# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
#' Print MVP Banner
#' Build date: Aug 30, 2017
#' Last update: Dec 12, 2018
#' @author Lilin Yin, Haohao Zhang, and Xiaolei Liu
#' @param width the width of the message
#' @param verbose whether to print detail.
#' @return version number.
#' @examples
#' MVP.Version()
MVP.Version <- function(width=65, verbose=TRUE) {
welcome <- "Welcome to MVP"
title <- "an R package for Memory-efficient, Visualization-enhanced and Parallel-accelerated genome-wide association study"
authors <- c("Design & Maintain: Lilin Yin, Haohao Zhang, and Xiaolei Liu",
"Contributors: Zhenshuang Tang, Jingya Xu, Dong Yin, Zhiwu Zhang, Xiaohui Yuan, Mengjin Zhu, Shuhong Zhao, Xinyun Li")
contact <- "Mailto: xiaoleiliu@mail.hzau.edu.cn, ylilin@mail.hzau.edu.cn"
logo_s <- c(" __ __ __ __ ___",
"| \\/ | \\ \\ / / | _ \\",
"| |\\/| | \\ V / | _/",
"|_| |_| \\_/ |_|")
version <- print_info(welcome = welcome, title = title, logo = logo_s, authors = authors, contact = contact, linechar = '=', width = width, verbose = verbose)
#' Print progress bar
#' @param i the current loop number
#' @param n max loop number
#' @param type type1 for "for" function
#' @param symbol the symbol for the rate of progress
#' @param tmp.file the opened file of "fifo" function
#' @param symbol.head the head for the bar
#' @param symbol.tail the tail for the bar
#' @param fixed.points whether use the setted points which will be printed
#' @param points the setted points which will be printed
#' @param symbol.len the total length of progress bar
#' @keywords internal
print_bar <- function(i,
type = c("type1", "type3"),
symbol = "-",
tmp.file = NULL,
symbol.head = ">>>",
symbol.tail = ">" ,
fixed.points = TRUE,
points = seq(0, 100, 1),
symbol.len = 48,
verbose = TRUE
) {
point.index <- points
point.index <- point.index[point.index > floor(100*(i-1)/n)]
if(floor(100*i/n) %in% point.index){
if(floor(100*i/n) != max(point.index)){
print.len <- floor(symbol.len*i/n)
paste(c(symbol.head, rep("-", print.len), symbol.tail), collapse=""),
paste(rep(" ", symbol.len-print.len), collapse=""),
sprintf("%.2f%%", 100*i/n)
, sep=""),
verbose = verbose
print.len <- floor(symbol.len*i/n)
paste(c(symbol.head, rep("-", print.len), symbol.tail), collapse=""),
sprintf("%.2f%%", 100*i/n), "\n"
, sep=""),
verbose = verbose
if(i < n){
print.len <- floor(symbol.len*i/n)
paste(c(symbol.head, rep("-", print.len), symbol.tail), collapse=""),
paste(rep(" ", symbol.len-print.len), collapse=""),
sprintf("%.2f%%", 100*i/n)
, sep=""),
verbose = verbose
print.len <- floor(symbol.len*i/n)
paste(c(symbol.head, rep("-", print.len), symbol.tail), collapse=""),
sprintf("%.2f%%", 100*i/n), "\n"
, sep=""),
verbose = verbose
# "type2"={
# if(inherits(parallel:::mcfork(), "masterProcess")) {
# progress <- 0.0
# while(progress < n && !isIncomplete(tmp.file)){
# msg <- readBin(tmp.file, "double")
# progress <- progress + as.numeric(msg)
# print.len <- round(symbol.len * progress / n)
# if(fixed.points){
# if(progress %in% round(points * n / 100)){
# logging.log(paste("\r",
# paste(c(symbol.head, rep("-", print.len), symbol.tail), collapse=""),
# paste(rep(" ", symbol.len-print.len), collapse=""),
# sprintf("%.2f%%", progress * 100 / n), sep=""))
# }
# }else{
# logging.log(paste("\r",
# paste(c(symbol.head, rep("-", print.len), symbol.tail), collapse=""),
# paste(rep(" ", symbol.len-print.len), collapse=""),
# sprintf("%.2f%%", progress * 100 / n), sep=""))
# }
# }
# parallel:::mcexit()
# }
# },
progress <- readBin(tmp.file, "double") + 1
writeBin(progress, tmp.file)
print.len <- round(symbol.len * progress / n)
if(progress %in% round(points * n / 100)){
paste(c(symbol.head, rep("-", print.len), symbol.tail), collapse=""),
paste(rep(" ", symbol.len-print.len), collapse=""),
sprintf("%.2f%%", progress * 100 / n)
, sep=""),
verbose = verbose
paste(c(symbol.head, rep("-", print.len), symbol.tail), collapse=""),
paste(rep(" ", symbol.len-print.len), collapse=""),
sprintf("%.2f%%", progress * 100 / n)
, sep=""),
verbose = verbose
print_accomplished <- function(width = 60, verbose = TRUE) {
logging.log(make_line("MVP ACCOMPLISHED", width = width, linechar = '='), "\n", verbose = verbose)
#' Print R Package information, include title, short_title, logo, version, authors, contact
#' Build date: Oct 22, 2018
#' Last update: Oct 22, 2018
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Haohao Zhang
#' @param welcome welcome text, for example: "Welcom to <Packagename>"
#' @param title long text to introduct package
#' @param short_title short label, top-left of logo
#' @param logo logo
#' @param version short label, bottom-right of logo
#' @param authors
#' @param contact email or website
#' @param line 1, 2, or char
#' @param width banner width
#' @examples
#' welcome <- "Welcome to MVP"
#' title <- "A Memory-efficient, Visualization-enhanced, and Parallel-accelerated Tool For GWAS"
