
Defines functions fit_dropout_gamma fit_weighted_gamma_stan fit_weighted_gammas_stan fit_gamma_stan fit_all_nb_mle fit_mpra_mle fit_dropout_model fit_mpra_model fit_gamma fit_nb

Documented in fit_dropout_model fit_mpra_model fit_nb

#' @title Fit a negative binomial
#' @description Fit a negative binomial distribution to a set of counts
#' @param input_dat a data frame with one column called "counts"
#' @param nb_init optional vector of mean, dispersion initialization point
fit_nb = function(input_dat,
                  nb_init = c(10, 1)) {

  input_vec = input_dat$counts # feeding it a data frame with one column of counts

  fn_to_min = function(param_vec){
    # param_vec[1] nb mean
    # param_vec[2] nb size
                        mu = param_vec[1],
                        size = param_vec[2],
                        log = TRUE))

  stats::nlminb(start = nb_init,
                objective = fn_to_min,
                lower = rep(.Machine$double.xmin, 2))


fit_gamma = function(input_vec,
                     weights = NULL,
                     gamma_init = c(1, 1)) {

  # if fails to fit, stop() with error message suggesting different inits

    fn_to_min = function(ab_vec){
                  shape = ab_vec[1],
                  rate = ab_vec[2],
                  log = TRUE))
  } else {
    fn_to_min = function(ab_vec){
                          shape = ab_vec[1],
                          rate = ab_vec[2],
                          log = TRUE))

  stats::nlminb(start = gamma_init,
                objective = fn_to_min,
                lower = rep(.Machine$double.xmin, 2))


