doKSpectral: Run Specral K to select optimum and maximum K from Consensus...

View source: R/doKSpectral.R

doKSpectralR Documentation

Run Specral K to select optimum and maximum K from Consensus Clustering


Run Specral K to select optimum and maximum K from Consensus Clustering


doKSpectral(cnr, ...)



a cnr bundle, with 'ccp'


additional parameters passed


doKSpectral returns two matrices

kStats a dataframe containing number of stable K clusters (spectral K) for every kCC (K parameter), and the maximum delta Lamdba.

eigenVals a data frame containing the eigen values for each kCC

Lastly, it returns optK, a vector containing the recomended kCC and the value of 'k' i.e. (spectral K). These are the kCC for the max number of k and max dLambdaMax


Nick Socci <>


Philip A. Knight (2008) The Sinkhorn–Knopp Algorithm: Convergence and Applications. SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 30(1), 261-275. doi: 10.1137/060659624

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