
Defines functions selectGeneGroupSpecificEnrichedAnnotations selectSignificantlyEnrichedAnnotations enrichedAnnotations collectNonConservedAnnotations testNonConservedAnnotations nonConservedAnnotations testNonConservedCompositeAnnotations nonConservedCompositeAnnotations joinGOEnrichResults procGOHyperGResult goEnrichTest cbindAnnotationDescription selectSignificantEnrichments enrichmentTests annotationMatrix numberAnnotations appendToTestedHypotheses removeSpliceVariant generateContingencyTable

Documented in annotationMatrix appendToTestedHypotheses cbindAnnotationDescription collectNonConservedAnnotations enrichedAnnotations enrichmentTests generateContingencyTable goEnrichTest joinGOEnrichResults nonConservedAnnotations nonConservedCompositeAnnotations numberAnnotations procGOHyperGResult removeSpliceVariant selectGeneGroupSpecificEnrichedAnnotations selectSignificantEnrichments selectSignificantlyEnrichedAnnotations testNonConservedAnnotations testNonConservedCompositeAnnotations

#' Generates a matrix that can directly be used as input for hypothesis
#' testing, e.g. with base::fisher.test(...). Validates the resulting table
#' based on the input data. Validation checks whether the intersections of
#' elements having attribute A and B and those having attribute A and NOT B
#' truly form the whole set of all elements with attribute A. The same
#' validation is done for the other rows and columns. Error-Codes are:
#' 1 - row.1 does not fully separate into col.1 and col.2
#' 2 - row.2 does not fully separate into col.1 and col.2
#' 3 - col.1 does not fully separate into row.1 and row.2
#' 4 - col.2 does not fully separate into row.1 and row.2
#' 5 - the sum of all cells sizes in the contingency table is not identical to
#' the size of the mathematical set of all elements contained in both rows and
#' columns (row.1, row.2, col.1, col.2).
#' @param row.1 a vector of elements that have attribute A
#' @param row.2 a vector of elements that do not have attribute A
#' @param col.1 a vector of elements that have attribute B
#' @param col.2 a vector of elements that do not have attribute B
#' @param row.category the name of attribute A true for elements in row.1 and
#' false for elements in row.2
#' @param col.category the name of attribute B true for elements in col.1 and
#' false for elements in col.2
#' @param categories default is 'T' and 'F' indicating whether row.1 and col.1
#' indicate elements that have attribute A, and elements in row.2 and col.2 do
#' not have the respective attribute.
#' @param validate set to FALSE, if validation is not wanted. Default is TRUE
#' @return A 2 x 2 contingency table.
#' @export
generateContingencyTable <- function(row.1, row.2, col.1, col.2, row.category, col.category, 
    categories = c("T", "F"), validate = TRUE) {
    # Generates a contingency table of the given argument rows and columns. The
    # resulting table can be used for e.g. exact Fisher tests and the like.
    cont.tbl <- matrix(c(length(intersect(row.1, col.1)), length(intersect(row.2, 
        col.1)), length(intersect(row.1, col.2)), length(intersect(row.2, col.2))), 
        nrow = 2, ncol = 2, dimnames = setNames(list(categories, categories), c(row.category, 
    if (validate) {
        val.res <- c(sum(cont.tbl[1, ]) == length(row.1), sum(cont.tbl[2, ]) == length(row.2), 
            sum(cont.tbl[, 1]) == length(col.1), sum(cont.tbl[, 2]) == length(col.2), 
            sum(cont.tbl) == length(unique(c(row.1, row.2, col.1, col.2))))
        if (!all(val.res)) 
            stop("Validation of contingency table failed. Error-Code(s): ", paste(which(!val.res), 
                collapse = ","))

#' Removes trailing splice variant identifier from gene IDs; e.g. CARHR213450.1
#' will result in CARHR213450 
#' @param gene.ids a character vector of gene identifiers
#' @return The modified 'gene.ids' without the trailing splice variant IDs.
#' @export
removeSpliceVariant <- function(gene.ids) {
    sub("\\.\\d+$", "", gene.ids)

