

n.test <- 5
test.identity <- FALSE
test.extended <- FALSE

## Overall update ############################################################

test_that("updateAccount works with CombinedAccountMovements", {
    updateAccount <- demest:::updateAccount
    updateProposalAccount <- demest:::updateProposalAccount
    diffLogLikAccount <- demest:::diffLogLikAccount
    diffLogDensAccount <- demest:::diffLogDensAccount
    updateValuesAccount <- demest:::updateValuesAccount
    initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    population <- CountsOne(values = seq(100, 200, 10),
                            labels = seq(2000, 2100, 10),
                            name = "time")
    births <- CountsOne(values = rpois(n = 10, lambda = 15),
                        labels = paste(seq(2001, 2091, 10), seq(2010, 2100, 10), sep = "-"),
                        name = "time")
    deaths <- CountsOne(values = rpois(n = 10, lambda = 5),
                        labels = paste(seq(2001, 2091, 10), seq(2010, 2100, 10), sep = "-"),
                        name = "time")
    account <- Movements(population = population,
                         births = births,
                         exits = list(deaths = deaths))
    account <- makeConsistent(account)
    systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ time, useExpose = FALSE)),
                         Model(births ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)),
                         Model(deaths ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)))
    systemWeights <- rep(list(NULL), 3)
    data.models <- list(Model(tax ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "deaths"),
                        Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.9), series = "population"))
    seriesIndices <- c(2L, 0L)
    updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    datasets <- list(Counts(array(7L,
                                  dim = 10,
                                  dimnames = list(time = paste(seq(2001, 2091, 10), seq(2010, 2100, 10), sep = "-")))),
                     Counts(array(seq.int(110L, 210L, 10L),
                                  dim = 11,
                                  dimnames = list(time = seq(2000, 2100, 10)))))
    namesDatasets <- c("tax", "census")
    transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = deaths, y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = population, y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE))
    transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
    x0 <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                 systemModels = systemModels,
                                 systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                 dataModels = data.models,
                                 seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                 updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                 usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                 datasets = datasets,
                                 namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                 transforms = transforms)
    ans.obtained <- updateAccount(x0)
    ans.expected <- x0
    for (i in seq_len(2 * length(x0@account@population) + 2 * length(x0@account@components[[1]])
                      + 2 * length(x0@account@components[[2]]))) {
        ans.expected <- updateProposalAccount(ans.expected)
        if (ans.expected@generatedNewProposal@.Data) {
            diff.lik <- diffLogLikAccount(ans.expected)
            diff.dens <- diffLogDensAccount(ans.expected)
            valid <- ((is.finite(diff.lik) || is.finite(diff.dens))
                || identical(diff.lik, diff.dens))
            if (valid) {
                sum <- diff.lik + diff.dens
                accept <- (sum) > 0 || runif(1) < exp(sum)
                if (accept)
                    ans.expected <- updateValuesAccount(ans.expected)
    expect_identical(ans.obtained, ans.expected)

test_that("R and C versions of updateAccount give same answer with CombinedAccountMovements", {
    updateAccount <- demest:::updateAccount
    updateProposalAccount <- demest:::updateProposalAccount
    diffLogLikAccount <- demest:::diffLogLikAccount
    diffLogDensAccount <- demest:::diffLogDensAccount
    updateValuesAccount <- demest:::updateValuesAccount
    initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    population <- CountsOne(values = seq(100, 200, 10),
                            labels = seq(2000, 2100, 10),
                            name = "time")
    births <- CountsOne(values = rpois(n = 10, lambda = 15),
                        labels = paste(seq(2001, 2091, 10), seq(2010, 2100, 10), sep = "-"),
                        name = "time")
    deaths <- CountsOne(values = rpois(n = 10, lambda = 5),
                        labels = paste(seq(2001, 2091, 10), seq(2010, 2100, 10), sep = "-"),
                        name = "time")
    account <- Movements(population = population,
                         births = births,
                         exits = list(deaths = deaths))
    account <- makeConsistent(account)
    systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ time, useExpose = FALSE)),
                         Model(births ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)),
                         Model(deaths ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)))
    systemWeights <- rep(list(NULL), 3)
    data.models <- list(Model(tax ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "deaths"),
                        Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.9), series = "population"))
    seriesIndices <- c(2L, 0L)
    updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    datasets <- list(Counts(array(7L,
                                  dim = 10,
                                  dimnames = list(time = paste(seq(2001, 2091, 10), seq(2010, 2100, 10), sep = "-")))),
                     Counts(array(seq.int(110L, 210L, 10L),
                                  dim = 11,
                                  dimnames = list(time = seq(2000, 2100, 10)))))
    namesDatasets <- c("tax", "census")
    transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = deaths, y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = population, y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE))
    transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
    x0 <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                 systemModels = systemModels,
                                 systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                 dataModels = data.models,
                                 seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                 updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                 usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                 datasets = datasets,
                                 namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                 transforms = transforms)
    updated <- FALSE
    for (seed in seq_len(n.test)) {
        ans.R <- updateAccount(x0, useC = FALSE)
        if (ans.R@generatedNewProposal@.Data)
            updated <- TRUE
        ans.C <- updateAccount(x0, useC = TRUE)
        if (!identical(ans.R, ans.C))
        if (test.identity)
            expect_identical(ans.R, ans.C)
            expect_equal(ans.R, ans.C)
    if (!updated)
        warning("not updated")

## tries to test for not updated as well as updated
if (test.extended) {
    test_that("R and C versions of updateAccount give same answer with CombinedAccountMovements", {
        updateAccount <- demest:::updateAccount
        updateProposalAccount <- demest:::updateProposalAccount
        diffLogLikAccount <- demest:::diffLogLikAccount
        diffLogDensAccount <- demest:::diffLogDensAccount
        updateValuesAccount <- demest:::updateValuesAccount
        initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
        makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
        n.updated = 0L
        n.not.updated = 0L
        n.try = n.test * 20L
        i.try <- 0L
        while (i.try < n.test || ((i.try < n.try) && ((n.updated == 0) || (n.not.updated == 0L)))) {
            i.try <- i.try + 1L
            seed <- i.try
            population <- CountsOne(values = seq(100, 200, 10),
                                    labels = seq(2000, 2100, 10),
                                    name = "time")
            births <- CountsOne(values = rpois(n = 10, lambda = 15),
                                labels = paste(seq(2001, 2091, 10), seq(2010, 2100, 10), sep = "-"),
                                name = "time")
            deaths <- CountsOne(values = rpois(n = 10, lambda = 5),
                                labels = paste(seq(2001, 2091, 10), seq(2010, 2100, 10), sep = "-"),
                                name = "time")
            account <- Movements(population = population,
                                 births = births,
                                 exits = list(deaths = deaths))
            account <- makeConsistent(account)
            systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ time, useExpose = FALSE)),
                                 Model(births ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)),
                                 Model(deaths ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)))
            systemWeights <- rep(list(NULL), 3)
            data.models <- list(Model(tax ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "deaths"),
                                      Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.9), series = "population"))
            seriesIndices <- c(2L, 0L)
    updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
            datasets <- list(Counts(array(7L,
                                          dim = 10,
                                          dimnames = list(time = paste(seq(2001, 2091, 10), seq(2010, 2100, 10), sep = "-")))),
                             Counts(array(seq.int(110L, 210L, 10L),
                                          dim = 11,
                                          dimnames = list(time = seq(2000, 2100, 10)))))
            namesDatasets <- c("tax", "census")
            transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = deaths, y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                               makeTransform(x = population, y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE))
            transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
            x0 <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                         systemModels = systemModels,
                                         systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                         dataModels = data.models,
                                         seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                 updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                 usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                         datasets = datasets,
                                         namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                         transforms = transforms)
            ans.R <- updateAccount(x0, useC = FALSE)
            if (ans.R@generatedNewProposal@.Data)
                n.updated <- n.updated + 1L
                n.not.updated <- n.not.updated + 1L
            ans.C <- updateAccount(x0, useC = TRUE)
            if (test.identity)
                expect_identical(ans.R, ans.C)
                expect_equal(ans.R, ans.C)
        if (n.updated == 0L)
            warning("not updated")
        if (n.not.updated == 0L)
            warning ("could not test not updated - try increasing n.test")

## updating proposals ##########################################################################

## updateProposalAccountMovePopn

test_that("updateProposalAccountMovePopn works with CombinedAccountMovements - no age", {
    updateProposalAccountMovePopn <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMovePopn
    initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    population <- CountsOne(values = seq(100, 200, 10),
                            labels = seq(2000, 2100, 10),
                            name = "time")
    births <- CountsOne(values = rpois(n = 10, lambda = 15),
                        labels = paste(seq(2001, 2091, 10), seq(2010, 2100, 10), sep = "-"),
                        name = "time")
    deaths <- CountsOne(values = rpois(n = 10, lambda = 5),
                        labels = paste(seq(2001, 2091, 10), seq(2010, 2100, 10), sep = "-"),
                        name = "time")
    account <- Movements(population = population,
                         births = births,
                         exits = list(deaths = deaths))
    account <- makeConsistent(account)
    systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ time, useExpose = FALSE)),
                         Model(births ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)),
                         Model(deaths ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)))
    systemWeights <- rep(list(NULL), 3)
    data.models <- list(Model(tax ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "deaths"),
                              Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.9), series = "population"))
    seriesIndices <- c(2L, 0L)
    updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    datasets <- list(Counts(array(7L,
                                  dim = 10,
                                  dimnames = list(time = paste(seq(2001, 2091, 10), seq(2010, 2100, 10), sep = "-")))),
                     Counts(array(seq.int(110L, 210L, 10L),
                                  dim = 11,
                                  dimnames = list(time = seq(2000, 2100, 10)))))
    namesDatasets <- c("tax", "census")
    transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = deaths, y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = population, y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE))
    transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
    x0 <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                 systemModels = systemModels,
                                 systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                 dataModels = data.models,
                                 seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                 updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                 usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                 datasets = datasets,
                                 namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                 transforms = transforms)
    updated <- FALSE
    for (seed in seq_len(n.test)) {
        x1 <- updateProposalAccountMovePopn(x0)
        if (x1@generatedNewProposal@.Data)
            updated <- TRUE
        expect_is(x1, "CombinedAccountMovements")
    if (!updated)
        warning("not updated")

test_that("R and C versions of updateProposalAccountMovePopn give same answer CombinedAccountMovements - no age", {
    updateProposalAccountMovePopn <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMovePopn
    initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    population <- CountsOne(values = seq(100, 200, 10),
                            labels = seq(2000, 2100, 10),
                            name = "time")
    births <- CountsOne(values = rpois(n = 10, lambda = 15),
                        labels = paste(seq(2001, 2091, 10), seq(2010, 2100, 10), sep = "-"),
                        name = "time")
    deaths <- CountsOne(values = rpois(n = 10, lambda = 5),
                        labels = paste(seq(2001, 2091, 10), seq(2010, 2100, 10), sep = "-"),
                        name = "time")
    account <- Movements(population = population,
                         births = births,
                         exits = list(deaths = deaths))
    account <- makeConsistent(account)
    systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ time, useExpose = FALSE)),
                         Model(births ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)),
                         Model(deaths ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)))
    systemWeights <- rep(list(NULL), 3)
    data.models <- list(Model(tax ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "deaths"),
                              Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.9), series = "population"))
    seriesIndices <- c(2L, 0L)
    updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    datasets <- list(Counts(array(7L,
                                  dim = 10,
                                  dimnames = list(time = paste(seq(2001, 2091, 10), seq(2010, 2100, 10), sep = "-")))),
                     Counts(array(seq.int(110L, 210L, 10L),
                                  dim = 11,
                                  dimnames = list(time = seq(2000, 2100, 10)))))
    namesDatasets <- c("tax", "census")
    transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = deaths, y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = population, y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE))
    transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
    x0 <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                 systemModels = systemModels,
                                 systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                 dataModels = data.models,
                                 seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                 updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                 usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                 datasets = datasets,
                                 namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                 transforms = transforms)
    for (seed in seq_len(n.test)) {
        ans.R <- updateProposalAccountMovePopn(x0, useC = FALSE)
        ans.C <- updateProposalAccountMovePopn(x0, useC = TRUE)
        if (test.identity)
            expect_identical(ans.R, ans.C)
            expect_equal(ans.R, ans.C)

## tries to test for not updated as well as updated
if (test.extended) {
    test_that("R and C versions of updateProposalAccountMovePopn give same answer CombinedAccountMovements - no age", {
        updateProposalAccountMovePopn <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMovePopn
        initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
        makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
        population <- CountsOne(values = seq(100, 200, 10),
                                labels = seq(2000, 2100, 10),
                                name = "time")
        n.updated = 0L
        n.not.updated = 0L
        n.try = n.test * 200L
        i.try <- 0L
        while (i.try < n.test || ((i.try < n.try) && ((n.updated == 0) || (n.not.updated == 0L)))) {
            i.try <- i.try + 1L
            seed <- i.try
            births <- CountsOne(values = rpois(n = 10, lambda = 15),
                                labels = paste(seq(2001, 2091, 10), seq(2010, 2100, 10), sep = "-"),
                                name = "time")
            deaths <- CountsOne(values = rpois(n = 10, lambda = 5),
                                labels = paste(seq(2001, 2091, 10), seq(2010, 2100, 10), sep = "-"),
                                name = "time")
            account <- Movements(population = population,
                                 births = births,
                                 exits = list(deaths = deaths))
            account <- makeConsistent(account)
            systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ time, useExpose = FALSE)),
                                 Model(births ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)),
                                 Model(deaths ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)))
            systemWeights <- rep(list(NULL), 3)
            data.models <- list(Model(tax ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "deaths"),
                                      Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.9), series = "population"))
            seriesIndices <- c(2L, 0L)
    updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
            datasets <- list(Counts(array(7L,
                                          dim = 10,
                                          dimnames = list(time = paste(seq(2001, 2091, 10), seq(2010, 2100, 10), sep = "-")))),
                             Counts(array(seq.int(110L, 210L, 10L),
                                          dim = 11,
                                          dimnames = list(time = seq(2000, 2100, 10)))))
            namesDatasets <- c("tax", "census")
            transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = deaths, y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                               makeTransform(x = population, y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE))
            transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
            x0 <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                         systemModels = systemModels,
                                         systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                         dataModels = data.models,
                                         seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                 updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                 usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                         datasets = datasets,
                                         namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                         transforms = transforms)
            ans.R <- updateProposalAccountMovePopn(x0, useC = FALSE)
            if (ans.R@generatedNewProposal@.Data)
                n.updated <- n.updated + 1L
                n.not.updated <- n.not.updated + 1L
            ans.C <- updateProposalAccountMovePopn(x0, useC = TRUE)
            if (test.identity)
                expect_identical(ans.R, ans.C)
                expect_equal(ans.R, ans.C)
        if (n.updated == 0L)
            warning("not updated")
        if (n.not.updated == 0L)
            warning ("could not test not updated - try increasing n.test")

test_that("updateProposalAccountMovePopn works with CombinedAccountMovementsHasAge", {
    updateProposalAccountMovePopn <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMovePopn
    initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    popn <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 100),
                         dim = c(3, 2, 5, 3),
                         dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                         sex = c("f", "m"),
                                         reg = 1:5,
                                         time = c(2000, 2005, 2010))))
    births <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 5),
                           dim = c(1, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                           dimnames = list(age = "5-9",
                                           sex = c("m", "f"),
                                           reg = 1:5,
                                           time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                           triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    internal <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = 10),
                             dim = c(3, 2, 5, 5, 2, 2),
                             dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                             sex = c("m", "f"),
                                             reg_orig = 1:5,
                                             reg_dest = 1:5,
                                             time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                             triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    deaths <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 72, lambda = 10),
                           dim = c(3, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                           dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                           sex = c("m", "f"),
                                           reg = 5:1,
                                           time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                           triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    account <- Movements(population = popn,
                         births = births,
                         internal = internal,
                         exits = list(deaths = deaths))
    account <- makeConsistent(account)
    systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ age + sex, useExpose = FALSE)),
                         Model(births ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)),
                         Model(internal ~ Poisson(mean ~ reg_orig + reg_dest)),
                         Model(deaths ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)))
    systemWeights <- list(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
    census <- subarray(popn, time == "2000", drop = FALSE) + 2L
    register <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = popn),
                             dim = dim(popn),
                             dimnames = dimnames(popn)))
    reg.births <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = births, prob = 0.98),
                               dim = dim(births),
                               dimnames = dimnames(births)))
    address.change <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = internal),
                                   dim = dim(internal),
                                   dimnames = dimnames(internal)))
    reg.deaths <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = deaths, prob = 0.98),
                               dim = dim(deaths),
                               dimnames = dimnames(deaths))) + 1L
    datasets <- list(census, register, reg.births, address.change, reg.deaths)
    namesDatasets <- c("census", "register", "reg.births", "address.change", "reg.deaths")
    data.models <- list(Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.95), series = "population"),
                              Model(register ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "population"),
                              Model(reg.births ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "births"),
                              Model(address.change ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "internal"),
                              Model(reg.deaths ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "deaths"))
    seriesIndices <- c(0L, 0L, 1L, 2L, 3L)
    updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "births"), y = datasets[[3]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "internal"), y = datasets[[4]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "deaths"), y = datasets[[5]], subset = TRUE))
    transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
    x0 <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                 systemModels = systemModels,
                                 systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                 dataModels = data.models,
                                 seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                 updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                 usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                 datasets = datasets,
                                 namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                 transforms = transforms)
    expect_is(x0, "CombinedAccountMovementsHasAge")
    updated <- FALSE
    for (seed in seq_len(n.test)) {
        x1 <- updateProposalAccountMovePopn(x0)
        if (x1@generatedNewProposal@.Data)
            updated <- TRUE
        expect_is(x1, "CombinedAccountMovements")
    if (!updated)
        warning("not updated")

test_that("R and C versions of updateProposalAccountMovePopn give same answer CombinedAccountMovements - with age", {
    updateProposalAccountMovePopn <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMovePopn
    initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    popn <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 100),
                         dim = c(3, 2, 5, 3),
                         dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                         sex = c("f", "m"),
                                         reg = 1:5,
                                         time = c(2000, 2005, 2010))))
    births <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 5),
                           dim = c(1, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                           dimnames = list(age = "5-9",
                                           sex = c("m", "f"),
                                           reg = 1:5,
                                           time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                           triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    internal <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = 10),
                             dim = c(3, 2, 5, 5, 2, 2),
                             dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                             sex = c("m", "f"),
                                             reg_orig = 1:5,
                                             reg_dest = 1:5,
                                             time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                             triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    deaths <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 72, lambda = 10),
                           dim = c(3, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                           dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                           sex = c("m", "f"),
                                           reg = 5:1,
                                           time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                           triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    account <- Movements(population = popn,
                         births = births,
                         internal = internal,
                         exits = list(deaths = deaths))
    account <- makeConsistent(account)
    systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ age + sex, useExpose = FALSE)),
                         Model(births ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)),
                         Model(internal ~ Poisson(mean ~ reg_orig + reg_dest)),
                         Model(deaths ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)))
    systemWeights <- list(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
    census <- subarray(popn, time == "2000", drop = FALSE) + 2L
    register <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = popn),
                             dim = dim(popn),
                             dimnames = dimnames(popn)))
    reg.births <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = births, prob = 0.98),
                               dim = dim(births),
                               dimnames = dimnames(births)))
    address.change <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = internal),
                                   dim = dim(internal),
                                   dimnames = dimnames(internal)))
    reg.deaths <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = deaths, prob = 0.98),
                               dim = dim(deaths),
                               dimnames = dimnames(deaths))) + 1L
    datasets <- list(census, register, reg.births, address.change, reg.deaths)
    namesDatasets <- c("census", "register", "reg.births", "address.change", "reg.deaths")
    data.models <- list(Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.95), series = "population"),
                              Model(register ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "population"),
                              Model(reg.births ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "births"),
                              Model(address.change ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "internal"),
                              Model(reg.deaths ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "deaths"))
    seriesIndices <- c(0L, 0L, 1L, 2L, 3L)
    updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "births"), y = datasets[[3]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "internal"), y = datasets[[4]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "deaths"), y = datasets[[5]], subset = TRUE))
    transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
    x0 <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                 systemModels = systemModels,
                                 systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                 dataModels = data.models,
                                 seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                 updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                 usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                 datasets = datasets,
                                 namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                 transforms = transforms)
    expect_is(x0, "CombinedAccountMovementsHasAge")
    for (seed in seq_len(n.test)) {
        ans.R <- updateProposalAccountMovePopn(x0, useC = FALSE)
        ans.C <- updateProposalAccountMovePopn(x0, useC = TRUE)
        if (test.identity)
            expect_identical(ans.R, ans.C)
            expect_equal(ans.R, ans.C)

## tries to test for not updated as well as updated
if (test.extended) {
    test_that("R and C versions of updateProposalAccountMovePopn give same answer CombinedAccountMovements - no age", {
        updateProposalAccountMovePopn <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMovePopn
        initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
        makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
        popn <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 100),
                             dim = c(3, 2, 5, 3),
                             dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                             sex = c("f", "m"),
                                             reg = 1:5,
                                             time = c(2000, 2005, 2010))))
        n.updated = 0L
        n.not.updated = 0L
        n.try = n.test * 200L
        i.try <- 0L
        while (i.try < n.test || ((i.try < n.try) && ((n.updated == 0) || (n.not.updated == 0L)))) {
            i.try <- i.try + 1L
            seed <- i.try
            births <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 5),
                                   dim = c(1, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                                   dimnames = list(age = "5-9",
                                                   sex = c("m", "f"),
                                                   reg = 1:5,
                                                   time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                                   triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
            internal <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = 10),
                                     dim = c(3, 2, 5, 5, 2, 2),
                                     dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                                     sex = c("m", "f"),
                                                     reg_orig = 1:5,
                                                     reg_dest = 1:5,
                                                     time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                                     triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
            deaths <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 72, lambda = 10),
                                   dim = c(3, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                                   dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                                   sex = c("m", "f"),
                                                   reg = 5:1,
                                                   time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                                   triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
            account <- Movements(population = popn,
                                 births = births,
                                 internal = internal,
                                 exits = list(deaths = deaths))
            account <- makeConsistent(account)
            systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ age + sex, useExpose = FALSE)),
                                 Model(births ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)),
                                 Model(internal ~ Poisson(mean ~ reg_orig + reg_dest)),
                                 Model(deaths ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)))
            systemWeights <- list(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
            census <- subarray(popn, time == "2000", drop = FALSE) + 2L
            register <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = popn),
                                     dim = dim(popn),
                                     dimnames = dimnames(popn)))
            reg.births <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = births, prob = 0.98),
                                       dim = dim(births),
                                       dimnames = dimnames(births)))
            address.change <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = internal),
                                           dim = dim(internal),
                                           dimnames = dimnames(internal)))
            reg.deaths <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = deaths, prob = 0.98),
                                       dim = dim(deaths),
                                       dimnames = dimnames(deaths))) + 1L
            datasets <- list(census, register, reg.births, address.change, reg.deaths)
            namesDatasets <- c("census", "register", "reg.births", "address.change", "reg.deaths")
            data.models <- list(Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.95), series = "population"),
                                      Model(register ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "population"),
                                      Model(reg.births ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "births"),
                                      Model(address.change ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "internal"),
                                      Model(reg.deaths ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "deaths"))
            seriesIndices <- c(0L, 0L, 1L, 2L, 3L)
            transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                               makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE),
                               makeTransform(x = components(account, "births"), y = datasets[[3]], subset = TRUE),
                               makeTransform(x = components(account, "internal"), y = datasets[[4]], subset = TRUE),
                               makeTransform(x = components(account, "deaths"), y = datasets[[5]], subset = TRUE))
            transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
            x0 <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                         systemModels = systemModels,
                                         systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                         dataModels = data.models,
                                         seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                 updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                 usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                         datasets = datasets,
                                         namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                         transforms = transforms)
            expect_is(x0, "CombinedAccountMovementsHasAge")
            ans.R <- updateProposalAccountMovePopn(x0, useC = FALSE)
            if (ans.R@generatedNewProposal@.Data)
                n.updated <- n.updated + 1L
                n.not.updated <- n.not.updated + 1L
            ans.C <- updateProposalAccountMovePopn(x0, useC = TRUE)
            if (test.identity)
                expect_identical(ans.R, ans.C)
                expect_equal(ans.R, ans.C)
        if (n.updated == 0L)
            warning("not updated")
        if (n.not.updated == 0L)
            warning ("could not test not updated - try increasing n.test")

## updateProposalAccountMoveBirths

test_that("updateProposalAccountMoveBirths works with CombinedAccountMovements - no age", {
    updateProposalAccountMoveBirths <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMoveBirths
    initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    population <- CountsOne(values = seq(100, 200, 10),
                            labels = seq(2000, 2100, 10),
                            name = "time")
    births <- CountsOne(values = rpois(n = 10, lambda = 15),
                        labels = paste(seq(2001, 2091, 10), seq(2010, 2100, 10), sep = "-"),
                        name = "time")
    deaths <- CountsOne(values = rpois(n = 10, lambda = 5),
                        labels = paste(seq(2001, 2091, 10), seq(2010, 2100, 10), sep = "-"),
                        name = "time")
    account <- Movements(population = population,
                         births = births,
                         exits = list(deaths = deaths))
    account <- makeConsistent(account)
    systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ time, useExpose = FALSE)),
                         Model(births ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)),
                         Model(deaths ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)))
    systemWeights <- rep(list(NULL), 3)
    data.models <- list(Model(tax ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "deaths"),
                              Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.9), series = "population"))
    seriesIndices <- c(2L, 0L)
    updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    datasets <- list(Counts(array(7L,
                                  dim = 10,
                                  dimnames = list(time = paste(seq(2001, 2091, 10), seq(2010, 2100, 10), sep = "-")))),
                     Counts(array(seq.int(110L, 210L, 10L),
                                  dim = 11,
                                  dimnames = list(time = seq(2000, 2100, 10)))))
    namesDatasets <- c("tax", "census")
    transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = deaths, y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = population, y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE))
    transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
    x0 <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                 systemModels = systemModels,
                                 systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                 dataModels = data.models,
                                 seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                 updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                 usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                 datasets = datasets,
                                 namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                 transforms = transforms)
    updated <- FALSE
    x0@iComp <- 1L
    for (seed in seq_len(n.test)) {
        x1 <- updateProposalAccountMoveBirths(x0)
        if (x1@generatedNewProposal@.Data)
            updated <- TRUE
        expect_is(x1, "CombinedAccountMovements")
    if (!updated)
        warning("not updated")

test_that("R and C versions of updateProposalAccountMoveBirths give same answer with CombinedAccountMovements - no age", {
    updateProposalAccountMoveBirths <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMoveBirths
    initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    population <- CountsOne(values = seq(100, 200, 10),
                            labels = seq(2000, 2100, 10),
                            name = "time")
    births <- CountsOne(values = rpois(n = 10, lambda = 15),
                        labels = paste(seq(2001, 2091, 10), seq(2010, 2100, 10), sep = "-"),
                        name = "time")
    deaths <- CountsOne(values = rpois(n = 10, lambda = 5),
                        labels = paste(seq(2001, 2091, 10), seq(2010, 2100, 10), sep = "-"),
                        name = "time")
    account <- Movements(population = population,
                         births = births,
                         exits = list(deaths = deaths))
    account <- makeConsistent(account)
    systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ time, useExpose = FALSE)),
                         Model(births ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)),
                         Model(deaths ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)))
    systemWeights <- rep(list(NULL), 3)
    data.models <- list(Model(tax ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "deaths"),
                              Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.9), series = "population"))
    seriesIndices <- c(2L, 0L)
    updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    datasets <- list(Counts(array(7L,
                                  dim = 10,
                                  dimnames = list(time = paste(seq(2001, 2091, 10), seq(2010, 2100, 10), sep = "-")))),
                     Counts(array(seq.int(110L, 210L, 10L),
                                  dim = 11,
                                  dimnames = list(time = seq(2000, 2100, 10)))))
    namesDatasets <- c("tax", "census")
    transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = deaths, y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = population, y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE))
    transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
    x0 <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                 systemModels = systemModels,
                                 systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                 dataModels = data.models,
                                 seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                 updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                 usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                 datasets = datasets,
                                 namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                 transforms = transforms)
    updated <- FALSE
    x0@iComp <- 1L
    for (seed in seq_len(n.test)) {
        ans.R <- updateProposalAccountMoveBirths(x0, useC = FALSE)
        if (ans.R@generatedNewProposal@.Data)
            updated <- TRUE
        ans.C <- updateProposalAccountMoveBirths(x0, useC = TRUE)
        if (test.identity)
            expect_identical(ans.R, ans.C)
            expect_equal(ans.R, ans.C)
    if (!updated)
        warning("not updated")

## tries to test for not updated as well as updated
if (test.extended) {
    test_that("R and C versions of updateProposalAccountMoveBirths give same answer with CombinedAccountMovements - no age", {
        updateProposalAccountMoveBirths <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMoveBirths
        initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
        makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
        population <- CountsOne(values = seq(100, 200, 10),
                                labels = seq(2000, 2100, 10),
                                name = "time")
        n.updated = 0L
        n.not.updated = 0L
        n.try = n.test * 200L
        i.try <- 0L
        while (i.try < n.test || ((i.try < n.try) && ((n.updated == 0) || (n.not.updated == 0L)))) {
            i.try <- i.try + 1L
            seed <- i.try
            births <- CountsOne(values = rpois(n = 10, lambda = 15),
                        labels = paste(seq(2001, 2091, 10), seq(2010, 2100, 10), sep = "-"),
                        name = "time")
            deaths <- CountsOne(values = rpois(n = 10, lambda = 5),
                                labels = paste(seq(2001, 2091, 10), seq(2010, 2100, 10), sep = "-"),
                                name = "time")
            account <- Movements(population = population,
                                 births = births,
                                 exits = list(deaths = deaths))
            account <- makeConsistent(account)
            systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ time, useExpose = FALSE)),
                                 Model(births ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)),
                                 Model(deaths ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)))
            systemWeights <- rep(list(NULL), 3)
            data.models <- list(Model(tax ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "deaths"),
                                      Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.9), series = "population"))
            seriesIndices <- c(2L, 0L)
    updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
            datasets <- list(Counts(array(7L,
                                          dim = 10,
                                          dimnames = list(time = paste(seq(2001, 2091, 10), seq(2010, 2100, 10), sep = "-")))),
                             Counts(array(seq.int(110L, 210L, 10L),
                                          dim = 11,
                                          dimnames = list(time = seq(2000, 2100, 10)))))
            namesDatasets <- c("tax", "census")
            transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = deaths, y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                               makeTransform(x = population, y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE))
            transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
            x0 <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                         systemModels = systemModels,
                                         systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                         dataModels = data.models,
                                         seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                 updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                 usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                         datasets = datasets,
                                         namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                         transforms = transforms)
            updated <- FALSE
            x0@iComp <- 1L
            ans.R <- updateProposalAccountMoveBirths(x0, useC = FALSE)
            if (ans.R@generatedNewProposal@.Data)
                n.updated <- n.updated + 1L
                n.not.updated <- n.not.updated + 1L
            ans.C <- updateProposalAccountMoveBirths(x0, useC = TRUE)
            if (test.identity)
                expect_identical(ans.R, ans.C)
                expect_equal(ans.R, ans.C)
        if (n.updated == 0L)
            warning("not updated")
        if (n.not.updated == 0L)
            warning ("could not test not updated - try increasing n.test")

test_that("updateProposalAccountMoveBirths works with CombinedAccountMovementsHasAge", {
    updateProposalAccountMoveBirths <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMoveBirths
    initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    popn <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 100),
                         dim = c(3, 2, 5, 3),
                         dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                         sex = c("f", "m"),
                                         reg = 1:5,
                                         time = c(2000, 2005, 2010))))
    births <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 5),
                           dim = c(1, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                           dimnames = list(age = "5-9",
                                           sex = c("m", "f"),
                                           reg = 1:5,
                                           time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                           triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    internal <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = 10),
                             dim = c(3, 2, 5, 5, 2, 2),
                             dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                             sex = c("m", "f"),
                                             reg_orig = 1:5,
                                             reg_dest = 1:5,
                                             time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                             triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    deaths <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 72, lambda = 10),
                           dim = c(3, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                           dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                           sex = c("m", "f"),
                                           reg = 5:1,
                                           time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                           triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    account <- Movements(population = popn,
                         births = births,
                         internal = internal,
                         exits = list(deaths = deaths))
    account <- makeConsistent(account)
    systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ age + sex, useExpose = FALSE)),
                         Model(births ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)),
                         Model(internal ~ Poisson(mean ~ reg_orig + reg_dest)),
                         Model(deaths ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)))
    systemWeights <- list(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
    census <- subarray(popn, time == "2000", drop = FALSE) + 2L
    register <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = popn),
                             dim = dim(popn),
                             dimnames = dimnames(popn)))
    reg.births <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = births, prob = 0.98),
                               dim = dim(births),
                               dimnames = dimnames(births)))
    address.change <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = internal),
                                   dim = dim(internal),
                                   dimnames = dimnames(internal)))
    reg.deaths <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = deaths, prob = 0.98),
                               dim = dim(deaths),
                               dimnames = dimnames(deaths))) + 1L
    datasets <- list(census, register, reg.births, address.change, reg.deaths)
    namesDatasets <- c("census", "register", "reg.births", "address.change", "reg.deaths")
    data.models <- list(Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.95), series = "population"),
                              Model(register ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "population"),
                              Model(reg.births ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "births"),
                              Model(address.change ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "internal"),
                              Model(reg.deaths ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "deaths"))
    seriesIndices <- c(0L, 0L, 1L, 2L, 3L)
    updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "births"), y = datasets[[3]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "internal"), y = datasets[[4]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "deaths"), y = datasets[[5]], subset = TRUE))
    transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
    x0 <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                 systemModels = systemModels,
                                 systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                 dataModels = data.models,
                                 seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                 updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                 usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                 datasets = datasets,
                                 namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                 transforms = transforms)
    expect_is(x0, "CombinedAccountMovementsHasAge")
    x0@iComp <- 1L
    updated <- FALSE
    for (seed in seq_len(n.test)) {
        x1 <- updateProposalAccountMoveBirths(x0)
        if (x1@generatedNewProposal@.Data)
            updated <- TRUE
        expect_is(x1, "CombinedAccountMovementsHasAge")
    if (!updated)
        warning("not updated")

test_that("R and C versions of updateProposalAccountMoveBirths give same answer with CombinedAccountMovementsHasAge", {
    updateProposalAccountMoveBirths <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMoveBirths
    initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    popn <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 100),
                         dim = c(3, 2, 5, 3),
                         dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                         sex = c("f", "m"),
                                         reg = 1:5,
                                         time = c(2000, 2005, 2010))))
    births <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 5),
                           dim = c(1, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                           dimnames = list(age = "5-9",
                                           sex = c("m", "f"),
                                           reg = 1:5,
                                           time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                           triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    internal <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = 10),
                             dim = c(3, 2, 5, 5, 2, 2),
                             dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                             sex = c("m", "f"),
                                             reg_orig = 1:5,
                                             reg_dest = 1:5,
                                             time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                             triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    deaths <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 72, lambda = 10),
                           dim = c(3, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                           dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                           sex = c("m", "f"),
                                           reg = 5:1,
                                           time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                           triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    account <- Movements(population = popn,
                         births = births,
                         internal = internal,
                         exits = list(deaths = deaths))
    account <- makeConsistent(account)
    systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ age + sex, useExpose = FALSE)),
                         Model(births ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)),
                         Model(internal ~ Poisson(mean ~ reg_orig + reg_dest)),
                         Model(deaths ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)))
    systemWeights <- list(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
    census <- subarray(popn, time == "2000", drop = FALSE) + 2L
    register <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = popn),
                             dim = dim(popn),
                             dimnames = dimnames(popn)))
    reg.births <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = births, prob = 0.98),
                               dim = dim(births),
                               dimnames = dimnames(births)))
    address.change <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = internal),
                                   dim = dim(internal),
                                   dimnames = dimnames(internal)))
    reg.deaths <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = deaths, prob = 0.98),
                               dim = dim(deaths),
                               dimnames = dimnames(deaths))) + 1L
    datasets <- list(census, register, reg.births, address.change, reg.deaths)
    namesDatasets <- c("census", "register", "reg.births", "address.change", "reg.deaths")
    data.models <- list(Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.95), series = "population"),
                              Model(register ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "population"),
                              Model(reg.births ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "births"),
                              Model(address.change ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "internal"),
                              Model(reg.deaths ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "deaths"))
    seriesIndices <- c(0L, 0L, 1L, 2L, 3L)
    updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "births"), y = datasets[[3]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "internal"), y = datasets[[4]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "deaths"), y = datasets[[5]], subset = TRUE))
    transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
    x0 <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                 systemModels = systemModels,
                                 systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                 dataModels = data.models,
                                 seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                 updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                 usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                 datasets = datasets,
                                 namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                 transforms = transforms)
    expect_is(x0, "CombinedAccountMovementsHasAge")
    x0@iComp <- 1L
    updated <- FALSE
    for (seed in seq_len(n.test)) {
        ans.R <- updateProposalAccountMoveBirths(x0, useC = FALSE)
        if (ans.R@generatedNewProposal@.Data)
            updated <- TRUE
        ans.C <- updateProposalAccountMoveBirths(x0, useC = TRUE)
        if (test.identity)
            expect_identical(ans.R, ans.C)
            expect_equal(ans.R, ans.C)
    if (!updated)
        warning("not updated")

## tries to test for not updated as well as updated
if (test.extended) {
    test_that("R and C versions of updateProposalAccountMoveBirths give same answer with CombinedAccountMovementsHasAge", {
        updateProposalAccountMoveBirths <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMoveBirths
        initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
        makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
        popn <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 100),
                             dim = c(3, 2, 5, 3),
                             dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                             sex = c("f", "m"),
                                             reg = 1:5,
                                             time = c(2000, 2005, 2010))))
        n.updated = 0L
        n.not.updated = 0L
        n.try = n.test * 200L
        i.try <- 0L
        while (i.try < n.test || ((i.try < n.try) && ((n.updated == 0) || (n.not.updated == 0L)))) {
            i.try <- i.try + 1L
            seed <- i.try
            births <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 5),
                                   dim = c(1, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                                   dimnames = list(age = "5-9",
                                                   sex = c("m", "f"),
                                                   reg = 1:5,
                                                   time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                                   triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
            internal <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = 10),
                                     dim = c(3, 2, 5, 5, 2, 2),
                                     dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                                     sex = c("m", "f"),
                                                     reg_orig = 1:5,
                                                     reg_dest = 1:5,
                                                     time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                                     triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
            deaths <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 72, lambda = 10),
                                   dim = c(3, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                                   dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                                   sex = c("m", "f"),
                                                   reg = 5:1,
                                                   time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                                   triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
            account <- Movements(population = popn,
                                 births = births,
                                 internal = internal,
                                 exits = list(deaths = deaths))
            account <- makeConsistent(account)
            systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ age + sex, useExpose = FALSE)),
                                 Model(births ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)),
                                 Model(internal ~ Poisson(mean ~ reg_orig + reg_dest)),
                                 Model(deaths ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)))
            systemWeights <- list(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
            census <- subarray(popn, time == "2000", drop = FALSE) + 2L
            register <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = popn),
                                     dim = dim(popn),
                                     dimnames = dimnames(popn)))
            reg.births <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = births, prob = 0.98),
                                       dim = dim(births),
                                       dimnames = dimnames(births)))
            address.change <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = internal),
                                           dim = dim(internal),
                                           dimnames = dimnames(internal)))
            reg.deaths <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = deaths, prob = 0.98),
                                       dim = dim(deaths),
                                       dimnames = dimnames(deaths))) + 1L
            datasets <- list(census, register, reg.births, address.change, reg.deaths)
            namesDatasets <- c("census", "register", "reg.births", "address.change", "reg.deaths")
            data.models <- list(Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.95), series = "population"),
                                      Model(register ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "population"),
                                      Model(reg.births ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "births"),
                                      Model(address.change ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "internal"),
                                      Model(reg.deaths ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "deaths"))
            seriesIndices <- c(0L, 0L, 1L, 2L, 3L)
            transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                               makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE),
                               makeTransform(x = components(account, "births"), y = datasets[[3]], subset = TRUE),
                               makeTransform(x = components(account, "internal"), y = datasets[[4]], subset = TRUE),
                               makeTransform(x = components(account, "deaths"), y = datasets[[5]], subset = TRUE))
            transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
            x0 <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                         systemModels = systemModels,
                                         systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                         dataModels = data.models,
                                         seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                 updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                 usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                         datasets = datasets,
                                         namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                         transforms = transforms)
            expect_is(x0, "CombinedAccountMovementsHasAge")
            x0@iComp <- 1L
            ans.R <- updateProposalAccountMoveBirths(x0, useC = FALSE)
            if (ans.R@generatedNewProposal@.Data)
                n.updated <- n.updated + 1L
                n.not.updated <- n.not.updated + 1L
            ans.C <- updateProposalAccountMoveBirths(x0, useC = TRUE)
            if (test.identity)
                expect_identical(ans.R, ans.C)
                expect_equal(ans.R, ans.C)
        if (n.updated == 0L)
            warning("not updated")
        if (n.not.updated == 0L)
            warning ("could not test not updated - try increasing n.test")

test_that("updateProposalAccountMoveBirths works with CombinedAccountMovements - Parent-Child dimensions", {
    updateProposalAccountMoveBirths <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMoveBirths
    initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    population <- Counts(array(c(200L, 220L, 190L,
                                 220L, 180L, 190L),
                               dim = c(3, 2),
                               dimnames = list(eth = c("A", "B", "C"),
                                               time = c("2000", "2005"))))
    births <- Counts(array(c(40L, 30L, 10L,
                             15L, 40L, 10L,
                             20L, 10L, 50L),
                           dim = c(3, 3, 1),
                           dimnames = list(eth_parent = c("A", "B", "C"),
                                           eth_child = c("A", "B", "C"),
                                           time = "2001-2005")))
    deaths <- Counts(array(c(25L, 10L, 5L),
                           dim = c(3, 1),
                           dimnames = list(eth = c("A", "B", "C"),
                                           time = "2001-2005")))
    account <- Movements(population = population,
                         births = births,
                         exits = list(deaths = deaths))
    account <- makeConsistent(account)
    systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ time, useExpose = FALSE)),
                         Model(births ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)),
                         Model(deaths ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)))
    systemWeights <- rep(list(NULL), 3)
    data.models <- list(Model(reg.births ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.9), series = "births"),
                              Model(tax ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "deaths"),
                              Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.9), series = "population"))
    seriesIndices <- c(1L, 2L, 0L)
    updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    datasets <- list(births + 1L,
                     deaths - 5L,
                     population + 10L)
    namesDatasets <- c("reg.births", "tax", "census")
    transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = births, y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = deaths, y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = population, y = datasets[[3]], subset = TRUE))
    transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
    x0 <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                 systemModels = systemModels,
                                 systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                 dataModels = data.models,
                                 seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                 updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                 usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                 datasets = datasets,
                                 namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                 transforms = transforms)
    updated <- FALSE
    x0@iComp <- 1L
    for (seed in seq_len(n.test)) {
        x1 <- updateProposalAccountMoveBirths(x0)
        if (x1@generatedNewProposal@.Data)
            updated <- TRUE
        expect_is(x1, "CombinedAccountMovements")
    if (!updated)
        warning("not updated")

test_that("R and C versions of updateProposalAccountMoveBirths give same answer with CombinedAccountMovements - Parent-Child dimensions", {
    updateProposalAccountMoveBirths <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMoveBirths
    initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    population <- Counts(array(c(200L, 220L, 190L,
                                 220L, 180L, 190L),
                               dim = c(3, 2),
                               dimnames = list(eth = c("A", "B", "C"),
                                               time = c("2000", "2005"))))
    births <- Counts(array(c(40L, 30L, 10L,
                             15L, 40L, 10L,
                             20L, 10L, 50L),
                           dim = c(3, 3, 1),
                           dimnames = list(eth_parent = c("A", "B", "C"),
                                           eth_child = c("A", "B", "C"),
                                           time = "2001-2005")))
    deaths <- Counts(array(c(25L, 10L, 5L),
                           dim = c(3, 1),
                           dimnames = list(eth = c("A", "B", "C"),
                                           time = "2001-2005")))
    account <- Movements(population = population,
                         births = births,
                         exits = list(deaths = deaths))
    account <- makeConsistent(account)
    systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ time, useExpose = FALSE)),
                         Model(births ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)),
                         Model(deaths ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)))
    systemWeights <- rep(list(NULL), 3)
    data.models <- list(Model(reg.births ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.9), series = "births"),
                              Model(tax ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "deaths"),
                              Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.9), series = "population"))
    seriesIndices <- c(1L, 2L, 0L)
    updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    datasets <- list(births + 1L,
                     deaths - 5L,
                     population + 10L)
    namesDatasets <- c("reg.births", "tax", "census")
    transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = births, y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = deaths, y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = population, y = datasets[[3]], subset = TRUE))
    transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
    x0 <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                 systemModels = systemModels,
                                 systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                 dataModels = data.models,
                                 seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                 updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                 usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                 datasets = datasets,
                                 namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                 transforms = transforms)
    updated <- FALSE
    x0@iComp <- 1L
    for (seed in seq_len(n.test)) {
        ans.R <- updateProposalAccountMoveBirths(x0, useC = FALSE)
        if (ans.R@generatedNewProposal@.Data)
            updated <- TRUE
        ans.C <- updateProposalAccountMoveBirths(x0, useC = TRUE)
        if (test.identity)
            expect_identical(ans.R, ans.C)
            expect_equal(ans.R, ans.C)
    if (!updated)
        warning("not updated")

## tries to test for not updated as well as updated
if (test.extended) {
    test_that("R and C versions of updateProposalAccountMoveBirths give same answer with CombinedAccountMovements - Parent-Child dimensions", {
        updateProposalAccountMoveBirths <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMoveBirths
        initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
        makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
        population <- Counts(array(c(200L, 220L, 190L,
                                     220L, 180L, 190L),
                                   dim = c(3, 2),
                                   dimnames = list(eth = c("A", "B", "C"),
                                                   time = c("2000", "2005"))))
        n.updated = 0L
        n.not.updated = 0L
        n.try = n.test * 200L
        i.try <- 0L
        while (i.try < n.test || ((i.try < n.try) && ((n.updated == 0) || (n.not.updated == 0L)))) {
            i.try <- i.try + 1L
            seed <- i.try
            births <- Counts(array(c(40L, 30L, 10L,
                                     15L, 40L, 10L,
                                     20L, 10L, 50L),
                                   dim = c(3, 3, 1),
                                   dimnames = list(eth_parent = c("A", "B", "C"),
                                                   eth_child = c("A", "B", "C"),
                                                   time = "2001-2005")))
            deaths <- Counts(array(c(25L, 10L, 5L),
                                   dim = c(3, 1),
                                   dimnames = list(eth = c("A", "B", "C"),
                                                   time = "2001-2005")))
            account <- Movements(population = population,
                                 births = births,
                                 exits = list(deaths = deaths))
            account <- makeConsistent(account)
            systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ time, useExpose = FALSE)),
                                 Model(births ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)),
                                 Model(deaths ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)))
            systemWeights <- rep(list(NULL), 3)
            data.models <- list(Model(reg.births ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.9), series = "births"),
                                      Model(tax ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "deaths"),
                                      Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.9), series = "population"))
            seriesIndices <- c(1L, 2L, 0L)
            datasets <- list(births + 1L,
                             deaths - 5L,
                             population + 10L)
            namesDatasets <- c("reg.births", "tax", "census")
            transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = births, y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                               makeTransform(x = deaths, y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE),
                               makeTransform(x = population, y = datasets[[3]], subset = TRUE))
            transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
            x0 <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                         systemModels = systemModels,
                                         systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                         dataModels = data.models,
                                         seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                 updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                 usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                         datasets = datasets,
                                         namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                         transforms = transforms)
            x0@iComp <- 1L
            ans.R <- updateProposalAccountMoveBirths(x0, useC = FALSE)
            if (ans.R@generatedNewProposal@.Data)
                n.updated <- n.updated + 1L
                n.not.updated <- n.not.updated + 1L
            ans.C <- updateProposalAccountMoveBirths(x0, useC = TRUE)
            if (test.identity)
                expect_identical(ans.R, ans.C)
                expect_equal(ans.R, ans.C)
        if (n.updated == 0L)
            warning("not updated")
        if (n.not.updated == 0L)
            warning ("could not test not updated - try increasing n.test")

