

# Usage:

# Rscript $HOME/R/lib64/R/library/ChipSeq/bin/Run_Chip_Seq_interactive_model.r

R_lib = .libPaths()[1]

get_os <- function()
    sysinf <-
    if (!is.null(sysinf))
        os <- sysinf["sysname"]
        if (os == "Darwin") 
            os <- "osx"
    } else
        ## mystery machine
        os <- .Platform$OS.type
        if (grepl("^darwin", R.version$os)) 
            os <- "osx"
        if (grepl("linux-gnu", R.version$os)) 
            os <- "linux"

os <- get_os()

cat("Your operating system is: ", os, "\n")

cat("Choose analysis: \n")
cat("\tAvaliable analysis: \t1. peakcalling \t2. annotation \t3. visualization \t4. All\n")

input <- file("stdin", "r")
row <- readLines(input, n = 1)

if (row == 1)
    choose.type <- "peakcalling"

if (row == 2)
    choose.type <- "annotation"

if (row == 3)
    choose.type <- "visualization"

if (row == 4)
    choose.type <- "All"

analysisVisualization <- function(R_lib)
    cat("You choose to visualize the sorted bam files, please define the following setting parameters: \n", 
        " (ex: /scratch/projects/bbc/aiminy_project/DannyNewData2/SampleID_INFO_ChIP_new_Danny.csv)\n", 
        "input.bam.list.file (ex: /scratch/projects/bbc/aiminy_project/DannyNewData2/sorted_bam_files.txt)\n", 
        "output.figure.dir (ex:Visualization)\n")
    input <- file("stdin", "r")
    count.file.dir <- readLines(input, n = 3)
    input.sample.file <- count.file.dir[1]
    input.bam.file <- count.file.dir[2]
    output.config.dir <- count.file.dir[3]
    res <- GetSampleInfo(input.sample.file, input.bam.file)
    cat("please choose samples from Cell_TF :\n")
    input <- file("stdin", "r")
    samples.choosed <- readLines(input, n = 1)
    # system(paste0(cmd2, ' ', cmd3))
    # print(count.file.dir)
    cmd1 = "bsub -P bbc -J \"VBam\" -o %J.VBam.log -e %J.VBam.err -W 72:00 -n 8 -q general -u"
    cmd2 = paste0(R_lib, "/ChipSeq/bin/Visualization.r")
    tmp <- paste(count.file.dir, collapse = " ")
    tmp2 <- paste(tmp, samples.choosed, sep = " ")
    cmd3 = paste("Rscript", cmd2, tmp2)
    system(paste0(cmd1, " ", cmd3))
    cat("Finished Visualization\n")