#' Fit a Bayesian MPRA model
#' @description This function fits a negative-binomial based Bayesian model to
#'   MPRA data. Optional annotations can be included to allow for more
#'   informative conditional priors.
#' @param mpra_data a data frame of MPRA data with 1 column called variant_id,
#'   an allele column, a barcode column, and additional columns per sequencing
#'   sample. Each row is for a single barcode.
#' @param annotations an optional data frame of annotations with identical
#'   variant_ids and an arbitrary number of functional annotations. If omitted,
#'   the prior for a given variant is influenced by all other variants in the
#'   assay equally.
#' @param group_df an optional data frame giving group identity by variant_id in
#'   mpra_data
#' @param priors optional objects provided by either fit_marg_prior() or
#'   fit_cond_prior.
#' @param out_dir path to output directory
#' @param save_nonfunctional logical indicating whether or not to save the
#'   sampler results for variants identified as non-functional
#' @param n_cores number of cores across which to parallelize variant MPRA
#'   samplers
#' @param n_chains number of MCMC chains to run in each sampler
#' @param tot_samp total number of MCMC draws to take, spread evenly across
#'   chains
#' @param n_warmup total number of warmup draws to take from each MCMC chain
#' @param vb_pass logical indicating whether to use a variational first pass
#' @param vb_prob numeric 0 - 1 indicating probability mass to use as a TS HDI
#'   for identifying "promising" candidates for MCMC followup
#' @param ts_hdi_prob probability mass to include in the highest density
#'   interval on transcription shift to call MPRA-functional variants.
#' @param ts_rope length 2 numeric vector describing the boundaries of the
#'   transcription shift region of practical equivalence (ROPE), defaulting to
#'   +/- log(3/2)
#' @param rep_cutoff a representation cutoff quantile (0 to 1)
#' @param adaptive_precision logical indicating whether to adaptively adjust the
#'   length of the posterior MCMC chain for borderline functional variants
#' @param verbose logical indicating whether to print messages
#' @details \code{mpra_data} must contain the following groups of columns:
#'   \itemize{ \item{variant_id} \item{allele - either 'ref' or 'alt'}
#'   \item{barcode - a unique index sequence for that row (ideally the same
#'   barcode used in the assay)} \item{at least one column of MPRA counts whose
#'   column name(s) matches 'DNA'} \item{at least one column of MPRA counts
#'   whose column name(s) matches 'RNA'} }
#'   \code{annotations} must contain the same variant_id's used in mpra_data.
#'   Additional columns are used as informative predictors: when estimating the
#'   priors for one variant, other variants with similar annotations will be
#'   upweighted in the prior-fitting process.
#'   If \code{priors} is provided, any annotations input will be ignored. This
#'   can be useful when you want to fit models again without having to spend
#'   time re-fitting the priors.
#'   Sampler results will be saved to out_dir. By default, only the sampler
#'   results for variants identified as MPRA-functional will be saved. This
#'   behavior can be changed by setting \code{save_nonfunctional} to TRUE.
#'   We've set the sampler parameters (n_chains to n_warmup) to values that work
#'   reasonably well at reasonable speeds for typical MPRA data on typical
#'   hardware. Final analyses and/or models fit to larger MPRA experiments will
#'   likely want to increase n_chains and tot_samp considerably to ensure
#'   precise convergence.
#'   \code{vb_pass} indicates whether to use a first pass variational check to
#'   see if a given variant is worth running the MCMC sampler. It does this by
#'   checking if a 40% HDI on the variational transcription shift posterior
#'   excludes 0. This speeds up posterior evaluation considerably, but gives
#'   approximate results. If \code{vb_pass} is set to FALSE, all variants get
#'   MCMC.
#'   \code{ts_rope} can be used to define a "Region Of Practical Equivalence"
#'   for transcription shift. This is some small-ish region around 0 where
#'   observed posterior samples are "practically equivalent" to 0. The output
#'   column \code{ts_rope_mass} returns the fraction of transcription shift
#'   posterior samples that fall within the defined ROPE along with the usual
#'   model outputs. If this fraction is small, one can say that there is very
#'   little posterior belief that the variant's transcription shift is
#'   practically equivalent to 0. The user must be cognizant of defining the
#'   region in accordance with observed noise and effect size levels. Note that
#'   the output ROPE fractions are NOT p-values.
#'   Barcodes below the \code{rep_cutoff} quantile of representation in the DNA
#'   pools are discarded.
#'   \code{adaptive_precision} indicates whether to adaptively increase the
#'   length of the MCMC chains for borderline functional variants. The edges of
#'   a 95% HDI have high variance with a small number of posterior samples. If
#'   one edge of a variant's HDI interval is close to 0, this setting will tell
#'   the sampler to double the length of the MCMC chain. Using the default 95%
#'   HDI, this means that if a 92.5% HDI excludes 0, and a 97.5% HDI includes 0,
#'   the sampler will double the length of the MCMC chain. This argument should
#'   be turned off if tot_samp is already set to a high value.
#' @return a data frame with a row for each variant_id that specifies the
#'   posterior mean TS, upper and lower HDI bounds, a binary call of functional
#'   or non-functional, and other appropriate outputs. The output column
#'   \code{is_functional} is defined by the TS HDI excluding 0.
#' @note Sampler results for individual variants will be saved to the specified
#'   out_dir as they can be several megabytes each. The table of summary
#'   statistics that this function returns will also be saved into this
#'   directory into an object called "analysis_res.RData".
#' @examples
#' # This example fits the malacoda model on 3 variants with too-short MCMC chains
#' example_variants = c("1_205247315_2-3", "10_101274365_1-3", "10_45966422_2-3")
#' examples_to_evaluate = umpra_example[umpra_example$variant_id %in% example_variants,]
#' # tot_samp should be set to >50,000 to ensure the posterior chains converge
#' example_result = fit_mpra_model(mpra_data = examples_to_evaluate,
#'  priors = marg_prior_example,
#'  vb_pass = FALSE,
#'  tot_samp = 20,
#'  n_warmup = 10,
#'  adaptive_precision = FALSE)
#' print(example_result)
#' @export
fit_mpra_model = function(mpra_data,
                          annotations = NULL,
                          group_df = NULL,
                          out_dir = NULL,
                          save_nonfunctional = FALSE,
                          priors = NULL,
                          n_cores = 1,
                          n_chains = 4,
                          tot_samp = 2e3,
                          n_warmup = 200,
                          vb_pass = TRUE,
                          vb_prob = .8,
                          ts_hdi_prob = .95,
                          ts_rope = c(-.405, .405),
                          rep_cutoff = .15,
                          adaptive_precision = TRUE,
                          verbose = TRUE) {

  start_time = Sys.time()

