
Defines functions intersect_signature load_CMS_genes symbol2entrez entrez2symbol load_sadanandam_signature load_schlicker_signature

Documented in entrez2symbol intersect_signature load_CMS_genes load_sadanandam_signature load_schlicker_signature symbol2entrez

#' Loading the Schlicker (iNMF) subtype signatures from the paper supplement.
#' Reference: Schlicker et al (2012). Subtypes of primary colorectal tumors correlate with response to targeted
#'            treatment in colorectal cell lines. BMC Medical Genomics, 5(1), 66. doi:10.1186/1755-8794-5-66.
#' @source \url{goo.gl/fghKBY},\url{goo.gl/vCzAwf}, \url{goo.gl/C5FpoE}, \url{goo.gl/uwABi1},
#'                             \url{goo.gl/pvzt33}, \url{goo.gl/b1eGqo}, \url{goo.gl/S6UhM3}
#' @param annotation (character), can be gene 'symbol' or 'entrez' identifier; default is 'symbol'
#' @seealso \code{\link{load_sadanandam_signature}} and \code{\link{load_CMS_genes}}
#' @return a list of signatures
#' @export
#' @examples
#' sig = load_schlicker_signature()
#' print(sig$'1.1')

load_schlicker_signature = function(annotation = 'symbol'){

  stopifnot(annotation %in% c('symbol', 'entrez'))

  if (grepl('entrez',annotation)){


#' Loading Sadanandam's subtype signatures.
#' Reference: Sadanandam et al (2013). A colorectal cancer classification system that associates cellular phenotype and responses to therapy. Nature Medicine, 19(5), 619–25. doi:10.1038/nm.3175.
#' Note: In the paper these genes are refered to as "CRCassigner-786"
#' @param NULL, no inputs
#' @seealso \code{\link{load_schlicker_signature}} and \code{\link{load_CMS_genes}}
#' @return data frame of 786 genes by 5 subtypes; entries are relative expression values in the 5 subtype centroids
#' @export
#' @examples
#' sigs = load_sadanandam_signature()
#' print(sigs$Inflammatory)

load_sadanandam_signature = function(){

#' Convert Entrez ID to gene symbols.
#' Note: uses the "org.Hs.eg.db" package.
#' @param character vector of entrez ids
#' @return character vector of gene symbols, with names as entrez ids
#' @export
#' @examples
#' print(c('KRAS', 'NRAS', 'BRAF', 'APC', 'COL3A1', NA) == entrez2symbol(c('3845', '4893', '673', '324', '1281', '00000')))

entrez2symbol = function(geneids){
  # stopifnot( all( c('ENTREZID', 'SYMBOL') %in% keytypes(org.Hs.eg.db) ) )

  mapped_ids = intersect(geneids, keys(org.Hs.eg.db, keytype = 'ENTREZID'))
  map = suppressMessages( AnnotationDbi::select(org.Hs.eg.db,
                                                keytype="ENTREZID") )
  # add the missing keys
  missing_ids = cbind(setdiff(geneids, mapped_ids),
                      rep(NA, length(setdiff(geneids, mapped_ids))))
  colnames(missing_ids) = colnames(map)
  map = rbind(map, missing_ids)

  x = map[, 'SYMBOL']
  names(x) = map[, 'ENTREZID']

  # clean up
  remove(mapped_ids, map, missing_ids)

#' Convert Entrez ID to gene symbols.
#' Note 1: Uses the "org.Hs.eg.db" package.
#' Note 2: Deals with missing keys by returning NAs.
#' @param character vector of gene symbols
#' @return character vector of entrez ids
#' @export
#' @examples
#' print(symbol2entrez(c('KRAS', 'NRAS', 'BRAF', 'APC', 'COL3A1', 'AAAAAAA')) == c('3845', '4893', '673', '324', '1281', NA))

symbol2entrez = function(geneids){
  # stopifnot( all( c('ENTREZID', 'SYMBOL') %in% keytypes(org.Hs.eg.db) ) )

  mapped_ids = intersect(geneids, keys(org.Hs.eg.db, keytype = 'SYMBOL'))
  map = suppressMessages( AnnotationDbi::select(org.Hs.eg.db,
                                                keytype="SYMBOL") )
  # add the missing keys
  missing_ids = cbind(setdiff(geneids, mapped_ids),
                      rep(NA, length(setdiff(geneids, mapped_ids))))
  colnames(missing_ids) = colnames(map)
  map = rbind(map, missing_ids)

  x = map[, 'ENTREZID']
  names(x) = map[, 'SYMBOL']

  # clean up
  remove(mapped_ids, map, missing_ids)

#' Load random-forest genes from CMS classifier,
#' stored in CMSclassifier::finalModel$importance, with their entrez identifiers
#' @param geneSymbol, boolean: should entrez identifiers be converted to gene symbols; default is FALSE
#' @seealso \code{\link{load_schlicker_signature}} and \code{\link{load_sadanandam_signature}}
#' @return a matrix with CMS genes as rownames, and random forest importance scores per subtype;
#'         this is basically "CMSclassifier::finalModel$importance", with row names converted to
#'         gene symbols if geneSymbol=TRUE
#' @export
#' @examples
#' mat = load_CMS_genes(geneSymbol=FALSE)
#' print(head(mat))

load_CMS_genes = function(geneSymbol = FALSE){

  if (!require(CMSclassifier)){

  mat = CMSclassifier::finalModel$importance

  if (geneSymbol){
    rownames(mat) = entrez2symbol(rownames(mat))


#' Intersect a signature with the data's available genes
#' Produces a signature with the same subtypes, but smaller sets of genes, corresponding to what is available in the data.
#' @param genes - the genes available in the data, usually rownames(data)
#' @param sigs - a list of the genes in every subtype (according to this signature);
#'               or a character vector of genes, if that signature is not split into subtypes
#' @param verbose - logical: print how many genes are in the intersection or not, default is TRUE
#' @return intsig - the "intersection" signature, comprising of only signature genes available in "genes"
#' @export
#' @examples
#' intersect_signature(c('ARID1B', 'PTEN'),c('KRAS', 'TGFB1', 'ARID1B'), verbose=TRUE)

intersect_signature = function(genes, sig, verbose = TRUE){

  if (grepl('list', class(sig))){
    intsig = lapply(sig, function(x){ intersect(x, genes) })

  } else if (grepl('character', class(sig))){
    intsig = intersect(genes, sig)

  if (verbose & grepl('list', class(sig))){

    print('intersectSignature(): Percentage of genes available for each subtype:')
    tab = rbind(NULL, 100*as.numeric(lapply(intsig, length))/as.numeric(lapply(sig, length)))
    colnames(tab) = names(sig)

  } else if (verbose & grepl('character', class(sig))){
    print('intersectSignature(): Percentage of genes available for this signature:')

  remove(genes, sig, verbose)
aeolianine/CRCsubtyping documentation built on Jan. 13, 2023, 12:16 p.m.