
Defines functions escapeRegex escape_path worksheet_code cleanup_code format_trailer format_cleanup format_count_within format_nearest_neighbors format_h_score format_expression format_density format_phenotypes format_tissue_categories format_path format_header format_all

# Output formatting
# These functions build a script based on the user inputs.
# Each function returns code to be included in the script output.
# Most code snippets create a table to include in the Results workbook.
# For each table created, a pair of strings is appended to `table_pairs`.
# The first string is code to "clean" the table; the second is code
# to add the table to the final workbook.

# Environment to share among formatting functions
# This is a bit of a hack, an R6 class or nested functions would be cleaner.
format_env = new.env(parent = emptyenv())

# Format everything.
format_all = function(all_data) {
  phenotype_values = all_data$phenotype_values

  # Filter null values that happen when the controls are created,
  # then missing phenotype
  phenos = purrr::compact(phenotype_values, 'phenotype') %>%
    purrr::discard(~.x$phenotype %in% c(''))
  names(phenos) = purrr::map_chr(phenos, 'phenotype') %>%

  .by = all_data$by

  # Flags for various sections present
  has = list()
  has$phenotypes = length(phenos) > 0
  has$density = has$phenotypes && !is.null(all_data$summary_path)
  has$expression = any(purrr::map_lgl(phenos, ~!.x$expression %in% c('', 'NA')))
  has$h_score = !is.null(all_data$score_path)

  has$include_nearest = all_data$include_nearest && length(phenos) >= 2
  has$include_nearest_details =
    has$include_nearest && all_data$include_distance_details

  has$include_count_within = (all_data$include_count_within
    && length(all_data$radii) > 0 && length(phenos) >= 2)
  has$include_count_within_details =
    has$include_count_within && all_data$include_distance_details

  # Re-initialize
  # `table_pairs` accumulates pairs of code snippets for table cleanup and
  # worksheet writing.
  # It must be at global scope to be shared between all these functions.
  assign("table_pairs", list(), envir=format_env)

  # Code generation
    format_path(all_data$input_path, all_data$field_col),
    format_phenotypes(phenos, .by),
    ifelse(has$density, format_density(all_data$summary_path), ''),
    ifelse(has$h_score, format_h_score(all_data$score_path, phenos), ''),
                                    has$include_nearest_details), ''),
           format_count_within(all_data$output_dir, all_data$radii,
                               has$include_count_within_details), ''),
    format_cleanup(all_data$slide_id_prefix, all_data$use_regex, has),
    format_trailer(all_data$output_dir, has))

# Front matter loads required packages
format_header = function() {
  '# Created by phenoptr {packageVersion("phenoptr")}',
  ' and phenoptrReports {packageVersion("phenoptrReports")} on {Sys.Date()}
# http://akoyabio.github.io/phenoptr
# http://akoyabio.github.io/phenoptrReports


# Format reading cell seg data and making a summary table
format_path = function(path, field_col) {
  table_pairs = get("table_pairs", envir=format_env)
  table_pairs = c(table_pairs,
  assign("table_pairs", table_pairs, envir=format_env)

  stringr::str_glue('# Read the consolidated data file
csd_path =
csd = read_cell_seg_data(csd_path, col_select="phenoptrReports")

# Make a table summarizing the number of fields per slide
summary_table = csd %>%
  group_by(`Slide ID`) %>%
  summarize(`Number of fields`=n_distinct(`{field_col}`))

# Format tissue categories
format_tissue_categories = function(cats) {
  cats = cats %>% purrr::compact() %>% purrr::discard(~.x=='')
  if (length(cats)==0) return('tissue_categories = NA\n\n\n')
  cat_str = paste(cats, collapse='", "')
  stringr::str_glue('tissue_categories = c("{cat_str}")\n\n\n')

# Format the phenotype definitions, phenotype counts and percentages
format_phenotypes = function(vals, .by) {
  phenos = purrr::map_chr(vals, 'phenotype')

