#' Pheatmap function only for inner usages
#' @param n Nothing
#' @param gaps Nothing
#' @param m Nothing
#' @return A list
#' @export
#' @examples
#' #Ignore
find_coordinates <- function(n, gaps, m = 1:n) {
if (length(gaps) == 0) {
return(list(coord = unit(m / n, "npc"), size = unit(1 / n, "npc")))
if (max(gaps) > n) {
stop("Gaps do not match matrix size")
size = (1 / n) * (unit(1, "npc") - length(gaps) * unit("4", "bigpts"))
gaps2 = apply(sapply(gaps, function(gap, x) {
x > gap
}, m), 1, sum)
coord = m * size + (gaps2 * unit("4", "bigpts"))
return(list(coord = coord, size = size))
#' Pheatmap function only for inner usages
#' @param coln Nothing
#' @param gaps Nothing
#' @param xtics_angle Nothing
#' @param ... Nothing
#' @return A grob
#' @export
#' @examples
#' #Ignore
draw_colnames_custom <-
function (coln, gaps, xtics_angle = 0, ...) {
coord = find_coordinates(length(coln), gaps)
x = coord$coord - 0.5 * coord$size
vjust <- 0
hjust <- 0.5
if (xtics_angle == 270) {
vjust <- 1
hjust <- 0.5
} else if (xtics_angle == 45) {
vjust <- .5
hjust <- 1
} else if (xtics_angle == 90) {
hjust <- 1
vjust <- 0.5
} else if (xtics_angle == 0) {
vjust <- 1
hjust <- 0.5
res = grid::textGrob(
x = x,
y = unit(1, "npc") - unit(3, "bigpts"),
vjust = vjust,
hjust = hjust,
rot = xtics_angle,
gp = gpar(...)
#' Generating pheatmap plot
#' @param data Data file or dataframe (with header line, the first column is the rowname, tab seperated.
#' Colnames normally should be unique unless you know what you are doing.)
#' @param filename Filename for output files.
#' @param renameDuplicateRowNames Specify the way to deal with duplicate row names.
#' Default FALSE: representing duplicated row names are not allowed.
#' Accept TRUE: representing make duplicated row names unique by adding <.1>, <.2>
#' for the second, third appearances.
#' @param logv First get log-value, then do other analysis.
#' Accept an R function log2 or log10. Default FALSE.
#' @param log_add A value to add before log-transfer in-case log zero.
#' Default 0 the program will automatically choose value to add.
#' @param scale Scale the data or not for clustering and visualization.
#' Default 'none' means no scale, accept 'row', 'column' to scale by row or column.
#' @param annotation_row A file or datafrmae to specify row-annotation with first column
#' same as first column of `data`. Default NULL.
#' @param annotation_col A file or datafrmae to specify col-annotation with first column
#' sanme as first row of `data`. Default NULL.
#' @param cluster_rows Hieratical cluster for rows. Default FALSE, accept TRUE.
#' When there are less than 3 rows or more than 5000 rows, this parameter
#' would always be set to FALSE.
#' @param cluster_cols Hieratical cluster for columns. Default FALSE, accept TRUE.
#' When there are less than 3 columns or more than 5000 columns, this parameter
#' would always be set to FALSE.
#' @param cluster_cols_variable Reorder branch order of clustered columns by given variable. (Test only)
#' @param cluster_rows_variable Reorder branch order of clustered rows by given variable. (Test only)
#' @param remove_cluster_cols_variable_in_annocol Do not show `cluster_cols_variable` in column annotation.
#' @param remove_cluster_rows_variable_in_annorow Do not show `cluster_rows_variable` in row annotation.
#' @param clustering_method Clustering method, Default "complete".
#' Accept "ward.D", "ward.D2","single", "average" (=UPGMA),
#' "mcquitty" (=WPGMA), "median" (=WPGMC) or "centroid" (=UPGMC)
#' @param clustering_distance_rows Clustering distance method for rows.
