
Defines functions compareSweptAreaBaseline compareByCbinding compareByMerging convertSampleUnitToChatacter mergeAssignment2.7With3 convertKeys2.7To3 readStoX2.7OutputFile setOrders setDTs new2OldStation old2NewBeamKey old2NewLogKey old2NewESDU subsetXMLFile subsetNMDEchosounder subsetNMDBiotic updateInputDataFilesOne updateInputDataFiles getElementsByName copyInputFilesOneType copyInputDataFrom2.7 emptyNonVisibleArguments applyProjectXML2.7 convertStoX2.7To3 interpretVersionString checkBackwardCompatibilityVersion checkActionKeys getIndicesAtFunctionName reshapeProcessData applyReshapeProcessData renameByName renameProcessDataTableColumnInOneProcess applyRenameColumInProcessDataTable renameProcessDataInOneProcess applyRenameProcessData reshapeParameter applyReshapeParameter matchParameter translateParameterInOneProcess applyTranslateParameter applyAddParameter renameParameterInOneProcess applyRenameParameter removeParameterInOneProcess applyRemoveParameter applyRenameFunction applyAddAttribute applyRenameAttribute applyBackwardCompatibilityAction applyBackwardCompatibilityActionsReordered applyBackwardCompatibility

Documented in compareSweptAreaBaseline convertKeys2.7To3 convertStoX2.7To3 readStoX2.7OutputFile

# The main function to apply the backward compatibility (BWC) actions:
applyBackwardCompatibility <- function(projectDescription, verbose = FALSE) {
    ## Save the original projectDescription:
    #originalProjectDescription <- projectDescription
    #temp <- tempfile()
    ##message(paste("Original file saved to", temp))
    #save(projectDescription, file = temp)
    # Get the backward compatibility specifications:
    backwardCompatibility <- getRstoxFrameworkDefinitions("backwardCompatibility")
    # Get the supported backward compatibility actions:
    backwardCompatibilityActionNames <- getRstoxFrameworkDefinitions("backwardCompatibilityActionNames")
    # Run the backward compatibility actions:
    #projectDescription <- applyBackwardCompatibilityActions(
    #    backwardCompatibilityActionNames = backwardCompatibilityActionNames, 
    #    backwardCompatibility = backwardCompatibility, 
    #    projectDescription = projectDescription, 
    #    verbose = verbose
    projectDescription <- applyBackwardCompatibilityActionsReordered(
        backwardCompatibility = backwardCompatibility, 
        projectDescription = projectDescription, 
        verbose = verbose

# Apply one BWC action category:
applyBackwardCompatibilityActionsReordered <- function(
    verbose = FALSE
) {
    # First add the package name and action type:
    for(packageName in names(backwardCompatibility)) {
        for(actionName in names(backwardCompatibility[[packageName]])) {
            for(actionIndex in seq_along(backwardCompatibility [[packageName]] [[actionName]])) {
                backwardCompatibility [[packageName]] [[actionName]] [[actionIndex]] [["packageName"]] <- packageName
                backwardCompatibility [[packageName]] [[actionName]] [[actionIndex]] [["actionName"]] <- actionName
    # The unlist down to the actions:
    for(ind in seq_len(2)) {
        backwardCompatibility <- unlist(backwardCompatibility, recursive = FALSE)
    # Now, order by version first, then by action name, and finally by package:
    packageNames <- sapply(backwardCompatibility, "[[", "packageName")
    actionNames <- sapply(backwardCompatibility, "[[", "actionName")
    changeVersions <- sapply(backwardCompatibility, "[[", "changeVersion")
    newOrder <- order(
        RstoxData::createOrderKey(changeVersions, split = "."), 
        match(actionNames, getRstoxFrameworkDefinitions("backwardCompatibilityActionNames"))
    backwardCompatibility <- backwardCompatibility[newOrder]
    # Run through the supported backward compatibility action names:
    for(backwardCompatibilityAction in backwardCompatibility) {
        packageName <- backwardCompatibilityAction$packageName
        actionName <- backwardCompatibilityAction$actionName
        run <- checkBackwardCompatibilityVersion(
            backwardCompatibilityAction = backwardCompatibilityAction, 
            projectDescription = projectDescription, 
            packageName = packageName
        if(run) {
            # Apply the backwardCompatibilityAction:
            projectDescription <- applyBackwardCompatibilityAction(
                backwardCompatibilityActionName = actionName, 
                backwardCompatibilityAction = backwardCompatibilityAction, 
                projectDescription = projectDescription, 
                packageName = packageName, 
                verbose = verbose

# Apply one specific BWC action:
applyBackwardCompatibilityAction <- function(
    verbose = FALSE
) {
    # Construct the function name:
    applyFunctionName <- paste0("apply", capitalizeFirstLetter(backwardCompatibilityActionName))
    args <- list(
        projectDescription = projectDescription, 
        packageName = packageName, 
        verbose = verbose
    # Call the function:
    projectDescription <- do.call(applyFunctionName, args)

########## These functions are run by applyBackwardCompatibilityAction(): ##########

#### 1. renameAttribute: ####
applyRenameAttribute <- function(action, projectDescription, packageName, verbose = FALSE) {
    # Get the indices at functions to apply the action to:
    att <- attributes(projectDescription)
    if(action$attributeName %in% names(att)) {
        if(verbose) {
            message("StoX: Backward compatibility: Renaming attribute '", action$attributeName, "' to '", action$newAttributeName, "'")
        # Add the new attribute name:
        att[[action$newAttributeName]] <- att[[action$attributeName]]
        # Delete the old:
        att[[action$attributeName]] <- NULL
        # Add the modified attributes:
        attributes(projectDescription) <- att

#### 2. addAttribute: ####
applyAddAttribute <- function(action, projectDescription, packageName, verbose = FALSE) {
    # Get the indices at functions to apply the action to:
    att <- attributes(projectDescription)
    if(!action$attributeName %in% names(att)) {
        if(verbose) {
            message("StoX: Backward compatibility: Adding attribute ", action$attributeName, " = ", action$attributeValue)
        # Add the new attribute name:
        attr(projectDescription, action$attributeName) <- action$attributeValue

