#' @name create_methyl_region
#' @rdname create_methyl_region
#' @aliases methyl_region, met_region
#' @title Create methylation regions for each gene promoter.
#' @description \code{create_methyl_region} creates methylation regions using
#' BS-Seq and annotated gene promoter regions. BS-Seq data give information
#' for the methylation of CpGs individually, and annotated data are used to
#' locate the TSS of each gene and its promoter region.
#' @param bs_data \code{\link[GenomicRanges]{GRanges}} object containing the
#' BS-Seq data. The GRanges object should also have two additional metadata
#' columns named \code{total_reads} and \code{meth_reads}. A GRanges object
#' used in this function can be the output of
#' \code{\link{read_bs_encode_haib}} or its wrapper function
#' \code{\link{preprocess_bs_seq}}.
#' @param prom_region \code{\link[GenomicRanges]{GRanges}} object containing
#' promoter regions, i.e. N bp upstream and M bp downstream of TSS location.
#' The GRanges object should also have one additional metadata column named
#' \code{tss}. A GRanges object used in this function can be the output of
#' \code{\link{create_prom_region}}.
#' @param cpg_density Optional integer defining the minimum number of CpGs that
#' have to be in a methylated region. Regions with less than \code{n} CpGs are
#' discarded.
#' @param sd_thresh Optional numeric defining the minimum standard deviation of
#' the methylation change in a region. This is used to filter regions with no
#' methylation change.
#' @param ignore_strand Logical, whether or not to ignore strand information.
#' @param is_single_cell Logical, if we work with single cell data, then we keep
#' only the information of methylated or not for each CpG location.
#' @param fmin Optional minimum range value for region location scaling. Under
#' this version, this parameter should be left to its default value.
#' @param fmax Optional maximum range value for region location scaling. Under
#' this version, this parameter should be left to its default value.
#' @return A \code{methyl_region} object containing the following information:
#' \itemize{ \item{ \code{meth_data}: A list containing methylation data,
#' where each entry in the list is an \eqn{L_{i} X 3} dimensional matrix,
#' where \eqn{L_{i}} denotes the number of CpGs found in region \code{i}. The
#' columns contain the following information: \enumerate{ \item{ 1st column:
#' Contains the locations of CpGs relative to TSS. Note that the actual
#' locations are scaled to the (fmin, fmax) region. } \item{ 2nd column:
#' Contains the total reads of each CpG in the corresponding location. NOTE
#' that for single-cell data this column is not stored in the object.} \item{
#' 3rd column: Contains the methylated reads each CpG in the corresponding
#' location.} } } \item{ \code{prom_ind}: A vector storing the corresponding
#' promoter indices, so as to map each methylation region with its
#' corresponding gene promoter.} } The lengths of \code{meth_data} and
#' \code{prom_ind} should be the same.
#' @author C.A.Kapourani \email{C.A.Kapourani@@ed.ac.uk}
#' @seealso \code{\link{preprocess_bs_seq}}, \code{\link{create_prom_region}}
#' @rdname create_methyl_region
#' @examples
#' # Obtain the path to the BS file and then read it
#' bs_file <- system.file("extdata", "rrbs.bed", package = "BPRMeth")
#' bs_data <- read_bs_encode_haib(bs_file)
#' # Create promoter regions
#' rnaseq_file <- system.file("extdata", "rnaseq.bed", package = "BPRMeth")
#' annot_data <- read_rna_encode_caltech(rnaseq_file)
#' prom_region <- create_prom_region(annot_data)
#' # Finally, create methylation regions
#' meth_region <- create_methyl_region(bs_data, prom_region)
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @export
create_methyl_region <- function(bs_data, prom_region, cpg_density = 10,
sd_thresh = 10e-02, ignore_strand = TRUE,
is_single_cell = FALSE, fmin = -1, fmax = 1){
message("Creating methylation regions ...")
assertthat::assert_that(methods::is(bs_data, "GRanges"))
assertthat::assert_that(methods::is(prom_region, "GRanges"))
# Find overlaps between promoter regions and BS-Seq data -------
overlaps <- GenomicRanges::findOverlaps(query = prom_region,
subject = bs_data,
ignore.strand = ignore_strand)
if (length(overlaps) < 2){
stop("Not enough matches between the BS-Seq and RNA-Seq data.")
