
#'Read Matrix
#'Read a matrix in several formats
#'@param fileName directory of the matrix or data.frame (for mode col3)
#'@param mode table, col3, RData
#'@param sym True if the matrix must be symmetric.In modes table and RData,
#'if the matrix is not symmetric the value of M[i,j] will be (M[i,j]+M[j,i])/2.
#'In mode in 3col the value of M[i,j] will be the last that appears in the file
#'@param def the default value in mode 3col
#'@return matrix
read.matrix <- function(fileName,mode = "table", sym = "TRUE", def = 0) {
           table = return(read.matrix.table(fileName,sym)),
           col3 = return(read.matrix.col3(fileName,def = def)),
           RData = return(read.matrix.RData(fileName,sym)),
           stop("Enter a valid mode"))

#'@keywords internal
read.matrix.table <- function(fileName,sym = "FALSE") {
  mat <- as.matrix(read.table(fileName))
  if (sym) {
    return((mat + t(mat)) / 2)

#'@keywords internal
read.matrix.RData <- function(fileName,sym = "FALSE") {
  mat <- get(ls()[ls() != "fileName"])
  if (sym) {
    return((mat + t(mat)) / 2)

#'@keywords internal
read.matrix.col3 <- function(fileName,def = 0) {
  if (class(fileName) == "character") {
    MMM <- read.table(fileName)
    MMM <- fileName
  colnames(MMM) <- c("V1","V2","V3")
  mat2 <- with(MMM, sparseMatrix(
    i = as.numeric(V1), j = as.numeric(V2), x = V3,dimnames = list(levels(V1), levels(V2))

#'Read Network
#'Read network from a file
#'@param fileName directory of network or a data.frame
#'@param mode tab : a file from DIP or BIOGRID of type tab or mitab;
#'edges: a list of edges with attributes (not necessary)
#'@param db database to select proteins of mode tab (uniprot,DIP,refseq,BIOGRID, gene)
#'@param cols which columns must be selected with mode edges, you can use "all" to
#'select all columns
#'@param sep separator between columns in edge mode
#'@param int.type boolean to decide if must be select the interaction type in tab mode.
read.network <- function(fileName,mode = "tab", db = "uniprot", cols = "all",
                         sep = " ", int.type = TRUE) {
         tab = simplify(return(
           read.network.tab(fileName,db = db,int.type = int.type)
         edges = simplify(return(
           read.network.edges(fileName,cols,sep = sep)
         stop("No implemented yet"))

#' Network tab
#' @keywords internal
read.network.tab <- function(fileName, db = "uniprot", int.type = TRUE) {
  if (class(fileName) == "character") {
    tab <- read.table(
      fileName,sep = "\t",row.names = NULL,stringsAsFactors = FALSE
    tab <- fileName
  tab2 <- tab[,c(1,2)]
  get.int.db <- function(i) {
      refseq = {
        x = splitrefseq(tab2[i,1])
      uniprot = {
        x = splituniprot(tab2[i,1])
      DIP = {
        x = splitDIP(tab2[i,1])
      BIOGRID = {
        x = splitBIOGRID(tab2[i,1])
      gene = {
        x = splitgene(tab2[i,1])
      stop("Enter valid database")
      refseq = {
        y = splitrefseq(tab2[i,2])
      uniprot = {
        y = splituniprot(tab2[i,2])
      DIP = {
        y = splitDIP(tab2[i,2])
      BIOGRID = {
        y = splitBIOGRID(tab2[i,2])
      gene = {
        y = splitgene(tab2[i,2])
      stop("Enter valid database")

  tab3 <- list()
  type <- c()
  for (i in 1:dim(tab2)[1]) {
    x <- get.int.db(i)
    if (!is.na(x[[1]]) && !is.na(x[[2]])) {
      tab3[[i]] <- x[[1]]
      tab3[[i + dim(tab2)[1]]] <- x[[2]]
      type[i] <- tab[i,12]
      tab3[[i]] <- NA
      tab3[[i + dim(tab2)[1]]] <- NA


  tab3 <- matrix(unlist(tab3)[!is.na(tab3)],ncol = 2,byrow = FALSE)

  Net <- graph.data.frame(tab3,directed = FALSE)
  if (int.type) {
    type <- type[!is.na(type)]
    Net <-  set.edge.attribute(Net,name = "Interaction type",value = type)

#' split refseq
#' @keywords internal
splitrefseq <- function(x) {
  x1 <- strsplit(x,split = "refseq:",fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
  if (length(x1) == 2) {
    return(strsplit(x1[2],split = "|",fixed = TRUE)[[1]][1])

