
# Script for running REddyProc with different options on 29 site-years
#   same as was used in Wutzler17 for benchmarking daytime data

# install_github(repo = "bgctw/REddyProc",branch = "master")

if (!exists("partitionNEEGL") ) library(REddyProc)	# only load library if not sourced its already
.tmp.f <- function(){
	pkg <- 'REddyProc'
	loadDll <- function (dynFilenameLocal = file.path( system.file(package = pkg), "libs", "x64"
					, paste0(pkg, .Platform$dynlib.ext)), pkg = pkg, isWarningDllNotFound = TRUE
		if (file.exists(dynFilenameLocal)) {
		else if (isWarningDllNotFound) {
			warning(paste("dynLib", dynFilenameLocal, "not found."))
	loadDll(pkg = pkg)

#library(doMC)		#twutz: doMC is not supported for Windows any more, may swith to same functionality with doParallel

isCluster<- if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") FALSE else TRUE

#doMC::registerDoMC(cores = 48) # or however many cores you have access to
if (isCluster ){
	registerDoParallel(min(cores = 28L, detectCores()))	# having 28 sites
} else {
	registerDoParallel(cores = 2L)

## aggregation sd <- function(x){  # where x is the sd of the variable
	n      <- sum(!
	agg_sd <- sqrt(sum(x^2,na.rm = T)) / n

## settings ##
#scen <- "default"
#scen <- "omitSaturationFilter"
#scen <- "SaturationPenalty50"
#scen <- "SaturationPenalty5"
#scen <- "omitBoundLowerNEEUnc"
#scen <- "filterParSaturationProp50"
#scen <- "omitSmoothTempSens"
#scen <- "neglectNEEUncertaintyOnMissing"
#scen <- "TempLasslop10"
scen <- "Lasslop10"	# wait for Gittas answer, how to treat missing sdNEE

nBoot = 3L
#nBoot = 60L	# for the default scenario

# uncomment the scenario in quesiton and then run
# cd develop/compareOldTool
# bsub -q mpi_large -M 20971520 -n 28 -R span[hosts=1] R CMD BATCH --vanilla GLPartitioningTestCase.R GLPartitioningTestCase_log.txt

scenarioConfigurations = tibble::tribble(
		~scenario, ~ouputPath,  ~ctrl, ~comment
		,"Lasslop10", "Lasslop10_1709",  within(partGLControlLasslopCompatible(), useSolarTime <- FALSE), "most Lasslop compatible"
		,"default", "default1709",  partGLControl(), ""
		,"omitBoundLowerNEEUnc","default_options1709/omitBoundLowerNEEUnc", partGLControl(isBoundLowerNEEUncertainty = FALSE), "omit lower bound on NEE uncertainty allowing for high leverage"
		,"filterParSaturationProp50","default_options1709/filterParSaturationProp50", partGLControl(minPropSaturation = 0.5), "filter those windows where GPP prediction at highest PAR is less than 50% of GPP at PAR = 2000"
		,"omitSmoothTempSens","default_options1709/omitSmoothTempSens", partGLControl(smoothTempSensEstimateAcrossTime = FALSE), "use raw Temperature nighttime sensitivity estimates instead of smoothing them over time"
		,"TempLasslop10","default_options1709/TempLasslop10", partGLControl(smoothTempSensEstimateAcrossTime = FALSE, fixedTRefAtNightTime = 15, isExtendTRefWindow = FALSE), "similar E0 from nighttime as Lallop (RRef = 15, do not extend window, not Smooth E0"
		,"neglectNEEUncertaintyOnMissing","default_options1709/neglectNEEUncertaintyOnMissing", partGLControl(neglectNEEUncertaintyOnMissing = TRUE), "neglectNEEUncertaintyOnMissing = TRUE: omit weighting on NA in sdNEE"
scenConf <- as.list(subset(scenarioConfigurations, scenario == scen))
scenConf$ctrl[[1]]$nBootUncertainty <- nBoot

str(scenConf, max.level = 3)


