
#' @rdname opls
#' @export
setMethod("opls", signature(x = "ExpressionSet"),
          function(x, y = NULL, ...) {

              datMN <- t(exprs(x))

              if(is.null(y)) {
                  opl <- opls(datMN, ...)
              } else {
                  if(!is.character(y)) {
                      stop("'y' must be a character when the 'opls' method is applied to an 'ExpressionSet' instance")
                  } else {
                      samDF <- phenoData(x)@data
                      if(!(y %in% colnames(samDF))) {
                          stop("'y' must be the name of a column of the sampleMetadata slot of the 'ExpressionSet' instance")
                      } else {
                          rspFcVcn <- samDF[, y]
                          opl <- opls(datMN, rspFcVcn, ...)



#' @rdname opls
#' @export
setMethod("opls", signature(x = "data.frame"),
          function(x, ...) {
              if(!all(sapply(x, data.class) == "numeric")) {
                  stop("'x' data frame must contain columns of 'numeric' vectors only", call. = FALSE)
              } else
                  x <- as.matrix(x)
              opl <- opls(x, ...)

#' @rdname opls
#' @export
setMethod("opls", signature(x = "matrix"),
                   y = NULL,
                   predI = NA,
                   orthoI = 0,

                   algoC = c("default", "nipals", "svd")[1],
                   crossvalI = 7,
                   log10L = FALSE,
                   permI = 20,
                   scaleC = c("none", "center", "pareto", "standard")[4],
                   subset = NULL,

                   printL = TRUE,
                   plotL = TRUE,

                   .sinkC = NULL,
                   ...) {

    if(!is.null(.sinkC)) ##  Diversion of messages is required for the integration into Galaxy
        sink(.sinkC, append = TRUE)

    ## Checking arguments

    ## x -> xMN

    if(is.data.frame(x)) {
        if(!all(sapply(x, data.class) == "numeric")) {
            stop("'x' data frame must contain columns of 'numeric' vectors only", call. = FALSE)
        } else
            x <- as.matrix(x)
    } else if(is.matrix(x)) {
        if(mode(x) != "numeric")
            stop("'x' matrix must be of 'numeric' mode", call. = FALSE)
    } else
        stop("'x' must be either a data.frame or a matrix", call. = FALSE)

    if(any(apply(x, 2, function(colVn) all(is.na(colVn)))))
        stop("'x' contains columns with 'NA' only", call. = FALSE)

    xMN <- x

    ## y -> yMCN

    yLevelVc <- NULL

    if(!is.null(y)) {

        if(is.vector(y)) {

            if(!(mode(y) %in% c("character", "numeric")))
                stop("'y' vector must be of 'character' or 'numeric' type", call. = FALSE)

            if(length(y) != nrow(xMN))
                stop("'y' vector length must be equal to the number of rows of 'x'", call. = FALSE)

            yMCN <- matrix(y, ncol = 1)

        } else if(is.factor(y)) {

            if(length(y) != nrow(xMN))
                stop("'y' factor length must be equal to the number of rows of 'x'", call. = FALSE)

            yLevelVc <- levels(y)

            yMCN <- matrix(as.character(y), ncol = 1)

        } else if(is.matrix(y)) {

            if(!(mode(y) %in% c("character", "numeric")))
                stop("'y' matrix must be of 'character' or 'numeric' type", call. = FALSE)

            if(nrow(y) != nrow(xMN))
                stop("'x' and 'y' must have the same number of rows", call. = FALSE)

            if(ncol(y) > 1 && mode(y) != "numeric")
                stop("Multiple response 'y' matrices must be of numeric type", call. = FALSE)

            yMCN <- y

        } else
            stop("'y' must be either a vector, a factor, or a matrix", call. = FALSE)

    } else
        yMCN <- NULL

    ## NA in Y only possible for multi-response regression (i.e., Y is a numeric matrix)

    if(!is.null(yMCN) &&
       ncol(yMCN) == 1 &&
        stop("In case of single response modeling, 'y' must not contain missing values", call. = FALSE)

        stop("'log10L' must be a logical", call. = FALSE)

    if(permI < 0 || (permI - floor(permI)) > 1e-10)
        stop("'permI' must be an integer", call. = FALSE)

    if(permI > 0 && (is.null(yMCN) || ncol(yMCN) > 1)) {
        ## warning("Permutation testing available for single response (O)PLS(-DA) models only", call. = FALSE)
        permI <- 0

    if(permI > 0 && !is.null(subset)) {
        permI <- 0
        warning("'permI' set to 0 because train/test partition is selected", call. = FALSE)

    if(!(algoC %in% c('default', 'nipals', 'svd')))
        stop("'algoC' must be either 'default', 'nipals', or 'svd'", call. = FALSE)

    if(algoC == "default")
        algoC <- ifelse(is.null(yMCN) && !any(is.na(c(xMN))), "svd", "nipals")

    if(!is.null(yMCN) && algoC != "nipals")
        stop("'nipals' algorithm must be used for (O)PLS(-DA)", call. = FALSE)

    if((is.na(orthoI) || orthoI > 0) && is.null(yMCN))
        stop("'y' response cannot be NULL for OPLS(-DA) modeling", call. = FALSE)

    if(!is.null(yMCN)) {
        if(is.na(orthoI) || orthoI > 0) {
            if(ncol(yMCN) > 1) {
                stop("OPLS regression only available for a single 'y' response", call. = FALSE)
            } else if(mode(yMCN) == "character" && length(unique(drop(yMCN))) > 2)
                stop("OPLS-DA only available for binary classification (use PLS-DA for multiple classes)", call. = FALSE)

    if(is.na(orthoI) || orthoI > 0)
        if(is.na(predI) || predI > 1) {
            predI <- 1
            warning("OPLS: number of predictive components ('predI' argument) set to 1", call. = FALSE)

    if(!is.na(predI) && !is.na(orthoI) && ((predI + orthoI) > min(dim(xMN))))
        stop("The sum of 'predI' (", predI, ") and 'orthoI' (", orthoI, ") exceeds the minimum dimension of the 'x' data matrix (", min(dim(xMN)), ")" , call. = FALSE)

    if(!(length(scaleC) == 1 && scaleC %in% c('none', 'center', 'pareto', 'standard')))
        stop("'scaleC' must be either 'none', 'center', 'pareto', or 'standard'", call. = FALSE)

    if(!is.null(subset) && (is.null(yMCN) || ncol(yMCN) > 1))
        stop("train/test partition with 'subset' only available for (O)PLS(-DA) models of a single 'y' response", call. = FALSE)

    if(!is.null(subset) &&
       !(mode(subset) == 'character' && subset == 'odd') &&
       !all(subset %in% 1:nrow(xMN)))
        stop("'subset' must be either set to 'odd' or an integer vector of 'x' row numbers", call. = FALSE)

    if(crossvalI > nrow(xMN))
        stop("'crossvalI' must be less than the row number of 'x'", call. = FALSE)

