
Defines functions detrend.data QuantileProbs MrQuantile seasMean spatialMean convertIntoS4 getSeason.S4 getYearsAsINDEX.S4 check.daily checkData checkDim getCountIndex getDimIndex checkCoords tercileColor tercileBrewerColorRamp last unshape deunshape detrend alpha

Documented in convertIntoS4 detrend.data MrQuantile QuantileProbs seasMean spatialMean

#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom grDevices rgb col2rgb
alpha <- function(col, alpha){
  alpha <- ifelse(is.na(alpha),0,alpha) # set NA to fully transparent
  alpha <- ifelse(alpha<0,0,alpha) # set negative to fully transparent
  rgb(t(col2rgb(col)), alpha=alpha, maxColorValue = 255)

# Detrend: performs detrending of data
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom stats lm coef
detrend <- function(x, tt, y=NULL, tty=NULL) {
  #tt <- as.POSIXct(tt)
  tt <- as.numeric(as.Date(tt))
  if (all(is.na(x))) {
    xd <- rep(NA, length(x))
  } else if (any(is.na(x))){ 
    xd <- rep(NA,length(x))
    mod <- lm(x ~ tt)
  } else { 
    mod <- lm(x ~ tt)
    xd <- mod$residuals
  if (!is.null(y) & !is.null(tty) & !all(is.na(x))){
    tty <- as.numeric(as.Date(tty))
    yd <- y-(coef(mod)[1]+tty*coef(mod)[2])
  } else if (!is.null(y) & !is.null(tty) & all(is.na(x))){
    yd <- rep(NA, length(y))    
  } else {

#' @keywords internal
deunshape <- function(x){
  dim(x) <- attr(x,"shape")
  attr(x,"shape") <- NULL

#' @keywords internal
unshape <- function(x, MAR=c(1)){
  attr(x, "shape") <- dim(x)
  ndim <- length(dim(x))
  dim(x) <- c(dim(x)[MAR],prod(dim(x)[-MAR]))

#' @keywords internal
last <- function(x){

#' @keywords internal
tercileBrewerColorRamp <- function(ncolors){
  ncolors <- ncolors-2
  tcols <- tercileColor()
  tmp <- brewer.pal(ncolors, tcols[1])
  rval <- data.frame(low=c(tmp[1],tmp[1],tmp), stringsAsFactors=F)
  tmp <- brewer.pal(ncolors, tcols[2])
  rval$middle <- c(tmp[1],tmp[1],tmp)
  tmp <- brewer.pal(ncolors, tcols[3])
  rval$high <- c(tmp[1],tmp[1],tmp)

#' @keywords internal
tercileColor <- function(){
  #c("red", "yellow", "blue")
  c("Blues", "Greys", "Reds")

# Check xyCoords from two datasets
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom transformeR getCoordinates
checkCoords <- function(data1, data2) {
  v <- FALSE
  if (is.null(data1) | is.null(data2)) v <- TRUE
  if (length(getCoordinates(data1)$x) == length(getCoordinates(data2)$x)) {
    if (isTRUE(all.equal(getCoordinates(data1)$x, getCoordinates(data2)$x, tolerance = 1e-03))) v <- TRUE
  if (length(getCoordinates(data1)$y) == length(getCoordinates(data2)$y)) {
    if (isTRUE(all.equal(getCoordinates(data1)$y, getCoordinates(data2)$y, tolerance = 1e-03))) v <- TRUE

#' @keywords internal
getDimIndex <- function(obj, dim) {
  obj.dimNames <- attr(getData(obj), "dimensions")
  return(grep(dim, obj.dimNames))

#' @keywords internal
getCountIndex <- function(obj, dim) {
  obj.Data <- getData(obj)
  return(dim(obj.Data)[getDimIndex(obj, dim)])

# Check data dimensions from the original data set before performing plots
#' @keywords internal
checkDim <- function(obj) {
  if (length(attr(obj$Data, "dimensions"))<3) { 
    stop("Invalid input data array. Data dimensions should be at least: 'time', 'lat', 'lon'")    