#### 3. renameFunction: ####
applyRenameFunction <- function(action, projectDescription, packageName, verbose = FALSE) {
    # Get the indices at functions to apply the action to:
    atFunctionName <- getIndicesAtFunctionName(
        projectDescription = projectDescription, 
        action = action, 
        packageName = packageName
    if(verbose && length(atFunctionName)) {
        message("StoX: Backward compatibility: Renaming function '", action$functionName, "' to '", action$newFunctionName, "'")
    for(ind in atFunctionName) {
        # Rename function: 
        projectDescription[[action$modelName]][[ind]]$functionName <- action$newFunctionName

#### 4. removeParameter: ####
applyRemoveParameter <- function(action, projectDescription, packageName, verbose = FALSE) {
    # Get the indices at functions to apply the action to:
    atFunctionName <- getIndicesAtFunctionName(
        projectDescription = projectDescription, 
        action = action, 
        packageName = packageName
    for(ind in atFunctionName) {
        if(verbose && length(atFunctionName)) {
            message("StoX: Backward compatibility: Removing parameter '", action$parameterName, "' in process '", projectDescription[[action$modelName]][[ind]]$processName, "'")
        # Remove any relevant function input: 
        projectDescription[[action$modelName]][[ind]]$functionInputs <- removeParameterInOneProcess(
            verbose = verbose
        # Remove any relevant function parameter: 
        projectDescription[[action$modelName]][[ind]]$functionParameters <- removeParameterInOneProcess(
            verbose = verbose

removeParameterInOneProcess <- function(functionParameters, action, verbose = FALSE) {
    # Find the objects to remove:
    toRemove <- names(functionParameters) %in% action$parameterName
    # Remove if any to remove:
    if(any(toRemove)) {
        #if(verbose) {
        #    message("StoX: Backward compatibility: Removing parameter ", action$parameterName, " in function ", action$f#unctionName)
        # Remove the parameter:
        functionParameters <- functionParameters[!toRemove]

#### 5. renameParameter: ####
applyRenameParameter <- function(action, projectDescription, packageName, verbose = FALSE) {
    # Get the indices at functions to apply the action to:
    atFunctionName <- getIndicesAtFunctionName(
        projectDescription = projectDescription, 
        action = action, 
        packageName = packageName
    for(ind in atFunctionName) {
        if(verbose && length(atFunctionName)) {
            message("StoX: Backward compatibility: Renaming parameter '", action$parameterName, "' to '", action$newParameterName, "' in process '", projectDescription[[action$modelName]][[ind]]$processName, "'")
        # Rename any relevant function input: 
        projectDescription[[action$modelName]][[ind]]$functionInputs <- renameParameterInOneProcess(
            verbose = verbose
        # Rename any relevant function parameter: 
        projectDescription[[action$modelName]][[ind]]$functionParameters <- renameParameterInOneProcess(
            verbose = verbose

renameParameterInOneProcess <- function(functionParameters, action, verbose = FALSE) {
    # Find the objects to remove:
    toRename <- names(functionParameters) %in% action$parameterName
    # Remname if any to remove:
    if(any(toRename)) {
        #if(verbose) {
        #    message("StoX: Backward compatibility: Remnaming parameter ", action$parameterName, " to ", action$newParameterName, " in function ", action$functionName)
        # Remname the parameter:
        names(functionParameters)[names(functionParameters) %in% action$parameterName] <- action$newParameterName

#### 6. addParameter: ####
applyAddParameter <- function(action, projectDescription, packageName, verbose = FALSE) {
    # Get the indices at functions to apply the action to:
    atFunctionName <- getIndicesAtFunctionName(
        projectDescription = projectDescription, 
        action = action, 
        packageName = packageName
    for(ind in atFunctionName) {
        # Add the function parameter as function...:
        if(is.function(action$parameterValue)) {
            valueToAdd <- action$parameterValue(
                modelName = action$modelName, 
                processIndex = ind
        # Or as a single value:
        else {
            valueToAdd <- action$parameterValue
        if(verbose && length(atFunctionName)) {
            message("StoX: Backward compatibility: Adding parameter '", action$parameterName, "' with value '", deparse(valueToAdd), "' in process '", projectDescription[[action$modelName]][[ind]]$processName, "'")
        projectDescription[[action$modelName]][[ind]]$functionParameters[[action$parameterName]] <- valueToAdd

#### 7. translateParameter: ####
applyTranslateParameter <- function(action, projectDescription, packageName, verbose = FALSE) {
    # Get the indices at functions to apply the action to:
    atFunctionName <- getIndicesAtFunctionName(
        projectDescription = projectDescription, 
        action = action, 
        packageName = packageName
    for(ind in atFunctionName) {
        # Only relevant for function parameters, as function inputs are without possible values:
        # Remove any relevant function parameter: 
        projectDescription <- translateParameterInOneProcess(
            projectDescription = projectDescription, 
            modelName = action$modelName, 
            processIndex = ind, 
            action = action, 
            verbose = verbose

translateParameterInOneProcess <- function(projectDescription, modelName, processIndex, action, verbose = FALSE) {
    # Find the parameter to translate:
    toTranslate <- which(names(projectDescription[[modelName]][[processIndex]]$functionParameters) %in% action$parameterName)
    # Translate if tthere is one to translate:
    if(length(toTranslate) == 1) {
        # Possibly add the function parameter using a function:
        if(is.function(action$newValue)) {
            action$newValue <- action$newValue(
                projectDescription = projectDescription, 
                modelName = modelName,
                processIndex = processIndex
        # Print message:
        if(verbose) {
            message("StoX: Backward compatibility: Translating parameter '", action$parameterName, "' from '", deparse(action$value), "' to '", action$newValue, "' in process ", projectDescription[[modelName]][[processIndex]]$processName, "'", "'")
        if(matchParameter(projectDescription[[modelName]][[processIndex]]$functionParameters[[toTranslate]], action$value)) {
            # Translate the parameter:
            projectDescription[[modelName]][[processIndex]]$functionParameters[[toTranslate]] <- action$newValue

