
Defines functions .checkW4Mformat .checkRformat .reading reading

Documented in reading

#' reading
#' Reading dataset(s) in the 3 tables 'dataMatrix' (or 'DM'), sampleMetadata'
#' (or 'SM') and variableMetadata' (or 'VM') tabular format. In case of a single
#' dataset (3 tables in the specified directory), a SummarizedExperiment instance is
#' returned. In case of a multiple dataset (several subfolders containing 3
#' tables), a MultiAssayExperiment instance is created.
#' @param dir.c character(1): directory containing the 3 tabular files (single
#' dataset), or containing several subdirectories with 3 tabular files
#' (multiple datasets)
#' @param subsets.vc character(): specifying a subset of the
#' subdirectories to be included in the MultiAssayExperiment (by default, all
#' subdirectories containing the 3 tables will be considered as datasets)
#' @param files.ls list: if dir.c is set to NA, the full names of the
#' individual files can be provided; in case of a SummarizedExperiment, the
#' names of the list must be 'dataMatrix', 'sampleMetadata',
#' and 'variableMetadata' with the corresponding file full names;
#' in case of a MultiAssayExperiment, the list must consists of one such sublist
#' per dataset
#' @param output.c character(1): Either 'exp' for SummarizedExperiment (or MultiAssayExperiment), or 'set' for ExpressionSet (or MultiDataSet) output formats (the latter are deprecated)
#' @param report.c character(1): File name for the printed results (call to
#' 'sink()'); if NA (default), messages will be printed on the screen; if NULL,
#' no verbose will be generated
#' @return \code{SummarizedExperiment} (one dataset) or \code{MultiAssayExperiment} (multiple
#' datasets) instance containing the dataset(s)
#' @examples
#' data_dir.c <- system.file("extdata", package = "phenomis")
#' ## 1) Single set
#' sacurine_dir.c <- file.path(data_dir.c, "W4M00001_Sacurine-statistics")
#' sacurine.se <- reading(sacurine_dir.c)
#' # or
#' sacurine.se <- reading(NA,
#'                   files.ls = list(dataMatrix = file.path(sacurine_dir.c, "Galaxy1_dataMatrix.tabular"),
#'                                   sampleMetadata = file.path(sacurine_dir.c, "Galaxy2_sampleMetadata.tabular"),
#'                                   variableMetadata = file.path(sacurine_dir.c, "Galaxy3_variableMetadata.tabular")))
#' ## 2) Multiple sets
#' prometis_dir.c <- file.path(data_dir.c, "prometis")
#' prometis.mae <- reading(prometis_dir.c)
#' metabo.mae <- reading(prometis_dir.c, subsets.vc = "metabolomics")
#' # or
#' prometis.mae <- reading(NA,
#'                        files.ls = list(metabolomics = list(dataMatrix = file.path(prometis_dir.c, "metabolomics", "dataMatrix.tsv"),
#'                                                            sampleMetadata = file.path(prometis_dir.c, "metabolomics", "sampleMetadata.tsv"),
#'                                                            variableMetadata = file.path(prometis_dir.c, "metabolomics", "variableMetadata.tsv")),
#'                                       proteomics = list(dataMatrix = file.path(prometis_dir.c, "proteomics", "dataMatrix.tsv"),
#'                                                         sampleMetadata = file.path(prometis_dir.c, "proteomics", "sampleMetadata.tsv"),
#'                                                         variableMetadata = file.path(prometis_dir.c, "proteomics", "variableMetadata.tsv"))))
#' @rdname reading
#' @export
reading <- function(dir.c,
                    files.ls = NULL,
                    subsets.vc = NA,
                    output.c = c("exp", "set")[1],
                    report.c = c("none", "interactive", "myfile.txt")[2]) {
  if (!(report.c %in% c("none", "interactive")))
    sink(report.c, append = TRUE)
  x <- NULL
  ## Parameter check
  stopifnot(output.c %in% c("exp", "set"))
  ## Creating the ExpressionSet/SummarizedExperiment
  ##   or building the list for the MultiDataSet/MultiAssayExperiment
  if (!is.na(dir.c)) {
    if (!file.exists(dir.c))
      stop("Directory '", dir.c, "' was not found.")
    if (!file.info(dir.c)[, "isdir"])
      stop(dir.c, "' is not a directory.")
    dir.vc <- dir(dir.c, full.names = TRUE)
    dir.vl <- file.info(dir.vc)[, "isdir"]
    subdir.vc <- dir.vc[dir.vl]
    if (length(subdir.vc) == 0) { ## ExpressionSet/SummarizedExperiment
      x <- .reading(dir.c,
                    dataMatrix = NA,
                    sampleMetadata = NA,
                    variableMetadata = NA,
                    output.c = output.c,
                    report.c = report.c)
    } else { ## MultiDataSet/MultiAssayExperiment
      names(subdir.vc) <- basename(subdir.vc)
      subdir.vl <- sapply(subdir.vc,
                         function(sub_dir.c) {
                           fileC <- list.files(sub_dir.c,
                                               pattern = "(dataMatrix|DM)",
                                               full.names = TRUE)
                           length(fileC) == 1 && file.exists(fileC)
      if (sum(subdir.vl) == 0) {
        stop("All subfolders have none or multiple 'dataMatrix' or 'DM' file(s):\n",
             paste(subdir.vc, collapse = "\n"),
             "\n", call. = FALSE)
      } else if (sum(!subdir.vl) > 0) {
        if (report.c != "none")
          message("No or multiple 'dataMatrix' or 'DM' file(s) was/were found in the following subfolders:\n",
                  paste(subdir.vc[!subdir.vl], collapse = "\n"),
                  "\nThe corresponding datasets will be skipped.")