## site selection ##
##here is my site selection based on Mirco's mail:
# also remove FR-Fon, as there was an error in pvWave processing (actually processed FR-Lq1)
sitesMircoUsed <- c("BR-Ma2","BR-Sa1","CA-Let","CA-NS7","CA-TP3","CH-Oe2","CN-HaM","DE-Hai","DK-Sor","ES-E1","ES-VDA","FI-Hyy","FI-Kaa","FR-Gri","FR-Hes","FR-Lq1","FR-Lq2","FR-Pue","IE-Dri","IL-Yat","IT-Amp","IT-MBo","IT-Pia","IT-SRo","JP-Tef","PT-Esp","RU-Cok","SE-Nor","TH98_new","US-Ha1","US-MMS","US-SO2","US-Ton","VU-Coc")
sitesRestricted <- c("BR-Ma2","BR-Sa1","CA-Let","CN-HaM","JP-Tef","US-SO2","IT-Pia")

siteMapping = list(TH98_new = "DE-Tha", "ES-E1" = "ES-ES1")

sitesUsed <- setdiff( c( unlist(siteMapping), setdiff(sitesMircoUsed,sitesRestricted)), names(siteMapping))
sites <- sort(sitesUsed)

#bgiDir <- if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") "M:" else "/Net/Groups/BGI"
bgiDir <- "~/bgi"

path  <- file.path(bgiDir,"work_3/REddyProcRelease/Eval_GL_Partitioning")
flist <- list.files(file.path(path,"MR_GL_partitioning"), pattern = "*DataSetafterFluxpart.txt") #[-31]
flist <- flist[is.element(substr(flist,1,6),sites)]

## exclude sites that were not processed in the online tool
sites <- sites[is.element(sites,substr(flist,1,6))]

latLongSites <- rbind(
		data.frame(site = "DE-Tha", lat = 51, long = 11, timeOffset = -1	)
		,data.frame(site = "IT-MBo", lat = 45.0, long = 1, timeOffset = 0	)
tmp <- read.csv(file.path(path,"CommonAnc.csv"), colClasses = c(Site.ID = "character", Latitude = "numeric", Longitude = "numeric", UTC = "numeric"), na.strings = "TBD")
latLongSites <- data.frame(site = tmp$Site.ID, lat = tmp$Latitude, long = tmp$Longitude, timeOffset = floor(-tmp$UTC))

# create output directory if not existing
if (!dir.exists(file.path(path,"Results",scenConf$ouputPath)) ) dir.create( file.path(path,"Results",scenConf$ouputPath) )

#---- Reading data

# NEE_orig already ustar filtered!! as in Papale_2006 most conservative threshold,
# the seasons are computed in a different manner (not e.g. JFM)
# gapfilling according to Reichstein_2005

iProcSites <- seq_along(sites)

.tmp.inspectSingleSites <- function(){
	#s <- grep("CA-TP3",sites)[1]
	s <- grep("DE-Hai",sites)[1]
	s <- grep("DE-Tha",sites)[1]  # large differences with omitSmoothTempSens in month 8
	s <- grep("FR-Gri",sites)[1]
	s <- grep("ES-VDA",sites)[1]
	s <- grep("IL-Yat",sites)[1]  # high PAR with low temp-diff, subsetting data does not impar estimates here
	s <- grep("PT-Esp",sites)[1]  # largest differences with omitSmoothTempSens  month 4 (but consider entire data for effect of smoothing)
	s <- grep("IT-Amp",sites)[1]  # largest differences with pvWave in month 7

	siteName 	   <- sites[s]
	fileName        <- flist[s]

