#' scanTabix to data.table
#' Convert the output of \link[Rsamtools]{scanTabix}
#' into a \link[data.table]{data.table}.
#' Can handle tabix files that are missing column names,
#' and query results that only have a single row.
#' @param header Header, from the output of \link[Rsamtools]{headerTabix}.
#' @param queries A named list of query results,
#' from the output of \link[Rsamtools]{scanTabix}.
#' @param add_query_names Add the names of each query to a new column
#' named 'query'.
#' @param remove_duplicates Remove any duplicated rows.
#' Set \code{add_query_names=FALSE} to prevent each unique range (e.g. SNP)
#' from appearing in more than one row.
#' @param verbose Print messages.
#' @inheritParams data.table::fread
#' @export
#' @examples
#' fl <- system.file("extdata", "example.gtf.gz", package="Rsamtools",
#' mustWork=TRUE)
#' tbx <- Rsamtools::TabixFile(fl)
#' param <- GenomicRanges::GRanges(
#' c("chr1", "chr2"),
#' IRanges::IRanges(c(1, 1), width=100000))
#' queries <- Rsamtools::scanTabix(tbx, param=param)
#' header <- Rsamtools::headerTabix(fl)
#' #### Convert ####
#' query_dt <- echotabix::scanTabix_to_dt(header = header,
#' queries = queries)
scanTabix_to_dt <- function(header,
messager("Converting query results to data.table.", v=verbose)
#### Reconstruct data.table ####
query_dt_list <- lapply(names(queries), function(nm){
messager("Processing query:",nm,v=verbose)
query <- queries[[nm]]
qdt <- tryCatch({
#### Add extra rows ####
## Input has to contain >=2 rows for
## data.table to be able to parse it.
single_row <- length(query)==1
query <- rep(query, 2)
#### Parse ####
qdt <- data.table::fread(text = paste(query,
collapse = "\n"),
header = FALSE,
sep = sep,
fill = TRUE)
#### Add missing header back in ####
## But only if there's a header in the tabix file to begin with.
colnames(qdt) <- strsplit(header$header, split = sep)[[1]]
#### Remove any artificially added rows ####
qdt <- qdt[1,]
}, error = function(e) {print(e); NULL})
})|> `names<-`(names(queries))
##### Add new column with the name of each query #####
messager("Adding 'query' column to results.",v=verbose)
query_dt <- data.table::rbindlist(l = query_dt_list,
# use.names = add_query_names,
idcol = if(add_query_names) "query" else NULL,
fill = TRUE)
if(remove_duplicates) query_dt <- unique(query_dt)
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