#' Function appends a row to the argument data.frame 'df', which is supposed to
#' hold two columns 'tested.hypothesis' and 'p.val'.
#' @param df an instance of class base::data.frame with two columns
#' @param hypo string describing the hypothesis tested
#' @param p.val numerical result of testing 'hypo' as alternative hypothesis.
#' @return The extended data.frame 'df' with a new row holding the arguments
#' 'hypo' and 'p.val'.
#' @export
appendToTestedHypotheses <- function(df, hypo, p.val) {
    a.df <- data.frame(tested.hypothesis = hypo, p.value = p.val, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    rbind(df, a.df)

#' Counts the number of times an annotation, e.g. a Pfam or InterPro entry, is
#' annotated in argument annotation table 'anno.tbl'.
#' @param anno string contained in column 2 of 'anno.tbl'
#' @param anno.tbl a data.frame of two columns, column 1 holds gene identifiers
#' and column 2 annotations, e.g. InterPro or Pfam entries.
#' @return integer - the number of genes 'anno' has been found annotated to.
#' @export
numberAnnotations <- function(anno, anno.tbl) {
    nrow(anno.tbl[which(anno.tbl$V2 == anno), ])

#' Generate a 2x2 contingency table for statistical hypothesis testing of over-
#' or underrepresentation of 'anno' in the case 'anno.tbl' when compared with
#' the whole universe 'universe.tbl'. Please note, that 'anno.tbl' is expected
#' to be a true subset of 'universe.tbl.'
#' @param anno string representing the annotation, e.g. InterPro entry
#' @param anno.tbl annotation table: column 1 holds gene identifiers, and
#' column 2 annotations, e.g. InterPro entries. 'anno.tbl' represents the
#' 'case'
#' @param universe.tbl annotation table, true superset of 'anno.tbl'.
#' Represents the 'universe' to test alternative hypotheses against.
#' @param anno.tbl.anno.col The column of 'anno.tbl' in which to lookup the
#' case gene identifiers. Default is 1.
#' @param universe.tbl.anno.col The column of 'universe.tbl' in which to lookup
#' the universe gene identifiers. Default is 1.
#' @param dim.names used to set the row and column names of the generated
#' contingency table. See base::matrix(...,dimnames) for more details. Default
#' value is 'dim.names=list( c( 'annotated', 'not.annotated' ), c( 'case',
#' 'universe' ) )'
#' @return An instance of base::matrix representing the contingency table 
#' @export
annotationMatrix <- function(anno, anno.tbl, universe.tbl, anno.tbl.anno.col = 1, 
    universe.tbl.anno.col = 1, dim.names = list(c("annotated", "not.annotated"), 
        c("case", "universe"))) {
    univ.min.case <- universe.tbl[which(!(universe.tbl[, universe.tbl.anno.col] %in% 
        anno.tbl[, anno.tbl.anno.col])), ]
    no.annos.case <- numberAnnotations(anno, anno.tbl)
    no.annos.universe <- numberAnnotations(anno, univ.min.case)
    matrix(c(no.annos.case, (nrow(anno.tbl) - no.annos.case), no.annos.universe, 
        (nrow(univ.min.case) - no.annos.universe)), ncol = 2, dimnames = dim.names)

#' Tests for every function annotation in 'case.anno.tbl' the alternative
#' hypothesis provided with 'test.dir'. Resulting p.values are adjusted for
#' multiple hypothesis testing, before being returned. Note, if applied on
#' large data sets, run in parallel on multiple cores and set
#' options('mc.cores'=...) accordingly.
#' @param case.anno.tbl the annotations for which the alternative hypothesis is
#' to be tested
#' @param universe.anno.tbl the 'universe' annotations to compare the case with
#' @param test.dir the direction of the alternative hypothesis. Default defines
#' it as 'greater'
#' @param p.adjust.method the method used to adjust resulting p.values for
#' multiple hypothesis testing. Default is 'BY', see base::p.adjust for more
#' details.
#' @return A data.frame holding the annotation in column 'PFam', the adjusted
#' and un-adjusted P.Value in two additional columns.
#' @export
enrichmentTests <- function(case.anno.tbl, universe.anno.tbl, test.dir = "greater", 
    p.adjust.method = "BY") {
    case.uniq.annos <- unique(case.anno.tbl$V2)
    res <- as.data.frame(cbind(PFam = case.uniq.annos, P.Value = as.numeric(mclapply(case.uniq.annos, 
        function(anno) {
            fisher.test(annotationMatrix(anno, case.anno.tbl, universe.anno.tbl), 
                alternative = test.dir)$p.value
        }))), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    res$P.Value <- as.numeric(res$P.Value)
    cbind(res, P.Value.adjusted = p.adjust(res$P.Value, method = p.adjust.method))

