
Defines functions bmwp

Documented in bmwp

#' bmwp
#' This function calculates the *Biological Monitoring Working Party* index following Armitage et al. (1983), Davy-Bowker et al. (2007) and Alba-Tercedor & Sanchez-Ortega (1988) implementations.
#' @param x Result of `aggregate_taxa()`.
#' @param method The implementation of BMWP. Possible choices are `a` (Armitage et al. 1983), `uk` (Davy-Bowker et al. 2010), `spa` (MAGRAMA 2011), `ita` (Buffagni et al . 2014).
#'  Users can provide their own `data.frame` (see examples) with a column called *Taxon* and the column of scores called *Scores*.
#' @param agg This option allows the composite family approach. It can be `FALSE`, `TRUE` or a `data.frame`.
#' If `FALSE` no aggregation will be performed, while if `TRUE` aggregation will be performed according to the rules described in Details.
#' A `data.frame` containing the aggregation rules can be provided by the user.
#' This `data.frame` needs a column called *Taxon* containing the taxon to aggregate and a column called *Correct_Taxon* with the aggregation specifications.
#' `agg` cannot be `TRUE` when a `data.frame` is provided as method.
#' @param exceptions Taxa that need to be exluded from the calculation.
#' This option can be useful, for instance, to exclude an alien species belonging to an autochthonous family.
#' @param traceB If set to `TRUE` a list as specified below will be returned.
#' @keywords aggregate_taxa
#' @references Armitage, P. D., Moss, D., Wright, J. F., & Furse, M. T. (1983). The performance of a new biological water quality score system based on macroinvertebrates over a wide range of unpolluted running-water sites. Water research, 17(3), 333-347.
#' @references Davy-Bowker J., Clarke R., Corbin T., Vincent H, Pretty J., Hawczak A., Blackburn J., Murphy J., Jones I., 2008. River Invertebrate Classification Tool. Final report. WFD72C. SNIFFER. 276 pp
#' @references MAGRAMA-Ministerio de Agricultura y medio Ambiente (2011) Protocolo de muestreo y laboratorio de fauna bentonica de invertebrados en rios vadeables. ML-Rv-I-2011, Cod, 23 pp.
#' @details BMWP represents the sum of the scores of the taxa receiving a score. Armitage scores are not reliable yet, since taxonomy has to be revised (e.g. Elminthidae are present instead of Elmidae). Davy-Bowker et al. (2010) and Buffagni et al. (2014) implementations take into account composite taxa as follow:
#' \enumerate{
#'   \item Psychomyiidae (inc. Ecnomidae)
#'   \item Rhyacophilidae (inc. Glossosomatidae)
#'   \item Limnephilidae (inc. Apatanidae)
#'   \item Ancylidae (inc. Acroloxidae)
#'   \item Gammaridae (inc. Crangonyctidae & Niphargidae)
#'   \item Hydrophilidae (inc. Hydraenidae, Helophoridae)
#'   \item Tipulidae (inc. Limoniidae, Pediciidae & Cylindrotomidae)
#'   \item Planariidae (inc. Dugesidae)
#'   \item Hydrobiidae (inc. Bithyniidae)
#'   \item Oligochaeta (all the families)
#' }
#' Optional scores provided by the user data.frame needs to be formatted like following:
#' \tabular{lc}{
#' Taxon \tab Scores \cr
#' Aeshnidae \tab 8 \cr
#' Ancylidae \tab 6 \cr
#' Aphelocheiridae \tab 10 \cr
#' Asellidae \tab 3 \cr
#' Astacidae \tab 8 \cr
#' }
#' Optional aggregation `data.frame` provided by the user needs to be formatted like following:
#' \tabular{ll}{
#'  Taxon \tab Correct_Taxon \cr
#'  Glossosomatidae \tab Rhyachopilidae \cr
#'  Apataniidae \tab Limnephilidae \cr
#'  Acroloxidae \tab Ancylidae \cr
#'  Crangonyctidae \tab Gammaridae \cr
#'  Niphargidae \tab Gammaridae \cr
#' }
#' The `bmwp()` function automatically check for parent-child pairs in the scoring system, see the return the Value section for a definition.
#' All the information used for `bmwp()` calculation can be retrieved with the function `show_scores()`.
#' @return If `traceB` is set to `TRUE` a list with the following elements will be returned:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item `results` Results of `bmwp()`.
#'  \item `taxa_df` The `data.frame` used for the calculation containing the abundance of taxa receiving a score.
#'  \item `composite_taxa` Taxa aggregated following the aggregation rules when `agg` is not `NULL`.
#'  \item `exceptions` A `data.frame` containing the containing changes made by excluding the taxa included in `exceptions`.
#'  \item `parent_child_pairs` For instance in Spanish BMWP both *Ferrissia* and Planorbidae receive a score.
#'  Abundances of the higher taxonomic level need therefore to be adjusted by subtracting the abundances of the lower taxonomic level.
#' }
#' @importFrom stats aggregate
#' @export
#' @seealso [aggregate_taxa] [aspt] [show_scores]
#' @examples
#' data(macro_ex)
#' data_bio <- as_biomonitor(macro_ex)
#' data_agr <- aggregate_taxa(data_bio)
#' bmwp(data_agr)
#' bmwp(data_agr, method = "spa")
bmwp <- function(x, method = "ita", agg = FALSE, exceptions = NULL, traceB = FALSE) {