        subdir.vc <- subdir.vc[subdir.vl]
      files.ls <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(subdir.vc))
      names(files.ls) <- names(subdir.vc)
      for (set.c in names(files.ls)) {
        files.ls[[set.c]] <- list(list.files(subdir.vc[set.c], pattern = "(dataMatrix|DM)",
                                             full.names = TRUE),
                                  list.files(subdir.vc[set.c], pattern = "(sampleMetadata|SM)",
                                             full.names = TRUE),
                                  list.files(subdir.vc[set.c], pattern = "(variableMetadata|VM)",
                                             full.names = TRUE))
        names(files.ls[[set.c]]) <- c("dataMatrix",
  } else if (is.na(dir.c)) {
    subNamVc <- names(files.ls)
    if (sum(sapply(files.ls, is.list)) == 0) { ## ExpressionSet
      if (length(subNamVc) == 3 &&
          identical(subNamVc, c("dataMatrix",
                                "variableMetadata"))) {
        x <- .reading(NA,
                      dataMatrix = files.ls[["dataMatrix"]],
                      sampleMetadata = files.ls[["sampleMetadata"]],
                      variableMetadata = files.ls[["variableMetadata"]],
                      output.c = output.c)
      } else {
        stop("'files.ls does not contain any sublist nor is a list with names 'dataMatrix', 'sampleMetadata' and 'variableMetadata' giving the corresponding file full names.",
             call. = FALSE)
    } else { ## MultiDataSet/MultiAssayExperiment
      for (set.c in names(files.ls)) {
        set.ls <- files.ls[[set.c]]
        if (!identical(names(set.ls),
                         "variableMetadata"))) {
          if (report.c != "none")
            message("The names of the following sublist are not 'dataMatrix', 'sampleMetadata' and 'variableMetadata':\n",
                    "\nThe corresponding datasets will be skipped.")
          files.ls[[set.c]] <- NULL
        } else if (!file.exists(set.ls[["dataMatrix"]])) {
          if (report.c != "none")
            message("No 'dataMatrix' file was found in the following sublist:\n",
                    "\nThe corresponding datasets will be skipped.")
          files.ls[[set.c]] <- NULL
      if (length(files.ls) == 0)
        stop("None of the provided sublists meets the requirements for the creation of a dataset.",
             call. = FALSE)
  ## Creating the MultiDataSet/MultiAssayExperiment
  if (is.null(x)) {
    # in case subsets have been specified
    if (!any(is.na(subsets.vc))) {
      missing_sets.vc <- subsets.vc[!(subsets.vc %in% names(files.ls))]
      if (length(missing_sets.vc))
        stop("The following selected subsets were not found in the subfolder(s) or sublist(s):\n",
             paste(missing_sets.vc, collapse = "\n"))
      files.ls <- files.ls[subsets.vc]
    # MultiDataSet/MultiAssayExperiment
    set.vc <- names(files.ls)
    set.n <- length(set.vc)
    # uploading the sets as ExpressionSet
    eset.ls <- lapply(set.vc,
                      function(set.c) {
                        if (report.c != "none")
                          message("Reading the '", set.c, "' dataset...")
