
Defines functions annHeatmap.ExpressionSet annHeatmap.default regHeatmap.default annHeatmap regHeatmap plot.annHeatmap annHeatmap2 cutplot.dendrogram BrewerClusterCol print.annHeatmap getLeaves cutree.dendrogram convAnnData doLegend g2r.colors breakColors niceBreaks picketPlotControl extractArg modifyExistingList heatmapLayout

Documented in annHeatmap annHeatmap2 annHeatmap.default annHeatmap.ExpressionSet breakColors BrewerClusterCol convAnnData doLegend extractArg g2r.colors getLeaves heatmapLayout modifyExistingList niceBreaks picketPlotControl plot.annHeatmap print.annHeatmap regHeatmap regHeatmap.default

## Imports (very fine-grained, could probably be simplified)
#' @importFrom graphics axis
#' @importFrom graphics box
#' @importFrom graphics image
#' @importFrom graphics layout
#' @importFrom graphics lines
#' @importFrom graphics par
#' @importFrom graphics plot
#' @importFrom graphics points
#' @importFrom graphics rect
#' @importFrom graphics layout.show
#' @importFrom graphics abline
#' @importFrom graphics segments
#' @importFrom grDevices col2rgb
#' @importFrom grDevices gray
#' @importFrom grDevices heat.colors
#' @importFrom grDevices rainbow
#' @importFrom grDevices rgb
#' @importFrom stats as.dendrogram
#' @importFrom stats cutree
#' @importFrom stats dist
#' @importFrom stats hclust
#' @importFrom stats loess
#' @importFrom stats order.dendrogram
#' @importFrom stats predict
#' @importFrom stats quantile
#' @importFrom stats reorder
#' @importFrom stats dendrapply
#' @importFrom stats model.matrix
#' @importFrom stats na.exclude
#' @importFrom stats naresid
#' @importFrom RColorBrewer brewer.pal.info
#' @importFrom RColorBrewer brewer.pal

#' Generate a layout for an (annotated) heatmap
#' Generate a layout for an (annotated) heatmap. This function will generally
#' not be called directly, but only via \code{annHeatmap2}.
#' Space for plots is reserved via the \code{layout} mechanism. The function
#' starts with an empty maximum layout, fills in the plot, dendrograms,
#' annotation plots and legend as required, and compresses the resulting layout
#' by removing empty slots.
#' @param dendrogram A list with named entries \code{Row} and \code{Col}. Each
#' of these is a list with a named entry \code{status}. If the value of
#' \code{status} is the string \code{"yes"}, space will be set aside for
#' drawing a row- and/or column dendrogram.
#' @param annotation A list with named entries \code{Row} and \code{Col}. Each
#' of these is a list with a named entry \code{data}. If the value of
#' \code{data} is not \code{NULL}, space will be set aside for a picket plot
#' showing the row- and/or column annotation.
#' @param leg.side An integer indicating on where to reserve space for the
#' legend: values 1-4 correspond to below, to the left, above and to the right,
#' as in e.g. \code{axis}. For a value of \code{NULL}, the function provides a
#' reasonable default where there is space left in the layout. For any other
#' value, no space for a legend is put aside.
#' @param show A logical value; if \code{TRUE}, the layout defined by the
#' arguments is displayed graphically.
#' @return A list with the following entries: \item{plot }{A matrix describing
#' the plot layout; see \code{layout}} \item{width }{relative widths of plots
#' (i.e. columns)} \item{height }{relative heights of plots (i.e. rows)}
#' \item{legend.side }{side where to draw the legend}
#' @seealso \code{\link{annHeatmap2}}, \code{\link{picketPlot}},
#' \code{\link{layout}}
#' @keywords utilities
#' @examples
#'     def.par = par(no.readonly = TRUE) # save default, for resetting
#'     ## Heatmap with column dendrogram, column annotation, default legend
#'     dnd = list(Row=list(status="no"), Col=list(status="yes"))
#'     ann = list(Row=list(data=NULL), Col=list(data=1))
#'     ## 1 = heatmap, 2=dendrogram, 3=annotation, 4=legend
#'     ll = heatmapLayout(dendrogram=dnd, annotation=ann, leg.side=NULL, show=TRUE)
#'     ll
#'     par(def.par)  #- reset to default
#' @export heatmapLayout
heatmapLayout = function(dendrogram, annotation, leg.side=NULL, show=FALSE)
    ## Start: maximum matrix, 5 x 5, all zero
    ## Names for nice display post ante
    ll = matrix(0, nrow=5, ncol=5)
    ll.width = ll.height = rep(0, 5)
    cnt = 1
    rownames(ll) = c("leg3", "colDendro","image", "colAnn", "leg1")
    colnames(ll) = c("leg2", "rowDendro","image", "rowAnn", "leg4")
    ## The main plot
    ll[3,3] = cnt
    ll.width[3] = ll.height[3] = 5
    cnt = cnt+1
    ## The column dendrogram
    if (dendrogram$Col$status=="yes") {
        ll[2, 3] = 2
        ll.width[3]  = 5
        ll.height[2] = 2
        cnt = cnt+1
    ## The row dendrogram
    if (dendrogram$Row$status=="yes") {
        ll[3, 2] = cnt
        ll.width[2]  = 2
        ll.height[3] = 5
        cnt = cnt+1
    # Column annotation
    if (!is.null(annotation$Col$data)) {
        ll[4, 3] = cnt
        ll.width[3] = 5
        ll.height[4] = 2
        cnt = cnt+1
    ## Row annotation
    if (!is.null(annotation$Row$data)) {
        ll[3, 4] = cnt
        ll.width[4]  = 2
        ll.height[3] = 5
        cnt = cnt+1
    ## Legend: if no pref specified, go for empty, if possible
    if (is.null(leg.side)) {
        if (dendrogram$Row$status != "yes") {
            leg.side = 2
        } else if (is.null(annotation$Row$data)) {
            leg.side = 4
        } else if (is.null(annotation$Col$data)) {
            leg.side = 1
        } else if (dendrogram$Col$status != "yes") {
            leg.side = 3
        } else {
            leg.side = 4
    ## Add the legend space
    if (leg.side==1) {
        ll[5,3] = cnt
        ll.width[3] = 5
        ll.height[5] = 1
    } else if (leg.side==2) {
        ll[3,1] = cnt
        ll.width[1] = 1
        ll.height[3] = 5
    } else if (leg.side==3) {
        ll[1,3] = cnt
        ll.width[3]  = 5
        ll.height[1] = 1
    } else if (leg.side==4) {
        ll[3,5] = cnt
        ll.width[5]  = 1
        ll.height[3] = 5
    ## Compress
    ndx = rowSums(ll)!=0
    ll  = ll[ndx, , drop=FALSE]
    ll.height = ll.height[ndx]
    ndx = colSums(ll)!=0
    ll  = ll[, ndx, drop=FALSE]
    ll.width = ll.width[ndx]
    ## Do it - show it
    if (show) {
        layout(ll, widths=ll.width, heights=ll.height, respect=TRUE)            
    return(list(plot=ll, width=ll.width, height=ll.height, legend.side=leg.side))

