init_env(quiet = TRUE)
map <- world(xrange = c(0, 3500), yrange = c(0, 700), landscape = "blank")
N <- 100; y <- 350; r <- 240
p1 <- population("pop1", time = 1, N = N, map = map, center = c(750, y), radius = r)
p2 <- population("pop2", parent = p1, time = 2, N = N, map = map, center = c(1750, y), radius = r)
res <- 1
desc <- "Test model without CRS"
model_dir <- file.path(tempdir(), "ts")
model <- compile_model(
populations = list(p1, p2),
generation_time = 1, resolution = res, simulation_length = 300,
competition = 10, mating = 10, dispersal = 5,
path = model_dir, overwrite = TRUE, force = TRUE,
description = desc
samples <- rbind(
schedule_sampling(model, times = 2, list(p1, 2), list(p2, 2)),
schedule_sampling(model, times = 300, list(p1, 10), list(p2, 10))
slim_ts <- normalizePath(tempfile(fileext = ".trees"), winslash = "/", mustWork = FALSE)
msprime_ts <- normalizePath(tempfile(fileext = ".trees"), winslash = "/", mustWork = FALSE)
locations_file <- normalizePath(tempfile(fileext = ".gz"), winslash = "/", mustWork = FALSE)
slim(model, sequence_length = 100000, recombination_rate = 0,
locations = locations_file, burnin = 0,
method = "batch", random_seed = 314159,
samples = samples, verbose = FALSE) %>% ts_write(slim_ts)
msprime(model, sequence_length = 100000, recombination_rate = 0,
random_seed = 314159, samples = samples, verbose = FALSE) %>% ts_write(msprime_ts)
test_that("ts_read fails gracefully on incorrect filename", {
expect_error(ts <- ts_read(model, file = paste0(msprime_ts, "blah")), "File not found")
test_that("ts_read generates an object of the correct type (SLiM)", {
ts <- ts_read(model, file = slim_ts) %>% ts_recapitate(Ne = 1, recombination_rate = 0) %>% ts_simplify()
expect_true(inherits(ts, "tskit.trees.TreeSequence"))
test_that("unnecessary recapitation is prevented (msprime)", {
ts_read(model, file = msprime_ts) %>% ts_recapitate(Ne = 1, recombination_rate = 0),
"There is no need to recapitate"
test_that("ts_read generates an object of the correct type (msprime)", {
ts <- ts_read(model, file = msprime_ts)
expect_true(inherits(ts, "tskit.trees.TreeSequence"))
test_that("ts_write and ts_read result in the same tree sequence (SLiM)", {
ts1 <- ts_read(model, file = slim_ts)
file <- paste0(tempfile(), "_slim.trees")
ts_write(ts1, file)
ts2 <- ts_read(model, file = file)
data1 <- ts_nodes(ts1); data2 <- ts_nodes(ts2)
samples1 <- ts_samples(ts1); samples2 <- ts_samples(ts2)
expect_equal(data1, data2)
expect_equal(samples1, samples2)
test_that("ts_write and ts_read result in the same tree sequence (msprime)", {
ts1 <- ts_read(model, file = msprime_ts)
file <- paste0(tempfile(), "_msprime.trees")
ts_write(ts1, file)
ts2 <- ts_read(model, file = file)
data1 <- ts_nodes(ts1); data2 <- ts_nodes(ts2)
samples1 <- ts_samples(ts1); samples2 <- ts_samples(ts2)
expect_equal(data1, data2)
expect_equal(samples1, samples2)
test_that("tree sequence contains the right number of sampled individuals (SLiM)", {
ts <- ts_read(model, file = slim_ts) %>% ts_recapitate(Ne = 1, recombination_rate = 0) %>%
counts <- ts_nodes(ts) %>%
dplyr::filter(sampled) %>%
dplyr::as_tibble() %>%
dplyr::distinct(ind_id, time, pop) %>%
dplyr::count(time, pop)
expect_true(all(counts == samples[, c("time", "pop", "n")]))
test_that("locations and times in the tree sequence match values saved by SLiM", {
ts <- ts_read(model, file = slim_ts) %>% ts_recapitate(Ne = 1, recombination_rate = 0) %>% ts_simplify()
individuals <- ts_nodes(ts) %>% dplyr::filter(sampled) %>% dplyr::distinct(ind_id, .keep_all = TRUE)
true_locations <- readr::read_tsv(locations_file, col_types = "iicidd") %>%
dplyr::mutate(time = convert_slim_time(gen, model))