#' split uniprot
#' @keywords internal
splituniprot <- function(x) {
  x1 <- strsplit(x,split = "uniprotkb:",fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
  if (length(x1) == 2) {

#' split DIP
#' @keywords internal
splitDIP <- function(x) {
  x1 <- strsplit(x,split = "DIP-",fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
  if (length(x1) == 2) {
    return(paste("DIP-",strsplit(x1[2],split = "|",fixed = TRUE)[[1]][1],sep = ""))


#' split BIOGRID
#' @keywords internal
splitBIOGRID <- function(x) {
  x1 <- strsplit(x,split = "BIOGRID:",fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
  if (length(x1) == 2) {

#' split gene
#' @keywords internal
splitgene <- function(x) {
  x1 <- strsplit(x,split = "locuslink:",fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
  if (length(x1) == 2) {
    return(strsplit(x1[2],split = "|",fixed = TRUE)[[1]][1])


#' Network edges
#' @keywords internal
read.network.edges <- function(fileName,cols,sep) {
  if (class(fileName) == "character") {
    tab <- read.table(
      fileName,sep = sep,header = TRUE,stringsAsFactors = FALSE

    tab <- fileName
  if (cols[1] == "all") {
    return(graph.data.frame(tab,directed = FALSE))
  return(graph.data.frame(tab[,cols],directed = FALSE))

#' Compute Matrix
#' Compute several matrices
#' @param net1 an igraph object
#' @param net2 an igraph object for modes \code{BLAST} and \code{FC} if Net2
#' is not NULL, computes the matrix between nodes in Net1 and Net2.
#' @param type what matrice do you want to compute (BLAST, DSD, Distance,
#' FC, Degree)
#' @param mode for type \code{BLAST} : pident or bitscore.
#' For \code{DSD} and \code{Distance} distance, similarity or similarity by
#' components.
#' For \code{FC} the list of ontologies
#' @param byComp for \code{DSD} and \code{Distance} if the similarity or
#' distance must be normalized by components
#' @param database for \code{BLAST} and \code{FC} the database which
#' proteins belongs.
#' @param database2 for \code{BLAST} and \code{FC} the database which
#' proteins belongs.
#' @param normalized if the matrix will be normalized
#' @return The matrix
compute.matrix <- function(net1,net2 = NULL, type = "Distance", mode = "Similarity",
                          database = NULL, database2 = NULL, byComp = TRUE,
                          normalized = TRUE) {
    BLAST = return(
    DSD = return(compute.matrix.DSD(net1,mode,byComp,normalized)),
    Distance = return(compute.matrix.Distance(net1,mode,byComp,normalized)),
    FC = return(compute.matrix.FC(net1,net2,mode)),
    Degree = return(compute.matrix.Degree(net1,net2)),
    stop("Enter a valid type")

#'@keywords internal
compute.matrix.DSD <- function(net,mode = "Similarity", byComp = TRUE, normalized = TRUE) {
  path <-
    paste(system.file(package = "AligNet"),"DSDmain.py", sep = "/")
  n <- length(V(net))
  prots <- V(net)$name
  DSD <- matrix(Inf,nrow = n,ncol = n)
  dimnames(DSD) <- list(prots,prots)
  cc <- decompose.graph(net)
  for (net in cc) {
    tmp <- tempfile()
    tmp2 <- tempfile()
      get.edgelist(net),quote = FALSE,file = tmp,row.names = FALSE,col.names = FALSE
    command <- paste("python",path,"-m 1 -o",tmp2,tmp)
    response <- system(command, intern = T)
    table <- as.matrix(read.table(paste(tmp2,"DSD1",sep = ".")))
    diam <- max(table) + 1
    if (byComp) {
      if (mode == "Similarity") {
        DSD[rownames(table),colnames(table)] <- (max(table) + 1 - table) / (max(table) +
        DSD[rownames(table),colnames(table)] <- table / max(table)
      DSD[rownames(table),colnames(table)] <- table
  mmm <- max(DSD[DSD < Inf])
  if (!byComp) {
    if (mode == "Similarity") {
      DSD <- (mmm + 1 - DSD) / (mmm + 1)
      if (normalized) {
        DSD <- DSD / mmm
  if (mode == "Similarity") {
    DSD[DSD == Inf] <- 0
  DSD[DSD == -Inf] <- 0