#' Override existing list entries
#' Override existing list entries and extract arguments that are specified as
#' named lists
#' \code{modifyExistingList} is a general function that recursively overwrites
#' named items in \code{x} with the value of items of \code{val} with the same
#' name. Items in \code{val} that have no name, or do not correspond to an item
#' in \code{x} with the same name, are ignored.
#' \code{extractArg} is a specific helper function for setting default values
#' for the \code{annHeatmap2}-family of functions, where arguments are given as
#' a list with two named items, \code{Row} and \code{Col}. Each of these items
#' is again a named list of actual parameters. At the same time, all items with
#' other names than \code{Row} and \code{Col} at the top level are assumed to
#' be shared items with the same value for both sub-lists. \code{extractArg}
#' uses \code{modifyExistingList} to overwrite the default values specified in
#' \code{deflist} with the actual values specified in \code{arglist}, see
#' Examples.
#' @aliases modifyExistingList extractArg
#' @param x a named list, the target for replacing with entries with the same
#' name from \code{val}
#' @param val a named list that serves as template for filling in values in
#' \code{x}
#' @param arglist a named list; these are the specified arguments that override
#' the defaults.
#' @param deflist a named list whose entries are all possible slots (with
#' default values) that can be filled.
#' @return \code{modifyExistingList} returns \code{x}, with values replaced
#' from \code{val} where names match. \code{extractArg} returns a list with
#' items \code{Row} and \code{Col} fully specified according to both
#' \code{deflist} and \code{arglist}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{annHeatmap2}}
#' @keywords utilities
#' @examples
#'     ## Replace items with matching names recursively
#'     x   = list(a=1, b=2, c=list(a=31, b=32), 135)
#'     val = list(a=2, c=list(b=1114), d=92)
#'     modifyExistingList(x, val)
#'     ## Same defaults for rows/columns, no arguments specified
#'     defs = list(a="A", b="B", c="C")
#'     extractArg(NULL, defs)
#'     ## Shared and non-shared defaults
#'     defs = list(common.1=134, common.2=72, Row=list(row.only=14), Col=list(col.only=134))
#'     args = list(common.1 = -1, Row=list(row.only=94, common.2=-15))
#'     extractArg(args, defs)
#' @export modifyExistingList
modifyExistingList = function(x, val)
    if (is.null(x)) x = list()
    if (is.null(val)) val = list()
    stopifnot(is.list(x), is.list(val))
    xnames <- names(x)
    vnames <- names(val)
    for (v in intersect(xnames, vnames)) {
        x[[v]] <- if (is.list(x[[v]]) && is.list(val[[v]])) 
            modifyExistingList(x[[v]], val[[v]])
        else val[[v]]

#' @rdname modifyExistingList
#' @export extractArg
extractArg = function(arglist, deflist)
    if (missing(arglist)) arglist = NULL
    al2 = modifyExistingList(deflist, arglist)
    row = col = al2
    row = modifyExistingList(row, arglist[["Row"]])    
    col = modifyExistingList(col, arglist[["Col"]])    
    list(Row=row, Col=col)  

#' Display a data frame of annotation information
#' Displays a data frame of both factor and numerical variables in parallel
#' panels. Factors levels are indicated by black rectangles, using dummy
#' variables for more than two levels. Numerical variables are shown as simple
#' index plots with an optional loess smoother. Panels can be arranged
#' horizontally or vertically, and different groups of subjects can be
#' indicated through different background colors.
#' Missing values are indicated by a box marking in \code{nacol} for factor
#' values.
#' @param x usually a data frame, which is passed to \code{convAnnData} to be
#' converted to a numerical matrix with dummy coding for the factor levels.
#' Alternatively, such a numerical matrix can be constructed manually and
#' passed in as \code{x}, see argument \code{asIs}
#' @param grp an optional vector of cluster memberships, in the same order as
#' the rows of \code{x}
#' @param grpcol an optional vector of background colors for the clusters
#' specified in \code{grp}
#' @param grplabel an optional vector of names for the clusters specified in
#' \code{grp}
#' @param horizontal logical value whether to plot variables horizontally
#' (default) or vertically
#' @param asIs a logical value indicating whether \code{x} should be passed to
#' \code{convAnnData} for pre-processing or not. Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param control a named list of control parameters that determines the visual 
#' appearance of the plot; see \code{picketPlotControl} for details.
#' @return Invisibly, a list containing the data and parameters used for plotting
#' each binary indicator and numerical variable, respectively. This is an internal
#' data structure, mostly useful for debugging. Irrelevant, as the main desired
#' effetc is a plot to the current graphical device. 
#' @seealso \code{\link{annHeatmap2}}, \code{\link{convAnnData}},
#' \code{\link{par}}, \code{\link{picketPlotControl}}
#' @keywords hplot
#' @examples
#'     ## Standard call
#'     data(mtcars)
#'     picketPlot(mtcars)
#'     ## Pre-process the data for display
#'     mm = convAnnData(mtcars, inclRef=FALSE)
#'     picketPlot(mm, asIs=TRUE)
#'     ## Higher panels for continous traits
#'     picketPlot(mm, asIs=TRUE, control=list(numfac=3))
#'     ## With clusters
#'     picketPlot(mtcars, grp = rep(1:2, c(16, 16)), grpcol = c("pink","lightblue"), grplabel=c("Cluster 1", "Cluster 2"))
#' @export picketPlot
picketPlot = function (x, grp=NULL, grpcol, grplabel=NULL, horizontal=TRUE, asIs=FALSE, control=list()) 
# Name: picketPlot (looks like a picket fence with holes, and sounds like the
#                   pocketplot in geostatistics)
# Desc: visualizes a pattern of 0/1/NAs by using bars, great for annotating a 
#       heatmap
# Auth: Alexander.Ploner@meb.ki.se  181203
# Chng: 221203 AP loess() with degree < 2
#       260104 AP 
#       - made loess() optional
#       - better use of space if no covariate
#       030304 AP
#       - added RainbowPastel() as default colors
#       - check grplabel before passing it to axis
#       2010-07-08 AP
#       - complete re-write
#       2010-08-28
#       - re-arranged code for vertical/horizontal drawing
    # deal with the setup
    cc = picketPlotControl()
    cc[names(control)] = control
    ## Convert/check the data
    x = convAnnData(x, asIs=asIs)
    # Count variables, panels, types
    nsamp  = nrow(x)
    npanel = ncol(x)
    bpanel = apply(x, 2, function(y) all(y[is.finite(y)] %in% c(0,1)) )
    # Compute panel heights, widths
    panelw = nsamp*(cc$boxw+2*cc$hbuff)
    panelh = cc$boxh+2*cc$vbuff
    totalh = sum(panelh * ifelse(bpanel, 1, cc$numfac))
    LL = cbind(0, 0)
    UR = cbind(panelw, totalh)
    # Set up the x-values for a single panel
    xbase = seq(cc$hbuff, by=cc$boxw+2*cc$hbuff, length=nsamp)
    xcent = xbase + cc$boxw/2
    # if we get a cluster variable, we have to set differently colored 
    # backgrounds; this assumes that the  grp variable is sorted in the 
    # way it appears on the plot
    if (!is.null(grp)) {
        grp = as.integer(factor(grp, levels=unique(grp)))
        tt = table(grp)
        gg = length(tt)
        grpcoord = c(0,cumsum(tt/sum(tt))*panelw)
        grp0 = cbind(grpcoord[1:gg], rep(0, gg))
        grp1 = cbind(grpcoord[2:(gg+1)], rep(totalh, gg))
        if (missing(grpcol)) {
        if (is.function(grpcol)) grpcol = grpcol(gg)
        ## In case of manually specified group colors, we only check/use the
        ## relevant colors and ignore the rest
        grpcol = grpcol[1:gg]
        if (gg > 1) {
            if ( any(grpcol[-1] == grpcol[-gg]) ) warning("neighboring clusters with same color, potentially misleading")