  #### Input checks ----

    ts_rope = NULL

  if (missing(mpra_data)) {
    stop('mpra_data is missing: You must provide MPRA data to fit a MPRA model!')

  if (is.null(out_dir) & verbose) {
    message('out_dir is missing: Results will not be saved')

  if (!is.null(out_dir) && !dir.exists(out_dir)) {
    stop('specified out_dir does not exist')

  if (!missing(annotations)) {
    if (!all(mpra_data$variant_id %in% annotations$variant_id)) {
      stop('Some mpra_data$variant_id\'s missing from annotations')

  if (ts_hdi_prob < 0 | ts_hdi_prob > 1) {
    stop('ts_hdi_prob must be between 0 and 1!')

  if (vb_prob > ts_hdi_prob){
    stop('vb_prob must be less than ts_hdi_prob')

  if (!is.null(out_dir)) {
    # make sure the out_directory ends in a slash, if not, add it
    dir_ends_in_slash = grepl('/$', out_dir)
    if (!dir_ends_in_slash){
      out_dir = paste0(out_dir, '/')

  correct_columns = all(grepl('variant_id|allele|barcode|[DR]NA', names(mpra_data)))
  if (!correct_columns){
    stop('mpra_data columns must be: variant_id, allele, barcode, and DNA/RNA columns.\ndplyr::rename(), dplyr::select(), malacoda::count_barcodes(), and the tidyr package might be helpful for preparing your input.')

  # Check that there are 2 alleles for each variant
  variant_allele_counts = mpra_data %>%
    select(.data$variant_id, .data$allele) %>%
    unique %>%

  if (!all(variant_allele_counts$n == 2)){
    stop('Non-biallelic variants detected. This may be due to an ill-formatted variant_id column. Note that the variant_id column should be the same for both alleles of a given variant.')

  if (!any(tolower(mpra_data$allele) == 'ref')) {
    stop('Cannot identify which alleles are reference or alternate. Map existing values onto "ref" or "alt" and try again. The function stringr::str_replace_all might help with this. Try str_replace_all(allele, c("A" = "ref", "B" = "alt")) where allele is the existing allele column and "A" and "B" are the current allele indicators.')

  if (vb_pass & verbose) {
    message('Using variantional approximation first pass. Set vb_pass = FALSE for publication quality analyses.')

  if (tot_samp < 5e4 & verbose){
    message('Using less than 50,000 MCMC samples is not recommended for publication quality analyses. Inspect convergence metrics in any case.')

  #### Initial cleanup ----

  mpra_data %<>%

  if (!missing(annotations)) {
    annotations %<>%

  #### Establish priors ----
  if (missing(priors)) { # No prior given --> Auto-priors
    annotations_given = !is.null(annotations)
    # Fit priors
    if (verbose) {
      message('No annotations provided, fitting marginal priors...')

    if (!annotations_given) {
      if (verbose) {
        message('Fitting MARGINAL priors...')

      priors = fit_marg_prior(mpra_data,
                              n_cores = n_cores,
                              rep_cutoff = rep_cutoff,
                              plot_rep_cutoff = TRUE,
                              verbose = verbose)
    } else if (!is.null(group_df)) {
      if (verbose) {
        message('Fitting group-wise priors...')

      priors = fit_grouped_prior(mpra_data,
                                 group_df = group_df,
                                 n_cores = n_cores,
                                 plot_rep_cutoff = TRUE,
                                 rep_cutoff = rep_cutoff,
                                 verbose = verbose)

