
Defines functions plot_results pca get_int_plot_df plot_color_bars get_cov_color_map ctl_case_trees delete_leaves delete_leaf blank_tree plot_kmeans_dots plot_lines

Documented in plot_lines plot_results

#' Make a filter-labelled line plot
#' @param bug_file a path to a gene family file
#' @param meta_file a path to the corresponding metadata file
#' @param fgf a filtered gene family data frame
#' @param bug_name name of the bug
#' @param subset_line integer gives the number of points to take along the lines
#' @details The required input is either \itemize{ \item{the gene family file and the metadata file}
#'   \item{OR a pre-filtered gene family file}} \code{subset_line} is used to make saving plots
#'   faster. Plotting thousands of lines each with tens of thousands of points along them is too
#'   much visual detail and makes saving the plot very slow. Set \code{subset_line} to 0 to turn off
#'   subsetting.
#' @inheritParams anpan
#' @export
plot_lines = function(bug_file = NULL,
                      meta_file = NULL,
                      omit_na = FALSE,
                      fgf = NULL,
                      bug_name = NULL,
                      plot_ext = "pdf",
                      plot_dir = NULL,
                      subset_line = 200) {

  precomputed = !is.null(fgf)
  to_compute = !is.null(bug_file) & !is.null(meta_file)

  if (!precomputed || to_compute) {
    # filtered gene families
    fgf = read_and_filter(bug_file,
                          covariates = covariates,
                          outcome = outcome,
                                    select_cols = c("sample_id", outcome, covariates),
                                    omit_na = omit_na), pivot_wide = FALSE)

    # bug_name = gsub(".genefamilies.tsv", "", basename(bug_file))

  plot_df = fgf[is.finite(labd)][order(-labd)][, i := 1:(nrow(.SD)), by = sample_id][] |>
    dplyr::mutate(labelled_as = factor(c('poorly covered', 'well covered')[in_right + 1],
                                       levels = c("well covered", "poorly covered")))

  if (subset_line != 0) {
    plot_df = plot_df[,.SD[unique(floor(seq(1, nrow(.SD), length.out = subset_line)))], by = sample_id]

  p = plot_df |>
    ggplot(aes(i, labd)) +
    geom_line(aes(group = sample_id,
                  color = labelled_as),
              alpha = .30) +
    labs(x = "rank",
         y = 'log abundance',
         title = bug_name,
         color = NULL) +
    scale_color_brewer(palette = "Set1") +

  if (!is.null(plot_dir)) {
           filename = file.path(plot_dir, paste0(bug_name, "_labelled_lines.", plot_ext)),
           width = 6, height = 4)


plot_kmeans_dots = function(samp_stats,
                            plot_dir = NULL,
                            bug_name = NULL,
                            was_logged = FALSE,
                            plot_ext = "pdf",
                            genomes_stats = NULL) {

  if (was_logged) {
    scale_x = scale_x_continuous(trans = "log1p")
  } else {
    scale_x = scale_x_continuous()

  na_omit_samp_stats = samp_stats |>

  if (!is.null(genomes_stats)) {
    text_y = min(na_omit_samp_stats$q50) - .1 * sd(na_omit_samp_stats$q50)
    lt_geom = geom_vline(data = genomes_stats,
                         aes(xintercept = lower_threshold),
                         lty = 2,
                         color = "#E41A1C")
    lt_annotate = annotate(geom = "text",
                           x = genomes_stats$lower_threshold,
                           y = text_y,
                           hjust = 1.02,
                           label = genomes_stats$lt_source,
                           color = "#E41A1C")

    mean_geom = geom_vline(data = genomes_stats,
                           aes(xintercept = mean_genes),
                           lty = 1,
                           color = "#E41A1C")
    mean_annotate = annotate(geom = "text",
                             x = genomes_stats$mean_genes,
                             y = text_y,
                             hjust = -.02,
                             label = "Mean genome size",
                             color = "#E41A1C")
    caption_str = paste0(genomes_stats$flipped, " samples marked poorly covered by genome size threshold")
  } else {
    lt_geom = NULL
    lt_annotate = NULL
    mean_geom = NULL
    mean_annotate = NULL
    caption_str = NULL

  p = na_omit_samp_stats |>
    dplyr::mutate(labelled_as = factor(c('poorly covered', 'well covered')[in_right + 1],
                                       levels = c("well covered", "poorly covered"))) |>
    ggplot(aes(n_nz, q50)) +
    lt_geom +
    mean_geom +
    geom_point(aes(color = labelled_as),
               alpha = .5) +
    scale_color_brewer(palette = "Set1") +
    scale_x +
    mean_annotate +
    lt_annotate +
    labs(title = bug_name,
         x = "Number of non-zero observations",
         subtitle = "labelled by kmeans",
         y = 'Median log abundance',
         color = NULL,
         caption = caption_str) +

  if (!is.null(plot_dir)) {
           filename = file.path(plot_dir, paste0(bug_name, "_kmeans.", plot_ext)),
           width = 6, height = 4)


blank_tree = function(clust) {
  ggdendro::ggdendrogram(clust, labels = FALSE, leaf_labels = FALSE) +
    theme(axis.text.x = element_blank(),
          axis.text.y = element_blank(),
          plot.margin = unit(c(0,0,0,0), 'cm')) +
    scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0,0))

delete_leaf = function(tree, leaf_label){

  og_n = length(tree$labels)

  i = which(tree$labels == leaf_label)

  del_row = which(tree$merge == -i, arr.ind = TRUE)
  partner = del_row
  partner[,2] = ifelse(partner[,2] == 1, 2, 1)
  partner_i = tree$merge[partner]

  old_node = del_row[1,1]

  node_row = which(tree$merge == old_node, arr.ind = TRUE)


  new_tree = tree
  new_tree$merge[node_row] = partner_i

  del_i = del_row[1,1]

  new_tree$merge[which(new_tree$merge < -i)] = new_tree$merge[which(new_tree$merge < -i)] + 1

  new_tree$merge = new_tree$merge[-del_i,]

  new_tree$merge[which(new_tree$merge > del_row[1,1])] = new_tree$merge[which(new_tree$merge > del_row[1,1])] - 1

  new_tree$height = new_tree$height[-del_i]

  new_tree$labels = new_tree$labels[-i]

  order_i = which(new_tree$order == i)

  new_tree$order = new_tree$order[-order_i]
  new_tree$order[new_tree$order > i] = new_tree$order[new_tree$order > i] - 1



delete_leaves = function(tree, leaves) {
  # Any pruning function I've been able to find e.g. phylogram::prune() uses a recursive method that
  # overloads the stack on big trees. Just delete one leaf at a time.

