## Event records transformations OOP transformation class
## LGPL-3.0 License, see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.txt
## Copyright (c) 2018, Anton Antonov
## All rights reserved.
# Title: Data transformer class
# Author: Anton Antonov
# Start date: 2018-10-07
## DataTransformer class hierarchy
## General class behaving as Template Method.
## The sub-classes might use different representations of the data.
## (But perform the same operations.)
## Since S4 is used the objects are not handled by reference (when copied and worked on.)
## Having a dataObject can be / might be too slow. It might be a good idea to move to S6.
## Note that
## 1. the entity data is not transformed, and
## 2. the event records data is transformed.
## For performance and explicitness of pipeline construction the event records data
## is an argument to the transformation opeartion functions.
# A data transformer class.
# @slot ID ID of the object.
setClass( "DataTransformer",
slots = list( ID = "character",
dataRepresentation = "character",
eventRecords = "data.frame",
entityAttributes = "data.frame",
compSpec = "ComputationSpecification",
# dataObject = "DataWrapper",
timeCellsInterpretation = "data.frame",
eventRecordsForCategoricalMatrices = "data.frame",
transformedData = "data.frame",
sparseMatrices = "vector",
dataMat = "sparseMatrix",
groupAggregatedValues = "ANY",
outlierBoundaries = "ANY",
progressObject = "ANY" ),
prototype = list( ID = NA_character_,
dataRepresentation = NA_character_,
compSpec = NULL,
# dataObject = NULL,
entityAttributes = NULL,
timeCellsInterpretation = NULL,
eventRecordsForCategoricalMatrices = NULL,
transformedData = NULL,
sparseMatrices = NULL,
dataMat = NULL,
groupAggregatedValues = NULL,
outlierBoundaries = NULL,
progressObject = NULL )
## Method signatures
## Template Method Abstract algorithm
setGeneric("transformData", function (object, compSpec, eventRecordsData, entityAttributes, ...) standardGeneric("transformData") )
## Operation steps
setGeneric("restrictToSpecifiedVariables", function (eventRecords, object, ...) standardGeneric("restrictToSpecifiedVariables") )
setGeneric("addTimeGrid", function (eventRecords, object) standardGeneric("addTimeGrid") )
setGeneric("aggregateOverTimeGrid", function (eventRecords, object, ...) standardGeneric("aggregateOverTimeGrid") )
setGeneric("aggregateAndAccumulateOverGroups", function (object, aggrERData, ...) standardGeneric("aggregateAndAccumulateOverGroups") )
setGeneric("normalize", function (aggrERData, object, ...) standardGeneric("normalize") )
setGeneric("makeSparseMatrices", function (object, ...) standardGeneric("makeSparseMatrices") )
setGeneric("sparseMatricesToDataFrame", function (object, simpleConversion, numericLabelColumn) standardGeneric("sparseMatricesToDataFrame") )
## Internal / protected
setGeneric("normalizeGroupsBySpec", function (specRow, object, matLongFormData, entityAttributes, normalizationFuncSpecToFunc) standardGeneric("normalizeGroupsBySpec") )
## Template Method operation definition
signature = c(object = "DataTransformer", compSpec = "ComputationSpecification", eventRecordsData = "data.frame", entityAttributes = "data.frame"),
function(object, compSpec, eventRecordsData, entityAttributes, ...) {
## Processing additional arguments
additionalArgs <- list(...)