	#iProcSites <- 2:3
	#try(rm(; try(REddy.yy.all)

computeSite <- function(siteName, fileName, scenConf){
	year         <- as.numeric(substr(fileName, nchar(fileName) - 28, nchar(fileName) - 25))
	latLongSite  <- unlist(subset(latLongSites, site == siteName)[1,2:4])
	#+++ Loading data from MR partitioning and data for running the partitioning
	dfall             <- fLoadTXTIntoDataframe(fileName, file.path(path,"MR_GL_partitioning"))
	.tmp.readPvWave <- function(){
		fname.PVwave <- paste(siteName,'.',year,'.','DataSetafterFluxpartGL2010.txt', sep = "")
		dfallPv <- read.table(file.path(path,"MR_GL_partitioning",fname.PVwave,sep = ""),skip = 2)
		title <- scan(file.path(path,"MR_GL_partitioning",fname.PVwave,sep = ""), nlines = 1, sep = "", strip.white = TRUE,
				what = list(rep('character',17)))
		names(dfallPv) <- title[[1]]
		dfallPv$julday <- dfall$julday
		iRowEst <- seq(97, 17473, by = 96)
		dsE0Pv <- data.frame(E0  = dfallPv$E0[iRowEst], sdE0 = 20, RRef = dfallPv$rb[iRowEst])
		dsE0Pv[ dsE0Pv == -9999 ] <- NA
		dsE0Pv$E0 <- fillNAForward(dsE0Pv$E0)
		dsE0Pv$RRef <- fillNAForward(dsE0Pv$RRef)
	ctrlOpt <- scenConf$ctrl[[1]]
	#ctrlOpt$isNeglectPotRadForNight <- TRUE
	#ctrlOpt$fixedTempSens = dsE0Pv
	useSolarTime <- if (length(ctrlOpt$useSolarTime) )  ctrlOpt$useSolarTime else TRUE
	dfall$PotRadSolar <- as.numeric(fCalcPotRadiation(dfall$julday,dfall$Hour,latLongSite["lat"],latLongSite["long"],latLongSite["timeOffset"], useSolartime.b = TRUE))
	dfall$PotRad <- as.numeric(fCalcPotRadiation(dfall$julday,dfall$Hour,latLongSite["lat"],latLongSite["long"],latLongSite["timeOffset"], useSolartime.b = useSolarTime))
	#plot( PotRad ~ PotRadSolar, dfall)
	# here fake potential radiation to be high on all records where Lasslop Partitioning quantified non-night
	dfall$day    <- (1 - dfall$night)*100
	dfall_posix  <- dsMonth <- fConvertTimeToPosix(dfall, 'YMDH', Year.s = 'Year', Month.s = 'Month', Day.s = 'Day', Hour.s = 'Hr')
	# dsMonth <- subset(dfall_posix, Month %in% 6:8) #& DateTime >= "2002-08-09 00:00:00" & DateTime <= "2002-08-12 23:30:00")
	# START - RUN THE REddyProc DT partitioning
	#ctrlOpt$isAssociateParmsToMeanOfValids <- FALSE # in order to match exact source data
	#ctrlOpt$fixedTempSens = data.frame(E0 = 220, sdE0 = 50, RRef = 2.7)
	dsResOpt <- partitionNEEGL(dsMonth,NEEVar.s = "NEE_f",QFNEEVar.s = "NEE_fqc",QFNEEValue.n  =  0,NEESdVar.s = "NEE_fs_unc",
			TempVar.s = "Tair_f",QFTempVar.s = "Tair_fqc",QFTempValue.n = 0,VPDVar.s = "VPD_f",QFVPDVar.s = "VPD_fqc",
			QFVPDValue.n = 0
			,RadVar.s = "Rg_f"
			#,PotRadVar.s = "day"
			,PotRadVar.s = "PotRad"
			,suffix = "",
			controlGLPart = ctrlOpt
	dsResOpt$DateTime <- dsMonth$DateTime
	dsResOpt$julday <- dsMonth$julday
	.tmp.debug <- function(){
		ctrlDefault <- partGLControl();  ctrlDefault$isAssociateParmsToMeanOfValids <- FALSE; nBootUncertainty = 3L # in order to match exact source data
		#ctrlDefault$fixedTempSens <- ctrl$fixedTempSens
		dsResDefault <- partitionNEEGL(dsMonth,NEEVar.s = "NEE_f",QFNEEVar.s = "NEE_fqc",QFNEEValue.n = 0,NEESdVar.s = "NEE_fs_unc",
				TempVar.s = "Tair_f",QFTempVar.s = "Tair_fqc",QFTempValue.n = 0,VPDVar.s = "VPD_f",QFVPDVar.s = "VPD_fqc",
				QFVPDValue.n = 0,RadVar.s = "Rg",PotRadVar.s = "day",suffix = "",
				controlGLPart = ctrlDefault
		dsResDefault$DateTime <- dsResOpt$DateTime <- dsMonth$DateTime
		dsResOpt$Day <- dsResDefault$Day <- dsMonth$Day
		dsResOpt$julday <- dsResDefault$julday <- dsMonth$julday
		plot(FP_beta ~ julday, dsResOpt, col = "red", pch = "x", ylim = range(c(dsResOpt$FP_beta, dsResDefault$FP_beta),na.rm = TRUE))
		points(FP_beta ~ julday, dsResDefault)
		dsResOpt$diffFP_beta <- dsResOpt$FP_beta - dsResDefault$FP_beta
		subset( dsResOpt, is.finite(FP_errorcode), c("julday","FP_errorcode","FP_beta","FP_alpha","FP_E0","FP_k","FP_RRef","FP_RRef_Night"))
		subset( dsResDefault, is.finite(FP_errorcode), c("julday","FP_errorcode","FP_beta","FP_alpha","FP_E0","FP_k","FP_RRef","FP_RRef_Night"))
		#plot(diffFP_beta ~ julday, dsRes, col = "red", pch = "x")
		#plot(diffFP_beta ~ DateTime, subset(dsRes, julday %in% 200:250), col = "red", pch = "x")
		#plot(diffFP_beta ~ julday, subset(dsRes, julday %in% 210:230 & is.finite(FP_beta), col = "red", pch = "x")
		.tmp.inspectE0 <- function(){
		  Sys.setlocale(locale = "C") # for displying English time axis
			plot( FP_E0 ~ DateTime, dsResOpt, ylim = range(c(dsResOpt$FP_E0, dsResDefault$FP_E0),na.rm = TRUE), pch = "x", col = "red" )
			lines(FP_E0 ~ DateTime, subset(dsResDefault, is.finite(FP_E0)))
			plot( dsResOpt$FP_E0 ~ dsResDefault$FP_E0)
			isInPeriod <- (dsMonth$DateTime >= "2004-03-01" & dsMonth$DateTime <= "2004-05-01")
			.commonCols <- intersect(names(dsResDefault), names(dsResOpt))
			dss <- rbind(
					cbind( method = "Default", subset( dsResDefault[,.commonCols], isInPeriod & is.finite(FP_E0)))
					,cbind( method = scenConf$scen, subset( dsResOpt[,.commonCols], isInPeriod & is.finite(FP_E0)))
			ggplot( dss, aes(DateTime, FP_E0, color = method, fill = method)) +
					#geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = FP_E0-1.96*FP_E0_sd, ymax = FP_E0+1.96*FP_E0_sd), alpha = 0.3) + ylim(-250,750) +
					#geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = FP_E0-FP_E0_sd, ymax = FP_E0+FP_E0_sd), alpha = 0.3) +  ylim(-50,550) +
					geom_line() + theme_bw() + theme(legend.position  =  "bottom") +
					ylab(bquote(E[0]*' (K)')) +
					theme(legend.position = "none") +
					theme(axis.title.x = element_blank()) + theme( legend.title =  element_blank() )
			#ggsave("../../eclipse46_R/paper17_REddyProc/figOrig/part_LRC_SmoothTempSensE0_PT-Esp.pdf", width = 3.27, height = 2.5)
			#ggsave("../../eclipse_R/paper17_REddyProc/figOrig/part_LRC_SmoothTempSensE0_PT-Esp.pdf", width = 3.27, height = 2.5)