# Check the data format and dates before performing plots
#' @keywords internal
checkData <- function(mm.obj, obs) {
  vec <- c()
    if (!"MrEnsemble" %in% class(mm.obj)[1]) {
       vec <- c(vec,FALSE)
       message("The input data for hindcast is not a multimember field ")
    if (length(getVarName(mm.obj))>1) {
      vec <- c(vec,FALSE)
      message("Multifields are not a valid input")
    if (!missing(obs)){
        if ("MrEnsemble" %in% class(obs)[1]) {
          vec <- c(vec,FALSE)
          message("The verifying observations can't be a multimember")
        if (length(getVarName(obs))>1) {
          vec <- c(vec,FALSE)
          message("Multifields are not a valid input for observations")
        # Temporal matching check (obs-pred)
        obs.dates <- as.POSIXlt(getDates(obs)$start)
        mm.dates <- as.POSIXlt(getDates(mm.obj)$start) 
        # For monthly values
        if (diff.Date(mm.dates$yday)[1]>27 & diff.Date(obs.dates$yday)[1]>27){
          if (!identical(obs.dates$mon, mm.dates$mon) || !identical(obs.dates$year, mm.dates$year)) {
            vec <- c(vec,FALSE)
            message("Hindcast and verifying observations are not coincident in time")
        } else{
            if (!identical(unique(obs.dates$yday), unique(mm.dates$yday)) || !identical(unique(obs.dates$year), unique(mm.dates$year))) {
              vec <- c(vec,FALSE)  
              message("Hindcast and verifying observations are not coincident in time")
      } else{
          stop("The obs data is not S4 object")
    if (is.null(vec)){
      vec <- TRUE
  } else{
      stop("The forecast is not S4 object")    

# Check for daily data
#' @keywords internal
check.daily <- function(obj) {
  obj.dates <-as.POSIXlt(obj$Dates$start)
  if (diff.Date(obj.dates$mday)[1]==0){
    # Annual data or Monthly data
    if (diff.Date(obj.dates$year)[1]==1 | diff.Date(obj.dates$mon)[2]==1){
      stop("Data are not at daily time scale")

# Modified from transformeR to work with S4 class data
#' @keywords internal
getYearsAsINDEX.S4 <- function(obj) {
  season <- getSeason.S4(obj)
  aux.dates <- as.POSIXlt(getDates(obj)$start)
  yrs <- aux.dates$year + 1900
  if (!identical(season, sort(season))) {
    yy <- unique(yrs)[-1]
    aux <- match(aux.dates$mon + 1, season)
    brks <- c(1, which(diff(aux) < 0) + 1, length(aux) + 1)
    l <- lapply(1:(length(brks) - 1), function(x) {
        a <- yrs[brks[x] : (brks[x + 1] - 1)]
        return(rep(yy[x], length(a)))
    yrs  <- do.call("c", l)

# Modified from transformeR to work with S4 class data
#' @keywords internal
getSeason.S4 <- function(obj) {
  aux <- as.POSIXlt(getDates(obj)$start)$mon + 1      

#' @title Compute the ROC Area Skill Score and the significance of the Area under the Curve
#' @description Computes the skill score for the area under the ROC curve compared to an 
#' arbitrary reference forecast. 
#' @param obs A binary observation (code: 0, 1)
#' @param pred A probability prediction on the interval [0,1]
#' @param conf.level Confidence level to compute the score significance, by default conf.level=0.95
#' @return The ROC area skill score and the significance (TRUE or FALSE)
#' @author M. D. Frias \email{mariadolores.frias@@unican.es} and J. Fernandez
#' @importFrom SpecsVerification Auc
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export
rocss.fun <- function (obs, pred, conf.level = 0.95){
  no.nan <- complete.cases(obs, pred)
  if (sum(no.nan)==0){
    rval <- list(score.val = NaN, sig = NaN)     
  } else{ 
    alfa <- 1-conf.level
    z <- qnorm(1-alfa/2)
    auc.val <- Auc(pred[no.nan], obs[no.nan], handle.na = "only.complete.pairs")
    sig <- auc.val[[1]] - z*auc.val[[2]] > 0.5
    rval <- list(score.val = auc.val[[1]]*2-1, sig = sig)

