compositeAnnotations: Generates a list of composite Annotations found for the...

View source: R/family_funks.R

compositeAnnotationsR Documentation

Generates a list of composite Annotations found for the argument genes based on the argument gene (function) annotation data.frame. Composite annotations are sorted alphabetically and then concatonated with ',' as separator.


Generates a list of composite Annotations found for the argument genes based on the argument gene (function) annotation data.frame. Composite annotations are sorted alphabetically and then concatonated with ',' as separator.


compositeAnnotations(gene.accs, gene.annos = all.ipr, gene.col = 1,
  anno.col = 2)



The identifiers or accessions of the genes to compute the entropy for


The data.frame holding the annotations for the genes in 'gene.accs'. Default is all available InterPro annotations expected to be found in 'all.ipr'


the column of 'gene.annos' in which to lookup the gene identifiers or gene accessions. Default is 1


the column of 'gene.annos' in which to lookup the function annotation for the genes in 'gene.accs'. Default is 2


An character vector with names being the gene identifiers 'gene.accs' and values the composite (function) annotations.

asishallab/GeneFamilies documentation built on July 28, 2024, 11:44 a.m.