    ## Constants

    epsN <- .Machine[["double.eps"]] ## [1] 2.22e-16

    ## Character to numeric convertion function (for classification)

    if(!is.null(yMCN) && mode(yMCN) == "character") {

        if(!is.null(yLevelVc)) {
            claVc <- yLevelVc
        } else
            claVc <- sort(unique(drop(yMCN)))

        if(length(claVc) == 2) {
            ## binary response kept as a single vector for OPLS-DA computations
            .char2numF <- function(inpMCN,
                                   c2nL = TRUE) {

                if(c2nL) {

                    outMCN <- inpMCN == claVc[2]
                    mode(outMCN) <- "numeric"

                } else {

                    outMCN <- matrix(claVc[as.numeric(inpMCN > 0.5) + 1],
                                     ncol = 1,
                                     dimnames = dimnames(inpMCN))




        } else
            .char2numF <- function(inpMCN,
                                   c2nL = TRUE) {

                if(c2nL) {

                    outMCN  <- t(sapply(drop(inpMCN),
                                        function(claC) as.numeric(claVc == claC)))
                    colnames(outMCN) <- claVc

                } else {

                    outMCN <- t(t(apply(inpMCN, 1,
                                        function(rowVn) claVc[which(rowVn == max(rowVn))[1]])))
                    colnames(outMCN) <- "y1"




    } else
        .char2numF <- NULL

    ##   Computations

    ## rownames and colnames

        if(!is.null(yMCN) && !is.null(rownames(yMCN))) {
            rownames(xMN) <- rownames(yMCN)
        } else
            rownames(xMN) <- paste0("s", 1:nrow(xMN))
        colnames(xMN) <- paste0("x", 1:ncol(xMN))

    if(!is.null(yMCN)) {
            rownames(yMCN) <- rownames(xMN)
            colnames(yMCN) <- paste0("y", 1:ncol(yMCN))

    ## Log10 transformation

        xMN <- .log10F(xMN)

    ## Test indices

    obsIniVi <- 1:nrow(xMN)

    if(!is.null(subset)) {
        subsetL <- TRUE
        if(length(subset) == 1 && subset == "odd") {

            if(mode(yMCN) == "numeric")
                subsetVi <- seq(1, nrow(xMN), by = 2)
            else {
                subsetVi <- integer()
                for(claC in unique(drop(yMCN)))
                    subsetVi <- c(subsetVi,
                                  which(drop(yMCN) == claC)[seq(1, sum(drop(yMCN) == claC), by = 2)])
                subsetVi <- sort(subsetVi)
        } else
            subsetVi <- subset
        if(crossvalI > length(subsetVi))
            stop("'crossvalI' must be less than the number of samples in the subset", call. = FALSE)
    } else {
        subsetL <- FALSE
        subsetVi <- numeric()

    ## Filtering out zero variance variables

    xVarIndLs <- list()
    xVarIndLs[[1]] <- 1:nrow(xMN)

    if(subsetL) {
        xVarIndLs[[1]] <- subsetVi
    } ## else if(!is.null(yMCN) && ncol(yMCN) == 1 && nrow(xMN) >= 2 * crossvalI)
      ##   for(cvkN in 1:crossvalI)
      ##       xVarIndLs <- c(xVarIndLs, list(setdiff(1:nrow(xMN), cvaOutLs[[cvkN]])))

    xVarVarLs <- lapply(xVarIndLs,
                        function(xVarVi) {
                            apply(xMN[xVarVi, , drop = FALSE],
                                  function(colVn) var(colVn, na.rm = TRUE))

    xZeroVarVi <- integer()
    for(k in 1:length(xVarVarLs))
        xZeroVarVi <- union(xZeroVarVi, which(xVarVarLs[[k]] < epsN))

    if(length(xZeroVarVi) > 0) {
        names(xZeroVarVi) <- colnames(xMN)[xZeroVarVi]
        xMN <- xMN[, -xZeroVarVi, drop = FALSE]
        warning("The variance of the ",
                " following variables is less than ",
                signif(epsN, 2),
                " in the full or partial (cross-validation) dataset: these variables will be removed:\n",
                paste(names(xZeroVarVi), collapse = ", "),
                call. = FALSE)

    ## Core

    opl <- .coreF(xMN = xMN,
                  yMCN = yMCN,
                  orthoI = orthoI,
                  predI = predI,
                  scaleC = scaleC,
                  algoC = algoC,
                  crossvalI = crossvalI,
                  subsetL = subsetL,
                  subsetVi = subsetVi,
                  .char2numF = .char2numF)

    opl@suppLs[["y"]] <- y

    if(is.null(opl@suppLs[["yMCN"]])) {
        opl@typeC <- "PCA"
    } else {
        if(ncol(opl@suppLs[["yMCN"]]) > 1 || mode(opl@suppLs[["yMCN"]]) == "numeric")
            opl@typeC <- "PLS"
            opl@typeC <- "PLS-DA"
    if(opl@summaryDF[, "ort"] > 0)
        opl@typeC <- paste("O", opl@typeC, sep = "")

    opl@xZeroVarVi <- xZeroVarVi
    ## opl@suppLs[["yLevelVc"]] <- yLevelVc

    ## Permutation testing (Szymanska et al, 2012)

    if(permI > 0) {

        modSumVc <- colnames(opl@summaryDF)

        permMN <- matrix(0,
                         nrow = 1 + permI,
                         ncol = length(modSumVc),
                         dimnames = list(NULL, modSumVc))

        perSimVn <- numeric(1 + permI)
        perSimVn[1] <- 1

        permMN[1, ] <- as.matrix(opl@summaryDF)

        for(k in 1:permI) {

            yVcn <- drop(opl@suppLs[["yMCN"]])
            if(!subsetL) {
                yPerVcn <- sample(yVcn)
            } else {
                yPerVcn <- numeric(nrow(xMN))
                refVi <- opl@subsetVi
                tesVi <- setdiff(1:nrow(xMN), refVi)
                yPerVcn[refVi] <- sample(yVcn[refVi])
                yPerVcn[tesVi] <- yVcn[tesVi]
            yPerMCN <- matrix(yPerVcn, ncol = 1)

            perOpl <- .coreF(xMN = xMN,
                             yMCN = yPerMCN,
                             orthoI = opl@summaryDF[, "ort"],
                             predI = opl@summaryDF[, "pre"],
                             scaleC = scaleC,
                             algoC = algoC,
                             crossvalI = crossvalI,
                             subsetL = subsetL,
                             subsetVi = opl@subsetVi,
                             .char2numF = .char2numF)

            permMN[1 + k, ] <- as.matrix(perOpl@summaryDF)

            perSimVn[1 + k] <- .similarityF(opl@suppLs[["yMCN"]], yPerMCN,
                                            .char2numF = .char2numF,
                                            charL = mode(opl@suppLs[["yMCN"]]) == "character")