    # Loop over vars and fill in the panels
    panels = list()
    voff = 0
    for (i in 1:npanel) {
        if (bpanel[i]) {
            ## Coordinates
            x0 = xbase
            x1 = x0+cc$boxw
            y0 = voff + cc$vbuff
            y1 = y0   + cc$boxh
            ## Set fill
            fill = ifelse(x[, i, drop=FALSE]==1, "black", "transparent")
            fill[is.na(fill)] = cc$nacol
            label = colnames(x)[i]
            labcc = if (!is.null(label)) (y0+y1)/2 else NULL 
            panels[[i]] = list(ll=cbind(x0, y0), ur=cbind(x1, y1), fill=fill, label=label, labcc=labcc)
            voff = voff + panelh
        } else {
            xv = x[,i]
            rr = range(xv, na.rm=TRUE)
            yval = voff + cc$vbuff*cc$numfac + ((xv - rr[1])/(rr[2] - rr[1]))*cc$boxh*cc$numfac
            if ((cc$degree>0) & (cc$span>0)){
                yy = predict(loess(yval~xcent, span=cc$span, degree=cc$degree))
            } else {
                yy = rep(NA, length(xcent))
            label = colnames(x)[i]
            labcc = if (!is.null(label)) mean(range(yval, na.rm=TRUE)) else NULL
            ## Shrink the axis range for the labels, if specified
            if ( (cc$label_axis_shrink >= 0) & (cc$label_axis_shrink <= 1) ) {
                axis_offset <- cc$label_axis_shrink * (rr[2] - rr[1])/2
            } else {
                axis_offset <- 0
            axis_range <- c(rr[1] + axis_offset, rr[2] - axis_offset)
            axlab = pretty(axis_range)
            axcc  = voff + cc$vbuff*cc$numfac + ((axlab - rr[1])/(rr[2] - rr[1]))*cc$boxh*cc$numfac
            panels[[i]] = list(raw = cbind(xcent, yval), smo = cbind(xcent, yy), 
                               label = label, labcc = labcc, 
                               axlab = axlab, axcc = axcc, 
                               low_hi = c(voff, voff + panelh*cc$numfac))
            voff = voff + panelh*cc$numfac
    # if grplabels are given, we add another horizontal axis to the 
    # last plot (independent of whether it is binvar or contvar)
    if (!is.null(grp) & !is.null(grplabel)) {
        mids = (grpcoord[1:gg] + grpcoord[2:(gg+1)])/2
        # Is the grplabel ok?
        labelnum = length(grplabel)
        if (labelnum < gg) {
            warning("more groups than labels (filling up with blanks)")
            grplabel = c(grplabel, rep(" ", gg-labelnum))
        } else if (gg < labelnum) {
            warning("more labels than groups (ignoring the extras)")
            grplabel = grplabel[1:gg]
    ## Switch coordinates, if you have to
    h2v = function(cc) cbind(cc[,2]-totalh, cc[,1])
    if (horizontal) {
        grpaxis = 1
        labaxis = 2
        covaxis = 4
        las = 1        
        draw_box = function(x) abline(h = x)
    } else {
        grpaxis = 4
        labaxis = 3
        covaxis = 1
        las = 3
        draw_box = function(x) abline(v = x - totalh)
        ## Rotate
        LL = h2v(LL)
        UR = h2v(UR)
        if (!is.null(grp)) {
            grp0 = h2v(grp0)
            grp1 = h2v(grp1)
        for (i in 1:npanel) {
            panels[[i]][[1]] = h2v(panels[[i]][[1]])
            panels[[i]][[2]] = h2v(panels[[i]][[2]])
            panels[[i]]$labcc = panels[[i]]$labcc - totalh 
            panels[[i]]$axcc  = panels[[i]]$axcc - totalh
    # Set up the plot
    plot(rbind(LL, UR), type="n", xaxt="n", yaxt="n", xlab="", ylab="")
    # Add the colored rectangles, if required
    if (!is.null(grp)) {
        rect(grp0[,1], grp0[,2], grp1[,1], grp1[,2], col=grpcol, border="transparent")
    # Loop over vars and fill in the panels
    for (i in 1:npanel) {
        if (bpanel[i]) {
            ## Do the rectangles
            with(panels[[i]], rect(ll[,1], ll[,2], ur[,1], ur[,2], col=fill, border="transparent") )
        } else {
            with(panels[[i]], points(raw[,1], raw[,2], pch=cc$pch, cex=cc$cex.pch, col=cc$col.pch))
            if ((cc$degree>0) & (cc$span>0)){
                with(panels[[i]], lines(smo[,1], smo[,2]))
            with(panels[[i]], axis(covaxis, at=axcc, labels=axlab, las = las))
            ## Draw the base reference line
            if (cc$plot_baseline) draw_box(panels[[i]]$low_hi)
        ## Name panel (regardless of type)
        if (!is.null(panels[[i]]$label)) {
            axis(labaxis, at=panels[[i]]$labcc, labels=panels[[i]]$label, las=las, tick=FALSE, font=2, col=par("bg"), col.axis=par("fg"))
    # if grplabels are given, we add another horizontal axis to the 
    # last plot (independent of whether it is binvar or contvar)
    if (!is.null(grp) & !is.null(grplabel)) {
        axis(grpaxis, grpcoord, labels=FALSE, tcl=-1.5)
        axis(grpaxis, mids, labels=grplabel, font=2, cex.axis=cc$cex.label, tick=FALSE)

#' Default parameter settings for picketPlot
#' This function returns a named list of parameters that affect how a
#' picketPlot is generated. This list can be used as a template for 
#' overriding the defaults partially or completely.
#' @details The following parameter affects the overall appearance of the plot:
#' \itemize{ 
#'   \item\code{cex.label} is the expansion factor for the size of the cluster labels at
#'     the bottom of the plot; default is 1.5.
#' }
#' The following parameters directly affect how binary indicator variables are 
#' displayed:
#' \itemize{ 
#'   \item\code{boxw} is the relative length of the short side of a box marking 
#'      (width for a horizontal plot); default is 1.
#'   \item\code{boxh} is the relative length of the long side of a box marking
#'     (default: 4) 
#'   \item\code{hbuff} is the relative distance between two box markings for the 
#'     same variable (horizontal buffer for a horizontal plot); default is 0.1 
#'   \item\code{vbuff} is the relative distance between two box
#'      markings for the same subject, but different variables (default: 0.1)
#'   \item\code{nacol} is the color for box markings indicating missing values 
#'     (default: \code{gray(0.85)}) 
#'  }
#'  Note that \code{boxh} and \code{vbuff} also affect the display of numerical
#'  variables as a scatter plot: as the amount of vertical space allowed for a 
#'  single numerical variable (see also \code{numfac} below) and the vertical 
#'  space between two neighboring variable panels (binary or ornumerical), 
#'  respectively.
#' The following parameters only affect the display of a numerical variable:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item\code{numfac} is the expansion factor indicating how much higher (for a
#'     horizontal plot) or wider (for a vertical plot) panels with numerical
#'     variables are than a panels for a single binary indicator
#'   \item\code{span} is the span argument for the loess smoother. Default is 1/3; 
#'     setting this to zero switches off smoothing.
#'   \item\code{degree} is the degree of loess smoothing. Default is 1; setting
#'     this to zero switches off smoothing 
#'   \item\code{pch} is the plotting character for numerical variables; uses the 
#'     device default. 
#'   \item\code{cex.pch} is the size of the plotting character for numerical 
#'     variables; uses the device default. 
#'   \item\code{col.pch} is the color of the plotting character for numerical 
#'     variables; uses the device default.
#'   \item\code{label_axis_shrink} controls the range of the axis for which axis 
#'     ticks are labeled: by default, labels covering the whole observed range 
#'     are defined (via a call to \code{pretty}); if set to a number between zero
#'     and one, the range covered by labels is shortened by that fraction and 
#'     centered within the observed range (and the fed to \code{pretty}); this can 
#'     be used to avoid overlapping labels for multiple adjacent panes with 
#'     numerical variables. 
#'   \item\code{plot_baseline} is a logical value indicating whether to draw 
#'     a baseline for panes showing numerical variables: FALSE by default, this
#'     can be useful to visually separate multiple adjacent panes with numerical
#'     variables. 
#' }
#' @return A named list
#' @seealso \code{\link{picketPlot}}, \code{\link{par}}, \code{\link{pretty}}
#' @export picketPlotControl
picketPlotControl = function()
    list(cex.label = 1.5,
         boxw = 1, boxh = 4, hbuff = 0.1, vbuff = 0.1, nacol = gray(0.85), 
         span = 1/3, degree = 1, numfac = 2, 
         pch = par("pch"), cex.pch = par("cex"), col.pch = par("col"),
         label_axis_shrink = 0, plot_baseline = FALSE 