                                 output.c = "set")
    names(eset.ls) <- set.vc
    # checking the agreement between the sample metadata
    if (length(eset.ls) > 1) {
      disagree.mc <- matrix("",
                            nrow = set.n,
                            ncol = set.n,
                            dimnames = list(set.vc, set.vc))
      for (i in seq(1, set.n - 1, by = 1)) {
        for (j in seq(i + 1, set.n, by = 1)) {
          sam_i.df <- Biobase::pData(eset.ls[[i]])
          sam_j.df <- Biobase::pData(eset.ls[[j]])
          sam_com.vc <- intersect(rownames(sam_i.df), rownames(sam_j.df))
          sam_i.df <- sam_i.df[sam_com.vc, ]
          sam_j.df <- sam_j.df[sam_com.vc, ]
          sam_var.vc <- intersect(Biobase::varLabels(eset.ls[[i]]),
          disagree.vc <- ""
          if (length(sam_var.vc)) {
            for (sam_var.c in sam_var.vc) {
              if (!identical(sam_i.df[, sam_var.c],
                             sam_j.df[, sam_var.c])) {
                disagree.vc <- c(disagree.vc, sam_var.c)
          disagree.mc[i, j] <- paste(disagree.vc, collapse = ", ")
    if (output.c == "set") { # Creating the MultiDataSet
      x <- MultiDataSet::createMultiDataSet()
      for (set.c in names(eset.ls)) {
        eset <- eset.ls[[set.c]]
        eset$id <- rownames(Biobase::pData(eset))
        x <- MultiDataSet::add_eset(x, eset,
                                    dataset.type = set.c,
                                    GRanges = NA)
    } else if (output.c == "exp") {
      sam_all.vc <- sort(unique(Reduce("union", lapply(eset.ls, Biobase::sampleNames))))
      sam_var.vc <- sort(unique(Reduce("intersect", lapply(eset.ls, Biobase::varLabels))))
      first.eset <- eset.ls[[1]]
      sam.df <- Biobase::pData(first.eset)[, sam_var.vc, drop = FALSE]
      # removing the common sample metadata from the individual eset
      Biobase::pData(first.eset)[, ".id"] <- Biobase::sampleNames(first.eset)
      Biobase::pData(first.eset) <- Biobase::pData(first.eset)[, setdiff(Biobase::varLabels(first.eset), sam_var.vc), drop = FALSE]
      eset.ls[[1]] <- first.eset
      map.ls <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(files.ls))
      names(map.ls) <- names(files.ls)
      map.ls[[1]] <- data.frame(primary = Biobase::sampleNames(first.eset),
                                colname = Biobase::sampleNames(first.eset))
      if (length(eset.ls) > 1) {
        for (set.c in names(eset.ls)[-1]) {
          set.eset <- eset.ls[[set.c]]
          sam_add.df <- Biobase::pData(set.eset)[, sam_var.vc, drop = FALSE]
          Biobase::pData(set.eset)[, ".id"] <- Biobase::sampleNames(set.eset)
          Biobase::pData(set.eset) <- Biobase::pData(set.eset)[, setdiff(Biobase::varLabels(set.eset), sam_var.vc), drop = FALSE]
          sam_add.vc <- setdiff(rownames(sam_add.df), rownames(sam.df))
          if (length(sam_add.vc)) {
            sam.df <- rbind.data.frame(sam.df,
                                       sam_add.df[sam_add.vc, , drop = FALSE])
          map.ls[[set.c]] <- data.frame(primary = Biobase::sampleNames(set.eset),
                                        colname = Biobase::sampleNames(set.eset))
          eset.ls[[set.c]] <- set.eset
      sam.df <- sam.df[sort(rownames(sam.df)), ]
      map.df <- MultiAssayExperiment::listToMap(map.ls)
      x <- MultiAssayExperiment::MultiAssayExperiment(experiments = lapply(eset.ls, function(eset) as(eset, "SummarizedExperiment")),
                                                      colData = sam.df,
                                                      sampleMap = map.df)
  # Printing
  if (report.c != "none") {
    if ((class(x) %in% c("MultiAssayExperiment", "MultiDataSet")) && length(x) > 1 && any(is.na(disagree.mc))) {
    warning("Discrepancies between the sampleMetadata from the datasets:")
  if (!(report.c %in% c("none", "interactive")))
  # Returning

.reading <- function(dir.c,
                     dataMatrix = NA,
                     sampleMetadata = NA,
                     variableMetadata = NA,
                     output.c = "exp",
                     report.c = "interactive") {
  if (!is.na(dir.c) && !is.na(dataMatrix))
    stop("Either 'dir.c' or 'dataMatrix' argument must be set to NA",
         call. = FALSE)
  if (!is.na(dir.c)) {
    dataMatrixFileC <- list.files(dir.c, pattern = "(dataMatrix|DM)",
                                  full.names = TRUE)
    if (length(dataMatrixFileC) == 0) {
      stop("No 'dataMatrix' (or 'DM') file was found in the directory:\n",
           dir.c, call. = FALSE)
    } else if (length(dataMatrixFileC) > 1) {
      stop("Multiple 'dataMatrix' (or 'DM') files were found in the directory:\n",
           dir.c, call. = FALSE)
    sampleMetadataFileC <- list.files(dir.c, pattern = "(sampleMetadata|SM)",
                                      full.names = TRUE)
    if (length(sampleMetadataFileC) == 0) {
      if (report.c != "none")
        warning("No 'sampleMetada' (or 'SM') file was found in the directory:\n",
                "\nThe corresponding 'pData' slot will be empty.",
                immediate. = FALSE, call. = FALSE)
      sampleMetadataFileC <- NA_character_
    } else if (length(sampleMetadataFileC) > 1) {
      stop("Multiple 'sampleMetadata' files were found in the directory:\n",