analysisAll <- function(R_lib)
    cat("Do you want to perform peak calling, annotation, and coverage visualization?\n")
    input <- file("stdin", "r")
    row <- readLines(input, n = 1)
    if (row == "Yes")
        cat("Do you have input bam file for control ?\n")
        input <- file("stdin", "r")
        row <- readLines(input, n = 1)
        if (row == "No")
            cat("please define the input Bam file directory:\n")
            input <- file("stdin", "r")
            input.file.dir <- readLines(input, n = 1)
            # input.file.dir=row
            cat("please define the output file directory:\n")
            input <- file("stdin", "r")
            output.file.dir <- readLines(input, n = 1)
            # out.file.dir=row
            cat("please define genome name:\n")
            input <- file("stdin", "r")
            genome <- readLines(input, n = 1)
            cmd1 = "bsub -P bbc -J \"RunR\" -o %J.RunR.log -e %J.RunR.err -W 72:00 -n 8 -q general -u"
            cmd2 = paste0("Rscript ", R_lib, "/ChipSeq/bin/Run_Chip_Seq.r ", 
                input.file.dir, " ", output.file.dir, " ", genome)
            system(paste0(cmd1, " ", cmd2))
            # cmd2=paste0()
            # system(cmd2)
            cat("Finished peak calling, annotation, and coverage visualizatio...\n")
        } else if (row == "Yes")
            cat("please define the sample information file:\n")
            input <- file("stdin", "r")
   <- readLines(input, n = 1)
            # input.file.dir=row
            cat("please define the Bam files information file:\n")
            input <- file("stdin", "r")
   <- readLines(input, n = 1)
            # out.file.dir=row
            cat("please define genome name:\n")
            input <- file("stdin", "r")
            genome <- readLines(input, n = 1)
            cat("Which peakcaller you want to use, please choose: macs14 or macs2 \n")
            input <- file("stdin", "r")
            peakcaller <- readLines(input, n = 1)
            cat("The peakcaller you choose is :", peakcaller, 
                "please define p value threshold for peak calling: \n")
            input <- file("stdin", "r")
            peakPvalue <- readLines(input, n = 1)
            cat("Please define the name of output directory for peaks: \n")
            input <- file("stdin", "r")
            peak.out.dir <- readLines(input, n = 1)
            peak.out.dir <- paste0(peak.out.dir, "_", genome, 
                "_", peakcaller, "_", peakPvalue)
            cmd1 = "bsub -P bbc -J \"InputCall\" -o %J.InputCall.log -e %J.InputCall.err -W 72:00 -n 8 -q general -u"
            cmd2 = paste("Rscript", file.path(R_lib, "ChipSeq/bin/UseInputCall.r"), 
      ,, genome, peak.out.dir, 
                peakcaller, peakPvalue, sep = " ")
            system(paste0(cmd1, " ", cmd2))
    } else if (row == "No")
        cat("Do you want to perform peak merge, overlap, produing Venn diagram?\n")
        input <- file("stdin", "r")
        row <- readLines(input, n = 1)
        if (row == "Yes")
            cat("please defne the input file for sample information:\n")
            input <- file("stdin", "r")
            input.file.sample <- readLines(input, n = 1)
            cat("Finished to get sample information\n")
            cat("please defne the input file directory for bed files:\n")
            input <- file("stdin", "r")
            input.file.dir <- readLines(input, n = 1)
            cat("please defne the input file pattern:\n")
            input <- file("stdin", "r")
            input.file.pattern <- readLines(input, n = 1)
            cat("please defne the output file directory:\n")
            input <- file("stdin", "r")
            output.file.dir <- readLines(input, n = 1)
            R_lib = .libPaths()[1]
            cmd1 = "bsub -P bbc -J \"RunR\" -o %J.RunR.log -e %J.RunR.err -W 72:00 -n 8 -q general -u"
            cmd2 = paste0("Rscript ", R_lib, "/ChipSeq/bin/Run_Merge_peak.r ", 
                input.file.dir, " ", output.file.dir, " ", input.file.pattern, 
                " ", input.file.sample)
            system(paste0(cmd1, " ", cmd2))
            cat("Finished peak merge, overlap, produing Venn diagram?\n")
        } else if (row == "No")
            cat("Do you want to perform  Bam files sorting, index and Visualization?\n")
            input <- file("stdin", "r")
            row <- readLines(input, n = 1)
            if (row == "Yes")
                cat("please defne the input file directory for Bam files:\n")
                input <- file("stdin", "r")
                input.file.dir <- readLines(input, n = 1)
                cat("Finished to get bam files\n")
                cat("please defne the out file directory:\n")
                input <- file("stdin", "r")
                output.file.dir <- readLines(input, n = 1)
                cat("please defne genome:(example: Hs) \n")
                input <- file("stdin", "r")
                genomeID <- readLines(input, n = 1)
                cmd1 = "bsub -P bbc -J \"BamR\" -o %J.BamR.log -e %J.BamR.err -W 72:00 -n 8 -q general -u"
                cmd2 = paste0("Rscript ", R_lib, "/ChipSeq/bin/Process_Bam.r ", 
                  input.file.dir, " ", output.file.dir, " ", 
                system(paste0(cmd1, " ", cmd2))
                cat("Finished Bam files sorting, index and Visualization ?\n")
            } else

switch(choose.type, All = {
}, peakcalling = {
}, annotation = {
}, visualization = {
aiminy/ChipSeq documentation built on May 12, 2019, 3:37 a.m.