#' Get nice (symmetric) breaks for an interval
#' Given a minimum and a maximum, this function returns a vector of equidistant
#' breaks that covers this interval, and has a pretty interval length (1, 2, or
#' 5 times a power of 10). If the interval contains zero, it will be one of the
#' breaks, so that the intervals are arranged somewhat symmetrically around it.
#' The number of desired breaks is honored as far as possible, which is not
#' actually that often in practice. However, major deviations of three or more
#' are reasonably rare.
#' The functiona allows the specification of a set of breaks instead of the
#' desired number of breaks, somewhat like in \code{cut}. However, if the
#' length of \code{breaks} is greater than one, the function just sorts the
#' values and returns them otherwise unchanged.
#' @param xr the range to be covered, as \code{c(min, max)}
#' @param breaks either the desired number of breaks, or a pre-specified vector
#' of breaks
#' @return A vector of pretty breaks covering the specified interval, more or
#' less of the desired length.
#' @seealso \code{\link{pretty}}
#' @keywords utilities
#' @examples
#'     ## Niceness overrules specified number
#'     niceBreaks(c(-1,1), 5)
#'     niceBreaks(c(-1,1), 6)
#'     ## Zero appears always as break
#'     niceBreaks(c(-2.75, 1.12), 8)
#'     ## Not invariant to translation (of course)
#'     niceBreaks(3.27 + c(-2.75, 1.12), 8)
#' @export niceBreaks
niceBreaks = function(xr, breaks)
    ## If you want it, you get it
    if (length(breaks) > 1) {
    ## Ok, so you proposed a number
    ## Neg and pos?
    if ( (xr[1] < 0) & (xr[2] > 0) ) {
        xminAbs = abs(xr[1])
        xmax    = xr[2]
        nneg = max(round(breaks * xminAbs/(xmax+xminAbs)), 1)
        npos = max(round(breaks * xmax/(xmax+xminAbs)), 1)
        nbr  = pretty(c(xr[1], 0), nneg)
        pbr  = pretty(c(0, xr[2]), npos)
        ## Average of the proposed interval lengths,
        ##  nice enough for us
        diff = ( (nbr[2]-nbr[1]) + (pbr[2] - pbr[1]) ) / 2
        nbr  = diff * ( (xr[1] %/% diff)  : 0 ) 
        pbr  = diff * ( 1 : (xr[2] %/% diff + 1) )
        breaks = c(nbr, pbr)
    } else { ## only pos or negs
        breaks = pretty(xr, breaks)

#' Color palette for (symmetric) breaks
#' Given a vector of breaks specifying a set of intervals, this function
#' provides a vector of colors for the indicating the intervals graphically. If
#' the intervals are arranged symmetrically around a specified value, the
#' colors try to reflect this.
#' The meaning of symmetrical is rather generous here: it is enough that the
#' intervals specified by \code{breaks} are of equal length and that
#' \code{center} is one of the breaks. This means we allow for more or less
#' intervals on one side of \code{center}.
#' This really only works well if \code{colors} is specified as
#' \code{g2r.colors}, which returns a symmetrical color vector (from green to
#' red) if an even number of colors is requested. The whole point is then that
#' if there are more classes to one side of \code{center} than to the other,
#' this will be reflected by deeper shades of red or green on the appropriate
#' side.
#' @param breaks a vector of breaks
#' @param colors either an explicit vector of colors, or a palette function
#' that takes a number and returns a vector of colors
#' @param center optional center around which to check for symmetry
#' @param tol tolerance (as relative error) for deviation from mathematically
#' exact symmetry
#' @return A vector of colors, of length one less than the number of breaks.
#' @seealso \code{\link{g2r.colors}}
#' @keywords utilities
#' @examples
#'     ## Fully symmetrical breaks
#'     br1 = (-3) : 3
#'     co1 = breakColors(br1, g2r.colors)
#'     co1
#'     doLegend(br1, co1, 1)
#'     ## Truncated on one side
#'     br2 = (-2) : 4
#'     co2 = breakColors(br2, g2r.colors)
#'     co2
#'     doLegend(br2, co2, 1)
#'     ## Does not work with other color schemes
#'     co3 = breakColors(br2, heat.colors)
#'     co3
#'     doLegend(br2, co3, 1)    
#' @export breakColors
breakColors = function(breaks, colors, center=0, tol=0.001)
    ## In case of explicit color definitions
    nbreaks = length(breaks)
    nclass  = nbreaks - 1
    if (!is.function(colors)) {
        ncolors = length(colors)
        if (ncolors > nclass) {
            warning("more colors than classes: ignoring ", ncolors-nclass, " last colors")
            colors = colors[1:nclass]
        } else if (nclass > ncolors) {
            stop(nclass-ncolors, " more classes than colors defined")
    } else {
        ## Are the classes symmetric and of same lengths?
        clens = diff(breaks)
        aclen = mean(clens)
        if (aclen==0) stop("Dude, your breaks are seriously fucked up!")
        relerr = max((clens-aclen)/aclen)
        if ( (center %in% breaks) & (relerr < tol) ) { ## yes, symmetric
            ndxcen = which(breaks==center)
            kneg = ndxcen -1 
            kpos = nbreaks - ndxcen
            kmax = max(kneg, kpos)
            colors = colors(2*kmax)
            if (kneg < kpos) {
                colors = colors[ (kpos-kneg+1) : (2*kmax) ]
            } else if (kneg > kpos) {
                colors = colors[ 1 : (2*kmax - (kneg-kpos)) ]
        } else {                                      ## no, not symmetric
            colors = colors(nclass)

#' Palette from green to red via black
#' Returns a color vector of the requested length, ranging from pure red to
#' pure green via slighlty tinted black.
#' If \code{n} is even, the colors range from pure green to green-tinted black
#' to red-tinted black to pure red. If \code{n} is odd, the colors range from
#' pure red to pure green, with full black for the median class.
#' @param n the number of requested colors
#' @param min.tinge the proportion of red/green added to black to make it
#' recognizably green or red
#' @return A vector of (RGB-) colors of the specified length
#' @seealso \code{\link{breakColors}}
#' @keywords utilities
#' @examples
#'     ## Even number: residual tint shows left/right of center
#'     co_even = g2r.colors(10)
#'     co_even
#'     doLegend(1:11, co_even, 1)
#'     ## Odd number: central class all black
#'     co_odd = g2r.colors(9)
#'     co_odd
#'     doLegend(1:10, co_odd, 1)
#'     ## Lighter tint in the middle
#'     co_light = g2r.colors(10, min.tinge=0.50)
#'     co_light
#'     doLegend(1:11, co_light, 1)
#' @export g2r.colors
g2r.colors = function(n=12, min.tinge = 0.33)
    k <- trunc(n/2)
    if (2 * k == n) {
        g <- c(rev(seq(min.tinge, 1, length = k)), rep(0, k))
        r <- c(rep(0, k), seq(min.tinge, 1, length = k))
        colvec <- rgb(
        r, g, rep(0, 2 * k))
    else {
        g <- c(rev(seq(min.tinge, 1, length = k)), rep(0, 
            k + 1))
        r <- c(rep(0, k + 1), seq(min.tinge, 1, length = k))
        colvec <- rgb(r, g, rep(0, 2 * k + 1))

#' A simple legend
#' Add a simple legend in form of a color bar to a plot.
#' This is an extremely simple way of giving a visual impression of what
#' numerical values correspond to a given color. The actual plot is done via a
#' call to \code{\link{image}} and \code{\link{axis}}.
#' @param breaks a vector of breaks defining a set of intervals for the data
#' @param col a vector of colors corresponding to the intervals.
#' @param side integer between 1 and 4, indicating on which side of the main
#' plot the legend is supposed to be drawn. Standard interpretation: 1 = below,
#' continuing clock-wise.
#' @return The locations of the ticks returned by the call to
#' \code{\link{axis}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{plot.annHeatmap}}, \code{\link{niceBreaks}},
#' \code{\link{g2r.colors}}
#' @keywords utilities
#' @examples
#'     ## Set up data
#'     doLegend(1:9, g2r.colors(8), 2)
#' @export doLegend
doLegend = function(breaks, col, side)
    zval = ( breaks[-1] + breaks[-length(breaks)] ) / 2
    z  = matrix(zval, ncol=1)
    if (side %in% c(1,3)) {
        image(x=zval, y=1, z=z, xaxt="n", yaxt="n", col=col, breaks=breaks , xaxs="i", xlab="", ylab="")
    } else {
        image(x=1, y=zval, z=t(z), xaxt="n", yaxt="n", col=col, breaks=breaks, yaxs="i", xlab="", ylab="")
    axis(side, las=1)

