
Defines functions read_vec read_vol_list H5NeuroVec H5NeuroVecSource NeuroVecSource DenseNeuroVec NeuroVec

Documented in DenseNeuroVec H5NeuroVec NeuroVec NeuroVecSource read_vec read_vol_list

#' @include all_class.R
#' @include all_generic.R

#' NeuroVec
#' Constructor function for the \code{\linkS4class{NeuroVec}} class. This function is used to create an instance of a NeuroVec object, which represents a four-dimensional brain image.
#' @param data The image data, which can be a matrix, a 4D array, or a list of \code{NeuroVol} objects. If the latter, the geometric space of the data (\code{NeuroSpace}) will be inferred from the constituent volumes, which must all be identical.
#' @param space An optional \code{\linkS4class{NeuroSpace}} object. Does not need to be included if the \code{data} argument is a list of \code{NeuroVol} objects.
#' @param mask An optional \code{array} of type \code{logical}.
#' @param label A label of type \code{character}.
#' @return A concrete instance of the \code{\linkS4class{NeuroVec}} class. If a \code{mask} is provided, the function returns a \code{\linkS4class{SparseNeuroVec}} object; otherwise, it returns a \code{\linkS4class{DenseNeuroVec}} object.
#' @examples
#' # Load an example 4D brain image
#' example_4d_image <- read_vec(system.file("extdata", "global_mask_v4.nii", package="neuroim2"))
#' # Create a NeuroVec object
#' neuro_vec <- NeuroVec(data=example_4d_image@.Data, space=space(example_4d_image))
#' @export NeuroVec
#' @rdname NeuroVec-class
NeuroVec <- function(data, space=NULL, mask=NULL, label="") {
  if (is.list(data)) {
    space <- space(data[[1]])
    space <- add_dim(space, length(data))
    data <- do.call(cbind, lapply(data, function(x) as.vector(x)))

	if (is.null(mask)) {
	  if (prod(dim(space)) != length(data)) {
	    stop("dimensions of data argument do not match dimensions of space argument")
		DenseNeuroVec(data,space, label)
	} else {


#' DenseNeuroVec
#' constructor function for class \code{\linkS4class{DenseNeuroVec}}
#' @param data a 4-dimensional \code{array} or a 2-dimension \code{matrix} that is either nvoxels by ntime-points or ntime-points by nvoxels
#' @param space a \code{\linkS4class{NeuroSpace}} object
#' @param label a label of type \code{character}
#' @return \code{\linkS4class{DenseNeuroVec}} instance
#' @export DenseNeuroVec
#' @rdname DenseNeuroVec-class
DenseNeuroVec <- function(data, space, label="") {

	if (is.matrix(data)) {
		splen <- prod(dim(space)[1:3])
		data <- if (ncol(data) == splen) {
		} else if (nrow(data) == splen) {

    if (length(dim(space)) == 3) {
      ## add 4th dim to space arg
      space <- add_dim(space, ncol(data))

		dim(data) <- dim(space)
	} else if (is.vector(data) || length(dim(data) == 1)) {
	  data <- array(data, dim(space))

	new("DenseNeuroVec", .Data=data,  space=space)


#' load_data
#' @return an instance of class \code{NeuroVec}
#' @importFrom RNifti readNifti
#' @noRd
setMethod(f="load_data", signature=c("NeuroVecSource"),
		def=function(x) {
			meta <- x@meta_info

			stopifnot(length(meta@dims) == 4)

			nels <- prod(meta@dims[1:4])
			ind <- x@indices

			## use RNifti, fails to work with other formats, though...
			arr <- RNifti::readNifti(meta@data_file)

			if (length(dim(arr)) == 5 && dim(arr)[4] == 1) {
			  ## if 4th dimension is of length 1, drop it
			  arr <- drop(arr)

			## bit of a hack to deal with scale factors
			if (.hasSlot(meta, "slope")) {

        if (meta@slope != 0) {
			    arr <- arr * meta@slope

      bspace <- NeuroSpace(c(meta@dims[1:3], length(ind)),meta@spacing, meta@origin,
                           meta@spatial_axes, trans(meta))

      if (length(dim(arr)) == 3) {
        dim(arr) <- c(dim(arr),1)
        DenseNeuroVec(unclass(arr), bspace, x)
      } else if (length(dim(arr)) == 4) {
        DenseNeuroVec(arr[,,,ind,drop=FALSE], bspace, x)
      } else {
        stop("NeuroVecSource::load_data: array dimension must be equal to 3 or 4.")