  for (i in seq_along(leaves)) {
    n = length(tree$order)
    tree = delete_leaf(tree, leaves[i])
    if (length(tree$order) != (n-1)) stop('order is wrong')


safely_blank_tree = purrr::safely(blank_tree)

ctl_case_trees = function(sample_clust, model_input, outcome) {

  outcome_levels = sort(unique(model_input[[outcome]]))

  ctls = model_input[model_input[[outcome]] == outcome_levels[1]]$sample_id
  cases = model_input[model_input[[outcome]] == outcome_levels[2]]$sample_id

  ctl_dend = sample_clust |>

  case_dend = sample_clust |>

  ctl_tree = ctl_dend |>

  case_tree = case_dend |>

  samp_order = sample_clust$labels[sample_clust$order]

  s_levels = c(samp_order[samp_order %in% ctls],
               samp_order[samp_order %in% cases])

  res = list(ctl_tree,



get_cov_color_map = function(unique_covs, title_pos = 'bottom') {

  # From an online distinct color palette generator:
  pal2 = c("#2f4f4f", "#a52a2a", "#006400", "#ffa500", "#0000ff", "#00ff00",
           "#dda0dd", "#90ee90", "#00008b", "#d2b48c", "#ff0000", "#00ced1",
           "#ffff00", "#000000", "#FFFFFF", "#ff1493")

  disc_guide = guide_legend(title.position = title_pos, title.hjust = .5)
  disc_scales = list(scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Set1",
                                       guide = disc_guide),
                     scale_fill_manual(values = pal2,
                                       guide = disc_guide),
                     scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Dark2",
                                       guide = disc_guide))

  cont_guide = guide_colorbar(title.position = title_pos, title.hjust = .5)
  cont_scales = list(scale_fill_viridis_c(guide = cont_guide),
                     scale_fill_viridis_c(guide = cont_guide,
                                          option = "plasma"),
                     scale_fill_viridis_c(guide = cont_guide,
                                          option = "mako"))

  col_scales = list(discrete = disc_scales,
                    continuous = cont_scales)

  covs = names(unique_covs)

  cov_counts = unique_covs |>
    purrr::imap_dfr(function(.x, .y){tibble(covariate = .y,
                                            is_num = is.numeric(.x),
                                            n_uniq = dplyr::n_distinct(.x))}) |>
    mutate(cov_type = c('discrete', 'continuous')[((n_uniq >= 5 & (is_num)) + 1)]) |>
    group_by(cov_type) |>
    mutate(cov_i = 1:n())

  if (any(cov_counts$cov_i > 3)) {
    warning("Not enough color scales! You can supply at most 3 discrete and/or 3 continuous covariates. Truncating the covariate color bars to the allowable set.")
    cov_counts = cov_counts |>
      dplyr::filter(cov_i <= 3)

  cov_types = cov_counts |>
    ungroup() |>
    mutate(color_scales = map2(cov_type, cov_i,
                               function(.x, .y){col_scales[[.x]][[.y]]}),
           y = 2:(n()+1))


plot_color_bars = function(color_bar_df, model_input,
                           covariates, offset = NULL, outcome, binary_outcome,
                           show_outcome_scale = TRUE,
                           terminal_seg_df = NULL) {

  title_pos = if (is.null(terminal_seg_df)) "bottom" else "top"

  # if offset isn't NULL, just plot it as another covariate
  if (!is.null(offset)) covariates = c(covariates, offset)

  if (binary_outcome) {

    if (!is.logical(color_bar_df[[outcome]])) color_bar_df[[outcome]] = as.logical(color_bar_df[[outcome]])

    outcome_fill_values = c("FALSE" = '#abd9e9', 'TRUE' = '#d73027')

    fill_guide = if (show_outcome_scale) {
      guide_legend(title.position = title_pos, title.hjust = .5)
    } else {

    outcome_fill_scale = scale_fill_manual(values = outcome_fill_values,
                                           guide = fill_guide)
  } else {

    fill_guide = if (show_outcome_scale) {
      guide_legend(title.position = title_pos, title.hjust = .5)
    } else {
    outcome_fill_scale = scale_fill_viridis_c(option = "cividis",
                                              guide = fill_guide)

  coords = coord_cartesian(expand = FALSE)
  labs_obj = labs(y = NULL,
                  x = NULL)
  theme_obj = theme(axis.text.y  = element_blank(),
                    axis.ticks.y = element_blank(),
                    axis.text.x  = element_blank(),
                    axis.ticks.x = element_blank(),
                    panel.border = element_blank())

  if (length(covariates) > 0) {
    unique_covs = model_input |>
      dplyr::select(dplyr::all_of(covariates)) |>
    covariate_color_map = get_cov_color_map(unique_covs, title_pos)

  if (is.null(terminal_seg_df)) {
    x_var = "sample_id"
    x_scale = scale_x_discrete()
  } else {
    # If a terminal segment df is provided, it's being called from plot_outcome_tree()
    x_var = "x"
    x_scale = scale_x_continuous(breaks = 1:nrow(terminal_seg_df),
                                 expand = waiver())
    coords = coord_cartesian()
    theme_obj = theme(axis.text.y      = element_blank(),
                      axis.ticks.y     = element_blank(),
                      axis.text.x      = element_blank(),
                      axis.ticks.x     = element_blank(),
                      panel.border     = element_blank(),
                      panel.grid       = element_blank(),
                      panel.background = element_blank())

    color_bar_df = color_bar_df |>
      dplyr::left_join(terminal_seg_df |> dplyr::select(sample_id = label,
                by = 'sample_id') |>

  base_plot = color_bar_df |>
    ggplot(aes_string(x = x_var)) +
    geom_tile(aes_string(y = 1, fill = outcome)) +
    outcome_fill_scale +
    coords + labs_obj + theme_obj +

  p = base_plot

  for (i in seq_along(covariates)) {
    p = p + ggnewscale::new_scale("fill") +
      geom_tile(aes_string(x = x_var,
                           y = covariate_color_map$y[i],
                           fill = covariate_color_map$covariate[i])) +


get_int_plot_df = function(plot_dat) {

  select_cols = c("estimate", "gene", "std.error", "p.value", grep("q_",
                                                                   value = TRUE))

  int_plot_df = plot_dat[,..select_cols] |>
    unique() |>
    dplyr::mutate(max_val = estimate + 1.96*std.error,
                  min_val = estimate - 1.96*std.error,
                  p_group = dplyr::case_when(p.value < .001 ~ "***",
                                             p.value < .01  ~ "**",
                                             p.value < .05  ~ "*",
                                             p.value < .1   ~ ".",
                                             p.value < 1    ~ " "))

  if (any(grepl("q_", names(plot_dat)))) {
    signif_var = ifelse("q_global" %in% names(int_plot_df),

    int_plot_df$lsignif = -log10(int_plot_df[[signif_var]])


pca = function(mat, k = 10) {
  centered_mat = scale(mat, scale = FALSE)

  svd_res = svd(centered_mat)

  k = min(k, ncol(mat))

  d = diag(svd_res$d)[,1:k]

  res = svd_res$u %*% d

  rownames(res) = rownames(mat)