#' Converting data frames for display as annotation
#' Converts a data frames for display as annotation in a heatmap. This is
#' mostly intended as an internal function, but might be useful for finetuning
#' an annotation data frame manually.
#' Logical variables are converted to factors. So are numerical variables with
#' less than \code{nval.fac} unique values.
#' @param x the data frame to be converted
#' @param nval.fac lower limit for unique values in numerical variables
#' @param inclRef logical value indicating whether to include the reference
#' level among the dummy variables for factors
#' @param asIs logical value indicating whether to perform a conversion; if
#' \code{TRUE}, the input \code{x} is simply returned, provided it is a
#' numerical matrix (otherwise, the function stops with an error message)
#' @return \code{convAnnData} returns the converted data frame, which is a
#' numerical matrix
#' @seealso \code{\link{annHeatmap2}}
#' @keywords utilities
#' @examples
#' data(mtcars)
#' summary(mtcars)
#' summary(convAnnData(mtcars))
#' summary(convAnnData(mtcars, nval.fac=2))    
#' summary(convAnnData(mtcars, nval.fac=2, inclRef=FALSE))    
#' @export convAnnData
convAnnData = function(x, nval.fac=3, inclRef=TRUE, asIs=FALSE)
    if (is.null(x)) return(NULL)
    if (asIs) {
        if (is.matrix(x) & is.numeric(x)) return(x)
        else stop("argument x not a numerical matrix, asIs=TRUE does not work")
    x = as.data.frame(x)
    if (!is.null(nval.fac) & nval.fac>0) doConv = TRUE
    vv = colnames(x)
    for (v in vv) {
        if (is.logical(x[,v])) {
            x[,v] = factor(as.numeric(x[,v]))
        if (doConv & length(unique(x[is.finite(x[,v]),v])) <= nval.fac) {
            x[,v] = factor(x[,v])    
    ret  = NULL
    ivar = 0
    for (v in vv) {
         xx = x[, v]
         if (is.factor(xx)) {
            nandx = is.na(xx)
            if (length(unique(xx[!nandx])) > 1) {
                naAction = attr(na.exclude(x[, v, drop=FALSE]), "na.action")
                modMat   = model.matrix(~xx-1)
                if (!inclRef) modMat = modMat[ , -1, drop=FALSE]
                binvar   = naresid(naAction, modMat)
                colnames(binvar) = paste(v, "=", levels(xx)[if (!inclRef) -1 else TRUE], sep="")
            } else {
                nlev = length(levels(xx))
                ilev = unique(as.numeric(xx[!nandx]))
                if (length(ilev)==0) {
                    binvar = matrix(NA, nrow=length(xx), ncol=nlev)
                } else {
                    binvar = matrix(0, nrow=length(xx), ncol=nlev)
                    binvar[, ilev] = 1
                    binvar[nandx, ] = NA
                colnames(binvar) = paste(v, "=", levels(xx), sep="")
            ret = cbind(ret, binvar)
            ivar = ivar + ncol(binvar)
         } else {
            ret = cbind(ret, x[,v])
            ivar = ivar + 1
            colnames(ret)[ivar] = v

### code chunk number 12: cut.dendrogram_Def
cutree.dendrogram = function(x, h)
    # Cut the tree, get the labels
    cutx = cut(x, h)
    cutl = lapply(cutx$lower, getLeaves)
    # Set up the cluster vector as seen in the plot
    nclus = sapply(cutl, length)
    ret   = rep(1:length(nclus), nclus)
    # Return cluster membership in the order of the original data, if possible
    ord = order.dendrogram(x) 
    # Is the order a valid permutation of the data?
    if (!all(sort(ord)==(1:length(ret)))) {
        stop("dendrogram order does not match number of leaves - is this a subtree?")
    # Ok, proceed
    ret[ord] = ret
    ret = as.integer(factor(ret, levels=unique(ret))) # recode for order of clus
    names(ret)[ord] = unlist(cutl)

#' Undocumented functions
#' These functions are currently undocumented. Please refer to the source and
#' source comments if you feel you need to use them.
#' @aliases getLeaves
#' @rdname Undocumented
#' @keywords internal
getLeaves = function(x)
    unlist(dendrapply(x, function(x) attr(x, "label")))

#' Printing information about annotated heatmaps
#' Printing method for annotated heatmaps
#' A very simple printing method, displaying a minimum of information about
#' dendrograms and annotation
#' @param x an object of class \code{annHeatmap}
#' @param \dots extra arguments, currently ignored
#' @return \code{x} is returned invisibly
#' @seealso \code{\link{annHeatmap}}, \code{\link{annHeatmap2}},
#' \code{\link{plot.annHeatmap}}
#' @keywords hplot
#' @examples
#'     set.seed(219)
#'     mat = matrix(rnorm(100), ncol=5)
#'     ann = data.frame(Class=c("A","A","B","A","B"))
#'     map1 = annHeatmap(mat, ann)
#'     map1
#' @export print.annHeatmap
#' @rawNamespace S3method(print, annHeatmap) 
print.annHeatmap = function(x, ...)
    cat("annotated Heatmap\n\n")
    cat("Rows: "); print(x$dendrogram$Row$dendro)
    cat("\t", if (is.null(x$annotation$Row$data)) 0 else ncol(x$annotation$Row$data), " annotation variable(s)\n")
    cat("Cols: "); print(x$dendrogram$Col$dendro)
    cat("\t", if (is.null(x$annotation$Col$data)) 0 else ncol(x$annotation$Col$data), " annotation variable(s)\n")

#' Color scheme for clusters
#' This function returns a color vector based on one of the qualitative
#' paletters supported by \code{RColorBrewer}. This allows visually distinct
#' coloring of clusters and ensures sure that adjacent clusters have different
#' colors.
#' This is just a wrapper for \code{\link{brewer.pal}} that checks that the
#' specified palette is qualitative, and allows for an arbitrary number of
#' colors: for less than three colors, it just returns the first and second
#' colors of the palette; for more than \code{maxcolors} colors, it recycles
#' the basic palette as often as required. This is ok, because the main point
#' is to have different colors for neighboring clusters.
#' @param n desired number of colors
#' @param name name of the qualitative palette from which colors are taken, see
#' \code{\link{brewer.pal.info}}
#' @return A character vector of length \code{n} of hexadecimal color codes.
#' @seealso \code{\link{brewer.pal}}
#' @keywords color
#' @examples
#' ## A Color Wheel: default palette with maximum number of colors
#' pie(rep(1,9), col=BrewerClusterCol(9))
#' ## Double the number of colors 
#' pie(rep(1,18), col=BrewerClusterCol(18))
#' ## Only two clusters/colors
#' pie(rep(1,2), col=BrewerClusterCol(2))
#' ## Different qualitative palette: stronger colors
#' pie(rep(1,12), col=BrewerClusterCol(12, "Paired"))
#' @export BrewerClusterCol
BrewerClusterCol = function(n, name="Pastel1")
    ## Check the name of the palette
    qualpal = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal.info[RColorBrewer::brewer.pal.info$category=="qual", ]
    name = match.arg(name, rownames(qualpal))
    nmax = qualpal[name, "maxcolors"]