#' @noRd
setMethod(f="load_data", signature=c("H5NeuroVecSource"),
          def=function(x) {

#' @noRd
setMethod(f="load_data", signature=c("LatentNeuroVecSource"),
          def=function(x) {
            h5obj <- hdf5r::H5File$new(x@file_name)
            basis <- h5obj[["data/basis"]][,]
            loadings <- h5obj[["data/loadings"]][,]
            offset <- h5obj[["data/offset"]][]
            indices <- h5obj[["data/indices"]][]
            sp <- NeuroSpace(dim=h5obj[["space/dim"]][],

            mask <- NeuroVol(array(0, dim(sp)[1:3]), drop_dim(sp))
            mask[indices] <- 1
            mask <- as.logical(mask)
            LatentNeuroVec(basis, loadings, space=sp, mask=mask, offset=offset)


#' NeuroVecSource
#' Construct a \code{NeuroVecSource} object
#' @param file_name name of the 4-dimensional image file
#' @param indices the subset of integer volume indices to load -- if \code{NULL} then all volumes will be loaded
#' @param mask image volume indicating the subset of voxels that will be loaded. If provided, function returns \code{SparseNeuroVecSource}
#' @return a instance deriving from \code{NeuroVecSource}
#' @details If a \code{mask} is supplied then it should be a \code{\linkS4class{LogicalNeuroVol}} or \code{\linkS4class{NeuroVol}} instance. If the latter, then the mask will be defined by nonzero elements of the volume.
#' @rdname NeuroVecSource
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
NeuroVecSource <- function(file_name, indices=NULL, mask=NULL) {

	meta_info <- read_header(file_name)

	if (!is.null(indices) && max(indices) > 1) {
	  assert_that(length(dim(meta_info)) == 4)
	  assert_that(max(indices) <= dim(meta_info)[4])
	  assert_that(min(indices) > 0)

  if (length(meta_info@dims) == 2) {
    stop(paste("cannot create NeuroVec with only two dimensions: ", paste(meta_info@dims, collapse=" ")))

  if ( length(meta_info@dims) == 3) {
		indices <- 1
    meta_info@dims <- c(meta_info@dims,1)
	} else if (length(meta_info@dims) == 4 && is.null(indices)) {
		indices=seq(1, meta_info@dims[4])

	if (is.null(mask)) {
		new("NeuroVecSource", meta_info=meta_info, indices=as.integer(indices))
	} else {
	  mask <- as.logical(mask)
		SparseNeuroVecSource(meta_info, as.integer(indices), mask)


#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
H5NeuroVecSource <- function(file_name) {
  new("H5NeuroVecSource", file_name=file_name)

#' H5NeuroVec
#' Construct a \code{\linkS4class{H5NeuroVec}} object
#' @param file_name name of the 4-dimensional image in \code{neuroim2} hdf5 format
#' @return an \code{\linkS4class{H5NeuroVec}} instance
#' @rdname NeuroVec
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @export
H5NeuroVec <- function(file_name) {

  h5obj <- hdf5r::H5File$new(file_name)

  rtype <- try(hdf5r::h5attr(h5obj, which="rtype"))
  if (! (rtype == "DenseNeuroVec")) {
    stop("invalid h5 file: ", file_name)

  if (length(h5obj[["space/dim"]][]) != 4) {
    stop(paste("cannot H5NeuroVec: must have 4 dimensions: ", paste(h5obj[["space/dim"]][], collapse=" ")))

  sp <- NeuroSpace(dim=h5obj[["space/dim"]][], origin=h5obj[["space/origin"]][],

  new("H5NeuroVec", space=sp, obj=h5obj)


#' Get length of \code{NeuroVec}. This is the number of volumes in the volume vector (e.g. the 4th image dimension)
#' @export
#' @param x the object
#' @rdname length-methods
setMethod("length", signature=c(x="NeuroVec"),
		def=function(x) {

#' read_vol_list
#' load a list of image volumes and return a \code{\linkS4class{NeuroVec}} instance
#' @param file_names a list of files to load
#' @param mask an optional mask indicating subset of voxels to load
#' @return an instance of class \code{\linkS4class{NeuroVec}}
#' @export read_vol_list
#' @importFrom purrr map_lgl
read_vol_list <- function(file_names, mask=NULL) {
	stopifnot(all(map_lgl(file_names, file.exists)))
	meta_info <- lapply(file_names, read_header)

	dims <- do.call(rbind, lapply(meta_info, dim))
	if (!all(map_lgl(1:nrow(dims), function(i) all.equal(dims[1,], dims[i,])))) {
		stop("list of volumes must all have same dimensions")

	if (!all(apply(dims, 1, length) == 3)) {
		stop("all volumes in list must have dim = 3")

	nvols <- length(file_names)
	sourceList <- lapply(file_names, function(fname) {
		NeuroVolSource(fname, 1)

	vols <- lapply(sourceList, load_data)
	if (is.null(mask)) {
		mat <- do.call(cbind, vols)
		dspace <- add_dim(space(vols[[1]]), length(vols))
		DenseNeuroVec(mat, dspace, label=map_chr(meta_info, function(m) m@label))
	} else {
		mat <- do.call(cbind, vols)
		dspace <- add_dim(space(vols[[1]]), length(vols))
		if (is.vector(mask)) {
			## mask supplied as index vector, convert to logical
			M <- array(logical(prod(dim(dspace)[1:3])), dim(dspace)[1:3])
			M[mask] <- TRUE
			mask <- M
		} else {
			mask <- as.logical(mask)