joined <- dplyr::inner_join(individuals, true_locations,
by = c("pedigree_id" = "ind")) %>%
dplyr::mutate(location_x = as.vector(sf::st_coordinates(location)[, 1]),
location_y = as.vector(sf::st_coordinates(location)[, 2])) %>%
# for some reason the values differ in terms of decimal digits saved?
# but they *are* equal
expect_true(all.equal(joined$x, joined$location_x, tolerance = 1e-5))
expect_true(all.equal(joined$y, joined$location_y, tolerance = 1e-5))
expect_true(all.equal(joined$time.x, joined$time.y))
test_that("extracted individual, node, edge, and mutation counts match the tree sequence (SLiM)", {
ts1 <- ts_read(model, file = slim_ts)
table1 <- ts_nodes(ts1)
ts2 <- ts_read(model, file = slim_ts) %>% ts_recapitate(Ne = 1000, recombination_rate = 0)
table2 <- ts_nodes(ts2)
ts3 <- ts_read(model, file = slim_ts) %>% ts_recapitate(Ne = 1000, recombination_rate = 0) %>% ts_simplify()
table3 <- ts_nodes(ts3)
suppressWarnings(ts4 <- ts_read(model, file = slim_ts) %>% ts_recapitate(Ne = 1000, recombination_rate = 0) %>% ts_mutate(mutation_rate = 1e-6))
table4 <- ts_nodes(ts4)
expect_true(ts1$num_individuals == sum(!$ind_id))))
expect_true(ts2$num_individuals == sum(!$ind_id))))
expect_true(ts3$num_individuals == sum(!$ind_id))))
expect_true(ts4$num_individuals == sum(!$ind_id))))
expect_true(ts1$num_nodes == nrow(table1))
expect_true(ts2$num_nodes == nrow(table2))
expect_true(ts3$num_nodes == nrow(table3))
expect_true(ts4$num_nodes == nrow(table4))
expect_true(all(sort(table1$node_id) == seq(0, ts1$num_nodes - 1)))
expect_true(all(sort(table2$node_id) == seq(0, ts2$num_nodes - 1)))
expect_true(all(sort(table3$node_id) == seq(0, ts3$num_nodes - 1)))
expect_true(all(sort(table4$node_id) == seq(0, ts4$num_nodes - 1)))
expect_true(all(sort(unique(table1$ind_id)) == seq(0, ts1$num_individuals - 1)))
expect_true(all(sort(unique(table2$ind_id)) == seq(0, ts2$num_individuals - 1)))
expect_true(all(sort(unique(table3$ind_id)) == seq(0, ts3$num_individuals - 1)))
expect_true(all(sort(unique(table4$ind_id)) == seq(0, ts4$num_individuals - 1)))
expect_true(ts1$num_edges == nrow(ts_table(ts1, "edges")))
expect_true(ts2$num_edges == nrow(ts_table(ts2, "edges")))
expect_true(ts3$num_edges == nrow(ts_table(ts3, "edges")))
expect_true(ts4$num_edges == nrow(ts_table(ts4, "edges")))
expect_true(ts1$num_mutations == nrow(ts_table(ts1, "mutations")))
expect_true(ts2$num_mutations == nrow(ts_table(ts2, "mutations")))
expect_true(ts3$num_mutations == nrow(ts_table(ts3, "mutations")))
expect_true(ts4$num_mutations == nrow(ts_table(ts4, "mutations")))
test_that("extracted individual, node, edge, and mutation counts match the tree sequence (msprime)", {
# this is not a super useful test as no recapitation or simplification would
# be performed -- but a good sanity check to enforce that ts1 == ts2 == ts3
ts1 <- ts_read(model, file = msprime_ts)
table1 <- ts_nodes(ts1)
suppressWarnings(ts2 <- ts_read(model, file = msprime_ts) %>% ts_recapitate(Ne = 1000, recombination_rate = 0))
table2 <- ts_nodes(ts2)
suppressWarnings(ts3 <- ts_read(model, file = msprime_ts) %>% ts_recapitate(Ne = 1000, recombination_rate = 0) %>% ts_simplify())
table3 <- ts_nodes(ts3)
suppressWarnings(ts4 <- ts_read(model, file = msprime_ts) %>% ts_recapitate(Ne = 1000, recombination_rate = 0) %>% ts_simplify() %>% ts_mutate(mutation_rate = 1e-6))
table4 <- ts_nodes(ts4)
expect_true(ts1$num_individuals == sum(!$ind_id))))
expect_true(ts2$num_individuals == sum(!$ind_id))))
expect_true(ts3$num_individuals == sum(!$ind_id))))
expect_true(ts4$num_individuals == sum(!$ind_id))))
expect_true(ts1$num_nodes == nrow(table1))
expect_true(ts2$num_nodes == nrow(table2))
expect_true(ts3$num_nodes == nrow(table3))
expect_true(ts4$num_nodes == nrow(table4))
expect_true(all(sort(table1$node_id) == seq(0, ts1$num_nodes - 1)))
expect_true(all(sort(table2$node_id) == seq(0, ts2$num_nodes - 1)))
expect_true(all(sort(table3$node_id) == seq(0, ts3$num_nodes - 1)))
expect_true(all(sort(table4$node_id) == seq(0, ts4$num_nodes - 1)))
expect_true(all(sort(unique(table1$ind_id)) == seq(0, ts1$num_individuals - 1)))
expect_true(all(sort(unique(table2$ind_id)) == seq(0, ts2$num_individuals - 1)))
expect_true(all(sort(unique(table3$ind_id)) == seq(0, ts3$num_individuals - 1)))