#' Plot the data for top results
#' @description This funciton makes a tile plot of the top results of a fit alongside another tile
#'   plot showing the covariates included. Optional annotations can be included.
#' @param res a data frame of model results (from \code{anpan}) for the genes of a single bug (i.e.
#'   the output written to *gene_terms.tsv.gz)
#' @param covariates character string of the covariates to show
#' @param outcome character string of the outcome variable
#' @param model_input data frame of the model input
#' @param plot_dir directory to write output to
#' @param bug_name character string giving the name to use in the title/output file
#' @param annotation_file optional path file giving annotations
#' @param plot_ext extension to use for plots
#' @param n_top number of top elements to show from the results
#' @param q_threshold FDR threshold to use for inclusion in the plot.
#' @param beta_threshold Regression coefficient threshold to use for inclusion in the plot. Set to 0
#'   to include everything.
#' @param cluster axis to cluster. either "none", "samples", "genes", or "both"
#' @param show_intervals logical indicating whether to show the interval plot of estimates on the left
#' @param stars logical indicating whether to show significance stars on the
#' @param show_trees logical to show the trees for the samples (if clustered)
#' @param width width of saved plot in inches
#' @param height height of saved plot in inches
#' @details If included, \code{annotation_file} must be a tsv with two columns: "gene" and
#'   "annotation".
#'   \code{n_top} is ignored if \code{q_threshold} is specified.
#'   When \code{cluster = "none"}, the samples are ordered by metadata and the genes are ordered by
#'   statistical significance.
#'   When significance stars are shown, they encode the following (fairly standard) significance
#'   thresholds: p.value < .001 ~ ***, p.value < .01  ~ **, p.value < .05  ~ *, p.value < .1   ~ .,
#'   p.value < 1    ~ " "
#'   If applicable, the Q-value used to color the dot on the interval panel is q_global if present
#'   in the input and q_bug_wise otherwise. That means that you'll get different results if you
#'   compare the output of \code{anpan_batch()} and a manual call to \code{plot_results()} using the
#'   bug-wise results from the \code{model_stats/} output directory. If you'd like to replicate the
#'   \code{anpan_batch()} plots exactly, read in the \code{all_bug_gene_terms.tsv.gz} result from
#'   the top level output directory, then filter it to the bug of interest.
#'   Note that the beta_threshold uses the value of the estimate column directly, so it is
#'   interpreted according to the units of your outcome variable with a continuous outcome, and on
#'   the log-odds scale with a binary outcome. So the default value of 1 is pretty big for a binary
#'   outcome, but if the spread of your continuous outcome variable is ~5 the default value of 1
#'   won't exclude very much.
#' @export
plot_results = function(res, covariates, outcome, model_input,
                        bug_name = NULL,
                        discretize_inputs = TRUE,
                        plot_dir = NULL,
                        annotation_file = NULL,
                        cluster = 'none',
                        show_trees = FALSE,
                        n_top = 50,
                        q_threshold = .1,
                        beta_threshold = 1,
                        show_intervals = TRUE,
                        stars = TRUE,
                        max_anno_width = 70,
                        width = NULL,
                        height = NULL,
                        plot_ext = "pdf") {

  # This function makes the big heatmap plot for a given bug. It creates each subplot with ggplot,
  # then sticks them together with patchwork. There are some common axes between subplots (genes,
  # samples), so it takes some initial steps to define the unique genes/samples that will be shown.

  if ("bug_name" %in% names(res) && dplyr::n_distinct(res$bug_name) > 1) {
    stop("The model results input (res) needs to be results for only a single bug.")

  if (cluster %in% c("none", "genes")) {
    show_trees = FALSE

  if (!is.data.table(res)) res = as.data.table(res)

  if ("p.value" %in% names(res)) res = res[order(p.value)]

  binary_outcome = dplyr::n_distinct(model_input[[outcome]]) == 2

  if (!is.null(annotation_file) && !("annotation" %in% names(res))) {
    anno = fread(annotation_file, header = TRUE) # must have two columns: gene and annotation
  } else {
    anno = NULL

  n_top = min(n_top, dplyr::n_distinct(res$gene))

  if (!is.null(q_threshold) || !is.null(beta_threshold)) {
    signif_var = ifelse("q_global" %in% names(res),
    gene_level_df = res

    if (!(signif_var %in% names(res)) && "p.value" %in% names(res)) {
      signif_var = "q_bug_wise"
      res$q_bug_wise = p.adjust(res$p.value, method = "fdr")

    if (!is.null(   q_threshold)) gene_level_df = gene_level_df[gene_level_df[[signif_var]] <     q_threshold]
    if (!is.null(beta_threshold)) gene_level_df = gene_level_df[abs(estimate)              >=  beta_threshold]

    gene_levels = gene_level_df$gene

    if (length(gene_levels) == 0) {
      threshold_warning_string = paste0("Note: no genes passed the specified thresholds. Displaying the top ", n_top, " genes instead.")
      gene_levels = res[1:n_top,]$gene
      subtitle_str = paste0("Top ", n_top, " hits")
    } else {
      threshold_warning_string = NULL
      subtitle_str = paste0(length(gene_levels), " genes with Q below ", q_threshold, " and abs(coefficient) above ", beta_threshold)
  } else {
    gene_levels = res[1:n_top,]$gene
    threshold_warning_string = NULL
    subtitle_str = paste0("Top ", n_top, " hits")

  # Get the order of the genes
  gene_mat = model_input |>
    dplyr::select('sample_id', all_of(gene_levels)) |>
    tibble::column_to_rownames("sample_id") |>

  gene_mat = 1*gene_mat # convert to numeric

  if (cluster %in% c('genes', 'both') && ncol(gene_mat) > 2) {
    g_clust = hclust(dist(t(gene_mat)))

    gene_levels = colnames(gene_mat)[g_clust$order]

  # Get the order of samples, depending on the specified clustering
  select_cols = c("sample_id", covariates, outcome)

  if (cluster %in% c('samples', 'both') && nrow(gene_mat) > 2) {
    color_bar_df = model_input |>
      dplyr::select(dplyr::all_of(select_cols)) |>

    if (binary_outcome) {

      sample_clust = gene_mat |>
        pca()  |>
        dist() |>

      tree_list = ctl_case_trees(sample_clust,

      ctl_tree  = tree_list[[1]]
      case_tree = tree_list[[2]]
      s_levels  = tree_list[[3]]

      if (is.null(ctl_tree$result) || is.null(case_tree$result)) {
        show_trees = FALSE
        warning(paste0("Group-wise tree plotting failed for bug ", bug_name, " , show_trees set to FALSE."))
      } else {
        ctl_tree = ctl_tree$result
        case_tree = case_tree$result

    } else {
      s_clust = gene_mat |>
        pca() |>
        dist() |>

      s_levels = rownames(gene_mat)[s_clust$order]
      s_tree = safely_blank_tree(s_clust)
      if (is.null(s_tree$result)) {
        warning(paste0("Sample-wise tree plotting failed for bug ", bug_name, " , show_trees set to FALSE."))
        show_trees = FALSE
      } else {
        s_tree = s_tree$result

    color_bar_df$sample_id = factor(color_bar_df$sample_id,
                                    levels = s_levels)
  } else {
    order_cols = c(outcome, rev(covariates))

    color_bar_df = model_input |>
      dplyr::select(dplyr::all_of(select_cols)) |>
      unique() |>
      setorderv(cols = order_cols, na.last = TRUE)

    color_bar_df$sample_id = factor(color_bar_df$sample_id,
                                    levels = unique(color_bar_df$sample_id))