#' Filters 'enrichment.tbl' for those annotations that have a significant
#' adjusted p.value.
#' @param enrichment.tbl a data.frame returned by function 'enrichmentTests'
#' @param significance.level the p.value cutoff to apply, default is '<= 0.05'
#' @return A subset of 'enrichment.tbl' holding only the significant results.
#' @export
selectSignificantEnrichments <- function(enrichment.tbl, significance.level = 0.05) {
    enrichment.tbl[which(enrichment.tbl$P.Value.adjusted <= significance.level), 

#' Adds a column to 'enrichment.tbl' holding human readable descriptions for
#' the annotations found o be enriched. This function has been written
#' primarily for use with InterPro annotations.
#' @param enrichment.tbl a data.frame result of function 'enrichmentTests' or
#' 'selectSignificantEnrichments'
#' @param annotation.db a list in which the names are function annotation
#' identifiers, e.g. IPR666666
#' @param ano.desc.field the name of the list entry to select in order to
#' obtain the description from members of 'annotation.db'
#' @return A copy of 'enrichment.tbl' with an additional column holding the
#' decriptions of the respective annotations.
#' @export
cbindAnnotationDescription <- function(enrichment.tbl, annotation.db = ipr.db, ano.desc.field = "NAME") {
    enrichment.tbl$description <- as.character(lapply(enrichment.tbl[, 1], function(x) {
        y <- annotation.db[[x]]
        if (!is.null(y) && ano.desc.field %in% names(y)) y[[ano.desc.field]] else NA

#' Computes a Gene Ontology (GO) enrichment test using the functions from #'
#' package GOstats and GSEABase.
#' @param gsc An instance of gene set collection [package GEABase]
#' @param gene.ids A character vector of gene IDs among which to look for
#'        enriched GO terms
#' @param univ.gene.ids A character vector of 'background' gene IDs to be used
#'        as reference GO annotations when looking for overrepresentations in
#'        'gene.ids'
#' @param ontologies A character vector of the Gene Ontology categories to
#'        compute enrichment tests for, default is 'BP', 'CC', and 'MF'
#' @param pvalue.cutoff The significance level, default to 0.01
#' @param cond If set to TRUE already found to be enriched GO annotations wont
#'        be counted when testing enrichment for parental terms, default is
#'        FALSE
#' @param test.dir Set to 'over' to infer overrepresentation, set to 'under'
#'        if the opposite is wanted.
#' @param p.adjust.method The method used to adjust p-values for multiple
#'        hypothesis testing, default is 'fdr'. See function p.adjust for
#'        details.
#' @return A named list with enriched GO terms in the argument GO categories.
#' @export
goEnrichTest <- function(gsc, gene.ids, univ.gene.ids, ontologies = c("BP", "CC", 
    "MF"), pvalue.cutoff = 0.01, cond = FALSE, test.dir = "over", p.adjust.method = "fdr") {
    setNames(mclapply(ontologies, function(go.ont) {
            ghgr <- GOstats::hyperGTest(Category::GSEAGOHyperGParams(name = "", geneSetCollection = gsc, 
                geneIds = gene.ids, universeGeneIds = univ.gene.ids, ontology = go.ont, 
                pvalueCutoff = pvalue.cutoff, conditional = cond, testDirection = test.dir))
            procGOHyperGResult(ghgr, pvalue.cutoff)
        }, error = function(e) {
            warning("Error in goEnrichTest(...) when computing GO-Ontology ", go.ont, 
                " ", e)
    }), ontologies)

