
Defines functions .isRstudioServer requireNamespaceMsg assessGoogle missingFiles downloadRemote dlGeneric dlGoogle downloadFile

Documented in dlGeneric dlGoogle downloadFile downloadRemote

#' A wrapper around a set of downloading functions
#' Currently, this only deals with `googledrive::drive_download`,
#' and [utils::download.file()]. In general, this is not intended for use by a
#' user.
#' @inheritParams prepInputs
#' @inheritParams extractFromArchive
#' @param dlFun Optional "download function" name, such as `"raster::getData"`, which does
#'              custom downloading, in addition to loading into R. Still experimental.
#' @param ... Passed to `dlFun`. Still experimental. Can be e.g., `type` for google docs.
#' @param checksumFile A character string indicating the absolute path to the `CHECKSUMS.txt`
#'                     file.
#' @inheritParams loadFromCache
#' @inheritParams Cache
#' @author Eliot McIntire
#' @return
#' This function is called for its side effects, which will be a downloaded file
#' (`targetFile`), placed in `destinationPath`. This file will be checksummed, and
#' that checksum will be appended to the `checksumFile`.
#' @export
#' @include checksums.R
downloadFile <- function(archive, targetFile, neededFiles,
                         destinationPath = getOption("reproducible.destinationPath", "."), quick,
                         checksumFile, dlFun = NULL,
                         checkSums, url, needChecksums, preDigest,
                         overwrite = getOption("reproducible.overwrite", TRUE),
                         verbose = getOption("reproducible.verbose", 1),
                         purge = FALSE, .tempPath, ...) {
  # browser(expr = exists("._downloadFile_1"))
  if (missing(.tempPath)) {
    .tempPath <- tempdir2(rndstr(1, 6))
    on.exit(unlink(.tempPath, recursive = TRUE), add = TRUE)
  if (missing(targetFile)) {
    targetFile <- NULL

  if (!is.null(url) || !is.null(dlFun)) {
    missingNeededFiles <- missingFiles(neededFiles, checkSums, targetFile, destinationPath)

    if (missingNeededFiles) { # needed may be missing, but maybe can skip download b/c archive exists
      if (!is.null(archive)) {
        localArchivesExist <- file.exists(archive)
        if (any(localArchivesExist)) {
          filesInLocalArchives <- unique(unlist(lapply(archive, .listFilesInArchive)))
          neededFilesRel <- makeRelative(neededFiles, destinationPath)
          haveAll <- if (isNULLorNA(neededFiles)) FALSE else all(neededFilesRel %in% filesInLocalArchives)
          if (haveAll) { # local archive has all files needed
            extractedFromArchive <- extractFromArchive(
              archive = archive[localArchivesExist],
              destinationPath = destinationPath,
              neededFiles = neededFiles, checkSums = checkSums,
              needChecksums = needChecksums,
              checkSumFilePath = checksumFile,
              quick = quick,
              .tempPath = .tempPath
            checkSums <- if (!file.exists(checksumFile) || is.null(neededFiles)) {
              needChecksums <- 1
            } else {
                files = neededFiles,
                checksumFile = checksumFile,
                path = destinationPath,
                quickCheck = quick,
                write = FALSE,
                verbose = verbose

            # Check again, post extract ... If FALSE now, then it got it from local, already existing archive
            missingNeededFiles <- missingFiles(neededFiles, checkSums, targetFile, destinationPath)
            if (!missingNeededFiles) {
              archive <- archive[localArchivesExist]

    if (missingNeededFiles) {
      if (needChecksums == 0) needChecksums <- 2 # use binary addition -- 1 is new file, 2 is append

    if (missingNeededFiles) {
      fileToDownload <- if (is.null(archive[1])) {
      } else {
        result <- checkSums[checkSums$expectedFile %in% basename(archive[1]), ]$result
        missingArchive <- !isTRUE(result == "OK")
        if (missingArchive) {
        } else {
          NA # means nothing to download because the archive is already in hand