  # Handle fill scale for the central heatmap depending on whether its gene pres/abs or raw
  # gene_labd values.
  if (!discretize_inputs) {
    bug_covariate = "abd"
    fill_scale = scale_fill_viridis_c(option = "magma")
    guide_obj = guides(fill = guide_colorbar(title.position = 'bottom', title.hjust = .5))
  } else {
    bug_covariate = "present"
    fill_scale = scale_fill_manual(values = c("FALSE"  = "dodgerblue4", "TRUE"  = "chartreuse"))
    guide_obj = guides(fill = guide_legend(title.position = 'bottom', title.hjust = .5))

  model_input = data.table::melt(model_input |> dplyr::select(all_of(select_cols), all_of(gene_levels)),
                                 id.vars = c(covariates, outcome, "sample_id"),
                                 variable.name = "gene",
                                 value.name = bug_covariate)

  plot_data = model_input |>
    mutate(gene = factor(gene, levels = gene_levels),
           sample_id = factor(sample_id,
                              levels = levels(color_bar_df$sample_id)))

  if (binary_outcome) {
    n_healthy = sum(color_bar_df[[outcome]] == 0)
    n_case = sum(color_bar_df[[outcome]] == 1)

  anno_plot = plot_color_bars(color_bar_df = color_bar_df,
                              model_input = model_input,
                              covariates = covariates,
                              offset = NULL,
                              outcome = outcome,
                              binary_outcome = binary_outcome)

  if (!is.null(annotation_file) && !("annotation" %in% names(res))) {
    plot_data = as.data.table(res)[anno[plot_data, on = 'gene'], on = 'gene']
  } else {
    plot_data = as.data.table(res)[plot_data, on = 'gene']

  plot_data$sample_id = factor(plot_data$sample_id,
                               levels = levels(color_bar_df$sample_id))
  plot_data$gene = factor(plot_data$gene,
                          levels = rev(gene_levels))

  if (!is.null(annotation_file) || ("annotation" %in% names(res))) {
    plot_data$g_lab = paste(plot_data$gene,
                                               side = "center",
                                               width = max_anno_width),
                            sep = ": ")

    no_annotation = is.na(plot_data$annotation)
    plot_data$g_lab[no_annotation] = as.character(plot_data$gene[no_annotation])

    lab_df = plot_data[,.(gene, g_lab)] |>

    y_scale = scale_y_discrete(breaks = lab_df$gene,
                               labels = lab_df$g_lab,
                               position = 'right')
    if (is.null(width)) {
      width = ifelse(max(nchar(lab_df$g_lab)) > 50,
                     12, 8)
  } else {
    lab_df = plot_data[,.(gene)] |> unique()
    y_scale = scale_y_discrete(breaks = lab_df$gene,
                               position = 'right')
    if (is.null(width)) {
      width = 8

  ns = dplyr::n_distinct(plot_data$sample_id)
  ng = length(gene_levels)

  glab_frac = ifelse(ng > 50,

  if (binary_outcome) {
    continuous_genes = dplyr::n_distinct(gene_mat |> as.vector()) > 2

    line_color = ifelse(continuous_genes,

    black_vline = geom_vline(lwd = .5,
                             color = line_color,
                             xintercept = n_healthy + .5)
  } else {
    black_vline = NULL

  if (!discretize_inputs) {

    if (max(plot_data$abd) > 100*(min(plot_data$abd[plot_data$abd!=0]))) {
      plot_data$abd = log(plot_data$abd)
      plot_data$abd[!is.finite(plot_data$abd)] = NA
      threshold_warning_string = paste0(threshold_warning_string, " Abundance color shown on log scale.")
    heatmap_tile = plot_data |>
      ggplot(aes(y = gene, x = sample_id)) +
      geom_tile(aes(fill = abd)) +
      black_vline +
      fill_scale +
      guide_obj +
      y_scale +
      labs(x = "samples",
           y = NULL) +
      theme(axis.text.x = element_blank(),
            axis.ticks.x = element_blank(),
            panel.border = element_blank(),
            axis.text.y = element_text(size = ggplot2::rel(glab_frac))) +
      coord_cartesian(expand = FALSE)
  } else {
    heatmap_tile = plot_data |>
      mutate(present = as.logical(present)) |>
      ggplot(aes(y = gene, x = sample_id)) +
      geom_tile(aes(fill = present)) +
      black_vline +
      fill_scale +
      guide_obj +
      y_scale +
      labs(x = "samples",
           y = NULL) +
      theme(axis.text.x = element_blank(),
            axis.ticks.x = element_blank(),
            panel.border = element_blank(),
            axis.text.y = element_text(size = ggplot2::rel(glab_frac))) +
      coord_cartesian(expand = FALSE)

  int_plot_df = get_int_plot_df(plot_data)

  est_range = max(int_plot_df$max_val) - min(int_plot_df$min_val)

  star_loc = min(int_plot_df$min_val) - .25*est_range

  if ("lsignif" %in% names(int_plot_df)) {
    point_geom = geom_point(aes(fill = lsignif),
                            pch = 21,
                            color = 'grey10')
  } else {
    point_geom = geom_point(color = 'grey10')

  if (stars) {
    star_geom = geom_text(aes(x = star_loc,
                              y = gene,
                              label = p_group), hjust = 0, vjust = .7)
    x_lo = min(int_plot_df$min_val) - .3*est_range
  } else {
    star_geom = NULL
    x_lo = min(int_plot_df$min_val)

  int_plot = int_plot_df |>
    ggplot(aes(estimate, gene)) +
    geom_segment(aes(y = gene,
                     yend = gene,
                     x = min_val,
                     xend = max_val),
                 color = 'grey20') +
    point_geom +
    geom_vline(xintercept = 0,
               lty = 2,
               color = 'grey70') +
    star_geom +
    xlim(c(min(0, x_lo),
           max(0, max(int_plot_df$max_val)))) +
    labs(fill = expression(paste("-log"[10], "(Q)"))) +
    guides(fill = guide_colorbar(title.position = 'bottom', title.hjust = .5)) +
    scale_fill_viridis_c(option = "plasma") +
    theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = "white",
                                          colour = NA),
          panel.border = element_rect(fill = NA,
                                      colour = "grey70", size = rel(1)),
          panel.grid = element_line(colour = "grey92"),
          panel.grid.major.y = element_blank(),
          axis.text.y = element_blank(),
          axis.ticks.y = element_blank(),
          axis.title.y = element_blank())

  if (binary_outcome && show_trees) {
    n = n_healthy + n_case
    ctl_width =  5 * n_healthy/n
    case_width = 5 * n_case/n
    tree_plot = patchwork::wrap_plots(ctl_tree, case_tree) +
      patchwork::plot_layout(nrow = 1, widths = c(ctl_width, case_width))
  } else if (!binary_outcome && show_trees) {
    n = nrow(gene_mat)
    tree_plot = patchwork::wrap_plots(s_tree) +
      patchwork::plot_layout(nrow = 1, widths = 5)

  title_str = if (!is.null(bug_name)) {
    paste(bug_name, " (n = ", ns, ")", sep = "", collapse = "")
  } else {

  if (show_intervals && !show_trees) {

    design_str = "
    " # lol

    p = patchwork::wrap_plots(anno_plot, heatmap_tile, int_plot,
                              ncol = 2,
                              guides = 'collect',
                              design = design_str) +
      patchwork::plot_annotation(title = title_str,
                                 caption = threshold_warning_string,
                                 subtitle = subtitle_str)
  } else if (show_intervals && show_trees) {

    design_str = "
    " # lol

    p = patchwork::wrap_plots( anno_plot, heatmap_tile, int_plot, tree_plot,
                               guides = 'collect',
                               design = design_str) +
      patchwork::plot_annotation(title = title_str,
                                 caption = threshold_warning_string,
                                 subtitle = subtitle_str)

  } else if (!show_intervals && show_trees) {
    design_str = "
    " # lol

    p = patchwork::wrap_plots( anno_plot, heatmap_tile, tree_plot,
                               guides = 'collect',
                               design = design_str) +
      patchwork::plot_annotation(title = title_str,
                                 caption = threshold_warning_string,
                                 subtitle = subtitle_str)