#' Converts an instance of GOHyperGResult into a table containing only the
#' significantly enriched Gene Ontology terms.
#' @param ghgr The instance of GOHyperGResult to process
#' @param pvalue.cutoff The significance level to be applied
#' @return A data.frame with three columns: 1. 'GO.term', 2. 'p.value', and 3.
#'         'GO.category' - or NULL if no significantly enriched GO terms were
#'         found.
#' @export
procGOHyperGResult <- function(ghgr, pvalue.cutoff = 0.01) {
    go.ont <- strsplit(ghgr@testName, " ")[[2]]
    x.pv <- pvalues(ghgr)
    x.res <- x.pv[which(x.pv <= pvalue.cutoff)]
    if (length(x.res) > 0) {
        x.go.names <- as.character(lapply(names(x.res), function(go.acc) {
            go.term <- GO.db::GOTERM[[go.acc]]
            if (!is.null(go.term)) go.term@Term
        data.frame(GO.term = names(x.res), GO.category = go.ont, GO.name = x.go.names, 
            p.value = as.numeric(x.res), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    } else NULL

#' Method extracts all GO ontology specific enrichment result and combines them
#' into a single data frame, re-adjusting the Pvalues for multiple hypothesis
#' testing.
#' @param go.enrich.lst The result of calling method goEnrichTest(...).
#' @param p.adjust.method The method to use when adjusting p-values for
#'        multiple hypothesis testing. Default is 'fdr' [see p.adjust for
#'        details]
#' @return A data.frame with the merged enriched GO terms and adjusted
#' p-values.
#' @export
joinGOEnrichResults <- function(go.enrich.lst, p.adjust.method = "fdr") {
    res <- do.call("rbind", go.enrich.lst)
    if (!is.null(res)) 
        res$p.value.adjusted <- p.adjust(res$p.value, method = p.adjust.method)

#' Identifies those composite annotations that are less frequent than the most
#' frequent ones found for the argument genes and based upon argument gene
#' (function) annotations. For more details about composite annotations see
#' function 'compositeAnnotations(...)'
#' @param gene.accs The identifiers or accessions of the genes to compute the
#' entropy for
#' @param gene.annos The data.frame holding the annotations for the genes in
#' 'gene.accs'. Default is all available InterPro annotations expected to be
#' found in 'all.ipr'
#' @param gene.col the column of 'gene.annos' in which to lookup the gene
#' identifiers or gene accessions. Default is 1
#' @param anno.col the column of 'gene.annos' in which to lookup the function
#' annotation for the genes in 'gene.accs'. Default is 2
#' @export
#' @return An instance of base::table
nonConservedCompositeAnnotations <- function(gene.accs, gene.annos = all.ipr, gene.col = 1, 
    anno.col = 2) {
    gene.comp.annos <- compositeAnnotations(gene.accs, gene.annos, gene.col, anno.col)
    gene.annos.freqs <- table(gene.comp.annos)
    max.freq <- max(gene.annos.freqs)
    non.cons.funks <- names(gene.annos.freqs[which(gene.annos.freqs < max.freq)])
    gene.comp.annos[which(gene.comp.annos %in% non.cons.funks)]

#' Test for function nonConservedCompositeAnnotations.
#' @export
#' @return TRUE if and only if all tests pass
testNonConservedCompositeAnnotations <- function() {
    gene.accs <- c("A", "B", "C", "D")
    gene.annos <- read.table(stringsAsFactors = FALSE, text = "A funk_1
A funk_2
A funk_3
B funk_1
B funk_2
B funk_3
C funk_1
C funk_3
D funk_4
D funk_5
D funk_6
E funk_1
E funk_3
F funk_1
F funk_3")
    t1 <- identical(setNames(c("funk_1,funk_3", "funk_4,funk_5,funk_6"), c("C", "D")), 
        nonConservedCompositeAnnotations(gene.accs, gene.annos))
    t2 <- length(nonConservedCompositeAnnotations(gene.accs[1:2], gene.annos)) == 
    t3 <- length(nonConservedCompositeAnnotations(c("X", "Y"), gene.annos)) == 0
    t4 <- identical(setNames(c("funk_1,funk_2,funk_3", "funk_1,funk_2,funk_3", "funk_4,funk_5,funk_6", 
        ""), c("A", "B", "D", "G")), nonConservedCompositeAnnotations(c(gene.accs, 
        "E", "F", "G"), gene.annos))
    all(t1, t2, t3, t4)