  # This allows multiple expression markers per pheno
  phenos = unique(phenos)

  # Always do all cells
  if (!any(stringr::str_detect(phenos,
                               stringr::regex('Total|All', ignore_case=TRUE))))
    phenos = c(unique(phenos), 'Total Cells')

  table_pairs = get("table_pairs", envir=format_env)
  table_pairs = c(table_pairs, list(
      worksheet_code('write_counts_sheet', 'counts')),
      worksheet_code('write_percents_sheet', 'percents'))
  assign("table_pairs", table_pairs, envir=format_env)

  phenos_string = paste(phenos, collapse='", "')
  stringr::str_glue('# Define phenotypes
phenotypes = parse_phenotypes("{phenos_string}")

# Column to aggregate by
.by = "{.by}"

# Count phenotypes per tissue category
counts = count_phenotypes(csd, phenotypes, tissue_categories, .by=.by)
percents = counts_to_percents(counts)

# Format density calculation
format_density = function(summary_path) {
  table_pairs = get("table_pairs", envir=format_env)
  table_pairs = c(table_pairs,
                           worksheet_code('write_density_sheet', 'densities'))))
  assign("table_pairs", table_pairs, envir=format_env)

'# Path to a cell seg summary file, used for the tissue category area
summary_path =

# Using the counts computed above and the tissue area from the summary,
# compute cell densities for each phenotype
densities = compute_density_from_cell_summary(counts, summary_path,
                                              tissue_categories, .by=.by)

# Format the expression parameters and computation of mean expression
format_expression = function(vals) {
  # Filter out phenotypes with no expression requested
  phenos = vals %>%
    purrr::discard(~.x$expression %in% c('', 'NA'))
  if (length(phenos) == 0)
    return('expression_params = NULL\n\n')

  table_pairs = get("table_pairs", envir=format_env)
  table_pairs = c(table_pairs,
  assign("table_pairs", table_pairs, envir=format_env)

  # Map phenotype names to expression
  pairs = purrr::imap_chr(phenos,
                  ~stringr::str_glue('"{.y}" = "{.x$expression}"'))
  phenos_string = paste(pairs, collapse=',\n  ')
'# Associate phenotype names with expression columns to measure.
expression_params = list(

# Compute mean expression per phenotype
expression_means = csd %>%
  compute_mean_expression_many(phenotypes, expression_params,
                               tissue_categories, .by=.by)

# Format calculation of H-Score for all cells and optional phenotypes
format_h_score = function(score_paths, phenos) {
  result = '# Compute H-Score\n'
  table_pairs = get("table_pairs", envir=format_env)

  purrr::iwalk(score_paths, function(score_path, ix) {
    base_table_name = stringr::str_glue('h_score_{ix}')
    table_pairs <<- c(table_pairs,
                             worksheet_code('write_h_score_sheet', base_table_name))))

    # First the overall H-Score
    result <<- stringr::str_glue(
"{result}score_path_{ix} =
h_score_{ix} = compute_h_score_from_score_data(csd, score_path_{ix},
                                          tissue_categories, .by=.by)

  # Add in any optional scoring by appending to result and table_pairs
    wants_scoring = purrr::map_lgl(phenos,
                                   ~(!is.null(.x$score) && .x$score==TRUE))

    scoring_phenos = phenos[wants_scoring] %>%
      purrr::map_chr('phenotype') %>%
      names() %>%

    # Names for the constructed data tables
    # We need to distinguish e.g. CD8+ and CD8- here so replace + and -
    # with valid characters before calling make.names.
    table_names = scoring_phenos %>%
      stringr::str_replace_all(c('\\+'='p', '-'='m')) %>%
      make.names() %>%
      stringr::str_replace_all('\\.+', '_') %>%
      { stringr::str_glue('h_score_{ix}_{.}') }

    purrr::pmap(list(scoring_phenos, table_names),
                function(pheno, table_name) {
      table_pairs <<-
                 stringr::str_glue("write_h_score_sheet(wb, {table_name},

      result <<- stringr::str_glue(
       csd, score_path_{ix}, tissue_categories, .by=.by,

  assign("table_pairs", table_pairs, envir=format_env)