		#SparseNeuroVec(mat[mask,], dspace, mask=mask, label=map_chr(meta_info, function(m) m@label))
		SparseNeuroVec(mat[mask,], dspace, mask=mask)


#' drop
#' @param x the object
#' @rdname drop-methods
#' @export
setMethod("drop", signature(x="NeuroVec"),
          def=function(x) {
            if (dim(x)[4] == 1) {
              idx <- seq(1, prod(dim(x)[1:3]))
              vals <- x[idx]
              sp <- drop_dim(space(x))
              DenseNeuroVol(array(vals, dim(sp)), sp)

#' @export
setAs("DenseNeuroVec", "array", function(from) from@.Data)

#' @export
setAs("NeuroVec", "array", function(from) {
  vals <- from[]
  dim(vals) <- dim(from)

#' show a \code{NeuroVecSource}
#' @param object the object
#' @export
		def=function(object) {
			cat("an instance of class",  class(object), "\n\n")
			cat("   indices: ", object@indices, "\n\n")
			cat("   meta_info: \n")


#' show a \code{NeuroVec}
#' @param object the object
#' @export
setMethod(f="show", signature=signature("NeuroVec"),
          def=function(object) {
            sp <- space(object)
            cat(class(object), "\n")
            cat("  Type           :", class(object), "\n")
            cat("  Dimension      :", dim(object), "\n")
            cat("  Spacing        :", paste(paste(sp@spacing[1:(length(sp@spacing)-1)], " X ", collapse=" "),
                                            sp@spacing[length(sp@spacing)], "\n"))
            cat("  Origin         :", paste(paste(sp@origin[1:(length(sp@origin)-1)], " X ", collapse=" "),
                                            sp@origin[length(sp@origin)], "\n"))
            cat("  Axes           :", paste(sp@axes@i@axis, sp@axes@j@axis,sp@axes@k@axis), "\n")
            cat("  Coordinate Transform :", zapsmall(sp@trans), "\n")


#' @rdname sub_vector-methods
#' @export
setMethod(f="sub_vector", signature=signature(x="NeuroVec", i="numeric"),
          def=function(x, i) {
            assertthat::assert_that(max(i) <= dim(x)[4])
            xs <- space(x)
            dat <- x[,,,i]

            newdim <- c(dim(x)[1:3], length(i))
            bspace <- NeuroSpace(newdim, spacing=spacing(xs), origin=origin(xs), axes(xs), trans(xs))
            DenseNeuroVec(dat, bspace)

#' @rdname sub_vector-methods
#' @export
setMethod(f="sub_vector", signature=signature(x="NeuroVecSeq", i="numeric"),
          def=function(x, i) {
            assertthat::assert_that(max(i) <= dim(x)[4])
            lens <- sapply(x@vecs, function(v) dim(v)[4])
            offset <- c(0, cumsum(lens)) + 1

            vmap <- do.call(rbind, lapply(1:length(lens), function(j) {
              data.frame(i=j, offset=seq(offset[j], offset[j] + lens[j]-1), lind=1:lens[j])

            probe <- vmap[i,]
            smap <- split(probe$lind, probe$i)
            runs <- as.integer(names(smap))
            assertthat::assert_that(length(runs) > 0)

            svecs <- lapply(runs, function(rnum) {
              neuroim2::sub_vector(x@vecs[[rnum]], smap[[as.character(rnum)]])

            out <- do.call(NeuroVecSeq, svecs)

            if (dim(out)[4] == 1) {
              ## simplify and return NeuroVec. Could further simplify by return NeuroVec if length(vecs) == 1
            } else {


#' @export
#' @rdname vols-methods
setMethod(f="vols", signature=signature(x="NeuroVec", indices="numeric"),
          def = function(x, indices) {
            assert_that(min(indices) > 0 && max(indices) <= dim(x)[4])
            f <- function(i) x[[indices[i]]]
            #lis <- lapply(indices, function(i) function(i) x[[i]])
            deflist::deflist(f, length(indices))

#' @export
#' @rdname vols-methods
setMethod(f="vols", signature=signature(x="NeuroVec", indices="missing"),
          def = function(x) {
            f <- function(i) x[[i]]
            #lis <- lapply(1:(dim(x)[4]), function(i) f)
            deflist::deflist(f, dim(x)[4])

#' @export
#' @rdname vectors-methods
setMethod(f="vectors", signature=signature(x="NeuroVec", subset="missing"),
          def = function(x) {
            ind <- 1:prod(dim(x)[1:3])
            time <- seq(1, dim(x)[4])
            lent = length(time)
            grid <- indexToGridCpp(ind, dim(x)[1:3])
            ##vox <- index_to_grid(x, ind)
            ##f <- function(i) series(x, vox[i,1], vox[i,2], vox[i,3])
            f <- function(i) series(x, ind[i])

            deflist::deflist(f, length(ind))