#' @title Convert a dataset to a S4 class. 
#' @description Convert a data set to a S4 class. The data set must have the elements Variable, 
#'  Dates, Data, xyCoords. Depending of the kind of data it must also have the elements Members 
#'  and InitializationDates (for gridded data) or MetaData (for station data). This function is 
#'  prepared to convert the data sets loaded from the ECOMS User Data Gateway (ECOMS-UDG). See 
#'  the loadeR.ECOMS R package for more details (http://meteo.unican.es/trac/wiki/udg/ecoms/RPackage). 
#' @param obj A list the with the elements Variable, Dates, Data, xyCoords and Members 
#'  and InitializationDates (for gridded data) or MetaData (for station data)
#' @import methods
#' @details  
#'  Most of the visualization functions are programmed to work with S4 class. This function converts  
#'  datasets into S4 to use those functions. 
#' @note For gridded data sets with just one ensemble member use as.MrGrid function.
#'  For station data use as.MrStation function.
#' @author M.D. Frias \email{mariadolores.frias@@unican.es} and J. Fernandez 
#' @family VisualizeR
convertIntoS4 <- function(obj) {   
    if(!is.null(obj$Variable) & !is.null(obj$Data) & !is.null(obj$xyCoords) & !is.null(obj$Dates)){  
          # The input dataset is a multi-member ensemble.
          obj.o <- as.MrEnsemble(obj)
        } else{
          # The input dataset is not a multi-member ensemble.
          obj.o <- as.MrGrid(obj)
      } else{
          obj.o <- as.MrStation(obj)
        } else{
          obj.o <- as.MrGrid(obj)
    } else {
      stop ('Invalid input data list')
  } else{
    stop ('The input data is not a list')

#' @title Get the spatial mean from a S4 object
#' @description Get the spatial mean from a S4 object with the dimensions c("var", "member", "time", "y", "x")
#' @param obj S4 object with dimensions c("var", "member", "time", "y", "x") it can be a station, field, multi-member field, etc
#' @return A S4 object with spatial mean. The object has dimensions c("var", "member", "time", "y", "x")
#' @author M. D. Frias \email{mariadolores.frias@@unican.es} and J. Fernandez
#' @export
spatialMean <- function(obj) {
  if (isS4(obj)==TRUE){
    obj.Data <- getData(obj)
    obj.dimNames <- attr(obj.Data, "dimensions")
    if (identical(obj.dimNames, c("var", "member", "time", "y", "x"))) {
      obj.xyCoords <- getxyCoords(obj)
      if (!length(obj.xyCoords$x)==1 | !length(obj.xyCoords$y)==1){
        warning("The results presented are the spatial mean of the input field") 
        y.dim.index <- getDimIndex(obj, "y")
        x.dim.index <- getDimIndex(obj, "x") 
        mar <- setdiff(1:length(obj.dimNames), c(y.dim.index, x.dim.index))
        arr <- apply(obj.Data, mar, mean, na.rm = TRUE)
        attr(arr, "dimensions") <- obj.dimNames    
        obj.xyCoords$x <- 1
        obj.xyCoords$y <- 1
        attr(obj.xyCoords, "longitude") <- mean(attr(obj.xyCoords,"longitude"))
        attr(obj.xyCoords, "latitude") <- mean(attr(obj.xyCoords,"latitude"))
        newdim <- c(dim(obj.Data)[getDimIndex(obj, "var")],dim(obj.Data)[getDimIndex(obj, "member")],dim(obj.Data)[getDimIndex(obj, "time")],length(obj.xyCoords$y), length(obj.xyCoords$x))
        dim(arr) <- newdim 
        slot(obj, "Data") <- arr
        slot(obj, "xyCoords") <- obj.xyCoords
        slot(obj, "Transformation") <- c(getTransformation(obj), "spatialMean")
    } else {
        stop("Invalid input data array. Data dimensions should be: 'var', 'member', 'time', 'y', 'x'")
  } else{
      stop("The input data is not a S4 object")    