testDataRun <- FALSE
outlierIdentifierParametersFunc <- QuartileIdentifierParameters
alignmentSpec <- "MaxTime"
echoStepsQ <- FALSE
if( "testDataRun" %in% names(additionalArgs) ) {
testDataRun <- additionalArgs[["testDataRun"]]
if( "outlierIdentifierParameters" %in% names(additionalArgs) ) {
outlierIdentifierParametersFunc <- additionalArgs[["outlierIdentifierParameters"]]
if( "alignmentSpec" %in% names(additionalArgs) ) {
alignmentSpec <- additionalArgs[["alignmentSpec"]]
if( "echoStepsQ" %in% names(additionalArgs) ) {
echoStepsQ <- additionalArgs[["echoStepsQ"]]
## Set data fields
object@compSpec <- compSpec
object@entityAttributes <- entityAttributes
## Find outliers
outCompSpec <- compSpec@parameters[ compSpec@parameters$Aggregation.function %in% c( "OutCnt", "OutFrc" ), ]
if( !testDataRun && nrow(outCompSpec) > 0 ) {
object@outlierBoundaries <-
purrr::map_dfr( split(outCompSpec, outCompSpec$Variable), function(x) {
obs <-
eventRecordsData %>%
dplyr::filter( Variable == x$Variable[[1]] )
obs <- outlierIdentifierParametersFunc( obs$Value )
data.frame( Variable = x$Variable[[1]], Lower = obs[[1]], Upper = obs[[2]], stringsAsFactors = F )
## Main transformation computation
eventRecordsData <-
eventRecordsData %>%
restrictToSpecifiedVariables( object, echoStepsQ = echoStepsQ ) %>%
aggregateOverTimeGrid( object, alignmentSpec = alignmentSpec, echoStepsQ = echoStepsQ )
## Time cells interpretations
if( tolower(alignmentSpec) %in% c("maxtime", "max") ) { tsSign = -1 } else { tsSign = 1 }
object@timeCellsInterpretation <-
eventRecordsData %>%
dplyr::select( MatrixName, TimeGridCell ) %>%
dplyr::distinct() %>%
dplyr::inner_join( compSpec@parameters, by = "MatrixName" )
if( tsSign > 0 ) {
object@timeCellsInterpretation <-
object@timeCellsInterpretation %>%
dplyr::mutate( StartTime = tsSign * TimeGridCell * Aggregation.interval.length ) %>%
dplyr::mutate( EndTime = tsSign * (TimeGridCell + 1) * Aggregation.interval.length )
} else {
object@timeCellsInterpretation <-
object@timeCellsInterpretation %>%
dplyr::mutate( StartTime = tsSign * (TimeGridCell + 1) * Aggregation.interval.length ) %>%
dplyr::mutate( EndTime = tsSign * TimeGridCell * Aggregation.interval.length )
object@timeCellsInterpretation <-
object@timeCellsInterpretation %>%
dplyr::select( MatrixName, TimeGridCell, StartTime, EndTime )
## Note that we are not saving the transformed event records in the slot "eventRecords".
## That slot is reserved for the initial event records data.
## We use the slots transformedData and eventRecordsForCategoricalMatrices.
## I.e. do not do this:
## object@eventRecords <- eventRecordsData
## This is useful for making categorical matrices
object@eventRecordsForCategoricalMatrices <- eventRecordsData
## Find aggregate values over groups of records
if( !testDataRun ) {
object <- aggregateAndAccumulateOverGroups(object, eventRecordsData, echoStepsQ = echoStepsQ )
## Normalize
object@transformedData <- eventRecordsData %>% normalize(object, echoStepsQ = echoStepsQ)
## Create a sparse matrices
## Note that this breaks the style of the transformation pipeline.
object <- makeSparseMatrices( object, echoStepsQ = echoStepsQ )
## Restrict event records
signature = c(eventRecords = "data.frame", object = "DataTransformer"),
function(eventRecords, object, ...) {
if( !is.null(object@progressObject) ) { object@progressObject$inc( 1/6, detail = "Restrict event records." ) }
additionalArgs <- list(...)
echoStepsQ <- TRUE
if( "echoStepsQ" %in% names(additionalArgs) ) {
echoStepsQ <- additionalArgs[["echoStepsQ"]]
if( echoStepsQ ) { cat("\n\tRestrict event records to specificed variables...\n") }
eventRecords <- dplyr::filter( eventRecords, Variable %in% object@compSpec@parameters$Variable )
if( is.null(eventRecords) || nrow(eventRecords) == 0 ) {
if( sum( unique(eventRecords$Variable) %in% object@compSpec@parameters$Variable ) == 0 ) {
stop("None of the computation specification variables are found in the event records.", call. = TRUE )
stop("Obtained empty event records after variable restriction.", call. = TRUE )