#' @export
#' @rdname vectors-methods
setMethod(f="vectors", signature=signature(x="DenseNeuroVec", subset="missing"),
          def = function(x) {
            ind <- 1:prod(dim(x)[1:3])
            time <- seq(1, dim(x)[4])
            lent <- length(time)
            grid <- indexToGridCpp(ind, dim(x)[1:3])

            #f <- function(i) series(x, ind[i])
            f <- function(i) {
              imat <- cbind(do.call("rbind", rep(list(grid[i,]),lent)), time)
            #lis <- map(ind, function(i) f)
            deflist::deflist(f, length(ind))

#' @export
#' @rdname vectors-methods
setMethod(f="vectors", signature=signature(x="NeuroVec", subset="numeric"),
          def = function(x, subset) {
            ind <- subset
            assert_that(max(ind) <= prod(dim(x)[1:3]))

            ## 03-04-2023 index_to_grid is not necessary here
            ## vox <- index_to_grid(x, ind)

            #f <- function(i) series(x, vox[i,1], vox[i,2], vox[i,3])
            f <- function(i) series(x, ind[i])

            #lis <- lapply(seq_along(ind), function(i) f)
            deflist::deflist(f, length(ind))

#' @export
#' @rdname vectors-methods
setMethod(f="vectors", signature=signature(x="NeuroVec", subset="logical"),
          def = function(x, subset) {
            assert_that(length(subset) == prod(dim(x)[1:3]))
            ind <- which(subset)
            assert_that(length(ind) > 0)
            #vox <- index_to_grid(x, ind)
            #f <- function(i) series(x, vox[i,1], vox[i,2], vox[i,3])
            f <- function(i) series(x, ind[i])
            #lis <- lapply(seq_along(ind), function(i) f)
            deflist::deflist(f, length(ind))

#' @export
#' @rdname split_clusters-methods
setMethod(f="split_clusters", signature=signature(x="NeuroVec", clusters="integer"),
          def = function(x, clusters,...) {
            assert_that(length(clusters) == prod(dim(x)[1:3]))
            keep <- which(clusters > 0 & !is.na(clusters))
            clusters <- clusters[keep]
            assert_that(length(clusters) > 0)

            isplit <- split(keep, clusters)
            ##isplit <- split(1:length(clusters), clusters)

            #out <- vector(mode="list", length(isplit))

            #for (i in seq_along(isplit)) {
            #  out[[i]] <- function(i) {
            #    series_roi(x, isplit[[i]])
            #  }

            f <- function(i) {
              series_roi(x, isplit[[i]])

            ret <- deflist::deflist(f, length(isplit), names=names(isplit))
            #ret <- deferred_list(out)
            #names(ret) <- names(isplit)

#' @export
#' @rdname split_clusters-methods
setMethod(f="split_clusters", signature=signature(x="NeuroVec", clusters="numeric"),
          def = function(x, clusters,...) {
            callGeneric(x, as.integer(clusters), ...)

#' @export
#' @rdname split_clusters-methods
setMethod(f="split_clusters", signature=signature(x="NeuroVec", clusters="ClusteredNeuroVol"),
          def = function(x, clusters,...) {
            assert_that(prod(dim(x)[1:3]) == length(clusters@mask))
            m <- which(clusters@mask > 0)
            clus <- rep(0, length(clusters@mask))
            clus[m] <- clusters@clusters

#' @export
#' @rdname split_blocks-methods
setMethod(f="split_blocks", signature=signature(x="NeuroVec", indices="integer"),
          def = function(x, indices,...) {
            assert_that(length(indices) == dim(x)[4])
            isplit <- split(1:length(indices), indices)

            #out <- vector(mode="list", length(isplit))

            #for (i in seq_along(isplit)) {
            #  out[[i]] <- function(i) {
            #    sub_vector(x, isplit[[i]])
            #  }

            f <- function(i) {
              sub_vector(x, isplit[[i]])

            #ret <- deferred_list(out)
            ret <- deflist::deflist(f, length(isplit), names=names(isplit))
            #names(ret) <- names(isplit)

#' @export
#' @rdname split_blocks-methods
setMethod(f="split_blocks", signature=signature(x="NeuroVec", indices="factor"),
          def = function(x, indices,...) {
            assert_that(length(indices) == dim(x)[4])
            ind <- as.integer(indices)
            ret <- callGeneric(x, ind)

            names(ret) <- levels(indices)

#' [[
#' @rdname NeuroVec-methods
#' @param x the object
#' @param i the volume index
#' @export
setMethod(f="[[", signature=signature(x="NeuroVec", i="numeric"),
          def = function(x, i) {
            ## or ... drop(sub_vector(x,i))
            assert_that(length(i) == 1)
            xs <- space(x)
            dat <- x[,,,i]
            newdim <- dim(x)[1:3]
            bspace <- NeuroSpace(newdim, spacing=spacing(xs), origin=origin(xs), axes(xs), trans(xs))
            DenseNeuroVol(dat, bspace)