    } else {
      if (verbose) {
        message('Fitting annotation-based conditional priors...')
        message('Defaulting to min_neighbors = 50 and kernel_fold_increase = 1.3 . See ?fit_cond_prior for alternatives.')

      priors = fit_cond_prior(mpra_data,
                              n_cores = n_cores,
                              plot_rep_cutoff = TRUE,
                              rep_cutoff = rep_cutoff,
                              min_neighbors = 50,
                              kernel_fold_increase = 1.3,
                              verbose = verbose)

      if (verbose) {
        message('Conditional prior fitting done...')

             file = paste0(out_dir, 'conditional_prior.RData'))
  } else {
    # Prior given --> use that
    if (all(class(priors) == 'list')){
      if (verbose) {
        message('Input prior class is list, interpreting as conditional priors.')

      annotations_given = TRUE
    } else if ('group_prior' %in% names(priors)) {
      if (verbose) {
        message('Interpreting input prior as a grouped prior.')

      annotations_given = FALSE
    } else {
      if (verbose) {
        message('Input prior class is not list, interpreting as marginal priors.')

      annotations_given = FALSE

  #### Prepare to run samplers ----
  n_rna = mpra_data %>% select(matches('RNA')) %>% ncol
  n_dna = mpra_data %>% select(matches('DNA')) %>% ncol
  sample_depths = get_sample_depths(mpra_data)

  well_represented = get_well_represented(mpra_data,
                                          rep_cutoff = rep_cutoff,
                                          plot_rep_cutoff = FALSE, # this will have been plotted in the prior fitting already if necessary
                                          verbose = verbose)

  # TODO, make the user aware that this step is happening
  wr_counts = mpra_data %>%
    filter(.data$barcode %in% well_represented$barcode) %>%
    select(.data$variant_id, .data$allele, .data$barcode) %>%
    group_by(.data$variant_id) %>%
    mutate(n_alleles = n_distinct(.data$allele))
  if (any(wr_counts$n_alleles != 2)) {
    biallelic_wr = wr_counts %>%
      filter(.data$n_alleles == 2) %>%

    message('Non-biallelic variants detected after filtering to well-represented barcodes. See mono-allelic MPRA model: malacoda/src/stan_files/monoallelic_model.stan')
  } else {
    biallelic_wr = wr_counts

  well_represented = well_represented %>%
    filter(.data$barcode %in% biallelic_wr$barcode)

  arg_list = list(n_chains = n_chains, # To pass to run_mpra_sampler()
                  n_warmup = n_warmup,
                  tot_samp = tot_samp,
                  n_rna = n_rna,
                  n_dna = n_dna,
                  depth_factors = sample_depths,
                  out_dir = out_dir,
                  save_nonfunctional = save_nonfunctional,
                  ts_hdi_prob = ts_hdi_prob,
                  ts_rope = ts_rope,
                  vb_pass = vb_pass,
                  vb_prob = vb_prob,
                  adaptive_precision = adaptive_precision,
                  verbose = verbose)

  #### Run samplers ----

  if (verbose) {
    message('Running model samplers...')

  if (annotations_given) {

    # attach the conditional priors in the form expected by run_mpra_sampler
    sampler_input = mpra_data %>%
      filter(.data$barcode %in% well_represented$barcode) %>%
      group_by(.data$variant_id) %>%
      nest() %>%
      dplyr::rename('variant_data' = 'data') %>%
      ungroup %>%
      mutate(variant_prior = map(.data$variant_id,
                                 cond_priors = priors))