      # The download step
      failed <- 1
      numTries <- 2

      while (failed > 0 && failed <= numTries) {
        messOrig <- character()
            downloadResults <- try(
                url = url, archive = archive, # both url and fileToDownload must be NULL to skip downloading
                targetFile = targetFile, fileToDownload = fileToDownload,
                messSkipDownload = messSkipDownload, checkSums = checkSums,
                dlFun = dlFun, destinationPath = destinationPath,
                overwrite = overwrite, needChecksums = needChecksums, preDigest = preDigest,
                verbose = verbose, .tempPath = .tempPath, ...
          ), message = function(m) {
            messOrig <<- c(messOrig, m$message)

        if (is(downloadResults, "try-error")) {
          if (isTRUE(grepl("already exists", downloadResults))) {

          if (any(grepl("SSL peer certificate or SSH remote key was not OK", messOrig))) {
            # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46331066/quantmod-ssl-unable-to-get-local-issuer-certificate-in-r
            if (isFALSE(as.logical(Sys.getenv("REPRODUCIBLE_SSL_VERIFYPEER")))) {
              .requireNamespace("httr", stopOnFALSE = TRUE)
                "Temporarily setting ssl_verifypeer to FALSE because ",
                "'SSL peer certificate or SSH remote key was not OK'"
              sslOrig <- httr::set_config(httr::config(ssl_verifypeer = FALSE))
              on.exit(httr::set_config(sslOrig), add = TRUE)

          if (any(grepl("is required but not yet installed", messOrig))) {
            failed <- numTries + 2
          if (failed >= numTries) {
            isGID <- all(grepl("^[A-Za-z0-9_-]{33}$", url), # Has 33 characters as letters, numbers or - or _
                         !grepl("\\.[^\\.]+$", url)) # doesn't have an extension
            if (isGID){
              urlMessage <- paste0("https://drive.google.com/file/d/", url)
            } else {
              urlMessage <- url
            messCommon <- paste0(
              "Download of ", url, " failed. This may be a permissions issue. ",
              "Please check the url and permissions are correct.\n",
              "If the url is correct, it is possible that manually downloading it will work. ",
              "To try this, with your browser, go to\n",
              urlMessage, ",\n ... then download it manually, give it this name: '", fileToDownload,
              "', and place file here: ", destinationPath
            if (isInteractive() && getOption("reproducible.interactiveOnDownloadFail", TRUE)) {
              mess <- paste0(
                ".\n ------- \nIf you have completed a manual download, press 'y' to continue; otherwise press any other key to stop now. ",
                "\n(To prevent this behaviour in the future, set options('reproducible.interactiveOnDownloadFail' = FALSE)  )"
              if (failed == numTries + 2) {
                stop(paste(messOrig, collapse = "\n"))
              } else {
                messagePrepInputs(mess, verbose = verbose + 1)
              resultOfPrompt <- .readline("Type y if you have attempted a manual download and put it in the correct place: ")
              resultOfPrompt <- tolower(resultOfPrompt)
              if (!identical(resultOfPrompt, "y")) {
                stop(downloadResults, "\n", messOrig, "\nDownload failed")
              downloadResults <- list(
                destFile = file.path(destinationPath, targetFile),
                needChecksums = 2
            } else {
                downloadResults, "\n", messOrig, "\n", messCommon, ".\n-------------------\n",
                "If manual download was successful, you will likely also need to run Checksums",
                " manually after you download the file with this command: ",
                "reproducible:::appendChecksumsTable(checkSumFilePath = '", checksumFile, "', filesToChecksum = '", targetFile,
                "', destinationPath = '", dirname(checksumFile), "', append = TRUE)"
          } else {
          failed <- failed + 1
        } else {
          # This is so that we essentially treat it as a file, not an object, which means
          #   the second time we try this call, we can access the file locally, without needed to download
          if (is(downloadResults$out, "Spatial")) downloadResults$out <- NULL # TODO This appears to be a bug
          # messagePrepInputs(messOrig, verbose = verbose)
          failed <- 0
      if (file.exists(checksumFile)) {
        # This is case where we didn't know what file to download, and only now
        if (is.null(fileToDownload) ||
          tryCatch(isTRUE(is.na(fileToDownload)), warning = function(x) FALSE)) {
          # do we know
          fileToDownload <- downloadResults$destFile
        if (!is.null(fileToDownload)) {
          if ((length(readLines(checksumFile)) > 0)) {
            checkSums <-
                files = fileToDownload,
                checksumFile = checksumFile,
                path = destinationPath,
                quickCheck = quick,
                write = FALSE,
                verbose = verbose - 1
            isOK <- checkSums[checkSums$expectedFile %in% basename(fileToDownload) |
              checkSums$actualFile %in% basename(fileToDownload), ]$result
            isOK <- isOK[!is.na(isOK)] == "OK"
            if (length(isOK) > 0) { # This is length 0 if there are no entries in the Checksums
              if (!isTRUE(all(isOK))) {
                if (purge > 0) {
                  # This is case where we didn't know what file to download, and only now
                  # do we know
                  checkSums <- .purge(
                    checkSums = checkSums,
                    purge = purge,
                    url = fileToDownload
                  downloadResults$needChecksums <- 2
                } else {
                  tf <- tryCatch(
                    makeRelative(targetFile, destinationPath) %in% fileToDownload,
                    error = function(x) {
                  af <- tryCatch(
                    basename2(archive) %in% fileToDownload,
                    error = function(x) {