## updateProposalAccountMoveBirthsSmall

test_that("updateProposalAccountMoveBirthsSmall works with CombinedAccountMovementsHasAge", {
    updateProposalAccountMoveBirthsSmall <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMoveBirthsSmall
    initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    popn <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 100),
                         dim = c(3, 2, 5, 3),
                         dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                         sex = c("f", "m"),
                                         reg = 1:5,
                                         time = c(2000, 2005, 2010))))
    births <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 5),
                           dim = c(1, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                           dimnames = list(age = "5-9",
                                           sex = c("m", "f"),
                                           reg = 1:5,
                                           time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                           triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    internal <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = 10),
                             dim = c(3, 2, 5, 5, 2, 2),
                             dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                             sex = c("m", "f"),
                                             reg_orig = 1:5,
                                             reg_dest = 1:5,
                                             time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                             triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    deaths <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 72, lambda = 10),
                           dim = c(3, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                           dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                           sex = c("m", "f"),
                                           reg = 5:1,
                                           time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                           triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    account <- Movements(population = popn,
                         births = births,
                         internal = internal,
                         exits = list(deaths = deaths))
    account <- makeConsistent(account)
    systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ age + sex, useExpose = FALSE)),
                         Model(births ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)),
                         Model(internal ~ Poisson(mean ~ reg_orig + reg_dest)),
                         Model(deaths ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)))
    systemWeights <- list(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
    census <- subarray(popn, time == "2000", drop = FALSE) + 2L
    register <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = popn),
                             dim = dim(popn),
                             dimnames = dimnames(popn)))
    reg.births <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = births, prob = 0.98),
                               dim = dim(births),
                               dimnames = dimnames(births)))
    address.change <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = internal),
                                   dim = dim(internal),
                                   dimnames = dimnames(internal)))
    reg.deaths <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = deaths, prob = 0.98),
                               dim = dim(deaths),
                               dimnames = dimnames(deaths))) + 1L
    datasets <- list(census, register, reg.births, address.change, reg.deaths)
    namesDatasets <- c("census", "register", "reg.births", "address.change", "reg.deaths")
    data.models <- list(Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.95), series = "population"),
                              Model(register ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "population"),
                              Model(reg.births ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "births"),
                              Model(address.change ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "internal"),
                              Model(reg.deaths ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "deaths"))
    seriesIndices <- c(0L, 0L, 1L, 2L, 3L)
    updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "births"), y = datasets[[3]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "internal"), y = datasets[[4]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "deaths"), y = datasets[[5]], subset = TRUE))
    transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
    x0 <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                 systemModels = systemModels,
                                 systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                 dataModels = data.models,
                                 seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                 updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                 usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                 datasets = datasets,
                                 namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                 transforms = transforms)
    expect_is(x0, "CombinedAccountMovementsHasAge")
    x0@iComp <- 1L
    updated <- FALSE
    for (seed in seq_len(n.test)) {
        x1 <- updateProposalAccountMoveBirthsSmall(x0)
        if (x1@generatedNewProposal@.Data) {
            updated <- TRUE
            expect_false(x1@diffProp == 0L)
        expect_is(x1, "CombinedAccountMovementsHasAge")
    if (!updated)
        warning("not updated")

test_that("R and C versions of updateProposalAccountMoveBirthsSmall give same answer with CombinedAccountMovementsHasAge", {
    updateProposalAccountMoveBirthsSmall <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMoveBirthsSmall
    initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    popn <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 100),
                         dim = c(3, 2, 5, 3),
                         dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                         sex = c("f", "m"),
                                         reg = 1:5,
                                         time = c(2000, 2005, 2010))))
    births <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 5),
                           dim = c(1, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                           dimnames = list(age = "5-9",
                                           sex = c("m", "f"),
                                           reg = 1:5,
                                           time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                           triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    internal <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = 10),
                             dim = c(3, 2, 5, 5, 2, 2),
                             dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                             sex = c("m", "f"),
                                             reg_orig = 1:5,
                                             reg_dest = 1:5,
                                             time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                             triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    deaths <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 72, lambda = 10),
                           dim = c(3, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                           dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                           sex = c("m", "f"),
                                           reg = 5:1,
                                           time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                           triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    account <- Movements(population = popn,
                         births = births,
                         internal = internal,
                         exits = list(deaths = deaths))
    account <- makeConsistent(account)
    systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ age + sex, useExpose = FALSE)),
                         Model(births ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)),
                         Model(internal ~ Poisson(mean ~ reg_orig + reg_dest)),
                         Model(deaths ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)))
    systemWeights <- list(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
    census <- subarray(popn, time == "2000", drop = FALSE) + 2L
    register <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = popn),
                             dim = dim(popn),
                             dimnames = dimnames(popn)))
    reg.births <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = births, prob = 0.98),
                               dim = dim(births),
                               dimnames = dimnames(births)))
    address.change <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = internal),
                                   dim = dim(internal),
                                   dimnames = dimnames(internal)))
    reg.deaths <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = deaths, prob = 0.98),
                               dim = dim(deaths),
                               dimnames = dimnames(deaths))) + 1L
    datasets <- list(census, register, reg.births, address.change, reg.deaths)
    namesDatasets <- c("census", "register", "reg.births", "address.change", "reg.deaths")
    data.models <- list(Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.95), series = "population"),
                              Model(register ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "population"),
                              Model(reg.births ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "births"),
                              Model(address.change ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "internal"),
                              Model(reg.deaths ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "deaths"))
    seriesIndices <- c(0L, 0L, 1L, 2L, 3L)
    updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "births"), y = datasets[[3]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "internal"), y = datasets[[4]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "deaths"), y = datasets[[5]], subset = TRUE))
    transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
    x0 <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                 systemModels = systemModels,
                                 systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                 dataModels = data.models,
                                 seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                 updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                 usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                 datasets = datasets,
                                 namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                 transforms = transforms)
    expect_is(x0, "CombinedAccountMovementsHasAge")
    x0@iComp <- 1L
    updated <- FALSE
    for (seed in seq_len(n.test)) {
        ans.R <- updateProposalAccountMoveBirthsSmall(x0, useC = FALSE)
        if (ans.R@generatedNewProposal@.Data)
            updated <- TRUE
        ans.C <- updateProposalAccountMoveBirthsSmall(x0, useC = TRUE)
        if (test.identity)
            expect_identical(ans.R, ans.C)
            expect_equal(ans.R, ans.C)
    if (!updated)
        warning("not updated")

## updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDest

test_that("updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDest works with CombinedAccountMovements - no age", {
    updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDest <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDest
    initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    population <- Counts(array(seq(1000L, 1500L, 100L),
                               dim = c(3, 2),
                               dimnames = list(reg = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                               time = c(2000, 2005))))
    internal <- Counts(array(c(0L, 50L, 40L,
                               20L, 0L, 30L,
                               60L, 20L, 0L),
                             dim = c(3, 3, 1),
                             dimnames = list(reg_orig = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                             reg_dest = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                             time = "2001-2005")))
    account <- Movements(population = population,
                         internal = internal)
    account <- makeConsistent(account)
    systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ reg, useExpose = FALSE)),
                         Model(internal ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)))
    systemWeights <- list(NULL, NULL)
    data.models <- list(Model(tax ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "internal"),
                              Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.9), series = "population"))
    seriesIndices <- c(1L, 0L)
    updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    datasets <- list(internal + 10L,
                     population - 5L)
    namesDatasets <- c("tax", "census")
    transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = internal, y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = population, y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE))
    transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
    x0 <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                 systemModels = systemModels,
                                 systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                 dataModels = data.models,
                                 seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                 updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                 usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                 datasets = datasets,
                                 namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                 transforms = transforms)
    updated <- FALSE
    x0@iComp <- 1L
    for (seed in seq_len(n.test)) {
        x1 <- updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDest(x0)
        if (x1@generatedNewProposal@.Data)
            updated <- TRUE
        expect_is(x1, "CombinedAccountMovements")
    if (!updated)
        warning("not updated")

test_that("R and C versions of updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDest give same answer with CombinedAccountMovements - no age", {
    updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDest <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDest
    initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    population <- Counts(array(seq(1000L, 1500L, 100L),
                               dim = c(3, 2),
                               dimnames = list(reg = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                               time = c(2000, 2005))))
    internal <- Counts(array(c(0L, 50L, 40L,
                               20L, 0L, 30L,
                               60L, 20L, 0L),
                             dim = c(3, 3, 1),
                             dimnames = list(reg_orig = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                             reg_dest = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                             time = "2001-2005")))
    account <- Movements(population = population,
                         internal = internal)
    account <- makeConsistent(account)
    systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ reg, useExpose = FALSE)),
                         Model(internal ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)))
    systemWeights <- list(NULL, NULL)
    data.models <- list(Model(tax ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "internal"),
                              Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.9), series = "population"))
    seriesIndices <- c(1L, 0L)
    updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    datasets <- list(internal + 10L,
                     population - 5L)
    namesDatasets <- c("tax", "census")
    transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = internal, y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = population, y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE))
    transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
    x0 <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                 systemModels = systemModels,
                                 systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                 dataModels = data.models,
                                 seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                 updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                 usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                 datasets = datasets,
                                 namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                 transforms = transforms)
    x0@iComp <- 1L
    updated <- FALSE
    for (seed in seq_len(n.test)) {
        ans.R <- updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDest(x0, useC = FALSE)
        if (ans.R@generatedNewProposal@.Data)
            updated <- TRUE
        ans.C <- updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDest(x0, useC = TRUE)
        if (test.identity)
            expect_identical(ans.R, ans.C)
            expect_equal(ans.R, ans.C)
    if (!updated)
        warning("not updated")

## tries to test for not updated as well as updated
if (test.extended) {
    test_that("R and C versions of updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDest give same answer with CombinedAccountMovements - no age", {
        updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDest <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDest
        initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
        makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
        population <- Counts(array(seq(1000L, 1500L, 100L),
                                   dim = c(3, 2),
                                   dimnames = list(reg = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                                   time = c(2000, 2005))))
        n.updated = 0L
        n.not.updated = 0L
        n.try = n.test * 200L
        i.try <- 0L
        while (i.try < n.test || ((i.try < n.try) && ((n.updated == 0) || (n.not.updated == 0L)))) {
            i.try <- i.try + 1L
            seed <- i.try
            internal <- Counts(array(c(0L, 50L, 40L,
                               20L, 0L, 30L,
                               60L, 20L, 0L),
                             dim = c(3, 3, 1),
                             dimnames = list(reg_orig = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                             reg_dest = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                             time = "2001-2005")))
            account <- Movements(population = population,
                                 internal = internal)
            account <- makeConsistent(account)
            systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ reg, useExpose = FALSE)),
                                 Model(internal ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)))
            systemWeights <- list(NULL, NULL)
            data.models <- list(Model(tax ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "internal"),
                                      Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.9), series = "population"))
            seriesIndices <- c(1L, 0L)
            datasets <- list(internal + 10L,
                             population - 5L)
            namesDatasets <- c("tax", "census")
            transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = internal, y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                               makeTransform(x = population, y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE))
            transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
            x0 <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                         systemModels = systemModels,
                                         systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                         dataModels = data.models,
                                         seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                 updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                 usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                         datasets = datasets,
                                         namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                         transforms = transforms)
            x0@iComp <- 1L
            ans.R <- updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDest(x0, useC = FALSE)
            if (ans.R@generatedNewProposal@.Data)
                n.updated <- n.updated + 1L
                n.not.updated <- n.not.updated + 1L
            ans.C <- updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDest(x0, useC = TRUE)
            if (test.identity)
                expect_identical(ans.R, ans.C)
                expect_equal(ans.R, ans.C)
        if (n.updated == 0L)
            warning("not updated")
        if (n.not.updated == 0L)
            warning ("could not test not updated - try increasing n.test")

test_that("updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDest works with CombinedAccountMovementsHasAge", {
    updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDest <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDest
    initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    popn <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 100),
                         dim = c(3, 2, 5, 3),
                         dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                         sex = c("f", "m"),
                                         reg = 1:5,
                                         time = c(2000, 2005, 2010))))
    births <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 5),
                           dim = c(1, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                           dimnames = list(age = "5-9",
                                           sex = c("m", "f"),
                                           reg = 1:5,
                                           time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                           triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    internal <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = 10),
                             dim = c(3, 2, 5, 5, 2, 2),
                             dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                             sex = c("m", "f"),
                                             reg_orig = 1:5,
                                             reg_dest = 1:5,
                                             time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                             triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    deaths <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 72, lambda = 10),
                           dim = c(3, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                           dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                           sex = c("m", "f"),
                                           reg = 5:1,
                                           time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                           triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    account <- Movements(population = popn,
                         births = births,
                         internal = internal,
                         exits = list(deaths = deaths))
    account <- makeConsistent(account)
    systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ age + sex, useExpose = FALSE)),
                         Model(births ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)),
                         Model(internal ~ Poisson(mean ~ reg_orig + reg_dest)),
                         Model(deaths ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)))
    systemWeights <- list(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
    census <- subarray(popn, time == "2000", drop = FALSE) + 2L
    register <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = popn),
                             dim = dim(popn),
                             dimnames = dimnames(popn)))
    reg.births <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = births, prob = 0.98),
                               dim = dim(births),
                               dimnames = dimnames(births)))
    address.change <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = internal),
                                   dim = dim(internal),
                                   dimnames = dimnames(internal)))
    reg.deaths <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = deaths, prob = 0.98),
                               dim = dim(deaths),
                               dimnames = dimnames(deaths))) + 1L
    datasets <- list(census, register, reg.births, address.change, reg.deaths)
    namesDatasets <- c("census", "register", "reg.births", "address.change", "reg.deaths")
    data.models <- list(Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.95), series = "population"),
                              Model(register ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "population"),
                              Model(reg.births ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "births"),
                              Model(address.change ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "internal"),
                              Model(reg.deaths ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "deaths"))
    seriesIndices <- c(0L, 0L, 1L, 2L, 3L)
    updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "births"), y = datasets[[3]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "internal"), y = datasets[[4]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "deaths"), y = datasets[[5]], subset = TRUE))
    transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
    x0 <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                 systemModels = systemModels,
                                 systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                 dataModels = data.models,
                                 seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                 updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                 usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                 datasets = datasets,
                                 namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                 transforms = transforms)
    expect_is(x0, "CombinedAccountMovementsHasAge")
    x0@iComp <- 2L
    updated <- FALSE
    for (seed in seq_len(n.test)) {
        x1 <- updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDest(x0)
        if (x1@generatedNewProposal@.Data)
            updated <- TRUE
        expect_is(x1, "CombinedAccountMovementsHasAge")
    if (!updated)
        warning("not updated")

test_that("R and C versions of updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDest give same answer with CombinedAccountMovementsHasAge", {
    updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDest <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDest
    initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    popn <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 100),
                         dim = c(3, 2, 5, 3),
                         dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                         sex = c("f", "m"),
                                         reg = 1:5,
                                         time = c(2000, 2005, 2010))))
    births <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 5),
                           dim = c(1, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                           dimnames = list(age = "5-9",
                                           sex = c("m", "f"),
                                           reg = 1:5,
                                           time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                           triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    internal <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = 10),
                             dim = c(3, 2, 5, 5, 2, 2),
                             dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                             sex = c("m", "f"),
                                             reg_orig = 1:5,
                                             reg_dest = 1:5,
                                             time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                             triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    deaths <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 72, lambda = 10),
                           dim = c(3, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                           dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                           sex = c("m", "f"),
                                           reg = 5:1,
                                           time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                           triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    account <- Movements(population = popn,
                         births = births,
                         internal = internal,
                         exits = list(deaths = deaths))
    account <- makeConsistent(account)
    systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ age + sex, useExpose = FALSE)),
                         Model(births ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)),
                         Model(internal ~ Poisson(mean ~ reg_orig + reg_dest)),
                         Model(deaths ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)))
    systemWeights <- list(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
    census <- subarray(popn, time == "2000", drop = FALSE) + 2L
    register <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = popn),
                             dim = dim(popn),
                             dimnames = dimnames(popn)))
    reg.births <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = births, prob = 0.98),
                               dim = dim(births),
                               dimnames = dimnames(births)))
    address.change <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = internal),
                                   dim = dim(internal),
                                   dimnames = dimnames(internal)))
    reg.deaths <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = deaths, prob = 0.98),
                               dim = dim(deaths),
                               dimnames = dimnames(deaths))) + 1L
    datasets <- list(census, register, reg.births, address.change, reg.deaths)
    namesDatasets <- c("census", "register", "reg.births", "address.change", "reg.deaths")
    data.models <- list(Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.95), series = "population"),
                              Model(register ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "population"),
                              Model(reg.births ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "births"),
                              Model(address.change ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "internal"),
                              Model(reg.deaths ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "deaths"))
    seriesIndices <- c(0L, 0L, 1L, 2L, 3L)
    updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "births"), y = datasets[[3]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "internal"), y = datasets[[4]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "deaths"), y = datasets[[5]], subset = TRUE))
    transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
    x0 <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                 systemModels = systemModels,
                                 systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                 dataModels = data.models,
                                 seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                 updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                 usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                 datasets = datasets,
                                 namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                 transforms = transforms)
    expect_is(x0, "CombinedAccountMovementsHasAge")
    x0@iComp <- 2L
    updated <- FALSE
    for (seed in seq_len(n.test)) {
        ans.R <- updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDest(x0, useC = FALSE)
        if (ans.R@generatedNewProposal@.Data)
            updated <- TRUE
        ans.C <- updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDest(x0, useC = TRUE)
        if (test.identity)
            expect_identical(ans.R, ans.C)
            expect_equal(ans.R, ans.C)
    if (!updated)
        warning("not updated")

## tries to test for not updated as well as updated
if (test.extended) {
    test_that("R and C versions of updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDest give same answer with CombinedAccountMovementsHasAge", {
        updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDest <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDest
        initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
        makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
        popn <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 100),
                             dim = c(3, 2, 5, 3),
                             dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                             sex = c("f", "m"),
                                             reg = 1:5,
                                             time = c(2000, 2005, 2010))))
        n.updated = 0L
        n.not.updated = 0L
        n.try = n.test * 200L
        i.try <- 0L
        while (i.try < n.test || ((i.try < n.try) && ((n.updated == 0) || (n.not.updated == 0L)))) {
            i.try <- i.try + 1L
            seed <- i.try
            births <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 5),
                                   dim = c(1, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                                   dimnames = list(age = "5-9",
                                                   sex = c("m", "f"),
                                                   reg = 1:5,
                                                   time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                                   triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
            internal <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = 10),
                                     dim = c(3, 2, 5, 5, 2, 2),
                                     dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                                     sex = c("m", "f"),
                                                     reg_orig = 1:5,
                                                     reg_dest = 1:5,
                                                     time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                                     triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
            deaths <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 72, lambda = 10),
                                   dim = c(3, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                                   dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                                   sex = c("m", "f"),
                                                   reg = 5:1,
                                                   time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                                   triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
            account <- Movements(population = popn,
                                 births = births,
                                 internal = internal,
                                 exits = list(deaths = deaths))
            account <- makeConsistent(account)
            systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ age + sex, useExpose = FALSE)),
                                 Model(births ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)),
                                 Model(internal ~ Poisson(mean ~ reg_orig + reg_dest)),
                                 Model(deaths ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)))
            systemWeights <- list(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
            census <- subarray(popn, time == "2000", drop = FALSE) + 2L
            register <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = popn),
                                     dim = dim(popn),
                                     dimnames = dimnames(popn)))
            reg.births <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = births, prob = 0.98),
                                       dim = dim(births),
                                       dimnames = dimnames(births)))
            address.change <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = internal),
                                           dim = dim(internal),
                                           dimnames = dimnames(internal)))
            reg.deaths <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = deaths, prob = 0.98),
                                       dim = dim(deaths),
                                       dimnames = dimnames(deaths))) + 1L
            datasets <- list(census, register, reg.births, address.change, reg.deaths)
            namesDatasets <- c("census", "register", "reg.births", "address.change", "reg.deaths")
            data.models <- list(Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.95), series = "population"),
                                      Model(register ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "population"),
                                      Model(reg.births ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "births"),
                                      Model(address.change ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "internal"),
                                      Model(reg.deaths ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "deaths"))
            seriesIndices <- c(0L, 0L, 1L, 2L, 3L)
            transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                               makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE),
                               makeTransform(x = components(account, "births"), y = datasets[[3]], subset = TRUE),
                               makeTransform(x = components(account, "internal"), y = datasets[[4]], subset = TRUE),
                               makeTransform(x = components(account, "deaths"), y = datasets[[5]], subset = TRUE))
            transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
            x0 <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                         systemModels = systemModels,
                                         systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                         dataModels = data.models,
                                         seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                 updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                 usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                         datasets = datasets,
                                         namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                         transforms = transforms)
            expect_is(x0, "CombinedAccountMovementsHasAge")
            x0@iComp <- 2L
            ans.R <- updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDest(x0, useC = FALSE)
            if (ans.R@generatedNewProposal@.Data)
                n.updated <- n.updated + 1L
                n.not.updated <- n.not.updated + 1L
            ans.C <- updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDest(x0, useC = TRUE)
            if (test.identity)
                expect_identical(ans.R, ans.C)
                expect_equal(ans.R, ans.C)
        if (n.updated == 0L)
            warning("not updated")
        if (n.not.updated == 0L)
            warning ("could not test not updated - try increasing n.test")

## updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDestSmall

test_that("updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDestSmall works with CombinedAccountMovementsHasAge", {
    updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDestSmall <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDestSmall
    initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    popn <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 100),
                         dim = c(3, 2, 5, 3),
                         dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                         sex = c("f", "m"),
                                         reg = 1:5,
                                         time = c(2000, 2005, 2010))))
    births <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 5),
                           dim = c(1, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                           dimnames = list(age = "5-9",
                                           sex = c("m", "f"),
                                           reg = 1:5,
                                           time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                           triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    internal <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = 10),
                             dim = c(3, 2, 5, 5, 2, 2),
                             dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                             sex = c("m", "f"),
                                             reg_orig = 1:5,
                                             reg_dest = 1:5,
                                             time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                             triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    deaths <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 72, lambda = 10),
                           dim = c(3, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                           dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                           sex = c("m", "f"),
                                           reg = 5:1,
                                           time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                           triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    account <- Movements(population = popn,
                         births = births,
                         internal = internal,
                         exits = list(deaths = deaths))
    account <- makeConsistent(account)
    systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ age + sex, useExpose = FALSE)),
                         Model(births ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)),
                         Model(internal ~ Poisson(mean ~ reg_orig + reg_dest)),
                         Model(deaths ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)))
    systemWeights <- list(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
    census <- subarray(popn, time == "2000", drop = FALSE) + 2L
    register <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = popn),
                             dim = dim(popn),
                             dimnames = dimnames(popn)))
    reg.births <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = births, prob = 0.98),
                               dim = dim(births),
                               dimnames = dimnames(births)))
    address.change <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = internal),
                                   dim = dim(internal),
                                   dimnames = dimnames(internal)))
    reg.deaths <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = deaths, prob = 0.98),
                               dim = dim(deaths),
                               dimnames = dimnames(deaths))) + 1L
    datasets <- list(census, register, reg.births, address.change, reg.deaths)
    namesDatasets <- c("census", "register", "reg.births", "address.change", "reg.deaths")
    data.models <- list(Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.95), series = "population"),
                              Model(register ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "population"),
                              Model(reg.births ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "births"),
                              Model(address.change ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "internal"),
                              Model(reg.deaths ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "deaths"))
    seriesIndices <- c(0L, 0L, 1L, 2L, 3L)
    updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "births"), y = datasets[[3]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "internal"), y = datasets[[4]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "deaths"), y = datasets[[5]], subset = TRUE))
    transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
    x0 <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                 systemModels = systemModels,
                                 systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                 dataModels = data.models,
                                 seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                 updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                 usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                 datasets = datasets,
                                 namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                 transforms = transforms)
    expect_is(x0, "CombinedAccountMovementsHasAge")
    x0@iComp <- 2L
    updated <- FALSE
    for (seed in seq_len(n.test)) {
        x1 <- updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDestSmall(x0)
        if (x1@generatedNewProposal@.Data) {
            updated <- TRUE
            expect_false(x1@diffProp == 0L)
        expect_is(x1, "CombinedAccountMovementsHasAge")
    if (!updated)
        warning("not updated")

test_that("R and C versions of updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDestSmall give same answer with CombinedAccountMovementsHasAge", {
    updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDestSmall <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDestSmall
    initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    popn <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 100),
                         dim = c(3, 2, 5, 3),
                         dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                         sex = c("f", "m"),
                                         reg = 1:5,
                                         time = c(2000, 2005, 2010))))
    births <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 5),
                           dim = c(1, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                           dimnames = list(age = "5-9",
                                           sex = c("m", "f"),
                                           reg = 1:5,
                                           time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                           triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    internal <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = 10),
                             dim = c(3, 2, 5, 5, 2, 2),
                             dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                             sex = c("m", "f"),
                                             reg_orig = 1:5,
                                             reg_dest = 1:5,
                                             time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                             triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    deaths <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 72, lambda = 10),
                           dim = c(3, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                           dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                           sex = c("m", "f"),
                                           reg = 5:1,
                                           time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                           triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    account <- Movements(population = popn,
                         births = births,
                         internal = internal,
                         exits = list(deaths = deaths))
    account <- makeConsistent(account)
    systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ age + sex, useExpose = FALSE)),
                         Model(births ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)),
                         Model(internal ~ Poisson(mean ~ reg_orig + reg_dest)),
                         Model(deaths ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)))
    systemWeights <- list(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
    census <- subarray(popn, time == "2000", drop = FALSE) + 2L
    register <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = popn),
                             dim = dim(popn),
                             dimnames = dimnames(popn)))
    reg.births <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = births, prob = 0.98),
                               dim = dim(births),
                               dimnames = dimnames(births)))
    address.change <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = internal),
                                   dim = dim(internal),
                                   dimnames = dimnames(internal)))
    reg.deaths <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = deaths, prob = 0.98),
                               dim = dim(deaths),
                               dimnames = dimnames(deaths))) + 1L
    datasets <- list(census, register, reg.births, address.change, reg.deaths)
    namesDatasets <- c("census", "register", "reg.births", "address.change", "reg.deaths")
    data.models <- list(Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.95), series = "population"),
                              Model(register ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "population"),
                              Model(reg.births ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "births"),
                              Model(address.change ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "internal"),
                              Model(reg.deaths ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "deaths"))
    seriesIndices <- c(0L, 0L, 1L, 2L, 3L)
    updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "births"), y = datasets[[3]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "internal"), y = datasets[[4]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "deaths"), y = datasets[[5]], subset = TRUE))
    transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
    x0 <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                 systemModels = systemModels,
                                 systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                 dataModels = data.models,
                                 seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                 updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                 usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                 datasets = datasets,
                                 namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                 transforms = transforms)
    expect_is(x0, "CombinedAccountMovementsHasAge")
    x0@iComp <- 2L
    updated <- FALSE
    for (seed in seq_len(n.test)) {
        ans.R <- updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDestSmall(x0, useC = FALSE)
        if (ans.R@generatedNewProposal@.Data)
            updated <- TRUE
        ans.C <- updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDestSmall(x0, useC = TRUE)
        if (test.identity)
            expect_identical(ans.R, ans.C)
            expect_equal(ans.R, ans.C)
    if (!updated)
        warning("not updated")

## updateProposalAccountMovePool

test_that("updateProposalAccountMovePool works with CombinedAccountMovements - no age", {
    updateProposalAccountMovePool <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMovePool
    initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    population <- Counts(array(seq(1000L, 1500L, 100L),
                               dim = c(3, 2),
                               dimnames = list(reg = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                               time = c(2000, 2005))))
    internal <- Counts(array(c(0L, 50L, 40L,
                               20L, 0L, 30L,
                               60L, 20L, 0L),
                             dim = c(3, 3, 1),
                             dimnames = list(reg_orig = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                             reg_dest = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                             time = "2001-2005")))
    internal <- collapseOrigDest(internal, to = "pool")
    account <- Movements(population = population,
                         internal = internal)
    account <- makeConsistent(account)
    systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ reg, useExpose = FALSE)),
                         Model(internal ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)))
    systemWeights <- list(NULL, NULL)
    data.models <- list(Model(tax ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "internal"),
                              Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.9), series = "population"))
    seriesIndices <- c(1L, 0L)
    updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    datasets <- list(internal + 10L,
                     population - 5L)
    namesDatasets <- c("tax", "census")
    transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = internal, y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = population, y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE))
    transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
    x0 <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                 systemModels = systemModels,
                                 systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                 dataModels = data.models,
                                 seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                 updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                 usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                 datasets = datasets,
                                 namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                 transforms = transforms)
    updated <- FALSE
    x0@iComp <- 1L
    for (seed in seq_len(n.test)) {
        x1 <- updateProposalAccountMovePool(x0, useC = FALSE)
        if (x1@generatedNewProposal@.Data)
            updated <- TRUE
        expect_is(x1, "CombinedAccountMovements")
    if (!updated)
        warning("not updated")

test_that("R and C versions of updateProposalAccountMovePool give same answer with CombinedAccountMovements - no age", {
    updateProposalAccountMovePool <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMovePool
    initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    population <- Counts(array(seq(1000L, 1500L, 100L),
                               dim = c(3, 2),
                               dimnames = list(reg = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                               time = c(2000, 2005))))
    internal <- Counts(array(c(0L, 50L, 40L,
                               20L, 0L, 30L,
                               60L, 20L, 0L),
                             dim = c(3, 3, 1),
                             dimnames = list(reg_orig = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                             reg_dest = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                             time = "2001-2005")))
    internal <- collapseOrigDest(internal, to = "pool")
    account <- Movements(population = population,
                         internal = internal)
    account <- makeConsistent(account)
    systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ reg, useExpose = FALSE)),
                         Model(internal ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)))
    systemWeights <- list(NULL, NULL)
    data.models <- list(Model(tax ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "internal"),
                              Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.9), series = "population"))
    seriesIndices <- c(1L, 0L)
    updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    datasets <- list(internal + 10L,
                     population - 5L)
    namesDatasets <- c("tax", "census")
    transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = internal, y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = population, y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE))
    transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
    x0 <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                 systemModels = systemModels,
                                 systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                 dataModels = data.models,
                                 seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                 updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                 usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                 datasets = datasets,
                                 namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                 transforms = transforms)
    updated <- FALSE
    x0@iComp <- 1L
    for (seed in seq_len(n.test)) {
        ans.R <- updateProposalAccountMovePool(x0, useC = FALSE)
        if (ans.R@generatedNewProposal@.Data)
            updated <- TRUE
        ans.C <- updateProposalAccountMovePool(x0, useC = TRUE)
        if (test.identity)
            expect_identical(ans.R, ans.C)
            expect_equal(ans.R, ans.C)
    if (!updated)
        warning("not updated")

## tries to test for not updated as well as updated
if (test.extended) {
    test_that("R and C versions of updateProposalAccountMovePool give same answer with CombinedAccountMovements - no age", {
        updateProposalAccountMovePool <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMovePool
        initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
        makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
        n.updated = 0L
        n.not.updated = 0L
        n.try = n.test * 200L
        i.try <- 0L
        while (i.try < n.test || ((i.try < n.try) && ((n.updated == 0) || (n.not.updated == 0L)))) {
            i.try <- i.try + 1L
            seed <- i.try
            population <- Counts(array(seq(1000L, 1500L, 100L),
                                       dim = c(3, 2),
                                       dimnames = list(reg = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                                       time = c(2000, 2005))))
            internal <- Counts(array(c(0L, 50L, 40L,
                                       20L, 0L, 30L,
                                       60L, 20L, 0L),
                                     dim = c(3, 3, 1),
                                     dimnames = list(reg_orig = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                                     reg_dest = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                                     time = "2001-2005")))
            internal <- collapseOrigDest(internal, to = "pool")
            account <- Movements(population = population,
                                 internal = internal)
            account <- makeConsistent(account)
            systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ reg, useExpose = FALSE)),
                                 Model(internal ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)))
            systemWeights <- list(NULL, NULL)
            data.models <- list(Model(tax ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "internal"),
                                      Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.9), series = "population"))
            seriesIndices <- c(1L, 0L)
            datasets <- list(internal + 10L,
                             population - 5L)
            namesDatasets <- c("tax", "census")
            transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = internal, y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                               makeTransform(x = population, y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE))
            transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
            x0 <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                         systemModels = systemModels,
                                         systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                         dataModels = data.models,
                                         seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                 updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                 usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                         datasets = datasets,
                                         namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                         transforms = transforms)
            x0@iComp <- 1L
            ans.R <- updateProposalAccountMovePool(x0, useC = FALSE)
            if (ans.R@generatedNewProposal@.Data)
                n.updated <- n.updated + 1L
                n.not.updated <- n.not.updated + 1L
            ans.C <- updateProposalAccountMovePool(x0, useC = TRUE)
            if (test.identity)
                expect_identical(ans.R, ans.C)
                expect_equal(ans.R, ans.C)
        if (n.updated == 0L)
            warning("not updated")
        if (n.not.updated == 0L)
            warning ("could not test not updated - try increasing n.test")

test_that("updateProposalAccountMovePool works with CombinedAccountMovementsHasAge", {
    updateProposalAccountMovePool <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMovePool
    initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    popn <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 500),
                         dim = c(3, 2, 5, 3),
                         dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                         sex = c("f", "m"),
                                         reg = 1:5,
                                         time = c(2000, 2005, 2010))))
    births <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 5),
                           dim = c(1, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                           dimnames = list(age = "5-9",
                                           sex = c("m", "f"),
                                           reg = 1:5,
                                           time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                           triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    internal <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = 10),
                             dim = c(3, 2, 5, 5, 2, 2),
                             dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                             sex = c("m", "f"),
                                             reg_orig = 1:5,
                                             reg_dest = 1:5,
                                             time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                             triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    internal <- collapseOrigDest(internal, to = "pool")
    deaths <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 72, lambda = 10),
                           dim = c(3, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                           dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                           sex = c("m", "f"),
                                           reg = 5:1,
                                           time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                           triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    account <- Movements(population = popn,
                         births = births,
                         internal = internal,
                         exits = list(deaths = deaths))
    account <- makeConsistent(account)
    systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ age + sex, useExpose = FALSE)),
                         Model(births ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)),
                         Model(internal ~ Poisson(mean ~ reg)),
                         Model(deaths ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)))
    systemWeights <- list(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
    census <- subarray(popn, time == "2000", drop = FALSE) + 2L
    register <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = popn),
                             dim = dim(popn),
                             dimnames = dimnames(popn)))
    reg.births <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = births, prob = 0.98),
                               dim = dim(births),
                               dimnames = dimnames(births)))
    address.change <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 180, lambda = internal),
                                   dim = dim(internal),
                                   dimnames = dimnames(internal)))
    reg.deaths <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = deaths, prob = 0.98),
                               dim = dim(deaths),
                               dimnames = dimnames(deaths))) + 1L
    datasets <- list(census, register, reg.births, address.change, reg.deaths)
    namesDatasets <- c("census", "register", "reg.births", "address.change", "reg.deaths")
    data.models <- list(Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.95), series = "population"),
                              Model(register ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "population"),
                              Model(reg.births ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "births"),
                              Model(address.change ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "internal"),
                              Model(reg.deaths ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "deaths"))
    seriesIndices <- c(0L, 0L, 1L, 2L, 3L)
    updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "births"), y = datasets[[3]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "internal"), y = datasets[[4]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "deaths"), y = datasets[[5]], subset = TRUE))
    transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
    x0 <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                 systemModels = systemModels,
                                 systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                 dataModels = data.models,
                                 seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                 updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                 usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                 datasets = datasets,
                                 namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                 transforms = transforms)
    expect_is(x0, "CombinedAccountMovementsHasAge")
    x0@iComp <- 2L
    updated <- FALSE
    for (seed in seq_len(n.test)) {
        x1 <- updateProposalAccountMovePool(x0)
        if (x1@generatedNewProposal@.Data)
            updated <- TRUE
        expect_is(x1, "CombinedAccountMovementsHasAge")
    if (!updated)
        warning("not updated")

test_that("R and C versions of updateProposalAccountMovePool give same answer with CombinedAccountMovementsHasAge", {
    updateProposalAccountMovePool <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMovePool
    initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    popn <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 500),
                         dim = c(3, 2, 5, 3),
                         dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                         sex = c("f", "m"),
                                         reg = 1:5,
                                         time = c(2000, 2005, 2010))))
    births <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 5),
                           dim = c(1, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                           dimnames = list(age = "5-9",
                                           sex = c("m", "f"),
                                           reg = 1:5,
                                           time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                           triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    internal <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = 10),
                             dim = c(3, 2, 5, 5, 2, 2),
                             dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                             sex = c("m", "f"),
                                             reg_orig = 1:5,
                                             reg_dest = 1:5,
                                             time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                             triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    internal <- collapseOrigDest(internal, to = "pool")
    deaths <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 72, lambda = 10),
                           dim = c(3, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                           dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                           sex = c("m", "f"),
                                           reg = 5:1,
                                           time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                           triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    account <- Movements(population = popn,
                         births = births,
                         internal = internal,
                         exits = list(deaths = deaths))
    account <- makeConsistent(account)
    systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ age + sex, useExpose = FALSE)),
                         Model(births ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)),
                         Model(internal ~ Poisson(mean ~ reg)),
                         Model(deaths ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)))
    systemWeights <- list(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
    census <- subarray(popn, time == "2000", drop = FALSE) + 2L
    register <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = popn),
                             dim = dim(popn),
                             dimnames = dimnames(popn)))
    reg.births <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = births, prob = 0.98),
                               dim = dim(births),
                               dimnames = dimnames(births)))
    address.change <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 180, lambda = internal),
                                   dim = dim(internal),
                                   dimnames = dimnames(internal)))
    reg.deaths <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = deaths, prob = 0.98),
                               dim = dim(deaths),
                               dimnames = dimnames(deaths))) + 1L
    datasets <- list(census, register, reg.births, address.change, reg.deaths)
    namesDatasets <- c("census", "register", "reg.births", "address.change", "reg.deaths")
    data.models <- list(Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.95), series = "population"),
                              Model(register ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "population"),
                              Model(reg.births ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "births"),
                              Model(address.change ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "internal"),
                              Model(reg.deaths ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "deaths"))
    seriesIndices <- c(0L, 0L, 1L, 2L, 3L)
    updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "births"), y = datasets[[3]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "internal"), y = datasets[[4]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "deaths"), y = datasets[[5]], subset = TRUE))
    transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
    x0 <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                 systemModels = systemModels,
                                 systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                 dataModels = data.models,
                                 seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                 updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                 usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                 datasets = datasets,
                                 namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                 transforms = transforms)
    expect_is(x0, "CombinedAccountMovementsHasAge")
    x0@iComp <- 2L
    updated <- FALSE
    for (seed in seq_len(n.test)) {
        ans.R <- updateProposalAccountMovePool(x0, useC = FALSE)
        if (ans.R@generatedNewProposal@.Data)
            updated <- TRUE
        ans.C <- updateProposalAccountMovePool(x0, useC = TRUE)
        if (test.identity)
            expect_identical(ans.R, ans.C)
            expect_equal(ans.R, ans.C)
    if (!updated)
        warning("not updated")

## tries to test for not updated as well as updated
if(test.extended) {
    test_that("R and C versions of updateProposalAccountMovePool give same answer with CombinedAccountMovementsHasAge", {
        updateProposalAccountMovePool <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMovePool
        initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
        makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
        n.updated = 0L
        n.not.updated = 0L
        n.try = n.test * 200L
        i.try <- 0L
        while (i.try < n.test || ((i.try < n.try) && ((n.updated == 0) || (n.not.updated == 0L)))) {
            i.try <- i.try + 1L
            seed <- i.try
            popn <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 500),
                                 dim = c(3, 2, 5, 3),
                                 dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                                 sex = c("f", "m"),
                                                 reg = 1:5,
                                                 time = c(2000, 2005, 2010))))
            births <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 5),
                                   dim = c(1, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                                   dimnames = list(age = "5-9",
                                                   sex = c("m", "f"),
                                                   reg = 1:5,
                                                   time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                                   triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
            internal <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = 10),
                                     dim = c(3, 2, 5, 5, 2, 2),
                                     dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                                     sex = c("m", "f"),
                                                     reg_orig = 1:5,
                                                     reg_dest = 1:5,
                                                     time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                                     triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
            internal <- collapseOrigDest(internal, to = "pool")
            deaths <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 72, lambda = 10),
                                   dim = c(3, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                                   dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                                   sex = c("m", "f"),
                                                   reg = 5:1,
                                                   time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                                   triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
            account <- Movements(population = popn,
                                 births = births,
                                 internal = internal,
                                 exits = list(deaths = deaths))
            account <- makeConsistent(account)
            systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ age + sex, useExpose = FALSE)),
                                 Model(births ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)),
                                 Model(internal ~ Poisson(mean ~ reg)),
                                 Model(deaths ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)))
            systemWeights <- list(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
            census <- subarray(popn, time == "2000", drop = FALSE) + 2L
            register <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = popn),
                                     dim = dim(popn),
                                     dimnames = dimnames(popn)))
            reg.births <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = births, prob = 0.98),
                                       dim = dim(births),
                                       dimnames = dimnames(births)))
            address.change <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 180, lambda = internal),
                                           dim = dim(internal),
                                           dimnames = dimnames(internal)))
            reg.deaths <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = deaths, prob = 0.98),
                                       dim = dim(deaths),
                                       dimnames = dimnames(deaths))) + 1L
            datasets <- list(census, register, reg.births, address.change, reg.deaths)
            namesDatasets <- c("census", "register", "reg.births", "address.change", "reg.deaths")
            data.models <- list(Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.95), series = "population"),
                                      Model(register ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "population"),
                                      Model(reg.births ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "births"),
                                      Model(address.change ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "internal"),
                                      Model(reg.deaths ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "deaths"))
            seriesIndices <- c(0L, 0L, 1L, 2L, 3L)
            transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                               makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE),
                               makeTransform(x = components(account, "births"), y = datasets[[3]], subset = TRUE),
                               makeTransform(x = components(account, "internal"), y = datasets[[4]], subset = TRUE),
                               makeTransform(x = components(account, "deaths"), y = datasets[[5]], subset = TRUE))
            transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
            x0 <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                         systemModels = systemModels,
                                         systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                         dataModels = data.models,
                                         seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                 updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                 usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                         datasets = datasets,
                                         namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                         transforms = transforms)
            expect_is(x0, "CombinedAccountMovementsHasAge")
            x0@iComp <- 2L
            ans.R <- updateProposalAccountMovePool(x0, useC = FALSE)
            if (ans.R@generatedNewProposal@.Data)
                n.updated <- n.updated + 1L
                n.not.updated <- n.not.updated + 1L
            ans.C <- updateProposalAccountMovePool(x0, useC = TRUE)
            if (test.identity)
                expect_identical(ans.R, ans.C)
                expect_equal(ans.R, ans.C)
        if (n.updated == 0L)
            warning("not updated")
        if (n.not.updated == 0L)
            warning ("could not test not updated - try increasing n.test")

## updateProposalAccountMoveNet

test_that("updateProposalAccountMoveNet works with CombinedAccountMovements - no age", {
    updateProposalAccountMoveNet <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMoveNet
    initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    population <- Counts(array(seq(1000L, 1500L, 100L),
                               dim = c(3, 2),
                               dimnames = list(reg = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                               time = c(2000, 2005))))
    internal <- Counts(array(c(0L, 50L, 40L,
                               20L, 0L, 30L,
                               60L, 20L, 0L),
                             dim = c(3, 3, 1),
                             dimnames = list(reg_orig = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                             reg_dest = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                             time = "2001-2005")))
    internal <- collapseOrigDest(internal, to = "net")
    account <- Movements(population = population,
                         internal = internal)
    account <- makeConsistent(account)
    systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ reg, useExpose = FALSE)),
                         Model(internal ~ Normal(mean ~ 1)))
    systemWeights <- list(NULL, Counts(array(1,
                                             dim = c(3, 1),
                                             dimnames = list(reg = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                                             time = "2001-2005"))))
    mean <- ValuesOne(1, labels = "2001-2005", name = "time")
    data.models <- list(Model(tax ~ NormalFixed(mean = mean, sd = 0.1), series = "internal"),
                              Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.9), series = "population"))
    seriesIndices <- c(1L, 0L)
    updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    datasets <- list(internal + 10L,
                     population - 5L)
    namesDatasets <- c("tax", "census")
    transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = internal, y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = population, y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE))
    transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
    x0 <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                 systemModels = systemModels,
                                 systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                 dataModels = data.models,
                                 seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                 updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                 usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                 datasets = datasets,
                                 namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                 transforms = transforms)
    updated <- FALSE
    x0@iComp <- 1L
    for (seed in seq_len(n.test)) {
        x1 <- updateProposalAccountMoveNet(x0, useC = FALSE)
        if (x1@generatedNewProposal@.Data)
            updated <- TRUE
        expect_is(x1, "CombinedAccountMovements")
    if (!updated)
        warning("not updated")

test_that("R and C versions of updateProposalAccountMoveNet give same answer with CombinedAccountMovements - no age", {
    updateProposalAccountMoveNet <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMoveNet
    initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    population <- Counts(array(seq(1000L, 1500L, 100L),
                               dim = c(3, 2),
                               dimnames = list(reg = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                               time = c(2000, 2005))))
    internal <- Counts(array(c(0L, 50L, 40L,
                               20L, 0L, 30L,
                               60L, 20L, 0L),
                             dim = c(3, 3, 1),
                             dimnames = list(reg_orig = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                             reg_dest = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                             time = "2001-2005")))
    internal <- collapseOrigDest(internal, to = "net")
    account <- Movements(population = population,
                         internal = internal)
    account <- makeConsistent(account)
    systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ reg, useExpose = FALSE)),
                         Model(internal ~ Normal(mean ~ 1)))
    systemWeights <- list(NULL, Counts(array(1,
                                             dim = c(3, 1),
                                             dimnames = list(reg = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                                             time = "2001-2005"))))
    mean <- ValuesOne(1, labels = "2001-2005", name = "time")
    data.models <- list(Model(tax ~ NormalFixed(mean = mean, sd = 0.1), series = "internal"),
                              Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.9), series = "population"))
    seriesIndices <- c(1L, 0L)
    updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    datasets <- list(internal + 10L,
                     population - 5L)
    namesDatasets <- c("tax", "census")
    transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = internal, y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = population, y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE))
    transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
    x0 <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                 systemModels = systemModels,
                                 systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                 dataModels = data.models,
                                 seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                 updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                 usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                 datasets = datasets,
                                 namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                 transforms = transforms)
    updated <- FALSE
    x0@iComp <- 1L
    for (seed in seq_len(n.test)) {
        ans.R <- updateProposalAccountMoveNet(x0, useC = FALSE)
        if (ans.R@generatedNewProposal@.Data)
            updated <- TRUE
        ans.C <- updateProposalAccountMoveNet(x0, useC = TRUE)
        if (test.identity)
            expect_identical(ans.R, ans.C)
            expect_equal(ans.R, ans.C)
    if (!updated)
        warning("not updated")

## tries to test for not updated as well as updated
if (test.extended) {
    test_that("R and C versions of updateProposalAccountMoveNet give same answer with CombinedAccountMovements - no age", {
        updateProposalAccountMoveNet <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMoveNet
        initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
        makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
        n.updated = 0L
        n.not.updated = 0L
        n.try = n.test * 200L
        i.try <- 0L
        while (i.try < n.test || ((i.try < n.try) && ((n.updated == 0) || (n.not.updated == 0L)))) {
            i.try <- i.try + 1L
            seed <- i.try
            population <- Counts(array(seq(1000L, 1500L, 100L),
                                       dim = c(3, 2),
                                       dimnames = list(reg = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                                       time = c(2000, 2005))))
            internal <- Counts(array(c(0L, 50L, 40L,
                                       20L, 0L, 30L,
                                       60L, 20L, 0L),
                                     dim = c(3, 3, 1),
                                     dimnames = list(reg_orig = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                                     reg_dest = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                                     time = "2001-2005")))
            internal <- collapseOrigDest(internal, to = "net")
            account <- Movements(population = population,
                                 internal = internal)
            account <- makeConsistent(account)
            systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ reg, useExpose = FALSE)),
                                 Model(internal ~ Normal(mean ~ 1)))
            systemWeights <- list(NULL, Counts(array(1,
                                                     dim = c(3, 1),
                                                     dimnames = list(reg = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                                                     time = "2001-2005"))))
            mean <- ValuesOne(1, labels = "2001-2005", name = "time")
            data.models <- list(Model(tax ~ NormalFixed(mean = mean, sd = 0.1), series = "internal"),
                                      Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.9), series = "population"))
            seriesIndices <- c(1L, 0L)
            datasets <- list(internal + 10L,
                             population - 5L)
            namesDatasets <- c("tax", "census")
            transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = internal, y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                               makeTransform(x = population, y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE))
            transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
            x0 <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                         systemModels = systemModels,
                                         systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                         dataModels = data.models,
                                         seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                 updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                 usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                         datasets = datasets,
                                         namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                         transforms = transforms)
            x0@iComp <- 1L
            ans.R <- updateProposalAccountMoveNet(x0, useC = FALSE)
            if (ans.R@generatedNewProposal@.Data)
                n.updated <- n.updated + 1L
                n.not.updated <- n.not.updated + 1L
            ans.C <- updateProposalAccountMoveNet(x0, useC = TRUE)
            if (test.identity)
                expect_identical(ans.R, ans.C)
                expect_equal(ans.R, ans.C)
        if (n.updated == 0L)
            warning("not updated")
        if (n.not.updated == 0L)
            warning ("could not test not updated - try increasing n.test")

test_that("updateProposalAccountMoveNet works with CombinedAccountMovementsHasAge", {
    updateProposalAccountMoveNet <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMoveNet
    initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    popn <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 500),
                         dim = c(3, 2, 5, 3),
                         dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                         sex = c("f", "m"),
                                         reg = 1:5,
                                         time = c(2000, 2005, 2010))))
    births <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 5),
                           dim = c(1, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                           dimnames = list(age = "5-9",
                                           sex = c("m", "f"),
                                           reg = 1:5,
                                           time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                           triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    internal <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = 2),
                             dim = c(3, 2, 5, 5, 2, 2),
                             dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                             sex = c("m", "f"),
                                             reg_orig = 1:5,
                                             reg_dest = 1:5,
                                             time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                             triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    internal <- collapseOrigDest(internal, to = "net")
    deaths <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 72, lambda = 10),
                           dim = c(3, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                           dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                           sex = c("m", "f"),
                                           reg = 5:1,
                                           time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                           triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    account <- Movements(population = popn,
                         births = births,
                         internal = internal,
                         exits = list(deaths = deaths))
    account <- makeConsistent(account)
    systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ age + sex, useExpose = FALSE)),
                         Model(births ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)),
                         Model(internal ~ Normal(mean ~ reg)),
                         Model(deaths ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)))
    w  <- Counts(array(1,
                       dim = c(3, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                       dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                       sex = c("m", "f"),
                                       reg = 5:1,
                                       time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                       triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    systemWeights <- list(NULL, NULL, w, NULL)
    census <- subarray(popn, time == "2000", drop = FALSE) + 2L
    register <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = popn),
                             dim = dim(popn),
                             dimnames = dimnames(popn)))
    reg.births <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = births, prob = 0.98),
                               dim = dim(births),
                               dimnames = dimnames(births)))
    address.change <- internal + 1L
    reg.deaths <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = deaths, prob = 0.98),
                               dim = dim(deaths),
                               dimnames = dimnames(deaths))) + 1L
    datasets <- list(census, register, reg.births, address.change, reg.deaths)
    namesDatasets <- c("census", "register", "reg.births", "address.change", "reg.deaths")
    mean <- Values(array(1,
                         dim = c(3, 2),
                         dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                         time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"))))
    data.models <- list(Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.95), series = "population"),
                              Model(register ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "population"),
                              Model(reg.births ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "births"),
                              Model(address.change ~ NormalFixed(mean = mean, sd = 0.1), series = "internal"),
                              Model(reg.deaths ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "deaths"))
    seriesIndices <- c(0L, 0L, 1L, 2L, 3L)
    updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "births"), y = datasets[[3]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "internal"), y = datasets[[4]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "deaths"), y = datasets[[5]], subset = TRUE))
    transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
    x0 <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                 systemModels = systemModels,
                                 systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                 dataModels = data.models,
                                 seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                 updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                 usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                 datasets = datasets,
                                 namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                 transforms = transforms)
    expect_is(x0, "CombinedAccountMovementsHasAge")
    x0@iComp <- 2L
    updated <- FALSE
    for (seed in seq_len(n.test)) {
        x1 <- updateProposalAccountMoveNet(x0)
        if (x1@generatedNewProposal@.Data)
            updated <- TRUE
        expect_is(x1, "CombinedAccountMovementsHasAge")
    if (!updated)
        warning("not updated")

test_that("R and C versions of updateProposalAccountMoveNet give same answer with CombinedAccountMovementsHasAge", {
    updateProposalAccountMoveNet <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMoveNet
    initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    popn <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 500),
                         dim = c(3, 2, 5, 3),
                         dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                         sex = c("f", "m"),
                                         reg = 1:5,
                                         time = c(2000, 2005, 2010))))
    births <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 5),
                           dim = c(1, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                           dimnames = list(age = "5-9",
                                           sex = c("m", "f"),
                                           reg = 1:5,
                                           time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                           triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    internal <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = 2),
                             dim = c(3, 2, 5, 5, 2, 2),
                             dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                             sex = c("m", "f"),
                                             reg_orig = 1:5,
                                             reg_dest = 1:5,
                                             time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                             triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    internal <- collapseOrigDest(internal, to = "net")
    deaths <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 72, lambda = 10),
                           dim = c(3, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                           dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                           sex = c("m", "f"),
                                           reg = 5:1,
                                           time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                           triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    account <- Movements(population = popn,
                         births = births,
                         internal = internal,
                         exits = list(deaths = deaths))
    account <- makeConsistent(account)
    systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ age + sex, useExpose = FALSE)),
                         Model(births ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)),
                         Model(internal ~ Normal(mean ~ reg)),
                         Model(deaths ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)))
    w  <- Counts(array(1,
                       dim = c(3, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                       dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                       sex = c("m", "f"),
                                       reg = 5:1,
                                       time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                       triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    systemWeights <- list(NULL, NULL, w, NULL)
    census <- subarray(popn, time == "2000", drop = FALSE) + 2L
    register <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = popn),
                             dim = dim(popn),
                             dimnames = dimnames(popn)))
    reg.births <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = births, prob = 0.98),
                               dim = dim(births),
                               dimnames = dimnames(births)))
    address.change <- internal + 1L
    reg.deaths <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = deaths, prob = 0.98),
                               dim = dim(deaths),
                               dimnames = dimnames(deaths))) + 1L
    datasets <- list(census, register, reg.births, address.change, reg.deaths)
    namesDatasets <- c("census", "register", "reg.births", "address.change", "reg.deaths")
    mean <- Values(array(1,
                         dim = c(3, 2),
                         dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                         time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"))))
    data.models <- list(Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.95), series = "population"),
                              Model(register ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "population"),
                              Model(reg.births ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "births"),
                              Model(address.change ~ NormalFixed(mean = mean, sd = 0.1), series = "internal"),
                              Model(reg.deaths ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "deaths"))
    seriesIndices <- c(0L, 0L, 1L, 2L, 3L)
    updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "births"), y = datasets[[3]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "internal"), y = datasets[[4]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "deaths"), y = datasets[[5]], subset = TRUE))
    transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
    x0 <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                 systemModels = systemModels,
                                 systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                 dataModels = data.models,
                                 seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                 updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                 usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                 datasets = datasets,
                                 namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                 transforms = transforms)
    expect_is(x0, "CombinedAccountMovementsHasAge")
    x0@iComp <- 2L
    updated <- FALSE
    for (seed in seq_len(n.test)) {
        ans.R <- updateProposalAccountMoveNet(x0, useC = FALSE)
        if (ans.R@generatedNewProposal@.Data)
            updated <- TRUE
        ans.C <- updateProposalAccountMoveNet(x0, useC = TRUE)
        if (test.identity)
            expect_identical(ans.R, ans.C)
            expect_equal(ans.R, ans.C)
    if (!updated)
        warning("not updated")