    ## Get the full color vector of the palette
    cols = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(nmax, name)

    ## Build the (shortened or recycled) index vector
    ndx  = rep(1:nmax, length=n)


cutplot.dendrogram = function(x, h, cluscol, leaflab= "none", horiz=FALSE, lwd=3, ...)
# Name: cutplot.dendrogram
# Desc: takes a dendrogram as described in library(mva), cuts it at level h,
#       and plots the dendrogram with the resulting subtrees in different 
#       colors
# Auth: obviously based on plot.dendrogram in library(mva)
#       modifications by Alexander.Ploner@meb.ki.se  211203
# Chng: 050204 AP 
#       changed environment(plot.hclust) to environment(as.dendrogram) to
#       make it work with R 1.8.1
#       250304 AP added RainbowPastel() to make it consistent with picketplot
#       030306 AP slightly more elegant access of plotNode
#       220710 AP also for horizontal plots
#       120811 AP use edgePar instead of par() for col and lwd
    ## If there is no cutting, we plot and leave
    if (missing(h) | is.null(h)) {
        return(plot(x, leaflab=leaflab, horiz=horiz, edgePar=list(lwd=lwd), ...))
    ## If cut height greater than tree, don't cut, complain and leave
    treeheight = attr(x, "height")
    if (h >= treeheight) {
        warning("cutting height greater than tree height ", treeheight, ": tree uncut")
        return(plot(x, leaflab=leaflab, horiz=horiz, edgePar=list(lwd=lwd), ...))
    ## Some param processing
    if (missing(cluscol) | is.null(cluscol)) cluscol = BrewerClusterCol
    # Not nice, but necessary
    pn  = stats:::plotNode
    x = cut(x, h)
    plot(x[[1]], leaflab="none", horiz=horiz, edgePar=list(lwd=lwd), ...)
    x = x[[2]]
    K = length(x)
    if (is.function(cluscol)) {
       cluscol = cluscol(K)
    left = 1
    for (k in 1:K) {
        right = left + attr(x[[k]],"members")-1
        if (left < right) {         ## not a singleton cluster 
            pn(left, right, x[[k]], type="rectangular", center=FALSE, 
                 leaflab=leaflab, nodePar=NULL, edgePar=list(lwd=lwd, col=cluscol[k]), horiz=horiz)
        } else if (left == right) { ## singleton cluster
            if (!horiz) {
                segments(left, 0, left, h, lwd=lwd, col=cluscol[k])
            } else {
                segments(0, left, h, left, lwd=lwd, col=cluscol[k])
        } else stop("this totally should not have happened")
        left = right + 1


#' Annotated heatmaps
#' This function plots a data matrix as intensity heatmap, with optional
#' dendrograms, annotation panels and clustering for both rows and columns.
#' This is the actual working function called by numerous wrappers.
#' Arguments \code{scale}, \code{breaks}, \code{col} and \code{legend} control
#' different aspects of the whole plot directly as described. Arguments
#' \code{dendrogram}, \code{annotation}, \code{cluster} and \code{labels}
#' control aspects that may differ for the rows and columns of the central
#' heatmap and have a special structure: each is a named list with different
#' entries controling e.g. the look of a dendrogram, the data for annotation
#' etc. Additionally, they can contain two extra entries called simply
#' \code{Row} and \code{Col}; these are again named lists that can contain all
#' the same entries as the parent list. Entries specified directly in the list
#' apply to both rows and columns; entries specified as part of \code{Row} or
#' \code{Col} override these defaults for the rows or columns only.
#' Recognized parameters for argument \code{dendrogram}: \describe{
#' \item{clustfun}{the clustering function for generating the dendrogram;
#' defaults to \code{hclust} for rows and columns} \item{distfun}{a function
#' that returns the pairwise distances between samples/features as an object of
#' class \code{dist}; defaults to \code{dist} for rows and columns}
#' \item{status}{a string that controls the display of the dendrogram:
#' \code{yes} means use the dendrogram to re-order the rows/columns and display
#' the dendrogram; \code{hidden} means re-rorder, but do not display; \code{no}
#' means do not use the dendrogram at all.} \item{lwd}{the line width of the
#' branches of the dendrogram; defaults to 3.} \item{dendro}{an override
#' argument that allows to pass in a dendrogram directly, bypassing the
#' \code{clustfun} and \code{distfun} mechanism; defaults to \code{NULL} (i.e.
#' is not used)} }
#' Recognized entries for argument \code{annotation}: \describe{ \item{data}{a
#' data frame containing the annotation data; defaults to \code{NULL}, i.e. no
#' annotation is displayed} \item{control}{a list of fine-tuning parameters
#' that is passed directly to \code{picketPlot}; defaults to an empty list,
#' i.e. the default settings in \code{picketPlot}} \item{asIs}{logical value
#' indicating whether the annotation \code{data} needs to be pre-processed via
#' \code{convAnnData} or not; defaults to \code{TRUE}} \item{inclRef}{logical
#' value indicating whether to include all levels of factor variables in
#' \code{data}, or whether to drop the reference level (i.e. the first level).
#' Defaults to \code{TRUE}} }
#' Recognized entries for argument \code{cluster}: \describe{ \item{cuth}{the
#' height at which to cut through the dendrogram to define groups of similar
#' features/samples; defaults to \code{NULL}, i.e. no cutting}
#' \item{label}{labels for the clusters; defaults to \code{NULL}, i.e. no
#' labels} \item{col}{colors for the different clusters; the colors are used
#' for coloring both the sub-trees of the dendrogram and the corresponding area
#' in the annotation plot (if there is one). This is either a vector of colors,
#' or a palette function that takes a number and returns a vector of colors of
#' the specified length; defaults to \code{BrewerClusterCol}} \item{grp}{an
#' override argument that directly specifies group memberships for the
#' features/samples, completely bypassing the whole \code{dendrogram} and
#' \code{cuth} mechanism. This probably only works for
#' \code{dendrogram$status="no"}.} }
#' Recognized entries for argument \code{labels}: \describe{ \item{cex}{size of
#' the text for the labels; defaults to \code{NULL}, i.e. use a hard-coded
#' default guess} \item{nrow}{amount of space available for the labels between
#' the central heatmap and the dendrogram, expressed as lines of text; defaults
#' to 3.} \item{side}{side at which to draw the labels, coded as integer
#' between 1 and 4 in the usual way (1 = below the plot, continuing clockwise).
#' A common default for rows and columns does not make sense: rows only work
#' with 2 and 4, columns only with 1 and 3. Defaults try to make use of empty
#' space, depending on the presence of a dendrogram.} \item{labels}{labels for
#' rows and columns; defaults to \code{NULL}, i.e. using the row- and column
#' names of \code{x}. Note that these labels are applied \emph{after}
#' re-sorting rows and columns as per dendrogram, so these have to be already
#' sorted accordingly. If you want to change the labels \emph{before}
#' re-sorting, it is is easier to re-set the row- and/or column names of
#' \code{x}.} }
#' @param x the numerical matrix to be shown as heatmap
#' @param dendrogram a list that controls how row- and column diagrams are
#' determined and displayed
#' @param annotation a list that controls the data and the way it is shown in
#' row- and column annotation panels
#' @param cluster a list that controls how many clusters are chosen, and how
#' these clusters are labelled and colored
#' @param labels a list that controls the row- and column labels, as well as
#' their size and placement
#' @param scale a character string indicating how the matrix \code{x} is
#' standardized (by row, by column or not at all). This affects only display,
#' not dendrograms or clustering
#' @param breaks specifies the interval breaks for displaying the data in
#' \code{x}; either a vector of explicit interval breaks, or just the desired
#' number of intervals. See \code{niceBreaks} for details.
#' @param col specifies a palette of colors for the heatmap intensities; either
#' a vector of explicit color definitions (one less than breaks) or a palette
#' function. See \code{breakColors}.
#' @param legend whether and where to draw a legend for the colors/intervals in
#' the heatmap. If \code{TRUE}, a legend is placed in a position determined by
#' the function to be suitable; alternatively, integer values 1-4 indicate the
#' side where the legend is to be drawn; and \code{FALSE} indicates that no
#' legend should be drawn.
#' @return An object of class \code{annHeatmap}. Use \code{plot} to display it
#' graphically. 
#' @seealso \code{\link{heatmapLayout}}, \code{\link{niceBreaks}},
#' \code{\link{breakColors}}, \code{\link{g2r.colors}}, \code{\link{BrewerClusterCol}}
#' @keywords hplot
#' @examples
#' require(Biobase)
#' data(sample.ExpressionSet)
#' ex1 = sample.ExpressionSet[51:85,]
#' map1 = annHeatmap2(exprs(ex1), ann=list(Col=list(data=pData(ex1))),
#'                    cluster=list(Col=list(cuth=3000)))
#' plot(map1)
#' @export annHeatmap2
annHeatmap2 = function(x, dendrogram, annotation, cluster, labels, scale=c("row", "col", "none"), breaks=256, col=g2r.colors, legend=FALSE)
# Name: annHeatmap2
# Desc: a (possibly doubly) annotated heatmap
# Auth: Alexander.Ploner@ki.se 2010-07-12
# Chng: 
    ## Process arguments
    if (!is.matrix(x) | !is.numeric(x)) stop("x must be a numeric matrix")
    nc = ncol(x); nr = nrow(x)
    if (nc < 2 | nr < 2) stop("x must have at least two rows/columns")
    ## Process the different lists: dendrogram, cluster, annotation
    ## See lattice:::xyplot.formula, modifyLists, lattice:::construct.scales
    def = list(clustfun=hclust, distfun=dist, status="yes", lwd=3, dendro=NULL)
    dendrogram = extractArg(dendrogram, def)
    def = list(data=NULL, control=picketPlotControl(), asIs=FALSE, inclRef=TRUE)
    annotation = extractArg(annotation, def)
    def = list(cuth=NULL, grp=NULL, label=NULL, col=BrewerClusterCol)
    cluster = extractArg(cluster, def)
    def = list(cex=NULL, nrow=3, side=NULL, labels=NULL)
    labels = extractArg(labels, def)
    ## Check values for the different lists