#' authors <- "Authors: Lilin Yin, Haohao Zhang, and Xiaolei Liu"
#' print_info(welcome = welcome, title = title, logo = NULL, authors = authors, contact = NULL, linechar = '=', width = width)
print_info <- function(welcome=NULL, title=NULL, short_title=NULL, logo=NULL, version=NULL, authors=NULL, contact=NULL, linechar = '=', width=NULL, verbose=TRUE) {
msg <- c()
# width
if (is.null(width)) { width <- getOption('width') }
# version
if (is.null(version)) {
if (getPackageName() == ".GlobalEnv") {
version <- "devel"
} else {
version <- as.character(packageVersion(getPackageName()))
# welcome
if (is.null(welcome)) {
if (getPackageName() == ".GlobalEnv") {
welcome <- ""
} else {
welcome <- paste0("Welcome to ", getPackageName())
msg <- c(msg, make_line(welcome, linechar = linechar, width = width))
# title
if (!is.null(title)) {
msg <- c(msg, rule_wrap(string = title, width = width, align = "center"))
# align logo
logo_width <- max(sapply(logo, nchar))
for (i in 1:length(logo)) {
l <- paste0(logo[i], paste(rep(" ", logo_width - nchar(logo[i])), collapse = ""))
l <- make_line(l, width)
msg <- c(msg, l)
# paste short_title label to logo top-left
if (!is.null(short_title)) {
i <- length(msg) - length(logo) + 1
msg[i] <- paste_label(msg[i], paste0(short_title), side = "left")
# paste version label to logo bottom-right
msg[length(msg)] <- paste_label(msg[length(msg)], paste0("Version: ", version), side = "right")
# authors
if (!is.null(authors)) {
msg <- c(msg, rule_wrap(string = authors, align = "left", linechar = " ", width = width))
# contact
if (!is.null(contact)) {
msg <- c(msg, rule_wrap(string = contact, align = "left", linechar = " ", width = width))
# bottom line
msg <- c(msg, paste0(rep(linechar, width), collapse = ''))
logging.log(msg, sep = "\n", verbose = verbose)
#' make line
#' Build date: Dec 12, 2018
#' Last update: Dec 12, 2018
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Haohao Zhang
make_line <- function(string, width, linechar = " ", align = "center", margin = 1) {
string <- paste0(paste0(rep(" ", margin), collapse = ""),
paste0(rep(" ", margin), collapse = ""))
if (align == "center") {
if (width > nchar(string)) {
left_width <- (width - nchar(string)) %/% 2
right_width <- width - nchar(string) - left_width
string <-
paste0(paste0(rep(linechar, left_width), collapse = ""),
paste0(rep(linechar, right_width), collapse = ""))
} else if (align == "left") {
if (width > nchar(string)) {
string <-
paste0(rep(linechar, width - nchar(string) - 1), collapse = ""))
#' wrap text to multiple line, align left, right or center.
#' Build date: Oct 22, 2018
#' Last update: Dec 12, 2018
#' by using base::strwarp.
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Haohao Zhang
rule_wrap <- function(string, width, align = "center", linechar = " ") {
# define
msg <- c()
lines <- strwrap(string, width = width - 4)
# wrap
for (i in 1:length(lines)) {
l <- make_line(lines[i], width = width, linechar = linechar, align = align)
msg <- c(msg, l)
#' Paste label to a line
#' Build date: Oct 22, 2018
#' Last update: Oct 22, 2018
#' @param line long text
#' @param label short label
#' @param side "right" or "left"
#' @param margin default 2
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Haohao Zhang
paste_label <- function(line, label, side = "right", margin = 2) {
if (side == "right") {
end <- nchar(line) - margin
start <- end - (nchar(label) - 1)
} else {
start <- 1 + margin
end <- start + (nchar(label) - 1)
substr(line, start, end) <- label
#' format time
#' @param x seconds
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Lilin Yin
format_time <- function(x) {
h <- x %/% 3600
m <- (x %% 3600) %/% 60
s <- ((x %% 3600) %% 60)
index <- which(c(h, m, s) != 0)
num <- c(h, m, s)[index]
num <- round(num, 0)
char <- c("h", "m", "s")[index]
return(paste0(num, char, collapse = ""))
load_if_installed <- function(package) {
if (!identical(system.file(package = package), "")) {
do.call('library', list(package))
} else {
mkl_env <- function(exprs, threads = 1) {
if (load_if_installed("RevoUtilsMath")) {
math.cores <- eval(parse(text = "getMKLthreads()"))
eval(parse(text = "setMKLthreads(threads)"))
math.cores <- blas_get_num_procs()
result <- exprs
if (load_if_installed("RevoUtilsMath")) {
eval(parse(text = "setMKLthreads(math.cores)"))
remove_bigmatrix <- function(x, desc_suffix=".geno.desc", bin_suffix=".geno.bin") {
name <- basename(x)
path <- dirname(x)
descfile <- paste0(x, desc_suffix)
binfile <- paste0(x, bin_suffix)
remove_var <- function(binfile, envir) {
for (v in ls(envir = envir)) {
if (is(get(v, envir = envir), "big.matrix")) {
desc <- describe(get(v, envir = envir))@description
if (desc$filename == binfile) {
rm(list = v, envir = envir)
# remove_var(binfile, globalenv())
remove_var(binfile, as.environment(-1L))
if (file.exists(descfile)) {
if (file.exists(binfile)) {
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