ s(Latitude, Longitude, m =", penalty, ",k = K, bs =",bs, ")")),
                      random = list(Site = ~ 1), data = data2, family = fm), silent = TRUE)
      weights <- pmax(1E-7,pmax(data2$independentUncertainty ^ 2, (data2$independentUncertainty ^ 2 + sd(residuals(model$gam)) ^ 2 - mean(data2$independentUncertainty ^ 2 ))))
      model <- try(gamm(as.formula(paste(independent, " ~ s(Latitude, Longitude, m =", penalty, ",k = K, bs =",bs, ")")),
                        random = list(Site = ~ 1), data = data2, weights = weights, family = fm), silent = TRUE)
  } else {
    model <- try(gamm(as.formula(paste(independent, " ~ s(Latitude, Longitude, m =", penalty, ",k = K, bs =",bs, ")")),
                      data = data2, family = fm), silent = TRUE)
      weights <- pmax(1E-7,pmax(data2$independentUncertainty ^ 2, (data2$independentUncertainty ^ 2 + sd(residuals(model$gam)) ^ 2 - mean(data2$independentUncertainty ^ 2 ))))
      model <- try(gamm(as.formula(paste(independent, " ~ s(Latitude, Longitude, m =", penalty, ",k = K, bs =",bs, ")")),
                        data = data2, weights = weights, family = fm), silent = TRUE)

estimateModel3D <- function(data2, fm, independent, splineExpr){
  if(length(unique(data2$Site)) < nrow(data2)){
    model <- try(gamm(as.formula(paste(independent, " ~ ", splineExpr)),
                      random = list(Site = ~ 1), data = data2, family = fm), silent = TRUE)
      weights <- pmax(1E-7,pmax(data2$independentUncertainty ^ 2, (data2$independentUncertainty ^ 2 + sd(residuals(model$gam)) ^ 2 - mean(data2$independentUncertainty ^ 2 ))))
      model <- try(gamm(as.formula(paste(independent, " ~ ", splineExpr)),
                      random = list(Site = ~ 1), data = data2, weights = weights, family = fm), silent = TRUE)
  } else {
    model <- try(gamm(as.formula(paste(independent, " ~ ", splineExpr)),
                    data = data2, family = fm), silent = TRUE)
      weights <- pmax(1E-7,pmax(data2$independentUncertainty ^ 2, (data2$independentUncertainty ^ 2 + sd(residuals(model$gam)) ^ 2 - mean(data2$independentUncertainty ^ 2 ))))
      model <- try(gamm(as.formula(paste(independent, " ~ ", splineExpr)),
                      data = data2, weights = weights, family = fm), silent = TRUE)

#' Prepare Date
#' Adds new columns 'Date' and 'Uncertainty' that are used in the model dependent on user inputs.
#' @inheritParams estimateMapSpread
#' @param useMaxUnc (logical) True if max uncertainty should be used.
prepareDate <- function(data, DateOne, DateTwo, DateType, dateUnc, useMaxUnc = TRUE) {
  # check date columns
  if (!is.numeric(data[, DateOne])) {
    data[, DateOne] <- as.numeric(data[, DateOne])
  if (all(is.na(data[, DateOne]))) return(data)

  if (DateType != "Single point" && (!is.numeric(data[, DateTwo]))) {
    data[, DateTwo] <- as.numeric(data[, DateTwo])

  if (DateType != "Single point" && (all(is.na(data[, DateTwo])))) return(data)

  # get date uncertainty
  if (DateType == "Interval"){
    data$Date <- (data[, DateTwo] + data[, DateOne]) / 2
    data$Uncertainty <- abs(data[, DateOne] - data[, DateTwo]) / 4
    if (useMaxUnc) data$Uncertainty <- pmax(0, data$Uncertainty)
    if(dateUnc == "normal2"){
      dateUnc <- "normal"
      data$Uncertainty <- data$Uncertainty / 2

  if (DateType == "Single point"){
    data$Date <- data[, DateOne]
    data$Uncertainty <- 0

  if (DateType == "Mean + 1 SD uncertainty"){
    data$Date <- data[, DateOne]
    data$Uncertainty <- data[, DateTwo]
    if (useMaxUnc) data$Uncertainty <- pmax(0, data$Uncertainty)
    if(dateUnc == "uniform2"){
      dateUnc <- "uniform"
      data$Uncertainty <- data$Uncertainty / 2

Pandora-IsoMemo/iso-app documentation built on July 4, 2024, 7:07 p.m.