if( echoStepsQ ) { cat("\n\t\t...DONE\n") }
# Should not be used since it is based on Variable-only granularity.
# I.e. it does not do proper processing of the computation specifications.
signature = c(eventRecords = "data.frame", object = "DataTransformer"),
function(eventRecords, object) {
if( !is.null(object@progressObject) ) { object@progressObject$inc( 1/6, detail = "Find most recent observation date for each entity." ) }
cat("\n\tFind most recent observation date for each entity...\n")
eventRecords <-
dplyr::filter( dplyr::summarise( dplyr::group_by( dplyr::select( eventRecords, EntityID, ObservationTime ), EntityID ),
MostRecentTimeEpoch = max(ObservationTime, na.rm = T), .groups = "drop" ),
!is.na(MostRecentTimeEpoch) ),
eventRecords, by = "EntityID")
cat("\n\tCompute differences with max time...\n")
eventRecords <- dplyr::mutate( eventRecords,
DiffToMaxObsTime = MostRecentTimeEpoch - ObservationTime )
cat("\n\tRestrict event records to specfied maximal history length...\n")
eventRecords <- dplyr::mutate( eventRecords, DiffToMaxObsTime = as.numeric( DiffToMaxObsTime ) )
eventRecords <- dplyr::filter( eventRecords, DiffToMaxObsTime <= object@compSpec@variableToMaxHistoryLength[Variable] )
## In order to make this work with Spark innter join has to be used (dplyr or SQL).
cat("\n\tFor each of the specified variables find time grid intervals...\n")
eventRecords <- dplyr::mutate( eventRecords, TimeGridCell = floor( DiffToMaxObsTime / object@compSpec@variableToAggregationIntervalLength[Variable] ) )
eventRecords <- dplyr::mutate( eventRecords, TimeGridCell = TimeGridCell + 1 )
signature = c(eventRecords = "data.frame", object = "DataTransformer"),
function(eventRecords, object, ...) {
if( !is.null(object@progressObject) ) { object@progressObject$inc( 1/6, detail = "Find aggregated values." ) }
additionalArgs <- list(...)
alignmentSpec <- "MaxTime"
echoStepsQ <- TRUE
if( "alignmentSpec" %in% names(additionalArgs) ) {
alignmentSpec <- additionalArgs[["alignmentSpec"]]
if( "echoStepsQ" %in% names(additionalArgs) ) {
echoStepsQ <- additionalArgs[["echoStepsQ"]]
## For each of the specified variables,
## for each entity,
## for each time grid cell
## find aggregate function values
if( echoStepsQ ) { cat("\n\tFind aggregated values...\n") }
aggrERData <-
object@compSpec@parameters %>%
rowwise() %>%
do( AggregateEventRecordsBySpec( .,
alignmentSpec = alignmentSpec,
echoStepsQ = echoStepsQ ) ) %>%
## If we do not ungroup we will get
## Warning message:
## Grouping rowwise data frame strips rowwise nature
## This was considered because
## AggregateEventRecordsBySpec might modify the specification rows of object@compSpec@parameters
## for outlier handling.
# aggrERData <-
# ldply( 1:length(object@compSpec@parameters), function(i) {
# res <-
# AggregateEventRecordsBySpec( object@compSpec@parameters[i,], eventRecords, object@entityAttributes, object@compSpec@aggrFuncSpecToFunc )
# object@compSpec@parameters[i,] <- res$SpecRow
# res$Result
# })
if( echoStepsQ ) { cat("\n\t\t...DONE\n") }
signature = c(aggrERData = "data.frame", object = "DataTransformer"),
function(aggrERData, object, ...) {
if( !is.null(object@progressObject) ) { object@progressObject$inc( 1/6, detail = "Normalization functions application." ) }
additionalArgs <- list(...)
echoStepsQ <- TRUE
if( "echoStepsQ" %in% names(additionalArgs) ) {
echoStepsQ <- additionalArgs[["echoStepsQ"]]
if( echoStepsQ ) { cat("\n\tNormalization functions application...\n") }
## So basically we do the same thing we did for the aggreation: rowwise() %>% do( ... ) .
aggrERData <-
object@compSpec@parameters %>%
rowwise() %>%
do( normalizeGroupsBySpec( .,
object@compSpec@normalizationFuncSpecToFunc ) ) %>%
if( echoStepsQ ) { cat("\n\t\t...DONE\n") }
## Convert to a list of sparse matrices, impose row IDs, and concatenate to a sparse matrix.
signature = c(object = "DataTransformer"),
function(object, ...) {
if( !is.null(object@progressObject) ) { object@progressObject$inc( 1/6, detail = "Sparse matrix." ) }
additionalArgs <- list(...)