# Support for function or multiple values in action$value, and also an empty list for non-specified parameters (list()):
matchParameter <- function(x, value) {
    #if(is.function(value)) {
    #    value(x)
    #else {
    #    isTRUE(x %in% value) || identical(x, value)
    if(length(value) == 1 && is.function(value)) {
    else if(is.list(value)) {
        any(sapply(value, identical, x))
        identical(x, value)

#### 8. reshapeParameter: ####
applyReshapeParameter <- function(action, projectDescription, packageName, verbose = FALSE) {
    # Get the indices at functions to apply the action to:
    atFunctionName <- getIndicesAtFunctionName(
        projectDescription = projectDescription, 
        action = action, 
        packageName = packageName
    for(ind in atFunctionName) {
        if(verbose && length(atFunctionName)) {
            message("StoX: Backward compatibility: Reshaping function parameter '", action$parameterName, "' in process '", projectDescription[[action$modelName]][[ind]]$processName, "'")
        # Reshape any relevant parameter: 
        projectDescription <- reshapeParameter(
            projectDescription = projectDescription, 
            modelName = action$modelName, 
            processIndex = ind, 
            action = action, 
            verbose = verbose

reshapeParameter <- function(projectDescription, modelName, processIndex, action, verbose = FALSE) {
    # Find the parameter to reshape:
    toReshape <- which(names(projectDescription[[modelName]][[processIndex]]$functionParameters) %in% action$parameterName)
    # Translate if tthere is one to translate:
    if(length(toReshape) == 1) {
        # Possibly add the function parameter using a function:
        if(is.function(action$newValue)) {
            action$newValue <- action$newValue(
                projectDescription = projectDescription, 
                modelName = modelName,
                processIndex = processIndex
        # Print message:
        if(verbose) {
            message("StoX: Backward compatibility: Reshaping parameter '", action$parameterName, "' in process ", projectDescription[[modelName]][[processIndex]]$processName, "'", "'")
        # Reshape the parameter:
        projectDescription[[modelName]][[processIndex]]$functionParameters[[toReshape]] <- action$newValue

#### 9. renameProcessData: ####
applyRenameProcessData <- function(action, projectDescription, packageName, verbose = FALSE) {
    # Get the indices at functions to apply the action to:
    atFunctionName <- getIndicesAtFunctionName(
        projectDescription = projectDescription, 
        action = action, 
        packageName = packageName
    for(ind in atFunctionName) {
        if(verbose && length(atFunctionName)) {
            message("StoX: Backward compatibility: Renaming process data '", action$processDataName, "' to '", action$newProcessDataName, "' in process '", projectDescription[[action$modelName]][[ind]]$processName, "'")
        # Rename any relevant process data: 
        projectDescription[[action$modelName]][[ind]]$processData <- renameProcessDataInOneProcess(
            verbose = verbose

renameProcessDataInOneProcess <- function(processData, action, verbose = FALSE) {
    # Rename if the processData has the old name:
    for(name in names(processData)) {
        if(name %in% action$processDataName) {
            #if(verbose) {
            #    message("StoX: Backward compatibility: Renaming process data ", action$processDataName, " to ", action$newProcessDataName, " in function ", action$functionName)
            # Rename the process data:
            names(processData)[names(processData) == name] <- action$newProcessDataName

#### 10. renameColumInProcessDataTable: ####
applyRenameColumInProcessDataTable <- function(action, projectDescription, packageName, verbose = FALSE) {
    # Get the indices at functions to apply the action to:
    atFunctionName <- getIndicesAtFunctionName(
        projectDescription = projectDescription, 
        action = action, 
        packageName = packageName
    for(ind in atFunctionName) {
        if(verbose && length(atFunctionName)) {
            message("StoX: Backward compatibility: Renaming column '", action$processDataColumnName,"' in process data '", action$processDataName, "' to '", action$newProcessDataColumnName, "' in process '", projectDescription[[action$modelName]][[ind]]$processName, "'")
        # Reshape any relevant process data column: 
        projectDescription[[action$modelName]][[ind]]$processData <- renameProcessDataTableColumnInOneProcess(
            verbose = verbose

# Unsuccessful attempt to format the proecss data before backwardscompatibility, which failed since the formatting requires the correct names of functiions etc.:
#renameProcessDataTableColumnInOneProcess <- function(list, action, verbose = FALSE) {
#    # Rename if the processData table column has the old name:
#    for(name in names(list)) {
#        if(
#            name == action$processDataName && 
#            data.table::is.data.table(list[[name]]) && 
#            action$processDataColumnName %in% names(list[[name]])
#        ) {
#            if(verbose) {
#                message("StoX: Backward compatibility: Renaming process data table", action$processDataColumnName, " to ", action$newProcessDataColumnName, " in function ", action$functionName)
#            }
#            # Rename using data.table::setnames():
#            data.table::setnames(
#                list[[name]], 
#                old = action$processDataColumnName, 
#                new = action$newProcessDataColumnName
#            )
#        }
#    }
#    return(list)
renameProcessDataTableColumnInOneProcess <- function(processData, action, verbose = FALSE) {
    # Rename if the processData table column has the old name:
    for(name in names(processData)) {
            name %in% action$processDataName && 
            action$processDataColumnName %in% names(processData[[name]][[1]])
        ) {
            # Rename each row:
            processData[[name]] <- lapply(processData[[name]], renameByName, old = action$processDataColumnName, new = action$newProcessDataColumnName)

renameByName <- function(x, old, new) {
    names(x)[names(x) == old] <- new

#### 11. renameColumInProcessDataTable: ####
applyReshapeProcessData <- function(action, projectDescription, packageName, verbose = FALSE) {
    # Get the indices at functions to apply the action to:
    atFunctionName <- getIndicesAtFunctionName(
        projectDescription = projectDescription, 
        action = action, 
        packageName = packageName
    for(ind in atFunctionName) {
        if(verbose && length(atFunctionName)) {
            message("StoX: Backward compatibility: Reshaping process data '", action$processDataName, "' in process '", projectDescription[[action$modelName]][[ind]]$processName, "'")
        # Reshape any relevant process data column: 
        projectDescription[[action$modelName]][[ind]] <- reshapeProcessData(
            modelName = action$modelName, 
            processIndex = ind, 
            verbose = verbose