## tries to test for not updated as well as updated
if (test.extended) {
    test_that("R and C versions of updateProposalAccountMoveNet give same answer with CombinedAccountMovementsHasAge", {
        updateProposalAccountMoveNet <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMoveNet
        initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
        makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
        n.updated = 0L
        n.not.updated = 0L
        n.try = n.test * 200L
        i.try <- 0L
        while (i.try < n.test || ((i.try < n.try) && ((n.updated == 0) || (n.not.updated == 0L)))) {
            i.try <- i.try + 1L
            seed <- i.try
            popn <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 500),
                                 dim = c(3, 2, 5, 3),
                                 dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                                 sex = c("f", "m"),
                                                 reg = 1:5,
                                                 time = c(2000, 2005, 2010))))
            births <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 5),
                                   dim = c(1, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                                   dimnames = list(age = "5-9",
                                                   sex = c("m", "f"),
                                                   reg = 1:5,
                                                   time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                                   triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
            internal <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = 2),
                                     dim = c(3, 2, 5, 5, 2, 2),
                                     dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                                     sex = c("m", "f"),
                                                     reg_orig = 1:5,
                                                     reg_dest = 1:5,
                                                     time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                                     triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
            internal <- collapseOrigDest(internal, to = "net")
            deaths <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 72, lambda = 10),
                                   dim = c(3, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                                   dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                                   sex = c("m", "f"),
                                                   reg = 5:1,
                                                   time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                                   triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
            account <- Movements(population = popn,
                                 births = births,
                                 internal = internal,
                                 exits = list(deaths = deaths))
            account <- makeConsistent(account)
            systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ age + sex, useExpose = FALSE)),
                                 Model(births ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)),
                                 Model(internal ~ Normal(mean ~ reg)),
                                 Model(deaths ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)))
            w  <- Counts(array(1,
                               dim = c(3, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                               dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                               sex = c("m", "f"),
                                               reg = 5:1,
                                               time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                               triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
            systemWeights <- list(NULL, NULL, w, NULL)
            census <- subarray(popn, time == "2000", drop = FALSE) + 2L
            register <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = popn),
                                     dim = dim(popn),
                                     dimnames = dimnames(popn)))
            reg.births <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = births, prob = 0.98),
                                       dim = dim(births),
                                       dimnames = dimnames(births)))
            address.change <- internal + 1L
            reg.deaths <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = deaths, prob = 0.98),
                                       dim = dim(deaths),
                                       dimnames = dimnames(deaths))) + 1L
            datasets <- list(census, register, reg.births, address.change, reg.deaths)
            namesDatasets <- c("census", "register", "reg.births", "address.change", "reg.deaths")
            mean <- Values(array(1,
                                 dim = c(3, 2),
                                 dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                                 time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"))))
            data.models <- list(Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.95), series = "population"),
                                      Model(register ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "population"),
                                      Model(reg.births ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "births"),
                                      Model(address.change ~ NormalFixed(mean = mean, sd = 0.1), series = "internal"),
                                      Model(reg.deaths ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "deaths"))
            seriesIndices <- c(0L, 0L, 1L, 2L, 3L)
            transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                               makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE),
                               makeTransform(x = components(account, "births"), y = datasets[[3]], subset = TRUE),
                               makeTransform(x = components(account, "internal"), y = datasets[[4]], subset = TRUE),
                               makeTransform(x = components(account, "deaths"), y = datasets[[5]], subset = TRUE))
            transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
            x0 <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                         systemModels = systemModels,
                                         systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                         dataModels = data.models,
                                         seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                 updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                 usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                         datasets = datasets,
                                         namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                         transforms = transforms)
            expect_is(x0, "CombinedAccountMovementsHasAge")
            x0@iComp <- 2L
            ans.R <- updateProposalAccountMoveNet(x0, useC = FALSE)
            if (ans.R@generatedNewProposal@.Data)
                n.updated <- n.updated + 1L
                n.not.updated <- n.not.updated + 1L
            ans.C <- updateProposalAccountMoveNet(x0, useC = TRUE)
            if (test.identity)
                expect_identical(ans.R, ans.C)
                expect_equal(ans.R, ans.C)
        if (n.updated == 0L)
            warning("not updated")
        if (n.not.updated == 0L)
            warning ("could not test not updated - try increasing n.test")

## updateProposalAccountMoveComp

test_that("updateProposalAccountMoveComp works with CombinedAccountMovements - no age", {
    updateProposalAccountMoveComp <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMoveComp
    initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    population <- CountsOne(values = seq(100, 200, 10),
                            labels = seq(2000, 2100, 10),
                            name = "time")
    births <- CountsOne(values = rpois(n = 10, lambda = 15),
                        labels = paste(seq(2001, 2091, 10), seq(2010, 2100, 10), sep = "-"),
                        name = "time")
    deaths <- CountsOne(values = rpois(n = 10, lambda = 5),
                        labels = paste(seq(2001, 2091, 10), seq(2010, 2100, 10), sep = "-"),
                        name = "time")
    account <- Movements(population = population,
                         births = births,
                         exits = list(deaths = deaths))
    account <- makeConsistent(account)
    systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ time, useExpose = FALSE)),
                         Model(births ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)),
                         Model(deaths ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)))
    systemWeights <- rep(list(NULL), 3)
    data.models <- list(Model(tax ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "deaths"),
                              Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.9), series = "population"))
    seriesIndices <- c(2L, 0L)
    updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    datasets <- list(Counts(array(7L,
                                  dim = 10,
                                  dimnames = list(time = paste(seq(2001, 2091, 10), seq(2010, 2100, 10), sep = "-")))),
                     Counts(array(seq.int(110L, 210L, 10L),
                                  dim = 11,
                                  dimnames = list(time = seq(2000, 2100, 10)))))
    namesDatasets <- c("tax", "census")
    transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = deaths, y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = population, y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE))
    transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
    x0 <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                 systemModels = systemModels,
                                 systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                 dataModels = data.models,
                                 seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                 updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                 usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                 datasets = datasets,
                                 namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                 transforms = transforms)
    x0@iComp <- 2L
    updated <- FALSE
    for (seed in seq_len(n.test)) {
        x1 <- updateProposalAccountMoveComp(x0)
        if (x1@generatedNewProposal@.Data)
            updated <- TRUE
        expect_is(x1, "CombinedAccountMovements")
    if (!updated)
        warning("not updated")

test_that("R and C versions of updateProposalAccountMoveComp give same answer - no age", {
    updateProposalAccountMoveComp <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMoveComp
    initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    population <- CountsOne(values = seq(100, 200, 10),
                            labels = seq(2000, 2100, 10),
                            name = "time")
    births <- CountsOne(values = rpois(n = 10, lambda = 15),
                        labels = paste(seq(2001, 2091, 10), seq(2010, 2100, 10), sep = "-"),
                        name = "time")
    deaths <- CountsOne(values = rpois(n = 10, lambda = 5),
                        labels = paste(seq(2001, 2091, 10), seq(2010, 2100, 10), sep = "-"),
                        name = "time")
    account <- Movements(population = population,
                         births = births,
                         exits = list(deaths = deaths))
    account <- makeConsistent(account)
    systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ time, useExpose = FALSE)),
                         Model(births ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)),
                         Model(deaths ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)))
    systemWeights <- rep(list(NULL), 3)
    data.models <- list(Model(tax ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "deaths"),
                              Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.9), series = "population"))
    seriesIndices <- c(2L, 0L)
    updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    datasets <- list(Counts(array(7L,
                                  dim = 10,
                                  dimnames = list(time = paste(seq(2001, 2091, 10), seq(2010, 2100, 10), sep = "-")))),
                     Counts(array(seq.int(110L, 210L, 10L),
                                  dim = 11,
                                  dimnames = list(time = seq(2000, 2100, 10)))))
    namesDatasets <- c("tax", "census")
    transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = deaths, y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = population, y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE))
    transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
    x0 <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                 systemModels = systemModels,
                                 systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                 dataModels = data.models,
                                 seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                 updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                 usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                 datasets = datasets,
                                 namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                 transforms = transforms)
    x0@iComp <- 2L
    for (seed in seq_len(n.test)) {
        ans.R <- updateProposalAccountMoveComp(x0, useC = FALSE)
        ans.C <- updateProposalAccountMoveComp(x0, useC = TRUE)
        if (test.identity)
            expect_identical(ans.R, ans.C)
            expect_equal(ans.R, ans.C)

## tries to test for not updated as well as updated
if (test.extended) {
    test_that("R and C versions of updateProposalAccountMoveComp give same answer - no age", {
        updateProposalAccountMoveComp <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMoveComp
        initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
        makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
        n.updated = 0L
        n.not.updated = 0L
        n.try = n.test * 200L
        i.try <- 0L
        while (i.try < n.test || ((i.try < n.try) && ((n.updated == 0) || (n.not.updated == 0L)))) {
            i.try <- i.try + 1L
            seed <- i.try
            population <- CountsOne(values = seq(100, 200, 10),
                                    labels = seq(2000, 2100, 10),
                                    name = "time")
            births <- CountsOne(values = rpois(n = 10, lambda = 15),
                                labels = paste(seq(2001, 2091, 10), seq(2010, 2100, 10), sep = "-"),
                                name = "time")
            deaths <- CountsOne(values = rpois(n = 10, lambda = 5),
                                labels = paste(seq(2001, 2091, 10), seq(2010, 2100, 10), sep = "-"),
                                name = "time")
            account <- Movements(population = population,
                                 births = births,
                                 exits = list(deaths = deaths))
            account <- makeConsistent(account)
            systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ time, useExpose = FALSE)),
                                 Model(births ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)),
                                 Model(deaths ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)))
            systemWeights <- rep(list(NULL), 3)
            data.models <- list(Model(tax ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "deaths"),
                                      Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.9), series = "population"))
            seriesIndices <- c(2L, 0L)
    updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
            datasets <- list(Counts(array(7L,
                                          dim = 10,
                                          dimnames = list(time = paste(seq(2001, 2091, 10), seq(2010, 2100, 10), sep = "-")))),
                             Counts(array(seq.int(110L, 210L, 10L),
                                          dim = 11,
                                          dimnames = list(time = seq(2000, 2100, 10)))))
            namesDatasets <- c("tax", "census")
            transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = deaths, y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                               makeTransform(x = population, y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE))
            transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
            x0 <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                         systemModels = systemModels,
                                         systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                         dataModels = data.models,
                                         seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                 updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                 usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                         datasets = datasets,
                                         namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                         transforms = transforms)
            x0@iComp <- 2L
            ans.R <- updateProposalAccountMoveComp(x0, useC = FALSE)
            if (ans.R@generatedNewProposal@.Data)
                n.updated <- n.updated + 1L
                n.not.updated <- n.not.updated + 1L
            ans.C <- updateProposalAccountMoveComp(x0, useC = TRUE)
            if (test.identity)
                expect_identical(ans.R, ans.C)
                expect_equal(ans.R, ans.C)
        if (n.updated == 0L)
            warning("not updated")
        if (n.not.updated == 0L)
            warning ("could not test not updated - try increasing n.test")

test_that("updateProposalAccountMoveComp works with CombinedAccountMovementsHasAge", {
    updateProposalAccountMoveComp <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMoveComp
    initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    popn <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 100),
                         dim = c(3, 2, 5, 3),
                         dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                         sex = c("f", "m"),
                                         reg = 1:5,
                                         time = c(2000, 2005, 2010))))
    births <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 5),
                           dim = c(1, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                           dimnames = list(age = "5-9",
                                           sex = c("m", "f"),
                                           reg = 1:5,
                                           time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                           triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    internal <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = 10),
                             dim = c(3, 2, 5, 5, 2, 2),
                             dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                             sex = c("m", "f"),
                                             reg_orig = 1:5,
                                             reg_dest = 1:5,
                                             time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                             triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    deaths <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 72, lambda = 10),
                           dim = c(3, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                           dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                           sex = c("m", "f"),
                                           reg = 5:1,
                                           time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                           triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    account <- Movements(population = popn,
                         births = births,
                         internal = internal,
                         exits = list(deaths = deaths))
    account <- makeConsistent(account)
    systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ age + sex, useExpose = FALSE)),
                         Model(births ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)),
                         Model(internal ~ Poisson(mean ~ reg_orig + reg_dest)),
                         Model(deaths ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)))
    systemWeights <- list(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
    census <- subarray(popn, time == "2000", drop = FALSE) + 2L
    register <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = popn),
                             dim = dim(popn),
                             dimnames = dimnames(popn)))
    reg.births <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = births, prob = 0.98),
                               dim = dim(births),
                               dimnames = dimnames(births)))
    address.change <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = internal),
                                   dim = dim(internal),
                                   dimnames = dimnames(internal)))
    reg.deaths <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = deaths, prob = 0.98),
                               dim = dim(deaths),
                               dimnames = dimnames(deaths))) + 1L
    datasets <- list(census, register, reg.births, address.change, reg.deaths)
    namesDatasets <- c("census", "register", "reg.births", "address.change", "reg.deaths")
    data.models <- list(Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.95), series = "population"),
                              Model(register ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "population"),
                              Model(reg.births ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "births"),
                              Model(address.change ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "internal"),
                              Model(reg.deaths ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "deaths"))
    seriesIndices <- c(0L, 0L, 1L, 2L, 3L)
    updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "births"), y = datasets[[3]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "internal"), y = datasets[[4]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "deaths"), y = datasets[[5]], subset = TRUE))
    transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
    x0 <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                 systemModels = systemModels,
                                 systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                 dataModels = data.models,
                                 seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                 updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                 usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                 datasets = datasets,
                                 namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                 transforms = transforms)
    expect_is(x0, "CombinedAccountMovementsHasAge")
    x0@iComp <- 3L
    updated <- FALSE
    for (seed in seq_len(n.test)) {
        x1 <- updateProposalAccountMoveComp(x0)
        if (x1@generatedNewProposal@.Data)
            updated <- TRUE
        expect_is(x1, "CombinedAccountMovementsHasAge")
    if (!updated)
        warning("not updated")

test_that("R and C versions of updateProposalAccountMoveComp give same answer with CombinedAccountMovementsHasAge", {
    updateProposalAccountMoveComp <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMoveComp
    initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    popn <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 100),
                         dim = c(3, 2, 5, 3),
                         dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                         sex = c("f", "m"),
                                         reg = 1:5,
                                         time = c(2000, 2005, 2010))))
    births <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 5),
                           dim = c(1, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                           dimnames = list(age = "5-9",
                                           sex = c("m", "f"),
                                           reg = 1:5,
                                           time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                           triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    internal <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = 10),
                             dim = c(3, 2, 5, 5, 2, 2),
                             dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                             sex = c("m", "f"),
                                             reg_orig = 1:5,
                                             reg_dest = 1:5,
                                             time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                             triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    deaths <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 72, lambda = 10),
                           dim = c(3, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                           dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                           sex = c("m", "f"),
                                           reg = 5:1,
                                           time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                           triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    account <- Movements(population = popn,
                         births = births,
                         internal = internal,
                         exits = list(deaths = deaths))
    account <- makeConsistent(account)
    systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ age + sex, useExpose = FALSE)),
                         Model(births ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)),
                         Model(internal ~ Poisson(mean ~ reg_orig + reg_dest)),
                         Model(deaths ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)))
    systemWeights <- list(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
    census <- subarray(popn, time == "2000", drop = FALSE) + 2L
    register <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = popn),
                             dim = dim(popn),
                             dimnames = dimnames(popn)))
    reg.births <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = births, prob = 0.98),
                               dim = dim(births),
                               dimnames = dimnames(births)))
    address.change <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = internal),
                                   dim = dim(internal),
                                   dimnames = dimnames(internal)))
    reg.deaths <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = deaths, prob = 0.98),
                               dim = dim(deaths),
                               dimnames = dimnames(deaths))) + 1L
    datasets <- list(census, register, reg.births, address.change, reg.deaths)
    namesDatasets <- c("census", "register", "reg.births", "address.change", "reg.deaths")
    data.models <- list(Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.95), series = "population"),
                              Model(register ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "population"),
                              Model(reg.births ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "births"),
                              Model(address.change ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "internal"),
                              Model(reg.deaths ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "deaths"))
    seriesIndices <- c(0L, 0L, 1L, 2L, 3L)
    updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "births"), y = datasets[[3]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "internal"), y = datasets[[4]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "deaths"), y = datasets[[5]], subset = TRUE))
    transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
    x0 <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                 systemModels = systemModels,
                                 systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                 dataModels = data.models,
                                 seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                 updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                 usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                 datasets = datasets,
                                 namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                 transforms = transforms)
    expect_is(x0, "CombinedAccountMovementsHasAge")
    x0@iComp <- 3L
    for (seed in seq_len(n.test)) {
        ans.R <- updateProposalAccountMoveComp(x0, useC = FALSE)
        ans.C <- updateProposalAccountMoveComp(x0, useC = TRUE)
        if (test.identity)
            expect_identical(ans.R, ans.C)
            expect_equal(ans.R, ans.C)

## tries to test for not updated as well as updated
if (test.extended) {
    test_that("R and C versions of updateProposalAccountMoveComp give same answer - no age", {
        updateProposalAccountMoveComp <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMoveComp
        initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
        makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
        n.updated = 0L
        n.not.updated = 0L
        n.try = n.test * 200L
        i.try <- 0L
        while (i.try < n.test || ((i.try < n.try) && ((n.updated == 0) || (n.not.updated == 0L)))) {
            i.try <- i.try + 1L
            seed <- i.try
            popn <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 100),
                                 dim = c(3, 2, 5, 3),
                                 dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                                 sex = c("f", "m"),
                                                 reg = 1:5,
                                                 time = c(2000, 2005, 2010))))
            births <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 5),
                                   dim = c(1, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                                   dimnames = list(age = "5-9",
                                                   sex = c("m", "f"),
                                                   reg = 1:5,
                                                   time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                                   triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
            internal <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = 10),
                                     dim = c(3, 2, 5, 5, 2, 2),
                                     dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                                     sex = c("m", "f"),
                                                     reg_orig = 1:5,
                                                     reg_dest = 1:5,
                                                     time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                                     triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
            deaths <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 72, lambda = 10),
                                   dim = c(3, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                                   dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                                   sex = c("m", "f"),
                                                   reg = 5:1,
                                                   time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                                   triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
            account <- Movements(population = popn,
                                 births = births,
                                 internal = internal,
                                 exits = list(deaths = deaths))
            account <- makeConsistent(account)
            systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ age + sex, useExpose = FALSE)),
                                 Model(births ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)),
                                 Model(internal ~ Poisson(mean ~ reg_orig + reg_dest)),
                                 Model(deaths ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)))
            systemWeights <- list(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
            census <- subarray(popn, time == "2000", drop = FALSE) + 2L
            register <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = popn),
                                     dim = dim(popn),
                                     dimnames = dimnames(popn)))
            reg.births <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = births, prob = 0.98),
                                       dim = dim(births),
                                       dimnames = dimnames(births)))
            address.change <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = internal),
                                           dim = dim(internal),
                                           dimnames = dimnames(internal)))
            reg.deaths <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = deaths, prob = 0.98),
                                       dim = dim(deaths),
                                       dimnames = dimnames(deaths))) + 1L
            datasets <- list(census, register, reg.births, address.change, reg.deaths)
            namesDatasets <- c("census", "register", "reg.births", "address.change", "reg.deaths")
            data.models <- list(Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.95), series = "population"),
                                      Model(register ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "population"),
                                      Model(reg.births ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "births"),
                                      Model(address.change ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "internal"),
                                      Model(reg.deaths ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "deaths"))
            seriesIndices <- c(0L, 0L, 1L, 2L, 3L)
            transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                               makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE),
                               makeTransform(x = components(account, "births"), y = datasets[[3]], subset = TRUE),
                               makeTransform(x = components(account, "internal"), y = datasets[[4]], subset = TRUE),
                               makeTransform(x = components(account, "deaths"), y = datasets[[5]], subset = TRUE))
            transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
            x0 <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                         systemModels = systemModels,
                                         systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                         dataModels = data.models,
                                         seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                 updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                 usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                         datasets = datasets,
                                         namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                         transforms = transforms)
            expect_is(x0, "CombinedAccountMovementsHasAge")
            x0@iComp <- 3L
            ans.R <- updateProposalAccountMoveComp(x0, useC = FALSE)
            if (ans.R@generatedNewProposal@.Data)
                n.updated <- n.updated + 1L
                n.not.updated <- n.not.updated + 1L
            ans.C <- updateProposalAccountMoveComp(x0, useC = TRUE)
            if (test.identity)
                expect_identical(ans.R, ans.C)
                expect_equal(ans.R, ans.C)
        if (n.updated == 0L)
            warning("not updated")
        if (n.not.updated == 0L)
            warning ("could not test not updated - try increasing n.test")

## updateProposalAccountMoveCompSmall

test_that("updateProposalAccountMoveCompSmall works with CombinedAccountMovementsHasAge", {
    updateProposalAccountMoveCompSmall <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMoveCompSmall
    initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    popn <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 100),
                         dim = c(3, 2, 5, 3),
                         dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                         sex = c("f", "m"),
                                         reg = 1:5,
                                         time = c(2000, 2005, 2010))))
    births <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 5),
                           dim = c(1, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                           dimnames = list(age = "5-9",
                                           sex = c("m", "f"),
                                           reg = 1:5,
                                           time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                           triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    internal <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = 10),
                             dim = c(3, 2, 5, 5, 2, 2),
                             dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                             sex = c("m", "f"),
                                             reg_orig = 1:5,
                                             reg_dest = 1:5,
                                             time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                             triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    deaths <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 72, lambda = 10),
                           dim = c(3, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                           dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                           sex = c("m", "f"),
                                           reg = 5:1,
                                           time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                           triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    account <- Movements(population = popn,
                         births = births,
                         internal = internal,
                         exits = list(deaths = deaths))
    account <- makeConsistent(account)
    systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ age + sex, useExpose = FALSE)),
                         Model(births ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)),
                         Model(internal ~ Poisson(mean ~ reg_orig + reg_dest)),
                         Model(deaths ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)))
    systemWeights <- list(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
    census <- subarray(popn, time == "2000", drop = FALSE) + 2L
    register <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = popn),
                             dim = dim(popn),
                             dimnames = dimnames(popn)))
    reg.births <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = births, prob = 0.98),
                               dim = dim(births),
                               dimnames = dimnames(births)))
    address.change <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = internal),
                                   dim = dim(internal),
                                   dimnames = dimnames(internal)))
    reg.deaths <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = deaths, prob = 0.98),
                               dim = dim(deaths),
                               dimnames = dimnames(deaths))) + 1L
    datasets <- list(census, register, reg.births, address.change, reg.deaths)
    namesDatasets <- c("census", "register", "reg.births", "address.change", "reg.deaths")
    data.models <- list(Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.95), series = "population"),
                              Model(register ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "population"),
                              Model(reg.births ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "births"),
                              Model(address.change ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "internal"),
                              Model(reg.deaths ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "deaths"))
    seriesIndices <- c(0L, 0L, 1L, 2L, 3L)
    updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "births"), y = datasets[[3]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "internal"), y = datasets[[4]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "deaths"), y = datasets[[5]], subset = TRUE))
    transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
    x0 <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                 systemModels = systemModels,
                                 systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                 dataModels = data.models,
                                 seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                 updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                 usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                 datasets = datasets,
                                 namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                 transforms = transforms)
    expect_is(x0, "CombinedAccountMovementsHasAge")
    x0@iComp <- 3L
    updated <- FALSE
    for (seed in seq_len(n.test)) {
        x1 <- updateProposalAccountMoveCompSmall(x0)
        if (x1@generatedNewProposal@.Data) {
            updated <- TRUE
            expect_false(x1@diffProp == 0L)
        expect_is(x1, "CombinedAccountMovementsHasAge")
    if (!updated)
        warning("not updated")

test_that("R and C versions of updateProposalAccountMoveCompSmall give same answer with CombinedAccountMovementsHasAge", {
    updateProposalAccountMoveCompSmall <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMoveCompSmall
    initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    popn <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 100),
                         dim = c(3, 2, 5, 3),
                         dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                         sex = c("f", "m"),
                                         reg = 1:5,
                                         time = c(2000, 2005, 2010))))
    births <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 5),
                           dim = c(1, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                           dimnames = list(age = "5-9",
                                           sex = c("m", "f"),
                                           reg = 1:5,
                                           time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                           triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    internal <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = 10),
                             dim = c(3, 2, 5, 5, 2, 2),
                             dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                             sex = c("m", "f"),
                                             reg_orig = 1:5,
                                             reg_dest = 1:5,
                                             time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                             triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    deaths <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 72, lambda = 10),
                           dim = c(3, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                           dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                           sex = c("m", "f"),
                                           reg = 5:1,
                                           time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                           triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    account <- Movements(population = popn,
                         births = births,
                         internal = internal,
                         exits = list(deaths = deaths))
    account <- makeConsistent(account)
    systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ age + sex, useExpose = FALSE)),
                         Model(births ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)),
                         Model(internal ~ Poisson(mean ~ reg_orig + reg_dest)),
                         Model(deaths ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)))
    systemWeights <- list(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
    census <- subarray(popn, time == "2000", drop = FALSE) + 2L
    register <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = popn),
                             dim = dim(popn),
                             dimnames = dimnames(popn)))
    reg.births <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = births, prob = 0.98),
                               dim = dim(births),
                               dimnames = dimnames(births)))
    address.change <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = internal),
                                   dim = dim(internal),
                                   dimnames = dimnames(internal)))
    reg.deaths <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = deaths, prob = 0.98),
                               dim = dim(deaths),
                               dimnames = dimnames(deaths))) + 1L
    datasets <- list(census, register, reg.births, address.change, reg.deaths)
    namesDatasets <- c("census", "register", "reg.births", "address.change", "reg.deaths")
    data.models <- list(Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.95), series = "population"),
                              Model(register ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "population"),
                              Model(reg.births ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "births"),
                              Model(address.change ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "internal"),
                              Model(reg.deaths ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "deaths"))
    seriesIndices <- c(0L, 0L, 1L, 2L, 3L)
    updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "births"), y = datasets[[3]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "internal"), y = datasets[[4]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "deaths"), y = datasets[[5]], subset = TRUE))
    transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
    x0 <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                 systemModels = systemModels,
                                 systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                 dataModels = data.models,
                                 seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                 updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                 usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                 datasets = datasets,
                                 namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                 transforms = transforms)
    expect_is(x0, "CombinedAccountMovementsHasAge")
    x0@iComp <- 3L
    for (seed in seq_len(n.test)) {
        ans.R <- updateProposalAccountMoveCompSmall(x0, useC = FALSE)
        ans.C <- updateProposalAccountMoveCompSmall(x0, useC = TRUE)
        if (test.identity)
            expect_identical(ans.R, ans.C)
            expect_equal(ans.R, ans.C)

## Calculating log-likelihood #################################################

test_that("diffLogLikPopnOneCell works", {
    diffLogLikPopnOneCell <- demest:::diffLogLikPopnOneCell
    initialModel <- demest:::initialModel
    Population <- dembase:::Population
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    ## one to one
    popn <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 100),
                         dim = c(3, 2, 5, 3),
                         dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                         sex = c("f", "m"),
                                         reg = 1:5,
                                         time = c(2000, 2005, 2010))))
    popn <- Population(popn)
    dataset <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = popn),
                            dim = dim(popn),
                            dimnames = dimnames(popn)))
    spec <- Model(dataset ~ Poisson(mean ~ age + sex))
    model <- initialModel(spec, y = dataset, exposure = popn)
    transform <- makeTransform(x = popn, y = dataset, subset = TRUE)
    transform <- makeCollapseTransformExtra(transform)
    ans.obtained <- diffLogLikPopnOneCell(iAfter = 6L,
                                          diff = 3L,
                                          population = popn,
                                          model = model,
                                          dataset = dataset,
                                          transform = transform)
    ans.expected <- (dpois(x = dataset[[6]], lambda = model@theta[6] * (popn[[6]] + 3L), log = TRUE)
        - dpois(x = dataset[[6]], lambda = model@theta[6] * popn[[6]], log = TRUE))
    if (test.identity)
        expect_identical(ans.obtained, ans.expected)
    else {
        expect_equal(ans.obtained, ans.expected)
    ## many to one
    popn <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 100),
                         dim = c(3, 2, 5, 3),
                         dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                         sex = c("f", "m"),
                                         reg = 1:5,
                                         time = c(2000, 2005, 2010))))
    popn <- Population(popn)
    dataset <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = popn),
                            dim = dim(popn),
                            dimnames = dimnames(popn)))
    dataset <- collapseDimension(dataset, dimension = "reg")
    spec <- Model(dataset ~ Poisson(mean ~ age + sex))
    popn.collapsed <- makeCompatible(popn, dataset)
    popn.collapsed <- Population(popn.collapsed)
    model <- initialModel(spec, y = dataset, exposure = popn.collapsed)
    transform <- makeTransform(x = popn, y = dataset, subset = TRUE)
    transform <- dembase:::makeCollapseTransformExtra(transform)
    ans.obtained <- diffLogLikPopnOneCell(iAfter = 13L,
                                          diff = -10L,
                                          population = popn,
                                          model = model,
                                          dataset = dataset,
                                          transform = transform)
    ans.expected <- dpois(x = dataset[[13]],
                          lambda = model@theta[13] * (popn.collapsed[[13]] - 10L),
                          log = TRUE) -
        dpois(x = dataset[[13]],
              lambda = model@theta[13] * popn.collapsed[[13]],
              log = TRUE)
    if (test.identity)
        expect_identical(ans.obtained, ans.expected)
        expect_equal(ans.obtained, ans.expected)

test_that("R and C versions of diffLogLikPopnOneCell give same answer", {
    diffLogLikPopnOneCell <- demest:::diffLogLikPopnOneCell
    initialModel <- demest:::initialModel
    Population <- dembase:::Population
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    ## one to one
    popn <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 100),
                         dim = c(3, 2, 5, 3),
                         dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                         sex = c("f", "m"),
                                         reg = 1:5,
                                         time = c(2000, 2005, 2010))))
    popn <- Population(popn)
    dataset <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = popn),
                            dim = dim(popn),
                            dimnames = dimnames(popn)))
    spec <- Model(dataset ~ Poisson(mean ~ age + sex))
    model <- initialModel(spec, y = dataset, exposure = popn)
    transform <- makeTransform(x = popn, y = dataset, subset = TRUE)
    transform <- makeCollapseTransformExtra(transform)
    ans.R <- diffLogLikPopnOneCell(iAfter = 6L,
                                   diff = 3L,
                                   population = popn,
                                   model = model,
                                   dataset = dataset,
                                   transform = transform,
                                   useC = FALSE)
    ans.C <- diffLogLikPopnOneCell(iAfter = 6L,
                                   diff = 3L,
                                   population = popn,
                                   model = model,
                                   dataset = dataset,
                                   transform = transform,
                                   useC = TRUE)
    if (test.identity)
        expect_identical(ans.R, ans.C)
        expect_equal(ans.R, ans.C)
    ## many to one
    popn <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 100),
                         dim = c(3, 2, 5, 3),
                         dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                         sex = c("f", "m"),
                                         reg = 1:5,
                                         time = c(2000, 2005, 2010))))
    popn <- Population(popn)
    dataset <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = popn),
                            dim = dim(popn),
                            dimnames = dimnames(popn)))
    dataset <- collapseDimension(dataset, dimension = "reg")
    spec <- Model(dataset ~ Poisson(mean ~ age + sex))
    popn.collapsed <- makeCompatible(popn, dataset)
    popn.collapsed <- Population(popn.collapsed)
    model <- initialModel(spec, y = dataset, exposure = popn.collapsed)
    transform <- makeTransform(x = popn, y = dataset, subset = TRUE)
    transform <- dembase:::makeCollapseTransformExtra(transform)
    ans.R <- diffLogLikPopnOneCell(iAfter = 13L,
                                   diff = -10L,
                                   population = popn,
                                   model = model,
                                   dataset = dataset,
                                   transform = transform,
                                   useC = FALSE)
    ans.C <- diffLogLikPopnOneCell(iAfter = 13L,
                                   diff = -10L,
                                   population = popn,
                                   model = model,
                                   dataset = dataset,
                                   transform = transform,
                                   useC = TRUE)
    if (test.identity)
        expect_identical(ans.R, ans.C)
        expect_equal(ans.R, ans.C)

test_that("diffLogLikCellComp works", {
    diffLogLikCellComp <- demest:::diffLogLikCellComp
    diffLogLikCellOneDataset <- demest:::diffLogLikCellOneDataset
    initialModel <- demest:::initialModel
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    component <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 180, lambda = 100),
                              dim = c(3, 2, 5, 3, 2),
                              dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                              sex = c("f", "m"),
                                              reg = 1:5,
                                              time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010", "2011-2015"),
                                              triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    component <- new("ExitsMovements",
                     .Data = component@.Data,
                     metadata = component@metadata)
    dataset1 <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 180, lambda = component),
                             dim = dim(component),
                             dimnames = dimnames(component)))
    dataset2 <- collapseDimension(dataset1, dimension = "reg")
    diff <- 1L
    iComp <- 2L
    iCell <- 5L
    datasets <- list(dataset1, dataset2)
    seriesIndices <- c(2L, 2L)
    data.models <- list(initialModel(Model(component ~ Poisson(mean ~ age + sex)),
                                           y = component,
                                           exposure = dataset1),
                              initialModel(Model(component ~ Poisson(mean ~ age + sex)),
                                           y = collapseDimension(component, dimension = "reg"),
                                           exposure = dataset1))
    transforms <- lapply(list(makeTransform(x = component, y = dataset1),
                              makeTransform(x = component, y = dataset2)),
    ans.obtained <- diffLogLikCellComp(diff = diff,
                                       iComp = iComp,
                                       iCell = iCell,
                                       component = component,
                                       dataModels = data.models,
                                       datasets = datasets,
                                       seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                       transforms = transforms)
    ans.expected <- diffLogLikCellOneDataset(diff = diff,
                                             iCell = iCell,
                                             component = component,
                                             model = data.models[[1]],
                                             dataset = datasets[[1]],
                                             transform = transforms[[1]]) +
        diffLogLikCellOneDataset(diff = diff,
                                 iCell = iCell,
                                 component = component,
                                 model = data.models[[2]],
                                 dataset = datasets[[2]],
                                 transform = transforms[[2]])
    expect_identical(ans.obtained, ans.expected)

test_that("R and C versions of diffLogLikCellComp give same answer", {
    diffLogLikCellComp <- demest:::diffLogLikCellComp
    diffLogLikCellOneDataset <- demest:::diffLogLikCellOneDataset
    initialModel <- demest:::initialModel
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    component <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 180, lambda = 100),
                              dim = c(3, 2, 5, 3, 2),
                              dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                              sex = c("f", "m"),
                                              reg = 1:5,
                                              time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010", "2011-2015"),
                                              triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    component <- new("ExitsMovements",
                     .Data = component@.Data,
                     metadata = component@metadata)
    dataset1 <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 180, lambda = component),
                             dim = dim(component),
                             dimnames = dimnames(component)))
    dataset2 <- collapseDimension(dataset1, dimension = "reg")
    diff <- 1L
    iComp <- 2L
    iCell <- 5L
    datasets <- list(dataset1, dataset2)
    seriesIndices <- c(2L, 2L)
    data.models <- list(initialModel(Model(component ~ Poisson(mean ~ age + sex)),
                                           y = component,
                                           exposure = dataset1),
                              initialModel(Model(component ~ Poisson(mean ~ age + sex)),
                                           y = collapseDimension(component, dimension = "reg"),
                                           exposure = dataset1))
    transforms <- lapply(list(makeTransform(x = component, y = dataset1),
                              makeTransform(x = component, y = dataset2)),
    ans.R <- diffLogLikCellComp(diff = diff,
                                iComp = iComp,
                                iCell = iCell,
                                component = component,
                                dataModels = data.models,
                                datasets = datasets,
                                seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                transforms = transforms,
                                useC = FALSE)
    ans.C <- diffLogLikCellComp(diff = diff,
                                iComp = iComp,
                                iCell = iCell,
                                component = component,
                                dataModels = data.models,
                                datasets = datasets,
                                seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                transforms = transforms,
                                useC = TRUE)
    if (test.identity)
        expect_identical(ans.R, ans.C)
        expect_equal(ans.R, ans.C)

test_that("diffLogLikCellOneDataset works", {
    diffLogLikCellOneDataset <- demest:::diffLogLikCellOneDataset
    initialModel <- demest:::initialModel
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    collapse <- dembase::collapse
    ## one to one
    deaths <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 180, lambda = 100),
                           dim = c(3, 2, 5, 3, 2),
                           dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                         sex = c("f", "m"),
                                         reg = 1:5,
                                         time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010", "2011-2015"),
                                         triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    deaths <- new("ExitsMovements",
                  .Data = deaths@.Data,
                  metadata = deaths@metadata)
    dataset <- subarray(deaths, reg != "1") + 1L
    spec <- Model(dataset ~ Poisson(mean ~ age + sex))
    transform <- makeTransform(x = deaths, y = dataset, subset = TRUE)
    transform <- makeCollapseTransformExtra(transform)
    model <- initialModel(spec, y = dataset, exposure = collapse(deaths, transform = transform))
    ## cell in dataset
    ans.obtained <- diffLogLikCellOneDataset(diff = 3L,
                                             iCell = 15L,
                                             component = deaths,
                                             model = model,
                                             dataset = dataset,
                                             transform = transform)
    ans.expected <- (dpois(x = dataset[[9L]], lambda = model@theta[9L] * (deaths[[15L]] + 3L), log = TRUE)
        - dpois(x = dataset[[9L]], lambda = model@theta[9] * deaths[[15]], log = TRUE))
    if (test.identity)
        expect_identical(ans.obtained, ans.expected)
    else {
        expect_equal(ans.obtained, ans.expected)
    ## cell not in dataset
    ans.obtained <- diffLogLikCellOneDataset(diff = 3L,
                                             iCell = 5L,
                                             component = deaths,
                                             model = model,
                                             dataset = dataset,
                                             transform = transform)
    ans.expected <- 0
    if (test.identity)
        expect_identical(ans.obtained, ans.expected)
        expect_equal(ans.obtained, ans.expected)
    ## many to one
    deaths <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 180, lambda = 100),
                           dim = c(3, 2, 5, 3, 2),
                           dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                         sex = c("f", "m"),
                                         reg = 1:5,
                                         time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010", "2011-2015"),
                                         triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    deaths <- new("ExitsMovements",
                  .Data = deaths@.Data,
                  metadata = deaths@metadata)
    dataset <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 180, lambda = deaths),
                            dim = dim(deaths),
                            dimnames = dimnames(deaths)))
    dataset <- collapseDimension(dataset, dimension = "reg")
    spec <- Model(dataset ~ Poisson(mean ~ age + sex))
    deaths.collapsed <- makeCompatible(deaths, dataset)
    model <- initialModel(spec, y = dataset, exposure = deaths.collapsed)
    transform <- makeTransform(x = deaths, y = dataset, subset = TRUE)
    transform <- dembase:::makeCollapseTransformExtra(transform)
    ans.obtained <- diffLogLikCellOneDataset(diff = -10L,
                                             iCell = 13L,
                                             component = deaths,
                                             model = model,
                                             dataset = dataset,
                                             transform = transform)
    ans.expected <- dpois(x = dataset[[1]],
                          lambda = model@theta[1] * (deaths.collapsed[[1]] - 10L),
                          log = TRUE) -
        dpois(x = dataset[[1]],
              lambda = model@theta[1] * deaths.collapsed[[1]],
              log = TRUE)
    if (test.identity)
        expect_identical(ans.obtained, ans.expected)
        expect_equal(ans.obtained, ans.expected)

test_that("R and C versions of diffLogLikCellOneDataset give same answer", {
    diffLogLikCellOneDataset <- demest:::diffLogLikCellOneDataset
    initialModel <- demest:::initialModel
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    collapse <- dembase::collapse
    ## one to one
    deaths <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 180, lambda = 100),
                           dim = c(3, 2, 5, 3, 2),
                           dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                           sex = c("f", "m"),
                                           reg = 1:5,
                                           time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010", "2011-2015"),
                                           triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    deaths <- new("ExitsMovements",
                  .Data = deaths@.Data,
                  metadata = deaths@metadata)
    dataset <- subarray(deaths, reg != "1") + 1L
    spec <- Model(dataset ~ Poisson(mean ~ age + sex))
    transform <- makeTransform(x = deaths, y = dataset, subset = TRUE)
    transform <- makeCollapseTransformExtra(transform)
    model <- initialModel(spec, y = dataset, exposure = collapse(deaths, transform = transform))
    ## cell in dataset
    ans.obtained <- diffLogLikCellOneDataset(diff = 3L,
                                             iCell = 15L,
                                             component = deaths,
                                             model = model,
                                             dataset = dataset,
                                             transform = transform)
    ans.expected <- (dpois(x = dataset[[9L]], lambda = model@theta[9L] * (deaths[[15L]] + 3L), log = TRUE)
        - dpois(x = dataset[[9L]], lambda = model@theta[9] * deaths[[15]], log = TRUE))
    ans.R <- diffLogLikCellOneDataset(diff = 3L,
                                      iCell = 15L,
                                      component = deaths,
                                      model = model,
                                      dataset = dataset,
                                      transform = transform,
                                      useC = FALSE)
    ans.C <- diffLogLikCellOneDataset(diff = 3L,
                                      iCell = 15L,
                                      component = deaths,
                                      model = model,
                                      dataset = dataset,
                                      transform = transform,
                                      useC = TRUE)
    if (test.identity)
        expect_identical(ans.R, ans.C)
        expect_equal(ans.R, ans.C)
    ## cell not in dataset
    ans.R <- diffLogLikCellOneDataset(diff = 3L,
                                      iCell = 5L,
                                      component = deaths,
                                      model = model,
                                      dataset = dataset,
                                      transform = transform,
                                      useC = FALSE)
    ans.C <- diffLogLikCellOneDataset(diff = 3L,
                                      iCell = 5L,
                                      component = deaths,
                                      model = model,
                                      dataset = dataset,
                                      transform = transform,
                                      useC = TRUE)
    if (test.identity)
        expect_identical(ans.R, ans.C)
        expect_equal(ans.R, ans.C)
    ## many to one
    deaths <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 180, lambda = 100),
                           dim = c(3, 2, 5, 3, 2),
                           dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                           sex = c("f", "m"),
                                           reg = 1:5,
                                           time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010", "2011-2015"),
                                           triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    deaths <- new("ExitsMovements",
                  .Data = deaths@.Data,
                  metadata = deaths@metadata)
    dataset <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 180, lambda = deaths),
                            dim = dim(deaths),
                            dimnames = dimnames(deaths)))
    dataset <- collapseDimension(dataset, dimension = "reg")
    spec <- Model(dataset ~ Poisson(mean ~ age + sex))
    deaths.collapsed <- makeCompatible(deaths, dataset)
    model <- initialModel(spec, y = dataset, exposure = deaths.collapsed)
    transform <- makeTransform(x = deaths, y = dataset, subset = TRUE)
    transform <- dembase:::makeCollapseTransformExtra(transform)
    ans.R <- diffLogLikCellOneDataset(diff = -10L,
                                      iCell = 13L,
                                      component = deaths,
                                      model = model,
                                      dataset = dataset,
                                      transform = transform,
                                      useC = FALSE)
    ans.C <- diffLogLikCellOneDataset(diff = -10L,
                                      iCell = 13L,
                                      component = deaths,
                                      model = model,
                                      dataset = dataset,
                                      transform = transform,
                                      useC = TRUE)
    if (test.identity)
        expect_identical(ans.R, ans.C)
        expect_equal(ans.R, ans.C)

test_that("diffLogLikPopnOneDataset works", {
    diffLogLikPopnOneDataset <- demest:::diffLogLikPopnOneDataset
    diffLogLikPopnOneCell <- demest:::diffLogLikPopnOneCell
    initialModel <- demest:::initialModel
    Population <- dembase:::Population
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    CohortIterator <- demest:::CohortIterator
    popn <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 100),
                         dim = c(3, 2, 5, 3),
                         dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                         sex = c("f", "m"),
                                         reg = 1:5,
                                         time = c(2000, 2005, 2010))))
    popn <- Population(popn)
    iterator <- CohortIterator(popn)
    dataset <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = popn),
                            dim = dim(popn),
                            dimnames = dimnames(popn)))
    spec <- Model(dataset ~ Poisson(mean ~ age + sex))
    model <- initialModel(spec, y = dataset, exposure = popn)
    transform <- makeTransform(x = popn, y = dataset, subset = TRUE)
    transform <- makeCollapseTransformExtra(transform)
    ## three steps
    ans.obtained <- diffLogLikPopnOneDataset(diff = 3L,
                                             iFirst = 1L,
                                             iterator = iterator,
                                             population = popn,
                                             model = model,
                                             dataset = dataset,
                                             transform = transform)
    ans.expected <- diffLogLikPopnOneCell(iAfter = 1L,
                                          diff = 3L,
                                          population = popn,
                                          model = model,
                                          dataset = dataset,
                                          transform = transform) +
        diffLogLikPopnOneCell(iAfter = 32L,
                              diff = 3L,
                              population = popn,
                              model = model,
                              dataset = dataset,
                              transform = transform) +
        diffLogLikPopnOneCell(iAfter = 63L,
                              diff = 3L,
                              population = popn,
                              model = model,
                              dataset = dataset,
                              transform = transform)
    if (test.identity)
        expect_identical(ans.obtained, ans.expected)
        expect_equal(ans.obtained, ans.expected)
    ## one step
    ans.obtained <- diffLogLikPopnOneDataset(diff = -3L,
                                             iFirst = 62L,
                                             iterator = iterator,
                                             population = popn,
                                             model = model,
                                             dataset = dataset,
                                             transform = transform)
    ans.expected <- diffLogLikPopnOneCell(iAfter = 62L,
                                          diff = -3L,
                                          population = popn,
                                          model = model,
                                          dataset = dataset,
                                          transform = transform)
    if (test.identity)
        expect_identical(ans.obtained, ans.expected)
        expect_equal(ans.obtained, ans.expected)

test_that("R and C versions of diffLogLikPopnOneDataset give same answer", {
    diffLogLikPopnOneDataset <- demest:::diffLogLikPopnOneDataset
    diffLogLikPopnOneCell <- demest:::diffLogLikPopnOneCell
    initialModel <- demest:::initialModel
    Population <- dembase:::Population
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    CohortIterator <- demest:::CohortIterator
    popn <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 100),
                         dim = c(3, 2, 5, 3),
                         dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                         sex = c("f", "m"),
                                         reg = 1:5,
                                         time = c(2000, 2005, 2010))))
    popn <- Population(popn)
    iterator <- CohortIterator(popn)
    dataset <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = popn),
                            dim = dim(popn),
                            dimnames = dimnames(popn)))
    spec <- Model(dataset ~ Poisson(mean ~ age + sex))
    model <- initialModel(spec, y = dataset, exposure = popn)
    transform <- makeTransform(x = popn, y = dataset, subset = TRUE)
    transform <- makeCollapseTransformExtra(transform)
    ## three steps
    ans.R <- diffLogLikPopnOneDataset(diff = 3L,
                                      iFirst = 1L,
                                      iterator = iterator,
                                      population = popn,
                                      model = model,
                                      dataset = dataset,
                                      transform = transform,
                                      useC = FALSE)
    ans.C <- diffLogLikPopnOneDataset(diff = 3L,
                                      iFirst = 1L,
                                      iterator = iterator,
                                      population = popn,
                                      model = model,
                                      dataset = dataset,
                                      transform = transform,
                                      useC = TRUE)
    if (test.identity)
        expect_identical(ans.R, ans.C)
    else {
        expect_equal(ans.R, ans.C)
    ## one step
    ans.R <- diffLogLikPopnOneDataset(diff = -3L,
                                      iFirst = 62L,
                                      iterator = iterator,
                                      population = popn,
                                      model = model,
                                      dataset = dataset,
                                      transform = transform,
                                      useC = FALSE)
    ans.C <- diffLogLikPopnOneDataset(diff = -3L,
                                      iFirst = 62L,
                                      iterator = iterator,
                                      population = popn,
                                      model = model,
                                      dataset = dataset,
                                      transform = transform,
                                      useC = TRUE)
    if (test.identity)
        expect_identical(ans.R, ans.C)
        expect_equal(ans.R, ans.C)