#' Default 'pearson', accept 'spearman','euclidean', "manhattan", "maximum",
#' "canberra", "binary", "minkowski", "bray", "kulczynski", "jaccard", "gower", "altGower",
#' "morisita", "horn", "mountford", "raup" , "binomial", "chao", "cao", "mahalanobis".
#' @param clustering_distance_cols Clustering distance method for cols.
#' Default 'pearson', accept 'spearman','euclidean', "manhattan", "maximum",
#' "canberra", "binary", "minkowski", "bray", "kulczynski", "jaccard", "gower", "altGower",
#' "morisita", "horn", "mountford", "raup" , "binomial", "chao", "cao", "mahalanobis".
#' @param breaks A sequence of numbers that covers the range of values in mat and
#' is one element longer than color vector. Used for mapping values to colors.
#' Useful, if needed to map certain values to certain colors, to certain values.
#' If value is NA then the breaks are calculated automatically. if value is `quantile`, then
#' the breaks would be computed to generate each quantile.
#' @param breaks_mid Mid value for generating breaks when `quantile` is assigned to break.
#' @param breaks_digits Number of digits kept for breaks. Default 2.
#' @param maximum The maximum value one want to keep, any number larger than given value
#' would be taken as this given maximum value. Default Inf, Optional.
#' @param minimum The smallest value one want to keep, any number smaller will be
#' taken as this given minimum value. Default -Inf, Optional.
#' @param correlation_plot First compute the correlation matrix of given `data`, then
#' heatmap correlation data instead of raw data. Default "None", accept "row" or "col" for
#' row correlation or column correlation.
#' @param xtics_angle Rotation angle for x-axis value. Default 0.
#' @inheritParams sp_boxplot
#' @param fontsize Font size. Default 14.
#' @param manual_annotation_colors_sidebar Annotation color. One can only specify color for each column of
#' row-annotatation or col-annotation. For example,
#' 'class' (two values: C1, C2) and group' (two values:G1, G2) are two row-annotations,
#' 'type' (three values, T1, T2, T3) and 'size' (four values, 1, 2, 3, 4)
#' are two col-annoations.
#' Colors can be specified in a string as `'class=c(C1="blue", C2="yellow"), size=c("white", "green"), type=c(T1="pink", T2="black", T3="cyan")'`
#' or a list as `list(class=c(C1="blue", C2="yellow"),size=c("white", "green"))`.
#' In R, one can use colors() function to get names of all available colors.
#' @param kclu Aggregate the rows using kmeans clustering.
#' This is advisable if number of rows is so big that R cannot
#' handle their hierarchical clustering anymore, roughly more than 1000.
#' Instead of showing all the rows separately one can cluster the
#' rows in advance and show only the cluster centers. The number of clusters can be tuned here.
#' Default 'NA' which means no cluster, other positive interger is accepted for executing
#' kmeans cluster, also the parameter represents the number of expected clusters
#' @param ytics Display ytics.
#' @param xtics Display xtics.
#' @param title Title of picture. Default empty title
#' @param width Picture width
#' @param height Picture height
#' @param saveppt Whether to output PPT format. Default false, doesn't output. Accept TRUE, will output ppt file.
#' @inheritParams pheatmap::pheatmap
#' @param ... Other parameters given to \link[pheatmap]{pheatmap}.