                  sc <- sys.calls()
                  piCall <- grep("^prepInputs", sc, value = TRUE)
                  purgeTry <- if (length(piCall)) {
                      pattern = ")$",
                      replacement = paste0(", purge = 7)")
                  } else {
                    "\nDownloaded version of ",
                    " from url: ",
                    " did not match expected file (checksums failed). There are several options:\n",
                    " 1) This may be an intermittent internet problem -- try to rerun this ",
                    "current function call.\n",
                    " 2) The local copy of the file may have been changed or corrupted -- run:\n",
                    "      file.remove('",
                    "      then rerun this current function call.\n",
                    " 3) The download is correct, and the Checksums should be rewritten for this file:\n",
                    "      --> rerun this current function call, specifying 'purge = 7' possibly\n",
                    "      ",
                    call. = FALSE
              } else if (isTRUE(all(isOK))) {
                downloadResults$needChecksums <- 0
      } # checksum file doesn't exist
    } else {
      # not missing any files to download
      fileAlreadyDownloaded <- if (is.null(archive[1])) {
        expectedFile <- checkSums[compareNA(checkSums$result, "OK"), ]$expectedFile

        archivePossibly <- setdiff(expectedFile, neededFiles)
        archivePossibly <- .isArchive(archivePossibly)
        if (!is.null(archivePossibly)) {
        } else {
      } else {

      downloadResults <- list(
        needChecksums = needChecksums,
        destFile = makeAbsolute(fileAlreadyDownloaded, destinationPath)
      if (is.null(targetFile)) {
        messagePrepInputs("   Skipping download because all needed files are listed in ",
          "CHECKSUMS.txt file and are present.",
          " If this is not correct, rerun prepInputs with purge = TRUE",
          verbose = verbose
      } else {
        if (exists("extractedFromArchive", inherits = FALSE)) {
          messagePrepInputs("  Skipping download: All requested files extracted from local archive:\n    ",
            verbose = verbose
        } else {
          messagePrepInputs("  Skipping download. All requested files already present", verbose = verbose)
    archiveReturn <- if (is.null(archive)) {
    } else {
      if (!file.exists(archive)) {
        if (length(.isArchive(downloadResults$destFile))) {
          hardLinkOrCopy(downloadResults$destFile, archive, verbose = verbose)