#'@keywords internal
compute.matrix.Distance <- function(net, mode = "Similarity",
                                    byComp = TRUE, normalized = TRUE) {
  n <- length(V(net))
  prots <- V(net)$name
  if (!byComp) {
    dist <- shortest.paths(net)
    mmm <- max(dist[dist < Inf])
    if (mode == "Similarity") {
      dist <- (mmm + 1 - dist) / (mmm + 1)
      dist[dist == - nf] <- 0
    if (normalized) {
      dist <- dist / mmm
  if (mode == "Similarity") {
    dist <- matrix(0,nrow = n,ncol = n)
    dist <- matrix(Inf,nrow = n,ncol = n)
  dimnames(dist) <- list(prots,prots)
  cc <- decompose.graph(net)
  for (nnn in cc) {
    dist2 <- shortest.paths(nnn)
    mmm2 <- max(dist2[dist2 < Inf])
    if (mode == "Similarity") {
      dist2 <- (mmm2 + 1 - dist2) / (mmm2 + 1)
      dist2[dist2 == -Inf] <- 0
      dist2[dist2 == Inf] <- 0
      dist[V(nnn)$name,V(nnn)$name] <- dist2
    if (normalized) {
      dist2 <- dist2 / max(dist2[dist2 < Inf])
    dist[V(nnn)$name,V(nnn)$name] <- dist2

#'@keywords internal
compute.matrix.FC <- function(net1,net2 = NULL, gos) {
  onenet <- FALSE
  if (is.null(net2)) {
    net2 <- net1
    onenet <- TRUE
  prots1 <- V(net1)$name
  prots2 <- V(net2)$name
  if (onenet)
    FSim <- diag(1, nrow = length(prots1),ncol = length(prots2))
    FSim <- matrix(0, nrow = length(prots1),ncol = length(prots2))
  dimnames(FSim) <- list(prots1,prots2)
  if (onenet) {
    for (i in 1:(length(prots1) - 1)) {
      for (j in (i + 1):length(prots1)) {
        fc <- length(intersect(gos[[prots1[i]]],
                               gos[[prots1[j]]])) / length(union(gos[[prots1[i]]],
        FSim[i,j] <- fc
        FSim[j,i] <- fc

    for (i in 1:length(prots1)) {
      for (j in 1:length(prots2)) {
        fc <- length(intersect(gos[[prots1[i]]],
                               gos[[prots2[j]]])) / length(union(gos[[prots1[i]]],
        FSim[i,j] <- fc

#'@keywords internal
compute.matrix.Degree <- function(net1,net2 = NULL) {
  if (is.null(net2)) {
    net2 <- net1
  deg <- degree(net1)
  deg2 <- degree(net2)
  return(matrix(unlist(lapply(deg, function(i)
    lapply(deg2, function(j)
      abs(i - j)))),nrow = length(deg), byrow = TRUE))


#'@keywords internal
computeIC <- function(net1,net2) {
  degree1 <- degree(net1)
  degree2 <- degree(net2)
  neigh1 <- neighborhood(net1,order = 1)
  neigh2 <- neighborhood(net2,order = 1)
  lens1 <- unlist(lapply(neigh1,length))
  lens2 <- unlist(lapply(neigh2,length))
  sums1 <- unlist(lapply(neigh1,function(i)
    sum(1 / lens1[i])))
  sums2 <- unlist(lapply(neigh2,function(i)
    sum(1 / lens2[i])))
  mat <- matrix(0,nrow = vcount(net1),ncol = vcount(net2))
  maxneig <- max(degree1,degree2)
  for (i in 1:vcount(net1)) {
    for (j in 1:vcount(net2)) {
      mat[i,j] <- min(sums1[i],sums2[i]) / maxneig
  dimnames(mat) <- list(V(net1)$name,V(net2)$name)

#'No funciona
#'@keywords internal
compute.matrix.Blast <- function(Net1,Net2,mode,database,database2,normalized) {
  tmp <- tempfile()
  BlastM <- read.matrix.table(tmp)
  if (normalized) {
    return(BlastM / max(BlastM))

#'No funciona
#'@keywords internal
buildBlast <- function(Net1,Net2,mode,database,database2,tmp) {
  path <-
    paste(system.file(package = "AligNet"),"Blast.jar", sep = "/")
  tmp1 <- tempfile()
  write(V(Net1)$name,file = tmp1)
  tmp2 <- tempfile()
  if (is.null(Net2)) {
    tmp2 <- tmp1
    write(V(Net2)$name,file = tmp2)
  if (is.null(database2)) {
    database <- database2
  command <- paste(
    database,"-db2",database2,"-m",mode,"-outfmt mat -o",tmp
  response <- system(command, intern = T)