#' @title Get the seasonal mean from a S4 object
#' @description Get the seasonal mean from a S4 object with the dimensions c("var", "member", "time", "y", "x")
#' @param obj S4 object with dimensions c("var", "member", "time", "y", "x") it can be a station, field, multi-member field, etc
#' @return A S4 object with the seasonal mean. The object has dimensions c("var", "member", "time", "y", "x")
#' @author M. D. Frias \email{mariadolores.frias@@unican.es} and J. Fernandez
#' @export
seasMean <- function(obj) {
  if (isS4(obj)==TRUE){
    obj.Data <- getData(obj)
    obj.dimNames <- attr(obj.Data, "dimensions")
    if (identical(obj.dimNames, c("var", "member", "time", "y", "x"))) {  
      obj.Dates <- getDates(obj)
      yrs <- getYearsAsINDEX.S4(obj)
      yy <- unique(yrs)
      margin <- c(getDimIndex(obj,"var"), getDimIndex(obj,"member"), getDimIndex(obj,"y"), getDimIndex(obj,"x"))
      arr <- apply(obj.Data, MARGIN = margin,
                   FUN = function(x) {tapply(x, INDEX = yrs, FUN = mean, na.rm = TRUE)}
      newdim <- c(length(yy), getCountIndex(obj,"var"), getCountIndex(obj,"member"), getCountIndex(obj,"y"), getCountIndex(obj,"x"))
      dim(arr) <- newdim
      newdimNames <- c("time", obj.dimNames[margin])
      arr <- aperm(arr, match(obj.dimNames, newdimNames))  
      attr(arr, "dimensions") <- obj.dimNames
      dates.start.index <- which(duplicated(yrs)==FALSE)
      if (length(yy)==1){
        dates.end.index <- length(yrs)
      } else {
        dates.end.index <- c(dates.start.index[2:length(dates.start.index)]-1,length(yrs))
      if (is.null(attr(obj.Dates, "season"))){
        attr(obj.Dates, "season") <- unique(as.numeric(format(as.POSIXlt(obj.Dates$start),"%m")))    
      obj.Dates$start <- getDates(obj)$start[dates.start.index]
      obj.Dates$end <- getDates(obj)$end[dates.end.index]
      slot(obj, "Data") <- arr
      slot(obj, "Dates") <- obj.Dates
      slot(obj, "Transformation") <- c(getTransformation(obj), "seasMean")
    } else {
        stop("Invalid input data array. Dimensions should be 'var', 'member', 'time', 'y', 'x'")
  } else{
      stop("The input data is not a S4 object")    

#' @title Get quantiles from a S4 object
#' @description Get quantiles from a S4 object with the dimensions c("var", "member", "time", "y", "x")
#' @param obj S4 object with dimensions c("var", "member", "time", "y", "x") it can be a station, field, multi-member field, etc
#' @param k order of the quantile/s (e.g. c(1/3, 2/3) for terciles). Terciles are computed by default.
#' @return A S4 object with quantiles. The object has dimensions c("var", "member", "time", "y", "x")
#' @author M. D. Frias \email{mariadolores.frias@@unican.es} and J. Fernandez
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats quantile
MrQuantile <- function(obj, k=NULL){
  if (isS4(obj)==TRUE){
    if (is.null(k)){
      k <- c(1/3, 2/3)  
      warning('Terciles are computed')
    obj.Data <- getData(obj)
    obj.dimNames <- attr(obj.Data, "dimensions")
    if (identical(obj.dimNames, c("var", "member", "time", "y", "x"))) {
      obj.Dates <- getDates(obj)
      obj.Variable <- getVariable(obj)
      obj.xyCoords <- getxyCoords(obj)
      n.var <- getCountIndex(obj,"var")
      n.mem <- getCountIndex(obj,"member")
      n.y <- getCountIndex(obj,"y")
      n.x <- getCountIndex(obj,"x")
      arr <- array(NA, c(length(k)*n.var, n.mem, 1, n.y, n.x))
      count <- seq(1,length(k)*n.var,length(k))
      newvar <- character(length = 0)
      if (n.mem==1){
        mar <- setdiff(1:length(dim(obj.Data[1,,,,])), getDimIndex(obj, "time")-2)
      } else{
        mar <- setdiff(1:length(dim(obj.Data[1,,,,])), getDimIndex(obj, "time")-1)
      for (ivar in 1:n.var){ 
        if (is.null(dim(obj.Data[1,,,,]))){
          arr[count[ivar]:(count[ivar]+length(k)-1),,,,] <- quantile(obj.Data[ivar,,,,], probs = k, na.rm = TRUE)
        } else{
          arr[count[ivar]:(count[ivar]+length(k)-1),,,,] <- apply(obj.Data[ivar,,,,], mar, quantile, probs = k, na.rm = TRUE)
        for (ik in 1:length(k)){
          newvar <- c(newvar, paste(obj.Variable$varName[ivar], paste("Q",round(k[ik],4)*10000, sep=""), sep="_"))
      attr(arr, "dimensions") <- obj.dimNames
      obj.Dates$start <- getDates(obj)$start[1]
      obj.Dates$end <- getDates(obj)$end[length(getDates(obj)$end)] 
      obj.Variable$varName <- newvar
      slot(obj, "Data") <- arr
      slot(obj, "Dates") <- obj.Dates
      slot(obj, "Variable") <- obj.Variable
      slot(obj, "Transformation") <- c(getTransformation(obj), "MrQuantile")
    } else {
        stop("Invalid input data array. Dimensions should be 'var', 'member', 'time', 'y', 'x'")
  } else{
      stop("The input data is not a S4 object")    

