
outputPedigreeGraph <- function(pedigree, fileName, omitFunnel = TRUE)
		stop("Input fileName cannot be missing")
		stop("Input pedigree cannot be missing")
	pedigree <- convertped(pedigree)
	nFounders <- sum(pedigree[,2] == 0 & pedigree[,3] == 0)
	if(!(nFounders  %in% c(2, 4, 8)))
		stop("Number of founders must be 2, 4 or 8")
	if("Design" %in% colnames(pedigree))
		pedigreeDesign <- pedigree[,"Design"]
		pedigreeDesign <- identifyDesign(pedigree)
	#Remove large chunks of the pedigree before we form the graph. This includes the 8wayG3 / 4wayG2 individuals. They'll be present in the graph because they're listed as mother / father though. 
		remove <- which(pedigreeDesign %in% c("8wayG1", "8wayG2", "8wayG0", "8wayG3", "4wayG0", "4wayG1", "4wayG2"))
		initialNodes <- pedigree[pedigreeDesign == "8wayG3" | pedigreeDesign == "4wayG2", 1]
		remove <- which(pedigreeDesign %in% c("8wayG0", "4wayG0"))
		initialNodes <- pedigree[pedigreeDesign == "8wayG0" | pedigreeDesign == "4wayG0", 1]
	cutDownPedigree <- pedigree[-remove,]

	edges <- list()
	f <- function(row) 
		as.character(unique(c(cutDownPedigree[row, 2], cutDownPedigree[row, 3])))
	edges <- lapply(1:nrow(cutDownPedigree), f)
	names(edges) <- as.character(cutDownPedigree[,1])
	otherEdges <- replicate(length(edges), character(0))
	names(otherEdges) <- names(edges)
	for(vertex in names(edges))
		for(otherVertex in edges[[vertex]])
			otherEdges[[otherVertex]] <- c(otherEdges[[otherVertex]], vertex)
	nodes <- c(cutDownPedigree[,1], initialNodes)
	subsettedDesign <- pedigreeDesign[match(nodes, pedigree[,1])]
	subsettedObserved <- pedigree[match(nodes, pedigree[,1]), "Observed"]
	if(is.numeric(pedigree[,1]) && !is.null(rownames(pedigree)))
		edges <- lapply(edges, function(x) rownames(pedigree)[as.integer(x)])
		names(edges) <- rownames(pedigree)[as.integer(names(edges))]
		nodes <- rownames(pedigree)[as.integer(nodes)]
	graph <- new("graphNEL", nodes=nodes, edgeL=edges, edgemode="directed")
	iPedGraph <- igraph::igraph.from.graphNEL(graph)
	iPedGraph <- igraph::set.vertex.attribute(iPedGraph, "design", value=subsettedDesign)
	iPedGraph <- igraph::set.vertex.attribute(iPedGraph, "isObserved", value = subsettedObserved)
	igraph::write.graph(iPedGraph, file=fileName, format = "dot")
behuang/mpMap documentation built on May 12, 2019, 10:53 a.m.