echoStepsQ <- TRUE
if( "echoStepsQ" %in% names(additionalArgs) ) {
echoStepsQ <- additionalArgs[["echoStepsQ"]]
if( echoStepsQ ) { cat("\n\tMake sparse matrices...\n") }
## Find is the calculation of a label feature matrix specified?
findLabelMatQ <- HasLabelRowQ( compSpec = object@compSpec@parameters, labelVariable = "Label" )
if( findLabelMatQ ) {
labelMat <-
xtabs( ~ EntityID + Value,
object@entityAttributes %>% dplyr::filter( Attribute == "Label" ),
sparse = T)
colnames(labelMat) <- paste( "Label", colnames(labelMat), sep="." )
labelMat@x[labelMat@x > 1 ] <- 1
if( is.null(object@transformedData) || nrow(object@transformedData) == 0 ) {
stop("The object@transformedData is empty.", call. = TRUE)
smats <-
split( object@transformedData, object@transformedData$MatrixName ),
function(x) {
if( findLabelMatQ && x$MatrixName[[1]] == "Label" ) {
} else {
## I am not sure this here is the best way to handle this.
if( sum( is.nan(x$AValue) ) ) {
warning( paste0( "NaN values for the matrix", x$MatrixName[[1]], ". Attempting to continue by replacing each NaN with 0." ), call. = T )
x$AValue[ is.nan(x$AValue) ] <- 0
res <- xtabs( AValue ~ EntityID + VarID, x, sparse = T)
colnames(res) <- paste( x$MatrixName[[1]], colnames(res), sep="-")
smats <- smats[ !is.na(smats) ]
allRowIDs <- unique( unlist( purrr::map( smats, rownames) ) )
smats <- purrr::map( smats, function(x) ImposeRowIDs( rowIDs = allRowIDs, smat = x ) )
if( findLabelMatQ ) {
smats <- c( smats, Label = ImposeRowIDs( rowIDs = allRowIDs, smat = labelMat ) )
## Sort the columns of the sparse matrices
smatNames <- names(smats)
smats <-
function(sm) {
if( sum( grepl( "\\.", colnames(sm)[[1]] ) ) == 0 ) { sm }
else {
## Suppress warning messages while converting column names to corresponding values
oldw <- getOption("warn"); options(warn = -1)
colVals <- as.numeric( purrr::map( strsplit( colnames(sm), "\\." ), function(x) x[[length(x)]] ) )
options(warn = oldw)
if ( sum( is.na( colVals ) ) > 0 || mean(sort(colVals) != (1:ncol(sm))) > 0 ) { sm }
else {
colOrder <- order( colVals )
sm[, colOrder, drop = F]
names(smats) <- smatNames
## Most likely redundant at this point,
## because of the earlier check with object@transformedData.
if( length(smats) == 0 ) {
warning("No sparse matrices were derived.", call. = T)
## Final result
object@sparseMatrices <- smats
object@dataMat <- do.call( cbind, smats )
if( echoStepsQ ) { cat("\n\t\t...DONE\n") }
## Adapter: a data frame.
signature = c(object = "DataTransformer", simpleConversion = "logical", numericLabelColumn = "logical" ),
function(object, simpleConversion, numericLabelColumn) {
## Shortcuts
diedLabel <- object@compSpec@diedLabel
survivedLabel <- object@compSpec@survivedLabel
dataMat <- object@dataMat
## Find is the calculation of a label feature matrix specified?
findLabelMatQ <- HasLabelRowQ( object@compSpec@parameters )
if ( !findLabelMatQ && simpleConversion ) {
vsDF <- as.data.frame( as.matrix(dataMat), stringsAsFactors = T )