        permMN <- cbind(permMN, sim = perSimVn)

        perPvaVn <- c(pR2Y = (1 + length(which(permMN[-1, "R2Y(cum)"] >= permMN[1, "R2Y(cum)"]))) / (nrow(permMN) - 1),
                      pQ2 = (1 + length(which(permMN[-1, "Q2(cum)"] >= permMN[1, "Q2(cum)"]))) / (nrow(permMN) - 1))
        opl@summaryDF[, "pR2Y"] <- perPvaVn["pR2Y"]
        opl@summaryDF[, "pQ2"] <- perPvaVn["pQ2"]

        opl@suppLs[["permMN"]] <- permMN


    ##   Numerical results

    opl@descriptionMC <- rbind(samples = ifelse(!subsetL,
                               X_variables = ncol(xMN),
                               near_zero_excluded_X_variables = length(opl@xZeroVarVi))

    totN <- length(c(xMN))
    nasN <- sum(is.na(c(xMN)))

    if(!is.null(opl@suppLs[["yMCN"]])) {

        opl@descriptionMC <- rbind(opl@descriptionMC,
                                         Y_variables = ncol(opl@suppLs[["yMCN"]]))
        totN <- totN + length(c(opl@suppLs[["yMCN"]]))
        nasN <- nasN + sum(is.na(c(opl@suppLs[["yMCN"]])))


    opl@descriptionMC <- rbind(opl@descriptionMC,
                               missing_values = paste0(nasN, " (", round(nasN / totN * 100), "%)"))

    ## Raw summary

    opl@suppLs[["topLoadI"]] <- 3

    if(ncol(xMN) > opl@suppLs[["topLoadI"]]) {
        xVarVn <- apply(xMN, 2, var)
        names(xVarVn) <- 1:length(xVarVn)
        xVarVn <- sort(xVarVn)
        xVarSorVin <- as.numeric(names(xVarVn[seq(1, length(xVarVn), length = opl@suppLs[["topLoadI"]])]))
        opl@suppLs[["xSubIncVarMN"]] <- xMN[, xVarSorVin, drop = FALSE]
    } else
        opl@suppLs[["xSubIncVarMN"]] <- xMN

    if(ncol(xMN) <= 100) {

        xCorMN <- cor(xMN, use = "pairwise.complete.obs")
        xCorMN[lower.tri(xCorMN, diag = TRUE)] <- 0

        if(ncol(xMN) > opl@suppLs[["topLoadI"]]) {

            xCorNexDF <- which(abs(xCorMN) >= sort(abs(xCorMN), decreasing = TRUE)[opl@suppLs[["topLoadI"]] + 1],
                               arr.ind = TRUE)

            xCorDisMN <- matrix(0,
                                nrow = nrow(xCorNexDF),
                                ncol = nrow(xCorNexDF),
                                dimnames = list(colnames(xMN)[xCorNexDF[, "row"]],
                                    colnames(xMN)[xCorNexDF[, "col"]]))

            for(k in 1:nrow(xCorDisMN))
                xCorDisMN[k, k] <- xCorMN[xCorNexDF[k, "row"], xCorNexDF[k, "col"]]

        } else
            xCorDisMN <- xCorMN

        opl@suppLs[["xCorMN"]] <- xCorDisMN



    ## Printing

    if(printL) {

    ## Plotting

        plot(opl, typeVc = "summary")

    ## Closing connection

    if(!is.null(.sinkC)) ## Used in the Galaxy module

    ## Returning



#' Show method for 'opls' objects
#' Displays information about the dataset and the model.
#' @aliases show.opls show,opls-method
#' @param object An S4 object of class \code{opls}, created by the \code{opls}
#' function.
#' @return Invisible.
#' @author Philippe Rinaudo and Etienne Thevenot (CEA)
#' @examples
#' data(sacurine)
#' attach(sacurine)
#' sacurine.plsda <- opls(dataMatrix, sampleMetadata[, "gender"])
#' show(sacurine.plsda)
#' detach(sacurine)
#' @rdname show
#' @export
setMethod("show", "opls",
          function(object) {

    cat(object@typeC, "\n", sep = "")

    cat(object@descriptionMC["samples", ],
        " samples x ",
        object@descriptionMC["X_variables", ],
        " variables",
        ifelse(grepl("PLS", object@typeC),
               paste0(" and ", ncol(object@suppLs[["yMCN"]]), " response", ifelse(ncol(object@suppLs[["yMCN"]]) > 1, "s", "")),
               ""), "\n", sep = "")

    cat(object@suppLs[["scaleC"]], " scaling of predictors",
        ifelse(object@typeC == "PCA",
               paste0(" and ",
                      ifelse(mode(object@suppLs[["yMCN"]]) == "character" && object@suppLs[["scaleC"]] != "standard",
                             "standard scaling of ",
                      "response(s)")), "\n", sep = "")

    if(substr(object@descriptionMC["missing_values", ], 1, 1) != "0")
        cat(object@descriptionMC["missing_values", ], " NAs\n", sep = "")

    if(substr(object@descriptionMC["near_zero_excluded_X_variables", ], 1, 1) != "0")
        cat(object@descriptionMC["near_zero_excluded_X_variables", ],
            " excluded variables (near zero variance)\n", sep = "")

    optDigN <- options()[["digits"]]
    options(digits = 3)
    options(digits = optDigN)

}) ## show

#' Print method for 'opls' objects
#' Displays information about the dataset and the model.
#' @aliases print.opls print,opls-method
#' @param x An S4 object of class \code{opls}, created by the \code{opls}
#' function.
#' @param ... Currently not used.
#' @return Invisible.
#' @author Etienne Thevenot, \email{etienne.thevenot@@cea.fr}
#' @examples
#' data(sacurine)
#' attach(sacurine)
#' sacurine.plsda <- opls(dataMatrix, sampleMetadata[, "gender"])
#' print(sacurine.plsda)
#' detach(sacurine)
#' @rdname print
#' @export
setMethod("print", "opls",
          function(x, ...) {

    cat("\n1) Data set:\n", sep = "")

    cat(x@descriptionMC["samples", ],
            " samples x ",
            x@descriptionMC["X_variables", ],
            " variables",
            ifelse(grepl("PLS", x@typeC),
                   paste0(" and ", ncol(x@suppLs[["yMCN"]]), " response", ifelse(ncol(x@suppLs[["yMCN"]]) > 1, "s", "")),
        "\n", sep = "")

    cat(x@descriptionMC["missing_values", ], " NAs\n", sep = "")

    cat(x@descriptionMC["near_zero_excluded_X_variables", ], " excluded variables (near zero variance)\n", sep = "")

    cat(x@suppLs[["scaleC"]], " x", ifelse(x@typeC != "PCA", " and y", ""), " scaling\n", sep = "")

