enrichmentTests: Tests for every function annotation in 'case.anno.tbl' the...

View source: R/enrichment_funks.R

enrichmentTestsR Documentation

Tests for every function annotation in 'case.anno.tbl' the alternative hypothesis provided with 'test.dir'. Resulting p.values are adjusted for multiple hypothesis testing, before being returned. Note, if applied on large data sets, run in parallel on multiple cores and set options('mc.cores'=...) accordingly.


Tests for every function annotation in 'case.anno.tbl' the alternative hypothesis provided with 'test.dir'. Resulting p.values are adjusted for multiple hypothesis testing, before being returned. Note, if applied on large data sets, run in parallel on multiple cores and set options('mc.cores'=...) accordingly.


enrichmentTests(case.anno.tbl, universe.anno.tbl, test.dir = "greater",
  p.adjust.method = "BY")



the annotations for which the alternative hypothesis is to be tested


the 'universe' annotations to compare the case with


the direction of the alternative hypothesis. Default defines it as 'greater'


the method used to adjust resulting p.values for multiple hypothesis testing. Default is 'BY', see base::p.adjust for more details.


A data.frame holding the annotation in column 'PFam', the adjusted and un-adjusted P.Value in two additional columns.

asishallab/GeneFamilies documentation built on July 28, 2024, 11:44 a.m.