#' read_vec
#' load an image volume from a file
#' @param file_name the name(s) of the file(s) to load. If more than one file_name is specified, the files are loaded and concatenated.
#' @param indices the indices of the sub-volumes to load (e.g. if the file is 4-dimensional)
#' @param mask a mask defining the spatial elements to load
#' @param mode the IO mode which is one of "normal", "mmap", "bigvec", or "filebacked".
#' @return an \code{\linkS4class{NeuroVec}} object
#' @export
#' @note memory-mapping a gzipped file is not currently allowed.
read_vec  <- function(file_name, indices=NULL, mask=NULL, mode=c("normal", "mmap", "bigvec", "filebacked")) {
  mode <- match.arg(mode)

  get_source <- function(x, indices, mask) {
    if (endsWith(x, ".nii")) {
      NeuroVecSource(x, indices, mask)
    } else if (endsWith(x, ".nii.gz")) {
      NeuroVecSource(x, indices, mask)
    } else if (endsWith(x, ".lv.h5")) {
      if (!is.null(indices)) {
        warning("do not support indices argument for .lv.h5 files.")
      if (!is.null(mask)) {
        warning("do not support mask argument for .lv.h5 files.")

    } else if (endsWith(x, ".h5")) {
      if (!is.null(indices)) {
        warning("do not support indices argument for .h5 files.")
      if (!is.null(mask)) {
        warning("do not support mask argument for .h5 files.")

  vecs <- if (mode == "normal") {
	  lapply(file_name, function(fn) load_data(get_source(fn, indices, mask)))
  } else if (mode == "mmap") {
    if (!is.null(indices)) {
      stop("read_vec: memory mapped mode does not currently support volume 'indices'")

    out <- vector(length(file_name), mode="list")

    for (i in seq_along(file_name)) {
      fname <- file_name[i]
      if (endsWith(fname, ".gz")) {
        if (!requireNamespace("R.utils")) {
          stop("must install 'R.utils' to enable temporary gzip decompression")
        oname <- stringr::str_replace(fname, ".gz$", "")
        tdir <- tempdir()
        oname <- paste0(tdir, "/", basename(oname))
        R.utils::gunzip(fname, destname=oname, remove=FALSE)
        warning(paste("uncompressing gzipped file", fname, "to temporary file", oname, "for mem-mapping"))
        out[[i]] <- load_data(MappedNeuroVecSource(oname))
      } else {
        message("loading ", fname, " as mmaped file ")
        out[[i]] <- load_data(MappedNeuroVecSource(fname))
  } else if (mode == "bigvec") {
    if (is.null(mask)) {
      stop("read_vec: 'bigvec' mode requires a mask")

    out <- vector(length(file_name), mode="list")

    for (i  in seq_along(file_name)) {
      message("loading ", file_name[i], " as bigvec ")
      v <- load_data(NeuroVecSource(file_name[i], indices, mask))
      out[[i]] <- BigNeuroVec(v@data, space(v), mask)

  } else if (mode == "filebacked") {
    lapply(file_name, function(fn) FileBackedNeuroVec(fn))
  } else {

  if (length(vecs) == 1) {
  } else {
    do.call(NeuroVecSeq, vecs)

#' @rdname concat-methods
#' @export
setMethod(f="concat", signature=signature(x="NeuroVec", y="NeuroVol"),
		def=function(x,y, ...) {

#' @rdname concat-methods
#' @export
setMethod(f="concat", signature=signature(x="NeuroVol", y="NeuroVec"),
  def=function(x,y, ...) {

#' @rdname concat-methods
#' @export
setMethod(f="concat", signature=signature(x="NeuroVec", y="NeuroVec"),
		def=function(x,y,...) {

#' @rdname concat-methods
#' @export
setMethod(f="concat", signature=signature(x="ROIVec", y="ROIVec"),
          def=function(x,y,...) {
            ll <- list(x,y,...)

            cds <- map(ll, ~ coords(.))
            ident <- map_lgl(cds, ~ all(cds[[1]] == .))
            assert_that(all(ident), msg=paste("concat.ROIVec: ", "all 'ROIVec' arguments must have the same set of coordinates"))

            dat <- do.call(rbind, map(ll, ~ .@.Data))
            vspace <- space(x)
            nd <- c(dim(vspace)[1:3], nrow(dat))

            nspace <-
                origin = origin(x@space),
                spacing = spacing(x@space),
                axes = axes(x@space),
                trans = trans(x@space)

            ROIVec(nspace, coords=coords(x), data=dat)

#' @rdname series-methods
#' @export
setMethod("series", signature(x="NeuroVec", i="matrix"),
		def=function(x,i) {
			assertthat::assert_that(ncol(i) == 3)

		  d4 <- dim(x)[4]
		  expanded <- i[rep(1:nrow(i), each=d4),]
		  expanded <- cbind(expanded, 1:d4)
	    vec <- x[expanded]
	    matrix(vec, d4, nrow(i))

#' @rdname series-methods
#' @export
setMethod("series_roi", signature(x="NeuroVec", i="matrix"),
          def=function(x,i) {
            mat <- series(x, i)
            ROIVec(space(x), coords=i, data=mat)