# Convert data in vector format for faster lookup --------------
query_hits <- S4Vectors::queryHits(overlaps)
subj_hits <- S4Vectors::subjectHits(overlaps)
prom_loc <- unique(query_hits) # Indices of promoter locations
tss_loc <- prom_region$tss # TSS locations
prom_id <- prom_region$id # (Ensembl) IDs
tss_strand <- as.character(GenomicRanges::strand(prom_region))
cpg_loc <- GenomicRanges::ranges(bs_data)@start # CpG locations
meth_reads <- bs_data$meth_reads # Methylated read
# If we work with single cell data
if (is_single_cell){
D <- 2 # Number of columns for each matrix in the list
} else{
tot_reads <- bs_data$total_reads # Total reads
D <- 3
# Extract upstream and downstream lengths in bps
width <- GenomicRanges::ranges(prom_region)@width[1]
if (identical(tss_strand[1], "+")){
upstream <- GenomicRanges::ranges(prom_region)@start[1] - tss_loc[1]
downstream <- width + upstream - 1
}else if (identical(tss_strand[1], "-")){
downstream <- abs(GenomicRanges::ranges(prom_region)@start[1] -
upstream <- downstream - width + 1
upstream <- GenomicRanges::ranges(prom_region)@start[1] - tss_loc[1]
downstream <- width + upstream - 1
# Initialize variables -----------------------------------------
meth_data <- list()
for (j in 1:length(prom_id)){
meth_data[[prom_id[j]]] <- NA # Initilize list to NA
LABEL <- FALSE # Flag variable
prom_counter <- 0 # Promoter counter
cpg_ind <- vector(mode = "integer") # Vector of CpG indices
cpg_ind <- c(cpg_ind, subj_hits[1]) # Add the first subject hit
total_iter <- NROW(query_hits)
for (i in 2:total_iter){
# If query hits is the same as the previous one
if (query_hits[i] == query_hits[i - 1]){
cpg_ind <- c(cpg_ind, subj_hits[i]) # Add subject hit
# In case we have the last region
if (i == total_iter){
prom_counter <- prom_counter + 1 # Increase promoter counter
prom_counter <- prom_counter + 1 # Increase promoter counter
if (LABEL){
# TSS location for promoter 'promCount'
id <- prom_id[prom_loc[prom_counter]]
# Only keep regions that have more than 'n' CpGs
if (length(cpg_ind) > cpg_density){
# If sd of the methylation level is above threshold
obs_var <- stats::sd(meth_reads[cpg_ind])
obs_var <- stats::sd(meth_reads[cpg_ind] /
if (obs_var > sd_thresh){
# Locations of CpGs in the genome
region <- cpg_loc[cpg_ind]
# TSS location for promoter 'promCount'
tss <- tss_loc[prom_loc[prom_counter]]
# Extract strand information, i.e. direction
strand_direction <- tss_strand[prom_loc[prom_counter]]
# Shift CpG locations relative to TSS
center_data <- .center_loc(region = region,
tss = tss,
strand_direction = strand_direction)
# In the "-" strand the order of the locations should change
Order <- base::order(center_data)
meth_data[[id]] <- matrix(0, nrow = length(cpg_ind),
ncol = D)
# Store normalized locations of methylated CpGs
meth_data[[id]][, 1] <- round(.minmax_scaling(
data = center_data[Order],
xmin = upstream,
xmax = downstream,
fmin = fmin,
fmax = fmax), 4)
if (is_single_cell){
# Store methylated reads in the corresponding locations
meth_data[[id]][, 2] <- meth_reads[cpg_ind][Order]
# Store total reads in the corresponding locations
meth_data[[id]][, 2] <- tot_reads[cpg_ind][Order]
# Store methylated reads in the corresponding locations
meth_data[[id]][, 3] <- meth_reads[cpg_ind][Order]
cpg_ind <- vector(mode = "integer")
cpg_ind <- c(cpg_ind, subj_hits[i])
#' @rdname create_methyl_region
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @export
create_methyl_region_array <- function(bs_data, prom_region, cpg_density = 10,
sd_thresh = 10e-02, ignore_strand = TRUE,
is_single_cell = FALSE, fmin = -1, fmax = 1){
message("Creating methylation regions ...")
assertthat::assert_that(methods::is(bs_data, "GRanges"))
assertthat::assert_that(methods::is(prom_region, "GRanges"))
# Find overlaps between promoter regions and BS-Seq data -------
overlaps <- GenomicRanges::findOverlaps(query = prom_region,
subject = bs_data,
ignore.strand = ignore_strand)
if (length(overlaps) < 2){
stop("Not enough matches between the BS-Seq and RNA-Seq data.")