			isInPeriod <- (dsMonth$DateTime >= "2004-04-01" & dsMonth$DateTime <= "2004-04-20")
			dss <- rbind(
					cbind( method = "Default", subset( dsResDefault[,.commonCols], isInPeriod))
					,cbind( method = scenConf$scen, subset( dsResOpt[,.commonCols], isInPeriod))
			ggplot( dss, aes(DateTime, GPP_DT, color = method)) + geom_line() + theme_bw() + theme(legend.position  =  "bottom") +
					ylab(bquote(GPP*' ('*mu~ 'mol' ~CO[2]~ m^-2~s^-1*')')) +
					theme(axis.title.x = element_blank()) + theme( legend.title =  element_blank() )
			#ggsave("../../eclipse46_R/paper17_REddyProc/figOrig/part_LRC_SmoothTempSensGPP_PT-Esp.pdf", width = 3.27, height = 2.5)
		# in partGLFitLRCOneWindow:
		#if (as.POSIXlt(dsDay$sDateTime[1])$mday+2L > 27 ) recover()
		# save(dsDay, file = "tmp/dsDayDebug.RData")
		load(file = "tmp/dsDayDebug.RData")
		dsDay <- arrange_(dsDay, ~Rg)
		plot( -NEE ~ Rg, dsDay)
		DayInspect <- 7#11
		(thetaDef <- unlist(subset(dsResDefault, Day == DayInspect & is.finite(FP_beta), c("FP_k","FP_beta","FP_alpha","FP_RRef","FP_E0","FP_RRef_Night") )))
		(thetaOpt <- unlist(subset(dsResOpt, Day == DayInspect & is.finite(FP_beta), c("FP_k","FP_beta","FP_alpha","FP_RRef","FP_E0","FP_RRef_Night") )))
		lrcFitter <- RectangularLRCFitter()
		dsDay$GPPDefault <- lrcFitter$predictGPP( dsDay$Rg, thetaDef["FP_beta"], thetaDef["FP_alpha"])
		dsDay$GPPOpt <- lrcFitter$predictGPP( dsDay$Rg, thetaOpt["FP_beta"], thetaOpt["FP_alpha"])
		dsDay$NEPDefault <- lrcFitter$predictLRC( thetaDef, dsDay$Rg, dsDay$VPD, dsDay$Temp)$NEP
		dsDay$NEPOpt <- lrcFitter$predictLRC( thetaOpt, dsDay$Rg, dsDay$VPD, dsDay$Temp)$NEP
		ylim <- range(-dsDay$NEE, na.rm = TRUE); ylim[2] <- max(ylim[2], thetaDef["FP_beta"], thetaOpt["FP_beta"], na.rm = TRUE )*1.1
		maxRg <- max(1200,max(dsDay$Rg,na.rm = TRUE))
		maxRg <- max(2000,max(dsDay$Rg,na.rm = TRUE))
		plot( -NEE ~ Rg, dsDay)
		lines( NEPDefault ~ Rg, dsDay )
		lines( NEPOpt ~ Rg, dsDay, col = "red" )
		points(maxRg, thetaDef["FP_beta"]); points(maxRg, thetaOpt["FP_beta"], col = "red", pch = "x")
		plot( GPPDefault ~ Rg, dsDay, xlim = c(0,maxRg), ylim = ylim)
		plot( GPPOpt ~ Rg, dsDay, xlim = c(0,maxRg), ylim = ylim, col = "red")
		abline(h = thetaDef["FP_beta"]); abline(h =  thetaOpt["FP_beta"], col = "red", pch = "x")
		RgSeq <- seq(0,maxRg, length.out = 80)
		predGPP <- lrcFitter$predictLRC( thetaOpt, Rg = RgSeq, VPD = 0, Temp = NA)$GPP
		lines( predGPP ~ RgSeq, col = "red")
	### add modelled NEE
	dsResOpt$NEE_DT <- -(dsResOpt$GPP_DT - dsResOpt$Reco_DT)
	## save data frames, but omit list columns
	iListColumns <- which( sapply( dsResOpt, is.list ) )
	dsResOptNotListCol <- if (length(iListColumns)) dsResOpt[-iListColumns] else dsResOpt
	write.table(dsResOptNotListCol,file = file.path(path,"Results",scenConf$ouputPath,paste0(siteName,".txt")),row.names = F,col.names = T)
	# extract those rows where fitting object is not NULL abd save
	dsFits <- as_tibble(dsResOpt)[,iListColumns] %>% mutate_(row = ~1:n()) %>% rowwise() %>% filter_(~!is.null(FP_OPT_VPD[[1]]))
	save( dsFits ,file = file.path(path,"Results",scenConf$ouputPath,paste0(siteName,"_fits.RData")))