    cat("Summary of the ", x@suppLs[["topLoadI"]], " increasing variance spaced raw variables:\n", sep = "")

    if(!is.null(x@suppLs[["xCorMN"]])) {
        cat("Correlations between the X-variables:\n")
        print(signif(x@suppLs[["xCorMN"]], 2))
        cat("\n", sep = "")

    cat("\n2) Model: ", x@typeC, "\n", sep = "")

    cat("Correlations between variables and first 2 components:\n", sep = "")

    if(x@summaryDF[, "pre"] + x@summaryDF[, "ort"] < 2) {

        warning("A single component model has been selected by cross-validation", call. = FALSE)

        tCompMN <- x@scoreMN
        pCompMN <- x@loadingMN

    } else {

        if(x@summaryDF[, "ort"] > 0) {
            tCompMN <- cbind(x@scoreMN[, 1], x@orthoScoreMN[, 1])
            pCompMN <- cbind(x@loadingMN[, 1], x@orthoLoadingMN[, 1])
            colnames(pCompMN) <- colnames(tCompMN) <- c("h1", "o1")
        } else {
            tCompMN <- x@scoreMN[, 1:2]
            pCompMN <- x@loadingMN[, 1:2]


    cxtCompMN <- cor(x@suppLs[["xModelMN"]], tCompMN,
                     use = "pairwise.complete.obs")

    if(x@suppLs[["topLoadI"]] * 4 < ncol(x@suppLs[["xModelMN"]])) {

        pexVi <- integer(x@suppLs[["topLoadI"]] * ncol(pCompMN) * 2) ## 'ex'treme values

        for(k in 1:ncol(pCompMN)) {

            pkVn <-  pCompMN[, k]

            pexVi[1:(2 * x@suppLs[["topLoadI"]]) + 2 * x@suppLs[["topLoadI"]] * (k - 1)] <- c(order(pkVn)[1:x@suppLs[["topLoadI"]]],
                                                                                rev(order(pkVn, decreasing = TRUE)[1:x@suppLs[["topLoadI"]]]))


    } else
        pexVi <- 1:ncol(x@suppLs[["xModelMN"]])

    pxtCompMN <- cbind(pCompMN,

    if(ncol(pCompMN) == 1) {
        colnames(pxtCompMN)[2] <- paste0("cor_", colnames(pxtCompMN)[2])
    } else
        colnames(pxtCompMN)[3:4] <- paste0("cor_", colnames(pxtCompMN)[3:4])

    topLoadMN <- pxtCompMN

    topLoadMN <- topLoadMN[pexVi, , drop = FALSE]

    if(x@suppLs[["topLoadI"]] * 4 < ncol(x@suppLs[["xModelMN"]]) &&
       ncol(pCompMN) > 1) {

        topLoadMN[(2 * x@suppLs[["topLoadI"]] + 1):(4 * x@suppLs[["topLoadI"]]), c(1, 3)] <- NA
        topLoadMN[1:(2 * x@suppLs[["topLoadI"]]), c(2, 4)] <- NA

    print(signif(topLoadMN, 2))


    optDigN <- options()[["digits"]]
    options(digits = 3)
    options(digits = optDigN)

}) ## print

#' Plot Method for (O)PLS(-DA)
#' This function plots values based upon a model trained by \code{opls}.
#' @aliases plot.opls plot,opls-method
#' @param x An S4 object of class \code{opls}, created by the \code{opls}
#' function.
#' @param y Currently not used.
#' @param typeVc Character vector: the following plots are available:
#' 'correlation': Variable correlations with the components, 'outlier':
#' Observation diagnostics (score and orthogonal distances), 'overview': Model
#' overview showing R2Ycum and Q2cum (or 'Variance explained' for PCA),
#' 'permutation': Scatterplot of R2Y and Q2Y actual and simulated models after
#' random permutation of response values; 'predict-train' and 'predict-test':
#' Predicted vs Actual Y for reference and test sets (only if Y has a single
#' column), 'summary' [default]: 4-plot summary showing permutation, overview,
#' outlier, and x-score together, 'x-variance': Spread of raw variables
#' corresp. with min, median, and max variances, 'x-loading': X-loadings (the 6
#' of variables most contributing to loadings are colored in red to facilitate
#' interpretation), 'x-score': X-Scores, 'xy-score': XY-Scores, 'xy-weight':
#' XY-Weights
#' @param parAsColFcVn Optional factor character or numeric vector to be
#' converted into colors for the score plot; default is NA [ie colors will be
#' converted from 'y' in case of (O)PLS(-DA) or will be 'black' for PCA]
#' @param parCexN Numeric: amount by which plotting text should be magnified
#' relative to the default
#' @param parCompVi Integer vector of length 2: indices of the two components
#' to be displayed on the score plot (first two components by default)
#' @param parDevNewL Should the graphics be displayed in a new window
#' [default]; If FALSE, parLayL must be set to FALSE also
#' @param parEllipsesL Should the Mahalanobis ellipses be drawn? If 'NA'
#' [default], ellipses are drawn when either a character parAsColVcn is
#' provided (PCA case), or when 'y' is a character factor ((O)PLS-DA cases).
#' @param parLabVc Optional character vector for the labels of observations on
#' the plot; default is NA [ie row names of 'x', if available, or indices of
#' 'x', otherwise, will be used]
#' @param parTitleL Should the titles of the plots be printed on the graphics
#' (default = TRUE); It may be convenient to set this argument to FALSE when
#' the user wishes to add specific titles a posteriori
#' @param file.pdfC Figure filename (e.g. in case of batch mode) ending with
#' '.pdf'; for multiple graphics, set parLayL to TRUE; default is NULL (no
#' saving; displaying instead)
#' @param .sinkC Character: Name of the file for R output diversion [default =
#' NULL: no diversion]; Diversion of messages is required for the integration
#' into Galaxy
#' @param ... Currently not used.
#' @author Etienne Thevenot, \email{etienne.thevenot@@cea.fr}
#' @examples
#' data(sacurine)
#' attach(sacurine)
#' for(typeC in c("correlation", "outlier", "overview",
#'                "permutation", "predict-train","predict-test",
#'                "summary", "x-loading", "x-score", "x-variance",
#'                "xy-score", "xy-weight")) {
#'     print(typeC)
#'     if(grepl("predict", typeC))
#'         subset <- "odd"
#'     else
#'         subset <- NULL
#'     opLs <- opls(dataMatrix, sampleMetadata[, "gender"],
#'                  predI = ifelse(typeC != "xy-weight", 1, 2),
#'                  orthoI = ifelse(typeC != "xy-weight", 1, 0),
#'                  permI = ifelse(typeC == "permutation", 10, 0),
#'                  subset = subset,
#'                  printL = FALSE, plotL = FALSE)
#'     plot(opLs, typeVc = typeC)
#' }
#' detach(sacurine)
#' @rdname plot
#' @export
setMethod("plot", signature(x = "opls"),
                   typeVc = c("correlation",
                   parAsColFcVn = NA,
                   parCexN = 0.8,
                   parCompVi = c(1, 2),
                   parDevNewL = TRUE,
                   parEllipsesL = NA,
                   parLabVc = NA,
                   parTitleL = TRUE,
                   file.pdfC = NULL,