           dir.c, call. = FALSE)
    variableMetadataFileC <- list.files(dir.c, pattern = "(variableMetadata|VM)",
                                        full.names = TRUE)
    if (length(variableMetadataFileC) == 0) {
      if (report.c != "none")
        warning("No 'variableMetadata' (or 'VM') file was found in the directory:\n",
                "\nThe corresponding 'fData' slot will be empty.",
                immediate. = FALSE, call. = FALSE)
      variableMetadataFileC <- NA_character_
    } else if (length(variableMetadataFileC) > 1) {
      stop("Multiple 'variableMetadata' files were found in the directory:\n",
           dir.c, call. = FALSE)
    tab_file.vc <- c(dataMatrix = dataMatrixFileC,
                     sampleMetadata = sampleMetadataFileC,
                     variableMetadata = variableMetadataFileC)
  } else {
    tab_file.vc <- c(dataMatrix = dataMatrix,
                     sampleMetadata = sampleMetadata,
                     variableMetadata = variableMetadata)
    for (tab.c in names(tab_file.vc)) {
      tab_file.c <- tab_file.vc[tab.c]
      if (!file.exists(tab_file.c)) {
        if (tab.c == "dataMatrix") {
          stop("The provided dataMatrix file was not found:\n",
               tab_file.c, call. = FALSE)
        } else if (!file.exists(tab_file.c)) {
          if (report.c != "none")
            warning("The following '", tab.c,
                    "' file was not found:\n", tab_file.c,
                    "\nThe corresponding '",
                    ifelse(tab.c == "sampleMetadata", 'phenoData', 'featureData'),
                    "' slot will be empty.",
                    immediate. = TRUE, call. = FALSE)
          tab_file.vc[tab.c] <- NA
  for (tab.c in names(tab_file.vc)) {
    tab_file.c <- tab_file.vc[tab.c]
    if (!is.na(tab_file.c)) {
      ## R standards for row and column names in matrices and data frames
      tab.df <- data.frame(data.table::fread(tab_file.c,
                                            header = TRUE,
                                            sep = "\t"),
                          check.names = FALSE,
                          row.names = 1,
                          stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
      # looking for duplicates in column names
      colname_dup.vi <- which(duplicated(colnames(tab.df)))
      if (length(colname_dup.vi))
        stop("The '", tab.c, "' file has several columns named: '",
             paste(colnames(tab.df[colname_dup.vi]), collapse = "', '"), "'",
             call. = FALSE)
             dataMatrix = {
               tdat.mn <- as.matrix(tab.df)
             sampleMetadata = {
               sam.df <- tab.df
             variableMetadata = {
               var.df <- tab.df
    } else {
             sampleMetadata = {
               sam.df <- data.frame(row.names = colnames(tdat.mn))
             variableMetadata = {
               var.df <- data.frame(row.names = rownames(tdat.mn))
  chkLs <- .checkW4Mformat(t(tdat.mn), sam.df, var.df,
                           infCw = report.c)
  if (!chkLs[["chkL"]]) {
    stop("Sample and/or variable names do not match between your tables. Use the 'report.c = NA' argument to get more feedback.",
         call. = FALSE)
  } else if (chkLs[["ordL"]]) {
    tdat.mn <- t(chkLs[["dat.mn"]])
  # Building the ExpressionSet
  x <- Biobase::ExpressionSet(assayData = tdat.mn,
                              phenoData = Biobase::AnnotatedDataFrame(data = sam.df),
                              featureData = Biobase::AnnotatedDataFrame(data = var.df),
                              experimentData = Biobase::MIAME(title = ifelse(!is.na(dir.c),
  # Optional: converting to SummarizedExperiment
  if (output.c == "exp") {
   x <- as(x, "SummarizedExperiment")

#### writing (MultiAssayExperiment) ####

#' @rdname writing
#' @export
setMethod("writing", "MultiAssayExperiment",
                   prefix.c = "",
                   files.ls = NULL,
                   overwrite.l = FALSE,
                   report.c = c("none", "interactive", "myfile.txt")[2]) {
            if (!(report.c %in% c("none", "interactive")))
              sink(report.c, append = TRUE)
            report_set.c <- report.c
            if (report_set.c != "none")
              report_set.c <- "interactive"
            sets.vc <- names(x)
            if (!is.na(dir.c)) {
              set_dir.vc <- file.path(dir.c, sets.vc)
              names(set_dir.vc) <- sets.vc
              if (file.exists(dir.c) && file.info(dir.c)[, "isdir"]) {
                dir.vc <- dir(dir.c, full.names = TRUE)
                dir.vl <- file.info(dir.vc)[, "isdir"]
                subdir.vc <- dir.vc[dir.vl]
                subDupVc <- intersect(set_dir.vc,
                if (length(subDupVc) && !overwrite.l)
                  stop("The following subfolder(s) were detected in your directory, please remove them or specify another parent directory to avoid overwriting:\n",
                       paste(subDupVc, collapse = "\n"))
              } else {
                           showWarnings = report.c != "none")
              for (set.c in names(set_dir.vc)) {
                if (report.c != "none")
                  message("Writing the '", set.c, "' dataset...")