#' @rdname series-methods
#' @export
setMethod("series", signature(x="NeuroVec", i="ROICoords"),
          def=function(x,i) {
            callGeneric(x, coords(i))

#' @rdname series-methods
#' @export
setMethod("series_roi", signature(x="NeuroVec", i="ROICoords"),
          def=function(x,i) {
            rvol <- series(x, coords(i))
            ROIVec(space(x), coords=coords(i), data=rvol)

#' @rdname series-methods
#' @export
setMethod("series", signature(x="NeuroVec", i="LogicalNeuroVol"),
          def=function(x,i) {
            assertthat::assert_that(all.equal(dim(x)[1:3], dim(i)[1:3]))
            idx <- which(i == TRUE)
            assertthat::assert_that(length(idx) > 0)

            grid <- index_to_grid(i, idx)
            callGeneric(x, grid)


#' @rdname series-methods
#' @export
setMethod("series", signature(x="NeuroVec", i="NeuroVol"),
          def=function(x,i) {
            callGeneric(x, as.logical(i))


#' @rdname series-methods
#' @export
setMethod("series_roi", signature(x="NeuroVec", i="LogicalNeuroVol"),
          def=function(x,i) {
            mat <- as.matrix(series(x, i))
            ROIVec(space(x), coords=index_to_grid(i, which(i == TRUE)), data=as.matrix(mat))

#' @export
#' @param drop whether to drop dimension of length 1
#' @rdname series-methods
setMethod(f="series", signature=signature(x="NeuroVec", i="integer"),
          def=function(x,i,j,k, drop=TRUE) {
            if (missing(j) && missing(k)) {
              nels <- prod(dim(x)[1:3])
              offsets <- seq(0, dim(x)[4]-1) * nels
              idx <- map(i, ~ . + offsets) %>% flatten_dbl()
              vals <- x[idx]
              ret <- matrix(vals, dim(x)[4], length(i))
              if (drop) drop(ret) else ret
            } else {
              ## could be solved with expand.grid, no?
              assert_that(length(i) == 1 && length(j) == 1 && length(k) ==1)
              ret <- x[i,j,k,]
              if (drop) drop(ret) else ret

#' @export
#' @param drop whether to drop dimension of length 1
#' @rdname series-methods
setMethod(f="series", signature=signature(x="DenseNeuroVec", i="integer"),
          def=function(x,i,j,k,drop=TRUE) {
            if (missing(j) && missing(k)) {
              g <- indexToGridCpp(i, dim(x)[1:3])
              ret <- callGeneric(x,g)
              if (drop) drop(ret) else ret
            } else {
              assert_that(length(i) == 1 && length(j) == 1 && length(k) ==1)
              ret <- x[i,j,k,]
              if (drop) drop(ret) else ret

## @rdname series-methods
## @export
# setMethod("series", signature(x="NeuroVec", i="integer"),
#           def=function(x, i, j, k) {
#             if (missing(j) && missing(k)) {
#               vdim <- dim(x)[1:3]
#               mat <- arrayInd(i, vdim)
#             apply(mat, 1, function(i) x[i[1], i[2], i[3],])
#             } else {
#               x[i,j,k,]
#             }
#          })

#' @export
#' @param drop whether to drop dimension of length 1
#' @rdname series-methods
setMethod(f="series", signature=signature(x="H5NeuroVec", i="integer"),
          def=function(x,i,j,k, drop=TRUE) {
            if (missing(j) && missing(k)) {
              grid <- indexToGridCpp(i, dim(x)[1:3])
              callGeneric(x, grid)
            } else {
              ## could be solved with expand.grid, no?
              assert_that(length(i) == 1 && length(j) == 1 && length(k) ==1)
              ret <- x@obj[["data/elements"]][i,j,k,]
              if (drop) drop(ret) else ret

#' @rdname series-methods
#' @export
setMethod("series", signature(x="NeuroVec", i="numeric"),
		def=function(x, i, j, k) {
		  if (missing(j) && missing(k)) {
		  } else {
		    callGeneric(x,as.integer(i), as.integer(j), as.integer(k))

#' @rdname series-methods
#' @export
setMethod("series_roi", signature(x="NeuroVec", i="numeric"),
          def=function(x, i, j, k) {
            mat <- if (missing(j) && missing(k)) {
              vdim <- dim(x)[1:3]
              vox <- arrayInd(i, vdim)
              callGeneric(x, vox)
            } else if (missing(i) || missing(j) || missing(k)) {
              stop("series_roi: must provide either 1D 'i' or 3D ('i', 'j', 'k') vector indices")
            } else {
              assert_that(length(i) == 1 && length(j) == 1 && length(k) ==1)
              ret <- x[i,j,k,]
              if (drop) drop(ret) else ret



#' @rdname series-methods
#' @export
setMethod("series", signature(x="H5NeuroVec", i="numeric"),
          def=function(x, i, j, k) {
            if (missing(j) && missing(k)) {
            } else {
              callGeneric(x,as.integer(i), as.integer(j), as.integer(k))