	## the _agg columns are used for aggregation in aggregate() function below
	julday_agg <- c(1,dfall$julday[1:(nrow(dsResOpt)-1)])
	Month_agg  <- c(1,dfall$Month[1:(nrow(dsResOpt)-1)])
	Year_agg   <- c(dfall$Year[1],dfall$Year[1:(nrow(dsResOpt)-1)])
	# Aggregation Monthly per site  <- aggregate(dsResOpt,by = list(Year_agg = Year_agg, Month_agg = Month_agg),mean,na.rm = T)
	# sd$Reco_DT_SD   <- aggregate(dsResOpt$Reco_DT_SD,by = list(Year_agg = Year_agg, Month_agg = Month_agg),[,3]$GPP_DT_SD    <- aggregate(dsResOpt$GPP_DT_SD,by = list(Year_agg = Year_agg, Month_agg = Month_agg),[,3]  <- cbind(Site = siteName,
	# Aggregation Annual
	df.REddy.yy  <- aggregate(dsResOpt,by = list(Year_agg = Year_agg),mean,na.rm = T)
	# sd
	df.REddy.yy$Reco_DT_SD   <- aggregate(dsResOpt$Reco_DT_SD,by = list(Year_agg = Year_agg),[,2]
	df.REddy.yy$GPP_DT_SD    <- aggregate(dsResOpt$GPP_DT_SD,by = list(Year_agg = Year_agg),[,2]
	df.REddy.yy  <- cbind(Site = siteName,df.REddy.yy)
			mm =
			,yy = df.REddy.yy