reshapeProcessData <- function(projectDescription, modelName, processIndex, action, verbose = FALSE) {
    # Find the parameter to reshape:
    toReshape <- which(names(projectDescription[[modelName]][[processIndex]]$processData) %in% action$processDataName)
    # Translate if tthere is one to translate:
    if(length(toReshape) == 1) {
        # Possibly add the function parameter using a function. This assumes the reshaping function knows the structure of the processData and reshapes the approprite elements:
        if(is.function(action$newProcessData)) {
            action$newProcessData <- action$newProcessData(
                projectDescription = projectDescription, 
                modelName = modelName,
                processIndex = processIndex
        # Print message:
        if(verbose) {
            message("StoX: Backward compatibility: Reshaping processData '", action$processDataName, "' in process ", projectDescription[[modelName]][[processIndex]]$processDataName, "'", "'")
        # Do the reshaping:
        projectDescription[[modelName]][[processIndex]]$processData[[toReshape]] <- action$newProcessData

#applySplitFunction <- function(action, projectDescription, packageName, verbose = FALSE) {
#    # Get the indices at functions to apply the action to:
#    atFunctionName <- getIndicesAtFunctionName(
#        projectDescription = projectDescription, 
#        action = action, 
#        packageName = packageName
#    )
#    for(ind in atFunctionName) {
#        # Rename any relevant function parameter: 
#        projectDescription[[action$modelName]][[ind]]$processData <- splitFunctionInOneProcess(
#            projectDescription[[action$modelName]][[ind]]$processData, 
#            action, 
#            verbose = verbose
#        )
#    }
#    return(projectDescription)

getIndicesAtFunctionName <- function(projectDescription, action, packageName) {
    # Get the function names (packageName::functionName) of the processes of the model on which the action works:
    functionNames <- sapply(projectDescription[[action$modelName]], "[[", "functionName")
    # Match with the function in the action:
    action_functionName <- paste(packageName, action$functionName, sep = "::")
    atFunctionName <- which(action_functionName == functionNames)

#### The actual backward compatibility actions are performed using the following functions:

#splitFunctionInOneProcess <- function(list, action, verbose = FALSE) {
#    # Find the objects to remove:
#    toRemove <- names(list) == action$parameterName
#    # Remove if any to remove:
#    if(any(toRemove)) {
#        if(verbose) {
#            message("StoX: Backward compatibility: Removing parameter ", action$parameterName, " in function ", #action$functionName)
#        }
#        # Remove the parameter:
#        list <- list[!toRemove]
#    }
#    return(list)

checkActionKeys <- function(action) {
    required_function <- c(
    required_attribute <- c(
    # Check whether all required elements are present:
    allPresent <- all(required_function %in% names(action)) || all(required_attribute %in% names(action))
    if(!allPresent) {
        warning("The following action of package ", action$packageName, "does not contain all required elements (", paste(required_function, collapse = ", "), " or ", paste(required_attribute, collapse = ", "), "): \n", paste("\t", names(action), action, sep = ": ", collapse = "\n"))

checkBackwardCompatibilityVersion <-  function(backwardCompatibilityAction, projectDescription, packageName) {
    # Skip if not a valid backwardCompatibilityAction:
    if(!checkActionKeys(backwardCompatibilityAction)) {
    # Skip if the projectDescription does not have the required attribute:
    if(!length(attr(projectDescription, "RstoxPackageVersion"))) {
    # Do only if the old version is lower than or equal to the fromVersion, and that the current version is higher than or equal to the toVersion:
    # Get last saved version:
    lastSavedVersion <- attr(projectDescription, "RstoxPackageVersion")
    # If the projectDescription does not have attrtibutes, apply the conversion with a warning:
    if(length(lastSavedVersion)) {
        # ..of the relevant package:
        lastSavedVersion <- lastSavedVersion[startsWith(lastSavedVersion, packageName)]
        lastSavedVersion <- interpretVersionString(lastSavedVersion)
        #convert <- lastSavedVersion < backwardCompatibilityAction$changeVersion
        #convert <- utils::compareVersion(backwardCompatibilityAction$changeVersion, lastSavedVersion) == 1
        convert <- semver::parse_version(backwardCompatibilityAction$changeVersion) > semver::parse_version(lastSavedVersion)
    # NA is introduced 
    else if(is.na(lastSavedVersion)) {
        convert <- TRUE
    else {
        warning("StoX: The project does not have attributes, and is assumed to be of an old form prior to StoX 2.9.16. All backward compatibility actions are attempted.")
        convert <- TRUE

interpretVersionString <- function(versionString) {
    # Keep everything after first underscore:
    versionString <- sub("^[^_| ]*_", "", versionString)
    # Keep everything after first space:
    versionString <- sub("^\\S+\\s+", '', versionString)

#' Backward compabitibility actions:
#' @param projectPath2.7 The path to the StoX 2.7 project to convert to StoX 3.x.x.
#' @param projectPath3 The path to the StoX 3.x.x project used as model for the conversion.
#' @param newProjectPath3 The path to the StoX 3.x.x project to create.
#' @param functionsToApplyProjectXML2.7To A character vector of names of process data functions to read from the project.xml of the \code{projectPath2.7}.
#' @param ow Logical: If TRUE, overwrite the \code{newProjectPath3}.
#' @param run Logical: If TRUE, run the entire project after converting. If FALSE, changes will not be stored in the project.json before one opens and runs the baseline.
#' @param msg Logical: If TRUE, print extra messages.
#' @export
convertStoX2.7To3 <- function(
    functionsToApplyProjectXML2.7To = c(
    ow = FALSE, 
    run = TRUE, 
    msg = FALSE
) {
    # Save to a different project:
        projectPath = newProjectPath3, 
        template = "EmptyTemplate", 
        ow = ow, 
        showWarnings = FALSE, 
        open = FALSE, 
        Application = R.version.string
    # Replace the project.json file from the projectPath3:
    if(!file.exists(projectPath3)) {
        stop("The StoX >= 3.0.0. template project must exist.")
    projectDescriptionFile3 <- getProjectPaths(projectPath3, "projectJSONFile")
    newProjectDescriptionFile3 <- getProjectPaths(newProjectPath3, "projectJSONFile")
    unlink(newProjectDescriptionFile3, force = TRUE)
    file.copy(projectDescriptionFile3, newProjectDescriptionFile3)
    # Open the project, and use the built-in functions to manipulate an open project, instead of developing functions to manipulate a project description file directly:
    # Copy input data.
        projectPath2.7 = projectPath2.7, 
        projectPath3 = newProjectPath3, 
        clearExisting = TRUE
    # And update the file paths:
    # Replace the project.xml file path:
    projectXMLFilePath <- RstoxBase::getProjectXMLFilePath(projectPath = projectPath2.7)
        projectPath3 = newProjectPath3, 
        projectXMLFilePath = projectXMLFilePath, 
        msg = msg
    output <- newProjectPath3
    if(run) {
        output <- tryCatch(
            # Save afterwards in case the run fails:
            runModel(newProjectPath3, modelName = "baseline", returnModelData = FALSE, save = FALSE), 
            error = function(err) err$message