#' @return Generate a PDF and TXT file.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' a = c(12,14,17,11,16)
#' b = c(4,20,15,11,9)
#' c = c(5,7,19,8,18)
#' d = c(15,13,11,17,16)
#' e = c(12,19,16,7,9)
#' pheatmap_data = as.data.frame(cbind(a,b,c,d,e))
#' sp_pheatmap(data = pheatmap_data)
#' ## Not run:
#' pheatmap_data = "pheatmap.data"
#' sp_pheatmap(data = pheatmap_data)
#' ## End(Not run)
sp_pheatmap <- function(data,
filename = NA,
renameDuplicateRowNames = F,
logv = NULL,
log_add = 0,
scale = 'none',
annotation_row = NULL,
annotation_col = NULL,
cluster_rows = FALSE,
cluster_cols = FALSE,
cluster_cols_variable = NULL,
cluster_rows_variable = NULL,
remove_cluster_cols_variable_in_annocol = FALSE,
remove_cluster_rows_variable_in_annorow = FALSE,
clustering_method = 'complete',
clustering_distance_rows = 'pearson',
clustering_distance_cols = 'pearson',
breaks = NA,
breaks_mid = NULL,
breaks_digits = 2,
correlation_plot = "None",
maximum = Inf,
minimum = -Inf,
xtics_angle = 0,
manual_color_vector = NULL,
fontsize = 14,
manual_annotation_colors_sidebar = NULL,
cutree_cols = NA,
cutree_rows = NA,
kclu = NA,
ytics = TRUE,
xtics = TRUE,
width = 0,
height = 0,
title = '',
debug = FALSE,
saveppt = FALSE,
...) {
#filename = 'anything'
if (debug) {
argg <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
# Overwrite default draw_colnames with your own version
assignInNamespace(x = "draw_colnames",
value = "draw_colnames_custom",
ns = asNamespace("pheatmap"))
if (class(data) == "character") {
# if (sp.is.null(outputprefix)) {
# outputprefix = data
# filename = NA
# }
data <-
row.names = 1,
renameDuplicateRowNames = renameDuplicateRowNames)
} else if(class(data) != "data.frame"){
stop("Unknown input format for `data` parameter.")
# if (sp.is.null(outputprefix)) {
# outputprefix = "sp_heatmap"
# filename = NA
# }
# if (!is.na(filename)) {
# filename = paste0(outputprefix, '.pdf')
# }
# check numerical
numeric_check = sapply(data, is.numeric)
non_numeric_col = names(numeric_check[numeric_check == FALSE])
if (length(non_numeric_col) > 0) {
stop(paste(non_numeric_col, "contains non-numeric values."))
if (!sp.is.null(logv)) {
if (log_add == 0) {
log_add = sp_determine_log_add(data)
# Transfer string to R code
data <- eval(parse(text=logv))(data + log_add)
if (!sp.is.null(manual_color_vector)) {
manual_color_vector <- generate_color_list(manual_color_vector, 100)
} else {
manual_color_vector <-
colorRampPalette(rev(brewer.pal(n = 7, name = "RdYlBu")))(100)
color_length = length(manual_color_vector)
legend_breaks = NA
legend_labels = NA
# Generate quantile breaks
if (length(breaks) > 1 || !is.na(breaks)) {
if (length(breaks) == 1 && breaks == "quantile") {
summary_v <- summary(c(t(data)))
summary_v[1] <- summary_v[1]
summary_v[6] <- summary_v[6]
if (sp.is.null(breaks_mid)) {
breaks <-
seq(summary_v[1], summary_v[2], length = color_length / 4),
seq(summary_v[2], summary_v[3], length = color_length / 4),
seq(summary_v[3], summary_v[5], length = color_length / 4),
seq(summary_v[5], summary_v[6], length = color_length / 4 -
legend_breaks <- summary_v
} else {
breaks_mid <- as.numeric(breaks_mid)
breaks <- unique(c(
seq(summary_v[1], breaks_mid,
length = color_length / 2),
seq(breaks_mid, summary_v[6], length = color_length / 2 - 1)
legend_breaks <- c(summary_v[1], breaks_mid, summary_v[6])
} else {
legend_breaks <- breaks
length_breaks <- length(breaks)
if (length_breaks < color_length) {
# break_cnt <- color_length/length_breaks
manual_color_vector <-
generate_color_list(c(manual_color_vector[1], manual_color_vector[100]),
length_breaks + 1)
if (breaks_digits) {
legend_breaks <-
as.numeric(prettyNum(legend_breaks, digits = breaks_digits))
legend_labels <- legend_breaks
# print(breaks)
if (!sp.is.null(annotation_row)) {
if (class(annotation_row) == "character") {
annotation_row <- sp_readTable(annotation_row, row.names = 1)
annotation_row <-
annotation_row[match(rownames(data), rownames(annotation_row)), , drop =
if (!cluster_rows_variable %in% colnames(annotation_row) ) {
'must be one of column names of row annotation matrix!'