# Format calculation of nearest neighbors
format_nearest_neighbors = function(output_dir, include_distance_details) {
  table_pairs = get("table_pairs", envir=format_env)
  table_pairs = c(table_pairs,
  assign("table_pairs", table_pairs, envir=format_env)

  if (include_distance_details)
'# Summarize nearest neighbor distances
nearest_detail_path = file.path(
nearest_neighbors = nearest_neighbor_summary(
  csd, phenotypes, tissue_categories, nearest_detail_path, .by=.by,
"# Summarize nearest neighbor distances
nearest_neighbors = nearest_neighbor_summary(
  csd, phenotypes, tissue_categories, .by=.by)

# Format calculation of `count_within`
format_count_within = function(output_dir, radii,
                               include_count_within_details) {
  table_pairs = get("table_pairs", envir=format_env)
  table_pairs = c(table_pairs,
  assign("table_pairs", table_pairs, envir=format_env)

  if (include_count_within_details)
'# Summary of cells within a specific distance
radii = {deparse(radii)}
count_detail_path = file.path(
count_within = count_within_summary(
  csd, radii, phenotypes, tissue_categories,
  count_detail_path, .by=.by, extra_cols=expression_params)
"# Summary of cells within a specific distance
radii = {deparse(radii)}
count_within = count_within_summary(csd, radii, phenotypes,
                                    tissue_categories, .by=.by)

# Format generation of cleanup function and calls to it for each table
format_cleanup = function(slide_id_prefix, use_regex, has) {
  if (!has$phenotypes || is.null(slide_id_prefix) || slide_id_prefix == '')

  # We are going to use a regex to remove the Slide ID prefix.
  # If the user did not request regex, escape any special characters in
  # the prefix they provided and ensure that it is a prefix match.
  if (!use_regex) {
    slide_id_prefix = escapeRegex(slide_id_prefix)
    slide_id_prefix = paste0('^', slide_id_prefix)

  # Now slide_id_prefix is a valid regex. We still have to double-escape \
  # to put it into a string literal.
  slide_id_prefix = stringr::str_replace_all(slide_id_prefix,
                                         stringr::fixed('\\'), '\\\\')

  # Note: Don't use mutate() in cleanup(),
  # it removes attribute from h_score table
  start = stringr::str_glue("# Clean up the aggregation column
# Do this at the end or it will break merges
cleanup = function(d) {{
  by_col = ifelse(.by %in% names(d), .by, 'Slide ID')
  d[[by_col]] = stringr::str_remove_all(d[[by_col]], '{slide_id_prefix}')

  # Add a cleanup call for each table
  table_pairs = get("table_pairs", envir=format_env)
  purrr::walk(table_pairs, ~{
    start <<- stringr::str_glue("{start}{.x[[1]]}")

  paste(start, '\n')

# Format writing the workbook and creating the chart report
format_trailer = function(output_dir, has) {
start =
'# Write it all out to an Excel workbook
wb = createWorkbook()
# Add a write call for each table
table_pairs = get("table_pairs", envir=format_env)
purrr::walk(table_pairs, ~{
  start <<- stringr::str_glue("{start}{.x[[2]]}")

end = stringr::str_glue(

workbook_path = file.path(
if (file.exists(workbook_path)) file.remove(workbook_path)
saveWorkbook(wb, workbook_path)

# Write summary charts
charts_path = file.path(
if (file.exists(charts_path)) file.remove(charts_path)
write_summary_charts(workbook_path, charts_path, .by=.by)

# Save session info
info_path = file.path(

paste0(start, end)

## Helper functions
# Create a call to `cleanup` for the given table
cleanup_code = function(table_name) {
  stringr::str_glue("{table_name} = cleanup({table_name})\n\n")

# Create call to write a worksheet
worksheet_code = function(worksheet_function, table_name) {
  stringr::str_glue("{worksheet_function}(wb, {table_name})\n\n")

# Escape a file path by changing all \ to /
escape_path = function(path) {
  stringr::str_replace_all(path, '\\\\', '/')

# Hmisc::escapeRegex
escapeRegex = function(string) {
  gsub("([.|()\\^{}+$*?]|\\[|\\])", "\\\\\\1", string)
akoyabio/phenoptrReports documentation built on Jan. 17, 2022, 6:22 p.m.