    # This was commented out because of LandWeb -- removed b/c of this case:
    #  have local archive, but not yet have the targetFile
    # if (!is.null(downloadResults$destFile))
    #   neededFiles <- unique(basename(c(downloadResults$destFile, neededFiles)))
  } else {
    downloadResults <- list(needChecksums = needChecksums, destFile = NULL)
    archiveReturn <- archive
    needChecksums = downloadResults$needChecksums, archive = archiveReturn,
    neededFiles = neededFiles,
    downloaded = downloadResults$destFile, checkSums = checkSums, object = downloadResults$out

#' Download file from Google Drive
#' @param url  The url (link) to the file.
#' @author Eliot McIntire and Alex Chubaty
#' @keywords internal
#' @inheritParams preProcess
#' @param ... Not used here. Only used to allow other arguments to other fns to not fail.
dlGoogle <- function(url, archive = NULL, targetFile = NULL,
                     checkSums, messSkipDownload, destinationPath, type = NULL,
                     overwrite, needChecksums, verbose = getOption("reproducible.verbose", 1),
                     team_drive = NULL, ...) {
  .requireNamespace("googledrive", stopOnFALSE = TRUE)

  if (missing(destinationPath)) {
    destinationPath <- tempdir2(rndstr(1, 6))
  downloadFilename <- assessGoogle(
    url = url, archive = archive,
    targetFile = targetFile,
    destinationPath = destinationPath,
    verbose = verbose,
    team_drive = team_drive

  destFile <- file.path(destinationPath, basename2(downloadFilename))
  if (!isTRUE(checkSums[checkSums$expectedFile == basename(destFile), ]$result == "OK")) {
    messagePrepInputs("  Downloading from Google Drive.", verbose = verbose)
    fs <- attr(archive, "fileSize")
    if (is.null(fs)) {
      fs <- attr(downloadFilename, "fileSize")
      if (is.null(fs)) {
        fs <- attr(assessGoogle(url, verbose = verbose, team_drive = team_drive), "fileSize")
    if (!is.null(fs)) {
      class(fs) <- "object_size"
    isLargeFile <- ifelse(is.null(fs), FALSE, fs > 1e6)
    if (!isWindows() && requireNamespace("future", quietly = TRUE) && isLargeFile &&
      !isFALSE(getOption("reproducible.futurePlan"))) {
      messagePrepInputs("Downloading a large file in background using future", verbose = verbose)
      fp <- future::plan()
      if (!is(fp, getOption("reproducible.futurePlan"))) {
        fpNew <- getOption("reproducible.futurePlan")
        future::plan(fpNew, workers = 1)
      a <- future::future(
          retry(retries = 2, quote(googledrive::drive_download(googledrive::as_id(url),
            path = destFile,
            type = type,
            overwrite = overwrite, verbose = TRUE
        globals = list(
          drive_download = googledrive::drive_download,
          as_id = googledrive::as_id,
          retry = retry,
          # drive_deauth = googledrive::drive_deauth,
          url = url,
          type = type,
          overwrite = overwrite,
          destFile = destFile
      notResolved <- TRUE
      while (notResolved) {
        notResolved <- !future::resolved(a)
        fsActual <- file.size(destFile)
        class(fsActual) <- "object_size"
        if (!is.na(fsActual)) {
            format(fsActual, units = "auto"), "of", format(fs, units = "auto"),
            "downloaded         \r"
    } else {
      a <- retry(
        retries = 2,
            path = destFile,
            type = type,
            overwrite = overwrite, verbose = TRUE
      ) ## TODO: unrecognized type "shp"
  } else {
    messagePrepInputs(messSkipDownload, verbose = verbose)
    needChecksums <- 0
  return(list(destFile = destFile, needChecksums = needChecksums))