# Convert data in vector format for faster lookup --------------
query_hits <- S4Vectors::queryHits(overlaps)
subj_hits <- S4Vectors::subjectHits(overlaps)
prom_loc <- unique(query_hits) # Indices of promoter locations
tss_loc <- prom_region$tss # TSS locations
prom_id <- prom_region$id # (Ensembl) IDs
tss_strand <- as.character(GenomicRanges::strand(prom_region))
cpg_loc <- GenomicRanges::ranges(bs_data)@start # CpG locations
beta <- bs_data$beta # Beta values
m <- bs_data$m # Mu values
D <- 3
# Extract upstream and downstream lengths in bps
width <- GenomicRanges::ranges(prom_region)@width[1]
if (identical(tss_strand[1], "+")){
upstream <- GenomicRanges::ranges(prom_region)@start[1] - tss_loc[1]
downstream <- width + upstream - 1
}else if (identical(tss_strand[1], "-")){
downstream <- abs(GenomicRanges::ranges(prom_region)@start[1] -
upstream <- downstream - width + 1
upstream <- GenomicRanges::ranges(prom_region)@start[1] - tss_loc[1]
downstream <- width + upstream - 1
# Initialize variables -----------------------------------------
meth_data <- list()
for (j in 1:length(prom_id)){
meth_data[[prom_id[j]]] <- NA # Initilize list to NA
LABEL <- FALSE # Flag variable
prom_counter <- 0 # Promoter counter
cpg_ind <- vector(mode = "integer") # Vector of CpG indices
cpg_ind <- c(cpg_ind, subj_hits[1]) # Add the first subject hit
total_iter <- NROW(query_hits)
for (i in 2:total_iter){
# If query hits is the same as the previous one
if (query_hits[i] == query_hits[i - 1]){
cpg_ind <- c(cpg_ind, subj_hits[i]) # Add subject hit
# In case we have the last region
if (i == total_iter){
prom_counter <- prom_counter + 1 # Increase promoter counter
prom_counter <- prom_counter + 1 # Increase promoter counter
if (LABEL){
# TSS location for promoter 'promCount'
id <- prom_id[prom_loc[prom_counter]]
# Only keep regions that have more than 'n' CpGs
if (length(cpg_ind) > cpg_density){
# If sd of the methylation level is above threshold
obs_var <- stats::sd(m[cpg_ind])
if (obs_var > sd_thresh){
# Locations of CpGs in the genome
region <- cpg_loc[cpg_ind]
# TSS location for promoter 'promCount'
tss <- tss_loc[prom_loc[prom_counter]]
# Extract strand information, i.e. direction
strand_direction <- tss_strand[prom_loc[prom_counter]]
# Shift CpG locations relative to TSS
center_data <- .center_loc(region = region,
tss = tss,
strand_direction = strand_direction)
# In the "-" strand the order of the locations should change
Order <- base::order(center_data)
meth_data[[id]] <- matrix(0, nrow = length(cpg_ind), ncol = D)
# Store normalized locations of methylated CpGs
meth_data[[id]][, 1] <- round(.minmax_scaling(
data = center_data[Order],
xmin = upstream,
xmax = downstream,
fmin = fmin,
fmax = fmax), 4)
# Store beta values in the corresponding locations
meth_data[[id]][, 2] <- beta[cpg_ind][Order]
# Store mu values in the corresponding locations
meth_data[[id]][, 3] <- m[cpg_ind][Order]
cpg_ind <- vector(mode = "integer")
cpg_ind <- c(cpg_ind, subj_hits[i])
#' @rdname create_methyl_region
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @export
create_methyl_region_saar_levels <- function(bs_data, prom_region, cpg_density = 10,
sd_thresh = 10e-02, ignore_strand = TRUE,
is_single_cell = FALSE, fmin = -1, fmax = 1){
message("Creating methylation regions ...")
assertthat::assert_that(methods::is(bs_data, "GRanges"))
assertthat::assert_that(methods::is(prom_region, "GRanges"))
# Find overlaps between promoter regions and BS-Seq data -------
overlaps <- GenomicRanges::findOverlaps(query = prom_region,
subject = bs_data,
ignore.strand = ignore_strand)
if (length(overlaps) < 2){
stop("Not enough matches between the BS-Seq and RNA-Seq data.")
