
Defines functions read_panther

Documented in read_panther

#' Reads PANTHER db trees 
#' The PANTHER Project handles a modified version of newick tree files which,
#' besides of the tree structure, includes the type of node and ancestor
#' labels. This function is a wrapper of [ape::read.tree()].
#' @param x Character scalar. Full path to the panther file.
#' @param ... Further arguments passed to [ape::read.tree()].
#' @return
#' A list consisting of a data.frame and a `phylo` object. The
#' data.frame has the following columns:
#' \item{branch_length}{Numeric vector. Length of the branch to its parent node.}
#' \item{type}{Character vector. Can be either `"S"` (speciation), `"D"`
#' (duplication), or `"T"` (horizontal transfer).}
#' \item{ancestor}{Character vector. Name of the ancestor.}
#' The nodeids can be identified using the rownames.
#' @examples
#' path <- system.file("tree.tree", package="aphylo")
#' read_panther(path)
#' @name panther-tree

#' @export
#' @param tree.reader Function that will be used to read the tree file.
#' It can be either `ape::read.tree` or `rncl::read_newick_phylo`.
#' @rdname panther-tree
#' @family reading
read_panther <- function(x, tree.reader = ape::read.tree, ...) {
  # Reading the data-in
  x  <- readLines(x)
  # Obtaining extra info and processing internal nodes labels
  rgxp <- "(?:[:])?([0-9.]+)?\\[\\&\\&NHX:Ev=([0-9><]{3})(?::S=([a-zA-Z_.-]*))?:ID=([a-zA-Z0-9]+)\\]"
  dat <- gregexpr(rgxp, x[1], perl = TRUE)
  dat <- regmatches(x[1], dat)
  dat <- do.call(rbind, regmatches(dat[[1]], regexec(rgxp, dat[[1]], perl = TRUE)))
  dat[dat == ""] <- NA_character_
  # Rewriting the file so that labels of inner nodes can be read in
  for (i in 1:nrow(dat))
    x[1] <- gsub(
      x           = x[1],
      pattern     = dat[i,1],
      fixed       = TRUE,
      replacement = ifelse(is.na(dat[i,2]), dat[i,5], paste(dat[i,5],dat[i,2], sep=":"))
  # Getting the labels
  labs <- data.frame(
    id    = unlist(regmatches(x[-1], regexec(pattern = "^.+(?=\\:)", x[-1], perl = TRUE))),
    label = unlist(regmatches(x[-1], regexec(pattern = "(?<=\\:).+(?=\\;$)", x[-1], perl = TRUE))),
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE
  # Reading the tree
  # tree <- ape::read.tree(text=x[1], ...)
  tmptree <- tempfile()
  write(x[1], tmptree)
  tree <- tree.reader(tmptree, ...)
  if (Nnode(tree) != nrow(dat))
      "The number of nodes read does not coincide with that reported by the ",
      "tree.reader. This could be an updated version of PantherDB.",
      call. = FALSE
  tree$tip.label <- paste(
    labs$label[match(tree$tip.label, labs$id)],
  # Creating a nice data-frame
  ans <- data.frame(
    branch_length    = as.numeric(dat[,2]),
    type             = ifelse(dat[,3] == "0>1", "S",
                              ifelse(dat[,3] == "1>0", "D", "T")),
    ancestor         = dat[,4],
    row.names        = dat[,5], 
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE
  # Which ones are duplication nodes
  ans$duplication <- ifelse(ans$type %in% c("D", "T"), TRUE, FALSE)
  # Sorting and returning
    tree = tree,
    internal_nodes_annotations  = ans[order(as.integer(gsub("[a-zA-Z]+","",rownames(ans)))),]

#' @rdname panther-tree
#' @export
read.panther <- read_panther
USCbiostats/phylogenetic documentation built on Oct. 28, 2023, 7:23 a.m.