  # check if the object x is of class "biomonitoR"

  # useful for transforming data to 0-1 later
  if (inherits(x, "bin")) {
    BIN <- TRUE
  } else {
    BIN <- FALSE

  if (!any(identical(method, "ita"), identical(method, "spa"), identical(method, "a"), identical(method, "uk")) & !(is.data.frame(method))) (stop("Please provide a valid method"))
  if (!any(isFALSE(agg) | isTRUE(agg) | is.data.frame(agg))) stop("agg is not one of TRUE, FALSE or a custom data.frame")

  numb <- c(which(names(x) == "Tree"), which(names(x) == "Taxa")) # position of the Tree and Taxa data.frame in the biomonitoR object that need to be removed

  # Store tree for searching for inconsistencies
  Tree <- x[["Tree"]][, 1:10]

  # remove Tree and Taxa data.frame
  x <- x[-numb]
  st.names <- names(x[[1]][-1]) # names of the sampled sites
  # initialize the aggregation method
  z <- NULL

  # the following if statement is to allow the users to provide their own bmwp scores and aggregation rules.
  # y represents the method to be used
  if (is.data.frame(method)) {
    if (!(isFALSE(agg) | is.data.frame(agg))) {
      stop("When method is a data.frame agg needs to be FALSE or a data.frame containing the aggregation rules")
    if (isFALSE(agg)) {
      y <- method
    } else {
      y <- method
      z <- agg
  } else {
    if (!(isTRUE(agg) | isFALSE(agg))) stop("When using the deafult method agg can only be TRUE or FALSE")

    # assign the default scores and aggregation rules as needed by the user

    if (identical(method, "a")) (y <- aspt_scores_fam_armitage)

    if (identical(method, "ita")) {
      y <- aspt_scores_fam_ita

      if (isTRUE(agg)) {
        z <- aspt_acc_fam_ita

    if (identical(method, "spa")) {
      y <- aspt_scores_fam_spa

    if (identical(method, "uk")) {
      y <- aspt_scores_fam_uk

      if (isTRUE(agg)) {
        z <- aspt_acc_fam_uk

  # the calculation of the index in biomonitoR consists in rbind all the taxonomic levels
  # in the biomonitoR object that has been previously deprived of Taxa and Tree elements and then merge
  # it with the scores data.frame.
  # The first step is to change the column name of the first column of each data.frame to
  # an unique name

  for (i in 1:length(x)) {
    colnames(x[[i]])[1] <- "Taxon"

  # rbind the data.frames representing a taxonomic level each
  # aggregate is not necessary here
  DF <- do.call("rbind", x)
  rownames(DF) <- NULL
  DF <- aggregate(. ~ Taxon, DF, sum)

  if (!is.null(exceptions)) {
    DF <- manage_exceptions(DF = DF, Tree = Tree, y = y, Taxon = exceptions)
    if (!is.data.frame(DF)) {
      exce <- DF[[2]]
      DF <- DF[[1]]

  # transform the data.frame from abundance to presence-absence if needed
  if (BIN) {
    DF <- to_bin(DF)

  # merge the new data.frame with the score data.frame and change
  # the names of the taxa according to the aggregation rules if needed
  DF <- merge(DF, y[, "Taxon", drop = FALSE])
  if (!is.null(z)) {
    taxa.to.change <- as.character(DF$Taxon[DF$Taxon %in% z$Taxon])
    DF <- checkBmwpFam(DF = DF, famNames = z, stNames = st.names)
  } else {
    DF <- DF

  DF <- manage_inconsistencies(DF = DF, Tree = Tree)
  if (!is.data.frame(DF)) {
    incon <- DF[[2]]
    DF <- DF[[1]]

  # transform the data.frame from abundance to presence-absence
  DF <- merge(y, DF)

  if (traceB) {
    df1 <- DF

  tot.mer <- data.frame(DF[, 1:2, drop = FALSE], (DF[, -c(1:2)] > 0) * 1)

  names(tot.mer)[-c(1, 2)] <- st.names # assign site names, the first wo columns are taxa and scores
  tot.st <- which(names(tot.mer) %in% st.names) # column numbers of the site columns
  ntaxa <- colSums(tot.mer[, -c(1:2), drop = F] == 1) # taxa richness, used as denominator in the bmwp calculation
  tot.aspt <- apply(tot.mer$Scores * tot.mer[, tot.st, drop = F], 2, sum) # calculate the bmwp as bmwp times the taxa richness

  # return the results
  if (!traceB) {
  } else {
    if (!exists("taxa.to.change", inherits = FALSE)) {
      df2 <- "none"
    } else {
      df2 <- taxa.to.change
    if (exists("exce", inherits = FALSE)) {
      df3 <- exce
    } else {
      df3 <- "none"
    if (exists("incon", inherits = FALSE)) {
      df4 <- incon
    } else {
      df4 <- "none"

    list(results = tot.aspt, taxa_df = df1, composite_taxa = df2, exceptions = df3, parent_child_pairs = df4)
alexology/biomonitoR documentation built on April 7, 2024, 10:15 a.m.