    analysis_res = sampler_input %>%
      mutate(sampler_stats = parallel::mcmapply(run_mpra_sampler,
                                                .data$variant_id, .data$variant_data, .data$variant_prior,
                                                MoreArgs = arg_list,
                                                mc.cores = n_cores,
                                                mc.preschedule = FALSE,
                                                SIMPLIFY = FALSE)) %>%
      unnest(.data$sampler_stats) %>%
  } else if ('group_prior' %in% names(priors)) {
    # This block uses a grouped prior.
    analysis_res = mpra_data %>%
      filter(.data$barcode %in% well_represented$barcode) %>%
      group_by(.data$variant_id) %>%
      nest() %>%
      dplyr::rename('variant_data' = 'data') %>%
      ungroup %>%
      left_join(group_df, by = 'variant_id') %>%
      left_join(priors, by = 'group_id') %>% # give the grouped_prior by variant_id
      dplyr::rename('variant_prior' = 'group_prior') %>%
      mutate(sampler_stats = parallel::mcmapply(run_mpra_sampler,
                                                .data$variant_id, .data$variant_data, .data$variant_prior,
                                                MoreArgs = arg_list,
                                                mc.cores = n_cores,
                                                mc.preschedule = FALSE,
                                                SIMPLIFY = FALSE)) %>%
      unnest(.data$sampler_stats) %>%

  } else {
    # This block uses the marg priors

    analysis_res = mpra_data %>%
      filter(.data$barcode %in% well_represented$barcode) %>%
      group_by(.data$variant_id) %>%
      nest() %>%
      dplyr::rename('variant_data' = 'data') %>%
      ungroup %>%
      mutate(variant_prior = list(priors)) %>% # give the same marg prior to every variant
      mutate(sampler_stats = parallel::mcmapply(run_mpra_sampler,
                                                .data$variant_id, .data$variant_data, .data$variant_prior,
                                                MoreArgs = arg_list,
                                                mc.cores = n_cores,
                                                mc.preschedule = FALSE,
                                                SIMPLIFY = FALSE)) %>%
      unnest(.data$sampler_stats) %>%

         file = paste0(out_dir, 'analysis_res.RData'))

  end_time = Sys.time()
  time_diff = end_time - start_time

  if (verbose) {
    message(paste0('MPRA data for ', n_distinct(mpra_data$variant_id), ' variants analyzed in ',
                   round(digits = 3, end_time - start_time), ' ', attr(time_diff, 'units')))


#' Fit a Bayesian model of dropout CRISPR screen data
#' @description This function fits a Bayesian model of survival/dropout CRISPR
#'   screen data. It uses a negative binomial to model the input and output
#'   counts of gRNAs, adjusting the results appropriately to account for
#'   sequencing depth.
#' @param dropout_data a data frame of dropout data. See details for column
#'   requirements.
#' @param n_cores number of cores to utilize
#' @inheritParams fit_mpra_model
#' @param plot_rep_cutoff logical indicating whether to plot the representation
#'   cutoff histogram
#' @details \code{dropout_data} requires the following columns:
#'   \itemize{\item{gene_id - character column giving a unique identifier for
#'   each gene} \item{gRNA - character column giving identifiers for individual
#'   gRNAs (usually the gRNA sequence itself)} \item{input count columns -
#'   columns of sequencing counts of the input gRNA library. Multiple columns
#'   for sequencing replicates are allowed (which require unique identifiers).
#'   Column names must contain the string "input".} \item{output count columns -
#'   columns of sequencing counts of gRNAs in the output libraries. Multiple
#'   columns allowed (which in turn require unique names). Column name must
#'   contain the string "output".}}
#' @note Currently this function only supports marginal priors. If you want to
#'   use grouped/conditional priors, contact the malacoda developers.
#'   The \code{gene_data} column in the output contains only the gRNAs that
#'   passed the representation cutoff.
#' @return a data frame of input counts, fit and model statistics for the
#'   log-fold-change for each input gene.
#' @examples
#' # This example uses too-few MCMC samples for the sake of run time. Convergence will be poor.
#' fit_dropout_model(dropout_data = dropout_example,
#' n_cores = 1,
#' tot_samp = 20,
#' n_warmup = 5)
#' @export
fit_dropout_model = function(dropout_data,
                             out_dir = NULL,
                             n_cores = 1,
                             tot_samp = 1e4,
                             n_warmup = 500,
                             n_chains = 4,
                             rep_cutoff = .1,
                             plot_rep_cutoff = TRUE,
                             verbose = TRUE) {

