
Defines functions get_geneSet_index TERM2NAME TERMID2EXTID ALLEXTID EXTID2TERMID get_enriched enricher_internal

Documented in enricher_internal

##' interal method for enrichment analysis
##' using the hypergeometric model
##' @title enrich.internal
##' @param gene a vector of entrez gene id.
##' @param pvalueCutoff Cutoff value of pvalue.
##' @param pAdjustMethod one of "holm", "hochberg", "hommel", "bonferroni", "BH", "BY", "fdr", "none"
##' @param universe background genes, default is the intersection of the 'universe' with genes that have annotations. 
##' Users can set `options(enrichment_force_universe = TRUE)` to force the 'universe' untouched.
##' @param minGSSize minimal size of genes annotated by Ontology term for testing.
##' @param maxGSSize maximal size of each geneSet for analyzing
##' @param qvalueCutoff cutoff of qvalue
##' @param USER_DATA ontology information
##' @return  A \code{enrichResult} instance.
##' @importClassesFrom methods data.frame
##' @importFrom qvalue qvalue
##' @importFrom methods new
##' @importFrom stats phyper
##' @importFrom stats p.adjust
##' @keywords manip
##' @author Guangchuang Yu \url{https://yulab-smu.top}
enricher_internal <- function(gene,
                              universe = NULL,

    ## query external ID to Term ID
    gene <- as.character(unique(gene))
    qExtID2TermID <- EXTID2TERMID(gene, USER_DATA)
    qTermID <- unlist(qExtID2TermID)
    if (is.null(qTermID)) {
        message("--> No gene can be mapped....")
        if (inherits(USER_DATA, "environment")) {
            p2e <- get("PATHID2EXTID", envir=USER_DATA)
            sg <- unique(unlist(p2e[1:10]))
        } else {
            sg <- unique(USER_DATA@gsid2gene$gene[1:100])
        sg <- sample(sg, min(length(sg), 6))
        message("--> Expected input gene ID: ", paste0(sg, collapse=','))

        message("--> return NULL...")

    ## Term ID -- query external ID association list.
    qExtID2TermID.df <- data.frame(extID=rep(names(qExtID2TermID),
                                             times=lapply(qExtID2TermID, length)),
    qExtID2TermID.df <- unique(qExtID2TermID.df)

    qTermID2ExtID <- with(qExtID2TermID.df,
                          split(as.character(extID), as.character(termID)))

    if (missing(universe))
        universe <- NULL
    if(!is.null(universe)) {
        if (is.character(universe)) {
            force_universe <- getOption("enrichment_force_universe", FALSE)
            if (force_universe) {
                extID <- universe
            } else {
                extID <- intersect(extID, universe)
        } else {
            ## https://github.com/YuLab-SMU/clusterProfiler/issues/217
            message("`universe` is not in character and will be ignored...")

    qTermID2ExtID <- lapply(qTermID2ExtID, intersect, extID)

    ## Term ID annotate query external ID
    qTermID <- unique(names(qTermID2ExtID))

    termID2ExtID <- lapply(termID2ExtID, intersect, extID)

    geneSets <- termID2ExtID

    idx <- get_geneSet_index(termID2ExtID, minGSSize, maxGSSize)

    if (sum(idx) == 0) {
        msg <- paste("No gene sets have size between", minGSSize, "and", maxGSSize, "...")
        message("--> return NULL...")
        return (NULL)

    termID2ExtID <- termID2ExtID[idx]
    qTermID2ExtID <- qTermID2ExtID[idx]
    qTermID <- unique(names(qTermID2ExtID))

    ## prepare parameter for hypergeometric test
    k <- sapply(qTermID2ExtID, length)
    k <- k[qTermID]
    M <- sapply(termID2ExtID, length)
    M <- M[qTermID]

    N <- rep(length(extID), length(M))
    ## n <- rep(length(gene), length(M)) ## those genes that have no annotation should drop.
    n <- rep(length(qExtID2TermID), length(M))
    args.df <- data.frame(numWdrawn=k-1, ## White balls drawn
                          numW=M,        ## White balls
                          numB=N-M,      ## Black balls
                          numDrawn=n)    ## balls drawn

    ## calcute pvalues based on hypergeometric model
    pvalues <- apply(args.df, 1, function(n)
                     phyper(n[1], n[2], n[3], n[4], lower.tail=FALSE)

    ## gene ratio and background ratio
    #GeneRatio <- apply(data.frame(a=k, b=n), 1, function(x)
    #                   paste(x[1], "/", x[2], sep="", collapse="")
    #                   )
    #BgRatio <- apply(data.frame(a=M, b=N), 1, function(x)
    #                 paste(x[1], "/", x[2], sep="", collapse="")
    #                 )

    GeneRatio <- sprintf("%s/%s", k, n)
    BgRatio <- sprintf("%s/%s", M, N)
    RichFactor <- k / M
    FoldEnrichment <- RichFactor * N / n 

    # mu and sigma are the mean and standard deviation of the hypergeometric distribution
    ## https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypergeometric_distribution
    mu <- M * n / N
    sigma <- mu * (N - n) * (N - M) / N / (N-1)
    zScore <- (k - mu)/sqrt(sigma)
    Over <- data.frame(ID = as.character(qTermID),
                       GeneRatio = GeneRatio,
                       BgRatio = BgRatio,
                       RichFactor = RichFactor,
                       FoldEnrichment = FoldEnrichment,
                       zScore = zScore, 
                       pvalue = pvalues,
                       stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

    p.adj <- p.adjust(Over$pvalue, method=pAdjustMethod)
    qobj <- tryCatch(qvalue(p=Over$pvalue, lambda=0.05, pi0.method="bootstrap"), error=function(e) NULL)

