# This script runs simulations of different management plans for the University
# of New Hampshire woodlands, which include 22 properties totaling nearly 3,500
# acres. The code is written to run iterations in parallel on a high performance
# cluster, and the number of cores to use can be specified with
# set_g_p(n.cores=...). We explore four different broad plans:
# 1) No management
# 2) Current stated management plan (property-specific)
# 3) Current practiced management plan (property-specific)
# 3) Manual removal for any populations > 500 individuals/20-acres
# The buckthorn model functions are stored as an R package called gbPopMod
# hosted on GitHub. Prior to publication, the repository is private. You can
# install the package along with all other required packages with:
# devtools::install_github("Sz-Tim/gbPopMod", dependencies=T,
# auth_token="886b37e1694782d91c33da014d201a55d0c80bfb")
# help(package="gbPopMod")
## Setup
# load libraries
Packages <- c("gbPopMod", "tidyverse", "magrittr", "here", "doSNOW", "fastmatch")
suppressMessages(invisible(lapply(Packages, library, character.only=TRUE)))
# set parameters
res <- c("20ac", "9km2")[1]
n.sim <- 500
dem_par <- set_g_p(tmax=20, n.cores=24)
if(res == "9km2") {
dem_par$K <- c(3133908, 0, 462474, 462474, 462474, 462474)
dem_par$sdd.max <- 7
dem_par$sdd.rate <- 1.4
# load landscape
lc.df <- read.csv(paste0("data/USDA_", res, "_mgmt.csv"))
ngrid <- nrow(lc.df)
ncell <- sum(lc.df$inbd)
# initial populations
N_0 <- readRDS(paste0("data/inits/N_2018_", res, ".rds"))[lc.df$id.full,,]
B_0 <- readRDS(paste0("data/inits/B_2018_", res, ".rds"))[lc.df$id.full]
sdd <- sdd_set_probs(ncell, lc.df, dem_par, verbose=T)
# management plans
mgmt_plans <- dir("mgmt", "^p", full.names=T) %>% map(read.csv) %>%
setNames(str_remove(str_remove(dir("mgmt", "^p"), "p._"), ".csv"))
mgmt <- setNames(vector("list", length(mgmt_plans)), names(mgmt_plans))
lc.UNH <- filter(lc.df, in.UNH)
for(m in seq_along(mgmt)) {
if(names(mgmt)[m] == "none") {
mgmt[[m]] <- list(ctrl_par=set_control_p(null_ctrl=TRUE),
} else {
mgmt_index <- match(lc.UNH$Property, mgmt_plans[[m]]$Property)
mgmt_m <- cbind(id=lc.UNH$id, mgmt_plans[[m]][mgmt_index,])
mgmt[[m]] <- list(ctrl_par=set_control_p(null_ctrl=FALSE),
manual.i=mgmt_m[,grep("id|Trt", names(mgmt_m))],
cover.i=mgmt_m[,grep("id|ground", names(mgmt_m))] %>%
# storage and initialization objects
out.df.ls <- out.all.ls <- setNames(vector("list", length(mgmt)), names(mgmt))
N <- array(0, dim=c(ngrid, dem_par$tmax+1, 6, max(dem_par$m)))
N[,1,,] <- N_0
B <- matrix(0, nrow=ngrid, ncol=dem_par$tmax+1)
B[,1] <- B_0
for(m in seq_along(mgmt)) {
# ids of all managed cells
managed <- unique(c(mgmt[[m]]$manual.i$id, mgmt[[m]]$cover.i$id))
# storage for simulation output
N_m <- B_m <- vector("list", n.sim)
# iterate through simulations
p.c <- makeCluster(dem_par$n.cores); registerDoSNOW(p.c)
out_m <- foreach(s=1:n.sim,
.packages=c("gbPopMod", "tidyverse", "magrittr")) %dopar% {
# iterate through years
N_s <- N
B_s <- B
for(k in 1:dem_par$tmax) {
# decide which cells are managed this year
if(names(mgmt)[m] != "none" &&
any((k %% mgmt[[m]]$trt.int) <= mgmt[[m]]$trt.followup)) {
managed_k <- managed[apply(N_s[managed,k,,], 1, sum) > mgmt[[m]]$thresh &
(k %% mgmt[[m]]$trt.int) <= mgmt[[m]]$trt.followup]
manual_k <- mgmt[[m]]$manual.i[mgmt[[m]]$manual.i$id %in% managed_k,]
cover_k <- mgmt[[m]]$cover.i[mgmt[[m]]$cover.i$id %in% managed_k,]
if(names(mgmt)[m] != "aggressive") cover_k <- NULL
} else {
manual_k <- NULL
cover_k <- NULL
# buckthorn management, population growth, dispersal
out <- iterate_pop(ngrid, ncell, N_s[,k,,], B_s[,k], dem_par,
lc.df[,-(15:18)], sdd, mgmt[[m]]$ctrl_par,
cover_k, manual_k, p.trt_OpnOnly=TRUE)
# update abundances
N_s[,k+1,,] <- out$N
B_s[,k+1] <- out$B
# return abundances
list(N=N_s, B=B_s)
N_m <- map(out_m, ~.$N)
B_m <- map(out_m, ~.$B)
# summarise: means across simulations
N_adult.tot <- Reduce('+', map(N_m, ~apply(.[,,,max(dem_par$m)], 1:2, sum)))/n.sim