# Function to change the FileName in processes using Define* with DefinitionMethod = "ResourceFile", and FileName ending with "xml":
applyProjectXML2.7 <- function(functionName, projectPath3, projectPath2.7, projectXMLFilePath = NULL, msg = FALSE) {
    # Find the processes:
    processName <- findProcess(
        modelName = "baseline", 
        functionName = functionName
    if(!length(processName)) {
        if(msg) {
            message("No processes using the function ", functionName, " found in the baseline model. Returning NULL.")
    else if(length(processName) > 1) {
        stop("Applying a project.xml file from StoX 2.7 requires only one process using the function ", functionName, ".")
    # Set DefinitionMethod to ResourceFile and FileName to the path to the project.xml:
    if(!length(projectXMLFilePath)) {
        projectXMLFilePath <- RstoxBase::getProjectXMLFilePath(projectPath = projectPath2.7)
    # We need the processID for some of the below actions:
    processID <- getProcessIDFromProcessName(
        projectPath = projectPath3, 
        modelName = "baseline", 
        processName = processName
    # Set DefinitionMethod = "ResourceFile":
        projectPath = projectPath3, 
        modelName = "baseline", 
        processName = processName, 
        newValues = list(
            functionParameters = list(
                DefinitionMethod = "ResourceFile"
    # Set FileName = projectXMLFilePath:
        projectPath = projectPath3, 
        modelName = "baseline", 
        processName = processName, 
        newValues = list(
            functionParameters = list(
                FileName = projectXMLFilePath
    # In the case of DefineStratumPolygon, set StratumNameLabel = "StratumName":
    if(processName == "DefineStratumPolygon") {
            projectPath = projectPath3, 
            modelName = "baseline", 
            processName = processName, 
            newValues = list(
                functionParameters = list(
                    StratumNameLabel = "StratumName"
    # Set UseProcessData = FALSE:
        projectPath = projectPath3, 
        modelName = "baseline", 
        processID = processID, 
        UseProcessData = FALSE
    # Empty non-visible parameters: 
    nonVisibleArguments <- emptyNonVisibleArguments(
        projectPath = projectPath3, 
        modelName = "baseline", 
        processID = processID
    message("Emptied the following function parameters of procecss ", processName, ", as no longer relevant when DefinitionMethod = \"ResourceFile\":\n", paste0("\t", nonVisibleArguments, collapse = "\n "))

# Function to empty all non-visible arguments of a process, used to avoid confusion when changing process data with info from a project.xml file from StoX 2.7:
emptyNonVisibleArguments <- function(projectPath, modelName, processID) {
    # Get the names of the non-visible arguments:
    nonVisibleArguments <- getArgumentsToShow(
        projectPath = projectPath, 
        modelName = modelName, 
        processID = processID, 
        return.only.names = FALSE
    nonVisibleArguments <- names(nonVisibleArguments)[nonVisibleArguments %in% FALSE]
    areInputs <- isFunctionInput(nonVisibleArguments)
    # Empty the arguments:
        projectPath = projectPath, 
        modelName = modelName, 
        processID = processID, 
        functionInputsNames = nonVisibleArguments[areInputs], 
        archive = TRUE
        projectPath = projectPath, 
        modelName = modelName, 
        processID = processID, 
        functionParameterNames = nonVisibleArguments[!areInputs], 
        archive = TRUE

copyInputDataFrom2.7 <- function(projectPath2.7, projectPath3, clearExisting = TRUE,  types = c("Acoustic", "Biotic", "Landing")) {
    # Copy for the given possible input file types:
    temp <- lapply(
        projectPath2.7 = projectPath2.7, 
        projectPath3 = projectPath3, 
        clearExisting = clearExisting
    names(temp) <- types[lengths(temp) > 0]
    temp <- temp[lengths(temp) > 0]

# Find processes using ReadBiotic, ReadAcoustic or ReadLanding:
copyInputFilesOneType <- function(
    type = c("Acoustic", "Biotic", "Landing"), 
    clearExisting = TRUE
) {
    # Get the data type:
    type <- RstoxData::match_arg_informative(type)
    # Read the project.xml file to a list:
    projectList2.7 <- RstoxBase::readProjectXMLToList(projectPath = projectPath2.7)
    # Find the reading processes of baseline model:
    atBaseline <- which(lapply(getElementsByName(projectList2.7, "model"), attr, "name") == "baseline")
    functions2.7 <- unname(unlist(lapply(projectList2.7[[atBaseline]], "[[", "function")))
    readFunctionName <- paste0("Read", type, "XML")
    atRead2.7 <- which(functions2.7 == readFunctionName)
    # There can only be one reading process of the type in the StoX 2.7 project, so we know for sure where to get the files:
    if(!length(atRead2.7)) {
    else if(length(atRead2.7) > 1) {
        stop("More than one process using ", readFunctionName, " detected. Only projects with exactly one such process can be used.")
    # Get the file names:
    atFileName <- which(startsWith(sapply(getElementsByName(projectList2.7[[atBaseline]][[atRead2.7]], "parameter"), attr, "name"), "FileName"))
    fileRelativePaths <- unlist(getElementsByName(projectList2.7[[atBaseline]][[atRead2.7]], "parameter")[atFileName])
    fileAbsolutePaths <- file.path(projectPath2.7, fileRelativePaths)
    # Get the path to the input directory:
    inputDir <- getProjectPaths(projectPath3, tolower(type))
    # Delete the existing files:
    if(clearExisting) {
        toClear <- list.files(inputDir, full.names = TRUE)
        unlink(toClear, force = TRUE, recursive = TRUE)
    # Copy the files:
    file.copy(fileAbsolutePaths, inputDir)
    # Return the paths of the copied files:
    copiedFiles <- file.path(inputDir, basename(fileAbsolutePaths))