    # if (class(qobj) == "qvalue") {
    if (inherits(qobj, "qvalue")) {
        qvalues <- qobj$qvalues
    } else {
        qvalues <- NA

    geneID <- sapply(qTermID2ExtID, function(i) paste(i, collapse="/"))
    geneID <- geneID[qTermID]
    Over <- data.frame(Over,
                       p.adjust = p.adj,
                       qvalue = qvalues,
                       geneID = geneID,
                       Count = k,
                       stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

    Description <- TERM2NAME(qTermID, USER_DATA)

    if (length(qTermID) != length(Description)) {
        idx <- qTermID %in% names(Description)
        Over <- Over[idx,]
    Over$Description <- Description
    nc <- ncol(Over)
    Over <- Over[, c(1,nc, 2:(nc-1))]

    Over <- Over[order(pvalues),]

    Over$ID <- as.character(Over$ID)
    Over$Description <- as.character(Over$Description)

    row.names(Over) <- as.character(Over$ID)

    x <- new("enrichResult",
             result         = Over,
             pvalueCutoff   = pvalueCutoff,
             pAdjustMethod  = pAdjustMethod,
             qvalueCutoff   = qvalueCutoff,
             gene           = as.character(gene),
             universe       = extID,
             geneSets       = geneSets,
             organism       = "UNKNOWN",
             keytype        = "UNKNOWN",
             ontology       = "UNKNOWN",
             readable       = FALSE
    if (inherits(USER_DATA, "GSON")) {
        if (!is.null(USER_DATA@keytype)) {
            x@keytype <- USER_DATA@keytype
        if (!is.null(USER_DATA@species)) {
            x@organism <- USER_DATA@species
        if (!is.null(USER_DATA@gsname)) {
            x@ontology <- gsub(".*;", "", USER_DATA@gsname)
    return (x)

get_enriched <- function(object) {

    Over <- object@result

    pvalueCutoff <- object@pvalueCutoff
    if (length(pvalueCutoff) != 0) {
        ## if groupGO result, numeric(0)
        Over <- Over[ Over$pvalue <= pvalueCutoff, ]
        Over <- Over[ Over$p.adjust <= pvalueCutoff, ]

    qvalueCutoff <- object@qvalueCutoff
    if (length(qvalueCutoff) != 0) {
        if (! any(is.na(Over$qvalue))) {
            if (length(qvalueCutoff) > 0)
                Over <- Over[ Over$qvalue <= qvalueCutoff, ]

    object@result <- Over

EXTID2TERMID <- function(gene, USER_DATA) {
    if (inherits(USER_DATA, "environment")) { 
        EXTID2PATHID <- get("EXTID2PATHID", envir = USER_DATA)

        qExtID2Path <- EXTID2PATHID[gene]
    } else if (inherits(USER_DATA, "GSON")) {
        gsid2gene <- USER_DATA@gsid2gene
        qExtID2Path <- setNames(lapply(gene, function(x) {
            subset(gsid2gene, gsid2gene$gene == x)[["gsid"]]
        }), gene)
    } else {
        stop("not supported")

    len <- sapply(qExtID2Path, length)
    notZero.idx <- len != 0
    qExtID2Path <- qExtID2Path[notZero.idx]


ALLEXTID <- function(USER_DATA) {
    if (inherits(USER_DATA, "environment")) { 
        PATHID2EXTID <- get("PATHID2EXTID", envir = USER_DATA)
        res <- unique(unlist(PATHID2EXTID))
    } else if (inherits(USER_DATA, "GSON")) {
        gsid2gene <- USER_DATA@gsid2gene
        res <- unique(gsid2gene$gene)
    } else {
        stop("not supported")


TERMID2EXTID <- function(term, USER_DATA) {
    if (inherits(USER_DATA, "environment")) { 
        PATHID2EXTID <- get("PATHID2EXTID", envir = USER_DATA)
        res <- PATHID2EXTID[term]
    } else if (inherits(USER_DATA, "GSON")) {
        gsid2gene <- USER_DATA@gsid2gene
        res <- setNames(lapply(term, function(x) {
            subset(gsid2gene, gsid2gene$gsid == x)[["gene"]]
        }), term)
    } else {
        stop("not supported")


TERM2NAME <- function(term, USER_DATA) {
    if (inherits(USER_DATA, "environment")) { 
        PATHID2NAME <- get("PATHID2NAME", envir = USER_DATA)
        #if (is.null(PATHID2NAME) || is.na(PATHID2NAME)) {
        if (is.null(PATHID2NAME) || all(is.na(PATHID2NAME))) {
        res <- PATHID2NAME[term]
        i <-  is.na(res)
        res[i] <- term[i]
    } else if (inherits(USER_DATA, "GSON")) {
        gsid2name <- USER_DATA@gsid2name
        i <- match(term, gsid2name$gsid)
        j <- !is.na(i)
        res <- term
        res[j] <- gsid2name$name[i[j]]
    } else {
        res <- as.character(term)

    names(res) <- term

get_geneSet_index <- function(geneSets, minGSSize, maxGSSize) {
    if (is.na(minGSSize) || is.null(minGSSize))
        minGSSize <- 1
    if (is.na(maxGSSize) || is.null(maxGSSize))
        maxGSSize <- Inf #.Machine$integer.max

    ## index of geneSets in used.
    ## logical
    geneSet_size <- sapply(geneSets, length)
    idx <-  minGSSize <= geneSet_size & geneSet_size <= maxGSSize
YuLab-SMU/DOSE documentation built on Aug. 27, 2024, 10:59 a.m.