  #### input checks ----

  input_names = names(dropout_data)

  if (!('gene_id' %in% input_names)){
    stop('No gene_id column found!')
  if (!('gRNA' %in% input_names)) {
    stop('No gRNA column found!')
  if(!any(grepl('input', input_names))) {
    stop('No input count columns found!')
  if(!any(grepl('output', input_names))){
    stop('No output count columns found!')

  if (tot_samp < 5e4){
    warning('Using less than 50,000 MCMC samples is not recommended for publication quality analyses. Inspect convergence metrics in any case.')

  if (!is.null(out_dir)) {
    dir_ends_in_slash = grepl('/$', out_dir)
    if (!dir_ends_in_slash){
      out_dir = paste0(out_dir, '/')

  #### Clean up input ----
  if (verbose) {
    message('Determining input gRNA representation parameters...')

  sample_depths = dropout_data %>%
    gather('sample_id', 'gRNA_count', matches('input|output')) %>%
    group_by(.data$sample_id) %>%
    summarise(depth_factor = sum(.data$gRNA_count) / 1e6)

  # find well represented gRNAs in depth-adjusted input sequencing samples
  depth_adj_input =  dropout_data %>%
    dplyr::select(.data$gRNA, matches('input')) %>%
    gather('sample_id', 'gRNA_count', -.data$gRNA) %>%
    left_join(sample_depths, by = 'sample_id') %>%
    mutate(depth_adj_count = .data$gRNA_count / .data$depth_factor) %>%
    dplyr::select(-.data$gRNA_count, -.data$depth_factor)

  mean_input = depth_adj_input %>%
    group_by(.data$gRNA) %>%
    summarise(mean_depth_adj_count = mean(.data$depth_adj_count))

  cutoff_point = quantile(mean_input$mean_depth_adj_count,
                          probs = rep_cutoff)

  well_rep = mean_input %>%
    filter(.data$mean_depth_adj_count > cutoff_point)

  if (plot_rep_cutoff) {

    if (verbose) {
      message('Plotting representation cutoff. Stop and adjust rep_cutoff if necessary.')

    depth_adj_input %>%
      ggplot(mapping = aes(x = .data$depth_adj_count)) +
      geom_histogram(aes(y = .data$..density..),

                     boundary = 0) +
      geom_density(aes(color = .data$sample_id)) +
      geom_vline(xintercept = cutoff_point,
                 lty = 2,
                 color = 'grey20') +
      labs(x = 'Depth adjusted counts in input library',
           color = 'Sample ID',
           title = 'gRNA representation in input libraries',
           subtitle = paste0('Data from gRNAs with average representation below ', round(cutoff_point, digits = 3),
                             ' are discarded')) +

  #### Estimate prior ----
  # This should go into its own function eventually... TODO

  if (verbose) {
    message('Estimating marginal prior...')

  multiple_gRNA =  dropout_data %>%
    filter(.data$gRNA %in% well_rep$gRNA) %>%
    dplyr::count(.data$gene_id) %>%
    filter(.data$n > 2)

  gamma_mle = dropout_data %>%
    filter(.data$gRNA %in% well_rep$gRNA,
           .data$gene_id %in% multiple_gRNA$gene_id) %>%
    gather('sample_id', 'gRNA_count', matches('input|output')) %>%
    left_join(sample_depths, by = 'sample_id') %>%
    group_by(.data$gene_id, .data$sample_id) %>%
    summarise(mean_mle = mean(.data$gRNA_count / .data$depth_factor), # I think these are biased estimators... TODO
              size_mle = mean(.data$gRNA_count) ^ 2 /
                (var(.data$gRNA_count) - mean(.data$gRNA_count))) %>%
    ungroup %>%
    filter(.data$size_mle > 0, is.finite(.data$size_mle))