    ## Generate the layout: TRUE means default, FALSE means none
    ## Otherwise, integer 1-4 indicates side
    if (is.logical(legend)) {
        if (legend) leg = NULL else leg = 0
    } else {
        if (!(legend %in% 1:4)) stop("invalid value for legend: ", legend)
        else leg=legend
    layout = heatmapLayout(dendrogram, annotation, leg.side=leg)
    ## Copy the data for display, scale as required
    x2 = x
    scale = match.arg(scale)
    if (scale == "row") {
        x2 = sweep(x2, 1, rowMeans(x, na.rm = TRUE))
        sd = apply(x2, 1, sd, na.rm = TRUE)
        x2 = sweep(x2, 1, sd, "/")
    else if (scale == "col") {
        x2 = sweep(x2, 2, colMeans(x, na.rm = TRUE))
        sd = apply(x2, 2, sd, na.rm = TRUE)
        x2 = sweep(x2, 2, sd, "/")
    ## Construct the breaks and colors for display
    breaks = niceBreaks(range(x2, na.rm=TRUE), breaks)
    col    = breakColors(breaks, col)
    ## Generate the dendrograms, if required; re-indexes in any cases
    ## We could put some sanity checks on the dendrograms in the else-branches
    ## FIXME: store the names of the functions, not the functions in the object
    dendrogram$Row = within(dendrogram$Row, 
        if (!inherits(dendro, "dendrogram")) {
            dendro = clustfun(distfun(x))
            dendro = reorder(as.dendrogram(dendro), rowMeans(x, na.rm=TRUE))
    dendrogram$Col = within(dendrogram$Col, 
        if (!inherits(dendro, "dendrogram")) {
            dendro = clustfun(distfun(t(x)))
            dendro = reorder(as.dendrogram(dendro), colMeans(x, na.rm=TRUE))
    ## Reorder the display data to agree with the dendrograms, if required
    rowInd = with(dendrogram$Row, if (status!="no") order.dendrogram(dendro) else 1:nr)
    colInd = with(dendrogram$Col, if (status!="no") order.dendrogram(dendro) else 1:nc)
    x2 = x2[rowInd, colInd]
    ## Set the defaults for the sample/variable labels
    labels$Row = within(labels$Row, {
        if (is.null(cex)) cex = 0.2 + 1/log10(nr)
        if (is.null(side)) side = if (is.null(annotation$Row$data)) 4 else 2
        if (is.null(labels)) labels = rownames(x2)
    labels$Col = within(labels$Col, {
        if (is.null(cex)) cex = 0.2 + 1/log10(nc)
        if (is.null(side)) side = if (is.null(annotation$Col$data)) 1 else 3
        if (is.null(labels)) labels = colnames(x2)
    ## Generate the clustering, if required (cut, or resort the cluster var)
    ## FIXME: does not deal with pre-defined grp form outside
    cluster$Row = within(cluster$Row, 
        if (!is.null(cuth) && (cuth > 0)) {
            grp = cutree.dendrogram(dendrogram$Row$dendro, cuth)[rowInd]
    cluster$Col = within(cluster$Col, 
        if (!is.null(cuth) && (cuth > 0)) {
            grp = cutree.dendrogram(dendrogram$Col$dendro, cuth)[colInd]

    ## Process the annotation data frames (factor/numeric, re-sort?)
    annotation$Row = within(annotation$Row, {
        data = convAnnData(data, asIs=asIs, inclRef=inclRef)
    annotation$Col = within(annotation$Col, {
        data = convAnnData(data, asIs=asIs, inclRef=inclRef)

    ## Generate the new object
    ## print, return invisibly
    ret = list(data=list(x=x, x2=x2, rowInd=rowInd, colInd=colInd, breaks=breaks, col=col), dendrogram=dendrogram, cluster=cluster, annotation=annotation, labels=labels, layout=layout, legend=legend)
    class(ret) = "annHeatmap"


#' Plotting method for annotated heatmaps
#' Plotting method for annotated heatmaps
#' This function displays an annotated heatmap object that has been previously
#' generated by \code{annHeatmap2} or on of its wrappers. The arguments
#' \code{widths} and \code{heights} work as in \code{layout}.
#' @param x an object of class \code{annHeatmap}
#' @param widths a numerical vector giving the widths of the sub-plots
#' currently defined
#' @param heights a numerical vector giving the heights of the sub-plots
#' currently defined
#' @param \dots extra graphical parameters, currently ignored
#' @return \code{x}, invisibly returned. If \code{widths} or \code{heights}
#' have been specified, they overwrite the corresponding items
#' \code{x$layout$width} and \code{x$layout$height} in \code{x}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{annHeatmap2}}, \code{\link{heatmapLayout}},
#' \code{\link{layout}}
#' @keywords hplot
#' @examples
#'     ## Define the map
#'     require(Biobase)
#'     data(sample.ExpressionSet)
#'     ex1 = sample.ExpressionSet[51:85,]
#'     map1 = annHeatmap2(exprs(ex1), ann=list(Col=list(data=pData(ex1))),
#'                    cluster=list(Col=list(cuth=3000)))
#'     ## Plot it               
#'     plot(map1)
#'     ## More heatmap, smaller dendrogram/annotation
#'     map2 = plot(map1, heights = c(1,6,1))
#'     ## Compare layout before/after
#'     with(map1$layout, layout(plot, width, height))
#'     layout.show(4)
#'     with(map2$layout, layout(plot, width, height))
#'     layout.show(4)
#' @export plot.annHeatmap
#' @rawNamespace S3method(plot, annHeatmap)
plot.annHeatmap = function(x, widths, heights, ...)
	## Preserve parameters that are set explicitly below
	## Not doing this has lead to Issue 8: inconsistent distance
	## between dendrogram and heatmap after repeated calls on same device
	opar = par("oma", "mar", "xaxs", "yaxs")
    ## If there are cluster labels on either axis, we reserve space for them
    doRClusLab = !is.null(x$cluster$Row$label) 
    doCClusLab = !is.null(x$cluster$Col$label)
    omar = rep(0, 4)
    if (doRClusLab) omar[4] = 2
    if (doCClusLab) omar[1] = 2
    ## Set up the layout    
    if (!missing(widths)) x$layout$width = widths
    if (!missing(heights)) x$layout$height = heights    
    with(x$layout, layout(plot, width, height, respect=TRUE))
    ## Plot the central image, making space for labels, if required
    nc = ncol(x$data$x2); nr = nrow(x$data$x2)
    doRlab = !is.null(x$labels$Row$labels) 
    doClab = !is.null(x$labels$Col$labels)
    mmar = c(1, 0, 0, 2)
    if (doRlab) mmar[x$labels$Row$side] = x$labels$Row$nrow
    if (doClab) mmar[x$labels$Col$side] = x$labels$Col$nrow
    with(x$data, {
        image(1:nc, 1:nr, t(x2), axes = FALSE, xlim = c(0.5, nc + 0.5), ylim = c(0.5, nr + 0.5), xlab = "", ylab = "", col=col, breaks=breaks, ...)    
    with (x$labels, {
        if (doRlab) axis(Row$side, 1:nr, las = 2, line = -0.5, tick = 0, labels = Row$labels, cex.axis = Row$cex)
        if (doClab) axis(Col$side, 1:nc, las = 2, line = -0.5, tick = 0, labels = Col$labels, cex.axis = Col$cex)