                set_dir.c <- set_dir.vc[set.c]
                if (!(file.exists(set_dir.c) &&
                      file.info(set_dir.c)[, "isdir"]))
                             showWarnings = report.c != "none")
                set.se <- x[[set.c]]
                ## including the common sample metadata in each data set
                colData(set.se) <- as(cbind.data.frame(colData(x)[colnames(set.se), ],
                colData(set.se)[, ".id"] <- NULL
                        prefix.c = prefix.c,
                        overwrite.l = overwrite.l,
                        report.c = report_set.c)
              if (report.c != "none")
                message("The subfolders have been written in the directory:\n", dir.c)
            } else if (is.na(dir.c)) {
              if (is.null(files.ls))
                stop("'files.ls' must be provided when 'dir.c' is set to NA",
                     call. = FALSE)
              if (is.null(names(files.ls)) || any(is.na(names(files.ls))))
                stop("All names of the sublists must be provided (they should match the names of the MultiDataSet datasets)",
                     call. = FALSE)
              filLisVl <- sapply(files.ls, is.list)
              if (!all(filLisVl))
                stop("The following element(s) of 'files.ls' is/are not sublist(s):\n",
                     paste(names(filLisVl)[!filLisVl], collapse = "\n"),
                     call. = FALSE)
              if (!identical(sets.vc, names(filLisVl)))
                stop("The name(s) of the 'x' MultiAssayExperiment:\n",
                     paste(sets.vc, collapse = ", "),
                     "\ndo(es) not match the names of the sublists:\n",
                     paste(names(filLisVl), collapse = ", "),
                     call. = FALSE)
              for (set.c in sets.vc) {
                filLs <- files.ls[[set.c]]
                if (length(filLs) != 3 ||
                    !identical(names(filLs), c("dataMatrix",
                  stop("The names of the '", set.c,
                       "' sublist of 'files.ls are not identical to 'dataMatrix', 'sampleMetadata' and 'variableMetadata'.")
                if (is.na(filLs[["dataMatrix"]]))
                  stop("The 'dataMatrix' file name from the '", set.c,
                       "' sublist is missing (ie set to NA).")
                for (file.c in names(filLs)) {
                  filFulNamC <- filLs[[file.c]]
                  if (!is.na(filFulNamC)
                      && file.exists(filFulNamC)
                      && !overwrite.l)
                    stop("The following file from the '",
                         set.c, "' sublist already exists:\n",
                         "\nPlease remove it or choose another name to avoid overwriting.")
              for (set.c in sets.vc) {
                filLs <- files.ls[[set.c]]
                if (report.c != "none")
                  message("Writing the '", set.c, "' dataset")
                set.se <- x[[set.c]]
                colData(set.se) <- cbind.data.frame(colData(x)[rownames(set.se), ],
                        files.ls = list(dataMatrix = filLs[["dataMatrix"]],
                                        sampleMetadata = filLs[["sampleMetadata"]],
                                        variableMetadata = filLs[["variableMetadata"]]),
                        overwrite.l = overwrite.l,
                        report.c = report_set.c)
            if (!(report.c %in% c("none", "interactive")))

#### writing (SummarizedExperiment) ####

#' @rdname writing
#' @export
setMethod("writing", "SummarizedExperiment",
                   prefix.c = "",
                   files.ls = NULL,
                   overwrite.l = FALSE,
                   report.c = c("none", "interactive", "myfile.txt")[2]){
            if (!(report.c %in% c("none", "interactive")))
              sink(report.c, append = TRUE)
            if (!is.na(dir.c)) {
              if (!(file.exists(dir.c) && file.info(dir.c)[, "isdir"]))
                           showWarnings = report.c != "none")
              if (prefix.c != "")
                prefix.c <- paste0(prefix.c, "_")
              tab_file.vc <- c(dataMatrix = file.path(dir.c,
                                                      paste0(prefix.c, "dataMatrix.tsv")),
                               sampleMetadata = file.path(dir.c,
                                                          paste0(prefix.c, "sampleMetadata.tsv")),
                               variableMetadata = file.path(dir.c,
                                                            paste0(prefix.c, "variableMetadata.tsv")))
            } else if (is.na(dir.c)) {
              if (is.null(files.ls))
                stop("'files.ls' must be provided when 'dir.c' is set to NA",
                     call. = FALSE)
              if (length(files.ls) != 3 ||
                  !identical(names(files.ls), c("dataMatrix",
                stop("The names of the 'files.ls' list are not identical to 'dataMatrix', 'sampleMetadata' and 'variableMetadata'.",
                     call. = FALSE)
              if (is.na(files.ls[["dataMatrix"]]))
                stop("The 'dataMatrix' file name from the 'files.ls' list is missing (ie set to NA).")
              tab_file.vc <- c(dataMatrix = files.ls[["dataMatrix"]],
                               sampleMetadata = files.ls[["sampleMetadata"]],
                               variableMetadata = files.ls[["variableMetadata"]])
            for (tab.c in names(tab_file.vc)) {
              tab_file.c <- tab_file.vc[tab.c]
              if (!is.na(tab_file.c) && file.exists(tab_file.c) && !overwrite.l)
                stop("The following file already exists:\n", tab_file.c,
                     "\nPlease choose another file name.")
            ## Writing
            tdat.mn <- SummarizedExperiment::assay(x)
            sam.df <- SummarizedExperiment::colData(x)
            var.df <- SummarizedExperiment::rowData(x)
            chkLs <- .checkW4Mformat(t(tdat.mn), sam.df, var.df, infCw = report.c)
            if (!chkLs[["chkL"]]) {
              stop("Sample and/or variable names do not match between your tables. Use the report.c = 'interactive' argument to get more feedback.")