  # Fit gamma priors off those
  gamma_priors = gamma_mle %>%
    mutate(param_type = stringr::str_extract(.data$sample_id, pattern = 'input|output')) %>%
    group_by(.data$param_type) %>%
    summarise(mean_prior = list(fit_dropout_gamma(.data$mean_mle)),
              size_prior = list(fit_dropout_gamma(.data$size_mle))) %>%
    mutate(mean_alpha = map_dbl(.data$mean_prior, ~.x$par[1]),
           mean_beta = map_dbl(.data$mean_prior, ~.x$par[2]),
           size_alpha = map_dbl(.data$size_prior, ~.x$par[1]),
           size_beta = map_dbl(.data$size_prior, ~.x$par[2]))

  #### Evaluate models ----

  if (verbose) {
    message('Running model samplers...')

  start_time = Sys.time()

  fit_summary = dropout_data %>%
    filter(.data$gRNA %in% well_rep$gRNA) %>%
    group_by(.data$gene_id) %>%
    nest() %>%
    dplyr::rename('gene_data' = 'data') %>%
    ungroup %>%
    dplyr::mutate(fit_statistics = parallel::mcmapply(run_dropout_sampler,
                                                      .data$gene_id, .data$gene_data,
                                                      mc.cores = n_cores,
                                                      MoreArgs = list(gene_prior = gamma_priors,
                                                                      tot_samp = tot_samp,
                                                                      n_warmup = n_warmup,
                                                                      n_chains = n_chains,
                                                                      depth_factors = sample_depths,
                                                                      out_dir = out_dir),
                                                      SIMPLIFY = FALSE))

  #### Compile results and return summary data frame ----

  fit_summary %<>% mutate(lfc_post_mean = map_dbl(.data$fit_statistics,
                                                  ~.x$mean[.x$parameter == 'log_fold_change']),
                          `lfc_2.5%` = map_dbl(.data$fit_statistics,
                                               ~.x$`2.5%`[.x$parameter == 'log_fold_change']),
                          `lfc_97.5%` = map_dbl(.data$fit_statistics,
                                                ~.x$`97.5%`[.x$parameter == 'log_fold_change'])) %>%

  end_time = Sys.time()
  time_diff = end_time - start_time

  message(paste0('Data for ', n_distinct(dropout_data$gene_id), ' genes analyzed in ',
                 round(digits = 3, end_time - start_time), ' ', attr(time_diff, 'units')))



fit_mpra_mle = function(variant_data,

  data_list = list(n_rna_samples = n_rna,
                   n_dna_samples = n_dna,
                   n_ref = n_ref,
                   n_alt = n_alt,
                   ref_dna_counts = variant_data %>% filter(tolower(.data$allele) == 'ref') %>% select(matches('DNA')) %>% as.matrix,
                   alt_dna_counts = variant_data %>% filter(tolower(.data$allele) != 'ref') %>%  select(matches('DNA')) %>% as.matrix,
                   ref_rna_counts = variant_data %>% filter(tolower(.data$allele) == 'ref') %>%  select(matches('RNA')) %>% as.matrix,
                   alt_rna_counts = variant_data %>% filter(tolower(.data$allele) != 'ref') %>%  select(matches('RNA')) %>% as.matrix,
                   rna_depths = depth_factors %>% filter(grepl('RNA', .data$sample_id)) %>% pull(.data$depth_factor),
                   dna_depths = depth_factors %>% filter(grepl('DNA', .data$sample_id)) %>% pull(.data$depth_factor))