expect_true(all(sort(unique(table4$ind_id)) == seq(0, ts4$num_individuals - 1)))
expect_true(ts1$num_edges == nrow(ts_table(ts1, "edges")))
expect_true(ts2$num_edges == nrow(ts_table(ts2, "edges")))
expect_true(ts3$num_edges == nrow(ts_table(ts3, "edges")))
expect_true(ts4$num_edges == nrow(ts_table(ts4, "edges")))
expect_true(ts1$num_mutations == nrow(ts_table(ts1, "mutations")))
expect_true(ts2$num_mutations == nrow(ts_table(ts2, "mutations")))
expect_true(ts3$num_mutations == nrow(ts_table(ts3, "mutations")))
expect_true(ts4$num_mutations == nrow(ts_table(ts4, "mutations")))
expect_true(ts1 == ts2)
# the following is no longer true because simplification must remove potential unary nodes,
# at the very least
# expect_true(ts1 == ts3)
test_that("simplification works only for samples that are really present", {
msg <- "The following individuals are not present"
expect_error(ts_read(model, file = slim_ts) %>% ts_recapitate(Ne = 1, recombination_rate = 0) %>% ts_simplify(simplify_to = "xyz"), msg)
expect_error(ts_read(model, file = msprime_ts) %>% ts_simplify(simplify_to = "xyz"), msg)
test_that("simplification retains only specified samples (SLiM)", {
simplify_to <- c("pop1_1", "pop1_2", "pop2_7")
ts <- ts_read(model, file = slim_ts) %>%
ts_recapitate(Ne = 1, recombination_rate = 0) %>%
ts_simplify(simplify_to = simplify_to)
df_samples <- ts_samples(ts) %>% dplyr::arrange(name, time)
df_data <- ts_nodes(ts) %>% stats::na.omit() %>% dplyr::distinct(name, .keep_all = TRUE) %>% dplyr::arrange(name, time)
expect_true(all(df_data$name == df_samples$name))
expect_true(all(df_data$time == df_samples$time))
expect_true(all(df_data$pop == df_samples$pop))
suppressWarnings(ts2 <- ts_read(model, file = slim_ts) %>%
ts_recapitate(recombination_rate = 0, Ne = 1))
simplify_to <- sample(ts_samples(ts2)$name, 10)
ts2 <- ts_simplify(ts2, simplify_to = simplify_to)
df_samples2 <- ts_samples(ts2) %>% dplyr::arrange(name, time)
df_data2 <- ts_nodes(ts2) %>% stats::na.omit() %>% dplyr::distinct(name, .keep_all = TRUE) %>% dplyr::arrange(name, time)
expect_true(all(df_data2$name == df_samples2$name))
expect_true(all(df_data2$time == df_samples2$time))
expect_true(all(df_data2$pop == df_samples2$pop))
test_that("simplification retains only specified samples (msprime)", {
simplify_to <- c("pop1_1", "pop1_2", "pop2_7")
ts <- ts_read(model, file = msprime_ts) %>% ts_simplify(simplify_to = simplify_to)
df_samples <- ts_samples(ts) %>% dplyr::arrange(name, time)
df_data <- ts_nodes(ts) %>% stats::na.omit() %>% dplyr::distinct(name, .keep_all = TRUE) %>% dplyr::arrange(name, time)
expect_true(all(df_data$name == df_samples$name))
expect_true(all(df_data$time == df_samples$time))
expect_true(all(df_data$pop == df_samples$pop))
suppressWarnings(ts2 <- ts_read(model, file = msprime_ts) %>% ts_recapitate(recombination_rate = 0, Ne = 1))
simplify_to <- sample(ts_samples(ts2)$name, 10)
ts2 <- ts_simplify(ts2, simplify_to = simplify_to)
df_samples2 <- ts_samples(ts2) %>% dplyr::arrange(name, time)
df_data2 <- ts_nodes(ts2) %>% stats::na.omit() %>% dplyr::distinct(name, .keep_all = TRUE) %>% dplyr::arrange(name, time)
expect_true(all(df_data2$name == df_samples2$name))
expect_true(all(df_data2$time == df_samples2$time))
expect_true(all(df_data2$pop == df_samples2$pop))
test_that("ts_samples() names match ts_nodes() information (SLiM)", {
simplify_to <- c("pop1_1", "pop1_2", "pop2_7")
ts1 <- ts_read(model, file = slim_ts) %>% ts_recapitate(Ne = 1, recombination_rate = 0)
ts2 <- ts_read(model, file = slim_ts) %>% ts_recapitate(Ne = 1000, recombination_rate = 0)
ts3 <- ts_read(model, file = slim_ts) %>% ts_recapitate(Ne = 1, recombination_rate = 0) %>%
ts_simplify(simplify_to = simplify_to)
simplify_to <- sample(ts_samples(ts1)$name, 10)
ts4 <- ts_simplify(ts1, simplify_to = simplify_to)
df_samples1 <- ts_samples(ts1) %>% dplyr::arrange(name, time)
df_data1 <- ts_nodes(ts1) %>% stats::na.omit() %>% dplyr::distinct(name, .keep_all = TRUE) %>% dplyr::arrange(name, time) %>%
expect_true(all(df_data1$name == df_samples1$name))
expect_true(all(df_data1$time == df_samples1$time))
expect_true(all(df_data1$pop == df_samples1$pop))
df_samples2 <- ts_samples(ts2) %>% dplyr::arrange(name, time)
df_data2 <- ts_nodes(ts2) %>% stats::na.omit() %>% dplyr::distinct(name, .keep_all = TRUE) %>% dplyr::arrange(name, time) %>%