test_that("diffLogLikPopn works", {
    diffLogLikPopn <- demest:::diffLogLikPopn
    diffLogLikPopnOneDataset <- demest:::diffLogLikPopnOneDataset
    diffLogLikPopnOneCell <- demest:::diffLogLikPopnOneCell
    initialModel <- demest:::initialModel
    Population <- dembase:::Population
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    CohortIterator <- demest:::CohortIterator
    collapse <- dembase::collapse
    popn <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 100),
                         dim = c(3, 2, 5, 3),
                         dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                         sex = c("f", "m"),
                                         reg = 1:5,
                                         time = c(2000, 2005, 2010))))
    births <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 5),
                           dim = c(1, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                           dimnames = list(age = "5-9",
                                           sex = c("m", "f"),
                                           reg = 1:5,
                                           time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                           triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    internal <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = 10),
                             dim = c(3, 2, 5, 5, 2, 2),
                             dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                             sex = c("m", "f"),
                                             reg_orig = 1:5,
                                             reg_dest = 1:5,
                                             time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                             triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    deaths <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 72, lambda = 10),
                           dim = c(3, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                           dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                           sex = c("m", "f"),
                                           reg = 5:1,
                                           time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                           triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    census <- subarray(popn, time == "2000", drop = FALSE) + 2L
    register <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = popn),
                             dim = dim(popn),
                             dimnames = dimnames(popn)))
    reg.births <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = births, prob = 0.98),
                               dim = dim(births),
                               dimnames = dimnames(births)))
    address.change <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = internal),
                                   dim = dim(internal),
                                   dimnames = dimnames(internal)))
    reg.deaths <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = deaths, prob = 0.98),
                               dim = dim(deaths),
                               dimnames = dimnames(deaths))) + 1L
    datasets <- list(census, register, reg.births, address.change, reg.deaths)
    data.models <- list(Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.95), series = "population"),
                        Model(register ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "population"),
                        Model(reg.births ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "births"),
                        Model(address.change ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "internal"),
                        Model(reg.deaths ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "deaths"))
    seriesIndices <- c(0L, 0L, 1L, 2L, 3L)
    transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = popn, y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = popn,, y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = births, y = datasets[[3]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = internal, y = datasets[[4]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = deaths, y = datasets[[5]], subset = TRUE))
    transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
    popn <- Population(popn)
    iterator <- CohortIterator(popn)
    data.models <- list(initialModel(object = data.models[[1L]],
                                     y = datasets[[1L]],
                                     exposure = collapse(popn, transform = transforms[[1L]])),
                        initialModel(object = data.models[[2L]],
                                     y = datasets[[2L]],
                                     exposure = collapse(popn, transform = transforms[[2L]])),
                        initialModel(object = data.models[[3L]],
                                     y = datasets[[3L]],
                                     exposure = collapse(births, transform = transforms[[3L]])),
                        initialModel(object = data.models[[4L]],
                                     y = datasets[[4L]],
                                     exposure = collapse(internal, transform = transforms[[4L]])),
                        initialModel(object = data.models[[5L]],
                                     y = datasets[[5L]],
                                     exposure = collapse(deaths, transform = transforms[[5L]])))
    ans.obtained <- diffLogLikPopn(diff = 5L,
                                   iFirst  = 11L,
                                   iterator = iterator,
                                   population = popn,
                                   dataModels = data.models,
                                   datasets = datasets,
                                   seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                   transforms = transforms)
    ans.expected <- diffLogLikPopnOneDataset(diff = 5L,
                                             iFirst = 11L,
                                             iterator = iterator,
                                             population = popn,
                                             model = data.models[[1L]],
                                             dataset = datasets[[1L]],
                                             transform = transforms[[1L]]) +
        diffLogLikPopnOneDataset(diff = 5L,
                                 iFirst = 11L,
                                 iterator = iterator,
                                 population = popn,
                                 model = data.models[[2L]],
                                 dataset = datasets[[2L]],
                                 transform = transforms[[2L]])
    if (test.identity)
        expect_identical(ans.obtained, ans.expected)
        expect_equal(ans.obtained, ans.expected)

test_that("R and C versions of diffLogLikPopn give same answer", {
    diffLogLikPopn <- demest:::diffLogLikPopn
    diffLogLikPopnOneDataset <- demest:::diffLogLikPopnOneDataset
    diffLogLikPopnOneCell <- demest:::diffLogLikPopnOneCell
    initialModel <- demest:::initialModel
    Population <- dembase:::Population
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    CohortIterator <- demest:::CohortIterator
    collapse <- dembase::collapse
    popn <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 100),
                         dim = c(3, 2, 5, 3),
                         dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                         sex = c("f", "m"),
                                         reg = 1:5,
                                         time = c(2000, 2005, 2010))))
    births <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 5),
                           dim = c(1, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                           dimnames = list(age = "5-9",
                                           sex = c("m", "f"),
                                           reg = 1:5,
                                           time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                           triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    internal <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = 10),
                             dim = c(3, 2, 5, 5, 2, 2),
                             dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                             sex = c("m", "f"),
                                             reg_orig = 1:5,
                                             reg_dest = 1:5,
                                             time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                             triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    deaths <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 72, lambda = 10),
                           dim = c(3, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                           dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                           sex = c("m", "f"),
                                           reg = 5:1,
                                           time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                           triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    census <- subarray(popn, time == "2000", drop = FALSE) + 2L
    register <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = popn),
                             dim = dim(popn),
                             dimnames = dimnames(popn)))
    reg.births <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = births, prob = 0.98),
                               dim = dim(births),
                               dimnames = dimnames(births)))
    address.change <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = internal),
                                   dim = dim(internal),
                                   dimnames = dimnames(internal)))
    reg.deaths <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = deaths, prob = 0.98),
                               dim = dim(deaths),
                               dimnames = dimnames(deaths))) + 1L
    datasets <- list(census, register, reg.births, address.change, reg.deaths)
    data.models <- list(Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.95), series = "population"),
                        Model(register ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "population"),
                        Model(reg.births ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "births"),
                        Model(address.change ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "internal"),
                        Model(reg.deaths ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "deaths"))
    seriesIndices <- c(0L, 0L, 1L, 2L, 3L)
    transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = popn, y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = popn,, y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = births, y = datasets[[3]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = internal, y = datasets[[4]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = deaths, y = datasets[[5]], subset = TRUE))
    transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
    popn <- Population(popn)
    iterator <- CohortIterator(popn)
    data.models <- list(initialModel(object = data.models[[1L]],
                                     y = datasets[[1L]],
                                     exposure = collapse(popn, transform = transforms[[1L]])),
                        initialModel(object = data.models[[2L]],
                                     y = datasets[[2L]],
                                     exposure = collapse(popn, transform = transforms[[2L]])),
                        initialModel(object = data.models[[3L]],
                                     y = datasets[[3L]],
                                     exposure = collapse(births, transform = transforms[[3L]])),
                        initialModel(object = data.models[[4L]],
                                     y = datasets[[4L]],
                                     exposure = collapse(internal, transform = transforms[[4L]])),
                        initialModel(object = data.models[[5L]],
                                     y = datasets[[5L]],
                                     exposure = collapse(deaths, transform = transforms[[5L]])))
    ans.R <- diffLogLikPopn(diff = 5L,
                            iFirst  = 11L,
                            iterator = iterator,
                            population = popn,
                            dataModels = data.models,
                            datasets = datasets,
                            seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                            transforms = transforms,
                            useC = FALSE)
    ans.C <- diffLogLikPopn(diff = 5L,
                            iFirst  = 11L,
                            iterator = iterator,
                            population = popn,
                            dataModels = data.models,
                            datasets = datasets,
                            seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                            transforms = transforms,
                            useC = TRUE)
    if (test.identity)
        expect_identical(ans.R, ans.C)
        expect_equal(ans.R, ans.C)

test_that("diffLogLikPopnPair works with CombinedAccountMovements", {
    diffLogLikPopnPair <- demest:::diffLogLikPopnPair
    diffLogLikPopnOneDataset <- demest:::diffLogLikPopnOneDataset
    initialModel <- demest:::initialModel
    initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    CohortIterator <- demest:::CohortIterator
    Population <- dembase:::Population
    population <- Counts(array(seq(1000L, 1500L, 100L),
                               dim = c(3, 2),
                               dimnames = list(reg = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                               time = c(2000, 2005))))
    population <- Population(population)
    internal <- Counts(array(c(0L, 50L, 40L,
                               20L, 0L, 30L,
                               60L, 20L, 0L),
                             dim = c(3, 3, 1),
                             dimnames = list(reg_orig = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                             reg_dest = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                             time = "2001-2005")))
    systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ reg, useExpose = FALSE)),
                         Model(internal ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)))
    datasets <- list(internal + 10L,
                     population - 5L)
    data.models <- list(initialModel(Model(tax ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "internal"),
                                           y = datasets[[1]],
                                           exposure = internal),
                              initialModel(Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.9), series = "population"),
                                           y = datasets[[2]],
                                           exposure = population))
    seriesIndices <- c(1L, 0L)
    transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = internal, y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = population, y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE))
    transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
    iterator <- CohortIterator(population)
    diff <- -4L
    ans.obtained <- diffLogLikPopnPair(diffOrig = -diff,
                                       diffDest = diff,
                                       iPopnOrig = 6L,
                                       iPopnDest = 5L,
                                       iterator = iterator,
                                       population = population,
                                       dataModels = data.models,
                                       datasets = datasets,
                                       seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                       transforms = transforms)
    ans.expected <- diffLogLikPopnOneDataset(diff = -diff,
                                             iFirst = 6L,
                                             iterator = iterator,
                                             population = population,
                                             model = data.models[[2]],
                                             dataset = datasets[[2]],
                                             transform = transforms[[2]]) +
        diffLogLikPopnOneDataset(diff = diff,
                                 iFirst = 5L,
                                 iterator = iterator,
                                 population = population,
                                 model = data.models[[2]],
                                 dataset = datasets[[2]],
                                 transform = transforms[[2]])
    if (test.identity)
        expect_identical(ans.obtained, ans.expected)
        expect_equal(ans.obtained, ans.expected)

test_that("R and C versions of diffLogLikPopnPair give same answer", {
    diffLogLikPopnPair <- demest:::diffLogLikPopnPair
    initialModel <- demest:::initialModel
    initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    CohortIterator <- demest:::CohortIterator
    Population <- dembase:::Population
    population <- Counts(array(seq(1000L, 1500L, 100L),
                               dim = c(3, 2),
                               dimnames = list(reg = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                               time = c(2000, 2005))))
    population <- Population(population)
    internal <- Counts(array(c(0L, 50L, 40L,
                               20L, 0L, 30L,
                               60L, 20L, 0L),
                             dim = c(3, 3, 1),
                             dimnames = list(reg_orig = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                             reg_dest = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                             time = "2001-2005")))
    systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ reg, useExpose = FALSE)),
                         Model(internal ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)))
    datasets <- list(internal + 10L,
                     population - 5L)
    data.models <- list(initialModel(Model(tax ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "internal"),
                                           y = datasets[[1]],
                                           exposure = internal),
                              initialModel(Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.9), series = "population"),
                                           y = datasets[[2]],
                                           exposure = population))
    seriesIndices <- c(1L, 0L)
    transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = internal, y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = population, y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE))
    transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
    iterator <- CohortIterator(population)
    diff <- -4L
    ans.R <- diffLogLikPopnPair(diffOrig = -diff,
                                diffDest = diff,
                                iPopnOrig = 6L,
                                iPopnDest = 5L,
                                iterator = iterator,
                                population = population,
                                dataModels = data.models,
                                datasets = datasets,
                                seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                transforms = transforms,
                                useC = FALSE)
    ans.C <- diffLogLikPopnPair(diffOrig = -diff,
                                diffDest = diff,
                                iPopnOrig = 6L,
                                iPopnDest = 5L,
                                iterator = iterator,
                                population = population,
                                dataModels = data.models,
                                datasets = datasets,
                                seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                transforms = transforms,
                                useC = TRUE)
    if (test.identity)
        expect_identical(ans.R, ans.C)
        expect_equal(ans.R, ans.C)

test_that("diffLogLikAccountMovePopn works", {
    diffLogLikAccountMovePopn <- demest:::diffLogLikAccountMovePopn
    updateProposalAccountMovePopn <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMovePopn
    initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    population <- CountsOne(values = seq(100, 200, 10),
                            labels = seq(2000, 2100, 10),
                            name = "time")
    births <- CountsOne(values = rpois(n = 10, lambda = 15),
                        labels = paste(seq(2001, 2091, 10), seq(2010, 2100, 10), sep = "-"),
                        name = "time")
    deaths <- CountsOne(values = rpois(n = 10, lambda = 5),
                        labels = paste(seq(2001, 2091, 10), seq(2010, 2100, 10), sep = "-"),
                        name = "time")
    account <- Movements(population = population,
                         births = births,
                         exits = list(deaths = deaths))
    account <- makeConsistent(account)
    systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ time, useExpose = FALSE)),
                         Model(births ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)),
                         Model(deaths ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)))
    systemWeights <- rep(list(NULL), 3)
    data.models <- list(Model(tax ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "deaths"),
                              Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.9), series = "population"))
    seriesIndices <- c(2L, 0L)
    updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    datasets <- list(Counts(array(7L,
                                  dim = 10,
                                  dimnames = list(time = paste(seq(2001, 2091, 10), seq(2010, 2100, 10), sep = "-")))),
                     Counts(array(seq.int(110L, 210L, 10L),
                                  dim = 11,
                                  dimnames = list(time = seq(2000, 2100, 10)))))
    namesDatasets <- c("tax", "census")
    transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = deaths, y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = population, y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE))
    transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
    x <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                systemModels = systemModels,
                                systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                dataModels = data.models,
                                seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                datasets = datasets,
                                namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                transforms = transforms)
    x <- updateProposalAccountMovePopn(x)
    ans <- diffLogLikAccountMovePopn(x)
    expect_identical(length(ans), 1L)

test_that("R and C versions of diffLogLikAccountMovePopn give same answer", {
    diffLogLikAccountMovePopn <- demest:::diffLogLikAccountMovePopn
    initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    updateProposalAccountMovePopn <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMovePopn
    population <- CountsOne(values = seq(100, 200, 10),
                            labels = seq(2000, 2100, 10),
                            name = "time")
    births <- CountsOne(values = rpois(n = 10, lambda = 15),
                        labels = paste(seq(2001, 2091, 10), seq(2010, 2100, 10), sep = "-"),
                        name = "time")
    deaths <- CountsOne(values = rpois(n = 10, lambda = 5),
                        labels = paste(seq(2001, 2091, 10), seq(2010, 2100, 10), sep = "-"),
                        name = "time")
    account <- Movements(population = population,
                         births = births,
                         exits = list(deaths = deaths))
    account <- makeConsistent(account)
    systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ time, useExpose = FALSE)),
                         Model(births ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)),
                         Model(deaths ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)))
    systemWeights <- rep(list(NULL), 3)
    data.models <- list(Model(tax ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "deaths"),
                              Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.9), series = "population"))
    seriesIndices <- c(2L, 0L)
    updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    datasets <- list(Counts(array(7L,
                                  dim = 10,
                                  dimnames = list(time = paste(seq(2001, 2091, 10), seq(2010, 2100, 10), sep = "-")))),
                     Counts(array(seq.int(110L, 210L, 10L),
                                  dim = 11,
                                  dimnames = list(time = seq(2000, 2100, 10)))))
    namesDatasets <- c("tax", "census")
    transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = deaths, y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = population, y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE))
    transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
    x <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                systemModels = systemModels,
                                systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                dataModels = data.models,
                                seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                datasets = datasets,
                                namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                transforms = transforms)
    while (!x@generatedNewProposal@.Data) {
        x <- updateProposalAccountMovePopn(x)
    ans.R <- diffLogLikAccountMovePopn(x, useC = FALSE)
    ans.C <- diffLogLikAccountMovePopn(x, useC = TRUE)
    if (test.identity)
        expect_identical(ans.R, ans.C)
        expect_equal(ans.R, ans.C)

test_that("diffLogLikAccountMovePool works with CombinedAccountMovements", {
    diffLogLikAccountMovePool <- demest:::diffLogLikAccountMovePool
    diffLogLikCellsPool <- demest:::diffLogLikCellsPool
    diffLogLikPopnPair <- demest:::diffLogLikPopnPair
    initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    updateProposalAccountMovePool <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMovePool
    population <- Counts(array(seq(1000L, 1500L, 100L),
                               dim = c(3, 2),
                               dimnames = list(reg = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                               time = c(2000, 2005))))
    internal <- Counts(array(c(0L, 50L, 40L,
                               20L, 0L, 30L,
                               60L, 20L, 0L),
                             dim = c(3, 3, 1),
                             dimnames = list(reg_orig = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                             reg_dest = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                             time = "2001-2005")))
    internal <- collapseOrigDest(internal, to = "pool")
    account <- Movements(population = population,
                         internal = internal)
    account <- makeConsistent(account)
    systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ reg, useExpose = FALSE)),
                         Model(internal ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)))
    systemWeights <- list(NULL, NULL)
    data.models <- list(Model(tax ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "internal"),
                              Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.9), series = "population"))
    updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    seriesIndices <- c(1L, 0L)
    updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    datasets <- list(internal + 10L,
                     population - 5L)
    namesDatasets <- c("tax", "census")
    transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = internal, y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = population, y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE))
    transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
    x <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                 systemModels = systemModels,
                                 systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                 dataModels = data.models,
                                 seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                 updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                 usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                 datasets = datasets,
                                 namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                 transforms = transforms)
    updated <- FALSE
    x@iComp <- 1L
    while (!x@generatedNewProposal@.Data) {
        x <- updateProposalAccountMovePool(x)
    ans.obtained <- diffLogLikAccountMovePool(x)
    ans.expected <- diffLogLikCellsPool(diff = x@diffProp,
                                        iComp = x@iComp,
                                        iCellOut = x@iCell,
                                        iCellIn = x@iCellOther,
                                        component = x@account@components[[1]],
                                        dataModels = x@dataModels,
                                        datasets = x@datasets,
                                        seriesIndices = x@seriesIndices,
                                        transforms = x@transforms) +
        diffLogLikPopnPair(diffOrig = -x@diffProp,
                           diffDest = x@diffProp,
                           iPopnOrig = x@iPopnNext,
                           iPopnDest = x@iPopnNextOther,
                           iterator = x@iteratorPopn,
                           population = x@account@population,
                           dataModels = x@dataModels,
                           datasets = x@datasets,
                           seriesIndices = x@seriesIndices,
                           transforms = x@transforms)
    if (test.identity)
        expect_identical(ans.obtained, ans.expected)
        expect_equal(ans.obtained, ans.expected)

test_that("R and C versions of diffLogLikAccountMovePool give same answer with CombinedAccountMovements", {
    diffLogLikAccountMovePool <- demest:::diffLogLikAccountMovePool
    diffLogLikCellsPool <- demest:::diffLogLikCellsPool
    initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    updateProposalAccountMovePool <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMovePool
    population <- Counts(array(seq(1000L, 1500L, 100L),
                               dim = c(3, 2),
                               dimnames = list(reg = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                               time = c(2000, 2005))))
    internal <- Counts(array(c(0L, 50L, 40L,
                               20L, 0L, 30L,
                               60L, 20L, 0L),
                             dim = c(3, 3, 1),
                             dimnames = list(reg_orig = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                             reg_dest = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                             time = "2001-2005")))
    internal <- collapseOrigDest(internal, to = "pool")
    account <- Movements(population = population,
                         internal = internal)
    account <- makeConsistent(account)
    systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ reg, useExpose = FALSE)),
                         Model(internal ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)))
    systemWeights <- list(NULL, NULL)
    data.models <- list(Model(tax ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "internal"),
                              Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.9), series = "population"))
    seriesIndices <- c(1L, 0L)
    updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    datasets <- list(internal + 10L,
                     population - 5L)
    namesDatasets <- c("tax", "census")
    transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = internal, y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = population, y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE))
    transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
    x <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                 systemModels = systemModels,
                                 systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                 dataModels = data.models,
                                 seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                 updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                 usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                 datasets = datasets,
                                 namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                 transforms = transforms)
    updated <- FALSE
    x@iComp <- 1L
    while (!x@generatedNewProposal@.Data) {
        x <- updateProposalAccountMovePool(x)
    ans.R <- diffLogLikAccountMovePool(x, useC = FALSE)
    ans.C <- diffLogLikAccountMovePool(x, useC = TRUE)
    if (test.identity)
        expect_identical(ans.R, ans.C)
        expect_equal(ans.R, ans.C)

test_that("diffLogLikCellsPool works with CombinedAccountMovements", {
    diffLogLikCellsPool <- demest:::diffLogLikCellsPool
    diffLogLikCellOneDataset <- demest:::diffLogLikCellOneDataset
    initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
    updateProposalAccountMovePool <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMovePool
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    population <- Counts(array(seq(1000L, 1500L, 100L),
                               dim = c(3, 2),
                               dimnames = list(reg = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                               time = c(2000, 2005))))
    internal <- Counts(array(c(0L, 50L, 40L,
                               20L, 0L, 30L,
                               60L, 20L, 0L),
                             dim = c(3, 3, 1),
                             dimnames = list(reg_orig = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                             reg_dest = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                             time = "2001-2005")))
    internal <- collapseOrigDest(internal, to = "pool")
    account <- Movements(population = population,
                         internal = internal)
    account <- makeConsistent(account)
    systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ reg, useExpose = FALSE)),
                         Model(internal ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)))
    systemWeights <- list(NULL, NULL)
    data.models <- list(Model(tax ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "internal"),
                              Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.9), series = "population"))
    seriesIndices <- c(1L, 0L)
    updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    datasets <- list(internal + 10L,
                     population - 5L)
    namesDatasets <- c("tax", "census")
    transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = internal, y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = population, y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE))
    transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
    x <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                 systemModels = systemModels,
                                 systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                 dataModels = data.models,
                                 seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                 updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                 usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                 datasets = datasets,
                                 namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                 transforms = transforms)
    updated <- FALSE
    x@iComp <- 1L
    while (!x@generatedNewProposal@.Data) {
        x <- updateProposalAccountMovePool(x)
    ans.obtained <- diffLogLikCellsPool(diff = x@diffProp,
                                        iComp = x@iComp,
                                        iCellOut = x@iCell,
                                        iCellIn = x@iCellOther,
                                        component = x@account@components[[1]],
                                        dataModels = x@dataModels,
                                        datasets = x@datasets,
                                        seriesIndices = x@seriesIndices,
                                        transforms = x@transforms)
    ans.expected <- diffLogLikCellOneDataset(diff = x@diffProp,
                                             iCell = x@iCell,
                                             component = x@account@components[[1]],
                                             model = x@dataModels[[1]],
                                             dataset = x@datasets[[1]],
                                             transform = x@transforms[[1]]) +
        diffLogLikCellOneDataset(diff = x@diffProp,
                                 iCell = x@iCellOther,
                                 component = x@account@components[[1]],
                                 model = x@dataModels[[1]],
                                 dataset = x@datasets[[1]],
                                 transform = x@transforms[[1]])
    if (test.identity)
        expect_identical(ans.obtained, ans.expected)
        expect_equal(ans.obtained, ans.expected)

test_that("R and C versions of diffLogLikCellsPool give same answer with CombinedAccountMovements", {
    diffLogLikCellsPool <- demest:::diffLogLikCellsPool
    diffLogLikCellOneDataset <- demest:::diffLogLikCellOneDataset
    initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    updateProposalAccountMovePool <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMovePool
    population <- Counts(array(seq(1000L, 1500L, 100L),
                               dim = c(3, 2),
                               dimnames = list(reg = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                               time = c(2000, 2005))))
    internal <- Counts(array(c(0L, 50L, 40L,
                               20L, 0L, 30L,
                               60L, 20L, 0L),
                             dim = c(3, 3, 1),
                             dimnames = list(reg_orig = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                             reg_dest = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                             time = "2001-2005")))
    internal <- collapseOrigDest(internal, to = "pool")
    account <- Movements(population = population,
                         internal = internal)
    account <- makeConsistent(account)
    systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ reg, useExpose = FALSE)),
                         Model(internal ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)))
    systemWeights <- list(NULL, NULL)
    data.models <- list(Model(tax ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "internal"),
                              Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.9), series = "population"))
    seriesIndices <- c(1L, 0L)
    updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    datasets <- list(internal + 10L,
                     population - 5L)
    namesDatasets <- c("tax", "census")
    transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = internal, y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = population, y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE))
    transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
    x <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                systemModels = systemModels,
                                systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                dataModels = data.models,
                                seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                datasets = datasets,
                                namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                transforms = transforms)
    updated <- FALSE
    x@iComp <- 1L
    while (!x@generatedNewProposal@.Data) {
        x <- updateProposalAccountMovePool(x)
    ans.R <- diffLogLikCellsPool(diff = x@diffProp,
                                 iComp = x@iComp,
                                 iCellOut = x@iCell,
                                 iCellIn = x@iCellOther,
                                 component = x@account@components[[1]],
                                 dataModels = x@dataModels,
                                 datasets = x@datasets,
                                 seriesIndices = x@seriesIndices,
                                 transforms = x@transforms,
                                 useC = FALSE)
    ans.C <- diffLogLikCellsPool(diff = x@diffProp,
                                 iComp = x@iComp,
                                 iCellOut = x@iCell,
                                 iCellIn = x@iCellOther,
                                 component = x@account@components[[1]],
                                 dataModels = x@dataModels,
                                 datasets = x@datasets,
                                 seriesIndices = x@seriesIndices,
                                 transforms = x@transforms,
                                 useC = TRUE)
    if (test.identity)
        expect_identical(ans.R, ans.C)
        expect_equal(ans.R, ans.C)

test_that("diffLogLikAccountMoveNet works with CombinedAccountMovements", {
    diffLogLikAccountMoveNet <- demest:::diffLogLikAccountMoveNet
    diffLogLikCellsNet <- demest:::diffLogLikCellsNet
    diffLogLikPopnPair <- demest:::diffLogLikPopnPair
    initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    updateProposalAccountMoveNet <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMoveNet
    population <- Counts(array(seq(1000L, 1500L, 100L),
                               dim = c(3, 2),
                               dimnames = list(reg = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                               time = c(2000, 2005))))
    internal <- Counts(array(c(0L, 50L, 40L,
                               20L, 0L, 30L,
                               60L, 20L, 0L),
                             dim = c(3, 3, 1),
                             dimnames = list(reg_orig = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                             reg_dest = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                             time = "2001-2005")))
    internal <- collapseOrigDest(internal, to = "net")
    account <- Movements(population = population,
                         internal = internal)
    account <- makeConsistent(account)
    systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ reg, useExpose = FALSE)),
                         Model(internal ~ Normal(mean ~ 1)))
    w <- Counts(array(1,
                      dim = c(3, 1),
                      dimnames = list(reg = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                      time = "2001-2005")))
    systemWeights <- list(NULL, w)
    mean <- ValuesOne(1, labels = "2001-2005", name = "time")
    data.models <- list(Model(tax ~ NormalFixed(mean = mean, sd = 0.1), series = "internal"),
                              Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.9), series = "population"))
    seriesIndices <- c(1L, 0L)
    updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    datasets <- list(internal + 10L,
                     population - 5L)
    namesDatasets <- c("tax", "census")
    transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = internal, y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = population, y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE))
    transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
    x <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                systemModels = systemModels,
                                systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                dataModels = data.models,
                                seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                datasets = datasets,
                                namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                transforms = transforms)
    updated <- FALSE
    x@iComp <- 1L
    while (!x@generatedNewProposal@.Data) {
        x <- updateProposalAccountMoveNet(x)
    ans.obtained <- diffLogLikAccountMoveNet(x)
    ans.expected <- diffLogLikCellsNet(diff = x@diffProp,
                                       iComp = x@iComp,
                                       iCellAdd = x@iCell,
                                       iCellSub = x@iCellOther,
                                       component = x@account@components[[1]],
                                       dataModels = x@dataModels,
                                       datasets = x@datasets,
                                       seriesIndices = x@seriesIndices,
                                       transforms = x@transforms) +
        diffLogLikPopnPair(diffOrig = x@diffProp,
                           diffDest = -x@diffProp,
                           iPopnOrig = x@iPopnNext,
                           iPopnDest = x@iPopnNextOther,
                           iterator = x@iteratorPopn,
                           population = x@account@population,
                           dataModels = x@dataModels,
                           datasets = x@datasets,
                           seriesIndices = x@seriesIndices,
                           transforms = x@transforms)
    if (test.identity)
        expect_identical(ans.obtained, ans.expected)
        expect_equal(ans.obtained, ans.expected)

test_that("R and C versions of diffLogLikAccountMoveNet give same answer with CombinedAccountMovements", {
    diffLogLikAccountMoveNet <- demest:::diffLogLikAccountMoveNet
    diffLogLikCellsNet <- demest:::diffLogLikCellsNet
    initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    updateProposalAccountMoveNet <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMoveNet
    population <- Counts(array(seq(1000L, 1500L, 100L),
                               dim = c(3, 2),
                               dimnames = list(reg = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                               time = c(2000, 2005))))
    internal <- Counts(array(c(0L, 50L, 40L,
                               20L, 0L, 30L,
                               60L, 20L, 0L),
                             dim = c(3, 3, 1),
                             dimnames = list(reg_orig = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                             reg_dest = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                             time = "2001-2005")))
    internal <- collapseOrigDest(internal, to = "net")
    account <- Movements(population = population,
                         internal = internal)
    account <- makeConsistent(account)
    systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ reg, useExpose = FALSE)),
                         Model(internal ~ Normal(mean ~ 1)))
    w <- Counts(array(1,
                      dim = c(3, 1),
                      dimnames = list(reg = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                      time = "2001-2005")))
    systemWeights <- list(NULL, w)
    mean <- ValuesOne(1, labels = "2001-2005", name = "time")
    data.models <- list(Model(tax ~ NormalFixed(mean = mean, sd = 0.1), series = "internal"),
                              Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.9), series = "population"))
    seriesIndices <- c(1L, 0L)
    updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    datasets <- list(internal + 10L,
                     population - 5L)
    namesDatasets <- c("tax", "census")
    transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = internal, y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = population, y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE))
    transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
    x <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                 systemModels = systemModels,
                                 systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                 dataModels = data.models,
                                 seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                 updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                 usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                 datasets = datasets,
                                 namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                 transforms = transforms)
    updated <- FALSE
    x@iComp <- 1L
    while (!x@generatedNewProposal@.Data) {
        x <- updateProposalAccountMoveNet(x)
    ans.R <- diffLogLikAccountMoveNet(x, useC = FALSE)
    ans.C <- diffLogLikAccountMoveNet(x, useC = TRUE)
    if (test.identity)
        expect_identical(ans.R, ans.C)
        expect_equal(ans.R, ans.C)

test_that("diffLogLikCellsNet works with CombinedAccountMovements", {
    diffLogLikCellsNet <- demest:::diffLogLikCellsNet
    diffLogLikCellOneDataset <- demest:::diffLogLikCellOneDataset
    initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
    updateProposalAccountMoveNet <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMoveNet
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    population <- Counts(array(seq(1000L, 1500L, 100L),
                               dim = c(3, 2),
                               dimnames = list(reg = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                               time = c(2000, 2005))))
    internal <- Counts(array(c(0L, 50L, 40L,
                               20L, 0L, 30L,
                               60L, 20L, 0L),
                             dim = c(3, 3, 1),
                             dimnames = list(reg_orig = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                             reg_dest = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                             time = "2001-2005")))
    internal <- collapseOrigDest(internal, to = "net")
    account <- Movements(population = population,
                         internal = internal)
    account <- makeConsistent(account)
    systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ reg, useExpose = FALSE)),
                         Model(internal ~ Normal(mean ~ 1)))
    w <- Counts(array(1,
                      dim = c(3, 1),
                             dimnames = list(reg = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                             time = "2001-2005")))
    systemWeights <- list(NULL, w)
    mean <- ValuesOne(1, labels = "2001-2005", name = "time")
    data.models <- list(Model(tax ~ NormalFixed(mean = mean, sd = 0.1), series = "internal"),
                              Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.9), series = "population"))
    seriesIndices <- c(1L, 0L)
    updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    datasets <- list(internal + 10L,
                     population - 5L)
    namesDatasets <- c("tax", "census")
    transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = internal, y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = population, y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE))
    transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
    x <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                systemModels = systemModels,
                                systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                dataModels = data.models,
                                seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                datasets = datasets,
                                namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                transforms = transforms)
    updated <- FALSE
    x@iComp <- 1L
    while (!x@generatedNewProposal@.Data) {
        x <- updateProposalAccountMoveNet(x)
    ans.obtained <- diffLogLikCellsNet(diff = x@diffProp,
                                       iComp = x@iComp,
                                       iCellAdd = x@iCell,
                                       iCellSub = x@iCellOther,
                                       component = x@account@components[[1]],
                                       dataModels = x@dataModels,
                                       datasets = x@datasets,
                                       seriesIndices = x@seriesIndices,
                                       transforms = x@transforms)
    ans.expected <- diffLogLikCellOneDataset(diff = x@diffProp,
                                             iCell = x@iCell,
                                             component = x@account@components[[1]],
                                             model = x@dataModels[[1]],
                                             dataset = x@datasets[[1]],
                                             transform = x@transforms[[1]]) +
        diffLogLikCellOneDataset(diff = -x@diffProp,
                                 iCell = x@iCellOther,
                                 component = x@account@components[[1]],
                                 model = x@dataModels[[1]],
                                 dataset = x@datasets[[1]],
                                 transform = x@transforms[[1]])
    if (test.identity)
        expect_identical(ans.obtained, ans.expected)
        expect_equal(ans.obtained, ans.expected)

test_that("R and C versions of diffLogLikCellsNet give same answer with CombinedAccountMovements", {
    diffLogLikCellsNet <- demest:::diffLogLikCellsNet
    diffLogLikCellOneDataset <- demest:::diffLogLikCellOneDataset
    initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
    updateProposalAccountMoveNet <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMoveNet
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    population <- Counts(array(seq(1000L, 1500L, 100L),
                               dim = c(3, 2),
                               dimnames = list(reg = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                               time = c(2000, 2005))))
    internal <- Counts(array(c(0L, 50L, 40L,
                               20L, 0L, 30L,
                               60L, 20L, 0L),
                             dim = c(3, 3, 1),
                             dimnames = list(reg_orig = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                             reg_dest = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                             time = "2001-2005")))
    internal <- collapseOrigDest(internal, to = "net")
    account <- Movements(population = population,
                         internal = internal)
    account <- makeConsistent(account)
    systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ reg, useExpose = FALSE)),
                         Model(internal ~ Normal(mean ~ 1)))
    w <- Counts(array(1,
                      dim = c(3, 1),
                      dimnames = list(reg = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                      time = "2001-2005")))
    systemWeights <- list(NULL, w)
    mean <- ValuesOne(1, labels = "2001-2005", name = "time")
    data.models <- list(Model(tax ~ NormalFixed(mean = mean, sd = 0.1), series = "internal"),
                              Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.9), series = "population"))
    seriesIndices <- c(1L, 0L)
    updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    datasets <- list(internal + 10L,
                     population - 5L)
    namesDatasets <- c("tax", "census")
    transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = internal, y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = population, y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE))
    transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
    x <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                systemModels = systemModels,
                                systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                dataModels = data.models,
                                seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                datasets = datasets,
                                namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                transforms = transforms)
    updated <- FALSE
    x@iComp <- 1L
    while (!x@generatedNewProposal@.Data) {
        x <- updateProposalAccountMoveNet(x)
    ans.R <- diffLogLikCellsNet(diff = x@diffProp,
                                iComp = x@iComp,
                                iCellAdd = x@iCell,
                                iCellSub = x@iCellOther,
                                component = x@account@components[[1]],
                                dataModels = x@dataModels,
                                datasets = x@datasets,
                                seriesIndices = x@seriesIndices,
                                transforms = x@transforms,
                                useC = FALSE)
    ans.C <- diffLogLikCellsNet(diff = x@diffProp,
                                iComp = x@iComp,
                                iCellAdd = x@iCell,
                                iCellSub = x@iCellOther,
                                component = x@account@components[[1]],
                                dataModels = x@dataModels,
                                datasets = x@datasets,
                                seriesIndices = x@seriesIndices,
                                transforms = x@transforms,
                                useC = TRUE)
    if (test.identity)
        expect_identical(ans.R, ans.C)
        expect_equal(ans.R, ans.C)

test_that("diffLogLikAccountMoveComp works", {
    for (seed in seq_len(n.test)) {
        diffLogLikAccountMoveComp <- demest:::diffLogLikAccountMoveComp
        updateProposalAccountMoveComp <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMoveComp
        initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
        makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
        population <- CountsOne(values = seq(100, 200, 10),
                                labels = seq(2000, 2100, 10),
                                name = "time")
        births <- CountsOne(values = rpois(n = 10, lambda = 15),
                            labels = paste(seq(2001, 2091, 10), seq(2010, 2100, 10), sep = "-"),
                            name = "time")
        deaths <- CountsOne(values = rpois(n = 10, lambda = 5),
                            labels = paste(seq(2001, 2091, 10), seq(2010, 2100, 10), sep = "-"),
                            name = "time")
        account <- Movements(population = population,
                             births = births,
                             exits = list(deaths = deaths))
        account <- makeConsistent(account)
        systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ time, useExpose = FALSE)),
                             Model(births ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)),
                             Model(deaths ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)))
        systemWeights <- rep(list(NULL), 3)
        data.models <- list(Model(tax ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "deaths"),
                            Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.9), series = "population"))
        seriesIndices <- c(2L, 0L)
    updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
        datasets <- list(Counts(array(7L,
                                      dim = 10,
                                      dimnames = list(time = paste(seq(2001, 2091, 10), seq(2010, 2100, 10), sep = "-")))),
                         Counts(array(seq.int(110L, 210L, 10L),
                                      dim = 11,
                                      dimnames = list(time = seq(2000, 2100, 10)))))
        namesDatasets <- c("tax", "census")
        transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = deaths, y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                           makeTransform(x = population, y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE))
        transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
        x <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                    systemModels = systemModels,
                                    systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                    dataModels = data.models,
                                    seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                 updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                 usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                    datasets = datasets,
                                    namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                    transforms = transforms)
        x@iComp <- 2L
        updated <- FALSE
        while (!updated) {
            x <- updateProposalAccountMoveComp(x)
            updated <- x@generatedNewProposal@.Data
        ans <- diffLogLikAccountMoveComp(x)
        expect_identical(length(ans), 1L)

test_that("R and C versions of diffLogLikAccountMoveComp give same answer", {
    diffLogLikAccountMoveComp <- demest:::diffLogLikAccountMoveComp
    updateProposalAccountMoveComp <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMoveComp
    initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    for (seed in seq_len(n.test)) {
        population <- CountsOne(values = seq(100, 200, 10),
                                labels = seq(2000, 2100, 10),
                                name = "time")
        births <- CountsOne(values = rpois(n = 10, lambda = 15),
                            labels = paste(seq(2001, 2091, 10), seq(2010, 2100, 10), sep = "-"),
                            name = "time")
        deaths <- CountsOne(values = rpois(n = 10, lambda = 5),
                            labels = paste(seq(2001, 2091, 10), seq(2010, 2100, 10), sep = "-"),
                            name = "time")
        account <- Movements(population = population,
                             births = births,
                             exits = list(deaths = deaths))
        account <- makeConsistent(account)
        systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ time, useExpose = FALSE)),
                             Model(births ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)),
                             Model(deaths ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)))
        systemWeights <- rep(list(NULL), 3)
        data.models <- list(Model(tax ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "deaths"),
                                  Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.9), series = "population"))
        seriesIndices <- c(2L, 0L)
        updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
        usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
        datasets <- list(Counts(array(7L,
                                      dim = 10,
                                      dimnames = list(time = paste(seq(2001, 2091, 10), seq(2010, 2100, 10), sep = "-")))),
                         Counts(array(seq.int(110L, 210L, 10L),
                                      dim = 11,
                                      dimnames = list(time = seq(2000, 2100, 10)))))
        namesDatasets <- c("tax", "census")
        transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = deaths, y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                           makeTransform(x = population, y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE))
        transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
        x <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                    systemModels = systemModels,
                                    systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                    dataModels = data.models,
                                    seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                    updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                    usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                    datasets = datasets,
                                    namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                    transforms = transforms)
        x@iComp <- 2L
        updated <- FALSE
        while (!updated) {
            x <- updateProposalAccountMoveComp(x)
            updated <- x@generatedNewProposal@.Data
        ans.R <- diffLogLikAccountMoveComp(x, useC = FALSE)
        ans.C <- diffLogLikAccountMoveComp(x, useC = TRUE)
        if (test.identity)
            expect_identical(ans.R, ans.C)
            expect_equal(ans.R, ans.C)

test_that("diffLogLikAccountMoveOrigDest works", {
    diffLogLikAccountMoveOrigDest <- demest:::diffLogLikAccountMoveOrigDest
    updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDest <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDest
    initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    population <- Counts(array(seq(1000L, 1500L, 100L),
                               dim = c(3, 2),
                               dimnames = list(reg = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                               time = c(2000, 2005))))
    internal <- Counts(array(c(0L, 50L, 40L,
                               20L, 0L, 30L,
                               60L, 20L, 0L),
                             dim = c(3, 3, 1),
                             dimnames = list(reg_orig = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                             reg_dest = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                             time = "2001-2005")))
    account <- Movements(population = population,
                         internal = internal)
    account <- makeConsistent(account)
    systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ reg, useExpose = FALSE)),
                         Model(internal ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)))
    systemWeights <- list(NULL, NULL)
    data.models <- list(Model(tax ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "internal"),
                              Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.9), series = "population"))
    seriesIndices <- c(1L, 0L)
    updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    datasets <- list(internal + 10L,
                     population - 5L)
    namesDatasets <- c("tax", "census")
    transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = internal, y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = population, y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE))
    transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
    x <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                systemModels = systemModels,
                                systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                dataModels = data.models,
                                seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                datasets = datasets,
                                namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                transforms = transforms)
    x@iComp <- 1L
    updated <- FALSE
    for (seed in seq_len(n.test)) {
        x <- updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDest(x)
        if (x@generatedNewProposal@.Data) {
            updated <- TRUE
            ans.obtained <- diffLogLikAccountMoveOrigDest(x, useC = FALSE)
            expect_identical(length(ans.obtained), 1L)
    if (!updated)
        warning("proposal not updated")

test_that("R and C versions of diffLogLikAccountMoveOrigDest give same answer", {
    diffLogLikAccountMoveOrigDest <- demest:::diffLogLikAccountMoveOrigDest
    updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDest <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDest
    initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    population <- Counts(array(seq(1000L, 1500L, 100L),
                               dim = c(3, 2),
                               dimnames = list(reg = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                               time = c(2000, 2005))))
    internal <- Counts(array(c(0L, 50L, 40L,
                               20L, 0L, 30L,
                               60L, 20L, 0L),
                             dim = c(3, 3, 1),
                             dimnames = list(reg_orig = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                             reg_dest = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                             time = "2001-2005")))
    account <- Movements(population = population,
                         internal = internal)
    account <- makeConsistent(account)
    systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ reg, useExpose = FALSE)),
                         Model(internal ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)))
    systemWeights <- list(NULL, NULL)
    data.models <- list(Model(tax ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "internal"),
                              Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.9), series = "population"))
    seriesIndices <- c(1L, 0L)
    updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    datasets <- list(internal + 10L,
                     population - 5L)
    namesDatasets <- c("tax", "census")
    transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = internal, y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = population, y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE))
    transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
    x <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                systemModels = systemModels,
                                systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                dataModels = data.models,
                                seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                datasets = datasets,
                                namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                transforms = transforms)
    x@iComp <- 1L
    updated <- FALSE
    for (seed in seq_len(n.test)) {
        x <- updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDest(x)
        if (x@generatedNewProposal@.Data) {
            updated <- TRUE
            ans.R <- diffLogLikAccountMoveOrigDest(x, useC = FALSE)
            ans.C <- diffLogLikAccountMoveOrigDest(x, useC = TRUE)
            if (test.identity)
                expect_identical(ans.R, ans.C)
                expect_equal(ans.R, ans.C)
        if (!updated)
            warning("proposal not updated")

test_that("diffLogLikAccountMoveCompSmall works", {
    for (seed in seq_len(n.test)) {
        diffLogLikAccountMoveCompSmall <- demest:::diffLogLikAccountMoveCompSmall
        updateProposalAccountMoveCompSmall <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMoveCompSmall
        initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
        makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
        popn <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 100),
                             dim = c(3, 2, 5, 3),
                             dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                             sex = c("f", "m"),
                                             reg = 1:5,
                                             time = c(2000, 2005, 2010))))
        births <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 5),
                               dim = c(1, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                               dimnames = list(age = "5-9",
                                               sex = c("m", "f"),
                                               reg = 1:5,
                                               time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                               triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
        internal <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = 10),
                                 dim = c(3, 2, 5, 5, 2, 2),
                                 dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                                 sex = c("m", "f"),
                                                 reg_orig = 1:5,
                                                 reg_dest = 1:5,
                                                 time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                                 triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
        deaths <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 72, lambda = 10),
                               dim = c(3, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                               dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                               sex = c("m", "f"),
                                               reg = 5:1,
                                               time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                               triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
        account <- Movements(population = popn,
                             births = births,
                             internal = internal,
                             exits = list(deaths = deaths))
        account <- makeConsistent(account)
        systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ age + sex, useExpose = FALSE)),
                             Model(births ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)),
                             Model(internal ~ Poisson(mean ~ reg_orig + reg_dest)),
                             Model(deaths ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)))
        systemWeights <- list(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
        census <- subarray(popn, time == "2000", drop = FALSE) + 2L
        register <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = popn),
                                 dim = dim(popn),
                                 dimnames = dimnames(popn)))
        reg.births <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = births, prob = 0.98),
                                   dim = dim(births),
                                   dimnames = dimnames(births)))
        address.change <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = internal),
                                       dim = dim(internal),
                                       dimnames = dimnames(internal)))
        reg.deaths <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = deaths, prob = 0.98),
                                   dim = dim(deaths),
                                   dimnames = dimnames(deaths))) + 1L
        datasets <- list(census, register, reg.births, address.change, reg.deaths)
        namesDatasets <- c("census", "register", "reg.births", "address.change", "reg.deaths")
        data.models <- list(Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.95), series = "population"),
                            Model(register ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "population"),
                            Model(reg.births ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "births"),
                            Model(address.change ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "internal"),
                            Model(reg.deaths ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "deaths"))
        seriesIndices <- c(0L, 0L, 1L, 2L, 3L)
        updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
        usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
        transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                           makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE),
                           makeTransform(x = components(account, "births"), y = datasets[[3]], subset = TRUE),
                           makeTransform(x = components(account, "internal"), y = datasets[[4]], subset = TRUE),
                           makeTransform(x = components(account, "deaths"), y = datasets[[5]], subset = TRUE))
        transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
        x0 <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                     systemModels = systemModels,
                                     systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                     dataModels = data.models,
                                     seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                     updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                     usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                     datasets = datasets,
                                     namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                     transforms = transforms,
                                     probSmallUpdate = 0.3)
        expect_is(x0, "CombinedAccountMovementsHasAge")
        x0@iComp <- 3L
        updated <- FALSE
        while (!updated) {
            x1 <- updateProposalAccountMoveCompSmall(x0)
            updated <- x1@generatedNewProposal@.Data
        expect_is(x1, "CombinedAccountMovementsHasAge")
        ans <- diffLogLikAccountMoveCompSmall(x1)
        expect_identical(length(ans), 1L)

test_that("R and C versions of diffLogLikAccountMoveCompSmall give same answer", {
    for (seed in seq_len(n.test)) {
        diffLogLikAccountMoveCompSmall <- demest:::diffLogLikAccountMoveCompSmall
        updateProposalAccountMoveCompSmall <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMoveCompSmall
        initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
        makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
        popn <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 100),
                             dim = c(3, 2, 5, 3),
                             dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                             sex = c("f", "m"),
                                             reg = 1:5,
                                             time = c(2000, 2005, 2010))))
        births <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 5),
                               dim = c(1, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                               dimnames = list(age = "5-9",
                                               sex = c("m", "f"),
                                               reg = 1:5,
                                               time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                               triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
        internal <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = 10),
                                 dim = c(3, 2, 5, 5, 2, 2),
                                 dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                                 sex = c("m", "f"),
                                                 reg_orig = 1:5,
                                                 reg_dest = 1:5,
                                                 time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                                 triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
        deaths <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 72, lambda = 10),
                               dim = c(3, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                               dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                               sex = c("m", "f"),
                                               reg = 5:1,
                                               time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                               triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
        account <- Movements(population = popn,
                             births = births,
                             internal = internal,
                             exits = list(deaths = deaths))
        account <- makeConsistent(account)
        systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ age + sex, useExpose = FALSE)),
                             Model(births ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)),
                             Model(internal ~ Poisson(mean ~ reg_orig + reg_dest)),
                             Model(deaths ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)))
        systemWeights <- list(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
        census <- subarray(popn, time == "2000", drop = FALSE) + 2L
        register <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = popn),
                                 dim = dim(popn),
                                 dimnames = dimnames(popn)))
        reg.births <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = births, prob = 0.98),
                                   dim = dim(births),
                                   dimnames = dimnames(births)))
        address.change <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = internal),
                                       dim = dim(internal),
                                       dimnames = dimnames(internal)))
        reg.deaths <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = deaths, prob = 0.98),
                                   dim = dim(deaths),
                                   dimnames = dimnames(deaths))) + 1L
        datasets <- list(census, register, reg.births, address.change, reg.deaths)
        namesDatasets <- c("census", "register", "reg.births", "address.change", "reg.deaths")
        data.models <- list(Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.95), series = "population"),
                            Model(register ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "population"),
                            Model(reg.births ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "births"),
                            Model(address.change ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "internal"),
                            Model(reg.deaths ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "deaths"))
        seriesIndices <- c(0L, 0L, 1L, 2L, 3L)
        updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
        usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
        transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                           makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE),
                           makeTransform(x = components(account, "births"), y = datasets[[3]], subset = TRUE),
                           makeTransform(x = components(account, "internal"), y = datasets[[4]], subset = TRUE),
                           makeTransform(x = components(account, "deaths"), y = datasets[[5]], subset = TRUE))
        transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
        x0 <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                     systemModels = systemModels,
                                     systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                     dataModels = data.models,
                                     seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                     updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                     usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                     datasets = datasets,
                                     namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                     transforms = transforms,
                                     probSmallUpdate = 0.3)
        expect_is(x0, "CombinedAccountMovementsHasAge")
        x0@iComp <- 3L
        updated <- FALSE
        while (!updated) {
            x1 <- updateProposalAccountMoveCompSmall(x0)
            updated <- x1@generatedNewProposal@.Data
        expect_is(x1, "CombinedAccountMovementsHasAge")
        ans.R <- diffLogLikAccountMoveCompSmall(x1, useC = FALSE)
        ans.C <- diffLogLikAccountMoveCompSmall(x1, useC = TRUE)
        if (test.identity)
            expect_identical(ans.R, ans.C)
            expect_equal(ans.R, ans.C)