  } else {
    p = patchwork::wrap_plots(anno_plot, heatmap_tile,
                              ncol = 1,
                              heights = c(1, 11),
                              guides = 'collect') +
      patchwork::plot_annotation(title = title_str,
                                 caption = threshold_warning_string,
                                 subtitle = subtitle_str)

  p = p & theme(legend.position = 'bottom')

  if (!is.null(plot_dir)) {
    if (is.null(height)) height = 10

    file_name = if (!is.null(bug_name)) {
      paste0(bug_name, "_data.", plot_ext)
    } else {
      paste0(basename(tempfile()), "_data.", plot_ext)

    ggsave(plot = p,
           width = width,
           height = height,
           filename = file.path(plot_dir, file_name))



safely_plot_results = purrr::safely(plot_results)

#' Make a p-value histogram
#' @description This function makes a p-value histogram from a collection of
#'   bug:gene glm fits.
#' @param all_bug_terms a data frame of bug:gene glm fits
#' @param out_dir string giving the output directory
#' @param plot_ext string giving the extension to use
#' @details The plot will be written out to \code{p_value_histogram.<ext>}
#'   in the specified output directory. The "aaa" is there for alphabetical
#'   superiority.
#'   If you don't understand the purpose of this type of plot,
#'   \href{http://varianceexplained.org/statistics/interpreting-pvalue-histogram/}{this
#'   blog post by David Robinson} has a lot of helpful information.
#' @export
plot_p_value_histogram = function(all_bug_terms,
                                  out_dir = NULL,
                                  plot_ext = "pdf",
                                  n_bins = 50) {
  p = all_bug_terms |>
    ggplot(aes(`p.value`)) +
    geom_histogram(breaks = seq(0, 1, length.out = n_bins)) +
    labs(title = "p-value histogram for all bug:gene glm fits",
         subtitle = paste0("There are ",
                           dplyr::n_distinct(all_bug_terms$bug_name), " unique bugs, ",
                           dplyr::n_distinct(all_bug_terms$gene), " unique genes, and ",
                           nrow(unique(all_bug_terms[,.(bug_name, gene)])), " bug:gene combinations.")) +

  if (!is.null(out_dir)) {
    ggsave(plot = p,
           filename = file.path(out_dir, paste0("p_value_histogram.", plot_ext)),
           width = 8, height = 6)


#' Plot a correlation matrix
#' Generate a colorful heatmap visualization of a correlation matrix
#' @param cor_mat a correlation matrix
#' @param bug_name a string giving the name of the bug
#' @returns a ggplot of the correlation matrix
#' @export
plot_cor_mat = function(cor_mat,
                        bug_name = NULL) {

  if (!is.null(bug_name)) {
    title_str = paste0(bug_name, " tree\ncorrelation matrix")
  } else {
    title_str = NULL

  cor_mat |>
    as.data.frame() |>
    tibble::rownames_to_column('rn') |>
    tibble::as_tibble() |>
    dplyr::mutate(rn = factor(rn,
                              levels = unique(rn))) |>
    as.data.table() |>
    data.table::melt(id.vars = "rn",
                     variable.name = 'V2',
                     value.name = 'cor') |>
    tibble::as_tibble() |>
    dplyr::mutate(V2 = factor(V2,
                              levels = rev(levels(rn)))) |>
    ggplot(aes(rn, V2)) +
    geom_tile(aes(fill = cor,
                  color = cor)) +
    labs(x = "sample1",
         y = "sample2",
         title = title_str) +
    scale_fill_viridis_c() +
    scale_color_viridis_c() +
    theme(axis.text = element_blank(),
          axis.ticks = element_blank()) +

check_meta = function(model_input,
                      outcome) {

  if (outcome == "y") {
    outcome = "outcome_y" # the tree df uses y as a variable already
    model_input = dplyr::rename(model_input, "outcome_y" = "y")

  if (outcome == "x") {
    outcome = "outcome_x" # the tree df uses x as a variable already
    model_input = dplyr::rename(model_input, "outcome_x" = "x")

  if ("x" %in% covariates) {
    covariates[covariates == "x"] = 'covariate_x'
    model_input = dplyr::rename(model_input, 'covariate_x' = 'x')

  if ("y" %in% covariates) {
    covariates[covariates == "y"] = 'covariate_y'
    model_input = dplyr::rename(model_input, 'covariate_y' = 'y')

  return(list(model_input = model_input,
              covariates  = covariates,
              outcome     = outcome))

#' Plot a tree file showing the outcome variable
#' @description Plot a tree file, and show the outcome variable as a colored dot on the end of each
#'   tip.
#' @details Showing the covariates as color bar annotations isn't supported yet.
#' @param tree_file either a path to a tree file readable by ape::read.tree() or an object of class "phylo" that is already read into R.
#' @param return_tree_df if true, return a list containing 1) the plot, 2) the segment data frame,
#'   and 3) the labelled terminal segment data frame. Otherwise, just return the plot.
#' @param color_bars if true, show color bars below the plot showing the covariates and outcome
#'   variables.
#' @inheritParams anpan_pglmm
#' @export
plot_outcome_tree = function(tree_file,
                             covariates = c("age", "gender"),
                             offset = NULL,
                             outcome = 'crc',
                             omit_na = FALSE,
                             ladderize = TRUE,
                             color_bars = FALSE,
                             verbose = TRUE,
                             trim_pattern = NULL,
                             return_tree_df = FALSE) {

  # if (length(covariates) > 2) {
  #   stop("more than two covariates is currently not supported")
  # }

  olap_list = olap_tree_and_meta(tree_file = tree_file,
                                 meta_file = meta_file,
                                 covariates = covariates,
                                 offset = offset,
                                 outcome = outcome,
                                 omit_na = omit_na,
                                 ladderize = ladderize,
                                 verbose = verbose,
                                 trim_pattern = trim_pattern)

  bug_tree = olap_list[[1]]
  model_input = olap_list[[2]]

  orig_model_input = model_input

  meta_check_result = check_meta(model_input,

  model_input = meta_check_result$model_input
  covariates = meta_check_result$covariates
  outcome = meta_check_result$outcome

  select_cols = c("sample_id", outcome, offset, covariates)

  color_bar_df = model_input |>
    dplyr::select(dplyr::all_of(select_cols)) |>

  binary_outcome = dplyr::n_distinct(model_input[[outcome]]) == 2

  if (dplyr::n_distinct(model_input[[outcome]]) == 2) {
    outcome_color_values = c('#abd9e9', '#d73027')
    names(outcome_color_values) = sort(unique(model_input[[outcome]]))
    outcome_color_scale = scale_color_manual(values = outcome_color_values)
    model_input[[outcome]] = factor(model_input[[outcome]],
                                    levels = names(outcome_color_values))
  } else {
    outcome_color_scale = scale_color_viridis_c(option = "cividis")

  dend_df = ggdendro::dendro_data(bug_tree |> phylogram::as.dendrogram())

  seg_df = dend_df$segments |>

  tip_df = dend_df$labels |>
    as_tibble() |>
    dplyr::select("x", "label")

  terminal_seg_df = seg_df |>
    filter(x == xend & (x %% 1) == 0) |>
    group_by(x) |>
    filter(yend == min(yend)) |>
    ungroup() |>
    left_join(tip_df, by = "x") |> # join on tip labels
    left_join(model_input, by = c("label" = "sample_id")) # join on metadata