                   .sinkC = NULL,
                   ...) {

    if(!is.null(.sinkC)) ##  Diversion of messages is required for the integration into Galaxy
        sink(.sinkC, append = TRUE)

    if("summary" %in% typeVc) {
            typeVc <- c("permutation",
            typeVc <- c("overview",

    ## Checking arguments

    if(!all(typeVc %in% c('correlation', 'outlier', 'overview', 'permutation', 'predict-train', 'predict-test', 'x-loading', 'x-score', 'x-variance', 'xy-score', 'xy-weight')))
        stop("'typeVc' elements must be either 'correlation', 'outlier', 'overview', 'permutation', 'predict-train', 'predict-test', 'x-loading', 'x-score', 'x-variance', 'xy-score', 'xy-weight'", call. = FALSE)

    if('predict-test' %in% typeVc && length(x@subsetVi) == 0)
        stop("For the 'predict-test' graphic to be generated, 'subset' must not be kept to NULL", call. = FALSE)

    if(!any(is.na(parLabVc))) {
        if(length(x@subsetVi) > 0 && length(parLabVc) != nrow(x@suppLs[["yMCN"]])) {
            stop("When 'subset' is not NULL, 'parLabVc' vector length must be equal to the number of train + test samples (here: ", nrow(x@suppLs[["yMCN"]]), ").", call. = FALSE)
        } else if(length(parLabVc) != nrow(x@scoreMN))
            stop("'parLabVc' vector length must be equal to the number of 'x' rows")
        if(mode(parLabVc) != "character")
            stop("'parLabVc' must be of 'character' type")

    if(!any(is.na(parAsColFcVn))) {
        if(length(x@subsetVi) > 0 && length(parAsColFcVn) != nrow(x@suppLs[["yMCN"]])) {
            stop("When 'subset' is not NULL, 'parAsColFcVn' vector length must be equal to the number of train + test samples (here: ", nrow(x@suppLs[["yMCN"]]), ").", call. = FALSE)
        } else if(length(parAsColFcVn) != nrow(x@scoreMN))
            stop("'parAsColFcVn' vector length must be equal to the number of 'x' rows")
        if(!(mode(parAsColFcVn) %in% c("character", "numeric")))
            stop("'parAsColFcVn' must be of 'character' or 'numeric' type")
        if(is.character(parAsColFcVn)) {
            parAsColFcVn <- factor(parAsColFcVn)
            warning("Character 'parAsColFcVn' set to a factor", call. = FALSE)

    if(is.null(x@suppLs[["permMN"]]) && 'permutation' %in% typeVc)
        stop("'permI' must be > 0 for 'permutation' graphic to be plotted", call. = FALSE)

    if(x@summaryDF[, "ort"] > 0)
        if(parCompVi[1] != 1) {
            parCompVi[1] <- 1
            warning("OPLS: first component to display ('parCompVi' first value) set to 1", call. = FALSE)

    if("xy-weight" %in% typeVc &&
       substr(x@typeC, 1, 3) != "PLS")
       ## (is.null(yMCN) || is.na(x@summaryDF[, "ort"]) || x@summaryDF[, "ort"] > 0))
        stop("'xy-weight graphic can be displayed only for PLS(-DA) models", call. = FALSE)

    if(any(grepl('predict', typeVc)))
       if(is.null(x@suppLs[["yMCN"]]) ||
          ncol(x@suppLs[["yMCN"]]) > 1 ||
          (mode(x@suppLs[["yMCN"]]) == "character" && length(unique(drop(x@suppLs[["yMCN"]]))) > 2))
    ## if(any(grepl('predict', typeVc)) && is.matrix(x@fitted"]]) && ncol(x@fitted"]]) > 1)
        ## if(any(grepl('predict', typeVc)) && (is.null(yMCN) || ncol(yMCN) != 1))
           stop("'predict' graphics available for single response regression or binary classification only", call. = FALSE)

    if(is.na(parEllipsesL)) {
        if((all(is.na(parAsColFcVn)) && grepl("-DA$", x@typeC)) ||
           (!all(is.na(parAsColFcVn)) && is.factor(parAsColFcVn))) {
            parEllipsesL <- TRUE
        } else
            parEllipsesL <- FALSE
        ## if((x@typeC == "PCA" && !all(is.na(parAsColFcVn)) && is.factor(parAsColFcVn)) || ## PCA case
        ##    grepl("-DA$", x@typeC)) { ## (O)PLS-DA cases
        ##     parEllipsesL <- TRUE
        ## } else
        ##     parEllipsesL <- FALSE
    } else if(parEllipsesL && !grepl("-DA$", x@typeC) && (all(is.na(parAsColFcVn)) || !is.factor(parAsColFcVn)))
        stop("Ellipses can be plotted for PCA (or PLS regression) only if the 'parAsColFcVn' is a factor",
             call. = FALSE)

    if(x@summaryDF[, "pre"] + x@summaryDF[, "ort"] < 2) {

        if(!all(typeVc %in% c("permutation", "overview"))) {
            warning("Single component model: only 'overview' and 'permutation' (in case of single response (O)PLS(-DA)) plots available", call. = FALSE)
            typeVc <- "overview"
                typeVc <- c("permutation", typeVc)

        tCompMN <- x@scoreMN
        pCompMN <- x@loadingMN

    } else {

        if(x@summaryDF[, "ort"] > 0) {
            if(parCompVi[2] > x@summaryDF[, "ort"] + 1)
                stop("Selected orthogonal component for plotting (ordinate) exceeds the total number of orthogonal components of the model", call. = FALSE)
            tCompMN <- cbind(x@scoreMN[, 1], x@orthoScoreMN[, parCompVi[2] - 1])
            pCompMN <- cbind(x@loadingMN[, 1], x@orthoLoadingMN[, parCompVi[2] - 1])
            colnames(pCompMN) <- colnames(tCompMN) <- c("h1", paste("o", parCompVi[2] - 1, sep = ""))
        } else {
            if(max(parCompVi) > x@summaryDF[, "pre"])
                stop("Selected component for plotting as ordinate exceeds the total number of predictive components of the model", call. = FALSE)
            tCompMN <- x@scoreMN[, parCompVi, drop = FALSE]
            pCompMN <- x@loadingMN[, parCompVi, drop = FALSE]