getElementsByName <- function(x, name) {
    x[names(x) == name]

updateInputDataFiles <- function(projectPath, inputDataTypes = c("acoustic", "biotic", "landing")) {
    if(!isOpenProject(projectPath)) {
        stop("The project ", projectPath, " needs to be open to modify the project.")
    # Get the table of baseline processes:
    baselineTable <- getProcessAndFunctionNames(projectPath, "baseline")
        projectPath = projectPath, 
        baselineTable = baselineTable

updateInputDataFilesOne <- function(inputDataType, projectPath, baselineTable) {
    # Get the input files:
    inputFiles <- list.files(getProjectPaths(projectPath, inputDataType), full.names = TRUE)
    inputFunctionName <- paste0("Read", tools::toTitleCase(tolower(inputDataType)))
    inputProcessNames <- baselineTable[endsWith(functionName, inputFunctionName), processName]
    for(inputProcessName in inputProcessNames) {
            projectPath = projectPath, 
            modelName = "baseline", 
            processName = inputProcessName, 
            newValues = list(
                functionParameters = list(
                    FileNames = inputFiles

# Functions to subset an NMDBiotic or NMDEchosounder file, useful for creating small test-projects:
subsetNMDBiotic <- function(NMDBioticFile, newNMDBioticFile, stationsIndex = 1) {
        XMLFile = NMDBioticFile, 
        newXMLFile = newNMDBioticFile, 
        tag = "fishstation", 
        index = stationsIndex

subsetNMDEchosounder <- function(NMDEchosounderFile, newNMDEchosounderFile, distanceIndex = 1) {
        XMLFile = NMDEchosounderFile, 
        newXMLFile = newNMDEchosounderFile, 
        tag = "distance", 
        index = distanceIndex

subsetXMLFile <- function(XMLFile, newXMLFile, tag = "fishstation", index = 1) {
    # Read the lines of the file:
    l <- readLines(XMLFile)
    # Get the start end end tag.
    tagStart <- paste0("<", tag)
    tagEnd <- paste0("</", tag)
    atStart <- which(grepl(tagStart, l))
    atEnd <- which(grepl(tagEnd, l))
    numberOfTags <- length(atStart)
    # Cannot extend the number of tags:
    index <- subset(index, index <= numberOfTags)
    before <- l[seq_len(atStart[1] - 1)]
    bodyIndex <- unlist(mapply(seq, atStart[index], atEnd[index]))
    body <- l[bodyIndex]
    after <- l[seq(atEnd[numberOfTags] + 1, length(l))]
    out <- c(
    if(missing(newXMLFile)) {
        newXMLFile <- paste(tools::file_path_sans_ext(XMLFile), "_subse.", tools::file_ext(XMLFile))
    writeLines(out, newXMLFile)

# Utility functions:
# Add EDSU as defined in the new StoX:
old2NewESDU <- function(x) {
    x <- lapply(strsplit(x, "/"), "[", -2)
    time <- lapply(x, function(y) paste0(paste(y[2], y[3], sep = "T"), ".000Z"))
    paste(sapply(x, utils::head, 1), time, sep = "/")
# Add LogKey as defined in the new StoX:
old2NewLogKey <- function(x) {
    format(as.POSIXct(x), format = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%OS3Z")
# Add BeamKey as defined in the new StoX:
old2NewBeamKey <- function(frequency, transceiver) {
    paste(frequency, transceiver, sep = "/")
# Add Station as defined in the old StoX:
new2OldStation <- function(x) {
        sub("/.*", "", x), 
        sub(".*-", "", x), 
        sep = "/"
# Convert all data.frames to data.table:
setDTs <- function(x) {
    if(is.list(x) && !is.data.frame(x)) {
        for(ind in seq_along(x)) {
    else if(is.data.frame(x)){
    else {
# Order all data.tables:
setOrders <- function(x) {
    if(is.list(x) && !is.data.frame(x)) {
        for(ind in seq_along(x)) {
    else if(is.data.frame(x)){
    else {

#' Read output file from StoX 2.7
#' @param x The path to the StoX 2.7 project file to read.
#' @export
readStoX2.7OutputFile <- function(x) {
    # Read the file:
    out <- data.table::fread(x, na.strings = "NA")
    # Do type conversions:
    # StratumArea:
    if("PolygonKey" %in% names(out)) {
        out[, PolygonKey := as.character(PolygonKey)]

    # General:
    if("SampleUnit" %in% names(out)) {
        out[, SampleUnit := as.character(SampleUnit)]
    if("Layer" %in% names(out)) {
        out[, Layer := as.character(Layer)]
    if("Stratum" %in% names(out)) {
        out[, Stratum := as.character(Stratum)]
    # Acoustic and NASC:
    if("AcoCat" %in% names(out)) {
        out[, AcoCat := as.character(AcoCat)]
    if("ch" %in% names(out)) {
        out[, ch := as.character(ch)]

#' Convert keys of a 2.7 table to mimic the keys of StoX >= 3
#' @param x The StoX 2.7 table.
#' @export
convertKeys2.7To3 <- function(x) {
    # NASC data type: 
    if(all(c("NASC", "SampleUnit") %in% names(x))) {
        x[, SampleUnit := old2NewESDU(SampleUnit)]
    # NASC table of AcousticXML:
    if(all(c("sa", "start_time", "freq", "transceiver") %in% names(x))) {
        x[, LogKey := old2NewLogKey(start_time)]
        x[, BeamKey := old2NewBeamKey(freq, transceiver)]
    if("Station" %in% names(x)) {
        message("Old Station cannot be converted to new Station. Use new2OldStation() on the new table instead.")