expect_true(all(df_data2$name == df_samples2$name))
expect_true(all(df_data2$time == df_samples2$time))
expect_true(all(df_data2$pop == df_samples2$pop))
df_samples3 <- ts_samples(ts3) %>% dplyr::arrange(name, time)
df_data3 <- ts_nodes(ts3) %>% stats::na.omit() %>% dplyr::distinct(name, .keep_all = TRUE) %>% dplyr::arrange(name, time) %>%
expect_true(all(df_data3$name == df_samples3$name))
expect_true(all(df_data3$time == df_samples3$time))
expect_true(all(df_data3$pop == df_samples3$pop))
df_samples4 <- ts_samples(ts4) %>% dplyr::arrange(name, time)
df_data4 <- ts_nodes(ts4) %>% stats::na.omit() %>% dplyr::distinct(name, .keep_all = TRUE) %>% dplyr::arrange(name, time) %>%
expect_true(all(df_data4$name == df_samples4$name))
expect_true(all(df_data4$time == df_samples4$time))
expect_true(all(df_data4$pop == df_samples4$pop))
test_that("ts_samples() names match ts_nodes() information (msprime)", {
simplify_to <- c("pop1_1", "pop1_2", "pop2_7")
ts1 <- ts_read(model, file = msprime_ts)
ts3 <- ts_read(model, file = msprime_ts) %>% ts_simplify(simplify_to = simplify_to)
simplify_to <- sample(ts_samples(ts1)$name, 10)
ts4 <- ts_simplify(ts1, simplify_to = simplify_to)
df_samples1 <- ts_samples(ts1) %>% dplyr::arrange(name, time)
df_data1 <- ts_nodes(ts1) %>% stats::na.omit() %>% dplyr::distinct(name, .keep_all = TRUE) %>% dplyr::arrange(name, time) %>%
expect_true(all(df_data1$name == df_samples1$name))
expect_true(all(df_data1$time == df_samples1$time))
expect_true(all(df_data1$pop == df_samples1$pop))
df_samples3 <- ts_samples(ts3) %>% dplyr::arrange(name, time)
df_data3 <- ts_nodes(ts3) %>% stats::na.omit() %>% dplyr::distinct(name, .keep_all = TRUE) %>% dplyr::arrange(name, time) %>%
expect_true(all(df_data3$name == df_samples3$name))
expect_true(all(df_data3$time == df_samples3$time))
expect_true(all(df_data3$pop == df_samples3$pop))
df_samples4 <- ts_samples(ts4) %>% dplyr::arrange(name, time)
df_data4 <- ts_nodes(ts4) %>% stats::na.omit() %>% dplyr::distinct(name, .keep_all = TRUE) %>% dplyr::arrange(name, time) %>%
expect_true(all(df_data4$name == df_samples4$name))
expect_true(all(df_data4$time == df_samples4$time))
expect_true(all(df_data4$pop == df_samples4$pop))
test_that("ts_eigenstrat requires recapitated and mutated data (SLiM)", {
skip_if(Sys.which("qpDstat") == "")
ts1 <- ts_read(model, file = slim_ts)
ts2 <- ts_read(model, file = slim_ts) %>% ts_recapitate(Ne = 1000, recombination_rate = 0)
ts3 <- ts_read(model, file = slim_ts) %>% ts_recapitate(Ne = 1, recombination_rate = 0) %>% ts_simplify(simplify_to = c("pop1_1", "pop1_2"))
ts4 <- ts_read(model, file = slim_ts) %>% ts_recapitate(recombination_rate = 0, Ne = 10000) %>%
ts5 <- ts_mutate(ts4, mutation_rate = 1e-7)
ts6 <- ts_read(model, file = slim_ts) %>% ts_recapitate(recombination_rate = 0, Ne = 10000) %>%
ts_simplify() %>%
ts_mutate(mutation_rate = 1e-7)
prefix <- file.path(tempdir(), "eigen")
expect_error(ts_eigenstrat(ts1, prefix), "Tree sequence was not recapitated")
expect_error(ts_eigenstrat(ts2, prefix), "Attempting to extract genotypes")
expect_error(ts_eigenstrat(ts3, prefix), "Attempting to extract genotypes")
expect_error(ts_eigenstrat(ts4, prefix), "Attempting to extract genotypes")
suppressMessages(expect_s3_class(ts_eigenstrat(ts5, prefix), "EIGENSTRAT"))
suppressMessages(expect_s3_class(ts_eigenstrat(ts6, prefix), "EIGENSTRAT"))
path <- file.path(tempdir(), "gt.vcf.gz")
expect_error(ts_vcf(ts1, path), "Tree sequence was not recapitated")
expect_error(ts_vcf(ts2, path), "Attempting to extract genotypes")
expect_error(ts_vcf(ts3, path), "Attempting to extract genotypes")
expect_error(ts_vcf(ts4, path), "Attempting to extract genotypes")
expect_silent(suppressMessages(ts_vcf(ts5, path)))
expect_silent(suppressMessages(ts_vcf(ts6, path)))
test_that("ts_eigenstrat requires recapitated and mutated data (msprime)", {
skip_if(Sys.which("qpDstat") == "")
ts1 <- ts_read(model, file = msprime_ts)
ts3 <- ts_read(model, file = msprime_ts) %>% ts_simplify(simplify_to = c("pop1_1", "pop1_2", "pop2_7"))
ts4 <- ts_read(model, file = msprime_ts) %>% ts_simplify()
ts5 <- ts_mutate(ts4, mutation_rate = 1e-7)
ts6 <- ts_read(model, file = msprime_ts) %>% ts_simplify(simplify_to = c("pop1_1", "pop1_2", "pop2_7")) %>% ts_mutate(mutation_rate = 1e-7)