} else {
annotation_row <- NA
if (!sp.is.null(annotation_col)) {
if (class(annotation_col) == "character") {
annotation_col <- sp_readTable(annotation_col, row.names = 1)
annotation_col <-
annotation_col[match(colnames(data), rownames(annotation_col)), , drop =
if (!cluster_cols_variable %in% colnames(annotation_col) ) {
'must be one of column names of column annotation matrix!'
} else {
annotation_col <- NA
data[data > maximum] <- maximum
if (minimum != -Inf) {
data[data < minimum] <- minimum
cor_data = F
if (correlation_plot == "row" || correlation_plot == "Row") {
if (clustering_distance_rows == "pearson") {
row_cor = cor(t(data))
} else if (clustering_distance_rows == "spearman") {
row_cor = cor(t(data), method = "spearman")
} else {
row_cor = as.data.frame(as.matrix(dist(data,
method = clustering_distance_rows)))
data = round(row_cor, 2)
annotation_col = annotation_row
cor_data = T
} else if (correlation_plot == "col" || correlation_plot == "Column") {
# Do not know why add this!
# Comment out
# data_mad <- apply(data, 1, mad)
# data <- data[data_mad > 0.1, ]
if (clustering_distance_cols == "pearson") {
col_cor = cor(data)
} else if (clustering_distance_cols == "spearman") {
col_cor = cor(data, method = "spearman")
} else {
col_cor = as.data.frame(as.matrix(dist(t(data),
method = clustering_distance_cols)))
data = round(col_cor, 2)
cor_data = T
annotation_row = annotation_col
if (width == 0 && height == 0) {
height = nrow(data)
width = ncol(data) * 1.1
if (xtics_angle == 0) {
width = width * 1.5
if (class(annotation_row) == "data.frame") {
width = width + ncol(annotation_row)
width = width * 1.1
if (class(annotation_col) == "data.frame") {
height = height + ncol(annotation_col)
width = width * 1.1
if (cluster_rows) {
width = width + 4
if (cluster_cols) {
height = height + 4
if (width < 8) {
width = 8
} else if (width < 20) {
width = 8 + (width - 8) / 4
} else if (width < 100) {
width = 10 + (width - 20) / 5
} else {
width = 30
if (height < 10) {
height = 8
} else if (height < 20) {
height = 8 + (height - 8) / 4
} else if (height < 100) {
height = 11 + (height - 20) / 5
} else {
height = 30
if (sp.is.null(manual_annotation_colors_sidebar)) {
manual_annotation_colors_sidebar = NA
} else if (class(manual_annotation_colors_sidebar) == "character") {
# Transfer string to R code
manual_annotation_colors_sidebar = eval(parse(text = paste(
"list(", manual_annotation_colors_sidebar, ")"
cluster_rows_results = cluster_rows
cluster_cols_results = cluster_cols
if (nrow(data) < 3) {
cluster_rows = FALSE
cluster_cols = FALSE
if (ncol(data) < 3) {
cluster_cols = FALSE
cluster_rows = FALSE
if (nrow(data) > 5000 & correlation_plot == "None") {
cluster_rows = FALSE
if (ncol(data) > 5000 & correlation_plot == "None") {
cluster_cols = FALSE
#if (height != 0) {
# height = height
#if (width != 0) {
# width = width
row_order = rownames(data)
col_order = colnames(data)
if (cluster_rows) {
if (clustering_distance_rows == "pearson") {
if (!cor_data) {
row_cor = cor(t(data))
} else {
row_cor = data
row_dist <- as.dist(1 - row_cor)
# Do not remember when this will happen
if (any(is.na(row_cor))) {
row_dist = dist(data)
} else if (clustering_distance_rows == "spearman") {
if (!cor_data) {
row_cor = cor(t(data), method = "spearman")
} else {
row_cor = data
row_dist <- as.dist(1 - row_cor)
