#' Check equality of `Experiment` components.
#' @description Check if any two `DGPs`, `Methods`, `Evaluators`,
#' or `Visualizers` are the same with respect to the function and inputted
#' arguments.
#' @param obj1 An object of class `DGP`, `Method`, `Evaluator`,
#' or `Visualizer`
#' @param obj2 An object of class `DGP`, `Method`, `Evaluator`,
#' or `Visualizer`
#' @return Logical. Returns `TRUE` if both objects have the same function
#' and arguments and `FALSE` otherwise.
#' @keywords internal
check_equal <- function(obj1, obj2) {
if (!inherits(obj1, c("DGP", "Method", "Evaluator", "Visualizer"))) {
abort("obj1 must be a 'DGP', 'Method', 'Evaluator', or 'Visualizer' object.")
if (!inherits(obj2, c("DGP", "Method", "Evaluator", "Visualizer"))) {
abort("obj2 must be a 'DGP', 'Method', 'Evaluator', or 'Visualizer' object.")
if (!identical(class(obj1), class(obj2))) {
} else {
class_name <- tolower(class(obj1)[1])
class_name <- dplyr::case_when(class_name == "evaluator" ~ "eval",
class_name == "visualizer" ~ "viz",
TRUE ~ class_name)
# check if function and function parameters are equal
if (!identical(obj1[[paste0(class_name, "_fun")]],
obj2[[paste0(class_name, "_fun")]],
ignore.environment = TRUE) ||
!identical(obj1[[paste0(class_name, "_params")]],
obj2[[paste0(class_name, "_params")]],
ignore.environment = TRUE)) {
#' Coerce list into a tibble row.
#' @description Coerce a list into a single row in a tibble. Default is to
#' coerce using [tibble::as_tibble_row()], but if this fails, then coerce list
#' into a tibble row, where each column in the tibble is of type list.
#' @param lst List to convert into a tibble row.
#' @return A tibble with one row.
#' @keywords internal
list_to_tibble_row <- function(lst, simplify = FALSE) {
out <- purrr::map(lst, ~{
if (is.list(.x) && !is.data.frame(.x) && length(.x) == 1) {
} else {
}) %>%
#' Coerce list into a tibble.
#' @description Coerce a list into a tibble. Default is to coerce using
#' [tibble::as_tibble()], but if this fails, then coerce list into a tibble,
#' where each non-scalar column in the tibble is of type list.
#' @param lst List to convert into a tibble.
#' @return A tibble.
#' @keywords internal
list_to_tibble <- function(lst) {
tib <- tryCatch({
}, error = function(e) {
out <- purrr::map(lst, ~list(.x)) %>%
simplify_cols <- purrr::map_lgl(
~(length(unlist(.x, recursive = F)) == 1) && !is.data.frame(.x[[1]])
) %>%
which() %>%
out <- out %>%
~unlist(.x, recursive = F)))
#' Simplify tibble.
#' @description Simplify or unlist list columns in tibble if each element in
#' the list is a scalar value.
#' @param tib `tibble::tibble` to simplify.
#' @param empty_as_na If TRUE (default), 0-length values will be treated as NA.
#' @return A tibble that has been "simplified".