# this is not supposed to fail (unlike the previous SLiM case) because all
# msprime sequences are "recapitated" by virtue of beling coalescent!
prefix <- file.path(tempdir(), "eigen")
expect_error(ts_eigenstrat(ts1, prefix), "Attempting to extract genotypes")
expect_error(ts_eigenstrat(ts3, prefix), "Attempting to extract genotypes")
expect_error(ts_eigenstrat(ts4, prefix), "Attempting to extract genotypes")
expect_s3_class(ts_eigenstrat(ts5, prefix), "EIGENSTRAT")
expect_s3_class(ts_eigenstrat(ts6, prefix), "EIGENSTRAT")
path <- file.path(tempdir(), "gt.vcf.gz")
expect_error(ts_vcf(ts1, path), "Attempting to extract genotypes")
expect_error(ts_vcf(ts3, path), "Attempting to extract genotypes")
expect_error(ts_vcf(ts4, path), "Attempting to extract genotypes")
expect_silent(suppressMessages(ts_vcf(ts5, path)))
expect_silent(suppressMessages(ts_vcf(ts6, path)))
test_that("ts_mutate cannot be called on an already mutated tree sequence (SLiM)", {
ts <- ts_read(model, file = slim_ts)
ts_mut <- ts_mutate(ts, mutation_rate = 1e-7)
expect_error(ts_mutate(ts_mut, mutation_rate = 2e-7),
"Tree sequence already mutated")
test_that("ts_mutate cannot be called on an already mutated tree sequence (msprime)", {
ts <- ts_read(model, file = msprime_ts)
ts_mut <- ts_mutate(ts, mutation_rate = 1e-7)
expect_error(ts_mutate(ts_mut, mutation_rate = 2e-7),
"Tree sequence already mutated")
test_that("ts_simplify-ing a non-recapitated tree sequence gives a warning", {
ts <- ts_read(model, file = slim_ts)
expect_warning(ts_simplify(ts), "Simplifying a non-recapitated tree sequence.")
expect_silent(ts_simplify(ts, keep_input_roots = TRUE))
test_that("ts_eigenstrat and tsv_cf create correct data (SLiM)", {
skip_if(Sys.which("qpDstat") == "")
ts <- ts_read(model, file = slim_ts) %>% ts_recapitate(recombination_rate = 0, Ne = 10000) %>%
ts_simplify() %>%
ts_mutate(mutation_rate = 1e-7)
ts_names <- sort(unique(ts_nodes(ts) %>% dplyr::filter(sampled) %>% .$name))
# match EIGENSTRAT contents
prefix <- file.path(tempdir(), "eigen")
eigenstrat <- suppressMessages(ts_eigenstrat(ts, prefix))
ind_names <- sort(admixr::read_ind(eigenstrat)$id)
expect_true(all(ind_names == ts_names))
# match VCF contents
path <- file.path(tempdir(), "gt.vcf.gz")
ts_vcf(ts, path)
file <- gzfile(path)
vcf_names <- readLines(file) %>%
grep("^#CHROM", ., value = TRUE) %>%
strsplit("\t") %>% .[[1]] %>% .[10 : length(.)] %>% sort
expect_true(all(vcf_names == ts_names))
test_that("ts_eigenstrat and tsv_cf create correct data (msprime)", {
skip_if(Sys.which("qpDstat") == "")
ts <- ts_read(model, file = msprime_ts) %>% ts_mutate(mutation_rate = 1e-7)
ts_names <- sort(unique(ts_nodes(ts) %>% .$name))
# match EIGENSTRAT contents
prefix <- file.path(tempdir(), "eigen")
eigenstrat <- suppressMessages(ts_eigenstrat(ts, prefix))
ind_names <- sort(admixr::read_ind(eigenstrat)$id)
expect_true(all(ind_names == ts_names))
# match VCF contents
path <- file.path(tempdir(), "gt.vcf.gz")
ts_vcf(ts, path)
file <- gzfile(path)
vcf_names <- readLines(file) %>%
grep("^#CHROM", ., value = TRUE) %>%
strsplit("\t") %>% .[[1]] %>% .[10 : length(.)] %>% sort
expect_true(all(vcf_names == ts_names))
test_that("ts_eigenstrat correctly adds an outgroup when instructed (SLiM)", {
skip_if(Sys.which("qpDstat") == "")
ts <- ts_read(model, file = slim_ts) %>% ts_recapitate(recombination_rate = 0, Ne = 10000) %>%
ts_simplify() %>%
ts_mutate(mutation_rate = 1e-7)
ts_names <- sort(unique(ts_nodes(ts) %>% dplyr::filter(sampled) %>% .$name))
# match EIGENSTRAT contents
prefix <- file.path(tempdir(), "eigen")
eigenstrat <- suppressMessages(ts_eigenstrat(ts, prefix, outgroup = "outgroup_ind"))
ind_names <- sort(admixr::read_ind(eigenstrat)$id)
expect_true(all(ind_names == c("outgroup_ind", ts_names)))
test_that("ts_eigenstrat correctly adds an outgroup when instructed (msprime)", {
skip_if(Sys.which("qpDstat") == "")
ts <- ts_read(model, file = msprime_ts) %>% ts_mutate(mutation_rate = 1e-7)
ts_names <- sort(unique(ts_nodes(ts) %>% .$name))
# match EIGENSTRAT contents
prefix <- file.path(tempdir(), "eigen")
eigenstrat <- suppressMessages(ts_eigenstrat(ts, prefix, outgroup = "outgroup_ind"))
ind_names <- sort(admixr::read_ind(eigenstrat)$id)
expect_true(all(ind_names == c("outgroup_ind", ts_names)))
test_that("slendr metadata is correctly loaded (spatial model without CRS)", {
output <- normalizePath(paste0(tempfile(), "spatial_test"), winslash = "/", mustWork = FALSE)
burnin_length <- 123
max_attempts <- 3
locations_file <- normalizePath(tempfile(fileext = ".gz"), winslash = "/", mustWork = FALSE)
seed <- 987
sequence_length <- 999
ts <- slim(model, sequence_length = sequence_length, recombination_rate = RECOMBINATION_RATE,
locations = locations_file, burnin = burnin_length,
method = "batch", random_seed = seed, max_attempts = max_attempts,