## LOG DENSITY ################################################################

## diffLogDensPopn

test_that("diffLogDensPopn works", {
    diffLogDensPopn <- demest:::diffLogDensPopn
    diffLogDensPopnOneCohort <- demest:::diffLogDensPopnOneCohort
    updateProposalAccountMoveComp <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMoveComp
    updateProposalAccountMovePopn <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMovePopn
    initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    population <- CountsOne(values = seq(100, 200, 10),
                            labels = seq(2000, 2100, 10),
                            name = "time")
    births <- CountsOne(values = rpois(n = 10, lambda = 15),
                        labels = paste(seq(2001, 2091, 10), seq(2010, 2100, 10), sep = "-"),
                        name = "time")
    deaths <- CountsOne(values = rpois(n = 10, lambda = 5),
                        labels = paste(seq(2001, 2091, 10), seq(2010, 2100, 10), sep = "-"),
                        name = "time")
    account <- Movements(population = population,
                         births = births,
                         exits = list(deaths = deaths))
    account <- makeConsistent(account)
    systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ time, useExpose = FALSE)),
                         Model(births ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)),
                         Model(deaths ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)))
    systemWeights <- rep(list(NULL), 3)
    data.models <- list(Model(tax ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "deaths"),
                              Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.9), series = "population"))
    seriesIndices <- c(2L, 0L)
    updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    datasets <- list(Counts(array(7L,
                                  dim = 10,
                                  dimnames = list(time = paste(seq(2001, 2091, 10), seq(2010, 2100, 10), sep = "-")))),
                     Counts(array(seq.int(110L, 210L, 10L),
                                  dim = 11,
                                  dimnames = list(time = seq(2000, 2100, 10)))))
    namesDatasets <- c("tax", "census")
    transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = deaths, y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = population, y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE))
    transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
    x <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                systemModels = systemModels,
                                systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                dataModels = data.models,
                                seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                datasets = datasets,
                                namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                transforms = transforms)
    for (seed in seq_len(n.test)) {
        ## population
        x@iComp <- 0L
        x <- updateProposalAccountMovePopn(x)
        if (x@generatedNewProposal) {
            ans.obtained <- diffLogDensPopn(x)
            ans.expected <- diffLogDensPopnOneCohort(diff = x@diffProp,
                                                     population = x@account@population,
                                                     i = x@iCell,
                                                     iterator = x@iteratorPopn,
                                                     theta = x@systemModels[[1]]@theta,
                                                     strucZeroArray = x@systemModels[[1]]@strucZeroArray)
            if (test.identity)
                expect_identical(ans.obtained, ans.expected)
                expect_equal(ans.obtained, ans.expected)
        ## deaths
        x@iComp <- 2L
        x <- updateProposalAccountMoveComp(x)
        if (x@generatedNewProposal) {
            ans.obtained <- diffLogDensPopn(x)
            ans.expected <- diffLogDensPopnOneCohort(diff = -x@diffProp,
                                                     population = x@account@population,
                                                     i = x@iPopnNext,
                                                     iterator = x@iteratorPopn,
                                                     theta = x@systemModels[[1]]@theta,
                                                     strucZeroArray = x@systemModels[[1]]@strucZeroArray)
            if (test.identity)
                expect_identical(ans.obtained, ans.expected)
                expect_equal(ans.obtained, ans.expected)

test_that("R and C versions of diffLogDensPopn give same answer", {
    diffLogDensPopn <- demest:::diffLogDensPopn
    diffLogDensPopnOneCohort <- demest:::diffLogDensPopnOneCohort
    updateProposalAccountMoveComp <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMoveComp
    updateProposalAccountMovePopn <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMovePopn
    initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    for (seed in seq_len(n.test)) {
        population <- CountsOne(values = seq(100, 200, 10),
                                labels = seq(2000, 2100, 10),
                                name = "time")
        births <- CountsOne(values = rpois(n = 10, lambda = 15),
                            labels = paste(seq(2001, 2091, 10), seq(2010, 2100, 10), sep = "-"),
                            name = "time")
        deaths <- CountsOne(values = rpois(n = 10, lambda = 5),
                            labels = paste(seq(2001, 2091, 10), seq(2010, 2100, 10), sep = "-"),
                            name = "time")
        account <- Movements(population = population,
                             births = births,
                             exits = list(deaths = deaths))
        account <- makeConsistent(account)
        systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ time, useExpose = FALSE)),
                             Model(births ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)),
                             Model(deaths ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)))
        systemWeights <- rep(list(NULL), 3)
        data.models <- list(Model(tax ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "deaths"),
                            Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.9), series = "population"))
        seriesIndices <- c(2L, 0L)
        updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
        usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
        datasets <- list(Counts(array(7L,
                                      dim = 10,
                                      dimnames = list(time = paste(seq(2001, 2091, 10), seq(2010, 2100, 10), sep = "-")))),
                         Counts(array(seq.int(110L, 210L, 10L),
                                      dim = 11,
                                      dimnames = list(time = seq(2000, 2100, 10)))))
        namesDatasets <- c("tax", "census")
        transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = deaths, y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                           makeTransform(x = population, y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE))
        transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
        x <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                    systemModels = systemModels,
                                    systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                    dataModels = data.models,
                                    seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                    updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                    usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                    datasets = datasets,
                                    namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                    transforms = transforms)
        ## population
        x@iComp <- 0L
        max.attempts <- 1000L
        i.attempt <- 0
        x <- updateProposalAccountMovePopn(x)
        while( ! x@generatedNewProposal && i.attempt < max.attempts) {
            x <- updateProposalAccountMovePopn(x)
            i.attempt = i.attempt + 1
        if (x@generatedNewProposal) {
            ans.R <- diffLogDensPopn(x, useC = FALSE)
            ans.C <- diffLogDensPopn(x, useC = TRUE)
            if (test.identity)
                expect_identical(ans.R, ans.C)
                expect_equal(ans.C, ans.R)
        ## deaths
        x@iComp <- 2L
        i.attempt <- 0
        x <- updateProposalAccountMoveComp(x)
        while( ! x@generatedNewProposal && i.attempt < max.attempts) {
            x <- updateProposalAccountMoveComp(x)
            i.attempt = i.attempt + 1
        if (x@generatedNewProposal) {
            ans.R <- diffLogDensPopn(x, useC = FALSE)
            ans.C <- diffLogDensPopn(x, useC = TRUE)
            if (test.identity)
                expect_identical(ans.R, ans.C)
                expect_equal(ans.C, ans.R)

## diffLogDensPopnOneCohort

test_that("diffLogDensPopnOneCohort works", {
    diffLogDensPopnOneCohort <- demest:::diffLogDensPopnOneCohort
    Population <- dembase:::Population
    CohortIterator <- demest:::CohortIterator
    popn <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 100),
                         dim = c(3, 2, 5, 3),
                         dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                         sex = c("f", "m"),
                                         reg = 1:5,
                                         time = c(2000, 2005, 2010))))
    popn <- Population(popn)
    strucZeroArray <- Counts(array(c(0L, 1L, 1L),
                                   dim = c(3, 2, 5, 3),
                                   dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                                   sex = c("f", "m"),
                                                   reg = 1:5,
                                                   time = c(2000, 2005, 2010))))
    iterator <- CohortIterator(popn)
    theta <- Values(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = popn),
                          dim = dim(popn),
                          dimnames = dimnames(popn))) + 0.01
    theta[strucZeroArray == 0L] <- NA
    ans.obtained <- diffLogDensPopnOneCohort(diff = 3L,
                                             population = popn,
                                             i = 7L,
                                             iterator = iterator,
                                             theta = theta,
                                             strucZeroArray = strucZeroArray)
    ii <- c(7, 38, 69)
    ans.expected <- (sum(dpois(x = popn[ii] + 3,
                               lambda = theta[ii],
                               log = TRUE), na.rm = TRUE)
        - sum(dpois(x = popn[ii],
                    lambda = theta[ii],
                    log = TRUE), na.rm = TRUE))
    if (test.identity)
        expect_identical(ans.obtained, ans.expected)
    else {
        expect_equal(ans.obtained, ans.expected)

test_that("R and C versions of diffLogDensPopnOneCohort give same answer", {
    diffLogDensPopnOneCohort <- demest:::diffLogDensPopnOneCohort
    Population <- dembase:::Population
    CohortIterator <- demest:::CohortIterator
    popn <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 100),
                         dim = c(3, 2, 5, 3),
                         dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                         sex = c("f", "m"),
                                         reg = 1:5,
                                         time = c(2000, 2005, 2010))))
    strucZeroArray <- Counts(array(c(0L, 1L, 1L),
                                   dim = c(3, 2, 5, 3),
                                   dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                                   sex = c("f", "m"),
                                                   reg = 1:5,
                                                   time = c(2000, 2005, 2010))))
    popn <- Population(popn)
    iterator <- CohortIterator(popn)
    theta <- Values(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = popn),
                          dim = dim(popn),
                          dimnames = dimnames(popn))) + 0.01
    theta[strucZeroArray == 0L] <- NA
    for (i in 1:12) {
        ans.R <- diffLogDensPopnOneCohort(diff = 3L,
                                          population = popn,
                                          i = 7L,
                                          iterator = iterator,
                                          theta = theta,
                                          strucZeroArray = strucZeroArray,
                                          useC = FALSE)
        ans.C <- diffLogDensPopnOneCohort(diff = 3L,
                                          population = popn,
                                          i = 7L,
                                          iterator = iterator,
                                          theta = theta,
                                          strucZeroArray = strucZeroArray,
                                          useC = TRUE)
        if (test.identity)
            expect_identical(ans.R, ans.C)
        else {
            expect_equal(ans.R, ans.C)

## diffLogDensExpPopn

test_that("diffLogDensExpPopn works", {
    diffLogDensExpPopn <- demest:::diffLogDensExpPopn
    diffLogDensExpOneComp <- demest:::diffLogDensExpOneComp
    diffLogDensExpOneOrigDestParChPool <- demest:::diffLogDensExpOneOrigDestParChPool
    updateProposalAccountMovePopn <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMovePopn
    initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
    getICellBirthsFromExp <- demest:::getICellBirthsFromExp
    getIExposureFromBirths <- demest:::getIExposureFromBirths
    getICellCompFromExp <- demest:::getICellCompFromExp
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    popn <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 100),
                         dim = c(3, 2, 5, 3),
                         dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                         sex = c("f", "m"),
                                         reg = 1:5,
                                         time = c(2000, 2005, 2010))))
    births <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 5),
                           dim = c(1, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                           dimnames = list(age = "5-9",
                                           sex = c("m", "f"),
                                           reg = 1:5,
                                           time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                           triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    internal <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = 10),
                             dim = c(3, 2, 5, 5, 2, 2),
                             dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                             sex = c("m", "f"),
                                             reg_orig = 1:5,
                                             reg_dest = 1:5,
                                             time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                             triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    internal[slice.index(internal, 3) == slice.index(internal, 4)] <- 0L
    deaths <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 72, lambda = 10),
                           dim = c(3, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                           dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                           sex = c("m", "f"),
                                           reg = 5:1,
                                           time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                           triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    account <- Movements(population = popn,
                         births = births,
                         internal = internal,
                         exits = list(deaths = deaths))
    account <- makeConsistent(account)
    systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ age + sex, useExpose = FALSE)),
                         Model(births ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)),
                         Model(internal ~ Poisson(mean ~ reg_orig + reg_dest, structuralZeros = "diag")),
                         Model(deaths ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)))
    systemWeights <- list(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
    census <- subarray(popn, time == "2000", drop = FALSE) + 2L
    register <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = popn),
                             dim = dim(popn),
                             dimnames = dimnames(popn)))
    reg.births <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = births, prob = 0.98),
                               dim = dim(births),
                               dimnames = dimnames(births)))
    address.change <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = internal),
                                   dim = dim(internal),
                                   dimnames = dimnames(internal)))
    reg.deaths <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = deaths, prob = 0.98),
                               dim = dim(deaths),
                               dimnames = dimnames(deaths))) + 1L
    datasets <- list(census, register, reg.births, address.change, reg.deaths)
    namesDatasets <- c("census", "register", "reg.births", "address.change", "reg.deaths")
    data.models <- list(Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.95), series = "population"),
                              Model(register ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "population"),
                              Model(reg.births ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "births"),
                              Model(address.change ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "internal"),
                              Model(reg.deaths ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "deaths"))
    seriesIndices <- c(0L, 0L, 1L, 2L, 3L)
    updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "births"), y = datasets[[3]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "internal"), y = datasets[[4]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "deaths"), y = datasets[[5]], subset = TRUE))
    transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
    x <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                systemModels = systemModels,
                                systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                dataModels = data.models,
                                seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                datasets = datasets,
                                namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                transforms = transforms)
    x@iComp <- 0L
    updated <- FALSE
    for (seed in seq_len(n.test)) {
        x <- updateProposalAccountMovePopn(x)
        if (x@generatedNewProposal@.Data) {
            updated <- TRUE
            ans.obtained <- diffLogDensExpPopn(x)
            ans.expected <- 0
            i.cell.births <- getICellBirthsFromExp(x@iExpFirst, x@mappingsFromExp[[1]],
                                                   ageForward = TRUE)
            if (i.cell.births > 0L) {
                i.exp.first.births <- getIExposureFromBirths(i = i.cell.births,
                                                             mapping = x@mappingsToExp[[1]])
                ans.expected <- ans.expected + diffLogDensExpOneOrigDestParChPool(iCell= i.cell.births,
                                                                     hasAge = TRUE,
                                                                     updatedPopn = TRUE,
                                                                     updatedBirths = FALSE,
                                                                     ageTimeStep = x@ageTimeStep,
                                                                     component = x@account@components[[1]],
                                                                     theta = x@systemModels[[2]]@theta,
                                                                     strucZeroArray = x@systemModels[[2]]@strucZeroArray,
                                                                     iteratorComp = x@iteratorsComp[[1]],
                                                                     iExpFirst = i.exp.first.births,
                                                                     exposure = x@exposure,
                                                                     iteratorExposure = x@iteratorExposure,
                                                                     diff = x@diffProp,
                                                                     firstOnly = FALSE,
                                                                     isSmallUpdateFinal = FALSE)
            i.cell.internal <- getICellCompFromExp(x@iExpFirst, x@mappingsFromExp[[2]])
            ans.expected <- ans.expected + diffLogDensExpOneOrigDestParChPool(iCell = i.cell.internal,
                                                                              hasAge = TRUE,
                                                                              updatedPopn = TRUE,
                                                                              updatedBirths = FALSE,
                                                                              ageTimeStep = x@ageTimeStep,
                                                                              component = x@account@components[[2]],
                                                                              theta = x@systemModels[[3]]@theta,
                                                                              strucZeroArray = x@systemModels[[3]]@strucZeroArray,
                                                                              iteratorComp = x@iteratorsComp[[2]],
                                                                              iExpFirst = x@iExpFirst,
                                                                              exposure = x@exposure,
                                                                              iteratorExposure = x@iteratorExposure,
                                                                              diff = x@diffProp,
                                                                              firstOnly = FALSE,
                                                                              isSmallUpdateFinal = FALSE)
            i.cell.deaths <- getICellCompFromExp(x@iExpFirst, x@mappingsFromExp[[3]])
                ans.expected <- ans.expected + diffLogDensExpOneComp(iCell= i.cell.deaths,
                                                                     hasAge = TRUE,
                                                                     updatedPopn = TRUE,
                                                                     updatedBirths = FALSE,
                                                                     ageTimeStep = x@ageTimeStep,
                                                                     component = x@account@components[[3]],
                                                                     theta = x@systemModels[[4]]@theta,
                                                                     strucZeroArray = x@systemModels[[4]]@strucZeroArray,
                                                                     iteratorComp = x@iteratorsComp[[3]],
                                                                     iExpFirst = x@iExpFirst,
                                                                     exposure = x@exposure,
                                                                     iteratorExposure = x@iteratorExposure,
                                                                     diff = x@diffProp,
                                                                     firstOnly = FALSE,
                                                                     isSmallUpdateFinal = FALSE)
            if (test.identity)
                expect_identical(ans.obtained, ans.expected)
                expect_equal(ans.obtained, ans.expected)
    if (!updated)
        warning("not updated")

test_that("R and C versions of diffLogDensExpPopn give same answer", {
    diffLogDensExpPopn <- demest:::diffLogDensExpPopn
    updateProposalAccountMovePopn <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMovePopn
    initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    updated <- FALSE
    for (seed in seq_len(n.test)) {
        popn <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 100),
                             dim = c(3, 2, 5, 3),
                             dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                             sex = c("f", "m"),
                                             reg = 1:5,
                                             time = c(2000, 2005, 2010))))
        births <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 5),
                               dim = c(1, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                               dimnames = list(age = "5-9",
                                               sex = c("m", "f"),
                                               reg = 1:5,
                                               time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                               triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
        internal <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = 10),
                                 dim = c(3, 2, 5, 5, 2, 2),
                                 dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                                 sex = c("m", "f"),
                                                 reg_orig = 1:5,
                                                 reg_dest = 1:5,
                                                 time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                                 triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
        internal[slice.index(internal, 3) == slice.index(internal, 4)] <- 0L
        deaths <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 72, lambda = 10),
                               dim = c(3, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                               dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                               sex = c("m", "f"),
                                               reg = 5:1,
                                               time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                               triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
        account <- Movements(population = popn,
                             births = births,
                             internal = internal,
                             exits = list(deaths = deaths))
        account <- makeConsistent(account)
        systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ age + sex, useExpose = FALSE)),
                             Model(births ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)),
                             Model(internal ~ Poisson(mean ~ reg_orig + reg_dest, structuralZeros = "diag")),
                             Model(deaths ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)))
        systemWeights <- list(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
        census <- subarray(popn, time == "2000", drop = FALSE) + 2L
        register <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = popn),
                                 dim = dim(popn),
                                 dimnames = dimnames(popn)))
        reg.births <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = births, prob = 0.98),
                                   dim = dim(births),
                                   dimnames = dimnames(births)))
        address.change <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = internal),
                                       dim = dim(internal),
                                       dimnames = dimnames(internal)))
        reg.deaths <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = deaths, prob = 0.98),
                                   dim = dim(deaths),
                                   dimnames = dimnames(deaths))) + 1L
        datasets <- list(census, register, reg.births, address.change, reg.deaths)
        namesDatasets <- c("census", "register", "reg.births", "address.change", "reg.deaths")
        data.models <- list(Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.95), series = "population"),
                                  Model(register ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "population"),
                                  Model(reg.births ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "births"),
                                  Model(address.change ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "internal"),
                                  Model(reg.deaths ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "deaths"))
        seriesIndices <- c(0L, 0L, 1L, 2L, 3L)
        updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
        usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
        transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                           makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE),
                           makeTransform(x = components(account, "births"), y = datasets[[3]], subset = TRUE),
                           makeTransform(x = components(account, "internal"), y = datasets[[4]], subset = TRUE),
                           makeTransform(x = components(account, "deaths"), y = datasets[[5]], subset = TRUE))
        transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
        x <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                    systemModels = systemModels,
                                    systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                    dataModels = data.models,
                                    seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                    updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                    usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                    datasets = datasets,
                                    namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                    transforms = transforms)
        x@iComp <- 0L
        x <- updateProposalAccountMovePopn(x)
        if (x@generatedNewProposal@.Data) {
            updated <- TRUE
            ans.R <- diffLogDensExpPopn(x, useC = FALSE)
            ans.C <- diffLogDensExpPopn(x, useC = TRUE)
            if (test.identity)
                expect_identical(ans.R, ans.C)
                expect_equal(ans.R, ans.C)
    if (!updated)
        warning("not updated")

## diffLogDensJumpOrigDest

test_that("diffLogDensJumpOrigDest works with CombinedAccountMovements - no age", {
    diffLogDensJumpOrigDest <- demest:::diffLogDensJumpOrigDest
    updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDest <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDest
    initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    population <- Counts(array(seq(2000L, 2500L, 100L),
                               dim = c(3, 2),
                               dimnames = list(reg = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                               time = c(2000, 2005))))
    internal <- Counts(array(c(0L, 25L, 10L,
                               20L, 0L, 30L,
                               15L, 20L, 0L),
                             dim = c(3, 3, 1),
                             dimnames = list(reg_orig = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                             reg_dest = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                             time = "2001-2005")))
    account <- Movements(population = population,
                         internal = internal)
    account <- makeConsistent(account)
    systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ reg, useExpose = FALSE)),
                         Model(internal ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)))
    systemWeights <- list(NULL, NULL)
    data.models <- list(Model(tax ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "internal"),
                              Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.9), series = "population"))
    seriesIndices <- c(1L, 0L)
    updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    datasets <- list(internal + 10L,
                     population - 5L)
    namesDatasets <- c("tax", "census")
    transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = internal, y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = population, y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE))
    transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
    x0 <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                 systemModels = systemModels,
                                 systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                 dataModels = data.models,
                                 seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                 updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                 usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                 datasets = datasets,
                                 namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                 transforms = transforms)
    updated <- FALSE
    x0@iComp <- 1L
    for (seed in seq_len(10 * n.test)) {
        x <- updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDest(x0)
        if (x@generatedNewProposal@.Data) {
            updated <- TRUE
            ans.obtained <- diffLogDensJumpOrigDest(x)
            ans.expected <- (dpois(x@account@components[[1]][x@iCell] + x@diffProp,
                                   lambda = (x@exposure[x@iExposure] - 0.5 * x@diffProp * x@ageTimeStep) * x@systemModels[[2]]@theta[x@iCell],
                                   log = TRUE)
                - dpois(x@account@components[[1]][x@iCell],
                        lambda = (x@exposure[x@iExposure] - 0.5 * x@diffProp * x@ageTimeStep) * x@systemModels[[2]]@theta[x@iCell],
                        log = TRUE)
                + dpois(x@account@components[[1]][x@iCell],
                        lambda = x@expectedExposure[x@iExposure] * x@systemModels[[2]]@theta[x@iCell],
                        log = TRUE)
                - dpois(x@account@components[[1]][x@iCell] + x@diffProp,
                        lambda = x@expectedExposure[x@iExposure] * x@systemModels[[2]]@theta[x@iCell],
                        log = TRUE))
            if (test.identity)
                expect_identical(ans.obtained, ans.expected)
                expect_equal(ans.obtained, ans.expected)
    if (!updated)
        warning("not updated")

test_that("R and C versions of diffLogDensJumpOrigDest give same answer - no age", {
    diffLogDensJumpOrigDest <- demest:::diffLogDensJumpOrigDest
    updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDest <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDest
    initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    population <- Counts(array(seq(1000L, 1500L, 100L),
                               dim = c(3, 2),
                               dimnames = list(reg = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                               time = c(2000, 2005))))
    internal <- Counts(array(c(0L, 50L, 40L,
                               20L, 0L, 30L,
                               60L, 20L, 0L),
                             dim = c(3, 3, 1),
                             dimnames = list(reg_orig = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                             reg_dest = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                             time = "2001-2005")))
    account <- Movements(population = population,
                         internal = internal)
    account <- makeConsistent(account)
    systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ reg, useExpose = FALSE)),
                         Model(internal ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)))
    systemWeights <- list(NULL, NULL)
    data.models <- list(Model(tax ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "internal"),
                              Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.9), series = "population"))
    seriesIndices <- c(1L, 0L)
    updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    datasets <- list(internal + 10L,
                     population - 5L)
    namesDatasets <- c("tax", "census")
    transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = internal, y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = population, y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE))
    transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
    x <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                systemModels = systemModels,
                                systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                dataModels = data.models,
                                seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                datasets = datasets,
                                namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                transforms = transforms)
    x@iComp <- 1L
    updated <- FALSE
    for (seed in seq_len(n.test)) {
        x <- updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDest(x)
        if (x@generatedNewProposal@.Data) {
            updated <- TRUE
            ans.R <- diffLogDensJumpOrigDest(x, useC = FALSE)
            ans.C <- diffLogDensJumpOrigDest(x, useC = TRUE)
            if (test.identity)
                expect_identical(ans.R, ans.C)
                expect_equal(ans.R, ans.C)
    if (!updated)
        warning("not updated")

test_that("R and C versions of diffLogDensJumpOrigDest give same answer - with age", {
    diffLogDensJumpOrigDest <- demest:::diffLogDensJumpOrigDest
    updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDest <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDest
    initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    popn <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 100),
                         dim = c(3, 2, 5, 3),
                         dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                         sex = c("f", "m"),
                                         reg = 1:5,
                                         time = c(2000, 2005, 2010))))
    births <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 5),
                           dim = c(1, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                           dimnames = list(age = "5-9",
                                           sex = c("m", "f"),
                                           reg = 1:5,
                                           time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                           triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    internal <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = 10),
                             dim = c(3, 2, 5, 5, 2, 2),
                             dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                             sex = c("m", "f"),
                                             reg_orig = 1:5,
                                             reg_dest = 1:5,
                                             time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                             triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    deaths <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 72, lambda = 10),
                           dim = c(3, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                           dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                           sex = c("m", "f"),
                                           reg = 5:1,
                                           time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                           triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    account <- Movements(population = popn,
                         births = births,
                         internal = internal,
                         exits = list(deaths = deaths))
    account <- makeConsistent(account)
    systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ age + sex, useExpose = FALSE)),
                         Model(births ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)),
                         Model(internal ~ Poisson(mean ~ reg_orig + reg_dest)),
                         Model(deaths ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)))
    systemWeights <- list(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
    census <- subarray(popn, time == "2000", drop = FALSE) + 2L
    register <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = popn),
                             dim = dim(popn),
                             dimnames = dimnames(popn)))
    reg.births <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = births, prob = 0.98),
                               dim = dim(births),
                               dimnames = dimnames(births)))
    address.change <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = internal),
                                   dim = dim(internal),
                                   dimnames = dimnames(internal)))
    reg.deaths <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = deaths, prob = 0.98),
                               dim = dim(deaths),
                               dimnames = dimnames(deaths))) + 1L
    datasets <- list(census, register, reg.births, address.change, reg.deaths)
    namesDatasets <- c("census", "register", "reg.births", "address.change", "reg.deaths")
    data.models <- list(Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.95), series = "population"),
                              Model(register ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "population"),
                              Model(reg.births ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "births"),
                              Model(address.change ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "internal"),
                              Model(reg.deaths ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "deaths"))
    seriesIndices <- c(0L, 0L, 1L, 2L, 3L)
    updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "births"), y = datasets[[3]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "internal"), y = datasets[[4]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "deaths"), y = datasets[[5]], subset = TRUE))
    transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
    x <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                systemModels = systemModels,
                                systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                dataModels = data.models,
                                seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                datasets = datasets,
                                namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                transforms = transforms)
    x@iComp <- 2L
    updated <- FALSE
    for (seed in seq_len(5 * n.test)) {
        x <- updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDest(x)
        if (x@generatedNewProposal@.Data) {
            updated <- TRUE
            ans.R <- diffLogDensJumpOrigDest(x, useC = FALSE)
            ans.C <- diffLogDensJumpOrigDest(x, useC = TRUE)
            if (test.identity)
                expect_identical(ans.R, ans.C)
                expect_equal(ans.R, ans.C)
    if (!updated)
        warning("not updated")

## diffLogDensExpOrigDestPoolNet

test_that("diffLogDensExpOrigDestPoolNet works with CombinedAccountMovements - no age", {
    diffLogDensExpOrigDestPoolNet <- demest:::diffLogDensExpOrigDestPoolNet
    updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDest <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDest
    diffLogDensExpOneOrigDestParChPool <- demest:::diffLogDensExpOneOrigDestParChPool
    diffLogDensExpOneComp <- demest:::diffLogDensExpOneComp
    initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    getICellCompFromExp <- demest:::getICellCompFromExp
    getICellBirthsFromExp <- demest:::getICellBirthsFromExp
    getIExposureFromBirths <- demest:::getIExposureFromBirths
    population <- Counts(array(seq(1000L, 1500L, 100L),
                               dim = c(3, 2),
                               dimnames = list(reg = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                               time = c(2000, 2005))))
    births <- Counts(array(2L,
                           dim = c(3, 1),
                           dimnames = list(reg = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                           time = "2001-2005")))
    internal <- Counts(array(c(0L, 50L, 40L,
                               20L, 0L, 30L,
                               60L, 20L, 0L),
                             dim = c(3, 3, 1),
                             dimnames = list(reg_orig = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                             reg_dest = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                             time = "2001-2005")))
    net.mig <- Counts(array(c(5L, -1L, 10L),
                            dim = c(3, 1),
                            dimnames = list(reg = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                            time = "2001-2005")))
    account <- Movements(population = population,
                         births = births,
                         internal = internal,
                         net = list(net.mig = net.mig))
    account <- makeConsistent(account)
    systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ reg, useExpose = FALSE)),
                         Model(births ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)),
                         Model(internal ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1, structuralZeros = "diag")),
                         Model(net.mig ~ Normal(mean ~ 1)))
    systemWeights <- list(NULL, NULL, NULL, Counts(array(1,
                                                         dim = c(3, 1),
                                                         dimnames = list(reg = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                                                         time = "2001-2005"))))
    data.models <- list(Model(tax ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "internal"),
                        Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.9), series = "population"))
    seriesIndices <- c(2L, 0L)
    updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    datasets <- list(internal + 10L,
                     population - 5L)
    namesDatasets <- c("tax", "census")
    transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = internal, y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = population, y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE))
    transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
    x0 <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                 systemModels = systemModels,
                                 systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                 dataModels = data.models,
                                 seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                 updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                 usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                 datasets = datasets,
                                 namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                 transforms = transforms)
    updated <- FALSE
    x0@iComp <- 2L
    for (seed in seq_len(n.test)) {
        x <- updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDest(x0)
        if (x@generatedNewProposal@.Data) {
            updated <- TRUE
            ans.obtained <- diffLogDensExpOrigDestPoolNet(x)
            ans.expected <- 0
            i.cell.orig <- getICellBirthsFromExp(x@iExpFirst, x@mappingsFromExp[[1]], TRUE)
            if (i.cell.orig > 0) {
                i.cell.dest <- getICellBirthsFromExp(x@iExpFirstOther, x@mappingsFromExp[[1]], TRUE)
                i.exp.first.orig.births <- getIExposureFromBirths(i = i.cell.orig,
                                                             mapping = x@mappingsToExp[[1]])
                i.exp.first.dest.births <- getIExposureFromBirths(i = i.cell.dest,
                                                                  mapping = x@mappingsToExp[[1]])
                ans.expected <- ans.expected +
                    diffLogDensExpOneOrigDestParChPool(iCell = i.cell.orig,
                                          hasAge = FALSE,
                                          updatedPopn = FALSE,
                                          updatedBirths = FALSE,
                                          ageTimeStep = x@ageTimeStep,
                                          component = x@account@components[[1]],
                                          theta = x@systemModels[[2]]@theta,
                                          strucZeroArray = x@systemModels[[2]]@strucZeroArray,
                                          iteratorComp = x@iteratorsComp[[1]],
                                          iExpFirst = i.exp.first.orig.births,
                                          exposure = x@exposure,
                                          iteratorExposure = x@iteratorExposure, 
                                          diff = -x@diffProp,
                                          firstOnly = FALSE,
                                          isSmallUpdateFinal = FALSE) +
                    diffLogDensExpOneOrigDestParChPool(iCell = i.cell.dest,
                                          hasAge = FALSE,
                                          updatedPopn = FALSE,
                                          updatedBirths = FALSE,
                                          ageTimeStep = x@ageTimeStep,
                                          component = x@account@components[[1]],
                                          theta = x@systemModels[[2]]@theta,
                                          strucZeroArray = x@systemModels[[2]]@strucZeroArray,
                                          iteratorComp = x@iteratorsComp[[1]],
                                          iExpFirst = i.exp.first.dest.births,
                                          exposure = x@exposure,
                                          iteratorExposure = x@iteratorExposure,
                                          diff = x@diffProp,
                                          firstOnly = FALSE,
                                          isSmallUpdateFinal = FALSE)
            i.cell.orig <- getICellCompFromExp(x@iExpFirst, x@mappingsFromExp[[2]])
            if (i.cell.orig > 0L) {
                i.cell.dest <- getICellCompFromExp(x@iExpFirstOther, x@mappingsFromExp[[2]])
                ans.expected <- ans.expected +
                    diffLogDensExpOneOrigDestParChPool(iCell = i.cell.orig,
                                                       hasAge = FALSE,
                                                       updatedPopn = FALSE,
                                                       updatedBirths = FALSE,
                                                       ageTimeStep = x@ageTimeStep,
                                                       component = x@account@components[[2]],
                                                       theta = x@systemModels[[3]]@theta,
                                                       strucZeroArray = x@systemModels[[3]]@strucZeroArray,
                                                       iteratorComp = x@iteratorsComp[[2]],
                                                       iExpFirst = x@iExpFirst,
                                                       exposure = x@exposure,
                                                       iteratorExposure = x@iteratorExposure,
                                                       diff = -x@diffProp,
                                                       firstOnly = FALSE,
                                                       isSmallUpdateFinal = FALSE) +
                    diffLogDensExpOneOrigDestParChPool(iCell = i.cell.dest,
                                                       hasAge = FALSE,
                                                       updatedPopn = FALSE,
                                                       updatedBirths = FALSE,
                                                       ageTimeStep = x@ageTimeStep,
                                                       component = x@account@components[[2]],
                                                       theta = x@systemModels[[3]]@theta,
                                                       strucZeroArray = x@systemModels[[3]]@strucZeroArray,
                                                       iteratorComp = x@iteratorsComp[[2]],
                                                       iExpFirst = x@iExpFirstOther,
                                                       exposure = x@exposure,
                                                       iteratorExposure = x@iteratorExposure,
                                                       diff = x@diffProp,
                                                       firstOnly = FALSE,
                                                       isSmallUpdateFinal = FALSE)
            if (test.identity)
                expect_identical(ans.obtained, ans.expected)
                expect_equal(ans.obtained, ans.expected)
    if (!updated)
        warning("not updated")

test_that("R and C versions of diffLogDensExpOrigDestPoolNet give same answer with CombinedAccountMovements - no age", {
    diffLogDensExpOrigDestPoolNet <- demest:::diffLogDensExpOrigDestPoolNet
    updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDest <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDest
    initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    getICellCompFromExp <- demest:::getICellCompFromExp
    population <- Counts(array(seq(1000L, 1500L, 100L),
                               dim = c(3, 2),
                               dimnames = list(reg = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                               time = c(2000, 2005))))
    births <- Counts(array(2L,
                           dim = c(3, 1),
                           dimnames = list(reg = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                           time = "2001-2005")))
    internal <- Counts(array(c(0L, 50L, 40L,
                               20L, 0L, 30L,
                               60L, 20L, 0L),
                             dim = c(3, 3, 1),
                             dimnames = list(reg_orig = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                             reg_dest = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                             time = "2001-2005")))
    net.mig <- Counts(array(c(5L, -1L, 10L),
                             dim = c(3, 1),
                             dimnames = list(reg = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                             time = "2001-2005")))
    account <- Movements(population = population,
                         births = births,
                         internal = internal,
                         net = list(net.mig = net.mig))
    account <- makeConsistent(account)
    systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ reg, useExpose = FALSE)),
                         Model(births ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)),
                         Model(internal ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)),
                         Model(net.mig ~ Normal(mean ~ 1)))
    systemWeights <- list(NULL, NULL, NULL, Counts(array(1,
                                                   dim = c(3, 1),
                                                   dimnames = list(reg = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                                                   time = "2001-2005"))))
    data.models <- list(Model(tax ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "internal"),
                              Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.9), series = "population"))
    seriesIndices <- c(2L, 0L)
    updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    datasets <- list(internal + 10L,
                     population - 5L)
    namesDatasets <- c("tax", "census")
    transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = internal, y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = population, y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE))
    transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
    x0 <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                 systemModels = systemModels,
                                 systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                 dataModels = data.models,
                                 seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                 updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                 usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                 datasets = datasets,
                                 namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                 transforms = transforms)
    updated <- FALSE
    x0@iComp <- 2L
    for (seed in seq_len(n.test)) {
        x <- updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDest(x0)
        if (x@generatedNewProposal@.Data) {
            updated <- TRUE
            ans.R <- diffLogDensExpOrigDestPoolNet(x, useC = FALSE)
            ans.C <- diffLogDensExpOrigDestPoolNet(x, useC = TRUE)
            if (test.identity)
                expect_identical(ans.R, ans.C)
                expect_equal(ans.R, ans.C)
    if (!updated)
        warning("not updated")

test_that("diffLogDensExpOrigDestPoolNet works - with age", {
    diffLogDensExpOrigDestPoolNet <- demest:::diffLogDensExpOrigDestPoolNet
    updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDest <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDest
    initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    getICellBirthsFromExp <- demest:::getICellBirthsFromExp
    getICellCompFromExp <- demest:::getICellCompFromExp
    getIExposureFromBirths <- demest:::getIExposureFromBirths
    diffLogDensExpOneComp <- demest:::diffLogDensExpOneComp
    diffLogDensExpOneOrigDestParChPool <- demest:::diffLogDensExpOneOrigDestParChPool
    popn <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 100),
                         dim = c(3, 2, 5, 3),
                         dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                         sex = c("f", "m"),
                                         reg = 1:5,
                                         time = c(2000, 2005, 2010))))
    births <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 2.5),
                           dim = c(1, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                           dimnames = list(age = "5-9",
                                           sex = c("m", "f"),
                                           reg = 1:5,
                                           time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                           triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    internal <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = 10),
                             dim = c(3, 2, 5, 5, 2, 2),
                             dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                             sex = c("m", "f"),
                                             reg_orig = 1:5,
                                             reg_dest = 1:5,
                                             time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                             triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    internal[slice.index(internal, 3) == slice.index(internal, 4)] <- 0L
    deaths <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 72, lambda = 10),
                           dim = c(3, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                           dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                           sex = c("m", "f"),
                                           reg = 5:1,
                                           time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                           triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    account <- Movements(population = popn,
                         births = births,
                         internal = internal,
                         exits = list(deaths = deaths))
    account <- makeConsistent(account)
    systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ age + sex, useExpose = FALSE)),
                         Model(births ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)),
                         Model(internal ~ Poisson(mean ~ reg_orig + reg_dest, structuralZeros = "diag")),
                         Model(deaths ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)))
    systemWeights <- list(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
    census <- subarray(popn, time == "2000", drop = FALSE) + 2L
    register <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = popn),
                             dim = dim(popn),
                             dimnames = dimnames(popn)))
    reg.births <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = births, prob = 0.98),
                               dim = dim(births),
                               dimnames = dimnames(births)))
    address.change <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = internal),
                                   dim = dim(internal),
                                   dimnames = dimnames(internal)))
    reg.deaths <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = deaths, prob = 0.98),
                               dim = dim(deaths),
                               dimnames = dimnames(deaths))) + 1L
    datasets <- list(census, register, reg.births, address.change, reg.deaths)
    namesDatasets <- c("census", "register", "reg.births", "address.change", "reg.deaths")
    data.models <- list(Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.95), series = "population"),
                              Model(register ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "population"),
                              Model(reg.births ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "births"),
                              Model(address.change ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "internal"),
                              Model(reg.deaths ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "deaths"))
    seriesIndices <- c(0L, 0L, 1L, 2L, 3L)
    updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "births"), y = datasets[[3]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "internal"), y = datasets[[4]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "deaths"), y = datasets[[5]], subset = TRUE))
    transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
    x0 <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                systemModels = systemModels,
                                systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                dataModels = data.models,
                                seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                datasets = datasets,
                                namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                transforms = transforms)
    x0@iComp <- 2L
    updated <- FALSE
    for (seed in seq_len(n.test * 10)) {
        x <- updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDest(x0)
        if (x@generatedNewProposal@.Data && (x@iExpFirst != x@iExpFirstOther)) {
            updated <- TRUE
            ans.obtained <- diffLogDensExpOrigDestPoolNet(x)
            i.cell.orig <- getICellBirthsFromExp(x@iExpFirst, x@mappingsFromExp[[1]], TRUE)
            i.cell.dest <- getICellBirthsFromExp(x@iExpFirstOther, x@mappingsFromExp[[1]], TRUE)
            if (i.cell.orig > 0L) {
                i.exp.first.orig.births <- getIExposureFromBirths(i = i.cell.orig,
                                                                  mapping = x@mappingsToExp[[1L]])
                i.exp.first.dest.births <- getIExposureFromBirths(i = i.cell.dest,
                                                                  mapping = x@mappingsToExp[[1L]])
                log.diff.births <- diffLogDensExpOneOrigDestParChPool(iCell = i.cell.orig,
                                                         hasAge = TRUE,
                                                         updatedPopn = FALSE,
                                                         updatedBirths = FALSE,
                                                         ageTimeStep = x@ageTimeStep,
                                                         component = x@account@components[[1]],
                                                         theta = x@systemModels[[2]]@theta,
                                                         strucZeroArray = x@systemModels[[2]]@strucZeroArray,
                                                         iteratorComp = x@iteratorsComp[[1]],
                                                         iExpFirst = i.exp.first.orig.births,
                                                         exposure = x@exposure,
                                                         iteratorExposure = x@iteratorExposure,
                                                         diff = -x@diffProp,
                                                         firstOnly = FALSE,
                                                         isSmallUpdateFinal = FALSE) +
                    diffLogDensExpOneOrigDestParChPool(iCell = i.cell.dest,
                                          hasAge = TRUE,
                                          updatedPopn = FALSE,
                                          updatedBirths = FALSE,
                                          ageTimeStep = x@ageTimeStep,
                                          component = x@account@components[[1]],
                                          theta = x@systemModels[[2]]@theta,
                                          strucZeroArray = x@systemModels[[2]]@strucZeroArray,
                                          iteratorComp = x@iteratorsComp[[1]],
                                          iExpFirst = i.exp.first.dest.births,
                                          exposure = x@exposure,
                                          iteratorExposure = x@iteratorExposure,
                                          diff = x@diffProp,
                                          firstOnly = FALSE,
                                          isSmallUpdateFinal = FALSE)
                log.diff.births <- 0
            i.cell.orig <- getICellCompFromExp(x@iExpFirst, x@mappingsFromExp[[2]])
            i.cell.dest <- getICellCompFromExp(x@iExpFirstOther, x@mappingsFromExp[[2]])
            log.diff.internal <- diffLogDensExpOneOrigDestParChPool(iCell = i.cell.orig,
                                                                    hasAge = TRUE,
                                                                    updatedPopn = FALSE,
                                                                    updatedBirths = FALSE,
                                                                    ageTimeStep = x@ageTimeStep,
                                                                    component = x@account@components[[2]],
                                                                    theta = x@systemModels[[3]]@theta,
                                                                    strucZeroArray = x@systemModels[[3]]@strucZeroArray,
                                                                    iteratorComp = x@iteratorsComp[[2]],
                                                                    iExpFirst = x@iExpFirst,
                                                                    exposure = x@exposure,
                                                                    iteratorExposure = x@iteratorExposure,
                                                                    diff = -x@diffProp,
                                                                    firstOnly = FALSE,
                                                                    isSmallUpdateFinal = FALSE) +
                diffLogDensExpOneOrigDestParChPool(iCell = i.cell.dest,
                                                   hasAge = TRUE,
                                                   updatedPopn = FALSE,
                                                   updatedBirths = FALSE,
                                                   ageTimeStep = x@ageTimeStep,
                                                   component = x@account@components[[2]],
                                                   theta = x@systemModels[[3]]@theta,
                                                   strucZeroArray = x@systemModels[[3]]@strucZeroArray,
                                                   iteratorComp = x@iteratorsComp[[2]],
                                                   iExpFirst = x@iExpFirstOther,
                                                   exposure = x@exposure,
                                                   iteratorExposure = x@iteratorExposure,
                                                   diff = x@diffProp,
                                                   firstOnly = FALSE,
                                                   isSmallUpdateFinal = FALSE)
            i.cell.orig <- getICellCompFromExp(x@iExpFirst, x@mappingsFromExp[[3]])
            i.cell.dest <- getICellCompFromExp(x@iExpFirstOther, x@mappingsFromExp[[3]])
            log.diff.deaths <- diffLogDensExpOneComp(iCell = i.cell.orig,
                                                     hasAge = TRUE,
                                                     updatedPopn = FALSE,
                                                     updatedBirths = FALSE,
                                                     ageTimeStep = x@ageTimeStep,
                                                     component = x@account@components[[3]],
                                                     theta = x@systemModels[[4]]@theta,
                                                     strucZeroArray = x@systemModels[[4]]@strucZeroArray,
                                                     iteratorComp = x@iteratorsComp[[3]],
                                                     iExpFirst = x@iExpFirst,
                                                     exposure = x@exposure,
                                                     iteratorExposure = x@iteratorExposure,
                                                     diff = -x@diffProp,
                                                     firstOnly = FALSE,
                                                     isSmallUpdateFinal = FALSE) +
                diffLogDensExpOneComp(iCell = i.cell.dest,
                                      hasAge = TRUE,
                                      updatedPopn = FALSE,
                                      updatedBirths = FALSE,
                                      ageTimeStep = x@ageTimeStep,
                                      component = x@account@components[[3]],
                                      theta = x@systemModels[[4]]@theta,
                                      strucZeroArray = x@systemModels[[4]]@strucZeroArray,
                                      iteratorComp = x@iteratorsComp[[3]],
                                      iExpFirst = x@iExpFirstOther,
                                      exposure = x@exposure,
                                      iteratorExposure = x@iteratorExposure,
                                      diff = x@diffProp,
                                      firstOnly = FALSE,
                                      isSmallUpdateFinal = FALSE)
            ans.expected <- log.diff.births + log.diff.internal + log.diff.deaths
            if (test.identity)
                expect_identical(ans.obtained, ans.expected)
                expect_equal(ans.obtained, ans.expected)
    if (!updated)
        warning("not updated")

test_that("R and C versions of diffLogDensExpOrigDestPoolNet give same answer - with age", {
    diffLogDensExpOrigDestPoolNet <- demest:::diffLogDensExpOrigDestPoolNet
    updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDest <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDest
    initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    getICellBirthsFromExp <- demest:::getICellBirthsFromExp
    getICellCompFromExp <- demest:::getICellCompFromExp
    diffLogDensExpOneComp <- demest:::diffLogDensExpOneComp
    diffLogDensExpOneOrigDestParChPool <- demest:::diffLogDensExpOneOrigDestParChPool
    popn <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 100),
                         dim = c(3, 2, 5, 3),
                         dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                         sex = c("f", "m"),
                                         reg = 1:5,
                                         time = c(2000, 2005, 2010))))
    births <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 5),
                           dim = c(1, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                           dimnames = list(age = "5-9",
                                           sex = c("m", "f"),
                                           reg = 1:5,
                                           time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                           triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    internal <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = 10),
                             dim = c(3, 2, 5, 5, 2, 2),
                             dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                             sex = c("m", "f"),
                                             reg_orig = 1:5,
                                             reg_dest = 1:5,
                                             time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                             triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    internal[slice.index(internal, 3) == slice.index(internal, 4)] <- 0L
    deaths <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 72, lambda = 10),
                           dim = c(3, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                           dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                           sex = c("m", "f"),
                                           reg = 5:1,
                                           time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                           triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    account <- Movements(population = popn,
                         births = births,
                         internal = internal,
                         exits = list(deaths = deaths))
    account <- makeConsistent(account)
    systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ age + sex, useExpose = FALSE)),
                         Model(births ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)),
                         Model(internal ~ Poisson(mean ~ reg_orig + reg_dest, structuralZeros = "diag")),
                         Model(deaths ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)))
    systemWeights <- list(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
    census <- subarray(popn, time == "2000", drop = FALSE) + 2L
    register <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = popn),
                             dim = dim(popn),
                             dimnames = dimnames(popn)))
    reg.births <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = births, prob = 0.98),
                               dim = dim(births),
                               dimnames = dimnames(births)))
    address.change <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = internal),
                                   dim = dim(internal),
                                   dimnames = dimnames(internal)))
    reg.deaths <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = deaths, prob = 0.98),
                               dim = dim(deaths),
                               dimnames = dimnames(deaths))) + 1L
    datasets <- list(census, register, reg.births, address.change, reg.deaths)
    namesDatasets <- c("census", "register", "reg.births", "address.change", "reg.deaths")
    data.models <- list(Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.95), series = "population"),
                              Model(register ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "population"),
                              Model(reg.births ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "births"),
                              Model(address.change ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "internal"),
                              Model(reg.deaths ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "deaths"))
    seriesIndices <- c(0L, 0L, 1L, 2L, 3L)
    updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "births"), y = datasets[[3]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "internal"), y = datasets[[4]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "deaths"), y = datasets[[5]], subset = TRUE))
    transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
    x0 <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                systemModels = systemModels,
                                systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                dataModels = data.models,
                                seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                datasets = datasets,
                                namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                transforms = transforms)
    x0@iComp <- 2L
    updated <- FALSE
    for (seed in seq_len(5 * n.test)) {
        x <- updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDest(x0)
        if (x@generatedNewProposal@.Data && (x@iExpFirst != x@iExpFirstOther)) {
            updated <- TRUE
            ans.R <- diffLogDensExpOrigDestPoolNet(x, useC = FALSE)
            ans.C <- diffLogDensExpOrigDestPoolNet(x, useC = TRUE)
            if (test.identity)
                expect_identical(ans.R, ans.C)
                expect_equal(ans.R, ans.C)
    if (!updated)
        warning("not updated")