#' Download file from generic source url
#' @param url  The url (link) to the file.
#' @author Eliot McIntire and Alex Chubaty
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom utils download.file
#' @inheritParams preProcess
dlGeneric <- function(url, destinationPath, verbose = getOption("reproducible.verbose", 1)) {
  if (missing(destinationPath)) {
    destinationPath <- tempdir2(rndstr(1, 6))

  bn <- basename2(url)
  bn <- gsub("\\?|\\&", "_", bn) # causes errors with ? and maybe &
  destFile <- file.path(destinationPath, bn)

  # if (suppressWarnings(httr::http_error(url))) ## TODO: http_error is throwing warnings
  #   stop("Can not access url ", url)

  messagePrepInputs("  Downloading ", url, " ...", verbose = verbose)

  if (.requireNamespace("httr") && .requireNamespace("curl")) {
    ua <- httr::user_agent(getOption("reproducible.useragent"))
    request <- suppressWarnings(
      ## TODO: GET is throwing warnings
        url, ua, httr::progress(),
        httr::write_disk(destFile, overwrite = TRUE)
      ) ## TODO: overwrite?
  } else {
    out <- try(download.file(url, destfile = destFile))
    if (is(out, "try-error")) {
      stop("Download failed; try rerunning after: install.packages(c('curl', 'httr'))")

  list(destFile = destFile)

#' Download a remote file
#' @inheritParams prepInputs
#' @inheritParams preProcess
#' @param needChecksums Logical indicating whether to generate checksums. ## TODO: add overwrite arg to the function?
#' @param messSkipDownload The character string text to pass to messaging if download skipped
#' @param checkSums TODO
#' @param fileToDownload TODO
#' @inheritParams loadFromCache
downloadRemote <- function(url, archive, targetFile, checkSums, dlFun = NULL,
                           fileToDownload, messSkipDownload,
                           destinationPath, overwrite, needChecksums, .tempPath, preDigest,
                           verbose = getOption("reproducible.verbose", 1), ...) {
  noTargetFile <- is.null(targetFile) || length(targetFile) == 0
  # browser(expr = exists("._downloadRemote_1"))
  if (missing(.tempPath)) {
    .tempPath <- tempdir2(rndstr(1, 6))
        unlink(.tempPath, recursive = TRUE)
      add = TRUE

  dots <- list(...)
  if (!is.null(url) || !is.null(dlFun)) { # if no url, no download
    # if (!is.null(fileToDownload)  ) { # don't need to download because no url --- but need a case
    if (!isTRUE(tryCatch(is.na(fileToDownload), warning = function(x) FALSE))) {
      messagePrepInputs("...downloading...", verbose = verbose)

      ## NA means archive already in hand
      out <- NULL

      if (!is.null(dlFun)) {
        dlFunName <- dlFun
        dlFun <- .extractFunction(dlFun, envir = list2env(list(...)))
        fun <- if (is(dlFun, "call")) {
          CacheMatchedCall <- match.call(call = dlFun)
          .fnCleanup(dlFun, callingFun = "downloadRemote", CacheMatchedCall = CacheMatchedCall)
        } else {
        forms <- .argsToRemove
        overlappingForms <- fun$formalArgs[fun$formalArgs %in% forms]
        overlappingForms <- grep("\\.\\.\\.", overlappingForms, invert = TRUE, value = TRUE)

        # remove arguments that are in .argsToRemove, i.e., the sequence
        args <- if (length(overlappingForms)) {
          append(list(...), mget(overlappingForms))
        } else {
        args <- args[!names(args) %in% forms]
        if (noTargetFile) {
          fileInfo <- file.info(dir(destinationPath))

        if (is.call(dlFun)) {
          sfs <- sys.frames()
          for (i in seq_along(sfs)) {
            env1 <- new.env(parent = sys.frame(-i))
            list2env(args, env1)
            out <- try(eval(dlFun, envir = env1), silent = TRUE)
            if (is.function(out)) { # in the previous "call", it may have just returned an unevaluated function
              dlFun <- out
            if (!is(out, "try-error")) {