#' @title Get exceedance probabilities from a S4 object
#' @description Get exceedance probabilities from a S4 object with the dimensions c("var", "member", "time", "y", "x")
#' @param obj S4 object (hindcast or forecast) with dimensions c("var", "member", "time", "y", "x") 
#' it can be a station, field, multi-member field, etc. Probabilities will be computed for this object.
#' @param obj2 same S4 object (hindcast) as obj. The default is NULL. The cuantiles from obj2 are used to compute 
#' the obj probabilities. 
#' @param nbins number of bins derived from the quantiles selected (by default nbins=3, terciles)
#' @return A S4 object with the exceedance probabilities. The object has dimensions c("var", "member", "time", "y", "x")
#' @author M. D. Frias \email{mariadolores.frias@@unican.es} and J. Fernandez
#' @export
QuantileProbs <- function(obj, obj2=NULL, nbins=3){
  if (isS4(obj)==TRUE){
    obj.Data <- getData(obj)
    obj.dimNames <- attr(obj.Data, "dimensions")
    if (identical(obj.dimNames, c("var", "member", "time", "y", "x"))) {
      k <- c(1:(nbins-1))/nbins
      obj.Variable <- getVariable(obj)
      n.mem <- getCountIndex(obj,"member")
      n.var <- getCountIndex(obj,"var")
      n.dates <- getCountIndex(obj,"time")
      n.y <- getCountIndex(obj,"y")
      n.x <- getCountIndex(obj,"x")
      if (!is.null(obj2)){
        if (isS4(obj2)==TRUE){
          quantiles <- MrQuantile(obj2, k)
        } else{
          stop("The input data is not a S4 object")   
      } else {
        quantiles <- MrQuantile(obj, k)
      quantiles.Data <- getData(quantiles)
      probs <- array(NA, c(nbins*n.var, 1, n.dates, n.y, n.x))
      count <-  seq(1,nbins*n.var,nbins)
      countq <-  seq(1,length(k)*n.var,length(k))
      newvar <- character(length = 0)
      for (ivar in 1:n.var){
        for (iy in 1:n.y){
          for (ix in 1:n.x){
            if (n.mem==1){
              probs[count[ivar],1,,iy,ix] <- obj.Data[ivar,,,iy,ix]<quantiles.Data[countq[ivar],,,iy,ix]
              for (ibins in 1:(nbins-2)){
                probs[count[ivar]+ibins,1,,iy,ix] <- obj.Data[ivar,,,iy,ix]>=quantiles.Data[countq[ivar]+ibins-1,,,iy,ix] & obj.Data[ivar,,,iy,ix]<=quantiles.Data[countq[ivar]+ibins,,,iy,ix]
              probs[count[ivar]+nbins-1,1,,iy,ix] <- obj.Data[ivar,,,iy,ix]>quantiles.Data[countq[ivar]+length(k)-1,,,iy,ix] 
              probs <- probs*1
            } else { 
              if (n.dates==1){
                n.mem.nn <- sum(!is.na(obj.Data[ivar,,,iy,ix])) # Members with no NaN
                probs[count[ivar],1,,iy,ix] <- sum(obj.Data[ivar,,,iy,ix]<quantiles.Data[countq[ivar],,,iy,ix], na.rm=T)/n.mem.nn
                for (ibins in 1:(nbins-2)){
                  probs[count[ivar]+ibins,1,,iy,ix] <- sum(obj.Data[ivar,,,iy,ix]>=quantiles.Data[countq[ivar]+ibins-1,,,iy,ix] & obj.Data[ivar,,,iy,ix]<=quantiles.Data[countq[ivar]+ibins,,,iy,ix], na.rm=T)/n.mem.nn
                probs[count[ivar]+nbins-1,1,,iy,ix] <- sum(obj.Data[ivar,,,iy,ix]>quantiles.Data[countq[ivar]+length(k)-1,,,iy,ix], na.rm=T)/n.mem.nn
              } else {
                n.mem.nn <- colSums(!is.na(obj.Data[ivar,,,iy,ix])) # Members with no NaN
                probs[count[ivar],1,,iy,ix] <- apply(obj.Data[ivar,,,iy,ix]<quantiles.Data[countq[ivar],,,iy,ix], 2, sum, na.rm=T)/n.mem.nn
                for (ibins in 1:(nbins-2)){
                  probs[count[ivar]+ibins,1,,iy,ix] <- apply(obj.Data[ivar,,,iy,ix]>=quantiles.Data[countq[ivar]+ibins-1,,,iy,ix] & obj.Data[ivar,,,iy,ix]<=quantiles.Data[countq[ivar]+ibins,,,iy,ix], 2, sum, na.rm=T)/n.mem.nn
                probs[count[ivar]+nbins-1,1,,iy,ix] <- apply(obj.Data[ivar,,,iy,ix]>quantiles.Data[countq[ivar]+length(k)-1,,,iy,ix], 2, sum, na.rm=T)/n.mem.nn
        for (ibins in 1:nbins){
          newvar <- c(newvar, paste(obj.Variable$varName[ivar], "prob", paste("Q",round(ibins/nbins,4)*10000, sep=""), sep="_"))
      attr(probs, "dimensions") <- obj.dimNames
      obj.Variable$varName <- newvar
      slot(obj, "Data") <- probs
      slot(obj, "Dates") <- getDates(quantiles)
      slot(obj, "Variable") <- obj.Variable
      slot(obj, "Transformation") <- c(getTransformation(obj), "QuantileProbs")
    } else {
      stop("Invalid input data array. Dimensions should be 'var', 'member', 'time', 'y', 'x'")
  } else{
      stop("The input data is not a S4 object")    