    ## if(ncol(tCompMN) > 1) {

    ##     mahInvCovMN <- solve(cov(tCompMN))

    ##     pcaResMN <- cbind(sdsVn = apply(tCompMN,
    ##                           1,
    ##                           function(x) sqrt(t(as.matrix(x)) %*% mahInvCovMN %*% as.matrix(x))),
    ##                       odsVn = apply(x@suppLs[["xModelMN"]] - tcrossprod(tCompMN, pCompMN),
    ##                           1,
    ##                           function(x) sqrt(drop(crossprod(x[complete.cases(x)])))))

    ## } else
    ##     pcaResMN <- NULL

    cxtCompMN <- cor(x@suppLs[["xModelMN"]], tCompMN,
                     use = "pairwise.complete.obs")

        cytCompMN <- cor(x@suppLs[["yModelMN"]], tCompMN, use = "pairwise.complete.obs")

    if(x@suppLs[["topLoadI"]] * 4 < ncol(x@suppLs[["xModelMN"]])) {

        pexVi <- integer(x@suppLs[["topLoadI"]] * ncol(pCompMN) * 2) ## 'ex'treme values

        for(k in 1:ncol(pCompMN)) {

            pkVn <-  pCompMN[, k]

            pexVi[1:(2 * x@suppLs[["topLoadI"]]) + 2 * x@suppLs[["topLoadI"]] * (k - 1)] <- c(order(pkVn)[1:x@suppLs[["topLoadI"]]],
                                                                         rev(order(pkVn, decreasing = TRUE)[1:x@suppLs[["topLoadI"]]]))


    } else
        pexVi <- 1:ncol(x@suppLs[["xModelMN"]])

    pxtCompMN <- cbind(pCompMN,

    if(ncol(pCompMN) == 1) {
       colnames(pxtCompMN)[2] <- paste0("cor_", colnames(pxtCompMN)[2])
    } else
        colnames(pxtCompMN)[3:4] <- paste0("cor_", colnames(pxtCompMN)[3:4])

    topLoadMN <- pxtCompMN

    topLoadMN <- topLoadMN[pexVi, , drop = FALSE]

    if(x@suppLs[["topLoadI"]] * 4 < ncol(x@suppLs[["xModelMN"]]) &&
       ncol(pCompMN) > 1) {

        topLoadMN[(2 * x@suppLs[["topLoadI"]] + 1):(4 * x@suppLs[["topLoadI"]]), c(1, 3)] <- NA
        topLoadMN[1:(2 * x@suppLs[["topLoadI"]]), c(2, 4)] <- NA


    ## Observation and variable names and colors

    ## obsLabVc

    if(!any(is.na(parLabVc))) {
        obsLabVc <- parLabVc
    } else if(!is.null(x@suppLs[["yMCN"]]) && ncol(x@suppLs[["yMCN"]]) == 1) { ## (O)PLS of single response
        obsLabVc <- rownames(x@suppLs[["yMCN"]])
    } else { ## PCA
        if(!is.null(rownames(tCompMN))) {
            obsLabVc <- rownames(tCompMN)
        } else
            obsLabVc <- as.character(1:nrow(tCompMN))

    if(length(x@subsetVi) > 0) {
        ## (O)PLS(-DA) models of a single 'y' response
        tesLabVc <- obsLabVc[-x@subsetVi]
        obsLabVc <- obsLabVc[x@subsetVi]
    } else
        tesLabVc <- ""

    ## obsColVc

    if(!any(is.na(parAsColFcVn))) {
        obsColVc <- .plotColorF(as.vector(parAsColFcVn))[["colVc"]]
        obsLegVc <- as.vector(parAsColFcVn)
    } else if(!is.null(x@suppLs[["yMCN"]]) && ncol(x@suppLs[["yMCN"]]) == 1) { ## (O)PLS of single response
        obsColVc <- .plotColorF(c(x@suppLs[["yMCN"]]))[["colVc"]]
        obsLegVc <- c(x@suppLs[["yMCN"]])
    } else { ## PCA
        obsColVc <- rep("black", nrow(tCompMN))
        obsLegVc <- NULL

    if(length(x@subsetVi) > 0) {
        ## (O)PLS(-DA) models of a single 'y' response
        tesColVc <- obsColVc[-x@subsetVi]
        obsColVc <- obsColVc[x@subsetVi]
        if(!is.null(obsLegVc)) {
            tesLegVc <- obsLegVc[-x@subsetVi]
            obsLegVc <- obsLegVc[x@subsetVi]

    ## Layout

    if(!parDevNewL && length(typeVc) != 1)
        stop("'typeVc' must be of length 1 when 'parDevNewL' is set to FALSE", call. = FALSE)

    if(parDevNewL) {
        layRowN <- ceiling(sqrt(length(typeVc)))
        layout(matrix(1:layRowN^2, byrow = TRUE, nrow = layRowN))

    layL <- !parDevNewL || length(typeVc) > 1

    ## Par

    if(layL) {
        marVn <- c(4.6, 4.1, 2.6, 1.6)
    } else
        marVn <- c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 2.1)

    par(font=2, font.axis=2, font.lab=2, lwd=2,

    ## Graph

    for(ploC in typeVc)
               opl = x,
               obsColVc = obsColVc,
               obsLabVc = obsLabVc,
               obsLegVc = obsLegVc,
               layL = layL,
               parCexN = parCexN,
               parEllipsesL = parEllipsesL,
               parTitleL = parTitleL,
               parCompVi = parCompVi,
               typeVc = typeVc,
               tCompMN = tCompMN,
               pCompMN = pCompMN,
               cxtCompMN = cxtCompMN,
               cytCompMN = cytCompMN,
               ## pcaResMN = pcaResMN,
               topLoadMN = topLoadMN,
               pexVi = pexVi,
               tesColVc = tesColVc,
               tesLabVc = tesLabVc,
               tesLegVc = tesLegVc)

        par(font=1, font.axis=1, font.lab=1, lwd=1,
            mar=c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 2.1),


    ## Closing connection

    if(!is.null(.sinkC)) ## Used in the Galaxy module

}) ## plot

#' Fitted method for 'opls' objects
#' Returns predictions of the (O)PLS(-DA) model on the training dataset
#' @aliases fitted.opls fitted,opls-method
#' @param object An S4 object of class \code{opls}, created by the \code{opls}
#' function.
#' @param ... Currently not used.
#' @return Predictions (either a vector, factor, or matrix depending on the y
#' response used for training the model)
#' @author Etienne Thevenot, \email{etienne.thevenot@@cea.fr}
#' @examples
#' data(sacurine)
#' attach(sacurine)
#' sacurine.plsda <- opls(dataMatrix, sampleMetadata[, "gender"])
#' fitted(sacurine.plsda)
#' detach(sacurine)
#' @rdname fitted
#' @export
setMethod("fitted", "opls",
          function(object, ...) {

              if(!is.null(object@suppLs[["yPreMN"]])) {

                  if(mode(object@suppLs[["yMCN"]]) == "character") {

                      yPredMCN <- object@suppLs[[".char2numF"]](object@suppLs[["yPreMN"]],
                                                                c2nL = FALSE)

                      if(is.vector(object@suppLs[["y"]])) {
                          fit <- c(yPredMCN)
                          names(fit) <- rownames(yPredMCN)
                      } else if(is.factor(object@suppLs[["y"]])) {
                          fit <- c(yPredMCN)
                          names(fit) <- rownames(yPredMCN)
                          fit <- factor(fit, levels = levels(object@suppLs[["y"]]))
                      } else if(is.matrix(object@suppLs[["y"]])) {
                          fit <- yPredMCN
                      } else
                          stop() ## this case should not happen