} else if ( findLabelMatQ && simpleConversion ) {
## Too simple, no NA handling.
vsDF <- as.data.frame( as.matrix( dataMat[, -grep( "Label", colnames(dataMat) ) ] ), stringsAsFactors = T )
if( !numericLabelColumn ) {
vsDF <- cbind( vsDF, Label = ifelse( dataMat[,paste0("Label.",diedLabel)], diedLabel, survivedLabel ), stringsAsFactors = T )
} else {
vsDF <- cbind( vsDF, Label = dataMat[,paste0("Label.",diedLabel)], stringsAsFactors = T )
} else if ( !findLabelMatQ && !simpleConversion ) {
## Proper handling of NA's.
vsMat <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(dataMat), ncol = ncol(dataMat) )
dataMatDF <- as.data.frame( summary(dataMat) )
vsMat[ as.matrix(dataMatDF[,1:2]) ] <- dataMatDF[,3]
rownames(vsMat) <- rownames(dataMat); colnames(vsMat) <- colnames(dataMat)
vsDF <- as.data.frame( vsMat )
} else if ( findLabelMatQ && !simpleConversion ) {
## Proper handling of NA's.
vsMat <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(dataMat), ncol = ncol(dataMat) )
dataMatDF <- as.data.frame( summary(dataMat) )
vsMat[ as.matrix(dataMatDF[,1:2]) ] <- dataMatDF[,3]
rownames(vsMat) <- rownames(dataMat); colnames(vsMat) <- colnames(dataMat)
vsDF <- as.data.frame( vsMat[, -grep( "Label", colnames(vsMat) ) ] )
lblCol <- ifelse( vsMat[,paste0("Label.",diedLabel)], diedLabel, survivedLabel )
lblCol[is.na(lblCol)] <- survivedLabel
vsDF <- cbind( vsDF, Label = lblCol )
## This code is here is convenience.
## Note the assumption that the last column is the `Label` column. (See above.)
if ( findLabelMatQ && numericLabelColumn ) {
vsDF <- cbind( vsDF[,-ncol(vsDF)], Label = ifelse( dataMat[ , paste0("Label.", diedLabel) ], 1, 0 ) )
## Related to the normalization step for the method "normalize". This is an intermediate step.
#' @description Applies a normalization function to long form contingency matrix data and stores the results.
#' @param object the current object
#' @param aggrERData aggregated event records in long form
signature = c(object = "DataTransformer", aggrERData = "data.frame" ),
function(object, aggrERData, ...) {
if( !is.null(object@progressObject) ) { object@progressObject$inc( 1/6, detail = "Aggregate and accumulate over groups of records." ) }
additionalArgs <- list(...)
echoStepsQ <- TRUE
if( "echoStepsQ" %in% names(additionalArgs) ) {
echoStepsQ <- additionalArgs[["echoStepsQ"]]
if( echoStepsQ ) { cat("\n\tAggregation over groups functions application (and accumulation)...\n") }
allEntityAttributes <- unique(object@entityAttributes$Attribute)
object@groupAggregatedValues <-
purrr::map_dfr( split( object@compSpec@parameters, object@compSpec@parameters$MatrixName), function(specRow) {
if( specRow$Normalization.function[[1]] != "None" ) {
if( !( specRow$Normalization.function[[1]] %in% names(object@compSpec@normalizationFuncSpecToFunc) ) ) {
stop( paste0( "Unknown normalization function \"", specRow$Normalization.function[[1]], "\" ",
"in the computation specification."),
call. = TRUE )
func <- object@compSpec@normalizationFuncSpecToFunc[ specRow$Normalization.function[[1]] ][[1]]
if ( specRow$Normalization.scope[[1]] == "Variable" ) {
dfNormalizationValues <-
aggrERData %>%
dplyr::filter( MatrixName == specRow$MatrixName ) %>%
dplyr::summarise( NormalizationValue = func(AValue), .groups = "drop" ) %>%
dplyr::mutate( Scope = "Variable", Attribute = NA ) %>%
if( nrow(dfNormalizationValues) == 0 ) {
} else {
#print( colnames(object@groupAggregatedValues) )
#print( cbind( MatrixName = specRow$MatrixName, dfNormalizationValues, stringsAsFactors = F ) )
rbind( object@groupAggregatedValues,
cbind( MatrixName = specRow$MatrixName, dfNormalizationValues, stringsAsFactors = F ) )