    ## Plot the column/row dendrograms, as required
        if (status=="yes") {
            par(mar=c(0, mmar[2], 3, mmar[4]))
            cutplot.dendrogram(dendro, h=x$cluster$Col$cuth, cluscol=x$cluster$Col$col, horiz=FALSE, axes = FALSE, xaxs = "i", leaflab = "none", lwd=x$dendrogram$Col$lwd)
        if (status=="yes") {
            par(mar=c(mmar[1], 3, mmar[3], 0))
            cutplot.dendrogram(dendro, h=x$cluster$Row$cuth, cluscol=x$cluster$Row$col, horiz=TRUE, axes = FALSE, yaxs = "i", leaflab = "none", lwd=x$dendrogram$Row$lwd)

    ## Plot the column/row annotation data, as required
    if (!is.null(x$annotation$Col$data)) {
        par(mar=c(1, mmar[2], 0, mmar[4]), xaxs="i", yaxs="i")
        picketPlot(x$annotation$Col$data[x$data$colInd, ,drop=FALSE],
          grp=x$cluster$Col$grp, grplabel=x$cluster$Col$label, grpcol=x$cluster$Col$col,
          control=x$annotation$Col$control, asIs=TRUE)
    if (!is.null(x$annotation$Row$data)) {
        par(mar=c(mmar[1], 0, mmar[3], 1), xaxs="i", yaxs="i")
        picketPlot(x$annotation$Row$data[x$data$rowInd, ,drop=FALSE],
          grp=x$cluster$Row$grp, grplabel=x$cluster$Row$label, grpcol=x$cluster$Row$col,
          control=x$annotation$Row$control, asIs=TRUE, horizontal=FALSE)

    ## Plot a legend, as required
    if (x$legend) {
        if (x$layout$legend.side %in% c(1,3)) {
            par(mar=c(2, mmar[2]+2, 2, mmar[4]+2))
        } else {
            par(mar=c(mmar[1]+2, 2, mmar[3]+2, 2))            
        doLegend(x$data$breaks, col=x$data$col, x$layout$legend.side)

#' Regular heatmaps with a legend
#' Creating regular heatmaps, without annotation, but allowing for a legend
#' A gelded wrapper for \code{annHeatmap2} that allows for heatmaps without
#' annotation or clustering on the dendrograms, but still offer some control
#' over dendrograms, labels and legend.
#' These functions generate an object representing the heatmap; in order to
#' produce graphical output, you have to invoke the \code{plot} method, see
#' Examples.
#' @aliases regHeatmap regHeatmap.default
#' @param x a numerical matrix
#' @param dendrogram a list controlling the options for row- and column
#' dendrogram, see \code{annHeatmap2}
#' @param labels a list controlling the row- and column labels as well as their
#' location and size, see \code{annHeatmap2}
#' @param legend either a logical value, indicating whether to draw a legend at
#' the default location determined by the function, or one of the sides of the
#' plot (1-4), see \code{annHeatmap2}
#' @param \dots extra options passed to \code{annHeatmap2}
#' @return An object of class \code{annHeatmap}
#' @seealso \code{\link{annHeatmap}}, \code{\link{annHeatmap2}},
#' \code{\link{plot.annHeatmap}}
#' @keywords hplot
#' @examples
#'     ## Default
#'     set.seed(219)
#'     mat = matrix(rnorm(100), ncol=5)
#'     map1 = regHeatmap(mat)
#'     plot(map1)
#' @export regHeatmap
regHeatmap = function(x, ...) UseMethod("regHeatmap")

#' Annotated heatmaps
#' Creating heatmaps with annotated columns
#' These functions generate an object representing the heatmap; in order to
#' produce graphical output, you have to invoke the \code{plot} method, see
#' Examples.
#' @aliases annHeatmap annHeatmap.default annHeatmap.ExpressionSet
#' @param x either a numerical matrix with the data for the central heatmap
#' (for the default method) or an object of class \code{ExpressionSet}
#' @param annotation a data frame containing the annotation for the columns of
#' \code{x}
#' @param dendrogram a list controlling the options for row- and column
#' dendrogram, see \code{annHeatmap2}
#' @param cluster a list controlling the options for clustering rows and
#' columns of \code{x}, see \code{annHeatmap2}
#' @param labels a list controlling the row- and column labels as well as their
#' location and size, see \code{annHeatmap2}
#' @param legend either a logical value, indicating whether to draw a legend at
#' the default location determined by the function, or one of the sides of the
#' plot (1-4), see \code{annHeatmap2}
#' @param \dots extra options passed to \code{annHeatmap2}
#' @return An object of class \code{annHeatmap}
#' @section Warning: These are currently simple convenience functions that
#' allow quick plotting, but little control over the finer details. This may
#' change in the future, but for now, if you want to do anything fancy, you
#' should invoke \code{annHeatmap2} directly.
#' @seealso \code{\link{annHeatmap2}}, \code{\link{plot.annHeatmap}}
#' @keywords hplot
#' @examples
#'     ## Default method
#'     set.seed(219)
#'     mat = matrix(rnorm(100), ncol=5)
#'     ann = data.frame(Class=c("A","A","B","A","B"))
#'     map1 = annHeatmap(mat, ann)
#'     plot(map1)
#'     ## Expression set
#'     require(Biobase)
#'     data(sample.ExpressionSet)
#'     map2 = annHeatmap(sample.ExpressionSet)
#'     plot(map2)
#' @export annHeatmap
annHeatmap = function(x, ...) UseMethod("annHeatmap")

#' @rdname regHeatmap
#' @export regHeatmap.default
#' @rawNamespace S3method(regHeatmap, default)
regHeatmap.default = function(x, dendrogram=list(clustfun=hclust, distfun=dist, status="yes"), labels=NULL, legend=TRUE, ...)
    ret = annHeatmap2(x, dendrogram=dendrogram, annotation=NULL, cluster=NULL,  labels=labels, legend=legend, ...)

#' @rdname annHeatmap
#' @export annHeatmap.default
#' @rawNamespace S3method(annHeatmap, default)
annHeatmap.default = function(x, annotation, dendrogram=list(clustfun=hclust, distfun=dist, Col=list(status="yes"), Row=list(status="hidden")), cluster=NULL, labels=NULL, legend=TRUE, ...)
	if (!is.data.frame(annotation)) stop("Argument 'annoation' needs to be data frame")

    ret = annHeatmap2(x, dendrogram=dendrogram, annotation=list(Col=list(data=annotation, fun=picketPlot)), cluster=cluster,  labels=labels, legend=TRUE, ...)

#' @rdname annHeatmap
#' @export annHeatmap.ExpressionSet
#' @rawNamespace S3method(annHeatmap, ExpressionSet) 
annHeatmap.ExpressionSet = function(x, ...)
    expmat = Biobase::exprs(x)
    anndat = Biobase::pData(x)
    annHeatmap(expmat, anndat, ...)
alexploner/Heatplus documentation built on May 23, 2021, 2:01 p.m.