            } else if (chkLs[["ordL"]]) {
              tdat.mn <- t(chkLs[["dat.mn"]])
            datDF <- cbind.data.frame(dataMatrix = rownames(tdat.mn),
                               file = tab_file.vc['dataMatrix'],
                               quote = FALSE,
                               row.names = FALSE,
                               sep = "\t")
            if (!is.na(dir.c) || !is.na(tab_file.vc["sampleMetadata"])) {
              sam.df <- cbind.data.frame(sampleMetadata = rownames(sam.df),
                                 file = tab_file.vc['sampleMetadata'],
                                 quote = FALSE,
                                 row.names = FALSE,
                                 sep = "\t")
            if (!is.na(dir.c) || !is.na(tab_file.vc["variableMetadata"])) {
              var.df <- cbind.data.frame(variableMetadata = rownames(var.df),
                                 file = tab_file.vc['variableMetadata'],
                                 quote = FALSE,
                                 row.names = FALSE,
                                 sep = "\t")
            if (report.c != "none")
              message("The following file(s) have been written:\n",
                      paste(tab_file.vc[!is.na(basename(tab_file.vc))], collapse = "\n"))
            if (!(report.c %in% c("none", "interactive")))

#### writing (MultiDataSet) ####

#' @rdname writing
#' @export
setMethod("writing", "MultiDataSet",
                   prefix.c = "",
                   files.ls = NULL,
                   overwrite.l = FALSE,
                   report.c = c("none", "interactive", "myfile.txt")[2]) {
            if (!(report.c %in% c("none", "interactive")))
              sink(report.c, append = TRUE)
            report_set.c <- report.c
            if (report_set.c != "none")
              report_set.c <- "interactive"
            sets.vc <- names(x)
            if (!is.na(dir.c)) {
              set_dir.vc <- file.path(dir.c, sets.vc)
              names(set_dir.vc) <- sets.vc
              if (file.exists(dir.c) && file.info(dir.c)[, "isdir"]) {
                dir.vc <- dir(dir.c, full.names = TRUE)
                dir.vl <- file.info(dir.vc)[, "isdir"]
                subdir.vc <- dir.vc[dir.vl]
                subDupVc <- intersect(set_dir.vc,
                if (length(subDupVc) && !overwrite.l)
                  stop("The following subfolder(s) were detected in your directory, please remove them or specify another parent directory to avoid overwriting:\n",
                       paste(subDupVc, collapse = "\n"))
              } else {
                           showWarnings = report.c != "none")
              for (set.c in names(set_dir.vc)) {
                if (report.c != "none")
                  message("Writing the '", set.c, "' dataset...")
                set_dir.c <- set_dir.vc[set.c]
                if (!(file.exists(set_dir.c) &&
                      file.info(set_dir.c)[, "isdir"]))
                             showWarnings = report.c != "none")
                                  prefix.c = prefix.c,
                                  overwrite.l = overwrite.l,
                                  report.c = report_set.c)
              if (report.c != "none")
                message("The subfolders have been written in the directory:\n", dir.c)
            } else if (is.na(dir.c)) {
              if (is.null(files.ls))
                stop("'files.ls' must be provided when 'dir.c' is set to NA",
                     call. = FALSE)
              if (is.null(names(files.ls)) || any(is.na(names(files.ls))))
                stop("All names of the sublists must be provided (they should match the names of the MultiDataSet datasets)",
                     call. = FALSE)
              filLisVl <- sapply(files.ls, is.list)
              if (!all(filLisVl))
                stop("The following element(s) of 'files.ls' is/are not sublist(s):\n",
                     paste(names(filLisVl)[!filLisVl], collapse = "\n"),
                     call. = FALSE)
              if (!identical(sets.vc, names(filLisVl)))
                stop("The name(s) of the 'x' MultiDataSet:\n",
                     paste(sets.vc, collapse = ", "),
                     "\ndo(es) not match the names of the sublists:\n",
                     paste(names(filLisVl), collapse = ", "),
                     call. = FALSE)
              for (set.c in sets.vc) {
                filLs <- files.ls[[set.c]]
                if (length(filLs) != 3 ||
                    !identical(names(filLs), c("dataMatrix",
                  stop("The names of the '", set.c,
                       "' sublist of 'files.ls are not identical to 'dataMatrix', 'sampleMetadata' and 'variableMetadata'.")
                if (is.na(filLs[["dataMatrix"]]))
                  stop("The 'dataMatrix' file name from the '", set.c,
                       "' sublist is missing (ie set to NA).")
                for (file.c in names(filLs)) {
                  filFulNamC <- filLs[[file.c]]
                  if (!is.na(filFulNamC)
                      && file.exists(filFulNamC)
                      && !overwrite.l)
                    stop("The following file from the '",
                         set.c, "' sublist already exists:\n",
                         "\nPlease remove it or choose another name to avoid overwriting.")