## diffLogDensExpOrigDestSmall

test_that("diffLogDensExpOrigDestSmall works", {
    diffLogDensExpOrigDestSmall <- demest:::diffLogDensExpOrigDestSmall
    updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDestSmall <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDestSmall
    initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    getICellBirthsFromExp <- demest:::getICellBirthsFromExp
    getICellCompFromExp <- demest:::getICellCompFromExp
    getIExposureFromBirths <- demest:::getIExposureFromBirths
    diffLogDensExpOneComp <- demest:::diffLogDensExpOneComp
    diffLogDensExpOneOrigDestParChPool <- demest:::diffLogDensExpOneOrigDestParChPool
    popn <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 100),
                         dim = c(3, 2, 5, 3),
                         dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                         sex = c("f", "m"),
                                         reg = 1:5,
                                         time = c(2000, 2005, 2010))))
    births <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 2.5),
                           dim = c(1, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                           dimnames = list(age = "5-9",
                                           sex = c("m", "f"),
                                           reg = 1:5,
                                           time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                           triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    internal <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = 10),
                             dim = c(3, 2, 5, 5, 2, 2),
                             dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                             sex = c("m", "f"),
                                             reg_orig = 1:5,
                                             reg_dest = 1:5,
                                             time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                             triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    internal[slice.index(internal, 3) == slice.index(internal, 4)] <- 0L
    deaths <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 72, lambda = 10),
                           dim = c(3, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                           dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                           sex = c("m", "f"),
                                           reg = 5:1,
                                           time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                           triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    account <- Movements(population = popn,
                         births = births,
                         internal = internal,
                         exits = list(deaths = deaths))
    account <- makeConsistent(account)
    systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ age + sex, useExpose = FALSE)),
                         Model(births ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)),
                         Model(internal ~ Poisson(mean ~ reg_orig + reg_dest, structuralZeros = "diag")),
                         Model(deaths ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)))
    systemWeights <- list(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
    census <- subarray(popn, time == "2000", drop = FALSE) + 2L
    register <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = popn),
                             dim = dim(popn),
                             dimnames = dimnames(popn)))
    reg.births <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = births, prob = 0.98),
                               dim = dim(births),
                               dimnames = dimnames(births)))
    address.change <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = internal),
                                   dim = dim(internal),
                                   dimnames = dimnames(internal)))
    reg.deaths <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = deaths, prob = 0.98),
                               dim = dim(deaths),
                               dimnames = dimnames(deaths))) + 1L
    datasets <- list(census, register, reg.births, address.change, reg.deaths)
    namesDatasets <- c("census", "register", "reg.births", "address.change", "reg.deaths")
    data.models <- list(Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.95), series = "population"),
                        Model(register ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "population"),
                        Model(reg.births ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "births"),
                        Model(address.change ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "internal"),
                        Model(reg.deaths ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "deaths"))
    seriesIndices <- c(0L, 0L, 1L, 2L, 3L)
    updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "births"), y = datasets[[3]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "internal"), y = datasets[[4]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "deaths"), y = datasets[[5]], subset = TRUE))
    transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
    x0 <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                 systemModels = systemModels,
                                 systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                 dataModels = data.models,
                                 seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                 updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                 usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                 datasets = datasets,
                                 namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                 transforms = transforms)
    x0@iComp <- 2L
    updated <- FALSE
    for (seed in seq_len(n.test * 10)) {
        x <- updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDestSmall(x0)
        if (x@generatedNewProposal@.Data) {
            updated <- TRUE
            ans.obtained <- diffLogDensExpOrigDestSmall(x)
            is.small.update.final <- x@isSmallUpdateFinal@.Data
            i.cell.up.orig <- getICellBirthsFromExp(x@iExposure, x@mappingsFromExp[[1]], FALSE)
            i.cell.low.orig <- getICellBirthsFromExp(x@iExposureOther, x@mappingsFromExp[[1]], FALSE)
            i.cell.up.dest <- getICellBirthsFromExp(x@iExpFirst, x@mappingsFromExp[[1]], FALSE)
            i.cell.low.dest <- getICellBirthsFromExp(x@iExpFirstOther, x@mappingsFromExp[[1]], FALSE)
            log.diff.births <- 0
            if (i.cell.up.orig > 0L) {
                i.exp.first.up.orig.births <- getIExposureFromBirths(i = i.cell.up.orig,
                                                                     mapping = x@mappingsToExp[[1L]])
                i.exp.first.up.dest.births <- getIExposureFromBirths(i = i.cell.up.dest,
                                                                     mapping = x@mappingsToExp[[1L]])
                log.diff.births.up <- diffLogDensExpOneOrigDestParChPool(iCell = i.cell.up.orig,
                                                                         hasAge = TRUE,
                                                                         updatedPopn = FALSE,
                                                                         updatedBirths = FALSE,
                                                                         ageTimeStep = x@ageTimeStep,
                                                                         component = x@account@components[[1]],
                                                                         theta = x@systemModels[[2]]@theta,
                                                                         strucZeroArray = x@systemModels[[2]]@strucZeroArray,
                                                                         iteratorComp = x@iteratorsComp[[1]],
                                                                         iExpFirst = i.exp.first.up.orig.births,
                                                                         exposure = x@exposure,
                                                                         iteratorExposure = x@iteratorExposure,
                                                                         diff = -x@diffProp,
                                                                         firstOnly = TRUE,
                                                                         isSmallUpdateFinal = is.small.update.final) +
                    diffLogDensExpOneOrigDestParChPool(iCell = i.cell.up.dest,
                                                       hasAge = TRUE,
                                                       updatedPopn = FALSE,
                                                       updatedBirths = FALSE,
                                                       ageTimeStep = x@ageTimeStep,
                                                       component = x@account@components[[1]],
                                                       theta = x@systemModels[[2]]@theta,
                                                       strucZeroArray = x@systemModels[[2]]@strucZeroArray,
                                                       iteratorComp = x@iteratorsComp[[1]],
                                                       iExpFirst = i.exp.first.up.dest.births,
                                                       exposure = x@exposure,
                                                       iteratorExposure = x@iteratorExposure,
                                                       diff = x@diffProp,
                                                       firstOnly = TRUE,
                                                       isSmallUpdateFinal = is.small.update.final)
                log.diff.births <- log.diff.births + log.diff.births.up
            if (i.cell.low.orig > 0L) {
                i.exp.first.low.orig.births <- getIExposureFromBirths(i = i.cell.low.orig,
                                                                      mapping = x@mappingsToExp[[1L]])
                i.exp.first.low.dest.births <- getIExposureFromBirths(i = i.cell.low.dest,
                                                                      mapping = x@mappingsToExp[[1L]])
                log.diff.births.low <- diffLogDensExpOneOrigDestParChPool(iCell = i.cell.low.orig,
                                                                          hasAge = TRUE,
                                                                          updatedPopn = FALSE,
                                                                          updatedBirths = FALSE,
                                                                          ageTimeStep = x@ageTimeStep,
                                                                          component = x@account@components[[1]],
                                                                          theta = x@systemModels[[2]]@theta,
                                                                          strucZeroArray = x@systemModels[[2]]@strucZeroArray,
                                                                          iteratorComp = x@iteratorsComp[[1]],
                                                                          iExpFirst = i.exp.first.low.orig.births,
                                                                          exposure = x@exposure,
                                                                          iteratorExposure = x@iteratorExposure,
                                                                          diff = x@diffProp,
                                                                          firstOnly = TRUE,
                                                                          isSmallUpdateFinal = is.small.update.final) +
                    diffLogDensExpOneOrigDestParChPool(iCell = i.cell.low.dest,
                                                       hasAge = TRUE,
                                                       updatedPopn = FALSE,
                                                       updatedBirths = FALSE,
                                                       ageTimeStep = x@ageTimeStep,
                                                       component = x@account@components[[1]],
                                                       theta = x@systemModels[[2]]@theta,
                                                       strucZeroArray = x@systemModels[[2]]@strucZeroArray,
                                                       iteratorComp = x@iteratorsComp[[1]],
                                                       iExpFirst = i.exp.first.low.dest.births,
                                                       exposure = x@exposure,
                                                       iteratorExposure = x@iteratorExposure,
                                                       diff = -x@diffProp,
                                                       firstOnly = TRUE,
                                                       isSmallUpdateFinal = is.small.update.final)
                log.diff.births <- log.diff.births + log.diff.births.low
            i.cell.up.orig <- getICellCompFromExp(x@iExposure, x@mappingsFromExp[[2]])
            i.cell.low.orig <- getICellCompFromExp(x@iExposureOther, x@mappingsFromExp[[2]])
            i.cell.up.dest <- getICellCompFromExp(x@iExpFirst, x@mappingsFromExp[[2]])
            i.cell.low.dest <- getICellCompFromExp(x@iExpFirstOther, x@mappingsFromExp[[2]])
            log.diff.internal <- diffLogDensExpOneOrigDestParChPool(iCell = i.cell.up.orig,
                                                                    hasAge = TRUE,
                                                                    updatedPopn = FALSE,
                                                                    updatedBirths = FALSE,
                                                                    ageTimeStep = x@ageTimeStep,
                                                                    component = x@account@components[[2]],
                                                                    theta = x@systemModels[[3]]@theta,
                                                                    strucZeroArray = x@systemModels[[3]]@strucZeroArray,
                                                                    iteratorComp = x@iteratorsComp[[2]],
                                                                    iExpFirst = x@iExposure,
                                                                    exposure = x@exposure,
                                                                    iteratorExposure = x@iteratorExposure,
                                                                    diff = -x@diffProp,
                                                                    firstOnly = TRUE,
                                                                    isSmallUpdateFinal = is.small.update.final) +
                diffLogDensExpOneOrigDestParChPool(iCell = i.cell.low.orig,
                                                   hasAge = TRUE,
                                                   updatedPopn = FALSE,
                                                   updatedBirths = FALSE,
                                                   ageTimeStep = x@ageTimeStep,
                                                   component = x@account@components[[2]],
                                                   theta = x@systemModels[[3]]@theta,
                                                   strucZeroArray = x@systemModels[[3]]@strucZeroArray,
                                                   iteratorComp = x@iteratorsComp[[2]],
                                                   iExpFirst = x@iExposureOther,
                                                   exposure = x@exposure,
                                                   iteratorExposure = x@iteratorExposure,
                                                   diff = x@diffProp,
                                                   firstOnly = TRUE,
                                                   isSmallUpdateFinal = is.small.update.final) +
                diffLogDensExpOneOrigDestParChPool(iCell = i.cell.up.dest,
                                                   hasAge = TRUE,
                                                   updatedPopn = FALSE,
                                                   updatedBirths = FALSE,
                                                   ageTimeStep = x@ageTimeStep,
                                                   component = x@account@components[[2]],
                                                   theta = x@systemModels[[3]]@theta,
                                                   strucZeroArray = x@systemModels[[3]]@strucZeroArray,
                                                   iteratorComp = x@iteratorsComp[[2]],
                                                   iExpFirst = x@iExpFirst,
                                                   exposure = x@exposure,
                                                   iteratorExposure = x@iteratorExposure,
                                                   diff = x@diffProp,
                                                   firstOnly = TRUE,
                                                   isSmallUpdateFinal = is.small.update.final) +
                diffLogDensExpOneOrigDestParChPool(iCell = i.cell.low.dest,
                                                   hasAge = TRUE,
                                                   updatedPopn = FALSE,
                                                   updatedBirths = FALSE,
                                                   ageTimeStep = x@ageTimeStep,
                                                   component = x@account@components[[2]],
                                                   theta = x@systemModels[[3]]@theta,
                                                   strucZeroArray = x@systemModels[[3]]@strucZeroArray,
                                                   iteratorComp = x@iteratorsComp[[2]],
                                                   iExpFirst = x@iExpFirstOther,
                                                   exposure = x@exposure,
                                                   iteratorExposure = x@iteratorExposure,
                                                   diff = -x@diffProp,
                                                   firstOnly = TRUE,
                                                   isSmallUpdateFinal = is.small.update.final)
            i.cell.up.orig <- getICellCompFromExp(x@iExposure, x@mappingsFromExp[[3]])
            i.cell.low.orig <- getICellCompFromExp(x@iExposureOther, x@mappingsFromExp[[3]])
            i.cell.up.dest <- getICellCompFromExp(x@iExpFirst, x@mappingsFromExp[[3]])
            i.cell.low.dest <- getICellCompFromExp(x@iExpFirstOther, x@mappingsFromExp[[3]])
            log.diff.deaths <- diffLogDensExpOneComp(iCell = i.cell.up.orig,
                                                     hasAge = TRUE,
                                                     updatedPopn = FALSE,
                                                     updatedBirths = FALSE,
                                                     ageTimeStep = x@ageTimeStep,
                                                     component = x@account@components[[3]],
                                                     theta = x@systemModels[[4]]@theta,
                                                     strucZeroArray = x@systemModels[[4]]@strucZeroArray,
                                                     iteratorComp = x@iteratorsComp[[3]],
                                                     iExpFirst = x@iExposure,
                                                     exposure = x@exposure,
                                                     iteratorExposure = x@iteratorExposure,
                                                     diff = -x@diffProp,
                                                     firstOnly = TRUE,
                                                     isSmallUpdateFinal = is.small.update.final) +
                diffLogDensExpOneComp(iCell = i.cell.low.orig,
                                      hasAge = TRUE,
                                      updatedPopn = FALSE,
                                      updatedBirths = FALSE,
                                      ageTimeStep = x@ageTimeStep,
                                      component = x@account@components[[3]],
                                      theta = x@systemModels[[4]]@theta,
                                      strucZeroArray = x@systemModels[[4]]@strucZeroArray,
                                      iteratorComp = x@iteratorsComp[[3]],
                                      iExpFirst = x@iExposureOther,
                                      exposure = x@exposure,
                                      iteratorExposure = x@iteratorExposure,
                                      diff = x@diffProp,
                                      firstOnly = TRUE,
                                      isSmallUpdateFinal = is.small.update.final) +
                diffLogDensExpOneComp(iCell = i.cell.up.dest,
                                      hasAge = TRUE,
                                      updatedPopn = FALSE,
                                      updatedBirths = FALSE,
                                      ageTimeStep = x@ageTimeStep,
                                      component = x@account@components[[3]],
                                      theta = x@systemModels[[4]]@theta,
                                      strucZeroArray = x@systemModels[[4]]@strucZeroArray,
                                      iteratorComp = x@iteratorsComp[[3]],
                                      iExpFirst = x@iExpFirst,
                                      exposure = x@exposure,
                                      iteratorExposure = x@iteratorExposure,
                                      diff = x@diffProp,
                                      firstOnly = TRUE,
                                      isSmallUpdateFinal = is.small.update.final) +
                diffLogDensExpOneComp(iCell = i.cell.low.dest,
                                      hasAge = TRUE,
                                      updatedPopn = FALSE,
                                      updatedBirths = FALSE,
                                      ageTimeStep = x@ageTimeStep,
                                      component = x@account@components[[3]],
                                      theta = x@systemModels[[4]]@theta,
                                      strucZeroArray = x@systemModels[[4]]@strucZeroArray,
                                      iteratorComp = x@iteratorsComp[[3]],
                                      iExpFirst = x@iExpFirstOther,
                                      exposure = x@exposure,
                                      iteratorExposure = x@iteratorExposure,
                                      diff = -x@diffProp,
                                      firstOnly = TRUE,
                                      isSmallUpdateFinal = is.small.update.final)
            ans.expected <- log.diff.births + log.diff.internal + log.diff.deaths
            if (test.identity)
                expect_identical(ans.obtained, ans.expected)
                expect_equal(ans.obtained, ans.expected)
    if (!updated)
        warning("not updated")

test_that("R and C versions of diffLogDensExpOrigDestSmall give same answer", {
    diffLogDensExpOrigDestSmall <- demest:::diffLogDensExpOrigDestSmall
    updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDestSmall <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDestSmall
    initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    getICellBirthsFromExp <- demest:::getICellBirthsFromExp
    getICellCompFromExp <- demest:::getICellCompFromExp
    getIExposureFromBirths <- demest:::getIExposureFromBirths
    diffLogDensExpOneComp <- demest:::diffLogDensExpOneComp
    diffLogDensExpOneOrigDestParChPool <- demest:::diffLogDensExpOneOrigDestParChPool
    popn <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 100),
                         dim = c(3, 2, 5, 3),
                         dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                         sex = c("f", "m"),
                                         reg = 1:5,
                                         time = c(2000, 2005, 2010))))
    births <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 2.5),
                           dim = c(1, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                           dimnames = list(age = "5-9",
                                           sex = c("m", "f"),
                                           reg = 1:5,
                                           time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                           triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    internal <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = 10),
                             dim = c(3, 2, 5, 5, 2, 2),
                             dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                             sex = c("m", "f"),
                                             reg_orig = 1:5,
                                             reg_dest = 1:5,
                                             time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                             triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    internal[slice.index(internal, 3) == slice.index(internal, 4)] <- 0L
    deaths <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 72, lambda = 10),
                           dim = c(3, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                           dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                           sex = c("m", "f"),
                                           reg = 5:1,
                                           time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                           triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    account <- Movements(population = popn,
                         births = births,
                         internal = internal,
                         exits = list(deaths = deaths))
    account <- makeConsistent(account)
    systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ age + sex, useExpose = FALSE)),
                         Model(births ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)),
                         Model(internal ~ Poisson(mean ~ reg_orig + reg_dest, structuralZeros = "diag")),
                         Model(deaths ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)))
    systemWeights <- list(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
    census <- subarray(popn, time == "2000", drop = FALSE) + 2L
    register <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = popn),
                             dim = dim(popn),
                             dimnames = dimnames(popn)))
    reg.births <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = births, prob = 0.98),
                               dim = dim(births),
                               dimnames = dimnames(births)))
    address.change <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = internal),
                                   dim = dim(internal),
                                   dimnames = dimnames(internal)))
    reg.deaths <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = deaths, prob = 0.98),
                               dim = dim(deaths),
                               dimnames = dimnames(deaths))) + 1L
    datasets <- list(census, register, reg.births, address.change, reg.deaths)
    namesDatasets <- c("census", "register", "reg.births", "address.change", "reg.deaths")
    data.models <- list(Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.95), series = "population"),
                        Model(register ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "population"),
                        Model(reg.births ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "births"),
                        Model(address.change ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "internal"),
                        Model(reg.deaths ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "deaths"))
    seriesIndices <- c(0L, 0L, 1L, 2L, 3L)
    updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "births"), y = datasets[[3]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "internal"), y = datasets[[4]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "deaths"), y = datasets[[5]], subset = TRUE))
    transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
    x0 <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                 systemModels = systemModels,
                                 systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                 dataModels = data.models,
                                 seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                 updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                 usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                 datasets = datasets,
                                 namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                 transforms = transforms)
    x0@iComp <- 2L
    updated <- FALSE
    for (seed in seq_len(n.test * 10)) {
        x <- updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDestSmall(x0)
        if (x@generatedNewProposal@.Data) {
            updated <- TRUE
            ans.R <- diffLogDensExpOrigDestSmall(x, useC = FALSE)
            ans.C <- diffLogDensExpOrigDestSmall(x, useC = TRUE)
            if (test.identity)
                expect_identical(ans.R, ans.C)
                expect_equal(ans.R, ans.C)
    if (!updated)
        warning("not updated")

## diffLogDensExpOneOrigDestParChPool

test_that("diffLogDensExpOneOrigDestParChPool works - no age", {
    diffLogDensExpOneOrigDestParChPool <- demest:::diffLogDensExpOneOrigDestParChPool
    updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDest <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDest
    getICellCompFromExp <- demest:::getICellCompFromExp
    initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    population <- Counts(array(seq(1000L, 1500L, 100L),
                               dim = c(3, 2),
                               dimnames = list(reg = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                               time = c(2000, 2005))))
    internal <- Counts(array(c(0L, 50L, 40L,
                               20L, 0L, 30L,
                               60L, 20L, 0L),
                             dim = c(3, 3, 1),
                             dimnames = list(reg_orig = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                             reg_dest = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                             time = "2001-2005")))
    account <- Movements(population = population,
                         internal = internal)
    account <- makeConsistent(account)
    systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ reg, useExpose = FALSE)),
                         Model(internal ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1, structuralZeros = "diag")))
    systemWeights <- list(NULL, NULL)
    data.models <- list(Model(tax ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "internal"),
                              Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.9), series = "population"))
    seriesIndices <- c(1L, 0L)
    updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    datasets <- list(internal + 10L,
                     population - 5L)
    namesDatasets <- c("tax", "census")
    transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = internal, y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = population, y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE))
    transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
    x <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                systemModels = systemModels,
                                systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                dataModels = data.models,
                                seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                datasets = datasets,
                                namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                transforms = transforms)
    x@iComp <- 1L
    updated <- FALSE
    for (seed in seq_len(n.test)) {
        x <- updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDest(x)
        if (x@generatedNewProposal@.Data) {
            updated <- TRUE
            ans.obtained <- diffLogDensExpOneOrigDestParChPool(iCell = getICellCompFromExp(i = x@iExpFirst,
                                                                                           mapping = x@mappingsFromExp[[1]]),
                                                               hasAge = FALSE,
                                                               ageTimeStep = x@ageTimeStep,
                                                               updatedPopn = FALSE,
                                                               updatedBirths = FALSE,
                                                               component = x@account@components[[1L]],
                                                               theta = x@systemModels[[2]]@theta,
                                                               strucZeroArray = x@systemModels[[2]]@strucZeroArray@.Data,
                                                               iteratorComp = x@iteratorsComp[[1L]],
                                                               iExpFirst = x@iExpFirst,
                                                               exposure = x@exposure,
                                                               iteratorExposure = x@iteratorExposure,
                                                               diff = x@diffProp,
                                                               firstOnly = FALSE,
                                                               isSmallUpdateFinal = FALSE)
            i.cell <- getICellCompFromExp(i = x@iExpFirst,
                                          mapping = x@mappingsFromExp[[1]])
            ans.expected <- sum(dpois(x = internal[i.cell + c(0, 3, 6)],
                                      lambda = (x@exposure[i.cell] + 2.5 * x@diffProp) * x@systemModels[[2]]@theta[i.cell + c(0, 3, 6)],
                                      log = TRUE), na.rm = TRUE) -
                sum(dpois(x = internal[i.cell + c(0, 3, 6)],
                          lambda = x@exposure[i.cell] * x@systemModels[[2]]@theta[i.cell + c(0, 3, 6)],
                          log = TRUE), na.rm = TRUE)
            if (test.identity)
                expect_identical(ans.obtained, ans.expected)
                expect_equal(ans.obtained, ans.expected)
        if (!updated)
            warning("not updated")

test_that("R and C versions of diffLogDensExpOneOrigDestParChPool give same answer - no age", {
    diffLogDensExpOneOrigDestParChPool <- demest:::diffLogDensExpOneOrigDestParChPool
    getICellCompFromExp <- demest:::getICellCompFromExp
    updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDest <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDest
    initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    population <- Counts(array(seq(1000L, 1500L, 100L),
                               dim = c(3, 2),
                               dimnames = list(reg = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                               time = c(2000, 2005))))
    internal <- Counts(array(c(0L, 50L, 40L,
                               20L, 0L, 30L,
                               60L, 20L, 0L),
                             dim = c(3, 3, 1),
                             dimnames = list(reg_orig = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                             reg_dest = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                             time = "2001-2005")))
    account <- Movements(population = population,
                         internal = internal)
    account <- makeConsistent(account)
    systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ reg, useExpose = FALSE)),
                         Model(internal ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1, structuralZeros = "diag")))
    systemWeights <- list(NULL, NULL)
    data.models <- list(Model(tax ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "internal"),
                        Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.9), series = "population"))
    seriesIndices <- c(1L, 0L)
    updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    datasets <- list(internal + 10L,
                     population - 5L)
    namesDatasets <- c("tax", "census")
    transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = internal, y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = population, y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE))
    transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
    x <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                systemModels = systemModels,
                                systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                dataModels = data.models,
                                seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                datasets = datasets,
                                namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                transforms = transforms)
    x@iComp <- 1L
    updated <- FALSE
    for (seed in seq_len(n.test)) {
        x <- updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDest(x)
        if (x@generatedNewProposal@.Data) {
            updated <- TRUE
            ans.R <- diffLogDensExpOneOrigDestParChPool(iCell = getICellCompFromExp(i = x@iExpFirst,
                                                                                    mapping = x@mappingsFromExp[[1]]),
                                                        hasAge = FALSE,
                                                        updatedPopn = FALSE,
                                                        updatedBirths = FALSE,
                                                        ageTimeStep = x@ageTimeStep,
                                                        component = x@account@components[[1L]],
                                                        theta = x@systemModels[[2]]@theta,
                                                        strucZeroArray = x@systemModels[[2]]@strucZeroArray,
                                                        iteratorComp = x@iteratorsComp[[1L]],
                                                        iExpFirst = x@iExpFirst,
                                                        exposure = x@exposure,
                                                        iteratorExposure = x@iteratorExposure,
                                                        diff = x@diffProp,
                                                        firstOnly = FALSE,
                                                        isSmallUpdateFinal = FALSE,
                                                        useC = FALSE)
            ans.C <- diffLogDensExpOneOrigDestParChPool(iCell = getICellCompFromExp(i = x@iExpFirst,
                                                                                    mapping = x@mappingsFromExp[[1]]),
                                                        hasAge = FALSE,
                                                        updatedPopn = FALSE,
                                                        updatedBirths = FALSE,
                                                        ageTimeStep = x@ageTimeStep,
                                                        component = x@account@components[[1L]],
                                                        theta = x@systemModels[[2]]@theta,
                                                        strucZeroArray = x@systemModels[[2]]@strucZeroArray,
                                                        iteratorComp = x@iteratorsComp[[1L]],
                                                        iExpFirst = x@iExpFirst,
                                                        exposure = x@exposure,
                                                        iteratorExposure = x@iteratorExposure,
                                                        diff = x@diffProp,
                                                        firstOnly = FALSE,
                                                        isSmallUpdateFinal = FALSE,
                                                        useC = TRUE)
            if (test.identity)
                expect_identical(ans.R, ans.C)
                expect_equal(ans.R, ans.C)
        if (!updated)
            warning("not updated")

test_that("R and C versions of diffLogDensExpOneOrigDestParChPool give same answer - with age", {
    diffLogDensExpOneOrigDestParChPool <- demest:::diffLogDensExpOneOrigDestParChPool
    getICellCompFromExp <- demest:::getICellCompFromExp
    updateProposalAccount <- demest:::updateProposalAccount
    initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    population <- Counts(array(seq(1000L, 1500L, 100L),
                               dim = c(3, 3, 2),
                               dimnames = list(reg = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                               age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                               time = c(2000, 2005))))
    births <- Counts(array(20,
                             dim = c(3, 1, 1),
                             dimnames = list(reg = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                             age = "5-9",
                                             time = "2001-2005")))
    internal <- Counts(array(c(0L, 50L, 40L,
                               20L, 0L, 30L,
                               60L, 20L, 0L),
                             dim = c(3, 3, 3, 1),
                             dimnames = list(reg_orig = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                             reg_dest = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                             age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                             time = "2001-2005")))
    account <- Movements(population = population,
                         births = births,
                         internal = internal)
    account <- makeConsistent(account)
    systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ reg, useExpose = FALSE)),
                         Model(births ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)),
                         Model(internal ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1, structuralZeros = "diag")))
    systemWeights <- list(NULL, NULL, NULL)
    data.models <- list(Model(tax ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "internal"),
                        Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.9), series = "population"))
    seriesIndices <- c(2L, 0L)
    updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    datasets <- list(account@components[[2]] + 10L,
                     population - 5L)
    namesDatasets <- c("tax", "census")
    transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = account@components[[2]], y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = population, y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE))
    transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
    x <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                systemModels = systemModels,
                                systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                dataModels = data.models,
                                seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                datasets = datasets,
                                namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                transforms = transforms)
    updated <- FALSE
    for (seed in seq_len(5 * n.test)) {
        x <- updateProposalAccount(x)
        if (x@generatedNewProposal@.Data) {
            updated <- TRUE
            ans.R <- diffLogDensExpOneOrigDestParChPool(iCell = getICellCompFromExp(i = x@iExpFirst,
                                                                                    mapping = x@mappingsFromExp[[2]]),
                                                        hasAge = TRUE,
                                                        updatedPopn = FALSE,
                                                        updatedBirths = FALSE,
                                                        ageTimeStep = x@ageTimeStep,
                                                        component = x@account@components[[2L]],
                                                        theta = x@systemModels[[3]]@theta,
                                                        strucZeroArray = x@systemModels[[3]]@strucZeroArray,
                                                        iteratorComp = x@iteratorsComp[[2L]],
                                                        iExpFirst = x@iExpFirst,
                                                        exposure = x@exposure,
                                                        iteratorExposure = x@iteratorExposure,
                                                        diff = x@diffProp,
                                                        firstOnly = FALSE,
                                                        isSmallUpdateFinal = FALSE,
                                                        useC = FALSE)
            ans.C <- diffLogDensExpOneOrigDestParChPool(iCell = getICellCompFromExp(i = x@iExpFirst,
                                                                                    mapping = x@mappingsFromExp[[2]]),
                                                        hasAge = TRUE,
                                                        updatedPopn = FALSE,
                                                        updatedBirths = FALSE,
                                                        ageTimeStep = x@ageTimeStep,
                                                        component = x@account@components[[2L]],
                                                        theta = x@systemModels[[3]]@theta,
                                                        strucZeroArray = x@systemModels[[3]]@strucZeroArray,
                                                        iteratorComp = x@iteratorsComp[[2L]],
                                                        iExpFirst = x@iExpFirst,
                                                        exposure = x@exposure,
                                                        iteratorExposure = x@iteratorExposure,
                                                        diff = x@diffProp,
                                                        firstOnly = FALSE,
                                                        isSmallUpdateFinal = FALSE,
                                                        useC = TRUE)
            if (test.identity)
                expect_identical(ans.R, ans.C)
                expect_equal(ans.R, ans.C)
        if (!updated)
            warning("not updated")

## diffLogDensExpOneComp

test_that("diffLogDensExpOneComp works with no age", {
    diffLogDensExpOneComp <- demest:::diffLogDensExpOneComp
    CohortIterator <- demest:::CohortIterator
    population <- CountsOne(values = seq(100, 200, 10),
                            labels = seq(2000, 2100, 10),
                            name = "time")
    deaths <- CountsOne(values = rpois(n = 10, lambda = 5),
                        labels = paste(seq(2001, 2091, 10), seq(2010, 2100, 10), sep = "-"),
                        name = "time")
    deaths <- new("ExitsMovements",
                  .Data = deaths@.Data,
                  metadata = deaths@metadata)
    theta <- ValuesOne(runif(n = 10), labels = dimnames(deaths)$time, name = "time")
    strucZeroArray <- CountsOne(values = c(rep(1L, 9L), 0L),
                                labels = paste(seq(2001, 2091, 10), seq(2010, 2100, 10), sep = "-"),
                                name = "time")
    iteratorComp <- CohortIterator(deaths)
    iCell <- 4L
    iExpFirst <- 4L
    expose <- exposure(population)
    expose <- new("Exposure",
                  .Data = expose@.Data,
                  metadata = expose@metadata)
    iteratorExposure <- CohortIterator(expose)
    hasAge <- FALSE
    diff <- -3L
    ans.obtained <- diffLogDensExpOneComp(iCell = iCell,
                                          hasAge = hasAge,
                                          updatedPopn = FALSE,
                                          updatedBirths = FALSE,
                                          ageTimeStep = 10,
                                          component = deaths,
                                          theta = theta,
                                          strucZeroArray = strucZeroArray,
                                          iteratorComp = iteratorComp,
                                          iExpFirst = iExpFirst,
                                          exposure = expose,
                                          iteratorExposure = iteratorExposure,
                                          diff = diff,
                                          firstOnly = FALSE,
                                          isSmallUpdateFinal = FALSE)
    ans.expected <- unname(dpois(deaths[4], lambda = theta[4] * (expose[4] - 3/2 * 10), log = TRUE)
                           - dpois(deaths[4], lambda = theta[4] * expose[4], log = TRUE)
                           + sum(dpois(deaths[5:9], lambda = theta[5:9] * (expose[5:9] - 3 * 10), log = TRUE))
                           - sum(dpois(deaths[5:9], lambda = theta[5:9] * expose[5:9], log = TRUE)))
    if (test.identity)
        expect_identical(ans.obtained, ans.expected)
        expect_equal(ans.obtained, ans.expected)

test_that("R and C versions of diffLogDensExpOneComp give same answer with no age", {
    diffLogDensExpOneComp <- demest:::diffLogDensExpOneComp
    CohortIterator <- demest:::CohortIterator
    population <- CountsOne(values = seq(100, 200, 10),
                            labels = seq(2000, 2100, 10),
                            name = "time")
    deaths <- CountsOne(values = rpois(n = 10, lambda = 5),
                        labels = paste(seq(2001, 2091, 10), seq(2010, 2100, 10), sep = "-"),
                        name = "time")
    deaths <- new("ExitsMovements",
                  .Data = deaths@.Data,
                  metadata = deaths@metadata)
    theta <- ValuesOne(runif(n = 10), labels = dimnames(deaths)$time, name = "time")
    strucZeroArray <- CountsOne(values = c(rep(1L, 9L), 0L),
                                labels = paste(seq(2001, 2091, 10), seq(2010, 2100, 10), sep = "-"),
                                name = "time")
    iteratorComp <- CohortIterator(deaths)
    iCell <- 4L
    iExpFirst <- 4L
    expose <- exposure(population)
    expose <- new("Exposure",
                  .Data = expose@.Data,
                  metadata = expose@metadata)
    iteratorExposure <- CohortIterator(expose)
    hasAge <- FALSE
    diff <- -3L
    ans.R <- diffLogDensExpOneComp(iCell = iCell,
                                   hasAge = hasAge,
                                   updatedPopn = FALSE,
                                   updatedBirths = FALSE,
                                   ageTimeStep = 10,
                                   component = deaths,
                                   theta = theta,
                                   strucZeroArray = strucZeroArray,
                                   iteratorComp = iteratorComp,
                                   iExpFirst = iExpFirst,
                                   exposure = expose,
                                   iteratorExposure = iteratorExposure,
                                   diff = diff,
                                   firstOnly = FALSE,
                                   isSmallUpdateFinal = FALSE,
                                   useC = FALSE)
    ans.C <- diffLogDensExpOneComp(iCell = iCell,
                                   hasAge = hasAge,
                                   updatedPopn = FALSE,
                                   updatedBirths = FALSE,
                                   ageTimeStep = 10,
                                   component = deaths,
                                   theta = theta,
                                   strucZeroArray = strucZeroArray,
                                   iteratorComp = iteratorComp,
                                   iExpFirst = iExpFirst,
                                   exposure = expose,
                                   iteratorExposure = iteratorExposure,
                                   diff = diff,
                                   isSmallUpdateFinal = FALSE,
                                   firstOnly = FALSE,
                                   useC = TRUE)
    if (test.identity)
        expect_identical(ans.R, ans.C)
        expect_equal(ans.R, ans.C)

test_that("R and C versions of diffLogDensExpOneComp give same answer with age", {
    diffLogDensExpOneComp <- demest:::diffLogDensExpOneComp
    CohortIterator <- demest:::CohortIterator
    popn <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 100),
                         dim = c(3, 2, 5, 3),
                         dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                         sex = c("f", "m"),
                                         reg = 1:5,
                                         time = c(2000, 2005, 2010))))
    deaths <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 72, lambda = 100) + 20L,
                           dim = c(3, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                           dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                           sex = c("m", "f"),
                                           reg = 5:1,
                                           time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                           triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    deaths <- new("ExitsMovements",
                  .Data = deaths@.Data,
                  metadata = deaths@metadata)
    strucZeroArray <- deaths
    strucZeroArray[] <- 1L
    strucZeroArray[3] <- 0L
    iteratorComp <- CohortIterator(deaths)
    expose <- exposure(popn,
                       triangles = TRUE)
    expose <- new("Exposure",
                  .Data = expose@.Data,
                  metadata = expose@metadata)
    iteratorExposure <- CohortIterator(expose)
    hasAge <- TRUE
    theta <- (deaths / expose) + 0.1
    for (i in seq_len(n.test * 50)) {
        iCell <- sample(length(deaths), 1)
        iExpFirst <- iCell
        updated.popn  <- runif(1) > 0.7
        updated.births <- !updated.popn && runif(1) > 0.7
        diff <- as.integer(runif(1, -5, 5))
        ans.R <- diffLogDensExpOneComp(iCell = iCell,
                                       hasAge = hasAge,
                                       updatedPopn = updated.popn,
                                       updatedBirths = updated.births,
                                       ageTimeStep = 5,
                                       component = deaths,
                                       theta = theta,
                                       strucZeroArray = strucZeroArray,
                                       iteratorComp = iteratorComp,
                                       iExpFirst = iExpFirst,
                                       exposure = expose,
                                       iteratorExposure = iteratorExposure,
                                       diff = diff,
                                       firstOnly = FALSE,
                                       isSmallUpdateFinal = FALSE,
                                       useC = FALSE)
        ans.C <- diffLogDensExpOneComp(iCell = iCell,
                                       hasAge = hasAge,
                                       updatedPopn = updated.popn,
                                       updatedBirths = updated.births,
                                       ageTimeStep = 5,
                                       component = deaths,
                                       theta = theta,
                                       strucZeroArray = strucZeroArray,
                                       iteratorComp = iteratorComp,
                                       iExpFirst = iExpFirst,
                                       exposure = expose,
                                       iteratorExposure = iteratorExposure,
                                       diff = diff,
                                       firstOnly = FALSE,
                                       isSmallUpdateFinal = FALSE,
                                       useC = TRUE)
        if (test.identity)
            expect_identical(ans.R, ans.C)
            expect_equal(ans.R, ans.C)

test_that("diffLogDensJumpPoolWithExpose works with CombinedAccountMovements", {
    diffLogDensJumpPoolWithExpose <- demest:::diffLogDensJumpPoolWithExpose
    updateProposalAccountMovePool <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMovePool
    initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    population <- Counts(array(seq(1000L, 1500L, 100L),
                               dim = c(3, 2),
                               dimnames = list(reg = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                               time = c(2000, 2005))))
    internal <- Counts(array(c(0L, 50L, 40L,
                               20L, 0L, 30L,
                               60L, 20L, 0L),
                             dim = c(3, 3, 1),
                             dimnames = list(reg_orig = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                             reg_dest = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                             time = "2001-2005")))
    internal <- collapseOrigDest(internal, to = "pool")
    account <- Movements(population = population,
                         internal = internal)
    account <- makeConsistent(account)
    systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ reg, useExpose = FALSE)),
                         Model(internal ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)))
    systemWeights <- list(NULL, NULL)
    data.models <- list(Model(tax ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "internal"),
                              Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.9), series = "population"))
    seriesIndices <- c(1L, 0L)
    updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    datasets <- list(internal + 10L,
                     population - 5L)
    namesDatasets <- c("tax", "census")
    transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = internal, y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = population, y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE))
    transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
    x <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                systemModels = systemModels,
                                systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                dataModels = data.models,
                                seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                datasets = datasets,
                                namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                transforms = transforms)
    x@iComp <- 1L
    while (!x@generatedNewProposal@.Data)
        x <- updateProposalAccountMovePool(x)
    ans.obtained <- diffLogDensJumpPoolWithExpose(x)
    ans.expected <- (dpois(x@account@components[[1]][x@iCell] + x@diffProp,
                           lambda = (x@exposure[x@iExposure] - 0.5 * x@diffProp * x@ageTimeStep) * x@systemModels[[2]]@theta[x@iCell],
                           log = TRUE)
        + dpois(x@account@components[[1]][x@iCellOther] + x@diffProp,
                lambda = (x@exposure[x@iExposureOther] + 0.5 * x@diffProp * x@ageTimeStep) * x@systemModels[[2]]@theta[x@iCellOther],
                log = TRUE)
        - dpois(x@account@components[[1]][x@iCell],
                lambda = x@exposure[x@iExposure] * x@systemModels[[2]]@theta[x@iCell],
                log = TRUE)
        - dpois(x@account@components[[1]][x@iCellOther],
                lambda = x@exposure[x@iExposureOther] * x@systemModels[[2]]@theta[x@iCellOther],
                log = TRUE)
        + dpois(x@account@components[[1]][x@iCell],
                lambda = x@expectedExposure[x@iExposure] * x@systemModels[[2]]@theta[x@iCell],
                log = TRUE)
        - dpois(x@account@components[[1]][x@iCell] + x@diffProp,
                lambda = x@expectedExposure[x@iExposure] * x@systemModels[[2]]@theta[x@iCell],
                log = TRUE))
    if (test.identity)
        expect_identical(ans.obtained, ans.expected)
        expect_equal(ans.obtained, ans.expected)

test_that("R and C versions of diffLogDensJumpPoolWithExpose give same answer with CombinedAccountMovements - no age", {
    diffLogDensJumpPoolWithExpose <- demest:::diffLogDensJumpPoolWithExpose
    updateProposalAccountMovePool <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMovePool
    initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    population <- Counts(array(seq(1000L, 1500L, 100L),
                               dim = c(3, 2),
                               dimnames = list(reg = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                               time = c(2000, 2005))))
    internal <- Counts(array(c(0L, 50L, 40L,
                               20L, 0L, 30L,
                               60L, 20L, 0L),
                             dim = c(3, 3, 1),
                             dimnames = list(reg_orig = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                             reg_dest = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                             time = "2001-2005")))
    internal <- collapseOrigDest(internal, to = "pool")
    account <- Movements(population = population,
                         internal = internal)
    account <- makeConsistent(account)
    systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ reg, useExpose = FALSE)),
                         Model(internal ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)))
    systemWeights <- list(NULL, NULL)
    data.models <- list(Model(tax ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "internal"),
                              Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.9), series = "population"))
    seriesIndices <- c(1L, 0L)
    updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    datasets <- list(internal + 10L,
                     population - 5L)
    namesDatasets <- c("tax", "census")
    transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = internal, y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = population, y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE))
    transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
    x <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                systemModels = systemModels,
                                systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                dataModels = data.models,
                                seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                datasets = datasets,
                                namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                transforms = transforms)
    x@iComp <- 1L
    while (!x@generatedNewProposal@.Data)
        x <- updateProposalAccountMovePool(x)
    ans.R <- diffLogDensJumpPoolWithExpose(x, useC = FALSE)
    ans.C <- diffLogDensJumpPoolWithExpose(x, useC = TRUE)
    if (test.identity)
        expect_identical(ans.R, ans.C)
        expect_equal(ans.R, ans.C)

test_that("R and C versions of diffLogDensJumpPoolWithExpose give same answer - with age", {
    diffLogDensJumpPoolWithExpose <- demest:::diffLogDensJumpPoolWithExpose
    getICellCompFromExp <- demest:::getICellCompFromExp
    updateProposalAccountMovePool <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMovePool
    initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    population <- Counts(array(seq(1000L, 1500L, 100L),
                               dim = c(3, 3, 2),
                               dimnames = list(reg = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                               age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                               time = c(2000, 2005))))
    births <- Counts(array(20,
                             dim = c(3, 1, 1),
                             dimnames = list(reg = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                             age = "5-9",
                                             time = "2001-2005")))
    internal <- Counts(array(c(0L, 50L, 40L,
                               20L, 0L, 30L,
                               60L, 20L, 0L),
                             dim = c(3, 3, 3, 1, 2),
                             dimnames = list(reg_orig = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                             reg_dest = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                             age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                             time = "2001-2005",
                                             triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    internal <- collapseOrigDest(internal, to = "pool")
    account <- Movements(population = population,
                         births = births,
                         internal = internal)
    account <- makeConsistent(account)
    systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ reg, useExpose = FALSE)),
                         Model(births ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)),
                         Model(internal ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)))
    systemWeights <- list(NULL, NULL, NULL)
    data.models <- list(Model(tax ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "internal"),
                        Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.9), series = "population"))
    seriesIndices <- c(2L, 0L)
    updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    datasets <- list(account@components[[2]] + 10L,
                     population - 5L)
    namesDatasets <- c("tax", "census")
    transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = account@components[[2]], y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = population, y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE))
    transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
    x <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                systemModels = systemModels,
                                systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                dataModels = data.models,
                                seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                datasets = datasets,
                                namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                transforms = transforms)
    x@iComp <- 2L
    for (seed in seq_len(5 * n.test)) {
        while (!x@generatedNewProposal@.Data)
            x <- updateProposalAccountMovePool(x)
        ans.R <- diffLogDensJumpPoolWithExpose(x, useC = FALSE)
        ans.C <- diffLogDensJumpPoolWithExpose(x, useC = TRUE)
        if (test.identity)
            expect_identical(ans.R, ans.C)
            expect_equal(ans.R, ans.C)

test_that("diffLogDensJumpPoolNoExpose works with CombinedAccountMovements", {
    diffLogDensJumpPoolNoExpose <- demest:::diffLogDensJumpPoolNoExpose
    updateProposalAccountMovePool <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMovePool
    initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    population <- Counts(array(seq(1000L, 1500L, 100L),
                               dim = c(3, 2),
                               dimnames = list(reg = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                               time = c(2000, 2005))))
    internal <- Counts(array(c(0L, 50L, 40L,
                               20L, 0L, 30L,
                               60L, 20L, 0L),
                             dim = c(3, 3, 1),
                             dimnames = list(reg_orig = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                             reg_dest = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                             time = "2001-2005")))
    internal <- collapseOrigDest(internal, to = "pool")
    account <- Movements(population = population,
                         internal = internal)
    account <- makeConsistent(account)
    systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ reg, useExpose = FALSE)),
                         Model(internal ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1, useExpose = FALSE)))
    systemWeights <- list(NULL, NULL)
    data.models <- list(Model(tax ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "internal"),
                              Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.9), series = "population"))
    seriesIndices <- c(1L, 0L)
    updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    datasets <- list(internal + 10L,
                     population - 5L)
    namesDatasets <- c("tax", "census")
    transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = internal, y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = population, y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE))
    transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
    x <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                systemModels = systemModels,
                                systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                dataModels = data.models,
                                seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                datasets = datasets,
                                namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                transforms = transforms)
    x@iComp <- 1L
    while (!x@generatedNewProposal@.Data)
        x <- updateProposalAccountMovePool(x)
    ans.obtained <- diffLogDensJumpPoolNoExpose(x)
    ans.expected <- (dpois(x@account@components[[1]][x@iCellOther] + x@diffProp,
                           lambda = x@systemModels[[2]]@theta[x@iCellOther],
                           log = TRUE)
        - dpois(x@account@components[[1]][x@iCellOther],
                lambda =  x@systemModels[[2]]@theta[x@iCellOther],
                log = TRUE))
    if (test.identity)
        expect_identical(ans.obtained, ans.expected)
        expect_equal(ans.obtained, ans.expected)

test_that("R and C versions of diffLogDensJumpPoolNoExpose give same answer with CombinedAccountMovements", {
    diffLogDensJumpPoolNoExpose <- demest:::diffLogDensJumpPoolNoExpose
    updateProposalAccountMovePool <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMovePool
    initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    population <- Counts(array(seq(1000L, 1500L, 100L),
                               dim = c(3, 2),
                               dimnames = list(reg = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                               time = c(2000, 2005))))
    internal <- Counts(array(c(0L, 50L, 40L,
                               20L, 0L, 30L,
                               60L, 20L, 0L),
                             dim = c(3, 3, 1),
                             dimnames = list(reg_orig = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                             reg_dest = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                             time = "2001-2005")))
    internal <- collapseOrigDest(internal, to = "pool")
    account <- Movements(population = population,
                         internal = internal)
    account <- makeConsistent(account)
    systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ reg, useExpose = FALSE)),
                         Model(internal ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1, useExpose = FALSE)))
    systemWeights <- list(NULL, NULL)
    data.models <- list(Model(tax ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "internal"),
                              Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.9), series = "population"))
    seriesIndices <- c(1L, 0L)
    updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    datasets <- list(internal + 10L,
                     population - 5L)
    namesDatasets <- c("tax", "census")
    transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = internal, y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = population, y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE))
    transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
    x <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                systemModels = systemModels,
                                systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                dataModels = data.models,
                                seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                datasets = datasets,
                                namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                transforms = transforms)
    x@iComp <- 1L
    while (!x@generatedNewProposal@.Data)
        x <- updateProposalAccountMovePool(x)
    ans.R <- diffLogDensJumpPoolNoExpose(x, useC = FALSE)
    ans.C <- diffLogDensJumpPoolNoExpose(x, useC = TRUE)
    if (test.identity)
        expect_identical(ans.R, ans.C)
        expect_equal(ans.R, ans.C)

test_that("diffLogDensJumpNet works with CombinedAccountMovements", {
    diffLogDensJumpNet <- demest:::diffLogDensJumpNet
    updateProposalAccountMoveNet <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMoveNet
    initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    getICellCompFromExp <- demest:::getICellCompFromExp
    population <- Counts(array(seq(1000L, 1500L, 100L),
                               dim = c(3, 2),
                               dimnames = list(reg = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                               time = c(2000, 2005))))
    internal <- Counts(array(c(0L, 50L, 40L,
                               20L, 0L, 30L,
                               60L, 20L, 0L),
                             dim = c(3, 3, 1),
                             dimnames = list(reg_orig = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                             reg_dest = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                             time = "2001-2005")))
    internal <- collapseOrigDest(internal, to = "net")
    account <- Movements(population = population,
                         internal = internal)
    account <- makeConsistent(account)
    systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ reg, useExpose = FALSE)),
                         Model(internal ~ Normal(mean ~ 1)))
    w <- Counts(array(1,
                      dim = c(3, 1),
                      dimnames = list(reg = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                      time = "2001-2005")))
    systemWeights <- list(NULL, w)
    mean <- ValuesOne(1, labels = "2001-2005", name = "time")
    data.models <- list(Model(tax ~ NormalFixed(mean = mean, sd = 0.1), series = "internal"),
                              Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.9), series = "population"))
    seriesIndices <- c(1L, 0L)
    updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    datasets <- list(internal + 10L,
                     population - 5L)
    namesDatasets <- c("tax", "census")
    transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = internal, y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = population, y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE))
    transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
    x <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                 systemModels = systemModels,
                                 systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                 dataModels = data.models,
                                 seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                 updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                 usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                 datasets = datasets,
                                 namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                 transforms = transforms)
    x@iComp <- 1L
    while (!x@generatedNewProposal@.Data) {
        x <- updateProposalAccountMoveNet(x)
    ans.obtained <- diffLogDensJumpNet(x)
    ans.expected <- (dnorm(x@account@components[[1]][x@iCellOther] - x@diffProp,
                           mean = x@systemModels[[2]]@theta[x@iCellOther],
                           sd = x@systemModels[[2]]@varsigma / sqrt(x@systemModels[[2]]@w[x@iCellOther]),
                           log = TRUE)
        - dnorm(x@account@components[[1]][x@iCellOther],
                mean = x@systemModels[[2]]@theta[x@iCellOther],
                sd = x@systemModels[[2]]@varsigma / sqrt(x@systemModels[[2]]@w[x@iCellOther]),
                log = TRUE))
    if (test.identity)
        expect_identical(ans.obtained, ans.expected)
        expect_equal(ans.obtained, ans.expected)

test_that("R and C versions of diffLogDensJumpNet give same answer with CombinedAccountMovements", {
    diffLogDensJumpNet <- demest:::diffLogDensJumpNet
    updateProposalAccountMoveNet <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMoveNet
    initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    getICellCompFromExp <- demest:::getICellCompFromExp
    population <- Counts(array(seq(1000L, 1500L, 100L),
                               dim = c(3, 2),
                               dimnames = list(reg = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                               time = c(2000, 2005))))
    internal <- Counts(array(c(0L, 50L, 40L,
                               20L, 0L, 30L,
                               60L, 20L, 0L),
                             dim = c(3, 3, 1),
                             dimnames = list(reg_orig = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                             reg_dest = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                             time = "2001-2005")))
    internal <- collapseOrigDest(internal, to = "net")
    account <- Movements(population = population,
                         internal = internal)
    account <- makeConsistent(account)
    systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ reg, useExpose = FALSE)),
                         Model(internal ~ Normal(mean ~ 1)))
    w <- Counts(array(1,
                      dim = c(3, 1),
                      dimnames = list(reg = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                      time = "2001-2005")))
    systemWeights <- list(NULL, w)
    mean <- ValuesOne(1, labels = "2001-2005", name = "time")
    data.models <- list(Model(tax ~ NormalFixed(mean = mean, sd = 0.1), series = "internal"),
                              Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.9), series = "population"))
    seriesIndices <- c(1L, 0L)
    updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    datasets <- list(internal + 10L,
                     population - 5L)
    namesDatasets <- c("tax", "census")
    transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = internal, y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = population, y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE))
    transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
    x <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                 systemModels = systemModels,
                                 systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                 dataModels = data.models,
                                 seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                 updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                 usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                 datasets = datasets,
                                 namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                 transforms = transforms)
    x@iComp <- 1L
    while (!x@generatedNewProposal@.Data) {
        x <- updateProposalAccountMoveNet(x)
    ans.R <- diffLogDensJumpNet(x, useC = FALSE)
    ans.C <- diffLogDensJumpNet(x, useC = TRUE)
    if (test.identity)
        expect_identical(ans.R, ans.C)
        expect_equal(ans.R, ans.C)