#'Cluster Network
#'Compute the cluster matrix from the similarity matrix sigma, where all the nodes have more
#'similarity than lambda and the size of cluster is less than k.
#'@param sigma a similarity matrix
#'@param lambda the similarity threshold
#'@param k the size threshold
#'@return The cluster matrix, where M[i,j] is TRUE if node i belongs to the
#'cluster of node j and FALSE otherwise
cluster.network <- function(sigma, lambda = 0, k = dim(sigma)[1]) {
  if (is.data.frame(sigma)) {
    sigma <- read.matrix.col3(sigma,def = 0)

  n <- dim(sigma)[1]
  clustmatrix <- matrix(c(as.matrix(sigma) > lambda),nrow = n,byrow = TRUE)
  sums <- apply(clustmatrix,2,sum)
  ind <- which(sums > k)
  if (length(ind) > 0) {
      clustmatrix[sort(as.matrix(sigma)[i,],index.return = TRUE)$ix[1:(n - k)],i] <<- FALSE)
  dimnames(clustmatrix) <- dimnames(sigma)
  clustmatrix <- as(clustmatrix,"sparseMatrix")


#'Extract clusters
#'Compute the subnetworks of \code{Net} from a cluster matrix
#'@param Net an igraph object
#'@param ClustMat a cluster matrix (output of \code{cluster.matrix})
#'@return Clusters in igraph format
extract.clusters <- function(Net, ClustMat) {
  prots <- rownames(ClustMat)
  clusts <- lapply(1:dim(ClustMat)[2], function(i)
    induced.subgraph(Net,prots[ClustMat[,i] == 1]))
  names(clusts) = prots


#'Display Clusters
#'Given a cluster matrix, see \code{cluster.network} and a network
#'display the cluster matrix with the following colors for the position (i,j):
#'- Yellow if the protein and protein i doesn't belongs to cluster of protein j and
#' proteins don't interact in the network
#'-  Black if the protein and protein i belongs to cluster of protein j but
#' proteins don't interact in the network
#'- Red if the protein and protein i doesn't belongs to cluster of protein j but
#' proteins interact in the network
#'-  Green if the protein and protein i belongs to cluster of protein j and
#' proteins interact in the network
#'@param clust a matrix which is the output1 of \code{cluster.network}
#'@param cols a list of 4 colors if you want to change the default colors
#'@param zoom an integer to define the size of plot or NA, to plot all clusters
#'@param type 0 = "yellow", 1 = "black", 2="red", 3 = "green"
#'@param col color to use with zoom
#'@param Net an igraph object
#'@param ... Additional plotting parameters
display.clusters <- function(clust, Net,zoom = NA, type = 1,
                             cols = c("yellow","black","red","green"),
                             col = cols[type + 1], ...) {
    clust <- as.matrix(clust)
    if (is.na(zoom)) {
      mmm <-   clust + 2 * as.matrix(get.adjacency(Net))
      dimnames(mmm) <- list(1:dim(mmm)[1],1:dim(mmm)[2])
      # par(oma=c(1,1,1,1))
        col = cols,
        axes = F,
        xlab = NA,
        ylab = NA,
        colkey = FALSE,
        1,at = seq(0,1,by = 1 / (dim(clust)[2] - 1)),
        labels = colnames(clust),las = 2,
        pos = -1 / (2 * (dim(clust)[1] - 1))
        2,at = seq(0,1,by = 1 / (dim(clust)[1] - 1)),
        labels = rownames(clust),las = 2,pos = -1 / (2 * (dim(clust)[2] - 1))
        x = 0.2,y = 1.4,legend = 0:3,fill = cols,horiz = TRUE,bty = "n",xpd = TRUE )

      mat <- clust + 2 * as.matrix(get.adjacency(Net))
      k <- floor(length(V(Net)) / zoom)
      conts <- unlist(lapply(1:zoom,function(i)
        lapply(1:zoom, function(j)
          cont.type(mat,(i - 1) * k + 1,i * k,(j - 1) * k + 1,j * k,type))))
      mat2 <- matrix(conts,nrow = zoom, byrow = TRUE)
        mat2, col = ramp.col(col = c("white",col),n = k * k),
        axes = F,
        xlab = NA,
        ylab = NA,



#' Cont type
#' @keywords internal
cont.type <- function(mat,init1, fin1,init2,fin2,type) {
  return(length(which(mat[init1:fin1,init2:fin2] == type)))
adriaalcala/AligNet documentation built on May 10, 2019, 5:59 a.m.