              for (set.c in sets.vc) {
                filLs <- files.ls[[set.c]]
                if (report.c != "none")
                  message("Writing the '", set.c, "' dataset")
                                  files.ls = list(dataMatrix = filLs[["dataMatrix"]],
                                                  sampleMetadata = filLs[["sampleMetadata"]],
                                                  variableMetadata = filLs[["variableMetadata"]]),
                                  overwrite.l = overwrite.l,
                                  report.c = report_set.c)
            if (!(report.c %in% c("none", "interactive")))

#### writing (ExpressionSet) ####

#' @rdname writing
#' @export
setMethod("writing", "ExpressionSet",
                   prefix.c = "",
                   files.ls = NULL,
                   overwrite.l = FALSE,
                   report.c = c("none", "interactive", "myfile.txt")[2]){
            if (!(report.c %in% c("none", "interactive")))
              sink(report.c, append = TRUE)
            if (!is.na(dir.c)) {
              if (!(file.exists(dir.c) && file.info(dir.c)[, "isdir"]))
                           showWarnings = report.c != "none")
              if (prefix.c != "")
                prefix.c <- paste0(prefix.c, "_")
              tab_file.vc <- c(dataMatrix = file.path(dir.c,
                                                      paste0(prefix.c, "dataMatrix.tsv")),
                               sampleMetadata = file.path(dir.c,
                                                          paste0(prefix.c, "sampleMetadata.tsv")),
                               variableMetadata = file.path(dir.c,
                                                            paste0(prefix.c, "variableMetadata.tsv")))
            } else if (is.na(dir.c)) {
              if (is.null(files.ls))
                stop("'files.ls' must be provided when 'dir.c' is set to NA",
                     call. = FALSE)
              if (length(files.ls) != 3 ||
                  !identical(names(files.ls), c("dataMatrix",
                stop("The names of the 'files.ls' list are not identical to 'dataMatrix', 'sampleMetadata' and 'variableMetadata'.",
                     call. = FALSE)
              if (is.na(files.ls[["dataMatrix"]]))
                stop("The 'dataMatrix' file name from the 'files.ls' list is missing (ie set to NA).")
              tab_file.vc <- c(dataMatrix = files.ls[["dataMatrix"]],
                               sampleMetadata = files.ls[["sampleMetadata"]],
                               variableMetadata = files.ls[["variableMetadata"]])
            for (tab.c in names(tab_file.vc)) {
              tab_file.c <- tab_file.vc[tab.c]
              if (!is.na(tab_file.c) && file.exists(tab_file.c) && !overwrite.l)
                stop("The following file already exists:\n", tab_file.c,
                     "\nPlease choose another file name.")
            ## Writing
            tdat.mn <- Biobase::exprs(x)
            sam.df <- Biobase::pData(x)
            var.df <- Biobase::fData(x)
            chkLs <- .checkW4Mformat(t(tdat.mn), sam.df, var.df, infCw = report.c)
            if (!chkLs[["chkL"]]) {
              stop("Sample and/or variable names do not match between your tables. Use the report.c = 'interactive' argument to get more feedback.")
            } else if (chkLs[["ordL"]]) {
              tdat.mn <- t(chkLs[["dat.mn"]])
            datDF <- cbind.data.frame(dataMatrix = rownames(tdat.mn),
                               file = tab_file.vc['dataMatrix'],
                               quote = FALSE,
                               row.names = FALSE,
                               sep = "\t")
            if (!is.na(dir.c) || !is.na(tab_file.vc["sampleMetadata"])) {
              sam.df <- cbind.data.frame(sampleMetadata = rownames(sam.df),
                                 file = tab_file.vc['sampleMetadata'],
                                 quote = FALSE,
                                 row.names = FALSE,
                                 sep = "\t")
            if (!is.na(dir.c) || !is.na(tab_file.vc["variableMetadata"])) {
              var.df <- cbind.data.frame(variableMetadata = rownames(var.df),
                                 file = tab_file.vc['variableMetadata'],
                                 quote = FALSE,
                                 row.names = FALSE,
                                 sep = "\t")
            if (report.c != "none")
              message("The following file(s) have been written:\n",
                      paste(tab_file.vc[!is.na(basename(tab_file.vc))], collapse = "\n"))
            if (!(report.c %in% c("none", "interactive")))

.checkRformat <- function(filCa) {
  rowVc <- data.table::fread(filCa,
                             header = TRUE,
                             sep = "\t")[[1]]
  colVc <- unlist(data.table::fread(filCa,
                                    header = FALSE,
                                    nrows = 1,
                                    sep = "\t")[1])[-1]
  if (any(duplicated(rowVc)))
    stop("The following ",
         ifelse(names(filCa) == 'sampleMetadata', 'sample', 'variable'),
         " name(s) is/are duplicated in the ",
         ": '",
         paste(rowVc[duplicated(rowVc)], collapse = "', '"), "'",
         call. = FALSE)
  if (any(duplicated(colVc)))
    stop("The following ", ifelse(names(filCa) == 'sampleMetadata', 'variable', 'sample'), " name(s) is/are duplicated in the ",
         ": '",
         paste(colVc[duplicated(colVc)], collapse = "', '"), "'",
         call. = FALSE)

.checkW4Mformat <- function(dat.mnw, sam.dfw, var.dfw,
                            infCw = "interactive") {
  chkL <- TRUE
  ordL <- FALSE
  if (mode(dat.mnw) != "numeric") {
    message("The dataMatrix is not of the 'numeric' type.")