#' @keywords internal
simplify_tibble <- function(tbl, empty_as_na = TRUE) {
tbl_list <- purrr::imap(
function(col, col_name) {
if (!is.list(col)) {
# only list cols need simplification
tbl_col <- tibble::tibble(col)
colnames(tbl_col) <- col_name
col_vals <- vector("list", length(col))
names_in_col <- names(col)
if (is.null(names_in_col)) {
names_in_col <- vector("character", length(col))
atomic_types <- c("double", "integer", "logical",
"character", "complex", "raw")
atomic_type <- NULL
# only "names" attribute is allowed when unlisting the col
col_unlistable <- is.vector(col)
for (i in seq_along(col)) {
# get the entry
x <- col[[i]]
# check if entry is a plain singleton list
if (all(class(x) == "list") && length(x) == 1 && is.vector(x)) {
# get the names at each level
entry_names <- list(
names_in_col[i], # outer
names(x), # inner
names(x[[1]]) # nested
# filter to names that are valid to serve as the outer name
is_valid <- sapply(entry_names, function(ns) {
!is.null(ns) && length(ns) == 1 && !is.na(ns) && any(ns != "")
# x[[1]]'s name is only valid if it's a singleton vector
is_valid[3] <- is_valid[3] && is.vector(x[[1]])
# check for a unique valid name
new_name <- unique(unlist(entry_names[is_valid]))
if (length(new_name) > 1) {
# there are multiple unique names, so preserve all
col_unlistable <- FALSE
} else if (length(new_name) == 1) {
# update the name in the column vector
names_in_col[i] <- new_name
# unnest if there is enough space for the names
if (length(new_name) <= 1) {
x <- x[[1]]
# get the final type (hiding warning that arises for is.na(<function>))
if (length(x) == 0 ||
(length(x) == 1 && all(suppressWarnings(is.na(x))))) {
type <- "NA"
} else {
type <- typeof(x)
# check col unlistability on three criteria:
# 1. all entries are NA or atomic of length at most 1
# 2. no atomic has attrs other than "names"
# 3. atomic types are compatible
col_unlistable <- col_unlistable &&
type %in% c(atomic_types, "NA") &&
length(x) <= 1 &&
(is.null(x) || is.vector(x))
if (col_unlistable && type %in% atomic_types) {
# record or check atomic type
if (is.null(atomic_type)) {
# record the type the first time we see it
atomic_type <- type
} else {
# check atomic type compatibility
is_lonely_type <- any(
c(type, atomic_type) %in% c("character", "raw")
# don't unlist if raw and character are mixed with other types
if (is_lonely_type && type != atomic_type) {
col_unlistable <- FALSE
# put non-NULL value in the column
if (!is.null(x)) {
col_vals[[i]] <- x
} # END for loop over col
if (col_unlistable) {
# handle empties
if (empty_as_na) {
# some entries may be still be empty
col_vals <- lapply(col_vals, function(x) {
if (length(x) == 0) NA else x
} else {
# don't unlist if there are empties
if (any(sapply(col_vals, length) == 0)) {
col_unlistable <- FALSE
if (col_unlistable) {
# unlist
if (isTRUE(atomic_type == "raw")) {
# avoid casting raws to logicals if any NA entry
col_vals <- sapply(col_vals, as.raw)
} else {
# safe to unlist other atomic types
col_vals <- unlist(col_vals, use.names = FALSE)
if (isTRUE(any(names_in_col != ""))) {
# add names
names(col_vals) <- names_in_col
tbl_col <- tibble::tibble(col_vals)
colnames(tbl_col) <- col_name
) # tbl_list <- purrr::imap(
names(tbl_list) <- NULL
simplified_tbl <- purrr::list_cbind(tbl_list)
if ("simChef.debug" %in% names(attributes(tbl))) {
attr(simplified_tbl, "simChef.debug") <- attributes(tbl)[["simChef.debug"]]
#' Fix duplicate `vary_across` parameter names.
#' @description Add "_dgp" or "_method" suffixes to parameter names that are
#' found in both the DGP and Method `vary_across` components. This is to
#' avoid errors that occur from duplicate column names when trying to create a
#' tibble.
#' @param dgp_params A named list of the DGP parameters.
#' @param method_params A named list of the Method parameters.
#' @param duplicate_param_names A vector of parameter names that are varied
#' across in both a DGP and a Method
#' @return A named list of the DGP and Method parameters with no duplicate
#' names.
#' @keywords internal
fix_duplicate_param_names <- function(dgp_params, method_params,
duplicate_param_names = NULL) {
dgp_param_names <- names(dgp_params)
method_param_names <- names(method_params)
if (length(duplicate_param_names) >= 1) {
dgp_param_names <- ifelse(dgp_param_names %in% duplicate_param_names,
paste0(dgp_param_names, "_dgp"),
method_param_names <- ifelse(method_param_names %in% duplicate_param_names,
paste0(method_param_names, "_method"),
names(dgp_params) <- dgp_param_names
names(method_params) <- method_param_names
return(c(dgp_params, method_params))
#' Compare two tibbles.
#' @description Compare two tibbles for equality or containment.
#' @param x A tibble with unique rows.
#' @param y A tibble with unique rows.
#' @param op Name of opertaion.
#' @return If `op == "equal"`, returns a boolean indicating if `x` and
#' `y` have the same rows, ignoring the row order. If
#' `op == "contained_in"`, returns a boolean indicating if all rows in
#' `x` are contained in the rows of `y`.