samples = samples, verbose = FALSE)
ts_write(ts, output)
metadata <- ts_metadata(ts)
expect_true(gsub("slendr_", "", metadata$version) == packageVersion("slendr"))
expect_true(all(sf::st_bbox(map) == metadata$map$EXTENT))
expect_true(metadata$map$resolution == res)
expect_true(metadata$description == desc)
args <- metadata$arguments
expect_equal(args$BURNIN_LENGTH, burnin_length)
expect_equal(args$MAX_ATTEMPTS, max_attempts)
expect_equal(args$SEED, seed)
expect_equal(args$SEQUENCE_LENGTH, sequence_length)
test_that("slendr metadata is correctly loaded (non-spatial SLiM model)", {
output <- normalizePath(paste0(tempfile(), "non-spatial_SLiM_test"), winslash = "/", mustWork = FALSE)
burnin_length <- 123
locations_file <- normalizePath(tempfile(fileext = ".gz"), winslash = "/", mustWork = FALSE)
seed <- 987
sequence_length <- 999
spatial <- FALSE
ts <- slim(model, sequence_length = sequence_length, recombination_rate = RECOMBINATION_RATE,
locations = locations_file, burnin = burnin_length,
method = "batch", random_seed = seed,
samples = samples, verbose = FALSE, spatial = spatial)
ts_write(ts, output)
metadata <- ts_metadata(ts)
expect_true(gsub("slendr_", "", metadata$version) == packageVersion("slendr"))
expect_true(metadata$description == desc)
args <- metadata$arguments
expect_equal(args$BURNIN_LENGTH, burnin_length)
expect_equal(args$SEED, seed)
expect_equal(args$SEQUENCE_LENGTH, sequence_length)
test_that("slendr metadata is correctly loaded (non-spatial msprime model)", {
output <- paste0(tempfile(), "non-spatial_msprime_test")
burnin_length <- 123
seed <- 987
sequence_length <- 999
spatial <- FALSE
ts <- msprime(model, sequence_length = sequence_length, recombination_rate = RECOMBINATION_RATE,
random_seed = seed, samples = samples, verbose = FALSE)
ts_write(ts, output)
metadata <- ts_metadata(ts)
expect_true(gsub("slendr_", "", metadata$version) == packageVersion("slendr"))
expect_true(metadata$description == desc)
args <- metadata$arguments
expect_equal(args$SEED, seed)
expect_equal(args$SEQUENCE_LENGTH, sequence_length)
test_that("ts_mutate and mutation through ts_read give the same result (SLiM)", {
ts <- ts_read(model, file = slim_ts) %>%
ts_recapitate(random_seed = 123, recombination_rate = 0, Ne = 100) %>% ts_simplify()
ts_mut1 <- ts_mutate(ts, mutation_rate = 1e-7, random_seed = 123)
ts_mut2 <- ts_read(model, file = slim_ts) %>% ts_recapitate(random_seed = 123, recombination_rate = 0, Ne = 100) %>% ts_simplify() %>% ts_mutate(mutation_rate = 1e-7, random_seed = 123)
test_that("ts_mutate and mutation through ts_read give the same result (msprime)", {
ts <- ts_read(model, file = msprime_ts)
ts_mut1 <- ts_mutate(ts, mutation_rate = 1e-7, random_seed = 123)
ts_mut2 <- ts_read(msprime_ts, model) %>% ts_mutate(mutation_rate = 1e-7, random_seed = 123)
test_that("ts_mutate correctly specifies the SLiM mutation type", {
ts <- ts_read(slim_ts, model) %>%
ts_recapitate(random_seed = 123, recombination_rate = 0, Ne = 100) %>%
ts_mut1 <- ts_mutate(ts, mutation_rate = 1e-7, random_seed = 123)
msprime_module <- reticulate::import("msprime")
ts_mut2 <- ts_mutate(ts, mutation_rate = 1e-7, random_seed = 123,
mutation_model = msprime_module$SLiMMutationModel(123456789L))
get_mut_type <- function(m) {
mut_metadata <- m$metadata$mutation_list
if (length(mut_metadata) > 0)
mut_types1 <- unlist(reticulate::iterate(ts_mut1$mutations(), get_mut_type))
mut_types2 <- unlist(reticulate::iterate(ts_mut2$mutations(), get_mut_type))
expect_true(all(mut_types2 == 123456789))
test_that("tree sequence contains the specified number of sampled individuals (default sampling)", {
ts <- slim(model, sequence_length = 100000, recombination_rate = 0, locations = locations_file, burnin = 10,
method = "batch", random_seed = 314159, verbose = FALSE) %>%
ts_recapitate(Ne = 1, recombination_rate = 0) %>%
counts <- ts_nodes(ts) %>%
dplyr::filter(sampled) %>%
dplyr::as_tibble() %>%
dplyr::distinct(ind_id, time, pop) %>%
dplyr::count(time, pop)
expect_true(all(counts$n == N))
test_that("locations and times in the tree sequence match values saved by SLiM (default sampling)", {
ts <- slim(model, sequence_length = 100000, recombination_rate = 0, locations = locations_file, burnin = 10,
method = "batch", random_seed = 314159, verbose = FALSE) %>%
ts_recapitate(Ne = 1, recombination_rate = 0) %>%
individuals <- ts_nodes(ts) %>% dplyr::filter(sampled) %>% dplyr::distinct(ind_id, .keep_all = TRUE)
true_locations <- readr::read_tsv(locations_file, col_types = "iicidd") %>%
dplyr::mutate(time = convert_slim_time(gen, model))
joined <- dplyr::inner_join(individuals, true_locations,
by = c("pedigree_id" = "ind")) %>% %>%
dplyr::mutate(location_x = as.vector(sf::st_coordinates(location)[, 1]),
location_y = as.vector(sf::st_coordinates(location)[, 2]))