  if (color_bars) {
    anno_plot = plot_color_bars(color_bar_df = color_bar_df,
                                model_input = model_input,
                                covariates = covariates,
                                offset = offset,
                                outcome = outcome,
                                binary_outcome = binary_outcome,
                                show_outcome_scale = FALSE,
                                terminal_seg_df = terminal_seg_df)

  n = nrow(model_input)
  leaf_label_size = if (n > 100) 2.33 else 4 # TODO make this more thoughtful

  p = ggplot(seg_df, aes(x = x, y = yend)) +
    geom_segment(aes(x = x, xend = xend,
                     y = y, yend = yend)) +
    geom_point(data = terminal_seg_df,
               aes_string(color = outcome)) +
    outcome_color_scale +
    scale_x_continuous(breaks = 1:nrow(terminal_seg_df),
                       labels = terminal_seg_df$label) +
    theme(axis.title.y = element_blank(),
          axis.title.x = element_blank(),
          axis.ticks.x = element_blank(),
          axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, vjust = .5, hjust = 1,
                                     size = leaf_label_size),
          panel.background = element_blank(),
          panel.grid = element_blank())

  if (nrow(terminal_seg_df) > 150) {
    p$layers[[1]]$aes_params$size = .25

  if (color_bars) {
    p = p / anno_plot + plot_layout(ncol = 1, heights = c(3,1), guides = 'collect')

  if (return_tree_df) {
    return(list(tree_plot = p,
                seg_df = seg_df,
                terminal_seg_df = terminal_seg_df,
                orig_model_input = orig_model_input))
  } else {

#' Plot a tree and the PGLMM posterior on phylogenetic effects
#' @param tree_file either a path to a tree file readable by ape::read.tree() or an object of class
#'   "phylo" that is already read into R.
#' @param fit a pglmm fit from \code{anpan_pglmm()}
#' @param labels the ordered tip labels from the tree
#' @details The whiskers of each box plot are the 90\% posterior intervals, the box is the 50\%
#'   interval, and the middle line is the posterior mean.
#'   The \code{labels} needs to contain the leaf labels \emph{in the order produced by the
#'   Cholesky factorization of the correlation matrix} (which is how the data are passed to the
#'   sampler). This is not necessarily the order of the leaves on the x-axis of the tree, nor the
#'   order of the samples in the metadata. The simplest way to get the sample_ids in the proper
#'   order is to take the \code{sample_id} column from the model_input result from anpan_pglmm().
#' @return either the plot or (if return_tree_df = TRUE) a list containing the plot, the segment df,
#'   the terminal segment df, and the yrep df.
#' @inheritParams plot_outcome_tree
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' # Using the result simulated in the vignette:
#' plot_tree_with_post(tr, metadata,
#'                     fit        = result$pglmm_fit,
#'                     labels     = result$model_input$sample_id,
#'                     outcome    = 'outcome',
#'                     covariate  = 'covariate',
#'                     color_bars = TRUE)
#' }
#' @export
plot_tree_with_post = function(tree_file,
                               covariates = c("age", "gender"),
                               offset = NULL,
                               outcome = 'crc',
                               omit_na = FALSE,
                               ladderize = TRUE,
                               color_bars = FALSE,
                               verbose = TRUE,
                               trim_pattern = NULL,
                               return_tree_df = FALSE) {

  if (verbose) message("Make sure the label order matches the fit object! See ?plot_tree_with_post")

  # Make the base tree plot
  tree_plot = plot_outcome_tree(tree_file,
                                covariates = covariates,
                                offset = offset,
                                outcome = outcome,
                                omit_na = omit_na,
                                ladderize = ladderize,
                                color_bars = color_bars,
                                verbose = verbose,
                                trim_pattern = trim_pattern,
                                return_tree_df = TRUE)

  # Find the metadat that will go on the plot, and check if it overlaps with the labels argument.
  olap_list = olap_tree_and_meta(tree_file = tree_file,
                                 meta_file = meta_file,
                                 covariates = covariates,
                                 offset = offset,
                                 outcome = outcome,
                                 omit_na = omit_na,
                                 ladderize = ladderize,
                                 verbose = verbose,
                                 trim_pattern = trim_pattern)

  meta_sample_ids = olap_list[[2]]$sample_id

  label_meta_overlap = intersect(labels, meta_sample_ids) |> length()

  if (label_meta_overlap < 2) {
    stop("Couldn't find overlapping samples between the metadata sample_id column and the provided labels. You probably didn't provide the labels properly. See the note on how to get the right labels in the Details section of ?plot_tree_with_post alongside an example that uses the simulated data in the vignette.")

  # Compute the posterior summaries and plot. It would be nice for the boxplot quantiles to be
  # adjustable, but that would be a bit finicky.
  post_df = fit$summary(NULL, "mean", ~quantile(., probs = c(.05, .25, .75, .95))) |>
    filter(grepl("^phylo_effect", variable)) |>
    mutate(label = labels)

  post_df = right_join(x = tree_plot$terminal_seg_df, y = post_df, by = 'label') |>
    mutate(variable_i = 1:(nrow(tree_plot$terminal_seg_df)))

  post_plot = post_df |>
    ggplot(aes(variable_i, mean)) +
    geom_hline(yintercept = 0,
               lty = 2,
               color = 'grey40') +
    geom_boxplot(stat = 'identity',
                 aes(group  = variable_i,
                     ymin   = `5%`,
                     ymax   = `95%`,
                     middle = mean,
                     lower  = `25%`,
                     upper  = `75%`)) +
    theme_light() +
    scale_x_continuous(breaks = 1:(nrow(tree_plot$terminal_seg_df)),
                       labels = post_df$label) +
    theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90,
                                     size  = 3.5,
                                     vjust = .5,
                                     hjust = 1),
          panel.grid.major.x = element_blank(),
          panel.grid.minor.x = element_blank()) +
    labs(y = "phylo_effect posterior",
         x = NULL)

  if (nrow(tree_plot$terminal_seg_df) > 150) {
    post_plot$layers[[2]]$aes_params$size = .25

  if (color_bars) {
    top_plot = tree_plot$tree_plot[[1]] + theme(axis.text.x = element_blank())
    color_bar_plot = tree_plot$tree_plot[[2]]

    p = top_plot + color_bar_plot + post_plot + plot_layout(ncol = 1,
                                                            heights = c(3,1,1),
                                                            guides = "collect")
  } else {
    top_plot = tree_plot$tree_plot + theme(axis.text.x = element_blank())
    p = (top_plot) / post_plot + plot_layout(heights = c(3,1),
                                             guides = 'collect')

  if (return_tree_df) {
    return(list(tree_with_post  = p,
                seg_df          = tree_plot$seg_df,
                terminal_seg_df = tree_plot$terminal_seg_df,
                post_df         = post_df))
  } else {