                  } else {

                      yPredMCN <- object@suppLs[["yPreMN"]]

                      if(is.vector(object@suppLs[["y"]])) {
                          fit <- c(yPredMCN)
                          names(fit) <- rownames(yPredMCN)
                      } else if(is.matrix(object@suppLs[["y"]])) {
                          fit <- yPredMCN
                      } else
                          stop() ## this case should not happen



              } else

          }) ## fitted

#' @rdname tested
#' @export
setMethod("tested", "opls",
          function(object) {

              if(!is.null(object@suppLs[["yTesMN"]])) {

                  if(mode(object@suppLs[["yMCN"]]) == "character") {

                      yTestMCN <- object@suppLs[[".char2numF"]](object@suppLs[["yTesMN"]],
                                                                             c2nL = FALSE)
                      if(is.vector(object@suppLs[["y"]])) {
                          test <- c(yTestMCN)
                          names(test) <- rownames(yTestMCN)
                      } else if(is.factor(object@suppLs[["y"]])) {
                          test <- c(yTestMCN)
                          names(test) <- rownames(yTestMCN)
                          test <- factor(test, levels = levels(object@suppLs[["y"]]))
                      } else if(is.matrix(object@suppLs[["y"]])) {
                          test <- yTestMCN
                      } else
                          stop() ## this case should not happen

                  } else {

                      yTestMCN <- object@suppLs[["yTesMN"]]

                      if(is.vector(object@suppLs[["y"]])) {
                          test <- c(yTestMCN)
                          names(test) <- rownames(yTestMCN)
                      } else if(is.matrix(object@suppLs[["y"]])) {
                          test <- yTestMCN
                      } else
                          stop() ## this case should not happen



              } else
                  stop("Test results only available for (O)PLS(-DA) models", call. = FALSE)


#' Coefficients method for (O)PLS models
#' Coefficients of the (O)PLS(-DA) regression model
#' @aliases coef.opls coef,opls-method
#' @param object An S4 object of class \code{opls}, created by \code{opls}
#' function.
#' @param ... Currently not used.
#' @return Numeric matrix of coefficients (number of rows equals the number of
#' variables, and the number of columns equals the number of responses)
#' @author Etienne Thevenot, \email{etienne.thevenot@@cea.fr}
#' @examples
#' data(sacurine)
#' attach(sacurine)
#' sacurine.plsda <- opls(dataMatrix,
#'                        sampleMetadata[, "gender"])
#' head(coef(sacurine.plsda))
#' detach(sacurine)
#' @rdname coef
#' @export
setMethod("coef", "opls",
          function(object, ...) {
          }) ## coef

#' Residuals method for (O)PLS models
#' Returns the residuals from the (O)PLS(-DA) regression models
#' @aliases residuals.opls residuals,opls-method
#' @param object An S4 object of class \code{opls}, created by \code{opls}
#' function.
#' @param ... Currently not used.
#' @return Numeric matrix or vector (same dimensions as the modeled y
#' response); if y is a character vector or a factor (in case of
#' classification), the residuals equal 0 (predicted class identical to the
#' true class) or 1 (prediction error)
#' @author Etienne Thevenot, \email{etienne.thevenot@@cea.fr}
#' @examples
#' data(sacurine)
#' attach(sacurine)
#' sacurine.pls <- opls(dataMatrix,
#'                      sampleMetadata[, "age"])
#' head(residuals(sacurine.pls))
#' detach(sacurine)
#' @rdname residuals
#' @export
setMethod("residuals", "opls",
          function(object, ...) {

    if(grepl("PLS", object@typeC)) {

        fit <- fitted(object)

        if(length(object@subsetVi) == 0) {
            trainVi <- 1:length(fit)
        } else
            trainVi <- object@subsetVi

        if(mode(object@suppLs[["yMCN"]]) == "numeric") {
            y <- object@suppLs[["y"]]
                y <- y[trainVi, , drop = FALSE]
                y <- y[trainVi]
            return(y - fit)
        } else
            return(as.numeric(as.character(c(object@suppLs[["y"]])[trainVi]) != as.character(c(fit))))

    } else
        stop("'residuals' defined for (O)PLS(-DA) regression models only", call. = FALSE)

}) ## residuals

#' Predict method for (O)PLS models
#' Returns predictions of the (O)PLS(-DA) model on a new dataset
#' @aliases predict.opls predict,opls-method
#' @param object An S4 object of class \code{opls}, created by \code{opls}
#' function.
#' @param newdata Either a data frame or a matrix, containing numeric columns
#' only, with the same number of columns (variables) as the 'x' used for model
#' training with 'opls'.
#' @param ... Currently not used.
#' @return Predictions (either a vector, factor, or matrix depending on the y
#' response used for training the model)
#' @author Etienne Thevenot, \email{etienne.thevenot@@cea.fr}
#' @examples
#' data(sacurine)
#' attach(sacurine)
#' predictorMN <- dataMatrix
#' responseFc <- sampleMetadata[, "gender"]
#' sacurine.plsda <- opls(predictorMN,
#'                        responseFc,
#'                        subset = "odd")
#' trainVi <- getSubsetVi(sacurine.plsda)
#' table(responseFc[trainVi], fitted(sacurine.plsda))
#' table(responseFc[-trainVi],
#'       predict(sacurine.plsda, predictorMN[-trainVi, ]))
#' detach(sacurine)
#' @rdname predict
#' @export
setMethod("predict", "opls",
          function(object, newdata, ...) {

              if(object@typeC == "PCA")
                  stop("Predictions currently available for (O)PLS(-DA) models only (not PCA)",
                       call. = FALSE)

              if(missing(newdata)) {


              } else {

                  if(is.data.frame(newdata)) {
                      if(!all(sapply(newdata, data.class) == "numeric")) {
                          stop("'newdata' data frame must contain numeric columns only", call. = FALSE)
                      } else
                          newdata <- as.matrix(newdata)
                  } else if(is.matrix(newdata)) {
                      if(mode(newdata) != "numeric")
                          stop("'newdata' matrix must be of 'numeric' mode", call. = FALSE)
                  } else
                      stop("'newdata' must be either a data.frame or a matrix", call. = FALSE)