N_all.tot <- Reduce('+', map(N_m, ~apply(., 1:2, sum)))/n.sim
B.tot <- Reduce('+', B_m)/n.sim
N_adult.df <- as.data.frame(N_adult.tot); names(N_adult.df) <- 1:ncol(N_adult.df)
N_all.df <- as.data.frame(N_all.tot); names(N_all.df) <- 1:ncol(N_all.df)
out.all.ls[[m]] <- cbind(lc.df, N_adult.df) %>%
gather(year, N_adult, (ncol(lc.df)+1):ncol(.)) %>%
out.df.ls[[m]] <- lc.df %>%
# plots
plot.dir <- "out/mgmt/"
gifs <- F
out.df <- dplyr::bind_rows(out.df.ls, .id="mgmt")
out.all <- dplyr::bind_rows(out.all.ls, .id="mgmt")
out.property <- out.all %>% filter(!is.na(Property)) %>%
group_by(mgmt, year, Property) %>%
summarise(N_adult=sum(N_adult), N_all=sum(N_all), B=sum(B), nCell=n())
mgmt_comp.df <- out.df %>%
select(mgmt, lon, lat, id, id.in, in.UNH, Property, N_all.final) %>%
tidyr::spread(mgmt, N_all.final) %>%
propDiff.agg=(aggressive-none)/none) %>%
select(-c(none, stated, reality, aggressive)) %>%
gather(mgmt, prDiff, contains("propDiff"))
write.csv(out.df, paste0(plot.dir, res, "_out_df.csv"))
write.csv(out.all, paste0(plot.dir, res, "_out_all.csv"))
write.csv(out.property, paste0(plot.dir, res, "_out_property.csv"))
write.csv(mgmt_comp.df, paste0(plot.dir, res, "_mgmt_comp.csv"))
unh.bbox <- with(filter(lc.df, in.UNH), c(range(lon), range(lat)))
# abundance through time
ggplot(filter(out.all, in.UNH), aes(year, N_adult, group=id)) +
geom_line(alpha=0.5) + facet_grid(mgmt~Property)
ggplot(filter(out.all, in.UNH), aes(year, N_all, group=id)) +
geom_line(alpha=0.5) + facet_grid(mgmt~Property)
ggplot(filter(out.all, in.UNH), aes(year, B, group=id)) +
geom_line(alpha=0.5) + facet_grid(mgmt~Property)
ggplot(out.property, aes(year, N_adult/nCell, group=Property, colour=Property)) +
geom_line() + facet_wrap(~mgmt) +
labs(y=paste("Mean buckthorn adult density per", res))
ggplot(out.property, aes(year, N_all/nCell, group=Property, colour=Property)) +
geom_line() + facet_wrap(~mgmt) +
labs(y=paste("Mean buckthorn total density per", res))
ggplot(out.property, aes(year, B/nCell, group=Property, colour=Property)) +
geom_line() + facet_wrap(~mgmt) +
labs(y=paste("Mean buckthorn seed bank density per", res))
# gifs
if(gifs) {
if(!dir.exists(plot.dir)) dir.create(plot.dir, recursive=T)
anim_save(paste0(plot.dir, "N_mgmt.gif"),
lon>=unh.bbox[1] & lon<=unh.bbox[2] &
lat>=unh.bbox[3] & lat<=unh.bbox[4]),
aes(lon, lat)) +
geom_tile(aes(fill=log(N), colour=in.UNH), size=0.5) +
scale_fill_viridis(option="B") +
scale_colour_manual(values=c(NA, "white")) +
transition_time(year) +
facet_wrap(~mgmt) +
ggtitle("Adult log(abundance). Year {frame_time}"),
width=800, height=600, units="px"))
anim_save(paste0(plot.dir, "B_mgmt.gif"),
lon>=unh.bbox[1] & lon<=unh.bbox[2] &
lat>=unh.bbox[3] & lat<=unh.bbox[4]),
aes(lon, lat)) +
geom_tile(aes(fill=log(B), colour=in.UNH), size=0.5) +
scale_fill_viridis(option="B") +
scale_colour_manual(values=c(NA, "white")) +
transition_time(year) +
facet_wrap(~mgmt) +
ggtitle("Seed bank log(abundance). Year {frame_time}"),
width=800, height=600, units="px"))
ggplot(mgmt_comp.df, aes(lon, lat, fill=prDiff)) + geom_tile() +
scale_fill_gradient2(low="blue", high="red", limits=c(-1,1)) + facet_wrap(~mgmt)
lon>=unh.bbox[1] & lon<=unh.bbox[2] &
lat>=unh.bbox[3] & lat<=unh.bbox[4]),
aes(lon, lat, fill=log(N_adult.final), colour=in.UNH)) +
geom_tile() + scale_colour_manual(values=c(NA, "white")) +
scale_fill_viridis(option="B") + facet_wrap(~mgmt)
lon>=unh.bbox[1] & lon<=unh.bbox[2] &
lat>=unh.bbox[3] & lat<=unh.bbox[4]),
aes(lon, lat, fill=prDiff, colour=in.UNH)) +
geom_tile() + scale_colour_manual(values=c(NA, "black")) +
scale_fill_gradient2(low="blue", high="red", limits=c(-1,1)) + facet_wrap(~mgmt)
ggplot(filter(mgmt_comp.df, in.UNH)) +
geom_density(aes(x=prDiff, colour=mgmt)) +
facet_wrap(~Property, scales="free_y")
ggplot(filter(mgmt_comp.df, in.UNH)) +
geom_boxplot(aes(x=mgmt, y=prDiff)) +
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