#' @keywords internal
compare_tibble_rows <- function(x, y, op = c("equal", "contained_in")) {
op <- match.arg(op)
if ((!tibble::is_tibble(x)) || (!tibble::is_tibble(y))) {
abort("x and y must be tibbles.")
if (ncol(x) != ncol(y)) {
if (identical(op, "equal")) {
if (nrow(x) != nrow(y)) {
} else if (identical(op, "contained_in")) {
if (nrow(x) > nrow(y)) {
duplicated_rows <- dplyr::bind_rows(x, y) %>%
duplicated(fromLast = TRUE)
#' Get matching rows from x based on id
#' @description Get rows in `x` tibble that match the id rows specified
#' by the `id` tibble. This function is an alternative to the usual
#' `dplyr::inner_join` function. The difference is that this function
#' ignores the source bytecode of functions when looking for matching rows,
#' while `dplyr::inner_join` treats functions with different sources
#' as different. This function also requires that the `id` tibble have
#' distinct rows while `dplyr::inner_join` does not. This function
#' enables caching when functions are used as parameters in DGPs and Methods.
#' @param id A tibble with distinct rows.
#' @param x A tibble.
#' @return A tibble, containing the subset of rows from `x` that match
#' id rows from `id`.
#' @keywords internal
get_matching_rows <- function(id, x) {
if ((!tibble::is_tibble(id)) || (!tibble::is_tibble(x))) {
abort("id and x must be tibbles.")
id_cols <- colnames(id)
id_coltypes <- purrr::map_chr(id, class)
if (anyDuplicated(id)) {
stop("id must be a tibble with unique rows.")
x_ids <- x %>%
if (!any(id_coltypes == "list")) {
# easy case: no functions in id tibble -> use inner_join
out <- dplyr::inner_join(id, x, by = id_cols)
} else if (!anyDuplicated(x_ids)) {
# no duplicate id rows in x -> use duplicated
df <- dplyr::bind_rows(id, x)
keep_row_idx <- df %>%
dplyr::select(tidyselect::all_of(id_cols)) %>%
out <- df %>%
} else {
# duplicate id rows in x -> brute-force matching using duplicated
keep_row_idx <- purrr::map_lgl(
function(i) {
dplyr::bind_rows(id, x_ids[i, ]) %>%
duplicated() %>%
out <- x %>%
#' Call a function with given parameters and capture errors, warnings, or
#' messages that occur during evaluation.
#' @param name a name to give some context for the call
#' @param fun a function to call
#' @param params arguments to pass to fun
#' @param verbose Verbosity level. If greater than 1, then handle warnings and
#' messages in addition to errors.
#' @return the results of calling fun with params
#' @keywords internal
do_call_handler <- function(name,
params = list(),
verbose = 1,
call = rlang::caller_env()) {
handler <- function(condition = "Error") {
function(cond) {
# TODO: add 'signal' arg which determines whether or not to signal the
# captured condition
if (length(params) == 0) {
params_str <- " (params empty)."
} else {
params_str <- paste0(
utils::capture.output(tibble::glimpse(params))[-1], collapse = "\n"
params_str <- paste0(" with the following params:\n", params_str)
condition <- match.arg(
condition, choices = c("Error", "Warning", "Message")
msg_start <- if (condition == "Message") {
paste0("The message below")
} else {
paste0(cond$message, "\nThe above ", tolower(condition))
msg <- paste0(
msg_start, " occurred while processing \"", name, "\"", params_str
if (condition == "Error") {
msg, parent = cond, class = "simChef_error", call = call
} else if (condition == "Warning") {
msg, class = "simChef_warning", call = call
} else {
msg, class = "simChef_message", call = call
# As opposed to tryCatch, withCallingHandlers registers a local handler in the
# context of the call that generated the error, warning, or message and
# continues from where the code left off when the condition was generated.
if (verbose > 1) {
# catch and process warnings and messages in addition to errors
do.call(fun, params),
error = handler(),
warning = handler("Warning"),
message = handler("Message")
} else {
# handle only errors
do.call(fun, params),
error = handler()
#' Helper function to throw informative error when column names are duplicated,
#' in particular, when the same parameter is in the user-provided method
#' results output and also in vary_across.
#' @param names Vector of column names to check for uniqueness
#' @return Throws an error if duplicate names are found. Returns the original
#' names otherwise.
#' @keywords internal
check_results_names <- function(names, method_name) {
if (any(duplicated(names))) {
dup_names <- unique(names[duplicated(names)])
"Cannot create `fit_results` tibble with duplicate column names: `",
paste(dup_names, collapse = "`, `"), "`.\nPlease check that the ",
method_name, "() output does not have the same names as\n",
"the parameters being varied across in the Experiment.\n",
"In particular, avoid using `", paste(dup_names, collapse = "`, `"),
"` as names in the ", method_name, "() output."
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