if (any(is.na(row_cor))) {
row_dist = dist(data)
} else {
if (!cor_data) {
dist_method = c('euclidean', "manhattan", "maximum", "canberra", "binary", "minkowski")
if (clustering_distance_rows %in% dist_method){
row_dist = dist(data, method = clustering_distance_rows)
} else {
row_dist = vegdist(data, method = clustering_distance_rows)
} else {
row_cor = data
row_dist <- as.dist(1 - row_cor)
if (any(is.na(row_cor))) {
row_dist = dist(data)
cluster_rows_results = hclust(row_dist, method = clustering_method)
sv = svd(data)$v[,1]
} else {
sv = annotation_row[[cluster_rows_variable]]
annotation_row[[cluster_rows_variable]] <- NULL
annotation_row = NULL
dend = reorder(as.dendrogram(cluster_rows_results), wts=sv)
cluster_rows_results <- as.hclust(dend)
row_order = cluster_rows_results$order
if (cluster_cols) {
if (clustering_distance_cols == "pearson") {
if (!cor_data) {
col_cor = cor(data)
} else {
col_cor = data
col_dist <- as.dist(1 - col_cor)
if (any(is.na(col_cor))) {
col_dist = dist(t(data))
} else if (clustering_distance_cols == "spearman") {
if (!cor_data) {
col_cor = cor(data, method = "spearman")
} else {
col_cor = data
col_dist <- as.dist(1 - col_cor)
if (any(is.na(col_cor))) {
col_dist = dist(t(data))
} else {
if (!cor_data) {
dist_method = c('euclidean', "manhattan", "maximum", "canberra", "binary", "minkowski")
if (clustering_distance_cols %in% dist_method){
col_dist = dist(t(data), method = clustering_distance_cols)
} else {
col_dist = vegdist(t(data), method = clustering_distance_cols)
} else {
col_cor = data
col_dist <- as.dist(1 - col_cor)
if (any(is.na(col_cor))) {
col_dist = dist(t(data))
cluster_cols_results = hclust(col_dist, method = clustering_method)
sv = svd(data)$v[,1]
} else {
sv = annotation_col[[cluster_cols_variable]]
annotation_col[[cluster_cols_variable]] <- NULL
if(length(annotation_col) == 0){
annotation_col = NULL
dend = reorder(as.dendrogram(cluster_cols_results), wts=sv)
cluster_cols_results <- as.hclust(dend)
col_order = cluster_cols_results$order
if (correlation_plot!="None") {
if (cluster_rows) {
cluster_cols_results = cluster_rows_results
col_order = row_order
} else if (cluster_cols) {
cluster_rows_results = cluster_cols_results
row_order = col_order
data_order = data[row_order, col_order]
data2 = data.frame(ID = rownames(data_order), data_order)
file = paste0(filename, ".reordered.txt"),
sep = "\t",
quote = F,
col.names = T,
row.names = F
gt <- pheatmap::pheatmap(
kmean_k = NA,
color = manual_color_vector,
scale = scale ,
border_color = NA,
cluster_rows = cluster_rows_results,
cluster_cols = cluster_cols_results,
cutree_rows = cutree_rows,
cutree_cols = cutree_cols,
kmeans_k = kclu,
breaks = breaks,
legend_breaks = legend_breaks,
legend_labels = legend_labels,
xtics_angle = xtics_angle,
clustering_method = clustering_method ,
clustering_distance_rows = clustering_distance_rows ,
clustering_distance_cols = clustering_distance_cols ,
show_rownames = ytics ,
show_colnames = xtics ,
main = title ,
annotation_col = annotation_col,
annotation_row = annotation_row,
annotation_colors = manual_annotation_colors_sidebar,
fontsize = fontsize ,
filename = filename,
width = width,
height = height,
if (saveppt){
eoffice::topptx(gt, filename = paste0(filename,".pptx"))
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.