classSpecificExpressionProfileDists: Computes the within 'stats' of expression profile distances...

View source: R/expression_funks.R

classSpecificExpressionProfileDistsR Documentation

Computes the within stats of expression profile distances for classes of gene groups separating the argument genes into sub-groups.


Computes the within stats of expression profile distances for classes of gene groups separating the argument genes into sub-groups.


classSpecificExpressionProfileDists(e.p.d, gene.classes, = NA,
  stats = c("max", "median", "mean", "maxMinusMin"))



An instance of stats::dist holding the pairwise expression profile distances for the argument genes.


An instance of list where the names are the different gene classes and the values character vectors intersecting with the argument genes and thus segregating them into the respective gene-classes.

A string to be assigned as Family column in the base::data.frame in slot stats of the returned object. Default is NA.


A character vector holding the names of the functions to apply on the the gene.class specific distances. Default is stats = c('max', 'median', 'mean', 'maxMinusMin').


An instance of base::list with one base::dist per Gene.Class in names(gene.classes) and an additional base::data.frame named 'stats'. The latter holds the values returned by the functions in stats applied to each separate class of argument genes.

asishallab/GeneFamilies documentation built on May 22, 2023, 11:30 a.m.