check_edgelist <- function(edgelist) {
if (dim(edgelist)[2] < 2)
stop("input should be a matrix of edge list that holds the relationships in the first two columns")
if (length(unique(edgelist[,1,drop=TRUE])) > length(unique(edgelist[,2,drop=TRUE]))) {
children <- edgelist[,1,drop=TRUE]
parents <- edgelist[,2,drop=TRUE]
} else {
children <- edgelist[,2,drop = TRUE]
parents <- edgelist[,1,drop = TRUE]
root1 <- unique(parents[!(parents %in% children)])
root2 <- unique(parents[parents == children])
if ((length(root1) != 1 && length(root2) != 1 )|| any(duplicated(children)))
stop("Cannot find root. network is not a tree!")
if (length(root1) != 1 && length(root2) == 1){
indx <- parents != children
parents <- parents[indx]
children <- children[indx]
edge <- matrix(c(parents, children), ncol=2)
attr(edge, "indx") <- indx
edge <- matrix(c(parents, children), ncol=2)
return (edge)
is_numeric <- function(x) !anyNA(suppressWarnings(as.numeric(as.character(x))))
filename <- function(file) {
## textConnection(text_string) will work just like a file
## in this case, just set the filename as ""
file_name <- ""
if (is.character(file)) {
file_name <- file
jplace_treetext_to_phylo <- function(tree.text) {
## move edge label to node label separate by @@
## The tree in jplace file format: The edge number is not always in curly braces.
## they are sometimes in square brackets.
if(grepl("\\{(\\d+)\\}", tree.text)){
tr <- gsub('(:[0-9\\.eE\\+\\-]+)\\{(\\d+)\\}', '\\@@\\2\\1', tree.text)
if(grepl("\\[(\\d+)\\]", tree.text)){
message("The version of jplace file is 1.0.")
tr <- gsub('(:[0-9\\.eE\\+\\-]+)\\[(\\d+)\\]', '\\@@\\2\\1', tree.text)
phylo <- read.tree(text=tr)
if (length(grep('@@', phylo$tip.label)) > 0) {
phylo$node.label[1] <- gsub("(.*)\\{(\\d+)\\}", "\\1@@\\2", phylo$node.label[1])
tip.edgeNum <- as.numeric(gsub(".*@@(\\d*)", "\\1",phylo$tip.label))
node.edgeNum <- as.numeric(gsub(".*@@(\\d*)", "\\1",phylo$node.label))
phylo$tip.label <- gsub("@@\\d+", "", phylo$tip.label)
phylo$node.label <- gsub("@@\\d+", "", phylo$node.label)
if (all(phylo$node.label == "")) {
phylo$node.label <- NULL
N <- getNodeNum(phylo)
edgeNum.df <- data.frame(node=1:N, edgeNum=c(tip.edgeNum, node.edgeNum))
## root node is not encoded with edge number
edgeNum.df <- edgeNum.df[![,2]),]
attr(phylo, "edgeNum") <- edgeNum.df
## using :edge_length{edge_num} to match edge_num to node_num
## this is not a good idea since there may exists identical edge_length.
## but we can use it to verify our method.
## en.matches <- gregexpr(":[0-9\\.eE\\+\\-]+\\{\\d+\\}", tree.text)
## matches <- en.matches[[1]]
## match.pos <- as.numeric(matches)
## match.len <- attr(matches, 'match.length')
## edgeLN <- substring(tree.text, match.pos+1, match.pos+match.len-2)
## edgeLN.df <- data.frame(length=as.numeric(gsub("\\{.+", "", edgeLN)),
## edgeNum = as.numeric(gsub(".+\\{", "", edgeLN)))
## xx <- merge(edgeLN.df, edgeNum.df, by.x="node", by.y="node")
## convert edge number to node number for EPA/pplacer output
edgeNum2nodeNum <- function(jp, edgeNum) {
edges <- attr(jp@phylo, "edgeNum")
idx <- match(edgeNum, edges$edgeNum)
flagna <-
idx <- idx[!flagna]
if (any(flagna) & length(idx)>0){
na_edgeNum <- paste(edgeNum[which(flagna)], collapse="; ")
stop(paste("The following edges: ",na_edgeNum, ", couldn't be found", sep=""), call. = FALSE)
#idx <- idx[!flagna]
#idx <- which(edges$edgeNum == edgeNum)
if (length(idx) == 0) {
edges[idx, "node"]
is.tree <- function(x) {
tree_class <- c("phylo",
if (inherits(x, tree_class)) {
##' @importFrom methods .hasSlot is missingArg new slot slot<-
has.slot <- function(object, slotName) {
if (!isS4(object)) {
.hasSlot(object, slotName)
build_new_labels <- function(tree){
node2label_old <- tree %>% as_tibble() %>% dplyr::select(c("node", "label")) %>%
if (inherits(tree, "treedata")){
tree <- tree@phylo
tree$tip.label <- paste0("t", seq_len(Ntip(tree)))
tree$node.label <- paste0("n", seq_len(Nnode(tree)))
node2label_new <- tree %>% as_tibble() %>% dplyr::select(c("node", "label")) %>%
old_and_new <- node2label_old %>%
dplyr::inner_join(node2label_new, by="node") %>%
dplyr::rename(old="label.x", new="label.y")
return (list(tree=tree, node2old_new_lab=old_and_new))
build_new_tree <- function(tree, node2old_new_lab){
# replace new label with old label
treeda <- tree %>% as_tibble()
treeda1 <- treeda %>%
dplyr::filter(.data$label %in% node2old_new_lab$new) %>%
treeda2 <- treeda %>%
dplyr::filter(!(.data$label %in% node2old_new_lab$new)) %>%
# original label
treeda1$label <- node2old_new_lab[match(treeda1$label, node2old_new_lab$new), "old"] %>%
treeda <- rbind(treeda1, treeda2)
tree <- treeda[order(treeda$node),] %>% as.phylo()
return (tree)
.rev.edge <- function(x, nodes, index){
ind <- x[,index] %in% nodes
if (sum(ind)>=1){
x[ind,] <- t(apply(matrix(x[ind,], ncol=2),1,rev))
} <- function(x, nodes){
is.tree <- length(table(x)) - nrow(x) != 1
is.tree || any(((x[,1] %in% nodes) + (x[,2] %in% nodes)) ==2) || sum(x[,1]==x[,2])>1
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