# for some reason the values differ in terms of decimal digits saved?
# but they *are* equal
expect_true(all.equal(joined$x, joined$location_x, tolerance = 1e-5))
expect_true(all.equal(joined$y, joined$location_y, tolerance = 1e-5))
expect_true(all.equal(joined$time.x, joined$time.y))
test_that("metadata is the same for SLiM and msprime conditional on a model", {
samples <- rbind(
schedule_sampling(model, times = 2, list(p1, 2), list(p2, 2)),
schedule_sampling(model, times = 212, list(p1, 5), list(p2, 3)),
schedule_sampling(model, times = 300, list(p1, 10), list(p2, 10))
slim_ts <- normalizePath(file.path(model_dir, "output_slim.trees"), winslash = "/", mustWork = FALSE)
msprime_ts <- normalizePath(file.path(model_dir, "msprime_output.trees"), winslash = "/", mustWork = FALSE)
slim(model, sequence_length = 100000, recombination_rate = 0,
locations = locations_file, burnin = 10,
method = "batch", random_seed = 314159,
samples = samples, verbose = FALSE) %>% ts_write(slim_ts)
msprime(model, sequence_length = 100000, recombination_rate = 0,
random_seed = 314159, samples = samples, verbose = FALSE) %>% ts_write(msprime_ts)
simplify_to <- c("pop1_1", "pop1_2", "pop1_17")
sts1 <- ts_read(model = model, file = slim_ts)
sts2 <- ts_read(model = model, file = slim_ts) %>%
ts_recapitate(Ne = 1000, recombination_rate = 0)
sts3 <- ts_read(model = model, file = slim_ts) %>%
ts_recapitate(Ne = 1, recombination_rate = 0) %>%
ts_simplify(simplify_to = simplify_to)
sts4 <- ts_read(model = model, file = slim_ts) %>%
ts_recapitate(recombination_rate = 0, Ne = 10000) %>%
sts5 <- ts_mutate(sts4, mutation_rate = 1e-7)
sts6 <- ts_read(model = model, file = slim_ts) %>%
ts_recapitate(recombination_rate = 0, Ne = 10000) %>%
ts_simplify() %>%
ts_mutate(mutation_rate = 1e-7)
mts1 <- ts_read(model = model, file = msprime_ts)
mts2 <- ts_read(model = model, file = msprime_ts)
mts3 <- ts_read(model = model, file = msprime_ts) %>% ts_simplify(simplify_to = simplify_to)
suppressWarnings(mts4 <- ts_read(model = model, file = msprime_ts) %>% ts_simplify())
mts5 <- ts_mutate(mts4, mutation_rate = 1e-7)
mts6 <- ts_read(model = model, file = msprime_ts) %>% ts_mutate(mutation_rate = 1e-7)
expect_equal(ts_samples(sts1), ts_samples(mts1))
expect_equal(ts_samples(sts2), ts_samples(mts2))
expect_equal(ts_samples(sts3), ts_samples(mts3))
expect_equal(ts_samples(sts4), ts_samples(mts4))
expect_equal(ts_samples(sts5), ts_samples(mts5))
expect_equal(ts_samples(sts6), ts_samples(mts6))
sdata1 <- ts_nodes(sts1) %>% dplyr::filter(sampled) %>% dplyr::arrange(name) %>%
mdata1 <- ts_nodes(mts1) %>% stats::na.omit() %>% dplyr::arrange(name) %>%
sdata2 <- ts_nodes(sts2) %>% dplyr::filter(sampled) %>% dplyr::arrange(name) %>%
mdata2 <- ts_nodes(mts2) %>% stats::na.omit() %>% dplyr::arrange(name) %>%
sdata3 <- ts_nodes(sts3) %>% dplyr::filter(sampled) %>% dplyr::arrange(name) %>%
mdata3 <- ts_nodes(mts3) %>% stats::na.omit() %>% dplyr::arrange(name) %>%
sdata4 <- ts_nodes(sts4) %>% dplyr::filter(sampled) %>% dplyr::arrange(name) %>%
mdata4 <- ts_nodes(mts4) %>% stats::na.omit() %>% dplyr::arrange(name) %>%
sdata5 <- ts_nodes(sts5) %>% dplyr::filter(sampled) %>% dplyr::arrange(name) %>%
mdata5 <- ts_nodes(mts5) %>% stats::na.omit() %>% dplyr::arrange(name) %>%
sdata6 <- ts_nodes(sts6) %>% dplyr::filter(sampled) %>% dplyr::arrange(name) %>%
mdata6 <- ts_nodes(mts6) %>% stats::na.omit() %>% dplyr::arrange(name) %>%
expect_equal(sdata1$name, mdata1$name)
expect_equal(sdata2$name, mdata2$name)
expect_equal(sdata3$name, mdata3$name)
expect_equal(sdata4$name, mdata4$name)
expect_equal(sdata5$name, mdata5$name)
expect_equal(sdata6$name, mdata6$name)
expect_equal(sdata1$time, mdata1$time)
expect_equal(sdata2$time, mdata2$time)
expect_equal(sdata3$time, mdata3$time)
expect_equal(sdata4$time, mdata4$time)
expect_equal(sdata5$time, mdata5$time)
expect_equal(sdata6$time, mdata6$time)
test_that("all names of individuals must be present in the tree sequence", {
ts <- ts_read(file = msprime_ts, model = model)
expect_error(ts_diversity(ts, c("p1_1", "p2_2")), "Not all individual names")
expect_s3_class(ts_diversity(ts, c("pop1_1", "pop2_2")), "data.frame")
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# IBD-related test for spatial tree sequences (more is in test-ibd.R,
# test-ts-pure-spatial.R and test-ts-pure-nonspatial.R)
test_that("ts_ibd() on spatial SLiM/slendr tree sequences works properly (no CRS)", {
suppressWarnings(ts_slim <- ts_read(model, file = slim_ts) %>% ts_simplify())
suppressWarnings(slim_ibd_sf <- ts_ibd(ts_slim, coordinates = TRUE))