.tmp.f <- function(){$Site <-$siteName
	save(, file = "all_sites_monthly.RData")
	REddy.yy.all$Site <- REddy.yy.all$siteName
	save(REddy.yy.all, file = "all_sites_annual.RData")


ansList <- foreach (s = iProcSites, .errorhandling = "pass", .packages = c("REddyProc","plyr","mlegp","logitnorm")) %dopar% {
#ansList <- lapply( iProcSites, function(s){
	siteName <- sites[s]
	fileName    <- flist[s]
	message("-------- starting site ",siteName)
	computeSite(siteName,fileName, scenConf)
}# end of site loop

str(ansList,  max.level = 2)

REddy.mms <- lapply(ansList, "[[" , 1L) <- rbind, REddy.mms)
REddy.yys <- lapply(ansList, "[[" , 2L)
REddy.yy.all <- rbind, REddy.yys)

## save as RData:
#save(NT_vs_DT_REddy,DT_REddy_vs_pvwave,file = file.path(path,"Results",scenConf$ouputPath,"/eval_metrics.RData")) # 1) evaluation metrics
outputDir <- file.path(path,"Results",scenConf$ouputPath)
save(,file = file.path(outputDir,"all_sites_monthly.RData"))   # 2) monthly aggregated results for all sites
save(REddy.yy.all,file = file.path(outputDir,"all_sites_annual.RData"))    # 3) annual aggregated results for all sites