#' Plot a tree and the PGLMM posterior predictive
#' @param fit a pglmm fit from \code{anpan_pglmm()}
#' @param labels the ordered tip labels from the tree
#' @details The whiskers of each box plot are the 90% posterior intervals, the
#'   box is the 50% interval, and the middle line is the posterior mean. In the
#'   case of binary outcomes, the dot for each leaf represents the mean of the
#'   posterior predictions (which is a proportion).
#' @return either the plot or (if return_tree_df = TRUE) a list containing the
#'   plot, the segment df, the terminal segment df, and the yrep df.
#' @inheritParams plot_outcome_tree
#' @export
plot_tree_with_post_pred = function(tree_file,
                                    covariates = c("age", "gender"),
                                    offset = NULL,
                                    outcome = 'crc',
                                    omit_na = FALSE,
                                    ladderize = TRUE,
                                    color_bars = FALSE,
                                    verbose = TRUE,
                                    trim_pattern = NULL,
                                    return_tree_df = FALSE) {

  if (verbose) message("Make sure the label order matches the fit object! See ?plot_tree_with_post")

  tree_plot = plot_outcome_tree(tree_file,
                                covariates = covariates,
                                offset = offset,
                                outcome = outcome,
                                omit_na = omit_na,
                                ladderize = ladderize,
                                color_bars = color_bars,
                                verbose = verbose,
                                trim_pattern = trim_pattern,
                                return_tree_df = TRUE)

  model_input = tree_plot$orig_model_input

  meta_check_result = check_meta(model_input,

  model_input = meta_check_result$model_input
  covariates = meta_check_result$covariates
  outcome = meta_check_result$outcome

  # if (!all(labels == tree_plot$terminal_seg_df$label)) {
  #   stop('Mismatch between yrep ordering and tree label ordering. This should never happen.')
  # }

  yrep_draws = fit$draws(format = "draws_df") |>
    tibble::as_tibble() |>

  if (dplyr::n_distinct(tree_plot$terminal_seg_df[[outcome]]) == 2) {
    yrep_df = yrep_draws  |>
      posterior::summarise_draws(mean) |>
      mutate(sample_id = labels) |>
      dplyr::rename(`y_rep` = mean)

    yrep_df = left_join(tree_plot$terminal_seg_df, yrep_df, by = c("label" = "sample_id")) |>
      dplyr::rename('sample_id' = label) |>
      mutate(variable = factor(variable,
                               levels = variable)) |>
      select(variable, y_rep, all_of(outcome), sample_id, x) |>
      dplyr::rename(y = all_of(outcome))

    # V plot_outcome_tree() made the outcome a factor, need it to be a numeric
    # so we can have it on a continuous scale with the y / y_rep legend.
    yrep_df$y = as.numeric(yrep_df$y) - 1

    yrep_df = yrep_df |>
      as.data.table() |>
      data.table::melt(measure.vars = c("y_rep", "y"),
                       variable.name = 'y_type',
                       value.name = 'value') |>
      tibble::as_tibble() |>
      mutate(y_type = factor(y_type,
                             levels = c("y_rep", "y")))

    yrep_plot = ggplot(yrep_df,
                       aes(x = x)) +
      geom_point(aes(y = value,
                     alpha = y_type)) +
      scale_x_continuous(labels = tree_plot$terminal_seg_df$label,
                         breaks = tree_plot$terminal_seg_df$x) +
      scale_alpha_discrete(range = c(.25, 1)) +
      theme(axis.title = element_blank(),
            axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, vjust = .5, hjust = 1,
                                       size = 3.5),
            panel.grid = element_blank(),
            panel.background = element_blank()) +
      labs(alpha = NULL)

  } else {
    yrep_df = yrep_draws |>
                                 q = ~quantile(.x, probs = c(.25, .75))) |>
      mutate(sample_id = labels)

    yrep_df = left_join(tree_plot$terminal_seg_df, yrep_df, by = c("label" = "sample_id")) |>
      mutate(variable = factor(variable,
                               levels = variable)) |>
      arrange(variable) |>
      mutate(variable_i = 1:(nlevels(variable)))

    yrep_plot = ggplot(yrep_df, aes(x = variable_i)) +
      geom_hline(lty = 2,
                 color = 'grey80',
                 yintercept = mean(tree_plot$terminal_seg_df[[outcome]])) +
      geom_boxplot(aes(ymin = q5,
                       lower = `25%`,
                       middle = mean,
                       upper = `75%`,
                       ymax = q95,
                       group = variable_i),
                   stat = 'identity') +
      geom_point(aes_string(y = outcome,
                            color = outcome)) +
      scale_color_viridis_c() +
      scale_x_continuous(breaks = 1:(nlevels(yrep_df$variable)),
                         labels = tree_plot$terminal_seg_df$label,
                         expand = waiver()) +
      labs(y = paste0(outcome, "\n posterior predictive")) +
      theme(axis.title.x = element_blank(),
            axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, vjust = .5, hjust = 1,
                                       size = 3),
            panel.grid = element_blank(),
            panel.background = element_blank())

    if (nrow(yrep_df) > 150) {
      yrep_plot$layers[[2]]$aes_params$size = .25


  if (color_bars) {
    top_plot = tree_plot$tree_plot[[1]]
  } else {
    top_plot = tree_plot$tree_plot

  tree_no_labels = top_plot +
    theme(axis.text.x = element_blank(),
          axis.ticks.x = element_blank())

  if (color_bars) {
    color_bar_panel = tree_plot$tree_plot[[2]]
    tree_with_post_pred = tree_no_labels + color_bar_panel + yrep_plot +
      plot_layout(heights = c(3,1,1),
                  ncol = 1,
                  guides = "collect")
  } else {
    tree_with_post_pred = tree_no_labels / yrep_plot + plot_layout(heights = c(3,1),
                                                                   guides = "collect")

  if (return_tree_df) {
    return(list(tree_with_post_pred = tree_with_post_pred,
                seg_df = tree_plot$seg_df,
                terminal_seg_df = tree_plot$terminal_seg_df,
                yrep_df = yrep_df))
  } else {

get_corners = function(x,y){
  p5 = .5 # one over
  res = matrix(byrow = TRUE,
               c(x + p5,      y,
                 x     , y + p5,
                 x - p5,     y,
                 x     , y - p5),
               ncol = 2)
  colnames(res) = c("cx", "cy")

#' Plot a rotated half correlation matrix
#' @description Plot the lower triangle of a correlation matrix
#' @param cor_mat a correlation matrix (must have dimnames)
#' @param border_width width parameter of the border around each cell.
#' @details If you see a thin, pixel-width grey border around each cell, try setting border_width =
#'   0.1 or so, depending on your output resolution.
#'   No checks are made on the order of the columns. If you want the order to line up with another
#'   plot, you'll need to check the input manually beforehand.
#' @return a ggplot of the lower triangle of the matrix.
#' @export
plot_half_cor_mat = function(cor_mat,
                             border_width = 0) {

  if (is.null(colnames(cor_mat))) stop("The correlation matrix must have column names.")

  samples = colnames(cor_mat)
  n = length(samples)

  lower_tri_df = data.table(t(combn(samples,2)),
                            correlation = cor_mat[lower.tri(cor_mat)]) |>
    rbind(data.table(V1 = samples,
                     V2 = samples,
                     correlation = 1))
  col_df = data.table(V1 = samples,
                      V1_i = 1:n)
  row_df = data.table(V2 = rev(samples),
                      V2_i = 1:n)
  lower_tri_coords = expand.grid(V1 = colnames(cor_mat), V2 = colnames(cor_mat)) |>

  coord_df = lower_tri_coords[col_df, on = "V1"][row_df, on = "V2"][lower_tri_df, on = c("V1", "V2"), nomatch = 0]