#' Identifies those gene annotations that are non conserved within the argument
#' gene-group. Non conserved is inferred as those annotations that do not
#' appear or miss from the most frequent composite annotation.
#' @param gene.accs Character-Vector of gene-IDs.
#' @param gene.annos A data.frame of gene annotations
#' @param gene.col The column of \code{gene.annos} in which to lookup the gene
#' IDs. Default is 1
#' @param anno.col The column of \code{gene.annos} in which to lookup the gene
#' annotations. Default is 2
#' @param rm.genes.without.annos If set to TRUE genes without any annotation
#' are ignored, otherwise this will cause all conserved annotations to appear
#' in the result. Default is TRUE
#' @export
#' @return A data.frame with two columns: 'Gene' holds the gene identifiers of
#' genes that have non conserved annotations, and column
#' 'Non.Conserved.Annotation' holds the respective annotations.
nonConservedAnnotations <- function(gene.accs, gene.annos = all.ipr, gene.col = 1, 
    anno.col = 2, rm.genes.without.annos = TRUE) {
    if (rm.genes.without.annos) {
        gene.accs <- gene.accs[which(gene.accs %in% gene.annos[, gene.col])]
    if (!is.null(gene.accs) && !is.na(gene.accs) && length(gene.accs) > 0) {
        gene.comp.annos <- compositeAnnotations(gene.accs, gene.annos, gene.col, 
        gene.annos.freqs <- table(gene.comp.annos)
        max.freq <- max(gene.annos.freqs)
        cons.annos <- sort(unique(unlist(strsplit(names(gene.annos.freqs[which(gene.annos.freqs == 
            max.freq)]), ","))))
        non.cons.comp.annos <- names(gene.annos.freqs[which(gene.annos.freqs < max.freq)])
        genes.nca <- names(gene.comp.annos[which(gene.comp.annos %in% non.cons.comp.annos)])
        do.call("rbind", lapply(genes.nca, function(x) {
            x.annos <- gene.annos[which(gene.annos[, gene.col] == x), anno.col]
            nc.annos <- setdiff(union(x.annos, cons.annos), intersect(x.annos, cons.annos))
            if (!is.null(nc.annos) && !is.na(nc.annos) && length(nc.annos) > 0) {
                data.frame(Gene = x, Non.Conserved.Annotation = nc.annos, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
            } else NULL
    } else NULL

#' Test function \code{nonConservedAnnotations}
#' @export
#' @return TRUE if and only if all tests pass
testNonConservedAnnotations <- function() {
    gene.accs <- 1:3
    gene.annos <- read.table(stringsAsFactors = FALSE, text = "1 A
1 B
2 A
2 B
3 A
3 B
3 C
4 A
4 D")
    t.1 <- identical(data.frame(Gene = "3", Non.Conserved.Annotation = "C", stringsAsFactors = FALSE), 
        nonConservedAnnotations(gene.accs, gene.annos))
    res <- nonConservedAnnotations(c(gene.accs, "4"), gene.annos)
    t.2 <- all(c("B", "C", "D") %in% res$Non.Conserved.Annotation) && all(c("3", 
        "4") %in% res$Gene)
    t.3 <- is.null(nonConservedAnnotations(1:2, gene.annos))
    t.4 <- is.null(nonConservedAnnotations(c(1:2, "666"), gene.annos, rm.genes.without.annos = TRUE))
    t.5 <- is.null(nonConservedAnnotations(c("666", "999"), gene.annos, rm.genes.without.annos = TRUE))
    all(c(t.1, t.2, t.3, t.4, t.5))

