
Defines functions evaluate_bias

Documented in evaluate_bias

#' Evaluate positional contributions to RPF counts
#' @description 
#' This function will perform a series of leave-one-out regressions to evaluate
#' the contribution of individual positions to overall RPF count.
#' @param dat data frame containing regression predictors and column of RPF counts
#' @param which_column character; name of column containing counts
#' @param transcripts_fa_fname character; file path to transcriptome .fasta file
#' @param transcripts_length_fname character; file path to transcriptome lengths file
#' @param trunc5 integer; number of codons (starting at start codon) to omit in codon correlation regression
#' @param trunc3 integer; number of codons (starting at stop codon) to omit in codon correlation regression
#' @param num_f5_codons integer; number of codons 5' of A site to include in regression
#' @param num_f3_codons integer; number of codons 3' of A site to include in regression
#' @param type character; one of `codon` or `nt`
#' @param metric character; one of `corr` or `norm`
#' @returns A named numeric vector of positional contributions to RPF count. 
#' Values will correspond to either the decrease in correlation between predicted 
#' and true RPF counts in the leave-one-out model (as computed in the `iXnos` model),
#' or the norm of regression coefficients at that position.
evaluate_bias <- function(dat, which_column="count",
                          transcripts_fa_fname, transcripts_length_fname,
                          trunc5=20, trunc3=20, num_f5_codons=6, num_f3_codons=6,
                          type="codon", metric="corr") {
  transcripts_seq <- read_fasta_as_codons(transcripts_fa_fname, transcripts_length_fname)
  transcripts_lengths <- load_lengths(transcripts_length_fname)
  transcripts_lengths$num_codons <- with(transcripts_lengths, cds_length/3)
  # 1. aggregate counts by codon
  codon_cts <- aggregate(formula(paste(which_column, "~ transcript + cod_idx")),
                         data=dat, FUN=sum, na.rm=T)
  # remove truncated positions, flesh out unobserved positions
  transcripts <- levels(droplevels(dat$transcript))
  cts_by_codon <- lapply(transcripts,
                         function(x) {
                           num_codons <- transcripts_lengths$num_codons[transcripts_lengths$transcript==x]
                                             cod_idx=seq(trunc5+1, num_codons-trunc3)))
  cts_by_codon <- do.call(rbind, cts_by_codon)
  cts_by_codon$count <- codon_cts[[which_column]][match_rows(cts_by_codon, codon_cts)]
  cts_by_codon$count[is.na(cts_by_codon$count)] <- 0
  # 2. scale footprint counts by transcript mean
  cts_by_codon <- lapply(split(cts_by_codon, cts_by_codon$transcript),
                         function(x) {
                           if(sum(x$count) == 0) {
                             print("ERROR: no footprints observed!")
                           } else {
                             within(x, count <- count/mean(count, na.rm=T))
  cts_by_codon <- do.call(rbind, cts_by_codon)
  # 3. make data.frame for iXnos regression
  codons <- data.frame(t(sapply(seq(nrow(cts_by_codon)),
                                function(x) {
                                  transcript <- as.character(cts_by_codon$transcript[x])
                                  cod_idx <- cts_by_codon$cod_idx[x] - 1 # transcripts_seq uses 0-based indexing
                                  Asite_index <- which(names(transcripts_seq[[transcript]])==as.character(cod_idx))
                                  codons <- transcripts_seq[[transcript]][(Asite_index-num_f5_codons):(Asite_index+num_f3_codons)]
                                })), stringsAsFactors=F)
  colnames(codons) <- c(paste0("n", num_f5_codons:3),
                        "E", "P", "A",
                        paste0("p", 1:num_f3_codons))
  if(type=="nt") {
    codons <- data.frame(lapply(codons, as.character), stringsAsFactors=F)
    codons <- sapply(seq(nrow(codons)), function(x) {paste0(codons[x,], collapse="")})
    codons <- data.frame(matrix(unlist(strsplit(codons, split="")),
                                ncol=3*(num_f5_codons+num_f3_codons+1), byrow=T),
    colnames(codons) <- c(paste0("n", (3*num_f3_codons):7),
                          paste0(rep(c("E", "P", "A"), each=3), 0:2),
                          paste0("p", 1:(3*num_f5_codons)))
  count_dat <- data.frame(count = cts_by_codon$count, codons,
  if(metric=="corr") {
    # 4. full model
    count_full_cor <- cor(count_dat$count, predict(lm(count ~ ., data=count_dat)))
    # 5. leave-one-out models
    count_loo_cor <- sapply(colnames(codons),
                            function(x) {
                                  predict(lm(count ~ ., data=count_dat[,-which(colnames(count_dat)==x)])))
    # 6. return model correlations
    # model_cor <- c(count_full_cor, count_loo_cor)
    # names(model_cor) <- c("full", colnames(codons))
    model_cor <- count_full_cor - count_loo_cor
  } else {
    # 4. iXnos regression
    fit <- lm(count ~ ., data=count_dat)
    # 5. return norm of model coefficients per position
    model_norm <- sapply(colnames(codons),
                         function(x) {
                           sum(coef(fit)[grepl(x, names(coef(fit)))]^2)
    # model_norm <- model_norm / model_norm["A"]
amandamok/choros documentation built on March 15, 2023, 7:57 p.m.