    chkL <- FALSE
  if (!identical(rownames(dat.mnw), rownames(sam.dfw))) {
    ## checking sample names
    datSamDifVc <- setdiff(rownames(dat.mnw), rownames(sam.dfw))
    if (length(datSamDifVc)) {
      if (infCw != "none") {
        message("The following samples were found in the dataMatrix column names but not in the sampleMetadata row names:\n")
        print(cbind.data.frame(col = as.numeric(sapply(datSamDifVc,
                                                       function(samC) which(rownames(dat.mnw) == samC))),
                               name = datSamDifVc))
      chkL <- FALSE
    samDatDifVc <- setdiff(rownames(sam.dfw), rownames(dat.mnw))
    if (length(samDatDifVc)) {
      if (infCw != "none") {
        message("The following samples were found in the sampleMetadata row names but not in the dataMatrix column names:\n")
        print(cbind.data.frame(row = as.numeric(sapply(samDatDifVc, function(samC) which(rownames(sam.dfw) == samC))),
                               name = samDatDifVc))
      chkL <- FALSE
    if (nrow(dat.mnw) != nrow(sam.dfw)) {
      if (infCw != "none")
        message("The dataMatrix has ", nrow(dat.mnw), " columns (ie samples) whereas the sampleMetadata has ", nrow(sam.dfw), " rows.")
      chkL <- FALSE
    } else if (identical(gsub("^X", "", rownames(dat.mnw)), rownames(sam.dfw))) {
      if (infCw != "none")
        message("The dataMatrix column names start with an 'X' but not the sampleMetadata row names.")
      chkL <- FALSE
    } else if (identical(gsub("^X", "", rownames(sam.dfw)), rownames(dat.mnw))) {
      if (infCw != "none")
        message("The sampleMetadata row names start with an 'X' but not the dataMatrix column names.")
      chkL <- FALSE
    } else if (identical(sort(rownames(dat.mnw)), sort(rownames(sam.dfw)))) {
      if (infCw != "none")
        message("Re-ordering dataMatrix sample names to match sampleMetadata.")
      dat.mnw <- dat.mnw[rownames(sam.dfw), , drop = FALSE]
      stopifnot(identical(sort(rownames(dat.mnw)), sort(rownames(sam.dfw))))
      ordL <- TRUE
    } else {
      if (infCw != "none") {
        message("The dataMatrix column names and the sampleMetadata row names are not identical:\n")
        print(cbind.data.frame(indice = 1:nrow(dat.mnw),
                               dataMatrix_columnnames = rownames(dat.mnw),
                               sampleMetadata_rownames = rownames(sam.dfw))[rownames(dat.mnw) != rownames(sam.dfw), , drop = FALSE])
      chkL <- FALSE
  if (!identical(colnames(dat.mnw), rownames(var.dfw))) {
    ## checking variable names
    datVarDifVc <- setdiff(colnames(dat.mnw), rownames(var.dfw))
    if (length(datVarDifVc)) {
      if (infCw != "none") {
        message("The following variables were found in the dataMatrix row names but not in the variableMetadata row names:\n")
        print(cbind.data.frame(row = as.numeric(sapply(datVarDifVc, function(varC) which(colnames(dat.mnw) == varC))),
                               name = datVarDifVc))
      chkL <- FALSE
    varDatDifVc <- setdiff(rownames(var.dfw), colnames(dat.mnw))
    if (length(varDatDifVc)) {
      if (infCw != "none") {
        message("The following variables were found in the variableMetadata row names but not in the dataMatrix row names:\n")
        print(cbind.data.frame(row = as.numeric(sapply(varDatDifVc, function(varC) which(rownames(var.dfw) == varC))),
                               name = varDatDifVc))
      chkL <- FALSE
    if (ncol(dat.mnw) != nrow(var.dfw)) {
      if (infCw != "none")
        message("The dataMatrix has ",
                " rows (ie variables) whereas the variableMetadata has ",
                " rows.")
      chkL <- FALSE
    } else if (identical(sort(colnames(dat.mnw)), sort(rownames(var.dfw)))) {
      if (infCw != "none")
        message("Re-ordering dataMatrix variable names to match variableMetadata.")
      dat.mnw <- dat.mnw[, rownames(var.dfw), drop = FALSE]
      stopifnot(identical(sort(colnames(dat.mnw)), sort(rownames(var.dfw))))
      ordL <- TRUE
    } else {
      if (infCw != "none") {
        message("The dataMatrix row names and the variableMetadata row names are not identical:\n")
        print(cbind.data.frame(row = 1:ncol(dat.mnw),
                               dataMatrix_rownames = colnames(dat.mnw),
                               variableMetadata_rownames = rownames(var.dfw))[colnames(dat.mnw) != rownames(var.dfw), , drop = FALSE])
      chkL <- FALSE
  return(list(chkL = chkL,
              ordL = ordL,
              dat.mn = dat.mnw))
SciDoPhenIA/phenomis documentation built on June 9, 2022, 11:54 p.m.