# write scenario information
save(scenConf, file = file.path(outputDir,"scenConf.RData"))

# generate readmegen.txt
sink(file.path(outputDir,'readmegen.txt')); {
	cat("Generated be REddyProc/inst/compareOldTool/GLPartitioningTestCase.R\n")
	cat("scenConf.RData: list of information on scenario.\n")
	cat("all_sites_monthly.RData: data.frame of partitioning outputs across sites and months.\n")
	cat("all_sites_annual.RData: data.frame of partitioning outputs across sites for a single year.\n")
	cat("<siteName>.txt: csv file of partitioning outputs\n")
	cat("<siteName>_fits.RData: tibble of fitted objects and central row number of corresponding window rows\n\n")
	cat("scenConf: ")
	str(scenConf, max.level = 3)
}; sink()

.tmp.lookForHighPar <- function(){
	#duplated column names?
	#ds <- dfall_posix[,!(names(dfall) %in% c("Day","Hour"))]
	ds <- partGLExtractStandardData(dfall_posix,NEEVar.s = "NEE_f",QFNEEVar.s = "NEE_fqc",QFNEEValue.n = 0,NEESdVar.s = "NEE_fs_unc",
			TempVar.s = "Tair_f",QFTempVar.s = "Tair_fqc",QFTempValue.n = 0,VPDVar.s = "VPD_f",QFVPDVar.s = "VPD_fqc",
			QFVPDValue.n = 0,RadVar.s = "Rg",PotRadVar.s = "day",suffix = "",
			controlGLPart = ctrlOpt)
	ds$julday <- dfall_posix$julday
	.tmp.maxPAR <- function(){
		dailyMaxPar <- ds %>% group_by_(~julday) %>% summarize_(Rg = ~max(Rg, na.rm = TRUE))
		arrange_(dailyMaxPar, ~desc(Rg))
		ggplot( dailyMaxPar, aes(julday, Rg)) + geom_point()
	# extract data of day 174
	julDayInspect <- 214
	dss <- subset(ds, julday %in% (julDayInspect+(-2:1)))
	isValidDayRecNoVPDConstraint <- !$isDay) & dss$isDay & !$NEE) & !$sdNEE) & !$Temp) & !$Rg)
	dsDay <- dss[isValidDayRecNoVPDConstraint,]
	p1 <- ggplot( dsDay, aes(Rg,-NEE, col = Temp)) + geom_point(); p1
	#p1 <- ggplot( dsDay, aes(Rg,-NEE, col = sdNEE)) + geom_point(); p1

	lrcFitter <- RectangularLRCFitter()
	#ctrlOpt <- partGLControl( )  # use same as in debug above
	dsE0Opt <- subset( dsResOpt, is.finite(FP_beta) & julday == julDayInspect, c("FP_E0","FP_E0_sd","FP_RRef","FP_RRef_Night"))
	resOpt <- resOpt0 <- lrcFitter$fitLRC(dsDay
			#, E0 = 130, sdE0 = 50, RRefNight = 1		# IL-Yat day 148
			#, E0 = 120, sdE0 = 50, RRefNight = 3		# DE-Hai day
			, E0 = dsE0Opt$FP_E0, sdE0 = dsE0Opt$FP_E0_sd, RRefNight = dsE0Opt$FP_RRef_Night		# from dsRes in debug above
			, controlGLPart = ctrlOpt)
	(thetaOpt <- resOpt$thetaOpt)
	dsE0Default <- subset( dsResDefault, is.finite(FP_beta) & julday == julDayInspect, c("FP_E0","FP_E0_sd","FP_RRef","FP_RRef_Night"))
	resDefault  <- lrcFitter$fitLRC(dsDay
			#, E0 = 130, sdE0 = 50, RRefNight = 1		# IL-Yat day 148
			#, E0 = 120, sdE0 = 50, RRefNight = 3		# DE-Hai day
			, E0 = dsE0Default$FP_E0, sdE0 = dsE0Default$FP_E0_sd, RRefNight = dsE0Default$FP_RRef_Night		# from dsRes in debug above
			, controlGLPart = ctrlDefault)
	(thetaDefault <- resDefault$thetaOpt)