        if (!is.call(dlFun)) {
          out <- do.call(dlFun, args = args)

        needSave <- !is.null(out) # TRUE
        if (noTargetFile) {
          fileInfoAfter <- file.info(dir(destinationPath))
          possibleTargetFile <- setdiff(rownames(fileInfoAfter), rownames(fileInfo))
          possibleTargetFile <- makeAbsolute(possibleTargetFile, destinationPath)

          if (length(possibleTargetFile)) {
            destFile <- targetFile <- possibleTargetFile
            needSave <- FALSE
          } else {
            destFile <- normPath(file.path(destinationPath, basename(tempfile(fileext = ".rds"))))
        } else {
          destFile <- makeAbsolute(targetFile, destinationPath)
          # destFile <- normPath(file.path(destinationPath, targetFile))

        # some functions will load the object, not just download them, since we may not know
        #   where the function actually downloaded the file, we save it as an RDS file
        if (needSave) {
          if (!file.exists(destFile)) {
            out2 <- .wrap(out, preDigest = preDigest)
            saveRDS(out2, file = destFile)
        downloadResults <- list(out = out, destFile = normPath(destFile), needChecksums = 2)

      if (is.null(out)) {
        isGID <- all(grepl("^[A-Za-z0-9_-]{33}$", url), # Has 33 characters as letters, numbers or - or _
                     !grepl("\\.[^\\.]+$", url)) # doesn't have an extension --> GDrive ID's as url
        if (any(isGID, grepl("d.+.google.com", url))) {
          if (!requireNamespace("googledrive", quietly = TRUE)) {
            stop(requireNamespaceMsg("googledrive", "to use google drive files"))

          teamDrive <- getTeamDrive(dots)

          downloadResults <- dlGoogle(
            url = url, archive = archive, targetFile = targetFile,
            checkSums = checkSums, messSkipDownload = messSkipDownload, destinationPath = .tempPath,
            overwrite = overwrite, needChecksums = needChecksums, verbose = verbose,
            team_drive = teamDrive, ...
        } else if (grepl("dl.dropbox.com", url)) {
          stop("Dropbox downloading is currently not supported")
        } else if (grepl("onedrive.live.com", url)) {
          stop("Onedrive downloading is currently not supported")
        } else {
          downloadResults <- dlGeneric(url = url, destinationPath = .tempPath)
          downloadResults$needChecksums <- needChecksums
      # if destinationPath is tempdir, then don't copy and remove

      testFTD <- length(fileToDownload) > 0
      if (isTRUE(testFTD)) testFTD <- isTRUE(all(downloadResults$destFile != fileToDownload))

      # Don't use .tempPath directly because of non-google approaches too
      if (!(identical(
      )) ||
        testFTD) {
        # basename2 is OK because the destFile will be flat; it is just archive extraction that needs to allow nesting
        desiredPath <- makeAbsolute(basename2(downloadResults$destFile), destinationPath)
        desiredPathExists <- file.exists(desiredPath)
        if (desiredPathExists && !isTRUE(overwrite)) {
          stopMess <- paste(desiredPath, " already exists and overwrite = FALSE; would you like to overwrite anyway? Y or N:  ")
          if (interactive()) {
            interactiveRes <- readline(stopMess)
            if (startsWith(tolower(interactiveRes), "y")) {
              overwrite <- TRUE
          if (!identical(overwrite, TRUE)) {
            stop(targetFile, " already exists at ", desiredPath, ". Use overwrite = TRUE?")