                  if(ncol(newdata) != as.numeric(object@descriptionMC["X_variables", ])) {
                      if(length(object@xZeroVarVi) == 0) {
                          stop("'newdata' number of variables is ",
                               " whereas the number of variables used for model training was ",
                               as.numeric(object@descriptionMC["X_variables", ]),
                               call. = FALSE)
                      } else if(ncol(newdata) - as.numeric(object@descriptionMC["X_variables", ]) ==
                                as.numeric(object@descriptionMC["near_zero_excluded_X_variables", ])) {
                          warning(as.numeric(object@descriptionMC["near_zero_excluded_X_variables", ]),
                                  " near zero variance variables excluded during the model training will be removed from 'newdata'.",
                                  call. = FALSE)
                          newdata <- newdata[, -object@xZeroVarVi, drop = FALSE]
                      } else {
                          stop("'newdata' number of variables (",
                               ") does not correspond to the number of initial variables (",
                               as.numeric(object@descriptionMC["X_variables", ]),
                               ") minus the number of near zero variance variables excluded during the training (",
                               as.numeric(object@descriptionMC["near_zero_excluded_X_variables", ]),
                               call. = FALSE)

                  xteMN <- scale(newdata, object@xMeanVn, object@xSdVn)

                  if(object@summaryDF[, "ort"] > 0) {

                      for(noN in 1:object@summaryDF[, "ort"]) {
                          if(object@suppLs[["naxL"]]) {
                              xtoMN <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(xteMN), ncol = 1)
                              for(i in 1:nrow(xtoMN)) {
                                  comVl <- complete.cases(xteMN[i, ])
                                  xtoMN[i, ] <- crossprod(xteMN[i, comVl], object@orthoWeightMN[comVl, noN]) / drop(crossprod(object@orthoWeightMN[comVl, noN]))
                          } else
                              xtoMN <- xteMN %*% object@orthoWeightMN[, noN]

                          xteMN <- xteMN - tcrossprod(xtoMN, object@orthoLoadingMN[, noN])


                  if(object@suppLs[["naxL"]]) {
                      yTesScaMN <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(xteMN), ncol = ncol(object@coefficientMN),
                                          dimnames = list(rownames(xteMN), colnames(object@coefficientMN)))
                      for(j in 1:ncol(yTesScaMN))
                          for(i in 1:nrow(yTesScaMN)) {
                              comVl <- complete.cases(xteMN[i, ])
                              yTesScaMN[i, j] <- crossprod(xteMN[i, comVl], object@coefficientMN[comVl, j])
                  } else
                      yTesScaMN <- xteMN %*% object@coefficientMN

                  ## if(object@suppLs[["nayL"]])
                  ##     yTesScaMN <- yTesScaMN[!is.na(yMCN[testVi, ]), , drop = FALSE]

                  yTesMN <- scale(scale(yTesScaMN,
                                        1 / object@ySdVn),
                  attr(yTesMN, "scaled:center") <- NULL
                  attr(yTesMN, "scaled:scale") <- NULL

                  if(is.factor(fitted(object))) {

                      yTestMCN <- object@suppLs[[".char2numF"]](yTesMN,
                                                                c2nL = FALSE)
                      predMCNFcVcn <- as.character(yTestMCN)
                      names(predMCNFcVcn) <- rownames(newdata)
                      predMCNFcVcn <- factor(predMCNFcVcn, levels = levels(object@suppLs[["y"]]))

                  } else if(is.vector(fitted(object))) {

                      if(is.character(fitted(object))) {

                          yTestMCN <- object@suppLs[[".char2numF"]](yTesMN,
                                                                    c2nL = FALSE)
                          predMCNFcVcn <- as.character(yTestMCN)
                          names(predMCNFcVcn) <- rownames(newdata)

                      } else {

                          predMCNFcVcn <- as.numeric(yTesMN)
                          names(predMCNFcVcn) <- rownames(newdata)


                  } else if(is.matrix(fitted(object))) {

                      if(mode(fitted(object)) == "character") {
                          predMCNFcVcn  <- object@suppLs[[".char2numF"]](yTesMN,
                                                                         c2nL = FALSE)
                      } else
                          predMCNFcVcn <- yTesMN

                      rownames(predMCNFcVcn) <- rownames(newdata)




          }) ## predict

#' @rdname getSummaryDF
#' @export
setMethod("getSummaryDF", "opls",
          function(object) {

#' @rdname getPcaVarVn
#' @export
setMethod("getPcaVarVn", "opls",
          function(object) {

#' @rdname getScoreMN
#' @export
setMethod("getScoreMN", "opls",
          function(object, orthoL = FALSE) {

#' @rdname getLoadingMN
#' @export
setMethod("getLoadingMN", "opls",
          function(object, orthoL = FALSE) {

#' @rdname getWeightMN
#' @export
setMethod("getWeightMN", "opls",
          function(object, orthoL = FALSE) {

#' @rdname getVipVn
#' @export
setMethod("getVipVn", "opls",
          function(object, orthoL = FALSE) {

#' @rdname getSubsetVi
#' @export
setMethod("getSubsetVi", "opls",
          function(object) {

#' @rdname checkW4M
setMethod("checkW4M", "ExpressionSet",
         function(eset, ...) {

             datMN <- t(exprs(eset))
             samDF <- pData(eset)
             varDF <- fData(eset)

             chkL <- .checkW4mFormatF(datMN, samDF, varDF)

             if(!chkL) {
                 stop("Problem with the sample or variable names in the tables to be imported from (exported to) W4M", call. = FALSE)
             } else

#' @rdname toW4M
setMethod("toW4M", "ExpressionSet",
          function(eset, filePrefixC = paste0(getwd(), "/out_"), verboseL = TRUE, ...){

              if(checkW4M(eset)) {

                  datMN <- exprs(eset)
                  datDF <- cbind.data.frame(dataMatrix = rownames(datMN),

                  filDatC <- paste0(filePrefixC, "dataMatrix.tsv")
                  filSamC <- paste0(filePrefixC, "sampleMetadata.tsv")
                  filVarC <- paste0(filePrefixC, "variableMetadata.tsv")

                              file = filDatC,
                              quote = FALSE,
                              row.names = FALSE,
                              sep = "\t")

                  samDF <- pData(eset)
                  samDF <- cbind.data.frame(sampleMetadata = rownames(samDF),
                              file = filSamC,
                              quote = FALSE,
                              row.names = FALSE,
                              sep = "\t")

                  varDF <- fData(eset)
                  varDF <- cbind.data.frame(variableMetadata = rownames(varDF),
                              file = filVarC,
                              quote = FALSE,
                              row.names = FALSE,
                              sep = "\t")

                  if(verboseL) {
                      cat("The following 3 files:\n")
                      cat("have been written in the following directory:\n")


SamGG/ropls documentation built on May 29, 2019, 1:51 a.m.