
#' Plot summary of mpcross object
#' Plots summary of phenotypes and genetic map for mpcross object. If calculated, plots a heatmap of recombination fraction estimates and transformed LOD scores with legend.
#' @export 
#' @importFrom graphics par
#' @importFrom graphics hist
#' @importFrom graphics plot
#' @method plot mpcross
#' @param x Object of class \code{mpcross}
#' @param chr Selected chromosomes. Default is all
#' @param ask Flag for whether to pause between plots
#' @param ... Additional arguments to plot functions
#' @return Phenotype distributions are plotted as histograms or barplots depending on the variable type. 
#' Genetic maps are plotted using a version of \code{plotlink.map} for all genetic maps included in the object (may be both a simulated version and an estimated version). 
#' If recombination fractions have been estimated, a heatmap with recombination fraction estimates below the diagonal and scaled LOD scores above the diagonal is also plotted. LOD scores are transformed to 2^(-(LOD/4+1)) in order to be on the same scale as the theta values.  
#' @seealso \code{\link[mpMap]{mpestrf}}, \code{\link[mpMap]{mpcross.object}}, \code{\link[mpMap]{plotlink.map}}
#' @examples
#' sim.map <- qtl::sim.map(len=rep(100, 2), n.mar=11, include.x=FALSE, eq.spacing=TRUE)
#' sim.ped <- sim.mpped(4, 1, 500, 6, 1)
#' sim.dat <- sim.mpcross(map=sim.map, pedigree=sim.ped, 
#'		qtl=matrix(data=c(1, 10, .4, 0, 0, 0, 1, 70, 0, .35, 0, 0), 
#'		nrow=2, ncol=6, byrow=TRUE), seed=1)
#' plot(sim.dat)

plot.mpcross <- 
function(x, chr, ask=TRUE,...) 

	noplots <- TRUE
	### divided up into sections. Some can't be run if parts of object are missing

	################# This section is the plotted genetic map
	if (!is.null(x$map))
		for (i in grep("map", names(x)))
		plotlink.map(x[[i]], marker.names=FALSE)
		noplots <- FALSE

	if (!is.null(x$pheno))
		for (i in 1:ncol(as.matrix(x$pheno)))
			x$pheno <- as.data.frame(x$pheno)
			if (is.numeric(x$pheno[,i]))
				hist(x$pheno[,i], col="violetred", xlab=paste("phe", i), main=colnames(x$pheno)[i])
			else if (is.factor(x$pheno[,i]))
				plot(x$pheno[,i], col="royalblue", xlab=paste("phe", i), main=colnames(x$pheno)[i])
			noplots <- FALSE

  ################# This section is for recombination fractions
  if (!is.null(x$rf)){

	if(!missing(chr) && length(chr) > 0)
		mpred <- subset(x, chr=chr)
	else mpred <- x

    nmrk <- ncol(mpred$founders)
    mat <- matrix(nrow=nmrk, ncol=nmrk)

    mat[upper.tri(mat)] <- 2^(-mpred$rf$lod[upper.tri(mpred$rf$lod)]/4-1)
    mat[lower.tri(mat)] <- mpred$rf$theta[lower.tri(mpred$rf$theta)]

    if (!requireNamespace("Heatplus", quietly = TRUE)) 
      stop("Heatplus needed for plot.mpcross to work. Please install it from Bioconductor.\n",
      call. = FALSE)
    Heatplus::heatmap_2(t(mat), Rowv=NA, Colv=NA, scale="none", legend=1)
    noplots <- FALSE
  if (noplots)
	cat("Object does not contain any plottable components")

behuang/mpMap documentation built on May 12, 2019, 10:53 a.m.