#' For each species identifies those annotations that are non conserved within
#' those gene groups (e.g. families) that are indicated by \code{group.ids}.
#' Non conservation is inferred by
#' \code{nonConservedCompositeAnnotations(...)}.
#' @param genes.df A data.frame with three columns, two of which need to be
#' named 'Gene' and 'Species'. The first column needs to hold the gene-group
#' IDs.
#' @param group.col Identifies the column of \code{genes.df} in which to lookup
#' gene-group-identifiers. Default is \code{'Tandem.Cluster'}.
#' @param group.ids Vector holding indicating in which gene-groups to look for
#' non conserved composite annotations. Default is \code{unique(genes.df[,
#' group.col])}.
#' @param species The species for which to identify non conserved composite
#' annotations. Default is \code{unique(genes.df$Species)}.
#' @param gene.annos The data.frame holding the annotations for the genes in
#' 'gene.accs'. Default is all available InterPro annotations expected to be
#' found in 'all.ipr'
#' @param annos.gene.col The column of \code{gene.annos} in which to lookup the gene
#' identifiers or gene accessions. Default is 1
#' @param anno.col the column of \code{gene.annos} in which to lookup the function
#' annotation for the genes in 'gene.accs'. Default is 2
#' @export
#' @return A data.frame with four columns: 1. The names of the gene-groups, 2.
#' Species, 3.  genes, and 4. the non conserved annotations (now
#' non-composite!).
collectNonConservedAnnotations <- function(genes.df, group.col = "Tandem.Cluster", 
    group.ids = unique(genes.df[, group.col]), gene.annos = all.ipr, annos.gene.col = 1, 
    annos.anno.col = 2) {
    do.call("rbind", mclapply(group.ids, function(x) {
        clstr <- genes.df[which(genes.df[, group.col] == x), ]
        gene.accs <- clstr$Gene
        z <- nonConservedAnnotations(gene.accs, gene.annos = gene.annos, gene.col = annos.gene.col, 
            anno.col = annos.anno.col)
        if (!is.null(z) && !is.na(z) && nrow(z) > 0) {
            z$Gene.Group <- x
            z$Species <- as.character(unlist(lapply(z$Gene, function(i) clstr[which(clstr$Gene == 
                i), "Species"][[1]])))
            # Re-order columns for convenience:
            z[, c("Gene.Group", "Species", "Gene", "Non.Conserved.Annotation")]
        } else NULL

#' Tests the NULL Hypothesis for each gene (function) annotation in
#' \code{annos.2.test} that its annotation-frequency in the \code{case.genes}
#' is explicable with the background distribution observed in
#' \code{universe.annos}. The default alternative hypothesis is that the actual
#' case frequency is 'greater'.
#' @param case.genes A character vector of gene identifiers defining the gene
#' group of interest for which to infer enriched annotations.
#' @param universe.annos A data.frame with at least two columns: 1. of gene
#' identifiers and another of (function) annotations. Default is this package's
#' data \code{all.ipr}.
#' @param univ.gene.col The column of \code{universe.annos} in which to lookup
#' gene identifier. Default is 1.
#' @param univ.anno.col The column of \code{universe.annos} in which to lookup
#' annotations. Default is 2.
#' @param annos.2.test The annotations for which to test enrichment. Default is
#' all annotations found for the \code{case.genes}.
#' @param alt.hypothesis The alternative hypotheses to test. Default is that
#' the case frequencies are significantly greater than the one observed in the
#' 'universe'.
#' @param p.adjust.method The method used to adjust P-Values for multiple
#' hypothesis testing. Default is 'BY'. See \code{?p.adjust} for more details.
#' @export
#' @return A numeric vector of P-Values adjusted to multiple hypothesis
#' testing. Names are the \code{annos.2.test}.
enrichedAnnotations <- function(case.genes, universe.annos = all.ipr, univ.gene.col = 1, 
    univ.anno.col = 2, annos.2.test = unique(universe.annos[which(universe.annos[, 
        univ.gene.col] %in% case.genes), univ.anno.col]), alt.hypothesis = "greater", 
    p.adjust.method = "BY") {
    univ.genes <- universe.annos[, univ.gene.col]
    case.genes.with.annos <- intersect(univ.genes, case.genes)
    if (length(case.genes.with.annos) > 0) {
        setNames(p.adjust(as.numeric(unlist(mclapply(annos.2.test, function(i.anno) {
            genes.with.anno <- universe.annos[which(universe.annos[, univ.anno.col] == 
                i.anno), univ.gene.col]
            genes.without.anno <- setdiff(univ.genes, genes.with.anno)
            non.case.genes <- setdiff(univ.genes, case.genes.with.annos)
            cont.tbl <- generateContingencyTable(genes.with.anno, genes.without.anno, 
                case.genes.with.annos, non.case.genes, i.anno, "Gene.Group")
            fisher.test(cont.tbl, alternative = alt.hypothesis)$p.value
        }))), method = p.adjust.method), annos.2.test)
    } else {
        warning("Function 'enrichedAnnotations': None of the genes in argument", 
            " 'case.genes' had annotations in 'universe.annos'. Returning NA.")