## diffLogDensJumpComp

test_that("diffLogDensJumpComp works - no age", {
    diffLogDensJumpComp <- demest:::diffLogDensJumpComp
    updateProposalAccountMoveComp <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMoveComp
    initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    population <- CountsOne(values = seq(100, 200, 10),
                            labels = seq(2000, 2100, 10),
                            name = "time")
    births <- CountsOne(values = rpois(n = 10, lambda = 15),
                        labels = paste(seq(2001, 2091, 10), seq(2010, 2100, 10), sep = "-"),
                        name = "time")
    deaths <- CountsOne(values = rpois(n = 10, lambda = 5),
                        labels = paste(seq(2001, 2091, 10), seq(2010, 2100, 10), sep = "-"),
                        name = "time")
    account <- Movements(population = population,
                         births = births,
                         exits = list(deaths = deaths))
    account <- makeConsistent(account)
    systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ time, useExpose = FALSE)),
                         Model(births ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)),
                         Model(deaths ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)))
    systemWeights <- rep(list(NULL), 3)
    data.models <- list(Model(tax ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "deaths"),
                              Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.9), series = "population"))
    seriesIndices <- c(2L, 0L)
    updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    datasets <- list(Counts(array(7L,
                                  dim = 10,
                                  dimnames = list(time = paste(seq(2001, 2091, 10), seq(2010, 2100, 10), sep = "-")))),
                     Counts(array(seq.int(110L, 210L, 10L),
                                  dim = 11,
                                  dimnames = list(time = seq(2000, 2100, 10)))))
    namesDatasets <- c("tax", "census")
    transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = deaths, y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = population, y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE))
    transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
    x <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                systemModels = systemModels,
                                systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                dataModels = data.models,
                                seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                datasets = datasets,
                                namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                transforms = transforms)
    x@iComp <- 2L
    updated <- FALSE
    for (seed in seq_len(n.test)) {
        x <- updateProposalAccountMoveComp(x)
        if (x@generatedNewProposal@.Data) {
            updated <- TRUE
            ans.obtained <- diffLogDensJumpComp(x)
            ans.expected <- (dpois(x@account@components[[2]][x@iCell] + x@diffProp,
                                   lambda = (x@exposure[x@iExposure] - 0.5 * x@diffProp * x@ageTimeStep) * x@systemModels[[3]]@theta[x@iCell],
                                   log = TRUE)
                - dpois(x@account@components[[2]][x@iCell],
                        lambda = (x@exposure[x@iExposure] - 0.5 * x@diffProp * x@ageTimeStep) * x@systemModels[[3]]@theta[x@iCell],
                        log = TRUE)
                + dpois(x@account@components[[2]][x@iCell],
                        lambda = x@expectedExposure[x@iExposure] * x@systemModels[[3]]@theta[x@iCell],
                        log = TRUE)
                - dpois(x@account@components[[2]][x@iCell] + x@diffProp,
                        lambda = x@expectedExposure[x@iExposure] * x@systemModels[[3]]@theta[x@iCell],
                        log = TRUE))
            ans.expected <- unname(ans.expected)
            expect_equal(ans.obtained, ans.expected)
            if (test.identity)
                expect_identical(ans.obtained, ans.expected)
                expect_equal(ans.obtained, ans.expected)
    if (!updated)
        warning("not updated")

test_that("R and C versions of diffLogDensJumpComp give same answer - no age", {
    diffLogDensJumpComp <- demest:::diffLogDensJumpComp
    updateProposalAccountMoveComp <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMoveComp
    initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    population <- CountsOne(values = seq(100, 200, 10),
                            labels = seq(2000, 2100, 10),
                            name = "time")
    births <- CountsOne(values = rpois(n = 10, lambda = 15),
                        labels = paste(seq(2001, 2091, 10), seq(2010, 2100, 10), sep = "-"),
                        name = "time")
    deaths <- CountsOne(values = rpois(n = 10, lambda = 5),
                        labels = paste(seq(2001, 2091, 10), seq(2010, 2100, 10), sep = "-"),
                        name = "time")
    account <- Movements(population = population,
                         births = births,
                         exits = list(deaths = deaths))
    account <- makeConsistent(account)
    systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ time, useExpose = FALSE)),
                         Model(births ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)),
                         Model(deaths ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)))
    systemWeights <- rep(list(NULL), 3)
    data.models <- list(Model(tax ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "deaths"),
                              Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.9), series = "population"))
    seriesIndices <- c(2L, 0L)
    updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    datasets <- list(Counts(array(7L,
                                  dim = 10,
                                  dimnames = list(time = paste(seq(2001, 2091, 10), seq(2010, 2100, 10), sep = "-")))),
                     Counts(array(seq.int(110L, 210L, 10L),
                                  dim = 11,
                                  dimnames = list(time = seq(2000, 2100, 10)))))
    namesDatasets <- c("tax", "census")
    transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = deaths, y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = population, y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE))
    transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
    x <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                systemModels = systemModels,
                                systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                dataModels = data.models,
                                seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                datasets = datasets,
                                namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                transforms = transforms)
    x@iComp <- 2L
    updated <- FALSE
    for (seed in seq_len(n.test)) {
        x <- updateProposalAccountMoveComp(x)
        if (x@generatedNewProposal@.Data) {
            updated <- TRUE
            ans.R <- diffLogDensJumpComp(x, useC = FALSE)
            ans.C <- diffLogDensJumpComp(x, useC = TRUE)
            if (test.identity)
                expect_identical(ans.R, ans.C)
                expect_equal(ans.R, ans.C)
    if (!updated)
        warning("not updated")

test_that("R and C versions of diffLogDensJumpComp give same answer - with age", {
    diffLogDensJumpComp <- demest:::diffLogDensJumpComp
    updateProposalAccountMoveComp <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMoveComp
    initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    popn <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 100),
                         dim = c(3, 2, 5, 3),
                         dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                         sex = c("f", "m"),
                                         reg = 1:5,
                                         time = c(2000, 2005, 2010))))
    births <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 5),
                           dim = c(1, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                           dimnames = list(age = "5-9",
                                           sex = c("m", "f"),
                                           reg = 1:5,
                                           time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                           triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    internal <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = 3),
                             dim = c(3, 2, 5, 5, 2, 2),
                             dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                             sex = c("m", "f"),
                                             reg_orig = 1:5,
                                             reg_dest = 1:5,
                                             time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                             triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    deaths <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 72, lambda = 10),
                           dim = c(3, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                           dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                           sex = c("m", "f"),
                                           reg = 5:1,
                                           time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                           triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    account <- Movements(population = popn,
                         births = births,
                         internal = internal,
                         exits = list(deaths = deaths))
    account <- makeConsistent(account)
    systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ age + sex, useExpose = FALSE)),
                         Model(births ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)),
                         Model(internal ~ Poisson(mean ~ reg_orig + reg_dest)),
                         Model(deaths ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)))
    systemWeights <- list(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
    census <- subarray(popn, time == "2000", drop = FALSE) + 2L
    register <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = popn),
                             dim = dim(popn),
                             dimnames = dimnames(popn)))
    reg.births <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = births, prob = 0.98),
                               dim = dim(births),
                               dimnames = dimnames(births)))
    address.change <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = internal),
                                   dim = dim(internal),
                                   dimnames = dimnames(internal)))
    reg.deaths <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = deaths, prob = 0.98),
                               dim = dim(deaths),
                               dimnames = dimnames(deaths))) + 1L
    datasets <- list(census, register, reg.births, address.change, reg.deaths)
    namesDatasets <- c("census", "register", "reg.births", "address.change", "reg.deaths")
    data.models <- list(Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.95), series = "population"),
                              Model(register ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "population"),
                              Model(reg.births ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "births"),
                              Model(address.change ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "internal"),
                              Model(reg.deaths ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "deaths"))
    seriesIndices <- c(0L, 0L, 1L, 2L, 3L)
    updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "births"), y = datasets[[3]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "internal"), y = datasets[[4]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "deaths"), y = datasets[[5]], subset = TRUE))
    transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
    x <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                systemModels = systemModels,
                                systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                dataModels = data.models,
                                seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                datasets = datasets,
                                namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                transforms = transforms)
    x@iComp <- 3L
    updated <- FALSE
    for (seed in seq_len(10 * n.test)) {
        x <- updateProposalAccountMoveComp(x)
        if (x@generatedNewProposal@.Data) {
            updated <- TRUE
            ans.R <- diffLogDensJumpComp(x, useC = FALSE)
            ans.C <- diffLogDensJumpComp(x, useC = TRUE)
            if (test.identity)
                expect_identical(ans.R, ans.C)
                expect_equal(ans.R, ans.C)
    if (!updated)
        warning("not updated")

## diffLogDensExpComp

test_that("diffLogDensExpComp works", {
    diffLogDensExpComp <- demest:::diffLogDensExpComp
    getICellBirthsFromExp <- demest:::getICellBirthsFromExp
    getICellCompFromExp <- demest:::getICellCompFromExp
    getIExposureFromBirths <- demest:::getIExposureFromBirths
    updateProposalAccountMoveComp <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMoveComp
    diffLogDensExpOneComp <- demest:::diffLogDensExpOneComp
    diffLogDensExpOneOrigDestParChPool <- demest:::diffLogDensExpOneOrigDestParChPool
    initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    popn <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 100),
                         dim = c(3, 2, 5, 3),
                         dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                         sex = c("f", "m"),
                                         reg = 1:5,
                                         time = c(2000, 2005, 2010))))
    births <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 5),
                           dim = c(1, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                           dimnames = list(age = "5-9",
                                           sex = c("m", "f"),
                                           reg = 1:5,
                                           time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                           triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    internal <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = 10),
                             dim = c(3, 2, 5, 5, 2, 2),
                             dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                             sex = c("m", "f"),
                                             reg_orig = 1:5,
                                             reg_dest = 1:5,
                                             time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                             triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    internal[slice.index(internal, 3) == slice.index(internal, 4)] <- 0L
    deaths <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 72, lambda = 10),
                           dim = c(3, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                           dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                           sex = c("m", "f"),
                                           reg = 5:1,
                                           time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                           triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    account <- Movements(population = popn,
                         births = births,
                         internal = internal,
                         exits = list(deaths = deaths))
    account <- makeConsistent(account)
    systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ age + sex, useExpose = FALSE)),
                         Model(births ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)),
                         Model(internal ~ Poisson(mean ~ reg_orig + reg_dest)),
                         Model(deaths ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)))
    systemWeights <- list(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
    census <- subarray(popn, time == "2000", drop = FALSE) + 2L
    register <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = popn),
                             dim = dim(popn),
                             dimnames = dimnames(popn)))
    reg.births <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = births, prob = 0.98),
                               dim = dim(births),
                               dimnames = dimnames(births)))
    address.change <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = internal),
                                   dim = dim(internal),
                                   dimnames = dimnames(internal)))
    reg.deaths <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = deaths, prob = 0.98),
                               dim = dim(deaths),
                               dimnames = dimnames(deaths))) + 1L
    datasets <- list(census, register, reg.births, address.change, reg.deaths)
    namesDatasets <- c("census", "register", "reg.births", "address.change", "reg.deaths")
    data.models <- list(Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.95), series = "population"),
                              Model(register ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "population"),
                              Model(reg.births ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "births"),
                              Model(address.change ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "internal"),
                              Model(reg.deaths ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "deaths"))
    seriesIndices <- c(0L, 0L, 1L, 2L, 3L)
    updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "births"), y = datasets[[3]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "internal"), y = datasets[[4]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "deaths"), y = datasets[[5]], subset = TRUE))
    transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
    x <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                systemModels = systemModels,
                                systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                dataModels = data.models,
                                seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                datasets = datasets,
                                namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                transforms = transforms)
    x@iComp <- 3L
    updated <- FALSE
    for (seed in seq_len(n.test)) {
        x <- updateProposalAccountMoveComp(x)
        if (x@generatedNewProposal@.Data) {
            updated <- TRUE
            ans.obtained <- diffLogDensExpComp(x)
            ans.expected <- 0
            i.cell.births <- getICellBirthsFromExp(x@iExpFirst, x@mappingsFromExp[[1]], TRUE)
            if (i.cell.births > 0L) {
                i.cell.exp.first <- getIExposureFromBirths(i = i.cell.births,
                                                           mapping = x@mappingsToExp[[1L]])
                ans.expected <- ans.expected + diffLogDensExpOneOrigDestParChPool(iCell= i.cell.births,
                                                                     hasAge = TRUE,
                                                                     updatedPopn = FALSE,
                                                                     updatedBirths = FALSE,
                                                                     ageTimeStep = x@ageTimeStep,
                                                                     component = x@account@components[[1]],
                                                                     theta = x@systemModels[[2]]@theta,
                                                                     strucZeroArray = x@systemModels[[2]]@strucZeroArray,
                                                                     iteratorComp = x@iteratorsComp[[1]],
                                                                     iExpFirst = i.cell.exp.first,
                                                                     exposure = x@exposure,
                                                                     iteratorExposure = x@iteratorExposure,
                                                                     diff = -x@diffProp,
                                                                     firstOnly = FALSE,
                                                                     isSmallUpdateFinal = FALSE)
            i.cell.internal <- getICellCompFromExp(x@iExpFirst, x@mappingsFromExp[[2]])
            ans.expected <- ans.expected + diffLogDensExpOneOrigDestParChPool(iCell = i.cell.internal,
                                                                              hasAge = TRUE,
                                                                              updatedPopn = FALSE,
                                                                              updatedBirths = FALSE,
                                                                              ageTimeStep = x@ageTimeStep,
                                                                              component = x@account@components[[2]],
                                                                              theta = x@systemModels[[3]]@theta,
                                                                              strucZeroArray = x@systemModels[[3]]@strucZeroArray,
                                                                              iteratorComp = x@iteratorsComp[[2]],
                                                                              iExpFirst = x@iExpFirst,
                                                                              exposure = x@exposure,
                                                                              iteratorExposure = x@iteratorExposure,
                                                                              diff = -x@diffProp,
                                                                              firstOnly = FALSE,
                                                                              isSmallUpdateFinal = FALSE)
            i.cell.deaths <- getICellCompFromExp(x@iExpFirst, x@mappingsFromExp[[3]])
            ans.expected <- ans.expected + diffLogDensExpOneComp(iCell= i.cell.deaths,
                                                                 hasAge = TRUE,
                                                                 updatedPopn = FALSE,
                                                                 updatedBirths = FALSE,
                                                                 ageTimeStep = x@ageTimeStep,
                                                                 component = x@account@components[[3]],
                                                                 theta = x@systemModels[[4]]@theta,
                                                                 strucZeroArray = x@systemModels[[4]]@strucZeroArray,
                                                                 iteratorComp = x@iteratorsComp[[3]],
                                                                 iExpFirst = x@iExpFirst,
                                                                 exposure = x@exposure,
                                                                 iteratorExposure = x@iteratorExposure,
                                                                 diff = -x@diffProp,
                                                                 firstOnly = FALSE,
                                                                 isSmallUpdateFinal = FALSE)
            if (test.identity)
                expect_identical(ans.obtained, ans.expected)
                expect_equal(ans.obtained, ans.expected)
    if (!updated)
        warning("not updated")

test_that("R and C versions of diffLogDensExpComp give same value", {
    diffLogDensExpComp <- demest:::diffLogDensExpComp
    updateProposalAccountMoveComp <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMoveComp
    initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    popn <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 100),
                         dim = c(3, 2, 5, 3),
                         dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                         sex = c("f", "m"),
                                         reg = 1:5,
                                         time = c(2000, 2005, 2010))))
    births <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 5),
                           dim = c(1, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                           dimnames = list(age = "5-9",
                                           sex = c("m", "f"),
                                           reg = 1:5,
                                           time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                           triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    internal <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = 10),
                             dim = c(3, 2, 5, 5, 2, 2),
                             dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                             sex = c("m", "f"),
                                             reg_orig = 1:5,
                                             reg_dest = 1:5,
                                             time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                             triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    internal[slice.index(internal, 3) == slice.index(internal, 4)] <- 0L
    deaths <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 72, lambda = 10),
                           dim = c(3, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                           dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                           sex = c("m", "f"),
                                           reg = 5:1,
                                           time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                           triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    account <- Movements(population = popn,
                         births = births,
                         internal = internal,
                         exits = list(deaths = deaths))
    account <- makeConsistent(account)
    systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ age + sex, useExpose = FALSE)),
                         Model(births ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)),
                         Model(internal ~ Poisson(mean ~ reg_orig + reg_dest, structuralZeros = "diag")),
                         Model(deaths ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)))
    systemWeights <- list(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
    census <- subarray(popn, time == "2000", drop = FALSE) + 2L
    register <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = popn),
                             dim = dim(popn),
                             dimnames = dimnames(popn)))
    reg.births <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = births, prob = 0.98),
                               dim = dim(births),
                               dimnames = dimnames(births)))
    address.change <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = internal),
                                   dim = dim(internal),
                                   dimnames = dimnames(internal)))
    reg.deaths <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = deaths, prob = 0.98),
                               dim = dim(deaths),
                               dimnames = dimnames(deaths))) + 1L
    datasets <- list(census, register, reg.births, address.change, reg.deaths)
    namesDatasets <- c("census", "register", "reg.births", "address.change", "reg.deaths")
    data.models <- list(Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.95), series = "population"),
                              Model(register ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "population"),
                              Model(reg.births ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "births"),
                              Model(address.change ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "internal"),
                              Model(reg.deaths ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "deaths"))
    seriesIndices <- c(0L, 0L, 1L, 2L, 3L)
    updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "births"), y = datasets[[3]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "internal"), y = datasets[[4]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "deaths"), y = datasets[[5]], subset = TRUE))
    transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
    x <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                systemModels = systemModels,
                                systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                dataModels = data.models,
                                seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                datasets = datasets,
                                namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                transforms = transforms)
    x@iComp <- 3L
    updated <- FALSE
    for (seed in seq_len(n.test)) {
        x <- updateProposalAccountMoveComp(x)
        if (x@generatedNewProposal@.Data) {
            updated <- TRUE
            ans.R <- diffLogDensExpComp(x, useC = FALSE)
            ans.C <- diffLogDensExpComp(x, useC = TRUE)
            if (test.identity)
                expect_identical(ans.R, ans.C)
                expect_equal(ans.R, ans.C)
    if (!updated)
        warning("not updated")

test_that("diffLogDensExpComp works with CombinedAccountMovements - Parent-Child dimensions", {
    updateProposalAccountMoveBirths <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMoveBirths
    initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
    diffLogDensExpComp <- demest:::diffLogDensExpComp
    getICellBirthsFromExp <- demest:::getICellBirthsFromExp
    getICellCompFromExp <- demest:::getICellCompFromExp
    diffLogDensExpOneComp <- demest:::diffLogDensExpOneComp
    diffLogDensExpOneOrigDestParChPool <- demest:::diffLogDensExpOneOrigDestParChPool
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    population <- Counts(array(c(200L, 220L, 190L,
                                 220L, 180L, 190L),
                               dim = c(3, 2),
                               dimnames = list(eth = c("A", "B", "C"),
                                               time = c("2000", "2005"))))
    births <- Counts(array(c(40L, 30L, 10L,
                             15L, 40L, 10L,
                             20L, 10L, 50L),
                           dim = c(3, 3, 1),
                           dimnames = list(eth_parent = c("A", "B", "C"),
                                           eth_child = c("A", "B", "C"),
                                           time = "2001-2005")))
    deaths <- Counts(array(c(25L, 10L, 5L),
                           dim = c(3, 1),
                           dimnames = list(eth = c("A", "B", "C"),
                                           time = "2001-2005")))
    account <- Movements(population = population,
                         births = births,
                         exits = list(deaths = deaths))
    account <- makeConsistent(account)
    systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ time, useExpose = FALSE)),
                         Model(births ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)),
                         Model(deaths ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)))
    systemWeights <- rep(list(NULL), 3)
    data.models <- list(Model(reg.births ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.9), series = "births"),
                              Model(tax ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "deaths"),
                              Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.9), series = "population"))
    seriesIndices <- c(1L, 2L, 0L)
    updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    datasets <- list(births + 1L,
                     deaths - 5L,
                     population + 10L)
    namesDatasets <- c("reg.births", "tax", "census")
    transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = births, y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = deaths, y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = population, y = datasets[[3]], subset = TRUE))
    transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
    x <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                systemModels = systemModels,
                                systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                dataModels = data.models,
                                seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                datasets = datasets,
                                namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                transforms = transforms)
    updated <- FALSE
    x@iComp <- 1L
    updated <- FALSE
    for (seed in seq_len(n.test)) {
        x <- updateProposalAccountMoveBirths(x)
        if (x@generatedNewProposal@.Data) {
            updated <- TRUE
            ans.obtained <- diffLogDensExpComp(x)
            ans.expected <- 0
            i.cell.births <- getICellBirthsFromExp(x@iExpFirst, x@mappingsFromExp[[1]], TRUE)
            if (i.cell.births > 0L)
                ans.expected <- ans.expected + diffLogDensExpOneOrigDestParChPool(iCell= i.cell.births,
                                                                                  hasAge = FALSE,
                                                                                  updatedPopn = FALSE,
                                                                                  updatedBirths = TRUE,
                                                                                  ageTimeStep = x@ageTimeStep,
                                                                                  component = x@account@components[[1]],
                                                                                  theta = x@systemModels[[2]]@theta,
                                                                                  strucZeroArray = x@systemModels[[2]]@strucZeroArray,
                                                                                  iteratorComp = x@iteratorsComp[[1]],
                                                                                  iExpFirst = x@iExpFirst,
                                                                                  exposure = x@exposure,
                                                                                  iteratorExposure = x@iteratorExposure,
                                                                                  diff = x@diffProp,
                                                                                  firstOnly = FALSE,
                                                                                  isSmallUpdateFinal = FALSE)
            i.cell.deaths <- getICellCompFromExp(x@iExpFirst, x@mappingsFromExp[[2]])
            ans.expected <- ans.expected + diffLogDensExpOneComp(iCell= i.cell.deaths,
                                                                 hasAge = FALSE,
                                                                 updatedPopn = FALSE,
                                                                 updatedBirths = TRUE,
                                                                 ageTimeStep = x@ageTimeStep,
                                                                 component = x@account@components[[2]],
                                                                 theta = x@systemModels[[3]]@theta,
                                                                 strucZeroArray = x@systemModels[[3]]@strucZeroArray,
                                                                 iteratorComp = x@iteratorsComp[[2]],
                                                                 iExpFirst = x@iExpFirst,
                                                                 exposure = x@exposure,
                                                                 iteratorExposure = x@iteratorExposure,
                                                                 diff = x@diffProp,
                                                                 firstOnly = FALSE,
                                                                 isSmallUpdateFinal = FALSE)
            if (test.identity)
                expect_identical(ans.obtained, ans.expected)
                expect_equal(ans.obtained, ans.expected)
    if (!updated)
        warning("not updated")

test_that("R and C versions of diffLogDensExpComp give same answer with CombinedAccountMovements - Parent-Child dimensions", {
    updateProposalAccountMoveBirths <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMoveBirths
    initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
    diffLogDensExpComp <- demest:::diffLogDensExpComp
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    population <- Counts(array(c(200L, 220L, 190L,
                                 220L, 180L, 190L),
                               dim = c(3, 2),
                               dimnames = list(eth = c("A", "B", "C"),
                                               time = c("2000", "2005"))))
    births <- Counts(array(c(40L, 30L, 10L,
                             15L, 40L, 10L,
                             20L, 10L, 50L),
                           dim = c(3, 3, 1),
                           dimnames = list(eth_parent = c("A", "B", "C"),
                                           eth_child = c("A", "B", "C"),
                                           time = "2001-2005")))
    deaths <- Counts(array(c(25L, 10L, 5L),
                           dim = c(3, 1),
                           dimnames = list(eth = c("A", "B", "C"),
                                           time = "2001-2005")))
    account <- Movements(population = population,
                         births = births,
                         exits = list(deaths = deaths))
    account <- makeConsistent(account)
    systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ time, useExpose = FALSE)),
                         Model(births ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)),
                         Model(deaths ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)))
    systemWeights <- rep(list(NULL), 3)
    data.models <- list(Model(reg.births ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.9), series = "births"),
                              Model(tax ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "deaths"),
                              Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.9), series = "population"))
    seriesIndices <- c(1L, 2L, 0L)
    updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    datasets <- list(births + 1L,
                     deaths - 5L,
                     population + 10L)
    namesDatasets <- c("reg.births", "tax", "census")
    transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = births, y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = deaths, y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = population, y = datasets[[3]], subset = TRUE))
    transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
    x <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                systemModels = systemModels,
                                systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                dataModels = data.models,
                                seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                datasets = datasets,
                                namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                transforms = transforms)
    updated <- FALSE
    x@iComp <- 1L
    updated <- FALSE
    for (seed in seq_len(n.test)) {
        x <- updateProposalAccountMoveBirths(x)
        if (x@generatedNewProposal@.Data) {
            updated <- TRUE
            ans.R <- diffLogDensExpComp(x, useC = FALSE)
            ans.C <- diffLogDensExpComp(x, useC = TRUE)
            if (test.identity)
                expect_identical(ans.R, ans.C)
                expect_equal(ans.R, ans.C)
    if (!updated)
        warning("not updated")

## diffLogDensExpCompSmall

test_that("diffLogDensExpCompSmall works", {
    diffLogDensExpCompSmall <- demest:::diffLogDensExpCompSmall
    getICellBirthsFromExp <- demest:::getICellBirthsFromExp
    getICellCompFromExp <- demest:::getICellCompFromExp
    getIExposureFromBirths <- demest:::getIExposureFromBirths
    updateProposalAccountMoveCompSmall <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMoveCompSmall
    diffLogDensExpOneComp <- demest:::diffLogDensExpOneComp
    diffLogDensExpOneOrigDestParChPool <- demest:::diffLogDensExpOneOrigDestParChPool
    initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    popn <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 100),
                         dim = c(3, 2, 5, 3),
                         dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                         sex = c("f", "m"),
                                         reg = 1:5,
                                         time = c(2000, 2005, 2010))))
    births <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 5),
                           dim = c(1, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                           dimnames = list(age = "5-9",
                                           sex = c("m", "f"),
                                           reg = 1:5,
                                           time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                           triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    internal <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = 10),
                             dim = c(3, 2, 5, 5, 2, 2),
                             dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                             sex = c("m", "f"),
                                             reg_orig = 1:5,
                                             reg_dest = 1:5,
                                             time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                             triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    internal[slice.index(internal, 3) == slice.index(internal, 4)] <- 0L
    deaths <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 72, lambda = 10),
                           dim = c(3, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                           dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                           sex = c("m", "f"),
                                           reg = 5:1,
                                           time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                           triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    account <- Movements(population = popn,
                         births = births,
                         internal = internal,
                         exits = list(deaths = deaths))
    account <- makeConsistent(account)
    systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ age + sex, useExpose = FALSE)),
                         Model(births ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)),
                         Model(internal ~ Poisson(mean ~ reg_orig + reg_dest)),
                         Model(deaths ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)))
    systemWeights <- list(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
    census <- subarray(popn, time == "2000", drop = FALSE) + 2L
    register <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = popn),
                             dim = dim(popn),
                             dimnames = dimnames(popn)))
    reg.births <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = births, prob = 0.98),
                               dim = dim(births),
                               dimnames = dimnames(births)))
    address.change <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = internal),
                                   dim = dim(internal),
                                   dimnames = dimnames(internal)))
    reg.deaths <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = deaths, prob = 0.98),
                               dim = dim(deaths),
                               dimnames = dimnames(deaths))) + 1L
    datasets <- list(census, register, reg.births, address.change, reg.deaths)
    namesDatasets <- c("census", "register", "reg.births", "address.change", "reg.deaths")
    data.models <- list(Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.95), series = "population"),
                        Model(register ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "population"),
                        Model(reg.births ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "births"),
                        Model(address.change ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "internal"),
                        Model(reg.deaths ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "deaths"))
    seriesIndices <- c(0L, 0L, 1L, 2L, 3L)
    updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "births"), y = datasets[[3]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "internal"), y = datasets[[4]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "deaths"), y = datasets[[5]], subset = TRUE))
    transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
    x <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                systemModels = systemModels,
                                systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                dataModels = data.models,
                                seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                datasets = datasets,
                                namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                transforms = transforms)
    x@iComp <- 3L ## deaths
    updated <- FALSE
    for (seed in seq_len(n.test)) {
        x <- updateProposalAccountMoveCompSmall(x)
        if (x@generatedNewProposal@.Data) {
            updated <- TRUE
            is.small.update.final <- x@isSmallUpdateFinal@.Data
            ans.obtained <- diffLogDensExpCompSmall(x)
            ans.expected <- 0
            i.cell.births.up <- getICellBirthsFromExp(x@iExposure, x@mappingsFromExp[[1]], FALSE)
            i.cell.births.low <- getICellBirthsFromExp(x@iExposureOther, x@mappingsFromExp[[1]], FALSE)
            if (i.cell.births.up > 0L) {
                i.cell.exp.first.up <- getIExposureFromBirths(i = i.cell.births.up,
                                                              mapping = x@mappingsToExp[[1L]])
                ans.expected <- ans.expected + diffLogDensExpOneOrigDestParChPool(iCell= i.cell.births.up,
                                                                                  hasAge = TRUE,
                                                                                  updatedPopn = FALSE,
                                                                                  updatedBirths = FALSE,
                                                                                  ageTimeStep = x@ageTimeStep,
                                                                                  component = x@account@components[[1]],
                                                                                  theta = x@systemModels[[2]]@theta,
                                                                                  strucZeroArray = x@systemModels[[2]]@strucZeroArray,
                                                                                  iteratorComp = x@iteratorsComp[[1]],
                                                                                  iExpFirst = i.cell.exp.first.up,
                                                                                  exposure = x@exposure,
                                                                                  iteratorExposure = x@iteratorExposure,
                                                                                  diff = -x@diffProp,
                                                                                  firstOnly = TRUE,
                                                                                  isSmallUpdateFinal = is.small.update.final)
            if (i.cell.births.low > 0L) {
                i.cell.exp.first.low <- getIExposureFromBirths(i = i.cell.births.low,
                                                               mapping = x@mappingsToExp[[1L]])
                ans.expected <- ans.expected + diffLogDensExpOneOrigDestParChPool(iCell= i.cell.births.low,
                                                                                  hasAge = TRUE,
                                                                                  updatedPopn = FALSE,
                                                                                  updatedBirths = FALSE,
                                                                                  ageTimeStep = x@ageTimeStep,
                                                                                  component = x@account@components[[1]],
                                                                                  theta = x@systemModels[[2]]@theta,
                                                                                  strucZeroArray = x@systemModels[[2]]@strucZeroArray,
                                                                                  iteratorComp = x@iteratorsComp[[1]],
                                                                                  iExpFirst = i.cell.exp.first.low,
                                                                                  exposure = x@exposure,
                                                                                  iteratorExposure = x@iteratorExposure,
                                                                                  diff = x@diffProp,
                                                                                  firstOnly = TRUE,
                                                                                  isSmallUpdateFinal = is.small.update.final)
            i.cell.internal.up <- getICellCompFromExp(x@iExposure, x@mappingsFromExp[[2]])
            i.cell.internal.low <- getICellCompFromExp(x@iExposureOther, x@mappingsFromExp[[2]])
            ans.expected <- ans.expected + diffLogDensExpOneOrigDestParChPool(iCell = i.cell.internal.up,
                                                                              hasAge = TRUE,
                                                                              updatedPopn = FALSE,
                                                                              updatedBirths = FALSE,
                                                                              ageTimeStep = x@ageTimeStep,
                                                                              component = x@account@components[[2]],
                                                                              theta = x@systemModels[[3]]@theta,
                                                                              strucZeroArray = x@systemModels[[3]]@strucZeroArray,
                                                                              iteratorComp = x@iteratorsComp[[2]],
                                                                              iExpFirst = x@iExposure,
                                                                              exposure = x@exposure,
                                                                              iteratorExposure = x@iteratorExposure,
                                                                              diff = -x@diffProp,
                                                                              firstOnly = TRUE,
                                                                              isSmallUpdateFinal = is.small.update.final) +
                diffLogDensExpOneOrigDestParChPool(iCell = i.cell.internal.low,
                                                   hasAge = TRUE,
                                                   updatedPopn = FALSE,
                                                   updatedBirths = FALSE,
                                                   ageTimeStep = x@ageTimeStep,
                                                   component = x@account@components[[2]],
                                                   theta = x@systemModels[[3]]@theta,
                                                   strucZeroArray = x@systemModels[[3]]@strucZeroArray,
                                                   iteratorComp = x@iteratorsComp[[2]],
                                                   iExpFirst = x@iExposureOther,
                                                   exposure = x@exposure,
                                                   iteratorExposure = x@iteratorExposure,
                                                   diff = x@diffProp,
                                                   firstOnly = TRUE,
                                                   isSmallUpdateFinal = is.small.update.final)
            i.cell.deaths.up <- getICellCompFromExp(x@iExposure, x@mappingsFromExp[[3]])
            i.cell.deaths.low <- getICellCompFromExp(x@iExposureOther, x@mappingsFromExp[[3]])
            ans.expected <- ans.expected + diffLogDensExpOneComp(iCell= i.cell.deaths.up,
                                                                 hasAge = TRUE,
                                                                 updatedPopn = FALSE,
                                                                 updatedBirths = FALSE,
                                                                 ageTimeStep = x@ageTimeStep,
                                                                 component = x@account@components[[3]],
                                                                 theta = x@systemModels[[4]]@theta,
                                                                 strucZeroArray = x@systemModels[[4]]@strucZeroArray,
                                                                 iteratorComp = x@iteratorsComp[[3]],
                                                                 iExpFirst = x@iExposure,
                                                                 exposure = x@exposure,
                                                                 iteratorExposure = x@iteratorExposure,
                                                                 diff = -x@diffProp,
                                                                 firstOnly = TRUE,
                                                                 isSmallUpdateFinal = is.small.update.final) +
                diffLogDensExpOneComp(iCell= i.cell.deaths.low,
                                      hasAge = TRUE,
                                      updatedPopn = FALSE,
                                      updatedBirths = FALSE,
                                      ageTimeStep = x@ageTimeStep,
                                      component = x@account@components[[3]],
                                      theta = x@systemModels[[4]]@theta,
                                      strucZeroArray = x@systemModels[[4]]@strucZeroArray,
                                      iteratorComp = x@iteratorsComp[[3]],
                                      iExpFirst = x@iExposureOther,
                                      exposure = x@exposure,
                                      iteratorExposure = x@iteratorExposure,
                                      diff = x@diffProp,
                                      firstOnly = TRUE,
                                      isSmallUpdateFinal = is.small.update.final)
            if (test.identity)
                expect_identical(ans.obtained, ans.expected)
                expect_equal(ans.obtained, ans.expected)
    if (!updated)
        warning("not updated")

test_that("R and C versions of diffLogDensExpCompSmall give same answer", {
    diffLogDensExpCompSmall <- demest:::diffLogDensExpCompSmall
    getICellBirthsFromExp <- demest:::getICellBirthsFromExp
    getICellCompFromExp <- demest:::getICellCompFromExp
    getIExposureFromBirths <- demest:::getIExposureFromBirths
    updateProposalAccountMoveCompSmall <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMoveCompSmall
    diffLogDensExpOneComp <- demest:::diffLogDensExpOneComp
    diffLogDensExpOneOrigDestParChPool <- demest:::diffLogDensExpOneOrigDestParChPool
    initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    popn <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 100),
                         dim = c(3, 2, 5, 3),
                         dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                         sex = c("f", "m"),
                                         reg = 1:5,
                                         time = c(2000, 2005, 2010))))
    births <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 5),
                           dim = c(1, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                           dimnames = list(age = "5-9",
                                           sex = c("m", "f"),
                                           reg = 1:5,
                                           time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                           triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    internal <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = 10),
                             dim = c(3, 2, 5, 5, 2, 2),
                             dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                             sex = c("m", "f"),
                                             reg_orig = 1:5,
                                             reg_dest = 1:5,
                                             time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                             triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    internal[slice.index(internal, 3) == slice.index(internal, 4)] <- 0L
    deaths <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 72, lambda = 10),
                           dim = c(3, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                           dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                           sex = c("m", "f"),
                                           reg = 5:1,
                                           time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                           triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    account <- Movements(population = popn,
                         births = births,
                         internal = internal,
                         exits = list(deaths = deaths))
    account <- makeConsistent(account)
    systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ age + sex, useExpose = FALSE)),
                         Model(births ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)),
                         Model(internal ~ Poisson(mean ~ reg_orig + reg_dest)),
                         Model(deaths ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)))
    systemWeights <- list(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
    census <- subarray(popn, time == "2000", drop = FALSE) + 2L
    register <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = popn),
                             dim = dim(popn),
                             dimnames = dimnames(popn)))
    reg.births <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = births, prob = 0.98),
                               dim = dim(births),
                               dimnames = dimnames(births)))
    address.change <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = internal),
                                   dim = dim(internal),
                                   dimnames = dimnames(internal)))
    reg.deaths <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = deaths, prob = 0.98),
                               dim = dim(deaths),
                               dimnames = dimnames(deaths))) + 1L
    datasets <- list(census, register, reg.births, address.change, reg.deaths)
    namesDatasets <- c("census", "register", "reg.births", "address.change", "reg.deaths")
    data.models <- list(Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.95), series = "population"),
                        Model(register ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "population"),
                        Model(reg.births ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "births"),
                        Model(address.change ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "internal"),
                        Model(reg.deaths ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "deaths"))
    seriesIndices <- c(0L, 0L, 1L, 2L, 3L)
    updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "births"), y = datasets[[3]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "internal"), y = datasets[[4]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "deaths"), y = datasets[[5]], subset = TRUE))
    transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
    x <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                systemModels = systemModels,
                                systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                dataModels = data.models,
                                seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                datasets = datasets,
                                namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                transforms = transforms)
    updated <- FALSE
    x@iComp <- 3L
    updated <- FALSE
    for (seed in seq_len(5 * n.test)) {
        x <- updateProposalAccountMoveCompSmall(x)
        if (x@generatedNewProposal@.Data) {
            updated <- TRUE
            ans.R <- diffLogDensExpCompSmall(x, useC = FALSE)
            ans.C <- diffLogDensExpCompSmall(x, useC = TRUE)
            if (test.identity)
                expect_identical(ans.R, ans.C)
                expect_equal(ans.R, ans.C)
    if (!updated)
        warning("not updated")

## diffLogDensJumpBirthsSmall

test_that("R and C versions of diffLogDensJumpBirthsSmall give same answer", {
    for (seed in seq_len(n.test)) {
        diffLogDensJumpBirthsSmall <- demest:::diffLogDensJumpBirthsSmall
        updateProposalAccountMoveBirthsSmall <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMoveBirthsSmall
        initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
        makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
        popn <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 100),
                             dim = c(3, 2, 5, 3),
                             dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                             sex = c("f", "m"),
                                             reg = 1:5,
                                             time = c(2000, 2005, 2010))))
        births <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 5),
                               dim = c(1, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                               dimnames = list(age = "5-9",
                                               sex = c("m", "f"),
                                               reg = 1:5,
                                               time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                               triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
        internal <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = 10),
                                 dim = c(3, 2, 5, 5, 2, 2),
                                 dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                                 sex = c("m", "f"),
                                                 reg_orig = 1:5,
                                                 reg_dest = 1:5,
                                                 time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                                 triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
        deaths <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 72, lambda = 10),
                               dim = c(3, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                               dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                               sex = c("m", "f"),
                                               reg = 5:1,
                                               time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                               triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
        account <- Movements(population = popn,
                             births = births,
                             internal = internal,
                             exits = list(deaths = deaths))
        account <- makeConsistent(account)
        systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ age + sex, useExpose = FALSE)),
                             Model(births ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)),
                             Model(internal ~ Poisson(mean ~ reg_orig + reg_dest)),
                             Model(deaths ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)))
        systemWeights <- list(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
        census <- subarray(popn, time == "2000", drop = FALSE) + 2L
        register <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = popn),
                                 dim = dim(popn),
                                 dimnames = dimnames(popn)))
        reg.births <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = births, prob = 0.98),
                                   dim = dim(births),
                                   dimnames = dimnames(births)))
        address.change <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = internal),
                                       dim = dim(internal),
                                       dimnames = dimnames(internal)))
        reg.deaths <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = deaths, prob = 0.98),
                                   dim = dim(deaths),
                                   dimnames = dimnames(deaths))) + 1L
        datasets <- list(census, register, reg.births, address.change, reg.deaths)
        namesDatasets <- c("census", "register", "reg.births", "address.change", "reg.deaths")
        data.models <- list(Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.95), series = "population"),
                            Model(register ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "population"),
                            Model(reg.births ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "births"),
                            Model(address.change ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "internal"),
                            Model(reg.deaths ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "deaths"))
        seriesIndices <- c(0L, 0L, 1L, 2L, 3L)
        updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
        usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
        transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                           makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE),
                           makeTransform(x = components(account, "births"), y = datasets[[3]], subset = TRUE),
                           makeTransform(x = components(account, "internal"), y = datasets[[4]], subset = TRUE),
                           makeTransform(x = components(account, "deaths"), y = datasets[[5]], subset = TRUE))
        transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
        x0 <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                     systemModels = systemModels,
                                     systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                     dataModels = data.models,
                                     seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                     updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                     usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                     datasets = datasets,
                                     namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                     transforms = transforms,
                                     probSmallUpdate = 0.3)
        expect_is(x0, "CombinedAccountMovementsHasAge")
        x0@iComp <- 1L
        updated <- FALSE
        while (!updated) {
            x1 <- updateProposalAccountMoveBirthsSmall(x0)
            updated <- x1@generatedNewProposal@.Data
        expect_is(x1, "CombinedAccountMovementsHasAge")
        ans.R <- diffLogDensJumpBirthsSmall(x1, useC = FALSE)
        ans.C <- diffLogDensJumpBirthsSmall(x1, useC = TRUE)
        if (test.identity)
            expect_identical(ans.R, ans.C)
            expect_equal(ans.R, ans.C)

test_that("R and C versions of diffLogDensJumpOrigDestSmall give same answer", {
    for (seed in seq_len(n.test)) {
        diffLogDensJumpOrigDestSmall <- demest:::diffLogDensJumpOrigDestSmall
        updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDestSmall <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDestSmall
        initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
        makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
        popn <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 100),
                             dim = c(3, 2, 5, 3),
                             dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                             sex = c("f", "m"),
                                             reg = 1:5,
                                             time = c(2000, 2005, 2010))))
        births <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 5),
                               dim = c(1, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                               dimnames = list(age = "5-9",
                                               sex = c("m", "f"),
                                               reg = 1:5,
                                               time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                               triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
        internal <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = 10),
                                 dim = c(3, 2, 5, 5, 2, 2),
                                 dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                                 sex = c("m", "f"),
                                                 reg_orig = 1:5,
                                                 reg_dest = 1:5,
                                                 time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                                 triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
        deaths <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 72, lambda = 10),
                               dim = c(3, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                               dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                               sex = c("m", "f"),
                                               reg = 5:1,
                                               time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                               triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
        account <- Movements(population = popn,
                             births = births,
                             internal = internal,
                             exits = list(deaths = deaths))
        account <- makeConsistent(account)
        systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ age + sex, useExpose = FALSE)),
                             Model(births ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)),
                             Model(internal ~ Poisson(mean ~ reg_orig + reg_dest)),
                             Model(deaths ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)))
        systemWeights <- list(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
        census <- subarray(popn, time == "2000", drop = FALSE) + 2L
        register <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = popn),
                                 dim = dim(popn),
                                 dimnames = dimnames(popn)))
        reg.births <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = births, prob = 0.98),
                                   dim = dim(births),
                                   dimnames = dimnames(births)))
        address.change <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = internal),
                                       dim = dim(internal),
                                       dimnames = dimnames(internal)))
        reg.deaths <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = deaths, prob = 0.98),
                                   dim = dim(deaths),
                                   dimnames = dimnames(deaths))) + 1L
        datasets <- list(census, register, reg.births, address.change, reg.deaths)
        namesDatasets <- c("census", "register", "reg.births", "address.change", "reg.deaths")
        data.models <- list(Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.95), series = "population"),
                            Model(register ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "population"),
                            Model(reg.births ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "births"),
                            Model(address.change ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "internal"),
                            Model(reg.deaths ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "deaths"))
        seriesIndices <- c(0L, 0L, 1L, 2L, 3L)
        updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
        usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
        transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                           makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE),
                           makeTransform(x = components(account, "births"), y = datasets[[3]], subset = TRUE),
                           makeTransform(x = components(account, "internal"), y = datasets[[4]], subset = TRUE),
                           makeTransform(x = components(account, "deaths"), y = datasets[[5]], subset = TRUE))
        transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
        x0 <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                     systemModels = systemModels,
                                     systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                     dataModels = data.models,
                                     seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                     updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                     usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                     datasets = datasets,
                                     namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                     transforms = transforms,
                                     probSmallUpdate = 0.3)
        expect_is(x0, "CombinedAccountMovementsHasAge")
        x0@iComp <- 2L
        updated <- FALSE
        while (!updated) {
            x1 <- updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDestSmall(x0)
            updated <- x1@generatedNewProposal@.Data
        expect_is(x1, "CombinedAccountMovementsHasAge")
        ans.R <- diffLogDensJumpOrigDestSmall(x1, useC = FALSE)
        ans.C <- diffLogDensJumpOrigDestSmall(x1, useC = TRUE)
        if (test.identity)
            expect_identical(ans.R, ans.C)
            expect_equal(ans.R, ans.C)

test_that("R and C versions of diffLogDensJumpCompSmall give same answer", {
    for (seed in seq_len(n.test)) {
        diffLogDensJumpCompSmall <- demest:::diffLogDensJumpCompSmall
        updateProposalAccountMoveCompSmall <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMoveCompSmall
        initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
        makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
        popn <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 100),
                             dim = c(3, 2, 5, 3),
                             dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                             sex = c("f", "m"),
                                             reg = 1:5,
                                             time = c(2000, 2005, 2010))))
        births <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 5),
                               dim = c(1, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                               dimnames = list(age = "5-9",
                                               sex = c("m", "f"),
                                               reg = 1:5,
                                               time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                               triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
        internal <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = 10),
                                 dim = c(3, 2, 5, 5, 2, 2),
                                 dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                                 sex = c("m", "f"),
                                                 reg_orig = 1:5,
                                                 reg_dest = 1:5,
                                                 time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                                 triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
        deaths <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 72, lambda = 10),
                               dim = c(3, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                               dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                               sex = c("m", "f"),
                                               reg = 5:1,
                                               time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                               triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
        account <- Movements(population = popn,
                             births = births,
                             internal = internal,
                             exits = list(deaths = deaths))
        account <- makeConsistent(account)
        systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ age + sex, useExpose = FALSE)),
                             Model(births ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)),
                             Model(internal ~ Poisson(mean ~ reg_orig + reg_dest)),
                             Model(deaths ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)))
        systemWeights <- list(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
        census <- subarray(popn, time == "2000", drop = FALSE) + 2L
        register <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = popn),
                                 dim = dim(popn),
                                 dimnames = dimnames(popn)))
        reg.births <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = births, prob = 0.98),
                                   dim = dim(births),
                                   dimnames = dimnames(births)))
        address.change <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = internal),
                                       dim = dim(internal),
                                       dimnames = dimnames(internal)))
        reg.deaths <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = deaths, prob = 0.98),
                                   dim = dim(deaths),
                                   dimnames = dimnames(deaths))) + 1L
        datasets <- list(census, register, reg.births, address.change, reg.deaths)
        namesDatasets <- c("census", "register", "reg.births", "address.change", "reg.deaths")
        data.models <- list(Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.95), series = "population"),
                            Model(register ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "population"),
                            Model(reg.births ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "births"),
                            Model(address.change ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "internal"),
                            Model(reg.deaths ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "deaths"))
        seriesIndices <- c(0L, 0L, 1L, 2L, 3L)
        updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
        usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
        transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                           makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE),
                           makeTransform(x = components(account, "births"), y = datasets[[3]], subset = TRUE),
                           makeTransform(x = components(account, "internal"), y = datasets[[4]], subset = TRUE),
                           makeTransform(x = components(account, "deaths"), y = datasets[[5]], subset = TRUE))
        transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
        x0 <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                     systemModels = systemModels,
                                     systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                     dataModels = data.models,
                                     seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                     updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                     usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                     datasets = datasets,
                                     namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                     transforms = transforms,
                                     probSmallUpdate = 0.3)
        expect_is(x0, "CombinedAccountMovementsHasAge")
        x0@iComp <- 3L
        updated <- FALSE
        while (!updated) {
            x1 <- updateProposalAccountMoveCompSmall(x0)
            updated <- x1@generatedNewProposal@.Data
        expect_is(x1, "CombinedAccountMovementsHasAge")
        ans.R <- diffLogDensJumpCompSmall(x1, useC = FALSE)
        ans.C <- diffLogDensJumpCompSmall(x1, useC = TRUE)
        if (test.identity)
            expect_identical(ans.R, ans.C)
            expect_equal(ans.R, ans.C)