#' @rdname series-methods
#' @export
setMethod("series", signature(x="H5NeuroVec", i="matrix"),
          def=function(x,i) {
            assertthat::assert_that(ncol(i) == 3)

            d4 <- dim(x)[4]
            ir <- lapply(1:ncol(i), function(j) seq(min(i[,j]), max(i[,j])))

            ret <- x@obj[["data/elements"]][ir[[1]][1]:ir[[1]][[length(ir[[1]])]],
            #ret2 <- apply(ret, 3L, c)
            ret2 <- t(array(ret, c(prod(dim(ret)[1:3]),dim(ret)[4])))
            if (ncol(ret2) != nrow(i)) {
              i2 <- apply(i, 2, function(ind) {
                ind - min(ind) + 1

              i3 <- gridToIndex3DCpp(dim(ret)[1:3], i2)

            } else {

#' @export
setAs(from="NeuroVec", to="matrix",
      function(from) {
        dm <- dim(from)
        d123 <- prod(dm[1:3])
        d4 <- dm[4]
        vals <- from[,]
        dim(vals) <- c(d123,d4)


#' @export
setAs(from="DenseNeuroVec", to="matrix",
		function(from) {
			data <- from@.Data
			dm <- dim(data)
			d123 <- prod(dm[1:3])
			d4 <- dm[4]

			dim(data) <- c(d123,d4)


#' convert a \code{NeuroVec} to \code{list} of volumes.
#' @rdname as.list-methods
#' @param x the object
#' @export
setMethod(f="as.list", signature=signature(x = "NeuroVec"), def=function(x) {
  map(1:length(x), ~ x[[.]])

#' convert a \code{NeuroVec} to a matrix
#' @rdname as.matrix-methods
#' @param x the object
#' @export
setMethod(f="as.matrix", signature=signature(x = "NeuroVec"), def=function(x) {
			as(x, "matrix")

#' @export
setAs(from="ROIVec", to="SparseNeuroVec",
      function(from) {
        dat <- from@.Data
        mask <- array(0, dim(from@space)[1:3])
        mask[coords(from)] <- 1
        SparseNeuroVec(dat, from@space, mask=mask)

#' @title Convert DenseNeuroVec to sparse representation using mask
#' @description This method converts a DenseNeuroVec object to a sparse representation using a given LogicalNeuroVol mask.
#' @param x A DenseNeuroVec object to convert to a sparse representation.
#' @param mask A LogicalNeuroVol object representing the mask to apply during conversion.
#' @return A SparseNeuroVec object resulting from the conversion.
#' @export
#' @rdname as.sparse-methods
setMethod(f="as.sparse", signature=signature(x="DenseNeuroVec", mask="LogicalNeuroVol"),
          def=function(x, mask) {
            assert_that(all(dim(x)[1:3] == dim(mask)))
            assert_that(all(spacing(x) == spacing(mask)))

            vdim <- dim(x)[1:3]
            dat <- as.matrix(x)[mask == TRUE,]
            bvec <- SparseNeuroVec(dat, space(x), mask)


#' @title Convert DenseNeuroVec to sparse representation using a numeric mask
#' @description This method converts a DenseNeuroVec object to a sparse representation using a given numeric mask.
#' @param x A DenseNeuroVec object to convert to a sparse representation.
#' @param mask A numeric vector representing the mask to apply during conversion.
#' @return A SparseNeuroVec object resulting from the conversion.
#' @export
#' @rdname as.sparse-methods
setMethod(f="as.sparse", signature=signature(x="DenseNeuroVec", mask="numeric"),
		def=function(x, mask) {
			vdim <- dim(x)[1:3]
			m <- array(0, vdim)
			m[mask] <- TRUE

			logivol <- LogicalNeuroVol(m, drop_dim(space(x)))

			dat <- as(x, "matrix")[mask,]

			bvec <- SparseNeuroVec(dat, space(x), logivol)


#' @export
#' @rdname write_vec-methods
setMethod(f="write_vec",signature=signature(x="ROIVec", file_name="character", format="missing", data_type="missing"),
          def=function(x, file_name) {
            callGeneric(as(x, "SparseNeuroVec"), file_name)

#' @export
#' @rdname write_vec-methods
setMethod(f="write_vec",signature=signature(x="NeuroVec", file_name="character", format="missing", data_type="missing"),
		def=function(x, file_name) {
			write_nifti_vector(x, file_name)

#' @export
#' @rdname write_vec-methods
#' @param nbit set nbit compression
#' @param compression compression level 1 to 9
#' @param chunk_dim the dimensions of each chunk
setMethod(f="write_vec",signature=signature(x="NeuroVec", file_name="character", format="character", data_type="missing"),
		def=function(x, file_name, format, nbit=FALSE, compression=5, chunk_dim=c(10,10,10,dim(x)[4])) {
			if (toupper(format) == "NIFTI" || toupper(format) == "NIFTI1" || toupper(format) == "NIFTI-1") {
				callGeneric(x, file_name)
			} else if (toupper(format) == "H5") {
			  if (!endsWith(file_name, ".h5")) {
			    file_name <- paste0(file_name, ".h5")

				h5obj <- to_nih5_vec(x, file_name, nbit=nbit, compression=compression, chunk_dim=chunk_dim)
			} else {
			  stop(paste("format ", format, "not supported."))

