
Defines functions rarefy_rrna

Documented in rarefy_rrna

#' Rarefy and normalize based on 16S rRNA copy numbers
#' Rarefy an OTU-table with the probability of the inverse 16S rRNA copy numbers: The result is a normalized AND copy number corrected OTU-table.
#' @param x A phyloseq object OR an OTU-table with taxa as columns and OTU names as colnames. OTUs should be picked against the Greengenes v13.5 database, unless another copy number database is provided.
#' @param reads Number of reads to sample. 
#' @param copy.database What Greengenes database version was used to find OTUs. Atm only "v13.5" is available. Alternatively, A dataframe with two variables: "ID" is the OTU id matched by names in x and "Copy" is the copy number.
#' @param seed Random seed for sampling.
#' @param trim Should samples with less than the set amount of reads be trimmed away?
#' @param replace Should reads be sampled with replacement? Default FALSE. If FALSE, rRNA copy numbers will have small effect if the rarefied depth is close to the actual depth. If TRUE, some taxa can end up with more reads in the rarefied matrix that they had in the input.
#' @keywords rarefy normalize rrna
#' @return A rarefied otu-table
#' @import phyloseq
#' @export

rarefy_rrna <- function(x, reads, copy.database="v13.5", seed=NULL, trim=FALSE, replace=FALSE){
  if(class(x) == "phyloseq") y <- rarefy_rrna.phyloseq(x,reads,copy.database,seed,trim,replace) else y <- rarefy_rrna.matrix(x,reads,copy.database,seed,trim,replace)

#' @rdname rarefy_rrna
#' @export

rarefy_rrna.matrix <- function (x, reads, copy.database, seed=NULL, trim, replace){
  if(is.null(seed)) {
    rand.seed <- as.numeric(Sys.time())
    message(paste("Remember to set seed!","Now set to",rand.seed)) }
  # Load Copy database
    rRNA <- copy.database
  } else {
    if(copy.database == "v13.5"){
      rRNA <- read.table("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Russel88/MicEco/master/data/gg_13_5_16S.tab")
      colnames(rRNA) <- c("ID","Copy")
  # Probabilities
  rrna <- as.data.frame(rRNA[rRNA$ID %in% colnames(x),])
  rownames(rrna) <- rrna$ID
  rrna <- as.data.frame(t(rrna[,2,drop=FALSE]))
  rrna <- rrna[,order(colnames(rrna))]
  rrna.rev <- 1/rrna
  x <- as.matrix(x)
  these.reads <- rep(reads, length = nrow(x))
  x <- x[,order(colnames(x))]
  nm <- colnames(x)
  for (i in 1:nrow(x)) {
    if (sum(x[i, ]) <= these.reads[i] && !replace) next
    row <- sample(rep(nm, times = x[i, ]), these.reads[i],prob=rep(rrna.rev, times = x[i, ]), replace=replace)
    row <- table(row)
    ind <- names(row)
    x[i, ] <- 0
    x[i, ind] <- row
  if(trim) {
    xnew <- x[rowSums(x) >= reads, ]
    message(paste((nrow(x)-nrow(xnew)),"samples were trimmed away because they had fewer than",reads,"reads"))
  } else xnew <- x

#' @rdname rarefy_rrna
#' @export

rarefy_rrna.phyloseq <- function (x, reads, copy.database, seed=NULL, trim, replace){
  if(is.null(seed)) {
    rand.seed <- sample(1000,1)
    message(paste("Remember to set seed!","Now set to",rand.seed)) }
  x2 <- as.matrix(otu_table(x))
  if(taxa_are_rows(x)) x2 <- as.matrix(t(x2))
  # Load Copy database
    rRNA <- copy.database
  } else {
    if(copy.database == "v13.5"){
      rRNA <- read.table("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Russel88/MicEco/master/data/gg_13_5_16S.tab")
      colnames(rRNA) <- c("ID","Copy")
  # Probabilities
  rrna <- as.data.frame(rRNA[rRNA$ID %in% colnames(x2),])
  rownames(rrna) <- rrna$ID
  rrna <- as.data.frame(t(rrna[,2,drop=FALSE]))
  rrna <- rrna[,order(colnames(rrna))]
  rrna.rev <- 1/rrna
  these.reads <- rep(reads, length = nrow(x2))
  x2 <- x2[,order(colnames(x2))]
  nm <- colnames(x2)
  for (i in 1:nrow(x2)) {
    if (sum(x2[i, ]) <= these.reads[i] && !replace) next
    row <- sample(rep(nm, times = x2[i, ]), these.reads[i],prob=rep(rrna.rev, times = x2[i, ]), replace)
    row <- table(row)
    ind <- names(row)
    x2[i, ] <- 0
    x2[i, ind] <- row
  if(trim) {
    xnew <- x2[rowSums(x2) >= reads, ]
    message(paste((nrow(x2)-nrow(xnew)),"samples were trimmed away because they had fewer than",reads,"reads"))
  } else xnew <- x2
  if(taxa_are_rows(x)) otu_table(x) <- otu_table(t(xnew),taxa_are_rows = TRUE) else otu_table(x) <- otu_table(xnew,taxa_are_rows = FALSE)
Russel88/MicEco documentation built on Nov. 24, 2022, 2:33 a.m.