## UPDATE VALUES ################################################################

test_that("updateAccSmall works", {
    updateAccSmall <- demest:::updateAccSmall
    updateProposalAccountMoveCompSmall <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMoveCompSmall
    updateProposalAccountMoveBirthsSmall <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMoveBirthsSmall
    updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDestSmall <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDestSmall
    initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    popn <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 100),
                         dim = c(3, 2, 5, 3),
                         dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                         sex = c("f", "m"),
                                         reg = 1:5,
                                         time = c(2000, 2005, 2010))))
    births <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 5),
                           dim = c(1, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                           dimnames = list(age = "5-9",
                                           sex = c("m", "f"),
                                           reg = 1:5,
                                           time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                           triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    internal <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = 2),
                             dim = c(3, 2, 5, 5, 2, 2),
                             dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                             sex = c("m", "f"),
                                             reg_orig = 1:5,
                                             reg_dest = 1:5,
                                             time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                             triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    deaths <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 72, lambda = 10),
                           dim = c(3, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                           dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                           sex = c("m", "f"),
                                           reg = 5:1,
                                           time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                           triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    account <- Movements(population = popn,
                         births = births,
                         internal = internal,
                         exits = list(deaths = deaths))
    account <- makeConsistent(account)
    systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ age + sex, useExpose = FALSE)),
                         Model(births ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)),
                         Model(internal ~ Poisson(mean ~ reg_orig)),
                         Model(deaths ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)))
    systemWeights <- list(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
    census <- subarray(popn, time == "2000", drop = FALSE) + 2L
    register <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = popn),
                             dim = dim(popn),
                             dimnames = dimnames(popn)))
    reg.births <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = births, prob = 0.98),
                               dim = dim(births),
                               dimnames = dimnames(births)))
    address.change <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = internal),
                                   dim = dim(internal),
                                   dimnames = dimnames(internal)))
    reg.deaths <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = deaths, prob = 0.98),
                               dim = dim(deaths),
                               dimnames = dimnames(deaths))) + 1L
    datasets <- list(census, register, reg.births, address.change, reg.deaths)
    namesDatasets <- c("census", "register", "reg.births", "address.change", "reg.deaths")
    data.models <- list(Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.95), series = "population"),
                              Model(register ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "population"),
                              Model(reg.births ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "births"),
                              Model(address.change ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "internal"),
                              Model(reg.deaths ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "deaths"))
    seriesIndices <- c(0L, 0L, 1L, 2L, 3L)
    updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "births"), y = datasets[[3]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "internal"), y = datasets[[4]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "deaths"), y = datasets[[5]], subset = TRUE))
    transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
    x <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                systemModels = systemModels,
                                systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                dataModels = data.models,
                                seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                datasets = datasets,
                                namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                transforms = transforms,
                                probSmallUpdate = 1)
    tested.births <- FALSE
    tested.orig.dest <- FALSE
    tested.comp <- FALSE
    for (seed in seq_len(n.test)) {
        ## updating births
        x0 <- x
        x0@iComp <- 1L
        x1 <- updateProposalAccountMoveBirthsSmall(x0)
        if (x1@generatedNewProposal@.Data) {
            tested.births <- TRUE
            ans.obtained <- updateAccSmall(x1)
        ## updating internal
        x0 <- x
        x0@iComp <- 2L
        x1 <- updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDestSmall(x0)
        if (x1@generatedNewProposal@.Data) {
            tested.orig.dest <- TRUE
            ans.obtained <- updateAccSmall(x1)
                         x1@accession[ans.obtained@iAccNext] -
                         x1@accession[ans.obtained@iAccNextOther] +
        ## updating component
        x0 <- x
        x0@iComp <- 3L
        x1 <- updateProposalAccountMoveCompSmall(x0)
        if (x1@generatedNewProposal@.Data) {
            tested.comp <- TRUE
            ans.obtained <- updateAccSmall(x1)
                         x1@accession[ans.obtained@iAccNext] -
    if (!tested.births)
        warning("births not updated")
    if (!tested.orig.dest)
        warning("orig-dest not updated")
    if (!tested.comp)
        warning("deaths not updated")

test_that("R and C versions of updateAccSmall give same answer", {
    updateAccSmall <- demest:::updateAccSmall
    updateProposalAccountMoveCompSmall <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMoveCompSmall
    updateProposalAccountMoveBirthsSmall <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMoveBirthsSmall
    updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDestSmall <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDestSmall
    initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    popn <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 100),
                         dim = c(3, 2, 5, 3),
                         dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                         sex = c("f", "m"),
                                         reg = 1:5,
                                         time = c(2000, 2005, 2010))))
    births <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 5),
                           dim = c(1, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                           dimnames = list(age = "5-9",
                                           sex = c("m", "f"),
                                           reg = 1:5,
                                           time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                           triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    internal <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = 2),
                             dim = c(3, 2, 5, 5, 2, 2),
                             dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                             sex = c("m", "f"),
                                             reg_orig = 1:5,
                                             reg_dest = 1:5,
                                             time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                             triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    deaths <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 72, lambda = 10),
                           dim = c(3, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                           dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                           sex = c("m", "f"),
                                           reg = 5:1,
                                           time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                           triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    account <- Movements(population = popn,
                         births = births,
                         internal = internal,
                         exits = list(deaths = deaths))
    account <- makeConsistent(account)
    systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ age + sex, useExpose = FALSE)),
                         Model(births ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)),
                         Model(internal ~ Poisson(mean ~ reg_orig)),
                         Model(deaths ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)))
    systemWeights <- list(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
    census <- subarray(popn, time == "2000", drop = FALSE) + 2L
    register <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = popn),
                             dim = dim(popn),
                             dimnames = dimnames(popn)))
    reg.births <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = births, prob = 0.98),
                               dim = dim(births),
                               dimnames = dimnames(births)))
    address.change <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = internal),
                                   dim = dim(internal),
                                   dimnames = dimnames(internal)))
    reg.deaths <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = deaths, prob = 0.98),
                               dim = dim(deaths),
                               dimnames = dimnames(deaths))) + 1L
    datasets <- list(census, register, reg.births, address.change, reg.deaths)
    namesDatasets <- c("census", "register", "reg.births", "address.change", "reg.deaths")
    data.models <- list(Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.95), series = "population"),
                              Model(register ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "population"),
                              Model(reg.births ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "births"),
                              Model(address.change ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "internal"),
                              Model(reg.deaths ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "deaths"))
    seriesIndices <- c(0L, 0L, 1L, 2L, 3L)
    updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "births"), y = datasets[[3]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "internal"), y = datasets[[4]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "deaths"), y = datasets[[5]], subset = TRUE))
    transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
    x <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                systemModels = systemModels,
                                systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                dataModels = data.models,
                                seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                datasets = datasets,
                                namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                transforms = transforms,
                                probSmallUpdate = 1)
    tested.births <- FALSE
    tested.orig.dest <- FALSE
    tested.comp <- FALSE
    for (seed in seq_len(n.test)) {
        ## updating births
        x0 <- x
        x0@iComp <- 1L
        x1 <- updateProposalAccountMoveBirthsSmall(x0)
        if (x1@generatedNewProposal@.Data) {
            tested.births <- TRUE
            ans.R <- updateAccSmall(x1, useC = FALSE)
            ans.C <- updateAccSmall(x1, useC = TRUE)
            expect_identical(ans.R, ans.C)
        ## updating orig-dest
        x0 <- x
        x0@iComp <- 2L
        x1 <- updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDestSmall(x0)
        if (x1@generatedNewProposal@.Data) {
            tested.orig.dest <- TRUE
            ans.R <- updateAccSmall(x1, useC = FALSE)
            ans.C <- updateAccSmall(x1, useC = TRUE)
            expect_identical(ans.R, ans.C)
        ## updating component
        x0 <- x
        x0@iComp <- 3L
        x1 <- updateProposalAccountMoveCompSmall(x0)
        if (x1@generatedNewProposal@.Data) {
            tested.comp <- TRUE
            ans.R <- updateAccSmall(x1, useC = FALSE)
            ans.C <- updateAccSmall(x1, useC = TRUE)
            expect_identical(ans.R, ans.C)
    if (!tested.births)
        warning("births not updated")
    if (!tested.orig.dest)
        warning("orig-dest not updated")
    if (!tested.comp)
        warning("deaths not updated")

test_that("updateExpSmall works", {
    updateExpSmall <- demest:::updateExpSmall
    updateProposalAccountMoveCompSmall <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMoveCompSmall
    updateProposalAccountMoveBirthsSmall <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMoveBirthsSmall
    updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDestSmall <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDestSmall
    initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    popn <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 100),
                         dim = c(3, 2, 5, 3),
                         dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                         sex = c("f", "m"),
                                         reg = 1:5,
                                         time = c(2000, 2005, 2010))))
    births <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 5),
                           dim = c(1, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                           dimnames = list(age = "5-9",
                                           sex = c("m", "f"),
                                           reg = 1:5,
                                           time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                           triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    internal <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = 2),
                             dim = c(3, 2, 5, 5, 2, 2),
                             dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                             sex = c("m", "f"),
                                             reg_orig = 1:5,
                                             reg_dest = 1:5,
                                             time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                             triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    deaths <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 72, lambda = 10),
                           dim = c(3, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                           dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                           sex = c("m", "f"),
                                           reg = 5:1,
                                           time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                           triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    account <- Movements(population = popn,
                         births = births,
                         internal = internal,
                         exits = list(deaths = deaths))
    account <- makeConsistent(account)
    systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ age + sex, useExpose = FALSE)),
                         Model(births ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)),
                         Model(internal ~ Poisson(mean ~ reg_orig)),
                         Model(deaths ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)))
    systemWeights <- list(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
    census <- subarray(popn, time == "2000", drop = FALSE) + 2L
    register <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = popn),
                             dim = dim(popn),
                             dimnames = dimnames(popn)))
    reg.births <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = births, prob = 0.98),
                               dim = dim(births),
                               dimnames = dimnames(births)))
    address.change <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = internal),
                                   dim = dim(internal),
                                   dimnames = dimnames(internal)))
    reg.deaths <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = deaths, prob = 0.98),
                               dim = dim(deaths),
                               dimnames = dimnames(deaths))) + 1L
    datasets <- list(census, register, reg.births, address.change, reg.deaths)
    namesDatasets <- c("census", "register", "reg.births", "address.change", "reg.deaths")
    data.models <- list(Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.95), series = "population"),
                        Model(register ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "population"),
                        Model(reg.births ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "births"),
                        Model(address.change ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "internal"),
                        Model(reg.deaths ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "deaths"))
    seriesIndices <- c(0L, 0L, 1L, 2L, 3L)
    updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "births"), y = datasets[[3]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "internal"), y = datasets[[4]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "deaths"), y = datasets[[5]], subset = TRUE))
    transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
    x <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                systemModels = systemModels,
                                systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                dataModels = data.models,
                                seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                datasets = datasets,
                                namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                transforms = transforms,
                                probSmallUpdate = 1)
    tested.births <- FALSE
    tested.orig.dest <- FALSE
    tested.comp <- FALSE
    for (seed in seq_len(n.test)) {
        ## updating births
        x0 <- x
        x0@iComp <- 1L
        x1 <- updateProposalAccountMoveBirthsSmall(x0)
        if (x1@generatedNewProposal@.Data) {
            tested.births <- TRUE
            ans.obtained <- updateExpSmall(x1)
        ## updating internal
        x0 <- x
        x0@iComp <- 2L
        x1 <- updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDestSmall(x0)
        if (x1@generatedNewProposal@.Data) {
            tested.orig.dest <- TRUE
            ans.obtained <- updateExpSmall(x1)
            is.final <- (x1@iCell-1L) %% 3L == 2L
            if (is.final) {
                             x1@exposure[ans.obtained@iExposure] -
                             0.5 * 5 * ans.obtained@diffProp)
                             x1@exposure[ans.obtained@iExposureOther] +
                             (1/3) * 5 * ans.obtained@diffProp)
                             x1@exposure[ans.obtained@iExpFirst] +
                             0.5 * 5 * ans.obtained@diffProp)
                             x1@exposure[ans.obtained@iExpFirstOther] -
                             (1/3) * 5 * ans.obtained@diffProp)
            else {
                             x1@exposure[ans.obtained@iExposure] -
                             (1/6)  * 5 * ans.obtained@diffProp)
                             x1@exposure[ans.obtained@iExposureOther] -
                             (1/6) * 5 * ans.obtained@diffProp)
                             x1@exposure[ans.obtained@iExpFirst] +
                             (1/6)  * 5 * ans.obtained@diffProp)
                             x1@exposure[ans.obtained@iExpFirstOther] +
                             (1/6) * 5 * ans.obtained@diffProp)
            expect_equal(sum(ans.obtained@exposure), sum(x1@exposure))
        ## updating component
        x0 <- x
        x0@iComp <- 3L
        x1 <- updateProposalAccountMoveCompSmall(x0)
        if (x1@generatedNewProposal@.Data) {
            tested.comp <- TRUE
            ans.obtained <- updateExpSmall(x1)
            is.final <- (x1@iCell-1L) %% 3L == 2L
            if (is.final) {
                             x1@exposure[ans.obtained@iExposure] -
                             0.5 * 5 * ans.obtained@diffProp)
                             x1@exposure[ans.obtained@iExposureOther] +
                             (1/3) * 5 * ans.obtained@diffProp)
            else {
                             x1@exposure[ans.obtained@iExposure] -
                             (1/6) * 5 * ans.obtained@diffProp)
                             x1@exposure[ans.obtained@iExposureOther] -
                             (1/6) * 5 * ans.obtained@diffProp)
    if (!tested.births)
        warning("births not updated")
    if (!tested.orig.dest)
        warning("orig-dest not updated")
    if (!tested.comp)
        warning("deaths not updated")

test_that("R and C versions of updateExpSmall give same answer", {
    updateExpSmall <- demest:::updateExpSmall
    updateProposalAccountMoveCompSmall <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMoveCompSmall
    updateProposalAccountMoveBirthsSmall <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMoveBirthsSmall
    updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDestSmall <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDestSmall
    initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    popn <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 100),
                         dim = c(3, 2, 5, 3),
                         dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                         sex = c("f", "m"),
                                         reg = 1:5,
                                         time = c(2000, 2005, 2010))))
    births <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 5),
                           dim = c(1, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                           dimnames = list(age = "5-9",
                                           sex = c("m", "f"),
                                           reg = 1:5,
                                           time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                           triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    internal <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = 2),
                             dim = c(3, 2, 5, 5, 2, 2),
                             dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                             sex = c("m", "f"),
                                             reg_orig = 1:5,
                                             reg_dest = 1:5,
                                             time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                             triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    deaths <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 72, lambda = 10),
                           dim = c(3, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                           dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                           sex = c("m", "f"),
                                           reg = 5:1,
                                           time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                           triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    account <- Movements(population = popn,
                         births = births,
                         internal = internal,
                         exits = list(deaths = deaths))
    account <- makeConsistent(account)
    systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ age + sex, useExpose = FALSE)),
                         Model(births ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)),
                         Model(internal ~ Poisson(mean ~ reg_orig)),
                         Model(deaths ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)))
    systemWeights <- list(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
    census <- subarray(popn, time == "2000", drop = FALSE) + 2L
    register <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = popn),
                             dim = dim(popn),
                             dimnames = dimnames(popn)))
    reg.births <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = births, prob = 0.98),
                               dim = dim(births),
                               dimnames = dimnames(births)))
    address.change <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = internal),
                                   dim = dim(internal),
                                   dimnames = dimnames(internal)))
    reg.deaths <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = deaths, prob = 0.98),
                               dim = dim(deaths),
                               dimnames = dimnames(deaths))) + 1L
    datasets <- list(census, register, reg.births, address.change, reg.deaths)
    namesDatasets <- c("census", "register", "reg.births", "address.change", "reg.deaths")
    data.models <- list(Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.95), series = "population"),
                              Model(register ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "population"),
                              Model(reg.births ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "births"),
                              Model(address.change ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "internal"),
                              Model(reg.deaths ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "deaths"))
    seriesIndices <- c(0L, 0L, 1L, 2L, 3L)
    updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "births"), y = datasets[[3]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "internal"), y = datasets[[4]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "deaths"), y = datasets[[5]], subset = TRUE))
    transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
    x <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                systemModels = systemModels,
                                systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                dataModels = data.models,
                                seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                datasets = datasets,
                                namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                transforms = transforms,
                                probSmallUpdate = 1)
    tested.births <- FALSE
    tested.orig.dest <- FALSE
    tested.comp <- FALSE
    for (seed in seq_len(n.test)) {
        ## updating births
        x0 <- x
        x0@iComp <- 1L
        x1 <- updateProposalAccountMoveBirthsSmall(x0)
        if (x1@generatedNewProposal@.Data) {
            tested.births <- TRUE
            ans.R <- updateExpSmall(x1, useC = FALSE)
            ans.C <- updateExpSmall(x1, useC = TRUE)
            expect_identical(ans.R, ans.C)
        ## updating orig-dest
        x0 <- x
        x0@iComp <- 2L
        x1 <- updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDestSmall(x0)
        if (x1@generatedNewProposal@.Data) {
            tested.orig.dest <- TRUE
            ans.R <- updateExpSmall(x1, useC = FALSE)
            ans.C <- updateExpSmall(x1, useC = TRUE)
            expect_identical(ans.R, ans.C)
            expect_equal(sum(ans.C@exposure), sum(x1@exposure))
        ## updating component
        x0 <- x
        x0@iComp <- 3L
        x1 <- updateProposalAccountMoveCompSmall(x0)
        if (x1@generatedNewProposal@.Data) {
            tested.comp <- TRUE
            ans.R <- updateExpSmall(x1, useC = FALSE)
            ans.C <- updateExpSmall(x1, useC = TRUE)
            expect_identical(ans.R, ans.C)
    if (!tested.births)
        warning("births not updated")
    if (!tested.orig.dest)
        warning("orig-dest not updated")
    if (!tested.comp)
        warning("deaths not updated")

test_that("updateCellMove works", {
    updateCellMove <- demest:::updateCellMove
    updateProposalAccountMovePool <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMovePool
    updateProposalAccountMovePopn <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMovePopn
    updateProposalAccountMoveComp <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMoveComp
    updateProposalAccountMoveCompSmall <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMoveCompSmall
    updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDest <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDest
    initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    popn <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 100),
                         dim = c(3, 2, 5, 3),
                         dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                         sex = c("f", "m"),
                                         reg = 1:5,
                                         time = c(2000, 2005, 2010))))
    births <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 5),
                           dim = c(1, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                           dimnames = list(age = "5-9",
                                           sex = c("m", "f"),
                                           reg = 1:5,
                                           time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                           triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    internal <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = 2),
                             dim = c(3, 2, 5, 5, 2, 2),
                             dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                             sex = c("m", "f"),
                                             reg_orig = 1:5,
                                             reg_dest = 1:5,
                                             time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                             triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    internal <- collapseOrigDest(internal, to = "pool")
    deaths <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 72, lambda = 10),
                           dim = c(3, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                           dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                           sex = c("m", "f"),
                                           reg = 5:1,
                                           time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                           triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    account <- Movements(population = popn,
                         births = births,
                         internal = internal,
                         exits = list(deaths = deaths))
    account <- makeConsistent(account)
    systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ age + sex, useExpose = FALSE)),
                         Model(births ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)),
                         Model(internal ~ Poisson(mean ~ reg)),
                         Model(deaths ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)))
    systemWeights <- list(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
    census <- subarray(popn, time == "2000", drop = FALSE) + 2L
    register <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = popn),
                             dim = dim(popn),
                             dimnames = dimnames(popn)))
    reg.births <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = births, prob = 0.98),
                               dim = dim(births),
                               dimnames = dimnames(births)))
    address.change <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = internal),
                                   dim = dim(internal),
                                   dimnames = dimnames(internal)))
    reg.deaths <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = deaths, prob = 0.98),
                               dim = dim(deaths),
                               dimnames = dimnames(deaths))) + 1L
    datasets <- list(census, register, reg.births, address.change, reg.deaths)
    namesDatasets <- c("census", "register", "reg.births", "address.change", "reg.deaths")
    data.models <- list(Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.95), series = "population"),
                        Model(register ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "population"),
                        Model(reg.births ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "births"),
                        Model(address.change ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "internal"),
                        Model(reg.deaths ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "deaths"))
    seriesIndices <- c(0L, 0L, 1L, 2L, 3L)
    updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "births"), y = datasets[[3]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "internal"), y = datasets[[4]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "deaths"), y = datasets[[5]], subset = TRUE))
    transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
    ## no small updates
    x <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                systemModels = systemModels,
                                systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                dataModels = data.models,
                                seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                datasets = datasets,
                                namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                transforms = transforms,
                                probSmallUpdate = 0)
    tested.popn <- FALSE
    tested.orig.dest <- FALSE
    tested.comp <- FALSE
    for (seed in seq_len(n.test)) {
        ## updating population
        x0 <- x
        x0@iComp <- 0L
        x1 <- updateProposalAccountMovePopn(x0)
        if (x1@generatedNewProposal@.Data) {
            tested.popn <- TRUE
            ans.obtained <- updateCellMove(x1)
                         sum(x1@account@population) + x1@diffProp)
        ## updating internal
        x0 <- x
        x0@iComp <- 2L
        x1 <- updateProposalAccountMovePool(x0)
        if (x1@generatedNewProposal@.Data) {
            tested.orig.dest <- TRUE
            ans.obtained <- updateCellMove(x1)
                         sum(x1@account@components[[2]]) + 2 * x1@diffProp)
        ## updating component
        x0 <- x
        x0@iComp <- 3L
        x1 <- updateProposalAccountMoveComp(x0)
        if (x1@generatedNewProposal@.Data) {
            tested.comp <- TRUE
            ans.obtained <- updateCellMove(x1)
                         sum(x1@account@components[[3]]) + x1@diffProp)
    if (!tested.popn)
        warning("updateCellMove not tested with popn")
    if (!tested.orig.dest)
        warning("updateCellMove not tested with orig-dest")
    if (!tested.comp)
        warning("updateCellMove not tested with comp")
    ## with small updates
    x <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                systemModels = systemModels,
                                systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                dataModels = data.models,
                                seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                datasets = datasets,
                                namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                transforms = transforms,
                                probSmallUpdate = 1)
    tested.comp <- FALSE
    for (seed in seq_len(n.test)) {
        ## updating component
        x0 <- x
        x0@iComp <- 3L
        x1 <- updateProposalAccountMoveCompSmall(x0)
        if (x1@generatedNewProposal@.Data) {
            tested.comp <- TRUE
            ans.obtained <- updateCellMove(x1)
                         x1@account@components[[3]][x1@iCell] + x1@diffProp)
                         x1@account@components[[3]][x1@iCellOther] - x1@diffProp)
    if (!tested.comp)
        warning("updateCellMove not tested with comp")

test_that("R and C versions of updateCellMove give same answer", {
    updateCellMove <- demest:::updateCellMove
    updateProposalAccountMovePool <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMovePool
    updateProposalAccountMovePopn <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMovePopn
    updateProposalAccountMoveComp <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMoveComp
    updateProposalAccountMoveCompSmall <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMoveCompSmall
    initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    popn <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 100),
                         dim = c(3, 2, 5, 3),
                         dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                         sex = c("f", "m"),
                                         reg = 1:5,
                                         time = c(2000, 2005, 2010))))
    births <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 5),
                           dim = c(1, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                           dimnames = list(age = "5-9",
                                           sex = c("m", "f"),
                                           reg = 1:5,
                                           time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                           triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    internal <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = 2),
                             dim = c(3, 2, 5, 5, 2, 2),
                             dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                             sex = c("m", "f"),
                                             reg_orig = 1:5,
                                             reg_dest = 1:5,
                                             time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                             triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    internal <- collapseOrigDest(internal, to = "pool")
    deaths <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 72, lambda = 10),
                           dim = c(3, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                           dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                           sex = c("m", "f"),
                                           reg = 5:1,
                                           time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                           triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    account <- Movements(population = popn,
                         births = births,
                         internal = internal,
                         exits = list(deaths = deaths))
    account <- makeConsistent(account)
    systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ age + sex, useExpose = FALSE)),
                         Model(births ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)),
                         Model(internal ~ Poisson(mean ~ reg)),
                         Model(deaths ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)))
    systemWeights <- list(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
    census <- subarray(popn, time == "2000", drop = FALSE) + 2L
    register <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = popn),
                             dim = dim(popn),
                             dimnames = dimnames(popn)))
    reg.births <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = births, prob = 0.98),
                               dim = dim(births),
                               dimnames = dimnames(births)))
    address.change <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = internal),
                                   dim = dim(internal),
                                   dimnames = dimnames(internal)))
    reg.deaths <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = deaths, prob = 0.98),
                               dim = dim(deaths),
                               dimnames = dimnames(deaths))) + 1L
    datasets <- list(census, register, reg.births, address.change, reg.deaths)
    namesDatasets <- c("census", "register", "reg.births", "address.change", "reg.deaths")
    data.models <- list(Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.95), series = "population"),
                              Model(register ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "population"),
                              Model(reg.births ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "births"),
                              Model(address.change ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "internal"),
                              Model(reg.deaths ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "deaths"))
    seriesIndices <- c(0L, 0L, 1L, 2L, 3L)
    updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "births"), y = datasets[[3]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "internal"), y = datasets[[4]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "deaths"), y = datasets[[5]], subset = TRUE))
    transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
    ## no small updates
    x <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                systemModels = systemModels,
                                systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                dataModels = data.models,
                                seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                datasets = datasets,
                                namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                transforms = transforms,
                                probSmallUpdate = 0)
    tested.popn <- FALSE
    tested.orig.dest <- FALSE
    tested.comp <- FALSE
    for (seed in seq_len(n.test)) {
        ## updating population
        x0 <- x
        x0@iComp <- 0L
        x1 <- updateProposalAccountMovePopn(x0)
        if (x1@generatedNewProposal@.Data) {
            tested.popn <- TRUE
            ans.R <- updateCellMove(x1, useC = FALSE)
            ans.C <- updateCellMove(x1, useC = TRUE)
            expect_identical(ans.R, ans.C)
        ## updating internal
        x0 <- x
        x0@iComp <- 2L
        x1 <- updateProposalAccountMovePool(x0)
        if (x1@generatedNewProposal@.Data) {
            tested.orig.dest <- TRUE
            ans.R <- updateCellMove(x1, useC = FALSE)
            ans.C <- updateCellMove(x1, useC = TRUE)
            expect_identical(ans.R, ans.C)
        ## updating component
        x0 <- x
        x0@iComp <- 3L
        x1 <- updateProposalAccountMoveComp(x0)
        if (x1@generatedNewProposal@.Data) {
            tested.comp <- TRUE
            ans.R <- updateCellMove(x1, useC = FALSE)
            ans.C <- updateCellMove(x1, useC = TRUE)
            expect_identical(ans.R, ans.C)
    if (!tested.popn)
        warning("updateCellMove not tested with popn")
    if (!tested.orig.dest)
        warning("updateCellMove not tested with orig-dest")
    if (!tested.comp)
        warning("updateCellMove not tested with comp")
    ## with small updates
    x <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                systemModels = systemModels,
                                systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                dataModels = data.models,
                                seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                datasets = datasets,
                                namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                transforms = transforms,
                                probSmallUpdate = 1)
    tested.comp <- FALSE
    for (seed in seq_len(n.test)) {
        ## updating component
        x0 <- x
        x0@iComp <- 3L
        x1 <- updateProposalAccountMoveCompSmall(x0)
        if (x1@generatedNewProposal@.Data) {
            tested.comp <- TRUE
            ans.R <- updateCellMove(x1, useC = FALSE)
            ans.C <- updateCellMove(x1, useC = TRUE)
            expect_identical(ans.R, ans.C)
    if (!tested.comp)
        warning("updateCellMove not tested with comp")

test_that("updateSubsequentPopnMove works", {
    updateSubsequentPopnMove <- demest:::updateSubsequentPopnMove
    updateProposalAccountMovePopn <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMovePopn
    updateProposalAccountMoveComp <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMoveComp
    updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDest <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDest
    initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    popn <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 100),
                         dim = c(3, 2, 5, 3),
                         dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                         sex = c("f", "m"),
                                         reg = 1:5,
                                         time = c(2000, 2005, 2010))))
    births <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 5),
                           dim = c(1, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                           dimnames = list(age = "5-9",
                                           sex = c("m", "f"),
                                           reg = 1:5,
                                           time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                           triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    internal <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = 5),
                             dim = c(3, 2, 5, 5, 2, 2),
                             dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                             sex = c("m", "f"),
                                             reg_orig = 1:5,
                                             reg_dest = 1:5,
                                             time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                             triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    deaths <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 72, lambda = 10),
                           dim = c(3, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                           dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                           sex = c("m", "f"),
                                           reg = 5:1,
                                           time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                           triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    account <- Movements(population = popn,
                         births = births,
                         internal = internal,
                         exits = list(deaths = deaths))
    account <- makeConsistent(account)
    systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ age + sex, useExpose = FALSE)),
                         Model(births ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)),
                         Model(internal ~ Poisson(mean ~ reg_orig)),
                         Model(deaths ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)))
    systemWeights <- list(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
    census <- subarray(popn, time == "2000", drop = FALSE) + 2L
    register <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = popn),
                             dim = dim(popn),
                             dimnames = dimnames(popn)))
    reg.births <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = births, prob = 0.98),
                               dim = dim(births),
                               dimnames = dimnames(births)))
    address.change <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = internal),
                                   dim = dim(internal),
                                   dimnames = dimnames(internal)))
    reg.deaths <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = deaths, prob = 0.98),
                               dim = dim(deaths),
                               dimnames = dimnames(deaths))) + 1L
    datasets <- list(census, register, reg.births, address.change, reg.deaths)
    namesDatasets <- c("census", "register", "reg.births", "address.change", "reg.deaths")
    data.models <- list(Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.95), series = "population"),
                              Model(register ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "population"),
                              Model(reg.births ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "births"),
                              Model(address.change ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "internal"),
                              Model(reg.deaths ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "deaths"))
    seriesIndices <- c(0L, 0L, 1L, 2L, 3L)
    updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "births"), y = datasets[[3]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "internal"), y = datasets[[4]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "deaths"), y = datasets[[5]], subset = TRUE))
    transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
    x <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                systemModels = systemModels,
                                systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                dataModels = data.models,
                                seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                datasets = datasets,
                                namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                transforms = transforms)
    tested.popn <- FALSE
    tested.orig.dest <- FALSE
    tested.comp <- FALSE
    for (seed in seq_len(n.test)) {
        ## updating population
        x0 <- x
        x0@iComp <- 0L
        x1 <- updateProposalAccountMovePopn(x0)
        if (x1@generatedNewProposal@.Data) {
            tested.popn <- TRUE
            ans.obtained <- updateSubsequentPopnMove(x1)
                         sum(x1@account@population) + 2 * x1@diffProp)
        ## updating orig-dest
        x0 <- x
        x0@iComp <- 2L
        x1 <- updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDest(x0)
        if (x1@generatedNewProposal@.Data) {
            tested.orig.dest <- TRUE
            ans.obtained <- updateSubsequentPopnMove(x1)
        ## updating component
        x0 <- x
        x0@iComp <- 3L
        x1 <- updateProposalAccountMoveComp(x0)
        if (x1@generatedNewProposal@.Data) {
            tested.comp <- TRUE
            ans.obtained <- updateSubsequentPopnMove(x1)
            time <- as.data.frame(x1@account@components[[3]], direction = "long")[x1@iCell, "time"]
            if (time == "2001-2005")
                             sum(x1@account@population) - 2 * x1@diffProp)
                             sum(x1@account@population) - x1@diffProp)
    if (!tested.popn)
        warning("updateSubsequentPopnMove not tested with popn")
    if (!tested.orig.dest)
        warning("updateSubsequentPopnMove not tested with orig-dest")
    if (!tested.comp)
        warning("updateSubsequentPopnMove not tested with comp")

test_that("R and C versions of updateSubsequentPopnMove give same answer", {
    updateSubsequentPopnMove <- demest:::updateSubsequentPopnMove
    updateProposalAccountMovePopn <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMovePopn
    updateProposalAccountMoveComp <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMoveComp
    updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDest <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDest
    initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    popn <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 100),
                         dim = c(3, 2, 5, 3),
                         dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                         sex = c("f", "m"),
                                         reg = 1:5,
                                         time = c(2000, 2005, 2010))))
    births <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 5),
                           dim = c(1, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                           dimnames = list(age = "5-9",
                                           sex = c("m", "f"),
                                           reg = 1:5,
                                           time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                           triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    internal <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = 5),
                             dim = c(3, 2, 5, 5, 2, 2),
                             dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                             sex = c("m", "f"),
                                             reg_orig = 1:5,
                                             reg_dest = 1:5,
                                             time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                             triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    deaths <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 72, lambda = 10),
                           dim = c(3, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                           dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                           sex = c("m", "f"),
                                           reg = 5:1,
                                           time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                           triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    account <- Movements(population = popn,
                         births = births,
                         internal = internal,
                         exits = list(deaths = deaths))
    account <- makeConsistent(account)
    systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ age + sex, useExpose = FALSE)),
                         Model(births ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)),
                         Model(internal ~ Poisson(mean ~ reg_orig)),
                         Model(deaths ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)))
    systemWeights <- list(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
    census <- subarray(popn, time == "2000", drop = FALSE) + 2L
    register <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = popn),
                             dim = dim(popn),
                             dimnames = dimnames(popn)))
    reg.births <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = births, prob = 0.98),
                               dim = dim(births),
                               dimnames = dimnames(births)))
    address.change <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = internal),
                                   dim = dim(internal),
                                   dimnames = dimnames(internal)))
    reg.deaths <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = deaths, prob = 0.98),
                               dim = dim(deaths),
                               dimnames = dimnames(deaths))) + 1L
    datasets <- list(census, register, reg.births, address.change, reg.deaths)
    namesDatasets <- c("census", "register", "reg.births", "address.change", "reg.deaths")
    data.models <- list(Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.95), series = "population"),
                              Model(register ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "population"),
                              Model(reg.births ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "births"),
                              Model(address.change ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "internal"),
                              Model(reg.deaths ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "deaths"))
    seriesIndices <- c(0L, 0L, 1L, 2L, 3L)
    updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "births"), y = datasets[[3]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "internal"), y = datasets[[4]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "deaths"), y = datasets[[5]], subset = TRUE))
    transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
    x <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                systemModels = systemModels,
                                systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                dataModels = data.models,
                                seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                datasets = datasets,
                                namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                transforms = transforms)
    tested.popn <- FALSE
    tested.orig.dest <- FALSE
    tested.comp <- FALSE
    for (seed in seq_len(n.test)) {
        ## updating population
        x0 <- x
        x0@iComp <- 0L
        x1 <- updateProposalAccountMovePopn(x0)
        if (x1@generatedNewProposal@.Data) {
            tested.popn <- TRUE
            ans.R <- updateSubsequentPopnMove(x1, useC = FALSE)
            ans.C <- updateSubsequentPopnMove(x1, useC = TRUE)
            if (test.identity)
                expect_identical(ans.R, ans.C)
                expect_equal(ans.R, ans.C)
        ## updating orig-dest
        x0 <- x
        x0@iComp <- 2L
        x1 <- updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDest(x0)
        if (x1@generatedNewProposal@.Data) {
            tested.orig.dest <- TRUE
            ans.R <- updateSubsequentPopnMove(x1, useC = FALSE)
            ans.C <- updateSubsequentPopnMove(x1, useC = TRUE)
            if (test.identity)
                expect_identical(ans.R, ans.C)
                expect_equal(ans.R, ans.C)
        ## updating component
        x0 <- x
        x0@iComp <- 3L
        x1 <- updateProposalAccountMoveComp(x0)
        if (x1@generatedNewProposal@.Data) {
            tested.comp <- TRUE
            ans.R <- updateSubsequentPopnMove(x1, useC = FALSE)
            ans.C <- updateSubsequentPopnMove(x1, useC = TRUE)
            if (test.identity)
                expect_identical(ans.R, ans.C)
                expect_equal(ans.R, ans.C)
    if (!tested.popn)
        warning("updateSubsequentPopnMove not tested with popn")
    if (!tested.orig.dest)
        warning("updateSubsequentPopnMove not tested with orig-dest")
    if (!tested.comp)
        warning("updateSubsequentPopnMove not tested with comp")

test_that("updateSubsequentAccMove works", {
    updateSubsequentAccMove <- demest:::updateSubsequentAccMove
    updateProposalAccountMovePopn <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMovePopn
    updateProposalAccountMoveComp <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMoveComp
    updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDest <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDest
    initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    popn <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 100),
                         dim = c(3, 2, 5, 3),
                         dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                         sex = c("f", "m"),
                                         reg = 1:5,
                                         time = c(2000, 2005, 2010))))
    births <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 5),
                           dim = c(1, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                           dimnames = list(age = "5-9",
                                           sex = c("m", "f"),
                                           reg = 1:5,
                                           time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                           triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    internal <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = 5),
                             dim = c(3, 2, 5, 5, 2, 2),
                             dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                             sex = c("m", "f"),
                                             reg_orig = 1:5,
                                             reg_dest = 1:5,
                                             time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                             triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    deaths <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 72, lambda = 10),
                           dim = c(3, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                           dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                           sex = c("m", "f"),
                                           reg = 5:1,
                                           time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                           triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    account <- Movements(population = popn,
                         births = births,
                         internal = internal,
                         exits = list(deaths = deaths))
    account <- makeConsistent(account)
    systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ age + sex, useExpose = FALSE)),
                         Model(births ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)),
                         Model(internal ~ Poisson(mean ~ reg_orig)),
                         Model(deaths ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)))
    systemWeights <- list(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
    census <- subarray(popn, time == "2000", drop = FALSE) + 2L
    register <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = popn),
                             dim = dim(popn),
                             dimnames = dimnames(popn)))
    reg.births <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = births, prob = 0.98),
                               dim = dim(births),
                               dimnames = dimnames(births)))
    address.change <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = internal),
                                   dim = dim(internal),
                                   dimnames = dimnames(internal)))
    reg.deaths <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = deaths, prob = 0.98),
                               dim = dim(deaths),
                               dimnames = dimnames(deaths))) + 1L
    datasets <- list(census, register, reg.births, address.change, reg.deaths)
    namesDatasets <- c("census", "register", "reg.births", "address.change", "reg.deaths")
    data.models <- list(Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.95), series = "population"),
                              Model(register ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "population"),
                              Model(reg.births ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "births"),
                              Model(address.change ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "internal"),
                              Model(reg.deaths ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "deaths"))
    seriesIndices <- c(0L, 0L, 1L, 2L, 3L)
    updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "births"), y = datasets[[3]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "internal"), y = datasets[[4]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "deaths"), y = datasets[[5]], subset = TRUE))
    transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
    x <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                systemModels = systemModels,
                                systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                dataModels = data.models,
                                seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                datasets = datasets,
                                namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                transforms = transforms)
    tested.popn <- FALSE
    tested.orig.dest <- FALSE
    tested.comp <- FALSE
    for (seed in seq_len(5 * n.test)) {
        ## updating population
        x0 <- x
        x0@iComp <- 0L
        x1 <- updateProposalAccountMovePopn(x0)
        if (x1@generatedNewProposal@.Data) {
            tested.popn <- TRUE
            ans.obtained <- updateSubsequentAccMove(x1)
            if (any(is.na(ans.obtained@accession))) {
                             sum(x1@accession) + 2 * x1@diffProp)
        ## updating orig-dest
        x0 <- x
        x0@iComp <- 2L
        x1 <- updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDest(x0)
        if (x1@generatedNewProposal@.Data) {
            tested.orig.dest <- TRUE
            ans.obtained <- updateSubsequentAccMove(x1)
        ## updating deaths
        x0 <- x
        x0@iComp <- 3L
        x1 <- updateProposalAccountMoveComp(x0)
        if (x1@generatedNewProposal@.Data) {
            tested.comp <- TRUE
            ans.obtained <- updateSubsequentAccMove(x1)
            time <- as.data.frame(x1@account@components[[3]], direction = "long")[x1@iCell, "time"]
            is.lower <- x1@isLowerTriangle@.Data
            if (time == "2001-2005") {
                if (is.lower) {
                                 sum(x1@accession) - x1@diffProp)
                else {
                                 sum(x1@accession) - 2 * x1@diffProp)
            else {
                if (is.lower) {
                else {
                                 sum(x1@accession) - x1@diffProp)
    if (!tested.popn)
        warning("updateSubsequentAccMove not tested with popn")
    if (!tested.orig.dest)
        warning("updateSubsequentAccMove not tested with orig-dest")
    if (!tested.comp)
        warning("updateSubsequentAccMove not tested with comp")

test_that("R and C versions of updateSubsequentAccMove give same answer", {
    updateSubsequentAccMove <- demest:::updateSubsequentAccMove
    updateProposalAccountMovePopn <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMovePopn
    updateProposalAccountMoveComp <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMoveComp
    updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDest <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDest
    initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    popn <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 100),
                         dim = c(3, 2, 5, 3),
                         dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                         sex = c("f", "m"),
                                         reg = 1:5,
                                         time = c(2000, 2005, 2010))))
    births <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 5),
                           dim = c(1, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                           dimnames = list(age = "5-9",
                                           sex = c("m", "f"),
                                           reg = 1:5,
                                           time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                           triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    internal <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = 5),
                             dim = c(3, 2, 5, 5, 2, 2),
                             dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                             sex = c("m", "f"),
                                             reg_orig = 1:5,
                                             reg_dest = 1:5,
                                             time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                             triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    deaths <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 72, lambda = 10),
                           dim = c(3, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                           dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                           sex = c("m", "f"),
                                           reg = 5:1,
                                           time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                           triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    account <- Movements(population = popn,
                         births = births,
                         internal = internal,
                         exits = list(deaths = deaths))
    account <- makeConsistent(account)
    systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ age + sex, useExpose = FALSE)),
                         Model(births ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)),
                         Model(internal ~ Poisson(mean ~ reg_orig)),
                         Model(deaths ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)))
    systemWeights <- list(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
    census <- subarray(popn, time == "2000", drop = FALSE) + 2L
    register <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = popn),
                             dim = dim(popn),
                             dimnames = dimnames(popn)))
    reg.births <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = births, prob = 0.98),
                               dim = dim(births),
                               dimnames = dimnames(births)))
    address.change <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = internal),
                                   dim = dim(internal),
                                   dimnames = dimnames(internal)))
    reg.deaths <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = deaths, prob = 0.98),
                               dim = dim(deaths),
                               dimnames = dimnames(deaths))) + 1L
    datasets <- list(census, register, reg.births, address.change, reg.deaths)
    namesDatasets <- c("census", "register", "reg.births", "address.change", "reg.deaths")
    data.models <- list(Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.95), series = "population"),
                              Model(register ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "population"),
                              Model(reg.births ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "births"),
                              Model(address.change ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "internal"),
                              Model(reg.deaths ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "deaths"))
    seriesIndices <- c(0L, 0L, 1L, 2L, 3L)
    updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "births"), y = datasets[[3]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "internal"), y = datasets[[4]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "deaths"), y = datasets[[5]], subset = TRUE))
    transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
    x <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                systemModels = systemModels,
                                systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                dataModels = data.models,
                                seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                datasets = datasets,
                                namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                transforms = transforms)
    tested.popn <- FALSE
    tested.orig.dest <- FALSE
    tested.comp <- FALSE
    for (seed in seq_len(5 * n.test)) {
        ## updating population
        x0 <- x
        x0@iComp <- 0L
        x1 <- updateProposalAccountMovePopn(x0)
        if (x1@generatedNewProposal@.Data) {
            tested.popn <- TRUE
            ans.R <- updateSubsequentAccMove(x1, useC = FALSE)
            ans.C <- updateSubsequentAccMove(x1, useC = TRUE)
            expect_identical(ans.R, ans.C)
        ## updating orig-dest
        x0 <- x
        x0@iComp <- 2L
        x1 <- updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDest(x0)
        if (x1@generatedNewProposal@.Data) {
            tested.orig.dest <- TRUE
            ans.R <- updateSubsequentAccMove(x1, useC = FALSE)
            ans.C <- updateSubsequentAccMove(x1, useC = TRUE)
            expect_identical(ans.R, ans.C)
        ## updating component
        x0 <- x
        x0@iComp <- 3L
        x1 <- updateProposalAccountMoveComp(x0)
        if (x1@generatedNewProposal@.Data) {
            tested.comp <- TRUE
            ans.R <- updateSubsequentAccMove(x1, useC = FALSE)
            ans.C <- updateSubsequentAccMove(x1, useC = TRUE)
            expect_identical(ans.R, ans.C)
    if (!tested.popn)
        warning("updateSubsequentAccMove not tested with popn")
    if (!tested.orig.dest)
        warning("updateSubsequentAccMove not tested with orig-dest")
    if (!tested.comp)
        warning("updateSubsequentAccMove not tested with comp")

test_that("updateSubsequentExpMove works", {
    updateSubsequentExpMove <- demest:::updateSubsequentExpMove
    updateProposalAccountMovePopn <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMovePopn
    updateProposalAccountMoveComp <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMoveComp
    updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDest <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDest
    initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    popn <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 100),
                         dim = c(3, 2, 5, 3),
                         dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                         sex = c("f", "m"),
                                         reg = 1:5,
                                         time = c(2000, 2005, 2010))))
    births <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 5),
                           dim = c(1, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                           dimnames = list(age = "5-9",
                                           sex = c("m", "f"),
                                           reg = 1:5,
                                           time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                           triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    internal <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = 5),
                             dim = c(3, 2, 5, 5, 2, 2),
                             dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                             sex = c("m", "f"),
                                             reg_orig = 1:5,
                                             reg_dest = 1:5,
                                             time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                             triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    deaths <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 72, lambda = 10),
                           dim = c(3, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                           dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                           sex = c("m", "f"),
                                           reg = 5:1,
                                           time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                           triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    account <- Movements(population = popn,
                         births = births,
                         internal = internal,
                         exits = list(deaths = deaths))
    account <- makeConsistent(account)
    systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ age + sex, useExpose = FALSE)),
                         Model(births ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)),
                         Model(internal ~ Poisson(mean ~ reg_orig)),
                         Model(deaths ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)))
    systemWeights <- list(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
    census <- subarray(popn, time == "2000", drop = FALSE) + 2L
    register <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = popn),
                             dim = dim(popn),
                             dimnames = dimnames(popn)))
    reg.births <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = births, prob = 0.98),
                               dim = dim(births),
                               dimnames = dimnames(births)))
    address.change <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = internal),
                                   dim = dim(internal),
                                   dimnames = dimnames(internal)))
    reg.deaths <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = deaths, prob = 0.98),
                               dim = dim(deaths),
                               dimnames = dimnames(deaths))) + 1L
    datasets <- list(census, register, reg.births, address.change, reg.deaths)
    namesDatasets <- c("census", "register", "reg.births", "address.change", "reg.deaths")
    data.models <- list(Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.95), series = "population"),
                        Model(register ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "population"),
                        Model(reg.births ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "births"),
                        Model(address.change ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "internal"),
                        Model(reg.deaths ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "deaths"))
    seriesIndices <- c(0L, 0L, 1L, 2L, 3L)
    updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "births"), y = datasets[[3]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "internal"), y = datasets[[4]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "deaths"), y = datasets[[5]], subset = TRUE))
    transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
    x <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                systemModels = systemModels,
                                systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                dataModels = data.models,
                                seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                datasets = datasets,
                                namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                transforms = transforms)
    tested.popn <- FALSE
    tested.orig.dest <- FALSE
    tested.comp <- FALSE
    for (seed in seq_len(5 * n.test)) {
        ## updating population
        x0 <- x
        x0@iComp <- 0L
        x1 <- updateProposalAccountMovePopn(x0)
        if (x1@generatedNewProposal@.Data) {
            tested.popn <- TRUE
            ans.obtained <- updateSubsequentExpMove(x1)
            age <- as.data.frame(x1@account@population, direction = "long")[x1@iCell, "age"]
            if (age == "10+")
                             + 2 * x@ageTimeStep * x1@diffProp)
            else if (age == "5-9")
                             sum(x1@exposure) +
                             2 * (1/2) * x@ageTimeStep * x1@diffProp
                             + x@ageTimeStep * x1@diffProp)
                             + 4 * (1/2) * x@ageTimeStep * x1@diffProp)
        ## updating orig-dest
        x0 <- x
        x0@iComp <- 2L
        x1 <- updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDest(x0)
        if (x1@generatedNewProposal@.Data) {
            tested.orig.dest <- TRUE
            ans.obtained <- updateSubsequentExpMove(x1)
        ## updating component
        x0 <- x
        x0@iComp <- 3L
        x1 <- updateProposalAccountMoveComp(x0)
        if (x1@generatedNewProposal@.Data) {
            tested.comp <- TRUE
            ans.obtained <- updateSubsequentExpMove(x1)
            age <- as.data.frame(x1@account@components[[3]], direction = "long")[x1@iCell, "age"]
            time <- as.data.frame(x1@account@components[[3]], direction = "long")[x1@iCell, "time"]
            is.lower <- x1@isLowerTriangle@.Data
            if (age == "10+") {
                if (time == "2001-2005") {
                    if (is.lower)
                                     + (1/6) * x@ageTimeStep * x1@diffProp
                                     - (1/2) * x@ageTimeStep * x1@diffProp
                                     - x@ageTimeStep * x1@diffProp)
                                     - (1/2) * x@ageTimeStep * x1@diffProp
                                     - x@ageTimeStep * x1@diffProp)
                else {
                    if (is.lower)
                                     + (1/6) * x@ageTimeStep * x1@diffProp
                                     - (1/2) * x@ageTimeStep * x1@diffProp)
                                     - (1/2) * x@ageTimeStep * x1@diffProp)
            else if (age == "5-9") {
                if (time == "2001-2005") {
                    if (is.lower)
                                     + (1/6) * x@ageTimeStep * x1@diffProp -
                                     3 * (1/2) * x@ageTimeStep * x1@diffProp)
                                     - (1/6) * x@ageTimeStep * x1@diffProp
                                     - (1/2) * x@ageTimeStep * x1@diffProp
                                     - x@ageTimeStep * x1@diffProp)
                else {
                    if (is.lower)
                                     + (1/6) * x@ageTimeStep * x1@diffProp
                                     - (1/2) * x@ageTimeStep * x1@diffProp)
                                     - (1/6) * x@ageTimeStep * x1@diffProp
                                     - (1/2) * x@ageTimeStep * x1@diffProp)
            else {
                if (time == "2001-2005") {
                    if (is.lower)
                                     + (1/6) * x@ageTimeStep * x1@diffProp
                                     - 3 * (1/2) * x@ageTimeStep * x1@diffProp)
                                     - (1/6) * x@ageTimeStep * x1@diffProp
                                     - 3 * (1/2) * x@ageTimeStep * x1@diffProp)
                else {
                    if (is.lower)
                                     + (1/6) * x@ageTimeStep * x1@diffProp
                                     - (1/2) * x@ageTimeStep * x1@diffProp)
                                     - (1/6) * x@ageTimeStep * x1@diffProp
                                     - (1/2) * x@ageTimeStep * x1@diffProp)
    if (!tested.popn)
        warning("updateSubsequentExpMove not tested with popn")
    if (!tested.orig.dest)
        warning("updateSubsequentExpMove not tested with orig-dest")
    if (!tested.comp)
        warning("updateSubsequentExpMove not tested with comp")

test_that("R and C versions of updateSubsequentExpMove give same answer", {
    updateSubsequentExpMove <- demest:::updateSubsequentExpMove
    updateProposalAccountMovePopn <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMovePopn
    updateProposalAccountMoveComp <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMoveComp
    updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDest <- demest:::updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDest
    initialCombinedAccount <- demest:::initialCombinedAccount
    makeCollapseTransformExtra <- dembase::makeCollapseTransformExtra
    popn <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 100),
                         dim = c(3, 2, 5, 3),
                         dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                         sex = c("f", "m"),
                                         reg = 1:5,
                                         time = c(2000, 2005, 2010))))
    births <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = 5),
                           dim = c(1, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                           dimnames = list(age = "5-9",
                                           sex = c("m", "f"),
                                           reg = 1:5,
                                           time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                           triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    internal <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = 5),
                             dim = c(3, 2, 5, 5, 2, 2),
                             dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                             sex = c("m", "f"),
                                             reg_orig = 1:5,
                                             reg_dest = 1:5,
                                             time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                             triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    deaths <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 72, lambda = 10),
                           dim = c(3, 2, 5, 2, 2),
                           dimnames = list(age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10+"),
                                           sex = c("m", "f"),
                                           reg = 5:1,
                                           time = c("2001-2005", "2006-2010"),
                                           triangle = c("Lower", "Upper"))))
    account <- Movements(population = popn,
                         births = births,
                         internal = internal,
                         exits = list(deaths = deaths))
    account <- makeConsistent(account)
    systemModels <- list(Model(population ~ Poisson(mean ~ age + sex, useExpose = FALSE)),
                         Model(births ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)),
                         Model(internal ~ Poisson(mean ~ reg_orig)),
                         Model(deaths ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1)))
    systemWeights <- list(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
    census <- subarray(popn, time == "2000", drop = FALSE) + 2L
    register <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 90, lambda = popn),
                             dim = dim(popn),
                             dimnames = dimnames(popn)))
    reg.births <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = births, prob = 0.98),
                               dim = dim(births),
                               dimnames = dimnames(births)))
    address.change <- Counts(array(rpois(n = 300, lambda = internal),
                                   dim = dim(internal),
                                   dimnames = dimnames(internal)))
    reg.deaths <- Counts(array(rbinom(n = 90, size = deaths, prob = 0.98),
                               dim = dim(deaths),
                               dimnames = dimnames(deaths))) + 1L
    datasets <- list(census, register, reg.births, address.change, reg.deaths)
    namesDatasets <- c("census", "register", "reg.births", "address.change", "reg.deaths")
    data.models <- list(Model(census ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.95), series = "population"),
                        Model(register ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "population"),
                        Model(reg.births ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "births"),
                        Model(address.change ~ Poisson(mean ~ 1), series = "internal"),
                        Model(reg.deaths ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98), series = "deaths"))
    seriesIndices <- c(0L, 0L, 1L, 2L, 3L)
    updateInitialPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    usePriorPopn <- new("LogicalFlag", TRUE)
    transforms <- list(makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[1]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = population(account), y = datasets[[2]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "births"), y = datasets[[3]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "internal"), y = datasets[[4]], subset = TRUE),
                       makeTransform(x = components(account, "deaths"), y = datasets[[5]], subset = TRUE))
    transforms <- lapply(transforms, makeCollapseTransformExtra)
    x <- initialCombinedAccount(account = account,
                                systemModels = systemModels,
                                systemWeights = systemWeights,
                                dataModels = data.models,
                                seriesIndices = seriesIndices,
                                updateInitialPopn = updateInitialPopn,
                                usePriorPopn = usePriorPopn,
                                datasets = datasets,
                                namesDatasets = namesDatasets,
                                transforms = transforms)
    tested.popn <- FALSE
    tested.orig.dest <- FALSE
    tested.comp <- FALSE
    for (seed in seq_len(5 * n.test)) {
        ## updating population
        x0 <- x
        x0@iComp <- 0L
        x1 <- updateProposalAccountMovePopn(x0)
        if (x1@generatedNewProposal@.Data) {
            tested.popn <- TRUE
            ans.R <- updateSubsequentExpMove(x1, useC = FALSE)
            ans.C <- updateSubsequentExpMove(x1, useC = TRUE)
            expect_identical(ans.R, ans.C)
        ## updating orig-dest
        x0 <- x
        x0@iComp <- 2L
        x1 <- updateProposalAccountMoveOrigDest(x0)
        if (x1@generatedNewProposal@.Data) {
            tested.orig.dest <- TRUE
            ans.R <- updateSubsequentExpMove(x1, useC = FALSE)
            ans.C <- updateSubsequentExpMove(x1, useC = TRUE)
            expect_identical(ans.R, ans.C)
        ## updating component
        x0 <- x
        x0@iComp <- 3L
        x1 <- updateProposalAccountMoveComp(x0)
        if (x1@generatedNewProposal@.Data) {
            tested.comp <- TRUE
            ans.R <- updateSubsequentExpMove(x1, useC = FALSE)
            ans.C <- updateSubsequentExpMove(x1, useC = TRUE)
            expect_identical(ans.R, ans.C)
    if (!tested.popn)
        warning("updateSubsequentExpMove not tested with popn")
    if (!tested.orig.dest)
        warning("updateSubsequentExpMove not tested with orig-dest")
    if (!tested.comp)
        warning("updateSubsequentExpMove not tested with comp")
StatisticsNZ/demest documentation built on Nov. 2, 2023, 7:56 p.m.