	#(thetaOpt <- resOpt$theta)
	dsPred <- data.frame(Rg = seq(0,2000, length.out = 80), Temp = median(dsDay$Temp))
	dsPredOpt <- {
		dsPred$GPP <- lrcFitter$predictLRC( thetaOpt, Rg = dsPred$Rg, VPD = 0, Temp = dsPred$Temp)$GPP
		dsPred$NEP <- lrcFitter$predictLRC( thetaOpt, Rg = dsPred$Rg, VPD = 0, Temp = dsPred$Temp)$NEP
		cbind(scenario = scenConf$scen, dsPred)
	dsPredDefault <- {
		dsPred$GPP <- lrcFitter$predictLRC( thetaDefault, Rg = dsPred$Rg, VPD = 0, Temp = dsPred$Temp)$GPP
		dsPred$NEP <- lrcFitter$predictLRC( thetaDefault, Rg = dsPred$Rg, VPD = 0, Temp = dsPred$Temp)$NEP
		cbind(scenario = "Default", dsPred)
	dsPred <- rbind(dsPredOpt, dsPredDefault)
	#ggplot( dsPred, aes(Rg, GPP)) + geom_line()
	# in paper example DE-Hai, julday %in% (220+(0:4))
	p1 + geom_line(data = dsPred, aes(Rg, GPP, linetype = scenario), color = "black") +
			xlab(bquote('Rg ('*W~m^-2*')')) +
			ylab(bquote(NEP[Obs]*" & "*GPP[mod]*' ('*mu~ 'mol' ~CO[2]~ m^-2~s^-1*')')) +
			theme_bw(base_size = 9) +
			theme(legend.position = c(0.95,0.05), legend.justification = c(1,0))

	p1 + geom_line(data = dsPred, aes(Rg, NEP, linetype = scenario), color = "black") +
			xlab(bquote('Rg ('*W~m^-2*')')) +
			ylab(bquote(NEP[Obs]*' ('*mu~ 'mol' ~CO[2]~ m^-2~s^-1*')')) +
			theme_bw(base_size = 9) +
			theme(legend.position = c(0.95,0.05), legend.justification = c(1,0))

	# on period of high PAR-range, e.g. Yatir, experiment with decreasing dataset to lower bounds
	# result: similar estimates also from constrained dataset -> not not constrain GPP2000, only filter extrem cases
	maxRgs <- c(1200,1000,800,600,400)
	thetaOptRg <- cbind( maxRg = maxRgs, maxRgs, function(maxRg){
										dsDay <- subset(dsDay, Rg <= maxRg)
										resOpt <- resOpt0 <- lrcFitter$fitLRC(dsDay, controlGLPart = ctrlOpt
												, E0 = 120, sdE0 = 50, RRefNight = 3)
										c(nRec = nrow(dsDay), resOpt$thetaOpt)

.tmp.comparePvWaveREddyProc <- function(){
	iRowEst <- which(is.finite(dsResOpt$FP_errorcode))
	parR <- dsResOpt[ iRowEst, c("julday","FP_errorcode","FP_beta","FP_alpha","FP_E0","FP_k","FP_RRef","FP_RRef_Night")]
	names(parR) <- c("julday","FP_errorcode","beta","alpha","E0","k","rb","rbN")
	parP <- dfallPv[ iRowEst, ]
	parP[ parP == -9999] <- NA
	plot( parP$E0 ~ parR$E0 ); abline(0,1)	# large differences
	#plot( Rg_f ~ DateTime, dfall_posix[dfall$night == 1,] )
	plot( parP$beta ~ parR$beta ); abline(0,1)	# large differences

bgctw/REddyProc documentation built on March 26, 2024, 11:35 p.m.