
#' Use fast search algorithm to find all pathways from given analytes
#' @param pathway a string or a data.fram that contains all pathways
#' @param conpass password for database access (string)
#' @param dbname name of the mysql database (default is "ramp")
#' @param username username for database access (default is "root")
#' @return a data.frame that contains all search results
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' con <- connectToRaMP(dbname="ramp",username="root",conpass="mypassword")
#' rampFastMetaFromPath <- pathway="sphingolipid metabolism",conpass="mypassword")
#' }
#' @export
rampFastMetaFromPath <- function(pathway,conpass=NULL,

  if(is.null(conpass)) {
        stop("Please define the password for the mysql connection")

  now <- proc.time()
      list_pathway <- strsplit(pathway,"\n")
      list_pathway <- unlist(list_pathway)
    } else if(grepl(",",pathway)[1]){
      list_pathway <- strsplit(pathway,",")
      list_pathway <- unlist(list_pathway)
    } else {
      list_pathway <- pathway
  } else if(is.data.frame(pathway)){
    list_pathway <- unlist(pathway)
  } else {
    return("Wrong Data Format")
  list_pathway <- sapply(list_pathway,shQuote)
  list_pathway <- paste(list_pathway,collapse = ",")
  # Retrieve pathway RaMP id
  con <- connectToRaMP(dbname=dbname,username=username,conpass=conpass)
  query1 <- paste0("select * from pathway where pathwayName
                   in (",list_pathway,");")
  df1 <- DBI::dbGetQuery(con,query1)

  # Retrieve compound id from RaMP pathway id (query1)
  query2 <- paste0("select pathwayRampId,rampId from analytehaspathway where 
                   pathwayRampId in (select pathwayRampId from pathway where 
                   pathwayName in (",list_pathway,"));")
  con <- connectToRaMP(dbname=dbname,username=username,conpass=conpass) 
  df2 <- DBI::dbGetQuery(con,query2)
  cid_list <- unlist(df2[,2])
  cid_list <- sapply(cid_list,shQuote)
  cid_list <- paste(cid_list,collapse = ",")

  # Retrieve all the synonyms from the RaMP compound id (query2)
  query3 <- paste0("select synonym,geneOrCompound,rampId from analytesynonym where rampId in (",
  con <- connectToRaMP(dbname=dbname,username=username,conpass=conpass)
  df3 <- DBI::dbGetQuery(con,query3)

  # Retrieve source IDs from all the compound IDs retrieved in query2 
  query4 <- paste0("select rampId,sourceId,IDtype from source where rampId in (",
  con <- connectToRaMP(dbname=dbname,username=username,conpass=conpass)
  df4 <- DBI::dbGetQuery(con,query4)

  # Merge all of this together
  mdf1 <- merge(df3,df4,all.x = T)
  mdf1 <- merge(mdf1,df2,all.x = T)
  mdf1 <- merge(mdf1,df1,all.x = T)
  mdf1 <- unique(mdf1)
  print("Timing ..")
  print(proc.time() - now)

#' Generate data.frame that has all search results from given files
#' identifing the file type, then it returns table output to 
#' shiny renderTable function as preview of searching data
#' @param infile a file object given from files 
#' @return a data.frame either from multiple csv file
#' or search through by a txt file.
rampFileOfPathways_tab2 <- function(infile){
  name <- infile[[1,'name']]
  summary <- data.frame(pathway  = character(0),id = character(0),
                        source = character(0),metabolite = character(0))
  rampOut <- list()
  for (i in 1:length(infile[,1])){
      rampOut <- readLines(infile[[i,'datapath']])
      summary <- rampFastMetaFromPath(rampOut)
bofei5675/RaMP2 documentation built on May 20, 2019, 8:48 a.m.