#' @title Detrend data from a S4 object
#' @description Detrend data from a S4 object with the dimensions c("var", "member", "time", "y", "x")
#' @param obj S4 object with dimensions c("var", "member", "time", "y", "x") it can be a station, field, multi-member field, etc
#' @param obj2 obj2. Default to \code{NULL}.
#' @return A S4 object with the data detrended. The object has dimensions c("var", "member", "time", "y", "x")
#' @author M. D. Frias \email{mariadolores.frias@@unican.es}, J. Fernandez and J. Bedia
#' @export
detrend.data <- function(obj, obj2=NULL){
  if (isS4(obj)==FALSE){
    obj <- convertIntoS4(obj)
  obj.Data <- getData(obj)
  obj.dimNames <- attr(obj.Data, "dimensions")
  if (identical(obj.dimNames, c("var", "member", "time", "y", "x"))) {
    obj.Dates <- getDates(obj)
    obj.xyCoords <- getxyCoords(obj)
    n.var <- getCountIndex(obj,"var")
    n.mem <- getCountIndex(obj,"member")
    if (!is.null(obj2)){
      if (isS4(obj2)==FALSE){
        obj2 <- convertIntoS4(obj2)
      obj2.Data <- getData(obj2)
      obj2.dimNames <- attr(obj2.Data, "dimensions")
      if (identical(obj2.dimNames, c("var", "member", "time", "y", "x"))) {
        obj2.Dates <- getDates(obj2)
        obj2.xyCoords <- getxyCoords(obj2)
        n2.var <- getCountIndex(obj2,"var")
        n2.mem <- getCountIndex(obj2,"member")
        if (n.mem!=n2.mem){
          stop("The two datasets have different number of members")      
        for (ivar in 1:n2.var){  
          for (imember in 1:n2.mem){
            for (ilat in 1:length(obj2.xyCoords$y)){
              for (ilon in 1:length(obj2.xyCoords$x)){
                obj2.Data[ivar, imember, , ilat, ilon] <- detrend(x=obj.Data[ivar,imember,,ilat,ilon], tt=obj.Dates$start, y=obj2.Data[ivar,imember,,ilat,ilon], tty=obj2.Dates$start)
        slot(obj2, "Data") <- obj2.Data
        slot(obj2, "Transformation") <- c(getTransformation(obj2), "detrend")
      } else {
        stop("Invalid input data array. Dimensions should be 'var', 'member', 'time', 'y', 'x'")    
    } else{
      for (ivar in 1:n.var){  
        aux.list <- lapply(1:n.mem, function(x) {
          arr <- array(obj.Data[ivar,x,,,], dim(obj.Data)[-c(getDimIndex(obj, "var"),getDimIndex(obj, "member"))])
          attr(arr, "dimensions") <- c("time", "lat", "lon")
          mat <- array3Dto2Dmat(arr)
          aux <- apply(mat, 2, detrend, tt=obj.Dates$start)
          mat2Dto3Darray(aux, obj.xyCoords$x, obj.xyCoords$y)
        obj.Data[ivar,,,,] <- unname(do.call("abind", c(aux.list, along = -1)))
      slot(obj, "Data") <- obj.Data
      slot(obj, "Transformation") <- c(getTransformation(obj), "detrend")
  } else {
    stop("Invalid input data array. Dimensions should be 'var', 'member', 'time', 'y', 'x'")
SantanderMetGroup/visualizeR documentation built on Oct. 28, 2023, 6:11 a.m.