suppressWarnings(slim_ibd_nosf <- ts_ibd(ts_slim, coordinates = TRUE, sf = FALSE))
# returned object is of a sf class (or not), as requested by the user
expect_s3_class(slim_ibd_sf, "sf")
expect_true(!inherits(slim_ibd_nosf, "sf"))
# the model does not have a CRS, and neither should the IBD table
# spatial IBD links within the same individual give an EMPTY linestring with
# no coordinates
within_ibd <- slim_ibd_sf %>% dplyr::filter(name1 == name2) %>% dplyr::select(connection)
expect_true(nrow(sf::st_coordinates(within_ibd)) == 0)
# except for the spatial columns, the IBD results are the same
-node1_location, -node2_location, -connection) ==
test_that("ts_ibd() on msprime/slendr tree sequences works properly", {
ts_msprime <- ts_read(model, file = msprime_ts)
suppressWarnings(msprime_ibd_sf <- ts_ibd(ts_msprime, coordinates = TRUE))
suppressWarnings(msprime_ibd_nosf <- ts_ibd(ts_msprime, coordinates = TRUE, sf = FALSE))
# returned object is of a sf class (or not), as requested by the user
expect_true(!inherits(msprime_ibd_sf, "sf"))
expect_true(!inherits(msprime_ibd_nosf, "sf"))
# except for the spatial columns, the IBD results are the same
test_that("ts_ibd() on spatial SLiM/slendr tree sequences works properly (with CRS)", {
map <- readRDS("map.rds")
p <- population(competition = 10e3, mating = 10e3, dispersal = 10e3, name = "pop1",
N = 1000, time = 3000, radius = 600000, center = c(10, 25), map = map)
ts <- compile_model(populations = list(p), generation_time = 30,
resolution = 10e3, direction = "backward") %>%
slim(sequence_length = 1e6, recombination_rate = 1e-8, random_seed = 42)
samples <- sample(ts_samples(ts)$name, 20)
suppressWarnings(ibd_sf <- ts_ibd(ts, coordinates = TRUE, within = samples))
suppressWarnings(ibd_nosf <- ts_ibd(ts, coordinates = TRUE, within = samples, sf = FALSE))
# returned object is of a sf class (or not), as requested by the user
expect_s3_class(ibd_sf, "sf")
expect_true(!inherits(ibd_nosf, "sf"))
# the IBD sf object has the CRS attribute of the map itself
expect_true(sf::st_crs(map) == sf::st_crs(ibd_sf))
# spatial IBD links within the same individual give an EMPTY linestring with
# no coordinates
within_ibd <- ibd_sf %>% dplyr::filter(name1 == name2) %>% dplyr::select(connection)
expect_true(nrow(sf::st_coordinates(within_ibd)) == 0)
# except for the spatial columns, the IBD results are the same
-node1_location, -node2_location, -connection) ==
test_that("ts_read tracks a path to the tree-sequence file if loaded from a file", {
ts1 <- ts_read(slim_ts, model)
ts2 <- ts_recapitate(ts1, recombination_rate = 0, Ne = 100)
ts3 <- ts_simplify(ts2)
ts4 <- ts_mutate(ts1, 1e-8)
expect_true(attr(ts1, "path") == normalizePath(slim_ts))
expect_true(attr(ts2, "path") == normalizePath(slim_ts))
expect_true(attr(ts3, "path") == normalizePath(slim_ts))
expect_true(attr(ts4, "path") == normalizePath(slim_ts))
test_that("ts_read does not track any file path if a tree sequence is directly loaded", {
nonser_model <- model
nonser_model$path <- NULL
ts1 <- msprime(nonser_model, sequence_length = 100000, recombination_rate = 0,
random_seed = 314159, samples = samples)
suppressWarnings(ts2 <- ts_recapitate(ts1, recombination_rate = 0, Ne = 100))
ts3 <- ts_simplify(ts2)
ts4 <- ts_mutate(ts1, 1e-8)
expect_true(is.null(attr(ts1, "path")))
expect_true(is.null(attr(ts2, "path")))
expect_true(is.null(attr(ts3, "path")))
expect_true(is.null(attr(ts4, "path")))
# testing names extraction
ts_msprime <- ts_read(msprime_ts, model)
ts_slim <- ts_read(slim_ts, model)
test_that("ts_names(ts) returns a simple character vector", {
expect_type(ts_names(ts_msprime), "character")
expect_type(ts_names(ts_slim), "character")
expect_true(length(ts_names(ts_msprime)) == sum(samples$n))
expect_true(length(ts_names(ts_slim)) == sum(samples$n))
test_that("ts_names(ts, split = 'pop') returns a list of character vectors", {
expect_type(ts_names(ts_msprime, split = "pop"), "list")
expect_type(ts_names(ts_slim, split = "pop"), "list")
expect_true(length(ts_names(ts_msprime, split = "pop")) == 2)
expect_true(length(ts_names(ts_slim, split = "pop")) == 2)
test_that("ts_names(ts, split = 'time') returns a list of character vectors", {
expect_type(ts_names(ts_msprime, split = "time"), "list")
expect_type(ts_names(ts_slim, split = "time"), "list")
expect_true(length(ts_names(ts_msprime, split = "time")) == length(unique(samples$time)))
expect_true(length(ts_names(ts_slim, split = "time")) == length(unique(samples$time)))
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