# Convert data in vector format for faster lookup --------------
query_hits <- S4Vectors::queryHits(overlaps)
subj_hits <- S4Vectors::subjectHits(overlaps)
prom_loc <- unique(query_hits) # Indices of promoter locations
tss_loc <- prom_region$tss # TSS locations
prom_id <- prom_region$id # (Ensembl) IDs
tss_strand <- as.character(GenomicRanges::strand(prom_region))
cpg_loc <- GenomicRanges::ranges(bs_data)@start # CpG locations
mm <- bs_data$mm # Methylated reads
toth <- bs_data$toth # Hydroxy reads
um <- bs_data$um # Hemi-methylated reads
uu <- bs_data$uu # Unmethylated reads
D <- 5
# Extract upstream and downstream lengths in bps
width <- GenomicRanges::ranges(prom_region)@width[1]
if (identical(tss_strand[1], "+")){
upstream <- GenomicRanges::ranges(prom_region)@start[1] - tss_loc[1]
downstream <- width + upstream - 1
}else if (identical(tss_strand[1], "-")){
downstream <- abs(GenomicRanges::ranges(prom_region)@start[1] -
upstream <- downstream - width + 1
upstream <- GenomicRanges::ranges(prom_region)@start[1] - tss_loc[1]
downstream <- width + upstream - 1
# Initialize variables -----------------------------------------
meth_data <- list()
for (j in 1:length(prom_id)){
meth_data[[prom_id[j]]] <- NA # Initilize list to NA
LABEL <- FALSE # Flag variable
prom_counter <- 0 # Promoter counter
cpg_ind <- vector(mode = "integer") # Vector of CpG indices
cpg_ind <- c(cpg_ind, subj_hits[1]) # Add the first subject hit
total_iter <- NROW(query_hits)
for (i in 2:total_iter){
# If query hits is the same as the previous one
if (query_hits[i] == query_hits[i - 1]){
cpg_ind <- c(cpg_ind, subj_hits[i]) # Add subject hit
# In case we have the last region
if (i == total_iter){
prom_counter <- prom_counter + 1 # Increase promoter counter
prom_counter <- prom_counter + 1 # Increase promoter counter
if (LABEL){
# TSS location for promoter 'promCount'
id <- prom_id[prom_loc[prom_counter]]
# Only keep regions that have more than 'n' CpGs
if (length(cpg_ind) > cpg_density){
# If sd of the methylation level is above threshold
obs_var <- stats::sd(mm[cpg_ind])
if (obs_var > sd_thresh){
# Locations of CpGs in the genome
region <- cpg_loc[cpg_ind]
# TSS location for promoter 'promCount'
tss <- tss_loc[prom_loc[prom_counter]]
# Extract strand information, i.e. direction
strand_direction <- tss_strand[prom_loc[prom_counter]]
# Shift CpG locations relative to TSS
center_data <- .center_loc(region = region,
tss = tss,
strand_direction = strand_direction)
# In the "-" strand the order of the locations should change
Order <- base::order(center_data)
meth_data[[id]] <- matrix(0, nrow = length(cpg_ind), ncol = D)
# Store normalized locations of methylated CpGs
meth_data[[id]][, 1] <- round(.minmax_scaling(
data = center_data[Order],
xmin = upstream,
xmax = downstream,
fmin = fmin,
fmax = fmax), 4)
# Store methylated in the corresponding locations
meth_data[[id]][, 2] <- mm[cpg_ind][Order]
# Store hydroxy in the corresponding locations
meth_data[[id]][, 3] <- toth[cpg_ind][Order]
# Store hemi-methylated in the corresponding locations
meth_data[[id]][, 4] <- um[cpg_ind][Order]
# Store unmethylated in the corresponding locations
meth_data[[id]][, 5] <- uu[cpg_ind][Order]
cpg_ind <- vector(mode = "integer")
cpg_ind <- c(cpg_ind, subj_hits[i])
#' @rdname create_methyl_region
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @export
create_methyl_region_saar_eff <- function(bs_data, prom_region, cpg_density = 10,
sd_thresh = 10e-02, ignore_strand = TRUE,
is_single_cell = FALSE, fmin = -1, fmax = 1){
message("Creating methylation regions ...")
assertthat::assert_that(methods::is(bs_data, "GRanges"))
assertthat::assert_that(methods::is(prom_region, "GRanges"))
# Find overlaps between promoter regions and BS-Seq data -------
overlaps <- GenomicRanges::findOverlaps(query = prom_region,
subject = bs_data,
ignore.strand = ignore_strand)
if (length(overlaps) < 2){
stop("Not enough matches between the BS-Seq and RNA-Seq data.")