mergeAssignment2.7With3 <- function(bioticassignment_2.7, BioticAssignment_3) {
    if(!data.table::is.data.table(bioticassignment_2.7)) {
        warning("bioticassignment_2.7 must be converted to a data.table.")
    # Add Station as in old StoX:
    BioticAssignment_3[, Station := new2OldStation(Haul)]
    # Convert bioticassignment_2.7 to the form of the new BioticAssignment after pasting:
    bioticassignment_2.7 <- bioticassignment_2.7[, list(
        assignmentPasted = paste(Station, collapse = "__"), 
        weightsPasted = paste(StationWeight, collapse = "__")
    ), by = "AssignmentID"]
    # Convert BioticAssignmentWeighting to the form of the old bioticassignment with AssignmentID:
    data.table::setorderv(BioticAssignment_3, c("Stratum", "PSU", "Layer", "Station"))
    BioticAssignment_3[, assignmentPasted := paste(Station, collapse = "__"), by = "PSU"]
    BioticAssignment_3[, weightsPasted := paste(WeightingFactor, collapse = "__"), by = "PSU"]
    BioticAssignment_3[, numStations := .N, by = "PSU"]
    newBioticassignment <- unique(BioticAssignment_3[, c("assignmentPasted", "weightsPasted", "numStations")], by = "assignmentPasted")
    # Now we are ready for merging:
    m <- merge(bioticassignment_2.7, newBioticassignment, by = "assignmentPasted", all = TRUE)
    BioticAsignment <- data.table::data.table(
        AssignmentID = rep(m$AssignmentID,  m$numStations), 
        assignmentPasted = rep(m$assignmentPasted, m$numStations), 
        Station = unlist(strsplit(m$assignmentPasted, "__")), 
        StationWeight.x = as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(m$weightsPasted.x, "__"))), 
        StationWeight.y = as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(m$weightsPasted.y, "__")))
    data.table::setorderv(BioticAsignment, c("AssignmentID", "Station"))

convertSampleUnitToChatacter <- function(DT) {
    if("SampleUnit" %in% names(DT)) {
        DT[, SampleUnit := as.character(SampleUnit)]

# Function to compare one output from the old and new StoX project using merging:
compareByMerging <- function(output_Old, output_New, processName_Old, processName_New, keys_Old, keys_New, addKeys_Old, addKeys_New, dataVariable_Old, dataVariable_New, tolerance, data.out = FALSE) {
    old <- data.table::as.data.table(output_Old$outputData[[processName_Old]])
    new <- output_New[[processName_New]]
    if(!data.table::is.data.table(new) && is.list(new) && "Data" %in% names(new)) {
        new <- data.table::as.data.table(new$Data)
    else {
        new <- data.table::as.data.table(new)
    # Add keys if requested:
    if(length(addKeys_New) && is.list(addKeys_New) && !(length(addKeys_New) == 1 && is.na(addKeys_New))) {
        for(ind in seq_along(addKeys_New)) {
            # Get the name of the argument of the function:
            var <- names(formals(addKeys_New$Station_Old))[1]
            # Did not work out how to use expression for 'value' in set(). The following worked but not when assigning by reference:
            # new[,  addKeys_New[[ind]](.SD[[eval(var)]])]
            # This did not work (returning NAs): data.table::set(new, j = names(addKeys_New)[ind], value = addKeys_New[[ind]](.SD[[eval(var)]])) 
            data.table::set(new, j = names(addKeys_New)[ind], value = addKeys_New[[ind]](new$Haul))
    merged <- merge(old, new, by.x = keys_Old, by.y = keys_New, all = TRUE)
    # If the data variable has the same name in the old and new StoX data.table::merge appends .x and .y to the name:
    if(dataVariable_Old == dataVariable_New) {
        dataVariable_Old <- paste0(dataVariable_Old, ".x")
        dataVariable_New <- paste0(dataVariable_New, ".y")
    merged[ , offset := get(dataVariable_New) / get(dataVariable_Old)]
    # :
    hasOffset <- subset(merged, abs((offset - 1)) > tolerance)
    positiveInOld_NAInNew <- subset(merged, !is.na(get(dataVariable_Old)) & is.na(get(dataVariable_New)))
    NAInOld_PositiveInNew <- subset(merged, is.na(get(dataVariable_Old)) & !is.na(get(dataVariable_New)))
    sumPositiveInOld_NAInNew <- positiveInOld_NAInNew[,  sum(get(dataVariable_Old), na.rm = TRUE)]
    sumNAInOld_PositiveInNew <- NAInOld_PositiveInNew[,  sum(get(dataVariable_New), na.rm = TRUE)]
    sum_Old <- merged[,  sum(get(dataVariable_Old), na.rm = TRUE)]
    sum_New <- merged[,  sum(get(dataVariable_Old), na.rm = TRUE)]
    output <- list(
        sumPositiveInOld_NAInNew = sumPositiveInOld_NAInNew,
        sumNAInOld_PositiveInNew = sumNAInOld_PositiveInNew,
        sum_Old = sum_Old,
        sum_New = sum_New,
        fractionSumPositiveInOld_NAInNew = sumPositiveInOld_NAInNew / sum_Old, 
        fractionSumNAInOld_PositiveInNew = sumNAInOld_PositiveInNew / sum_New, 
        hasOffset = hasOffset, 
        positiveInOld_NAInNew = positiveInOld_NAInNew,
        NAInOld_PositiveInNew = NAInOld_PositiveInNew, 
        tolerance = tolerance
    if(data.out) {
        output <- c(
                merged = merged

