
Defines functions lohCallMedianFilterByChr lohCallMedianFilter readBAFExtractOutput

Documented in lohCallMedianFilter lohCallMedianFilterByChr readBAFExtractOutput

#' @title readBAFExtractOutput()
#' @description Reads BAFExtract output files 
#' @param path path for the folder that contains BAFExtract output files 
#' @return baf signal in data.frame format 
#' @export
readBAFExtractOutput <- function(path, sequencing.type = "bulk", suffix = "snp") {
    files <- list.files(path)
    files <- files[grep(paste0(".", suffix,"$"), files)]
    loh <- list()
    for (i in 1:length(files)) {
        maf <- read.table(file.path(path, files[i]), header = F, stringsAsFactor = F)
        maf <- data.frame(chr = maf[, 1], position = maf[, 2], alt = maf[, 5], ref = maf[, 6] - maf[, 5], coverage = maf[, 
            6], baf = maf[, 5]/maf[, 6], dev = abs(as.numeric(maf[, 5]/maf[, 6]) - 0.5))
        maf <- maf[order(maf$position), ]
        idx = unlist(as.vector((sapply(1:22, function(x) as.vector(unlist(which(as.character(maf$chr) == x)))))))
        maf <- maf[idx, ]
        j <- 0.2
        if (sequencing.type == "bulk") 
            maf <- maf[maf$baf > j & maf$baf < (1 - j), ]
        if (sequencing.type == "single-cell") 
            maf <- maf[maf$baf > j, ]
        loh[[i]] <- maf
    names(loh) <- files

#' @title lohCallMedianFilter()
#' @description Reads BAFExtract output files 
#' @param path path for the folder that contains BAFExtract output files 
#' @return baf signal in data.frame format 
#' @export
lohCallMedianFilter <- function(object, loh.scale, n = 50, scale.iteration = 50) {
    object@loh.median.filtered.data <- list()

    for (j in 1:length(object@loh)) {
        window <- n
        maf <- object@loh[[j]]
        data_smoothed <- maf$dev
        for (i in 1:loh.scale) {
            data_smoothed <- round(signal::filter(MedianFilter(window + 1), data_smoothed), digits = 2)
            maf$dev <- data_smoothed
            window <- window + scale.iteration
        object@loh.median.filtered.data[[j]] <- maf
    names(object@loh.median.filtered.data) <- names(object@loh)

#' @title readBAFExtractOutput()
#' @description Reads BAFExtract output files 
#' @param path path for the folder that contains BAFExtract output files 
#' @return baf signal in data.frame format 
#' @export
lohCallMedianFilterByChr <- function(object, loh.scale, n = 50, scale.iteration = 50) {
    object@loh.median.filtered.data <- list()
    for (j in 1:length(object@loh)) {
        window <- n
        maf <- object@loh[[j]]
        data_smoothed <- maf$dev
        maf_temp <- maf
        for (i in 1:loh.scale) {
            maf_2 <- NULL
            for (m in 1:22) {
                chrBAF <- maf_temp[which(as.character(maf_temp$chr) == as.character(m)), ]
                chrBAF <- chrBAF[order(as.numeric(as.character(chrBAF$pos))), ]
                data_smoothed <- chrBAF$dev
                data_smoothed <- round(signal::filter(MedianFilter(window + 1), data_smoothed), digits = 2)
                chrBAF$dev <- data_smoothed
                maf_2 <- rbind(maf_2, chrBAF)
            maf_temp <- maf_2
            window <- window + scale.iteration
        object@loh.median.filtered.data[[j]] <- maf_2
    names(object@loh.median.filtered.data) <- names(object@loh)
akdess/CaSpER documentation built on April 8, 2021, 8:59 a.m.