        # Try hard link first -- the only type that R deeply recognizes
        # if that fails, fall back to copying the file.
        # NOTE: never use symlink because the original will be deleted.
        result <- hardLinkOrCopy(downloadResults$destFile, desiredPath, verbose = verbose)

        # result <- suppressWarningsSpecific(
        #   file.link(downloadResults$destFile, desiredPath),
        #   falseWarnings = "already exists|Invalid cross-device")
        # # result <- suppressWarnings(
        # #   file.link(downloadResults$destFile, desiredPath)
        # # )
        # if (isFALSE(result)) {
        #   result <- file.copy(downloadResults$destFile, desiredPath)
        # }

        tmpFile <- makeRelative(downloadResults$destFile, dirname(downloadResults$destFile))
        downloadResults$destFile <- makeAbsolute(tmpFile, destinationPath)
        # downloadResults$destFile <- file.path(destinationPath, basename(downloadResults$destFile))
      # }
    } else {
      messagePrepInputs(messSkipDownload, verbose = verbose)
      downloadResults <- list(needChecksums = 0, destFile = NULL)
  } else {
    messagePrepInputs("No downloading; no url", verbose = verbose)

missingFiles <- function(files, checkSums, targetFile, destinationPath) {
  filesBasename <- makeRelative(files, destinationPath)
  if (is.null(files)) {
    result <- unique(checkSums$result)
  } else {
    result <- checkSums[checkSums$expectedFile %in% filesBasename, ]$result
  if (length(result) == 0) result <- NA

  (!(all(compareNA(result, "OK")) && all(filesBasename %in% checkSums$expectedFile)) ||

assessGoogle <- function(url, archive = NULL, targetFile = NULL,
                         destinationPath = getOption("reproducible.destinationPath", "."),
                         verbose = getOption("reproducible.verbose", 1),
                         team_drive = NULL) {
  if (!requireNamespace("googledrive", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop(requireNamespaceMsg("googledrive", "to use google drive files"))
  if (.isRstudioServer()) {
    .requireNamespace("httr", stopOnFALSE = TRUE)
    opts <- options(httr_oob_default = TRUE)

  if (is.null(archive) || is.na(archive)) {
    if (packageVersion("googledrive") < "2.0.0") {
      fileAttr <- retry(retries = 1, quote(googledrive::drive_get(googledrive::as_id(url),
        team_drive = team_drive
    } else {
      fileAttr <- retry(retries = 1, quote(googledrive::drive_get(googledrive::as_id(url),
        shared_drive = team_drive
    fileSize <- fileAttr$drive_resource[[1]]$size ## TODO: not returned with team drive (i.e., NULL)
    if (!is.null(fileSize)) {
      fileSize <- as.numeric(fileSize)
      class(fileSize) <- "object_size"
      messagePrepInputs("  File on Google Drive is ", format(fileSize, units = "auto"),
        verbose = verbose
    archive <- .isArchive(fileAttr$name)
    if (is.null(archive)) {
      if (is.null(targetFile)) {
        # make the guess
        targetFile <- fileAttr$name
      downloadFilename <- targetFile # override if the targetFile is not an archive
    } else {
      archive <- file.path(destinationPath, basename2(archive))
      downloadFilename <- archive
  } else {
    downloadFilename <- archive
  if (exists("fileSize", inherits = FALSE)) {
    attr(downloadFilename, "fileSize") <- fileSize

requireNamespaceMsg <- function(pkg, extraMsg = character(), minVersion = NULL) {
  mess <- paste0(
    pkg, if (!is.null(minVersion)) {
      paste0("(>=", minVersion, ")")
    }, " is required but not yet installed. Try: ",
    "install.packages('", pkg, "')"
  if (length(extraMsg) > 0) {
    mess <- paste(mess, extraMsg)

.isRstudioServer <- function() {
  isRstudioServer <- FALSE

  if (isTRUE("tools:rstudio" %in% search())) { ## running in Rstudio
    rsAPIFn <- get(".rs.api.versionInfo", as.environment("tools:rstudio"))
    versionInfo <- rsAPIFn()
    if (!is.null(versionInfo)) {
      isRstudioServer <- identical("server", versionInfo$mode)
PredictiveEcology/reproducible documentation built on April 19, 2024, 7:23 p.m.