# Function to compare one output from the old and new StoX project using cbinding (used for SuperIndAbundance/SuperIndividuals, where keys are not sufficient in the SuperIndAbundance):
compareByCbinding <- function(output_Old, output_New, processName_Old, processName_New, subsetByNAOn_Old, subsetByNAOn_New, orderBy_Old, orderBy_New, dataVariable_Old, dataVariable_New, tolerance, data.out = FALSE) {
    old <- data.table::as.data.table(output_Old$outputData[[processName_Old]])
    new <- output_New[[processName_New]]
    if(!data.table::is.data.table(new) && is.list(new) && "Data" %in% names(new)) {
        new <- data.table::as.data.table(new$Data)
    else {
        new <- data.table::as.data.table(new)
    # Discard rows of Old with NA for subsetByNAOn_Old:
    atNA_Old <- rowSums(is.na(old[, ..subsetByNAOn_Old])) == length(subsetByNAOn_Old)
    old <- subset(old, atNA_Old)
    atNA_New <- rowSums(is.na(new[, ..subsetByNAOn_New])) == length(subsetByNAOn_New)
    new <- subset(new, atNA_New)
    # Order:
    data.table::setorderv(old, orderBy_Old)
    data.table::setorderv(new, orderBy_New)
    output <- list(
        test = all(abs(new[[dataVariable_New]] - old[[dataVariable_Old]]) < tolerance), 
        tolerance = tolerance
    if(data.out) {
        output <- c(
                old = old, 
                new = new

#' Compare processes in a StoX 2.7 project and a copy in StoX >= 3.0.0:
#' @param projectPathOld The path to the StoX 2.7 project.
#' @param projectPathNew The path to the copy project in StoX >= 3.0.0.
#' @param comparisonModel A list with specifications of what and how to compare the outputs from the old and new project (see Details).
#' @param output_Old The StoX 2.7 table.
#' @param output_New The StoX 2.7 table.
#' @param data.out The StoX 2.7 table.
#' The \code{comparisonModel} is a list with the following required elements:
#' \describe{
#'  \item{dataType}{The StoX >= 3.0.0 datatypes to compare. Used only for reference.}
#'  \item{dataVariable_Old}{The specific variable to compare in the old datatypes.}
#'  \item{dataVariable_New}{The specific variable to compare in the new datatypes.}
#'  \item{processName_Old,processName_New}{The process named in the old and new project, respectively. Must correspond to the \code{dataType}.}
#'  \item{compareAction}{A string vector specifyfing whether to merge ("merge") or cbind ("cbind") when comparing. Cbind is only for SuperIndividuals in StoX 2.7, which does not have unique keys in.}
#'  \item{keys_Old,keys_New"}{A list of the keys of the datatypes in the old and new project, respectively. Specify only for datatypes to be merged (use NA for those that use compareAction = "cbind").}
#'  \item{subsetByNAOn_Old,subsetByNAOn_New"}{A list of variables to subset the old and new data by, respectively. When any of these are NA in a row, the row is skipped. Specify only for datatypes to be cbinded (use NA for those that use compareAction = "merge").}
#'  \item{orderBy_Old,orderBy_New}{SA list of variables to order the old and new data by, respectively (after subsetting using \code{subsetByNAOn_Old} and \code{subsetByNAOn_New}). Specify only for datatypes to be cbinded (use NA for those that use compareAction = "merge").}
#'  \item{tolerance}{A numeric vector setting the tolerance for the comparison, below which the outputs are regarded as equal.}
#' }
#' @export
compareSweptAreaBaseline <- function(projectPathOld, projectPathNew, comparisonModel, output_Old = NULL, output_New = NULL, data.out = FALSE) {
    numberOfComparisons <- length(comparisonModel$dataType)
    comparison <- vector("list", numberOfComparisons)
    # Run in old StoX:
    if(!length(output_Old)) {
        stop("The output_Old must be given. Please run the following in Rstox 1.11.1: \n\tlibrary(Rstox) \n\toutput_Old <- Rstox::getBaseline(\"", projectPathOld, "\")")
        #output_Old <- Rstox::getBaseline(projectPathOld)
    # Run in new StoX:
    if(!length(output_New)) {
        output_New <- RstoxFramework::runModel(projectPathNew, modelName = "baseline", verbose = TRUE, close = TRUE)
    for(ind in seq_len(numberOfComparisons)) {
        if(comparisonModel$compareAction[[ind]] == "merge") {
            comparison[[ind]] <- compareByMerging(
                output_Old = output_Old, 
                output_New = output_New, 
                processName_Old = comparisonModel$processName_Old[[ind]], 
                processName_New = comparisonModel$processName_New[[ind]], 
                addKeys_Old = comparisonModel$addKeys_Old[[ind]], 
                addKeys_New = comparisonModel$addKeys_New[[ind]], 
                keys_Old = comparisonModel$keys_Old[[ind]], 
                keys_New = comparisonModel$keys_New[[ind]], 
                dataVariable_Old = comparisonModel$dataVariable_Old[[ind]], 
                dataVariable_New = comparisonModel$dataVariable_New[[ind]], 
                tolerance = comparisonModel$tolerance[[ind]], 
                data.out = data.out
        else if(comparisonModel$compareAction[[ind]] == "cbind") {
            comparison[[ind]] <- compareByCbinding(
                output_Old = output_Old, 
                output_New = output_New, 
                processName_Old = comparisonModel$processName_Old[[ind]], 
                processName_New = comparisonModel$processName_New[[ind]], 
                subsetByNAOn_Old = comparisonModel$subsetByNAOn_Old[[ind]], 
                subsetByNAOn_New = comparisonModel$subsetByNAOn_New[[ind]], 
                orderBy_Old = comparisonModel$orderBy_Old[[ind]], 
                orderBy_New = comparisonModel$orderBy_New[[ind]], 
                dataVariable_Old = comparisonModel$dataVariable_Old[[ind]], 
                dataVariable_New = comparisonModel$dataVariable_New[[ind]], 
                tolerance = comparisonModel$tolerance[[ind]], 
                data.out = data.out
        else {
            stop("Unknown compareAction")
    names(comparison) <- comparisonModel$dataType
    if(data.out) {
        output <- list(
            comparison = comparison, 
            output_Old = output_Old, 
            output_New = output_New
    else {
        output <- comparison
StoXProject/RstoxFramework documentation built on July 15, 2024, 3:15 p.m.