#' @export write_vec
#' @rdname write_vec-methods
#' @aliases write_vec,NeuroVec,character,missing,character,ANY-method
setMethod(f="write_vec",signature=signature(x="NeuroVec", file_name="character", format="missing", data_type="character"),
		def=function(x, file_name, data_type) {
			write_nifti_vector(x, file_name, data_type)


## NeuroVecSeq methods

#' Create a NeuroVecSeq Instance
#' Constructs a NeuroVecSeq object to represent a variable-length list of NeuroVec objects.
#' @param ... One or more instances of type \link{NeuroVec}.
#' @return A NeuroVecSeq object containing the provided NeuroVec objects, along with the associated space and length information.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' v1 <- NeuroVec(array(0, c(5, 5, 5, 2)), space = NeuroSpace(dim = c(5, 5, 5, 2)))
#' v2 <- NeuroVec(array(0, c(5, 5, 5, 4)), space = NeuroSpace(dim = c(5, 5, 5, 4)))
#' v3 <- NeuroVec(array(0, c(5, 5, 5, 6)), space = NeuroSpace(dim = c(5, 5, 5, 6)))
#' vs <- NeuroVecSeq(v1, v2, v3)
#' blks <- split_blocks(vs, rep(1:3, each = 4))
NeuroVecSeq <- function(...) {
  vecs <- list(...)
  assert_that(all(map_lgl(vecs, ~ inherits(., "NeuroVec"))))
  sp <- space(vecs[[1]])
  lens <- map_dbl(vecs, function(x) dim(x)[4])
  sp <- add_dim(drop_dim(sp), sum(lens))

  new("NeuroVecSeq", space=sp, vecs=vecs, lens=lens)

#' @export
#' @rdname length-methods
setMethod("length", signature=c("NeuroVecSeq"),
          def=function(x) {
            sum(map_dbl(x@vecs, ~ length(.)))

## @rdname series-methods
## @export
# setMethod("series", signature(x="NeuroVecSeq", i="integer"),
#           def=function(x, i, j, k) {
#             map(x@vecs, ~ series(., i,j,k)) %>% flatten_dbl()
#           })
## @rdname series-methods
## @export
# setMethod("series", signature(x="NeuroVecSeq", i="numeric"),
#           def=function(x, i, j, k) {
#             map(x@vecs, ~ series(., as.integer(i),as.integer(j),as.integer(k))) %>% flatten_dbl()
#           })
## @rdname series-methods
## @export
# setMethod("series", signature(x="NeuroVecSeq", i="matrix"),
#           def=function(x,i) {
#             do.call(rbind, map(x@vecs, ~ series(., i)))
#           })
## @rdname series-methods
## @export
# setMethod("series_roi", signature(x="NeuroVecSeq", i="matrix"),
#           def=function(x,i) {
#             rois <- map(x@vecs, ~ series_roi(., i))
#             if (length(rois) == 1) {
#               rois[[1]]
#             } else if (length(rois) == 2) {
#               concat(rois[[1]], rois[[2]])
#             } else {
#               f <- partial(concat, rois[[1]], rois[[2]])
#               do.call(f, rois[3:length(rois)])
#             }
#           })

#' [[
#' @rdname NeuroVecSeq-methods
#' @param x the object
#' @param i the indices
#' @export
setMethod(f="[[", signature=signature(x="NeuroVecSeq", i="numeric"),
          def = function(x, i) {

            assert_that(length(i) == 1 && i > 0 && i <= dim(x)[4])

            offsets <- cumsum(c(1, x@lens))[1:(length(x@lens))]
            vnum <- i - offsets
            vnum[vnum < 0] <- Inf
            bucket <- which.min(vnum)
            bucket_elnum <- vnum[bucket] + 1

#' @noRd
setMethod(f="linear_access", signature=signature(x = "NeuroVecSeq", i = "numeric"),
          def = function (x, i) {
            ## inprog
            nels <- prod(dim(x)[1:3])
            els <- nels * x@lens
            csum <- cumsum(nels * x@lens) +1
            cels <- c(1, csum[-length(csum)])
            vnum <- find_seqnum(cels, i)
            offsets <- i - cels[vnum] + 1

            soff <- split(offsets, vnum)
            sind <- split(seq_along(vnum), vnum)

            res <- map(names(soff), function(vnum) {

            out <- numeric(length(i))

            for (j in seq_along(res)) {
              out[sind[[j]]] <- res[[j]]


bbuchsbaum/neuroim2 documentation built on June 4, 2024, 11:23 p.m.