  # Get the transformation matrix from three example points:
  in_pts = matrix(c(1, 1,   1, # intercept column
                    1, n,   1,
                    n, 1, n-1),
                  3, 3)
  out_pts = matrix(c(1,   n,  1.5,
                     -1, -1, -1.5),
  trans_mat = solve(in_pts, out_pts)
  in_coords = cbind(rep(1, nrow(coord_df)),
                    as.matrix(coord_df[,.(V1_i, V2_i)]))

  out_coords = in_coords %*% trans_mat
  colnames(out_coords) = c("x", "y")

  coord_df = cbind(coord_df, out_coords)
  coord_df[,`:=`(      i = .I,
                       corners = mapply(get_corners, x, y, SIMPLIFY = FALSE))]

  plot_input = coord_df[,rbindlist(corners), by = list(i, correlation)]

  # You can get rid of the thin borders by mapping color as well, but then the thickness of the
  # borders ("size = .1") can make the edges look ragged if the thickness isn't perfect.
  plot_input |>
    ggplot(aes(cx, cy)) +
    geom_polygon(aes(group = i,
                     fill = correlation,
                     color = correlation),
                 size = border_width) +
    scale_fill_viridis_c() +
    scale_color_viridis_c() +
    theme_void() +

#' Plot the ELPD difference interval
#' @param anpan_pglmm_res a result from \code{anpan_pglmm} or \code{anpan_pglmm_batch}
#' @param probs the probability to cover in the inner and outer intervals
#' @param color_category an optional string giving the name of the column in the input for a
#'   categorical variable used to color the intervals
#' @param verbose verbose
#' @details The validity of the intervals shown in the plot hinges on the normality approximation of
#'   the loo model comparison. See the [Cross validation
#'   FAQ](https://mc-stan.org/loo/articles/online-only/faq.html#se_diff) for more details.
#'   For batch results, you can set the \code{input_file} column to a factor to alter the vertical
#'   sorting of input files. By default it sorts according to ELPD difference.
#'   If you only want to highlight a subset of intervals with colors, set the \code{color_category}
#'   variable to NA for all other entries.
#' @export
plot_elpd_diff = function(anpan_pglmm_res,
                          probs = c(.5, .95),
                          color_category = NULL,
                          verbose = TRUE) {

  is_batch = is.data.frame(anpan_pglmm_res)

  if (is_batch) {
    p = plot_elpd_diff_batch(anpan_pglmm_res,
                             probs = probs,
                             color_category = color_category)

  comp_mat = anpan_pglmm_res$loo$comparison[2,,drop =FALSE]

  if (rownames(comp_mat)[1] == "base_fit") {
    comp_mat[1,1] = -1 * comp_mat[1,1]
    if (verbose) message("The PGLMM has better predictive performance.")
  } else {
    if (verbose) message("The PGLMM has worse predictive performance.")

  comp_df = comp_mat |>

  seg_df = tibble::tibble(ed   = comp_df$elpd_diff,
                          mult = qnorm(1 - (1 - sort(probs))/2),
                          lo   = ed - mult * comp_df$se_diff,
                          hi   = ed + mult * comp_df$se_diff)

  p = comp_df |>
    ggplot(aes(elpd_diff, y = 1)) +
    geom_vline(xintercept = 0,
               color = 'grey50',
               lty = 2) +
    geom_segment(data = seg_df[2,],
                 aes(y    = 1,
                     yend = 1,
                     x    = lo,
                     xend = hi)) +
    geom_segment(data = seg_df[1,],
                 aes(y    = 1,
                     yend = 1,
                     x    = lo,
                     xend = hi),
                 lwd = 2,
                 color = "#9b4a60") +
    geom_point(size = 2.5) +
    geom_point(size = 1.5,
               color = 'white') +
    labs(x = expression("PGLMM ELPD difference")) +
    theme_light() +
    theme(axis.title.y = element_blank(),
          axis.ticks.y = element_blank(),
          axis.text.y  = element_blank(),
          panel.grid.major.y = element_blank(),
          panel.grid.minor.y = element_blank())


loo_to_df = function(loo_res) {
  loo_res$comparison |>
    as.data.frame() |>
    tibble::rownames_to_column("model") |>
    tibble::as_tibble() |>
    mutate(n = ncol(loo_res$pglmm_ll_df))

plot_elpd_diff_batch = function(anpan_pglmm_res,
                                probs = c(.5, .95),
                                color_category = NULL,
                                verbose = TRUE) {

  mult = qnorm(1 - (1 - sort(probs))/2)

  loo_df = anpan_pglmm_res |>
    filter(!is.na(elpd_diff)) |>
    select(input_file, loo) |>
    mutate(loo_comp = map(loo, loo_to_df)) |>
    select(-loo) |>

  plot_input = loo_df[,rbindlist(loo_comp), by = input_file]  |>
    tibble::as_tibble() |>
    group_by(input_file) |>
    summarise(best_model = model[1],
              elpd_diff = case_when(model[1] == "pglmm_fit" ~ -1 * elpd_diff[2],
                                    TRUE ~ elpd_diff[2]),
              se_diff = se_diff[2],
              n = n[1]) |>
    mutate(inner_lo = elpd_diff - mult[1] * se_diff,
           inner_hi = elpd_diff + mult[1] * se_diff,
           outer_lo = elpd_diff - mult[2] * se_diff,
           outer_hi = elpd_diff + mult[2] * se_diff)

  if (!is.null(color_category) && color_category %in% names(anpan_pglmm_res)) {

    plot_input = left_join(plot_input,
                           anpan_pglmm_res |> select(input_file, tidyselect::all_of(color_category)),
                           by = "input_file")

    if (is.factor(anpan_pglmm_res$input_file)) {

      # TODO add n onto the plot in this label
      plot_input$input_file = factor(plot_input$input_file,
                                     levels = levels(anpan_pglmm_res$input_file))

  if (!is.factor(plot_input$input_file)) {
    plot_input = plot_input |> arrange(elpd_diff)
    plot_input$input_file = factor(plot_input$input_file,
                                   levels = plot_input$input_file)

  if (!is.null(color_category) && color_category %in% names(anpan_pglmm_res)) {

    inner_interval = geom_segment(aes_string(yend  = "input_file",
                                             x     = "inner_lo",
                                             xend  = "inner_hi",
                                             color = color_category),
                                  lwd = 2)

    big_dot = geom_point(size = 2.5,
                         aes_string(color = color_category))

  } else {
    inner_interval = geom_segment(aes(yend = input_file,
                                      x    = inner_lo,
                                      xend = inner_hi),
                                  lwd = 2,
                                  color = "#9b4a60")

    big_dot = geom_point(size = 2.5)

         aes(x = elpd_diff,
             y = input_file)) +
    geom_vline(xintercept = 0,
               color = 'grey50',
               lty = 2) +
    geom_segment(aes(yend = input_file,
                     x    = outer_lo,
                     xend = outer_hi)) +
    inner_interval +
    big_dot +
    geom_point(size = 1.5,
               color = 'white') +
    scale_color_brewer(palette = "Set1",
                       na.value = "grey40") +
    labs(x = expression("PGLMM ELPD difference"),
         color = NULL) +
    theme_light() +
    theme(axis.title.y = element_blank(),
          panel.grid.major.y = element_blank(),
          panel.grid.minor.y = element_blank())
biobakery/anpan documentation built on Aug. 14, 2024, 8:19 a.m.