  # TODO - make the initializations more user-accessible
  variant_mle_fit = rstan::optimizing(object = stanmodels$bc_mpra_model_mle,
                                      data = data_list,
                                      init = list(dna_m = 100,
                                                  dna_p = 1,
                                                  rna_m = c(1,1),
                                                  rna_p = c(1,1)),
                                      hessian = TRUE)



fit_all_nb_mle = function(mpra_data,

  n_dna = sum(grepl('DNA', names(mpra_data)))
  n_rna = sum(grepl('RNA', names(mpra_data)))

  all_nb_mle = mpra_data %>%
    filter(.data$barcode %in% well_represented$barcode) %>%
    group_by(.data$variant_id) %>%
    nest() %>%
    dplyr::rename('variant_data' = 'data') %>%
    ungroup %>%
    mutate(n_ref = map_dbl(.data$variant_data, ~sum(tolower(.x$allele) == 'ref')),
           n_alt = map_dbl(.data$variant_data, ~sum(tolower(.x$allele) != 'ref'))) %>%
    filter(.data$n_ref > 2 & .data$n_alt > 2) %>%
    mutate(mle_fit = parallel::mcmapply(fit_mpra_mle,
                                        .data$variant_data, .data$n_ref, .data$n_alt,
                                        MoreArgs = list(n_dna = n_dna,
                                                        n_rna = n_rna,
                                                        depth_factors = sample_depths),
                                        SIMPLIFY = FALSE,
                                        mc.cores = n_cores)) %>%
    mutate(converged = map_lgl(.data$mle_fit,
                               ~.x$return_code == 0),
           ml_estimates = map(.data$mle_fit,
                              ~spread(tibble(par = names(.x$par),
                                             val = .x$par),
                                      par, val))) %>%
    unnest(cols = .data$ml_estimates) %>%


fit_gamma_stan = function(mles){

  data_list = list(N = length(mles),
                   mles = mles)

  rstan::optimizing(object = stanmodels$bc_mpra_fit_gamma,
                    data = data_list)

fit_weighted_gammas_stan = function(anno_weight_df,
                                    estimates_to_weight) {

  anno_weight_df %<>% inner_join(estimates_to_weight, by = 'variant_id')

  # converged = map_lgl(gamma_fit, ~.x$return_code == 0)
  # ^ you can add this to the first mutate to check for convergence
  g_priors = anno_weight_df %>%
    group_by(.data$par) %>%
    summarise(gamma_fit = list(fit_weighted_gamma_stan(.data$value, .data$weight))) %>%
    mutate(alpha_est = map_dbl(.data$gamma_fit, ~.x$par[1]),
           beta_est = map_dbl(.data$gamma_fit, ~.x$par[2])) %>% #
    separate(col = 'par',
             into = c('acid_type', 'prior_type', 'allele'),
             sep = '_|\\[') %>%
    mutate(acid_type = toupper(.data$acid_type),
           prior_type = str_replace_all(.data$prior_type,
                                        c('p' = 'phi_prior',
                                          'm' = 'mu_prior')),
           allele = str_replace_all(.data$allele,
                                    c('1\\]' = 'ref',
                                      '2\\]' = 'alt'))) %>%
    select(.data$allele, .data$prior_type, 'prior' = .data$gamma_fit, .data$alpha_est, .data$beta_est, .data$acid_type)

  split_priors = split(g_priors, # this is purely to make it work with the old, pre-Stan code
                       f = g_priors$prior_type)


fit_weighted_gamma_stan = function(mles, weights){

  data_list = list(N = length(mles),
                   mles = mles,
                   weights = weights)

  rstan::optimizing(object = stanmodels$weighted_gamma,
                    data = data_list)

fit_dropout_gamma = function(values){
  # This should be deprecated in favor of fit_gamma eventually... TODO

  fn_to_min = function(par_vec) {
                shape = par_vec[1],
                rate = par_vec[2],
                log = TRUE))

  optim_res = stats::optim(par = c(1,1),
                           fn = fn_to_min)
andrewGhazi/malacoda documentation built on Aug. 2, 2020, 12:54 a.m.