#' Selects those results obtained from calling \code{enrichedAnnotations} that
#' are significant and adds informative information to the annotations
#' extracted from the \code{anno.db}.
#' @param enriched.annotations A numeric vector with values the P-Values and
#' names the annotations. See \code{enrichedAnnotations(...)} for details.
#' @param p.val.cutoff The significance cuto-off to be applied. Default is 0.01
#' @param anno.db A list with names being the annotations as in the names of
#' \code{enriched.annotations} and values are lists with a slot holding human
#' readable information about the annotation.
#' @param anno.name The slot name of the lists held in \code{anno.db} to
#' extract for human readable information about the annotations.
#' @export
#' @return A data.frame with three columns: 1. Annotation, 2. P.Value.Adjusted,
#' and 3. Annotation.Name
selectSignificantlyEnrichedAnnotations <- function(enriched.annotations, p.val.cutoff = 0.01, 
    anno.db = ipr.db, anno.name = "NAME") {
    sign.enr.annos <- enriched.annotations[which(enriched.annotations < p.val.cutoff)]
    data.frame(Annotation = names(sign.enr.annos), P.Value.Adjusted = sign.enr.annos, 
        Annotation.Name = as.character(unlist(lapply(names(sign.enr.annos), function(x) {
            y <- anno.db[[x]]
            if (!is.null(y) && !is.na(y) && length(y) > 0) {
            } else NA
        }))), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

#' Infer enriched annotations specific to the argument type of gene-groups, add
#' human readable information to it and return it as a data.frame.
#' @param gene.group.type The type of the gene.groups for which to identify
#' specific enrichments.
#' @param gene.group.type.enriched.annos A list of enriched annotations per
#' gene group. Names must include \code{gene.group.type}. Default is the
#' enriched annotations found in this packages data.
#' @param anno.db A list with names being the annotations as in the names of
#' \code{enriched.annotations} and values are lists with a slot holding human
#' readable information about the annotation.
#' @param anno.name The slot name of the lists held in \code{anno.db} to
#' extract for human readable information about the annotations.
#' @export
#' @return A data.frame with two columns: 1. Annotation and 2. Annotation.Name
selectGeneGroupSpecificEnrichedAnnotations <- function(gene.group.type, gene.group.type.enriched.annos = list(positively.selected = fams.pos.sel.non.conserved.iprs.enrich.df$Annotation, 
    expanded.contracted = exp.fams.df.non.conserved.iprs.enrich.df$Annotation, tandems = bra8.tandem.clusters.non.conserved.iprs.enrich.df$Annotation, 
    conserved = fams.conserved.non.conserved.iprs.enrich.df$Annotation), anno.db = ipr.db, 
    anno.name = "NAME") {
    uniq.enrich.annos <- setdiff(gene.group.type.enriched.annos[[gene.group.type]], 
    data.frame(Annotation = uniq.enrich.annos, Annotation.Name = as.character(unlist(lapply(uniq.enrich.annos, 
        function(x) {
            y <- anno.db[[x]]
            if (!is.null(y) && !is.na(y) && length(y) > 0) {
            } else NA
        }))), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
asishallab/GeneFamilies documentation built on July 28, 2024, 11:44 a.m.