# Convert data in vector format for faster lookup --------------
query_hits <- S4Vectors::queryHits(overlaps)
subj_hits <- S4Vectors::subjectHits(overlaps)
prom_loc <- unique(query_hits) # Indices of promoter locations
tss_loc <- prom_region$tss # TSS locations
prom_id <- prom_region$id # (Ensembl) IDs
tss_strand <- as.character(GenomicRanges::strand(prom_region))
cpg_loc <- GenomicRanges::ranges(bs_data)@start # CpG locations
maint <- bs_data$maint # Methylated reads
denovo <- bs_data$denovo # Hydroxy reads
hydroxy <- bs_data$hydroxy # Hemi-methylated reads
D <- 4
# Extract upstream and downstream lengths in bps
width <- GenomicRanges::ranges(prom_region)@width[1]
if (identical(tss_strand[1], "+")){
upstream <- GenomicRanges::ranges(prom_region)@start[1] - tss_loc[1]
downstream <- width + upstream - 1
}else if (identical(tss_strand[1], "-")){
downstream <- abs(GenomicRanges::ranges(prom_region)@start[1] -
upstream <- downstream - width + 1
upstream <- GenomicRanges::ranges(prom_region)@start[1] - tss_loc[1]
downstream <- width + upstream - 1
# Initialize variables -----------------------------------------
meth_data <- list()
for (j in 1:length(prom_id)){
meth_data[[prom_id[j]]] <- NA # Initilize list to NA
LABEL <- FALSE # Flag variable
prom_counter <- 0 # Promoter counter
cpg_ind <- vector(mode = "integer") # Vector of CpG indices
cpg_ind <- c(cpg_ind, subj_hits[1]) # Add the first subject hit
total_iter <- NROW(query_hits)
for (i in 2:total_iter){
# If query hits is the same as the previous one
if (query_hits[i] == query_hits[i - 1]){
cpg_ind <- c(cpg_ind, subj_hits[i]) # Add subject hit
# In case we have the last region
if (i == total_iter){
prom_counter <- prom_counter + 1 # Increase promoter counter
prom_counter <- prom_counter + 1 # Increase promoter counter
if (LABEL){
# TSS location for promoter 'promCount'
id <- prom_id[prom_loc[prom_counter]]
# Only keep regions that have more than 'n' CpGs
if (length(cpg_ind) > cpg_density){
# If sd of the methylation level is above threshold
obs_var <- stats::sd(maint[cpg_ind])
if (obs_var > sd_thresh){
# Locations of CpGs in the genome
region <- cpg_loc[cpg_ind]
# TSS location for promoter 'promCount'
tss <- tss_loc[prom_loc[prom_counter]]
# Extract strand information, i.e. direction
strand_direction <- tss_strand[prom_loc[prom_counter]]
# Shift CpG locations relative to TSS
center_data <- .center_loc(region = region,
tss = tss,
strand_direction = strand_direction)
# In the "-" strand the order of the locations should change
Order <- base::order(center_data)
meth_data[[id]] <- matrix(0, nrow = length(cpg_ind), ncol = D)
# Store normalized locations of methylated CpGs
meth_data[[id]][, 1] <- round(.minmax_scaling(
data = center_data[Order],
xmin = upstream,
xmax = downstream,
fmin = fmin,
fmax = fmax), 4)
# Store maintentance efficiencies
meth_data[[id]][, 2] <- maint[cpg_ind][Order]
# Store de novo efficiencies
meth_data[[id]][, 3] <- denovo[cpg_ind][Order]
# Store hydroxy efficiencies
meth_data[[id]][, 4] <- hydroxy[cpg_ind][Order]
cpg_ind <- vector(mode = "integer")
cpg_ind <- c(cpg_ind, subj_hits[i])
# Center CpG locations relative to TSS
# \code{center_loc} centera CpG locations relative to TSS
# @param region CpG locations
# @param tss TSS location
# @param strand_direction Strand direction
# @return Centered location data relative to TSS
.center_loc <- function(region, tss, strand_direction){
center <- region - tss
if (identical(strand_direction, "-")){
center <- (-center) # If '-' strand, swap CpG locations
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