} else if ( specRow$Normalization.scope[[1]] %in% allEntityAttributes ) {
dfNormalizationValues <-
aggrERData %>%
dplyr::filter( MatrixName == specRow$MatrixName ) %>%
dplyr::inner_join( object@entityAttributes[, c("EntityID", "Attribute")] %>%
dplyr::filter( Attribute == specRow$Normalization.scope[[1]] ),
by = "EntityID" ) %>%
dplyr::group_by( Attribute ) %>%
dplyr::summarise( NormalizationValue = func(AValue), .groups = "drop" ) %>%
if( nrow(dfNormalizationValues) == 0 ) { NULL }
else { rbind( object@groupAggregatedValues,
cbind( MatrixName = specRow$MatrixName,
Scope = specRow$Normalization.scope[[1]],
stringsAsFactors = F ) ) }
} else {
} else {
if( echoStepsQ ) { cat("\n\t\t...DONE\n") }
## Normalization step for the method "normalize".
#' @description Applies a normalization function to long form contingency matrix data.
#' @param specRow a specification that has columns "MatrixName" and "Normalization"
#' @param object the current object; it is the second argument in order to use %>%
#' @param matLongFormData aggregated event records in long form
#' @param entityAttributes entity specific data
#' @param normalizationFuncSpecToFunc a named elements list of normalization functions
signature = c(specRow = "list", object = "DataTransformer", matLongFormData = "data.frame", entityAttributes = "data.frame", normalizationFuncSpecToFunc = "list"),
function(specRow, object, matLongFormData, entityAttributes, normalizationFuncSpecToFunc ) {
if ( !( specRow$Normalization.scope[[1]] %in% c( "None", "NULL", "Entity" ) ) ) {
if( is.null(object@groupAggregatedValues) ) {
stop("Missing accumulated averages data.", call. = TRUE )
if ( ! ( specRow$Normalization.function[[1]] %in% c( names(normalizationFuncSpecToFunc), c( "Null", "NULL", "None") ) ) ) {
stop("Uknown normalization function.", call. = TRUE )
if( length(object@groupAggregatedValues) > 0 ) {
dfNormalizationValues <-
object@groupAggregatedValues %>%
dplyr::filter( MatrixName == specRow$MatrixName )
} else {
dfNormalizationValues <- NULL
if( is.null(dfNormalizationValues) || nrow(dfNormalizationValues) == 0 ) {
warning( paste( "Missing accumulated group normalization values data (after filtering.) for MatrixName=", specRow$MatrixName, "." ), call. = TRUE )
matLongFormData %>% dplyr::filter( MatrixName == specRow$MatrixName )
} else if ( specRow$Normalization.scope[[1]] == "Variable" ) {
matLongFormData %>%
dplyr::filter( MatrixName == specRow$MatrixName ) %>%
dplyr::inner_join( dfNormalizationValues, by = "MatrixName" ) %>%
dplyr::group_by( EntityID ) %>%
dplyr::mutate( AValue = AValue / NormalizationValue ) %>%
dplyr::select( EntityID, TimeGridCell, VarID, AValue, MatrixName )
} else {
matLongFormData %>%
dplyr::filter( MatrixName == specRow$MatrixName ) %>%
dplyr::inner_join( dfNormalizationValues, by = "MatrixName" ) %>%
dplyr::group_by( EntityID ) %>%
dplyr::mutate( AValue = AValue / NormalizationValue ) %>%
dplyr::select( EntityID, TimeGridCell, VarID, AValue, MatrixName )
} else if ( specRow$Normalization.scope[[1]] == "Entity" &&
specRow$Normalization.function[[1]] %in% names(normalizationFuncSpecToFunc) ) {
# cat( "in:", specRow$Normalization.function[[1]], "\n" )
if( specRow$Normalization.function[[1]] != "None" ) {
func <- normalizationFuncSpecToFunc[ specRow$Normalization.function[[1]] ][[1]]
matLongFormData %>%
dplyr::filter( MatrixName == specRow$MatrixName ) %>%
group_by( EntityID ) %>%
dplyr::mutate( AValue = AValue / func(AValue) ) %>%
} else {
matLongFormData %>%
dplyr::filter( MatrixName == specRow$MatrixName )
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